Results for 'Begoña Arrieta Heras'

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  1. Filosofía y ética en Maurice Blondel.Begoña Arrieta Heras - 1993 - Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto.
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    II Congreso Nacional de Filosofía Medieval.Begoña Arrieta - 1995 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 2:145.
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    El cáncer hereditario en mujeres.Rafael Morales Chamorro, Isabel Chirivella González, Gemma Llort Pursals, Ana Beatriz Sánchez Heras, Raquel Serrano Blanch, Alexandre Teule Vega, Carmen Guillén Ponce & Begoña Graña Suárez - 2015 - Arbor 191 (773):a238.
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    The Philosophy of Affordances.Manuel Heras-Escribano - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book is the first monograph fully devoted to analyzing the philosophical aspects of affordances. The concept of affordance, coined and developed in the field of ecological psychology, describes the possibilities for action available in the environment. This work offers a systematic approach to the key philosophical features of affordances, such as their ontological characterization, their relation to normative practices, and the idea of agency that follows from viewing affordances as key objects of perception, while also proposing an innovative philosophical (...)
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    Fisiocracia, Una Economía Fundada En la Naturaleza.Begoña Rúa Zarauza - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 121:15-35.
    En este texto se plantea el análisis de la fisiocracia, el movimiento de economía política dirigido al mundo rural que surgió en Francia a mitad del siglo XVIII. Para ello, se parte de los trabajos y las publicaciones de economistas y de especialistas en historia de la economía, historia del pensamiento económico, y economía política. La bibliografía existente es inabarcable, máxime en el contexto de un artículo, no obstante, en las fuentes analizadas hay ciertas coincidencias a las que nos remitimos. (...)
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    Non-Factualist Dispositionalism.Manuel Heras-Escribano - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (2):607-629.
    This paper aims to defend that the best framework for characterizing dispositions is a Rylean, non-factualist dispositionalism. I follow Tugby, 451–480, 2013) in explaining which are the main candidates for characterizing the ontology of dispositions. Tugby, 451–480, 2013) concludes that the best metaphysical framework for characterizing dispositions is Platonism, because it is the only theory that can account for the central and the intrinsic platitudes. Following this I show that Platonism is not desirable because it is difficult to reconcile with (...)
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  7. Are affordances normative?Manuel Heras-Escribano & Manuel de Pinedo - 2016 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15 (4):565-589.
    In this paper we explore in what sense we can claim that affordances, the objects of perception for ecological psychology, are related to normativity. First, we offer an account of normativity and provide some examples of how it is understood in the specialized literature. Affordances, we claim, lack correctness criteria and, hence, the possibility of error is not among their necessary conditions. For this reason we will oppose Chemero’s normative theory of affordances. Finally, we will show that there is a (...)
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    Choice Functions: Rationality re-Examined.Begoña Subiza & Josep E. Peris - 2000 - Theory and Decision 48 (3):287-304.
    On analyzing the problem that arises whenever the set of maximal elements is large, and a selection is then required (see Peris & Subiza 1998), we realize that logical ways of selecting among maximals violate the classical notion and axioms of rationality. We arrive at the same conclusion if we analyze solutions to the problem of choosing from a tournament (where maximal elements do not necessarily exist). So, in our opinion the notion of rationality must be discussed, not only in (...)
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    Neither mindful nor mindless, but minded: habits, ecological psychology, and skilled performance.Manuel Heras-Escribano & Miguel Segundo-Ortin - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):10109-10133.
    A widely shared assumption in the literature about skilled motor behavior is that any action that is not blindly automatic and mechanical must be the product of computational processes upon mental representations. To counter this assumption, in this paper we offer a radical embodied (non-representational) account of skilled action that combines ecological psychology and the Deweyan theory of habits. According to our proposal, skilful performance can be understood as composed of sequences of mutually coherent, task-specific perceptual-motor habits. Such habits play (...)
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    Ryle's Argument against Cartesian Internalism.Agustin Arrieta & Fernando Migura - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone, Just the Arguments. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 318–319.
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    Comentarios sobre la relación entre la programación logica y las lógicas no monótonas.Agustín Arrieta - 1995 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 10 (3):181-198.
    My purpose in this paper is to show the evolution of the relationship between nonmonotonic logic and logic programming. I think that there are two periods in the evolution of this relationship. The first one isthe point of contact between these two fields that had been developed independently. In the second period, as I will show, the motivation to propose three-valued nonmonotonic logic comes from the study of the relationship between these two fields, and not from the study of nonmonotonic (...)
