Results for 'Bernardine of Siena, Hagiography, Hospital, Plague, Works of Mercy'

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  1.  50
    La molteplice funzione politica di un episodio agiografico: il servizio di Bernardino da Siena all’Ospedale della Scala durante la peste.Pietro Delcorno - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (48):1354.
    Questo contributo mette in luce la molteplice funzione politica di uno schema agiografico centrale nella rappresentazione della giovinezza di Bernardino da Siena: il suo servizio durante la peste del 1400 presso l’Ospedale di Santa Maria della Scala di Siena. La memoria di questo episodio si prestava ad essere utilizzata tanto dall’Osservanza minoritica quanto in diversi contesti locali. In questo racconto Bernardino è presentato come capace di rispondere ai bisogni della città non solo attraverso le proprie virtù, ma radunando altre persone (...)
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    St. Bernardine of Siena and the Gospel of Divine Mercy.Robert J. Karris - 2004 - Franciscan Studies 62 (1):31-65.
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    St. Bernardine of Siena, a Model Preacher.Bernardine Mazzarella - 1944 - Franciscan Studies 4 (4):309-327.
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    The Holy Name of Jesus in the Preaching of St. Bernardine of Siena.Loman McAodha - 1969 - Franciscan Studies 29 (1):37-65.
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    Hospitality and Islam: Welcoming in God's Name.Mona Siddiqui - 2015 - Yale University Press.
    _A groundbreaking examination of a crucial concept in Islamic thought and tradition from an author noted for her work on interfaith and intercultural dialogue_ Considering its prominent role in many faith traditions, surprisingly little has been written about hospitality within the context of religion, particularly Islam. In her new book, Mona Siddiqui, a well-known media commentator, makes the first major contribution to the understanding of hospitality both within Islam and beyond. She explores and compares teachings within the various Muslim traditions (...)
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    The Friendships of St. Bernardine of Siena.Eric May - 1944 - Franciscan Studies 4 (3):247-261.
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    The Nature and Efficacy of Preaching according to St. Bernardine of Siena.Loman McAodha - 1967 - Franciscan Studies 27 (1):221-247.
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    Works of Mercy and the Principle of Familial Preference.Stanley Vodraska - 2005 - Faith and Philosophy 22 (1):21-41.
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    Olivian Echoes in the Economic Treatises of Bernardine of Siena and John of Capistrano.Filippo Sedda - 2017 - Franciscan Studies 75:385-405.
    I would like to begin this presentation with a quote from pope Francis's most recent encyclical Laudato si', in which we hear again the powerful voices of Bernardine of Siena and John of Capistrano, which resound again in XV century square:The principle of the subordination of private property to the universal destination of goods, and thus the right of everyone to their use, is a golden rule of social conduct and "the first principle of the whole ethical and social (...)
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    (1 other version)An African ethic of hospitality for the global church: a response to the culture of exploitation and violence in Africa.Simon Mary Asese Aihiokhai - 2017 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 6 (2):20-41.
    Barely seventeen years into the twenty-first century, our world continues to be plagued by endless wars and violence. Africa is not immune from these crises. As many countries in Africa celebrate more than fifty years of independence from colonial rule, Africa is still the poorest continent in the world. Religious wars, genocides, ethnic and tribal cleansings have come to define the continent’s contemporary history. Corruption, nepotism, dictatorship, disregard for human life, tribalism, and many social vices are normalized realities in many (...)
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    The Works of Mercy.Meghan J. Clark - 2019 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 16 (2):341-342.
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    Spontaneous ethics in nurses’ willingness to work during a pandemic.Anna Slettmyr, Anna Schandl, Susanne Andermo & Maria Arman - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (5):1293-1303.
    Background: In modern healthcare, the role of solidarity, altruism and the natural response to moral challenges in life-threatening situations is still rather unexplored. The COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity to obtain a deeper understanding of nurses’ willingness to care for patients during crisis. Objective: To elucidate clinical expressions of ontological situational ethics through nurses’ willingness to work during a pandemic. Research design, participants and context: A qualitative study with an interpretive design was applied. Twenty nurses who worked in intensive care (...)
