Results for 'Be Fleming'

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  1. Do we need to know how we know who.Be Fleming - 1987 - Semiotica 66 (4):423-429.
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  2. The apocalypse will not be televised.Chris Fleming - 2015 - In Scott Cowdell, Chris Fleming & Joel Hodge (eds.), Mimesis, movies, and media. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Observations on hyperplanes: I State reduction and unitary evolution.Gordon N. Fleming - unknown
    This is the first of two papers responding to ‘recent’ commentary on various aspects of hyperplane dependence by several authors. In this paper I focus on the issues of the relations of HD to state reduction and unitary evolution. The authors who’s comments I address here are Maudlin and Myrvold. In the second paper of this set I focus on HD dynamical variables and localizable properties and measurements and address comments of de Koning, Halvorson, Clifton and Wallace. Each paper ends (...)
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    Timothie Bright and the origins of early modern shorthand: melancholy, medicines, and the information of the soul.James Dougal Fleming - 2024 - London ;: Routledge.
    In Timothie Bright and the Origins of Early Modern Shorthand, J. D. Fleming brings together two areas of sixteenth-century intellectual history. One is the period emergence of artificial systems for verbatim shorthand notation-a crucial episode in the history of information. The other is the ancient medical discourse of melancholy humour, or black bile. Timothie Bright (1550-1615), physician and priest, prompts the juxtaposition. For he was the author, not only of the period's original shorthand manual-Characterie (1588)-but also of the first (...)
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    The death of homo economicus: work, debt and the myth of endless accumulation.Peter Fleming - 2017 - London: Pluto Press.
    For neoclassical economists, Homo economicus, or economic human, represents the ideal employee: an energetic worker bee that is a rational yet competitive decision-maker. Alternatively, one could view the concept as a cold and selfish workaholic endlessly seeking the accumulation of money and advancement - a chilling representation of capitalism. Or perhaps, as Peter Fleming argues, Homo economicus does not actually exist at all. In The Death of Homo Economicus, Fleming presents this controversial claim with the same fierce logic (...)
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    Tensions Between Ethics and the Law: Examination of a Legal Case by Two Midwives Invoking a Conscientious Objection to Abortion in Scotland.Valerie Fleming, Lucy Frith & Beate Ramsayer - 2019 - HEC Forum 33 (3):1-25.
    This paper examines a legal case arising from a workplace grievance that progressed to being heard at the UK’s Supreme Court. The case of Doogan and Wood versus Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board concerned two senior midwives in Scotland, both practicing Roman Catholics, who exercised their perceived rights in accordance with section 4 of the Abortion Act not to participate in the treatment of women undergoing abortions. The key question raised by this case was: “Is Greater Glasgow and Clyde (...)
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    Seeing the Soul.Noel Fleming - 1978 - Philosophy 53 (203):33 - 50.
    1. ‘“But aren't you saying that all that happens is that he moans, and that there is nothing behind it?” I am saying that there is nothing behind the moaning ’ . This passage seems to me to epitomize a conception of the mind and its relation to the body found in the later work of Wittgenstein. It will be convenient to write as if this is his view of the mind. He suggests elsewhere that he is not advancing philosophical (...)
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  8.  20
    Feed the futureland: an actor-based approach to studying food security projects.Carrie Seay-Fleming - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (4):1623-1637.
    Critical development and food studies scholars argue that the current food security paradigm is emblematic of a ‘New Green Revolution’, characterized by agricultural intensification, increasing reliance on biotechnology, deepening global markets, and depeasantization. High-profile examples of this model are not hard to find. Less examined, however, are food-security programs that appear to work at cross-purposes with this model. Drawing on the case of Feed the Future in Guatemala, I show how USAID engages in activities that valorize ancestral crops, subsistence production, (...)
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    The Moral Status of Deprogramming.Patricia Ann Fleming - 1989 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 6 (1):77-86.
    ABSTRACT In this paper I examine some of the issues surrounding the moral status of the therapy known as ‘deprogramming’. I argue against the extreme view that all deprogrammings are morally impermissible. In certain instances deprogramming is morally justified because it is quite capable of restoring the conditions needed for the exercise of autonomy. The view of autonomy I am following is that constructed by Gerald Dworkin, wherein two conditions must be met in describing a person as autonomous—authenticity and procedural (...)
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  10.  55
    Strange Positions.Gordon Fleming & Jeremy Butterfield - 1999 - In George Fleming & Jeremy Butterfield (eds.), From Physics to Philosophy. pp. 108--165.
    The current status of localization and related concepts, especially localized statevectors and position operators, within Lorentz-invariant Quantum Theory (LIQT) is ambiguous and controversial.1 Ever since the early work of Newton & Wigner (1949), and the subsequent extensions of their work, particularly by Hegerfeldt (1974, 1985), it has seemed impossible to identify localized statevectors or position operators in LIQT that were not counterintuitive—strange—in one way or another; the most striking strange property being the superluminal propagation of the localized states. The ambiguous (...)
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  11.  20
    Habermas on Social Labor and Communicative Action.Marie Fleming - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 42:71-76.
    In contemporary philosophy and social theory, Harbermas's theory of communicative action stands indisputably for a modernity enlightened about itself and its potential. Yet, however much he professes his commitment to universalist ideals of inclusiveness and equality, his influential theory is also marked by disquieting statements on matters of gender. I argue that the problem of gender in Habermas's theory can be traced to his attempt to rework the Marxian tradition of historical materialism. I do so by discussing Habermas's proposal for (...)