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  12. La Iglesia Del Intervalo: Aspecto Escatologico Del Tiempo De La Iglesia En Oscar Cullman.Jesus Silvestre Arrieta - 1959
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    Topías y utopías de Eugenio Imaz: historia de un exilio.José Angel Ascunce Arrieta - 1991 - Barcelona: Anthropos Editorial.
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    (1 other version)Logic colloquium '87 en Granada.Begoña Carrascal & Jesús María Larrazába - 1987 - Theoria 2 (2):652-654.
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    (1 other version)Teoría de modelos.Begoña Carrascal - 1990 - Theoria 5 (1):274-276.
  16. La modalidad en el lenguaje natural: consideraciones lógicas y pragmáticas.Begoña Vicente Cruz & Pablo Rodríguez Gutiérrez - 1996 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 11 (2):147-162.
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    El telos en el mundo: sobre historia, evolución y progreso en Kant.Begoña Pessis García - 2022 - Isegoría 66:06-06.
    The following article aims to consider the problem of the empirical consummation of the teleological programme of practical reason in Kant. In other words, it highlights the question about the possibility of achieving the final end in the world. Nature is the domain of mechanical causality, but also of free causality and the highest good. Specifically, I will focus on the field of Kantian philosophy of history, examining it with regard to the possibility of biological evolution and the possibility of (...)
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    Vía hernenéutica de la filosofía: la matriz husserliana.José María García Gómez-Heras - 1987 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 14:5-36.
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    Evaluation of Sexist and Prejudiced Attitudes Toward Homosexuality in Spanish Future Teachers: Analysis of Related Variables.Davinia Heras-Sevilla & Delfín Ortega-Sánchez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    QUINE, W. V., La búsqueda de la verdad, trad. castellana de J. Rodríguez Alcázar, Crítica, Barcelona, 1992, 167 págs.Begoña Ilarregui - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico:197-198.
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    El teletrabajo: un fenómeno económico y social.Begoña Iturbe - forthcoming - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary.
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    El concepto "vida" en la ética Kantiana: algunas consecuencias para la bioética.Begoña Román Maestre - 2007 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 40:77-89.
    Este trabajo consta de tres partes: en un primer momento, partiendo de la definición de “vida” de I. Kant, explicitamos la fundamentación moral del deber de vivir y explicamos el porqué de la censura del suicidio y la eutanasia por parte de Kant. En la segunda parte, desde la fundamentación kantiana de la vida, subrayamos las insuficiencias y contradicciones de determinados planteamientos que, apelando al principio de autonomía, defienden el suicidio y la eutanasia. En una tercera parte, manteniéndonos fieles a (...)
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  23. Cómo ayuda la psicoterapia en los casos de depresión y ansiedad.Begoña Aguirre Palacio - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (974):51-54.
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    Nietzsche ante Schopenhauer: negación y reinvención de la finalidad.Begoña Pessis - 2020 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (1):45-58.
    El objetivo de mi trabajo estriba en reconocer sucintamente algunos de los puntos principales en que se fundamenta la posición de Nietzsche en relación a la teleología natural. El modo de atajar la cuestión será, en esta oportunidad, oponer la visión de Nietzsche al estado en que dejó Schopenhauer la cuestión. Para ello, abordaré en primer lugar algunos de los elementos que emparentan ambos proyectos y, en segundo lugar, un aspecto clave que parece alejarlos irremediablemente. Además de esclarecer este último (...)
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  25. La fundamentación kantiana del deber de vivir y el principio autonomía: reflexiones para la bioética.Begoña Román - 2007 - Laguna 21:45-56.
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    Autonomies in Interaction: Dimensions of Patient Autonomy and Non-adherence to Treatment.Ion Arrieta Valero - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:471183.
    In recent years, several studies have advocated the need to expand the concept of patient autonomy beyond the capacity to deliberate and make decisions regarding a specific medical intervention or treatment (decision-making or decisional autonomy). Arguing along the same lines, this paper proposes a multidimensional concept of patient autonomy (decisional, executive, functional, informative and narrative) and argues that determining the specific aspect of autonomy affected is the first step towards protecting or promoting (and respecting) patient autonomy. These different manifestations of (...)
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  27. (1 other version)A Contractarian Approach to Actuarial Fairness.Antonio J. Heras, Pierre-Charles Pradier & David Teira - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics.
    We defend, from a contractarian perspective, that the fair price of an insurance policy is the amount that the contracting parties agree when they are both equally uncertain about the insured event. Drawing on the approach developed by R. Sugden in _The Community of Advantage_, we answer two standard objections raised against contractarianism in the actuarial sciences: (1) people are not wise enough to assess their actuarial risks; (2) they are not rational enough to decide which insurance policy suits them (...)