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  13.  7
    The Works of St. Bernardine.Marion A. Habig - 1944 - Franciscan Studies 4 (3):229-246.
  14.  14
    Jesus: The infected healer and infectious community – Liminality and creative rituals in the Jesus community in view of COVID-19.Zorodzai Dube - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):6.
    Using theories in medical anthropology, especially the ideas inspired by Hector Avalos and George Foster, the study explains three activities associated with the early Christian healthcare system: (1) touching infectious people, (2) hospitality towards possibly infectious people and (3) the practice of itinerary evangelism as an activity that earned Christianity the dubious role of being a carrier of infectious diseases. Discussed alongside the issues associated with the advent of COVID-19, the study aims at (1) reflecting that early Christian healthcare system, (...)
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    Sharing God’s Company: A Theology of the Communion of Saints by David Matzko McCarthy.Mark Ryan - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (1):192-194.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Sharing God’s Company: A Theology of the Communion of Saints by David Matzko McCarthyMark RyanSharing God’s Company: A Theology of the Communion of Saints By David Matzko McCarthy GRAND RAPIDS: WILLIAM B. EERDMANS, 2012. 182 PP. $28.00What is the meaning of “communion” as it occurs in Christian references to the “Communion of Saints”? It clearly implies a particular social bond, but of what sort? David Matzko McCarthy observes (...)
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    The Structure of the Church and the Function of the Hierarchy according to St. Bernardine of Siena.Patrick J. Ryan - 1970 - Franciscan Studies 30 (1):141-180.
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    Social Work for ‘Liquid Old Age’: Some Insights from an Ethnographic Study of a Hospital Social Work Team.Daniel Burrows - 2022 - Ethics and Social Welfare 16 (3):258-273.
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    Evaluation of the work of hospital districts’ research ethics committees in Finland: Table 1.Ritva Halila - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (12):866-868.
  19.  28
    Federico Botana, The Works of Mercy in Italian Medieval Art (c. 1050–c. 1400). (Medieval Church Studies 20.) Turnhout: Brepols, 2011. Pp. xl, 256; 110 black-and-white and 12 color figures. €110. ISBN: 9782503536231. [REVIEW]William R. Levin - 2013 - Speculum 88 (3):762-765.
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    Rereading Notions of ‘Reciprocity’ and ‘Hospitality’ in the Work of Martin Buber and Jacques Derrida.Thomas Froy - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78 (4):1351-1366.
    This text aims to initiate a dialogue between the works of Martin Buber and Jacques Derrida with regard to the notion of ‘reciprocity’. It is my contention that a reexamination of Buber’s notion of relation will reveal a reflection, devoid of any notions of ‘symmetry’, which strongly indicates a point of continuity with Derrida’s late thinking on hospitality. The following text, therefore, aims to provoke a reexamination of Buber’s thinking on the home, at the centre of which stands the (...)
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  21.  14
    The Road to Redemption.Anonymous Two - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (2):1-3.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Road to RedemptionAnonymous TwoI “am Dr X.* and I am a trained and board certified neonatologist with some years of experience in a high volume NICU with complex pathologies. I have been dismissed from the care of your baby by the fetal surgeon who is not trained in what he’s attempting to do,” that was how I felt when I left the operating room (OR), after performing initial (...)
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    Der Leipziger Arzt Paul Carly Seyfarth (1890–1950) und die Rot-Kreuz-Expedition nach Rußland in den 20er Jahren.Ingrid Kästner & Natalja Decker - 1997 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 5 (1):43-54.
    At the beginning of the 20s, Russia was devastated by famine and plagues. This paper deals with the life and work of the Leipzig physician Paul Carly Seyfarth (1890–1950), who participated in the Red Cross relief expedition to Russia. In 1922/23, Seyfarth was appointed director of the German Alexander-Hospital in Petersburg, which he reorganized and modernized for the treatment of infectious diseases.
