Results for 'Bernard Teo'

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  1. (1 other version)Is the adoption of more efficient strategies of organ procurement the answer to persistent organ shortage in transplantation?Bernard Tea & Bernard Teo - 1992 - Bioethics 6 (2):113-139.
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    Organs for Transplantation The Singapore Experience.Bernard Teo - 1991 - Hastings Center Report 21 (6):10.
    Singapore's Human Organ Transplant Act presumes that competent adults consent to donate their kidneys in the event of a fatal accident, unless they have refused in writing. No family consent is required. What can other countries wishing to implement a presumed‐consent model of organ donation learn from Singapore's experience?
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    Free Will and Determinism.Bernard Berofsky (ed.) - 1966 - New York,: Harper & Row.
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    Whither Epistemic Decolonization.Bernard Matolino - 2020 - Philosophical Papers 49 (2):213-231.
    Epistemic decolonization, in its various conceptual formulations and presentations, could be taken to hold promise for either the completion of the anti-colonial struggle or the self-re-discovery of the formerly colonized and oppressed. In Africa this project has had a long history as both a counter to hegemonic histories of claimed Western epistemological superiority as well as theories of racism and racist practices against black people of African descent. What is not entirely clear are the precise achievements of decolonial thought and (...)
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    On describing colors.Bernard Harrison - 1967 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 10 (1-4):38-52.
    This paper attempts to refute the familiar sceptical argument based upon the theoretical possibility of systematic transpositions of colours in different observers? colour?vision. The force of this argument lies in its apparent demonstration that cases of transposed colour?vision would be on a quite different cognitive footing from ordinary cases of colour?blindness; since colour transposition, unlike colour?blindness, could not possibly have any effect on the use of language by a person who suffered from it. It is argued (1) that this demonstration (...)
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  6. Creationism: A Trial for Our Educational System.Bernard Rosen - unknown - Proceedings of the Heraclitean Society 14.
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  7. Par delà le principe de plaisir esthétique.Bernard Vouilloux - 2011 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 4 (1).
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  8. The meaning of Homo.Bernard Wood & Mark Collard - 2001 - Ludus Vitalis 9 (15):63-74.
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    Colonising ‘Free’ Will.Bernard Forjwuor - 2020 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 67 (164):48-85.
    While colonialism, in general, is a contested concept, as are the conditions that constitute its negation, political decolonisation seems to be a relatively settled argument. Where such decolonisation occurred, political independence, and its attendant democratic system and the undergirding of the rule of law, signify the self-evidentiality of such political decolonisation. This article rethinks this self-evidentiality of political independence as necessarily a decolonial political accomplishment in Ghana. This critical enterprise opens the documents that founded the newly independent state to alternative (...)
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    Teilhard de Chardin.Bernard Towers - 1966 - London,: Carey Kingsgate P..
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    Zasięg techniki.Bernard Waldenfels - 1993 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 10:47-59.
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    Proportionalists, deontologists and the human good.Bernard Hoose - 1992 - Heythrop Journal 33 (2):175–191.
  13. Vertu et/ou vertus. Profils de la notion de vertu des Grecs aux Modernes.Bernard Hubert - 2009 - Nova et Vetera 84 (4):421-447.
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  14. Cameo: Methodology and methods.Bernard Longden - 2005 - In J. J. Wellington, Succeeding with Your Doctorate. Sage Publications. pp. 106.
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    The social problem group: The president's account of the society's next task.Bernard Mallet - 1931 - The Eugenics Review 23 (3):203.
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  16. The Arrow That Flies by Day: Existential Images of the Human Condition From Socrates to Hannah Arendt.Bernard Murchland - 2008 - Upa.
    This study contends that existentialism is the perennial philosophy thus going against the assumption that it is a school of more recent provenance. Anthologies or introductory texts used begin with Kierkegaard and go on to emphasize Nietzsche, Sartre, and Heidegger. This book reflects a more catholic mapping, including three thinkers from the classical period , who are argued to be just as 'existential' as more modern thinkers and indeed influence the latter in important ways. Also included are three Americans who (...)
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  17. The Psychology of Irreligion.Bernard Phillips - 1947 - Hibbert Journal 46:129.
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    La pensée du pluriel.Bernard Puel - 2020 - Louvain-la-Neuve: EME éditions.
    Le pluriel, est celui de la race humaine vivante à travers ses cultures sur le dehors de la Raison la faculté du tout mondialisé mais qui n'en maîtrise pas l'existence alors que le multiple dans ce tout, est ce dont la Raison des sciences maîtrise l'objectivité. Cette double face de la Raison du tout mais charnelle est relative au Même qui se répète non identique à soi, mais solidaire de soi comme science et philosophie hors du cercle vicieux nietzschéen de (...)
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    Surnaturel et surnaturel.Bernard Sesboüé - 2002 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 2 (2):179-186.
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    Alasdair MacIntyre, Charles Taylor, and the Demise of Naturalism:Reunifying Political Theory and Social Science.Bernard Mulcahy - 2017 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 17 (4):711-712.
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    Degrees of reality.Bernard Muscio - 1913 - Philosophical Review 22 (6):583-605.
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    Two Extracts from The Book of the Forgotten.Bernard Noel, Paul Buck & Glenda George - 1979 - Substance 8 (2/3):65.
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    La situation intellectuelle au moment des débuts de Fisher en génétique des populations.Bernard Norton - 1981 - Revue de Synthèse 102 (103-104):231-250.
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    Can a brain have a pain?Bernard Gert - 1967 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 27 (March):432-436.
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    Motivação neo-humeana: por que acreditar nela?Marina Velasco - 2003 - Manuscrito 26 (1):135-182.