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    The evolutionary role of affordances: ecological psychology, niche construction, and natural selection.Manuel Heras-Escribano - 2020 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (2):1-27.
    This paper aims to examine the evolutionary role of affordances, that is, the possibilities for action available in our environments. There are two allegedly competing views for explaining the evolutionary role of affordances: the first is based on natural selection; the second is based on niche construction. According to the first, affordances are resources that exert selection pressure. The second view claims that affordances are ecological inheritances in the organism’s niche that are the product of a previous alteration of the (...)
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  29. Pragmatism, enactivism, and ecological psychology: towards a unified approach to post-cognitivism.Manuel Heras-Escribano - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 1):337-363.
    This paper argues that it is possible to combine enactivism and ecological psychology in a single post-cognitivist research framework if we highlight the common pragmatist assumptions of both approaches. These pragmatist assumptions or starting points are shared by ecological psychology and the enactive approach independently of being historically related to pragmatism, and they are based on the idea of organic coordination, which states that the evolution and development of the cognitive abilities of an organism are explained by appealing to the (...)
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    Proofs, Mathematical Practice and Argumentation.Begoña Carrascal - 2015 - Argumentation 29 (3):305-324.
    In argumentation studies, almost all theoretical proposals are applied, in general, to the analysis and evaluation of argumentative products, but little attention has been paid to the creative process of arguing. Mathematics can be used as a clear example to illustrate some significant theoretical differences between mathematical practice and the products of it, to differentiate the distinct components of the arguments, and to emphasize the need to address the different types of argumentative discourse and argumentative situation in the practice. I (...)
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    How Ethical are Managers’ Goodwill Impairment Decisions in Spanish-Listed Firms?Begoña Giner & Francisca Pardo - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (1):21-40.
    This article provides an analysis of the ethical behavior of managers making goodwill impairment decisions following the adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standard 3 on Business Combinations. Replacing the systematic amortization of goodwill with the impairment-only approach has been a highly controversial step. Although the aim of IFRS 3 was to provide users with more value-relevant information regarding the underlying economics of the business, it has been criticized for the potential earnings management inherent in impairment testing. This study is (...)
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  32. Embracing the Environment: Ecological Answers for Enactive Problems.M. Heras-Escribano - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):309-312.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Perception-Action Mutuality Obviates Mental Construction” by Martin Flament Fultot, Lin Nie & Claudia Carello. Upshot: This commentary highlights some controversial aspects of enactivism and ecological psychology, specifically the notions of subjectivity and ecological information. I argue that, instead of choosing between them, both theories could complement each other at different levels of analysis in a single research framework for explaining cognition from a situated perspective.
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    El irracionalismo es un pesimismo.Begoña Pessis García - 2023 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 15 (1):41-78.
    El presente artículo tiene como propósito poner de relieve el contraste trágico entre la afirmación de una teleología natural y la ausencia de teleología moral en el pensamiento de Schopenhauer. Se comprenderá su gesto filosófico como el vaciamiento de la finalidad. Concretamente, se examinará cómo el absurdo que tiene lugar en virtud del contraste mencionado, sumado a la concepción de vida que late en el proyecto schopenhaueriano, conduce a una consideración necesariamente irracionalista y pesimista de la existencia. Desde la perspectiva (...)
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    La revista Andamios: apertura, voces divergentes y pluralidad máxima.Begoña Alberdi - 2011 - Aisthesis 50:253-274.
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    (1 other version)El nacionalismo y sus peligros.Víctor Caballero Heras - 1999 - Dilema: Revista de Filosofía 3 (5):104-106.
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    Caracterización en lenguajes lógicos infinitarios de los órdenes parciales diseminados contables.Begoña Carrascal - 1994 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 9 (1):173-184.
    Taking into account that no subordering of a scattered partial ordering is dense, we are going to define one idea of rank of a partial ordering which will make possible an equivalent but more operative definition of a scattered partial ordering. Using this notion of rank and the Scott’s sentence associated with the ordering, we are going to characterise in the infinitary language Lw1.w each element of a subclass of the partial orderings, this of the strongly scattered countable partial orderings.
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  37. Función veritativa.Begoña Carrascal - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos, Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta. pp. 261--266.
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  38. Metalógica.Begoña Carrascal - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos, Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta. pp. 391--393.
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    Comprender el mundo. La valencia hermenéutica del binomio Lebenswelt (Husserl) e In-der-Welt-sein (Heidegger).J. M. García Gómez-Heras - 1992 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 34:285.