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  23. Active Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide.Pat Milmoe McCarrick - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2 (1):79-100.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Active Euthanasia and Assisted SuicidePat Milmoe McCarrick (bio)Although the President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research in its 1983 report, Deciding to Forego Life-Sustaining Treatment, described the words and terms "euthanasia," "right to die," and "death with dignity" as slogans or code words—"empty rhetoric," (I, p. 24), the literature reviewed for this Scope Note continues to use these terms. Therefore, to (...)
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  24.  14
    Hospitality, ethics of care and the traditionist feminism of Beit Midrash Arevot.Angy Cohen - 2020 - Approaching Religion 10 (2).
    This is an exploration of women’s tradition of hospitality, the epistemic and moral contribution of their practices of welcoming the other and their historical experience as providers of care. The essay claims that female hospitality has largely consisted of care for others, which challenges a social model based on individualism and self-sufficiency. The argument is rooted in ethnography and Jewish thought and reclaims the home as an ethical space. This text analyses two disturbing and painful stories from the Tanakh that (...)
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  25.  35
    Practical experiences in the work of institutional ethics committees in croatia on the example of the ethics committee at clinical hospital center rijeka (croatia).Alekandra Friković & Nada Gosić - 2006 - HEC Forum 18 (1):37-48.
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    Self-Perceived Quality of Life and Absence from Work Due to Health Problems of Nurses in a Greek Hospital.Niki Pavlatou, Michalis Koutzoglou, Dimitris E. Papageorgiou, Georgios N. Panagopoulos, Vasilios Igoumenou, Andreas F. Mavrogenis & Kostas Athanasakis - 2015 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 6 (3-4):173-185.
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  27.  3
    Behaviors and Reactions of Ottoman Society Against Plague Epidemics (17-19th century).Emrah İstek - 2023 - Marifetname 10 (2):333-364.
    Plague is one of the leading epidemic diseases affecting large masses in the history of humanity. The plague, which caused the death of millions of people, the evacuation of settlements and political, economic and cultural changes for centuries, also deeply affected the Ottoman Empire. As epidemics spread across the country, they scare and traumatize societies. As a matter of fact, the epidemic seen in a big city spreads in a short time both at the point of discourse and disease. This (...)
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  28.  14
    Freedom & Evil: A Pilgrim's Guide to Hell.George F. Dole - 2001 - Chrysalis Books.
    Is there really a hell? Should we be good simply to avoid punishment in the life hereafter? Just asking these questions theoretically doesn't get us far, George F. Dole suggests, but examining the works of someone who has been there may help. Dole refers to Emanuel Swedenborg, the eighteenth-century Swedish scientist and statesman who over the last twenty-seven years of his life had the privileged status of an observer of non-physical worlds, including hell. Swedenborg wrote that we are unconscious (...)
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  29.  13
    The idea of a moral economy: Gerard of Siena on usury, restitution, and prescription.Lawrin Armstrong - 2016 - Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Edited by Lawrin D. Armstrong & Gerardus.
    The Idea of a Moral Economy is the first modern edition and English translation of three questions disputed at the University of Paris in 1330 by the theologian Gerard of Siena. The questions represent the most influential late medieval formulation of the natural law argument against usury and the illicit acquisition of property. Together they offer a particularly clear example of scholastic ideas about the nature and purpose of economic activity and the medieval concept of a moral economy. In his (...)
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  30.  83
    Bringing together urban systems and food systems theory and research is overdue: understanding the relationships between food and nutrition infrastructures along a continuum of contested and hybrid access.Jane Battersby, Mercy Brown-Luthango, Issahaka Fuseini, Herry Gulabani, Gareth Haysom, Ben Jackson, Vrashali Khandelwal, Hayley MacGregor, Sudeshna Mitra, Nicholas Nisbett, Iromi Perera, Dolf te Lintelo, Jodie Thorpe & Percy Toriro - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-12.