    Neste artigo avalio criticamente as diferentes tentativas de Mi-chael Smith e Bernard Williams de defender uma versão plausível da teo-ria da motivação humeana. Contra Smith, mantenho que a concepção disposicional dos desejos que defende não é apropriada, e que seu argu-mento fracassa porque ignora o papel que desempenham as condições da racionalidade nas explicações intencionais. Em relação a Williams, sustento que embora coloque corretamente um desafio contra qualquer perspectiva “racionalista” sobre a razão prática, seus argumentos não provam que a (...)
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    Conjugation of Japanese Verbs in the Modern Spoken Language: With Lists of Colloquial Verbs, Nominal Verbs, Etc.Bernard Bloch & P. M. Suski - 1942 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 62 (3):202.
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    The Moral Aspects of Socialism.Bernard Bosanquet & Helen Bosanquet - 1896 - International Journal of Ethics 6 (4):503-509.
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    Washington, du Bois and plessy V. Ferguson.Bernard R. Boxill - 1997 - Law and Philosophy 16 (3):299 - 330.
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    Some aspects of language and time in ritual worship.Bernard P. Dauenhauer - 1975 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 6 (1):54 - 62.
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    Self-Organization and Emergence in Life Sciences (Synthese Library, Volume 331).Bernard Feltz (ed.) - 2006 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    Historical aspects of the issue are also broached. Intuitions relative to self-organization can be found in the works of such key Western philosophical figures as Aristotle, Leibniz and Kant. Interacting with more recent authors and cybernetics, self-organization represents a notion in keeping with the modern world’s discovery of radical complexity. The themes of teleology and emergence are analyzed by philosophers of sciences with regards to the issues of modelization and scientific explanation. (publisher, edited).
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    Totalitarianism After the Fall.Bernard Flynn - 2002 - Constellations 9 (3):436-444.
    Book reviewed in this article:Claude Lefort, La Complication: Retour Sur Communisme.
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    (1 other version)The Institutional Context for Research.Bernard Gert - 1995 - Professional Ethics 4 (3/4):17-46.
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    Kohlberg and the supposed mutual support of an ethical and psychological theory.Bernard Rosen - 1980 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 10 (3):195–210.
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    The Sources of Islamic Law: Islamic Theories of Abrogation.Bernard Weiss & John Burton - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (2):304.
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  35. National values: a time for re-assessment.Bernard Wolfman, Carl Madden, Edwin Espy & Andrew Young (eds.) - 1973 - Encyclopedia Americana/CBS News Audio Resource Library.
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    Etienne-François Geoffroy, entre la Royal Society et l’Académie royale des sciences : ni Newton, ni Descartes.Bernard Joly - 2012 - Methodos 12.
    Etienne-François Geoffroy, l’un des chimistes français les plus importants du début du XVIIIe siècle, entretenait des relations régulières avec l’Angleterre. Il était chargé de développer les échanges entre l’Académie royale des sciences et la Royal Society de Londres. Quand il publia sa « Table des rapports entre les substances chimiques » en 1718, Fontenelle et quelques autres lui reprochèrent d’avoir introduit en chimie le système des attractions newtoniennes. Mais en fait, Geoffroy s’est toujours tenu à l’écart aussi bien du mécanisme (...)
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  37. Dzhordzh Berkli.Bernard Emmanuilovich Bykhovskii - 1970 - Mysl.
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    Peut-on et doit-on fonder la morale?Bernard Carnois - 1970 - Dialogue 8 (4):612-634.
    Que la tâche de fonder la morale soit particulièrement ardue, nul n'en doute, et la diversité des positions philosophiques en ce domaine nous incline à souscrire à la formule célèbre de Schopenhauer: « Prêcher la morale est chose aisée, la fonder chose difficile.» Tout penseur qui forme le dessein de fonder la morale est done en droit de se demander si un tel problème ne passe pas l'entendement humain et s'il sera jamais possible à l'homme de le résoudre. « Quel (...)
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    Le totalitarisme industriel.Bernard Charbonneau - 2019 - Paris: L'Échappée.
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    Chinese school teachers’ conceptions of high-stakes and low-stakes assessments: an invariance analysis.Junjun Chen & Timothy Teo - 2019 - Educational Studies 46 (4):458-475.
    The study investigated teachers’ conceptions of high-stakes and low-stakes assessments with a sample of 1,013 school teachers from China. In general, the assessment model indicated that school teac...
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  41. 160 note E discussioni.Bernard Cohen, Nicolas Dodier & Laurent Thevenot - 1994 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 71:159.
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  42. Volodja xoCet Volodja vstat'cp.Bernard Comrie - 1974 - Foundations of Language: International Journal of Language and Philosophy 12:103.
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  43. Meditación sobre política y democracia.Bernard Crick - 2001 - Universitas Philosophica 37:43-60.
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  44. On Death and Birth.Bernard P. Dauenhauer - 1976 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 57 (2):162.
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    L'être et la folie.Bernard Forthomme - 1997 - Louvain: Peeters.
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  46. Marx and the Technological Theory of History.Bernard Gendron - 1975 - Philosophical Forum 6 (4):397.
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  47. The Moral Essays of Dr. Samuel Johnson.Bernard Knieger - 1961 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 42 (3):361.
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  48. Bertrand Russell, The Philosophy of Logical Atomism, Edited with an Introduction by DF Pears Reviewed by.Bernard Linsky - 1986 - Philosophy in Review 6 (3):138-138.
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  49. The Mediation of Christ in Prayer.Bernard Lonergan - 1984 - Method 2 (1):1-20.
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  50. (1 other version)Verbum: word and idea in Aquinas.Bernard J. F. Lonergan - 1946 - Notre Dame [Ind.]: University of Notre Dame Press.
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