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    Religión e Ilustración. El proceso de la teología a la filosofía de la religión durante la era del Iluminismo.José María García Gómez-Heras - 1978 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 5:5-40.
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  41. Publicidad exterior: del papel al LED.Begoña Gómez Nieto & Borja Puentes Sánchez - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 82:126-141.
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  42. Quién se beneficia de la asistencia.Begoña Olabarrieta - 2005 - Critica 55 (922):50-53.
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  43. Caracterización en lenguajes lógicos infinitarios de los órdenes parciales diseminados contables.Begoña Carrascal Platas - 1994 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 9 (1):173-184.
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  44. Affordances and Landscapes: Overcoming the Nature–Culture Dichotomy through Niche Construction Theory.Manuel Heras-Escribano & Manuel De Pinedo-García - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:294308.
    In this paper we reject the nature–culture dichotomy by means of the idea of affordance or possibility for action, which has important implications for landscape theory. Our hypothesis is that, just as the idea of affordance can serve to overcome the subjective–objective dichotomy, the ideas of landscape and ecological niche, properly defined, would allow us to also transcend the nature–culture dichotomy. First, we introduce an overview of landscape theory, emphasizing processual landscape theory as the most suitable approach for satisfying both (...)
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  45. On machine vision and photographic imagination.Daniel Chávez Heras & Tobias Blanke - 2021 - AI and Society 36:1153–1165.
    In this article we introduce the concept of implied optical perspective in deep learning computer vision systems. Taking the BBC's experimental television programme “Made by Machine: When AI met the Archive” as a case study, we trace a conceptual and material link between the system used to automatically “watch” the television archive and a specific type of photographic practice. From a computational aesthetics perspective, we show how deep learning machine vision relies on photography, its technical regimes and epistemic advantages, and (...)
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    La crítica al Sócrates platónico en el cuaderno azul de Wittgenstein.Begoña Ramón Cámara - 2024 - Ideas Y Valores 72 (183).
    A lo largo del Cuaderno azul, Wittgenstein usa reiteradamente la figura del Sócrates platónico como una especie de figura antagonista contra la cual presenta sus nuevos puntos de vista filosóficos a la altura de los años 30. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar esos puntos de vista atendiendo al papel que tienen en su elaboración las alusiones críticas al Sócrates platónico. Nos centraremos principalmente en el examen que hace Wittgenstein de la forma de la pregunta socrática «¿Qué es X?», (...)
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    Second-language phoneme learning positively relates to voice recognition abilities in the native language: Evidence from behavior and brain potentials.Begoña Díaz, Gaël Cordero, Joyce Hoogendoorn & Nuria Sebastian-Galles - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Previous studies suggest a relationship between second-language learning and voice recognition processes, but the nature of such relation remains poorly understood. The present study investigates whether phoneme learning relates to voice recognition. A group of bilinguals that varied in their discrimination of a second-language phoneme contrast participated in this study. We assessed participants’ voice recognition skills in their native language at the behavioral and brain electrophysiological levels during a voice-avatar learning paradigm. Second-language phoneme discrimination positively correlated with behavioral and brain (...)
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    Electrophysiological Correlates of Second-Language Syntactic Processes Are Related to Native and Second Language Distance Regardless of Age of Acquisition.Begoña Díaz, Kepa Erdocia, Robert F. de Menezes, Jutta L. Mueller, Núria Sebastián-Gallés & Itziar Laka - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  49. Naturalism, non-factualism, and normative situated behaviour.Manuel Heras-Escribano & Manuel de Pinedo-García - 2018 - South African Journal of Philosophy 37 (1):80-98.
    This paper argues that the normative character of our unreflective situated behaviour is not factual. We highlight a problematic assumption shared by the two most influential trends in contemporary philosophy of cognitive science, reductionism and enactivism. Our intentional, normative explanations are referential, descriptive or factual. Underneath this assumption lies the idea that only facts can make true or false our attributions of cognitive, mental and agential abilities. We will argue against this view by describing the main features and problems of (...)
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    Biosemiotics, the Extended Synthesis, and Ecological Information: Making Sense of the Organism-Environment Relation at the Cognitive Level.Manuel Heras-Escribano & Paulo de Jesus - 2018 - Biosemiotics 11 (2):245-262.
    This paper argues that the Extended Synthesis, ecological information, and biosemiotics are complementary approaches whose engagement will help us explain the organism-environment interaction at the cognitive level. The Extended Synthesis, through niche construction theory, can explain the organism-environment interaction at an evolutionary level because niche construction is a process guided by information. We believe that the best account that defines information at this level is the one offered by biosemiotics and, within all kinds of biosemiotic information available, we believe that (...)
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