    Urban dwellers’ food and nutritional wellbeing are both dependent on infrastructure and can be indicative of wider wellbeing in urban contexts and societal health. This paper focuses on the multiple relationships that exist between food and infrastructure to provide a thorough theoretical and empirical grounding to urgent work on urban food security and nutrition in the context of rapid urban and nutrition transitions in the South. We argue that urban systems and food systems thinking have not been well aligned, but (...)
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    Usefulness of informed consent in the polyvalent unit of Joaquín Albarrán Hospital.Anabel Hernández Ruiz & Castillo Cuello - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (3):589-601.
    Introducción: El consentimiento informado es un procedimiento que brinda oportunidad a los pacientes de disponer de información y participar en la toma de decisiones médicas. Sin embargo, existe el criterio de que el nivel de entendimiento de la información aportada por los facultativos al paciente, sus familiares o ambos, es bajo y además, muchos médicos lo consideran como una herramienta de trabajo secundaria o que no es necesario realizarla con inmediatez. Objetivo: Evaluar la percepción y experiencia del personal sanitario de (...)
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  32.  9
    A Companion to Catherine of Siena.Carolyn Muessig, George Ferzoco & Beverly Kienzle (eds.) - 2011 - Brill.
    This volume, written by experts on Catherine of Siena, considers her as a church reformer, peacemaker, preacher, author, holy woman, stigmatic, saint and politically astute person. The manuscript tradition of works by and about her are also studied.
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    The Price of Being Conciliatory: Remarks about Mellon's Model for Hospital Chaplaincy Work in Multi-Faith Settings.Corinna Delkeskamp-Hayes - 2003 - Christian Bioethics 9 (1):69-78.
    The intimate connection, within Christianity, of theology and ethics is invoked, and the ethical differences between Christian denominations are exposed, as they present themselves inMellon's case studies, in order to call attention to the unsolvable dilemma in which hospital chaplains find themselves, if they understand their role in a merely conciliatory fashion as that of a “comforter, mediator, educator, ethicist, and counselor”. As witnessed by the Calvinist and Anabaptist traditions Mellon introduces, concepts such as “the patient's good” can mean radically (...)
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    Regulating hospital use: length of stay, beds and whiteboards.Marie Heartfield - 2005 - Nursing Inquiry 12 (1):21-26.
    This paper presents part of a larger study of contemporary nursing practice and the rationalisation of hospital length of stay. Informed by Michel Foucault's work on governmentality, length of hospital stay and the re-engineering of surgical services are examined, not in terms of numerical representations of hospital use, but as part of social and political processes through which certain concepts are made susceptible to measurement and practices are organised. Using data generated through fieldwork in a hospital surgical division this analysis (...)
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    History of the University Hospital "Manuel Ascunce Domenech".Alina Monteagudo Canto & Romero Sánchez - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (2):304-318.
    Fundamento: la historia del hospital Manuel Ascunce Domenech comenzó en 1946. Objetivo: Resaltar la importancia que tuvieron los trabajadores y decisores en la evolución histórica de la institución. Método: Es una investigación histórica basada en la investigación documental, se utiliza el submétodo cronológico para establecer el orden de los hechos que se describen. Se hicieron entrevistas a personalidades que laboran en el hospital desde o cercano a su fundación el 14 de enero de 1962 y se revisaron algunos artículos históricos (...)
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    The Role of Ethics in the Daily Work of Oncology Physicians and Molecular Biologists—Results of an Empirical Study.Birthe D. Pedersen - 2008 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 27 (1-4):75-101.
    This article presents results from an empirical investigation of the role and importance of ethics in the daily work of Danish oncologyphysicians and Danish molecular biologists. The study is based on 12 semi-structured interviews with three groups of respondents: a group of oncology physicians working in a clinic at a public hospital and two groups of molecular biologists conducting basic research, one group employed at a public university and the other in a private biopharmaceutical company.We found that oncology physicians consider (...)
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    Perceptions of slow codes by nurses working on internal medicine wards.Freda DeKeyser Ganz, Rotem Sharfi, Nehama Kaufman & Sharon Einav - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (6):1734-1743.
    Background: Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation is the default procedure during cardio-pulmonary arrest. If a patient does not want cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, then a do not attempt resuscitation order must be documented. Often, this order is not given; even if thought to be appropriate. This situation can lead to a slow code, defined as an ineffective resuscitation, where all resuscitation procedures are not performed or done slowly. Research objectives: To describe the perceptions of nurses working on internal medicine wards of slow codes, including the (...)
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  38. Introduction: The Relevance of Camus's The Plague.Peg Brand Weiser - 2023 - In Camus's _The Plague_: Philosophical Perspectives. New York, US: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-29.
    The Introduction provides a historical and literary context for the examination of Albert Camus’s 1947 fictional novel, The Plague, to suggest its relevance to our own lived experiences of the 2021 Covid-19 pandemic that brought the routines and expectations of our normal, daily lives to an unprecedented halt. Details of Camus’s life and work inform our reading of the narrative that give rise to multiple interpretations as well as intriguing questions of scholarly inquiry: How realistic are the characters? Does solidarity (...)
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  39. Works of genius as sensible exhibitions of the idea of the highest good.Lara Ostaric - 2010 - Kant Studien 101 (1):22-39.
    In this paper I argue that, on Kant's view, the work of genius serves as a sensible exhibition of the Idea of the highest good. In other words, the work of genius serves as a special sign that the world is hospitable to our moral ends and that the realization of our moral vocation in such a world may indeed be possible. In the first part of the paper, I demonstrate that the purpose of the highest good is not to (...)
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    Democratizing ownership and participation in the 4th Industrial Revolution: challenges and opportunities in cellular agriculture.Robert M. Chiles, Garrett Broad, Mark Gagnon, Nicole Negowetti, Leland Glenna, Megan A. M. Griffin, Lina Tami-Barrera, Siena Baker & Kelly Beck - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):943-961.
    The emergence of the “4th Industrial Revolution,” i.e. the convergence of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, advanced materials, and bioengineering technologies, could accelerate socioeconomic insecurities and anxieties or provide beneficial alternatives to the status quo. In the post-Covid-19 era, the entities that are best positioned to capitalize on these innovations are large firms, which use digital platforms and big data to orchestrate vast ecosystems of users and extract market share across industry sectors. Nonetheless, these technologies also have the potential (...)
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  41.  25
    Portrait of the Psychiatrist as a Young Man: The Early Writing and Work of R.D. Laing, 1927-1960.Allan Beveridge - 2011 - Oxford University Press, Usa.
    Machine generated contents note: -- Part I -- 1. Portrait of the psychiatrist as a young man 1927-1960 -- 2. Portrait of the psychiatrist as an intellectual. Laing's early, notebooks, personal library, essays, papers, and talks -- 3. Laing and psychiatric theory -- 4. Laing and existential-phenomenology -- 5. Laing and Religion -- 6. Laing and the Arts -- Part II -- 7. Laing in the Army -- 8. Gartnavel Hospital and the 'Rumpus Room' -- 9. Individual patients at Gartnavel (...)
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  42.  54
    Love and social distancing in the time of Covid-19: The philosophy and literature of pandemics.Michael A. Peters - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (8):755-759.
    The next pandemic will erupt, not from the jungle, but from the disease factories of hospitals, refugee camps and cities. Wendy Orent, How Plagues Really Work,.
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    Peter Berglar on Justice and Mercy in Life and Work of Thomas More. [REVIEW]Geert van den Steenhoven - 1983 - Moreana 20 (2):51-54.
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    A Journal of the COVID-19 (Plague) Year.Brian H. Childs & Laura Vearrier - 2021 - HEC Forum 33 (1-2):1-6.
    The essays in this special issue of HEC Forum provide reflections that make explicit the implicit anthropology that our current pandemic has brought but which in the medical ethics literature around COVID-19 has to a great extent ignored. Three of the essays are clearly “journalistic” as a literary genre: one by a hospital chaplain, one by a medical student in her pre-clinical years, and one by a fourth-year medical student who reports her experience as she completed her undergraduate clerkships and (...)
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    Assessing the Social Licence to Operate of Development Cooperation Organizations: A Case Study of Mercy Corps in Samtskhe-Javakheti, Georgia.David Jijelava & Frank Vanclay - 2014 - Social Epistemology 28 (3-4):297-317.
    We examine the applicability of the concept of Social Licence to Operate (SLO) for international humanitarian and development cooperation organizations. We review the relevant literature on SLO and derive criteria that can be applicable to the work of development agencies. We also examine the case of the international NGO, Mercy Corps, in the region of Samtskhe-Javakheti, Georgia, specifically its Market Alliances against Poverty project. Using focus groups and key informant interviews, we sought to understand what would constitute an SLO (...)
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    The embodiment of social values in mythology: The axiological context of the works of John R.r. Tolkien.D. A. Popov - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (1):85-93.
    The article deals with the mythological creativity of G.R.R. Tolkien as a socio-cultural phenomenon associated with the values of European culture. The author proceeds from the hypothesis that the myth is the embodiment of social identity, this function it retains after the loss of its ideological functions. The revival of literary mythology in the XIX-XX centuries there is an attempt to update this feature of the myth. The success of the literary myth is due to the fact that he was (...)
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    Political meritocracy in Renaissance Italy: the virtuous republic of Francesco Patrizi of Siena.James Hankins - 2023 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    The first full-length study of Francesco Patrizi, the greatest political philosopher of the Italian Renaissance prior to Machiavelli. Patrizi was a humanist whose virtue politics-a form of values-based political meritocracy-sought to reconcile the conflicting claims of liberty and equality in service of good governance. He wrote two major works, On Founding Republics (1471) and On Kingship and the Education of Kings (1483/84), both of which were hugely influential when printed in the sixteenth century, but later forgotten.
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    Asylum: Inside the Closed World of State Mental Hospitals.Christopher Payne - 2009 - MIT Press.
    Powerful photographs of the grand exteriors and crumbling interiors of America's abandoned state mental hospitals. For more than half the nation's history, vast mental hospitals were a prominent feature of the American landscape. From the mid-nineteenth century to the early twentieth, over 250 institutions for the insane were built throughout the United States; by 1948, they housed more than a half million patients. The blueprint for these hospitals was set by Pennsylvania hospital superintendant Thomas Story Kirkbride: a central administration building (...)
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    A Study on Multimedia Integrated Pre-service Education to Learning Behavior and Competitiveness in Workplace of Employees in Hospitality.Chih-Hung Pai, Yu-Lan Wang, Yunfeng Shang & Ta-Kuang Hsu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The domestic situation of the past few years shows the practices of employees’ unpaid leave and layoffs and the constant drain on capital, talent, and technologies in hospitality. Owners expect to reduce the losses to as low as possible by saving on human costs. Nevertheless, in face of such a changing environment, hospitality has to accumulate high-quality human capital through systematic investment, sensitive development, and continuous learning and growth to discover competitive advantages through the cultivation of human capital. The pre-service (...)
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    The virtues of COVID‐19 pandemic: How working from home can make us the best (or the worst) version of ourselves.Marta Rocchi & Caleb Bernacchio - 2022 - Business and Society Review 127 (3):685-700.
    The combined effect of technological innovations in the workplace and the lockdowns imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly increased the prominence of remote working, with an undeniable impact on both business and society. In light of this organizational and sociological change, this article analyzes how this renewed work environment can be the place where workers can develop several relevant virtues, specifically moderation, integrity, and mercy. This new environment may also present the opportunity to develop a number of opposing (...)
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