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  12.  75
    Sensory Horizons and the Functions of Conscious Vision.Stephen Fleming & Matthias Michel - manuscript
    It is not obvious why we are conscious. Why can’t all of our mental activities take place unconsciously? What is consciousness for? We aim to make progress on this question, focusing on conscious vision. We review evidence on the timescale of visual consciousness, showing that it is surprisingly slow: postdictive effects reveal windows of unconscious integration lasting up to 400 milliseconds. We argue that if consciousness is slow, it cannot be for online action-guidance. Instead, we propose that conscious vision evolved (...)
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  13. Reeh-schlieder meets Newton-Wigner.Gordon N. Fleming - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):515.
    The Reeh-Schlieder theorem asserts the vacuum and certain other states to be spacelike superentangled relative to local fields. This motivates an inquiry into the physical status of various concepts of localization. It is argued that a covariant generalization of Newton-Wigner localization is a physically illuminating concept. When analyzed in terms of nonlocally covariant quantum fields, creating and annihilating quanta in Newton-Wigner localized states, the vacuum is seen to not possess the spacelike superentanglement that the Reeh-Schlieder theorem displays relative to local (...)
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  14.  24
    Defoe’s Unchristian Colonel: Captivity Narratives and Resistance to Conversion.Catherine Fleming - 2021 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 40:195-212.
    Daniel Defoe’s fictional autobiographies often contain a puritanical conversion narrative, but Colonel Jack’s narrator is unique in his problematized relationship to Christian conversion. Alert to the negative implications of mercenary conversion, Defoe presents in Colonel Jack a hero who not only revels in his complex ploys to evade the law, but explicitly rejects conversion to Christianity at several points in the narrative. By reading Colonel Jack alongside narratives of European enslavement and incarceration, I suggest that in this text Defoe deliberately (...)
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    The Anarchist Way to Socialism: Elisee Reclus and Nineteenth-Century European Anarchism.Marie Fleming - 1979 - Routledge.
    First published in 1979. Elisée Reclus was an important anarchist theorist whose contribution to the radical direction which the European anarchist movement assumed in the late nineteenth century, has been largely neglected by scholars. This study of his thought provides a basis for a general re-assessment of European anarchism, by contributing to an understanding of important dimensions of theory and practice, which previously have not been well understood. Amongst the aspects examined are the anarchist conception of the state, the nature (...)
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  16.  32
    Unethical Morality in "Documenting" Terrorism: Terror at the Mall, Nowhere to Run, Wolves of Westgate.David H. Fleming - 2016 - Substance 45 (3):66-83.
    The enemy must fear us. When this is over, there will be much more fear in the world. […] Give the government an ultimatum. Say, “This was just the trailer. Just wait till you see the rest of the film.”The overhanging statement – which draws attention to troubling links interconnecting action cinema and acts of terrorism – is delivered towards the end of Dan Reed’s Terror in Mumbai, an insightful documentary that unfolds a balanced enquiry into the November 2008 massacre (...)
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  17. Drosophila Mutants Suggest a Strong Drive Toward Complexity in Evolution.Leonore Fleming & Daniel McShea - 2013 - Evolution and Development 15 (1):53-62.
    The view that complexity increases in evolution is uncontroversial, yet little is known about the possible causes of such a trend. One hypothesis, the Zero Force Evolutionary Law (ZFEL), predicts a strong drive toward complexity, although such a tendency can be overwhelmed by selection and constraints. In the absence of strong opposition, heritable variation accumulates and complexity increases. In order to investigate this claim, we evaluate the gross morphological complexity of laboratory mutants in Drosophila melanogaster, which represent organisms that arise (...)
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    From FAIR data to fair data use: Methodological data fairness in health-related social media research.Hywel Williams, Lora Fleming, Benedict W. Wheeler, Rebecca Lovell & Sabina Leonelli - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    The paper problematises the reliability and ethics of using social media data, such as sourced from Twitter or Instagram, to carry out health-related research. As in many other domains, the opportunity to mine social media for information has been hailed as transformative for research on well-being and disease. Considerations around the fairness, responsibilities and accountabilities relating to using such data have often been set aside, on the understanding that as long as data were anonymised, no real ethical or scientific issue (...)
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  19.  57
    The nature of perception.Brice Noel Fleming - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (2):259-295.
    Hamlyn's book is exactly what the subtitle says it is: a history of the philosophy of perception, where this is taken to be a part of what is now called the philosophy of mind, as distinguished from the theory of knowledge. He expounds and criticizes, clearly and carefully, the views of Western philosophers from the pre-Socratics to Ryle and Sartre, and in a final chapter of about ten pages he offers some conclusions of his own. He holds that "in the (...)
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    Disclosure to genetic relatives without consent – Australian genetic professionals’ awareness of the health privacy law.Jane Fleming, Ainsley J. Newson, Kate Dunlop, Kristine Barlow-Stewart & Natalia Meggiolaro - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-10.
    Background: When a genetic mutation is identified in a family member, internationally, it is usually the proband’s or another responsible family member’s role to disclose the information to at-risk relatives. However, both active and passive non-disclosure in families occurs: choosing not to communicate the information or failing to communicate the information despite intention to do so, respectively. The ethical obligations to prevent harm to at-risk relatives and promote the duty of care by genetic health professionals is in conflict with Privacy (...)
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  21.  56
    On Street Harassment.Patrick Fleming - 2018 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 32 (2):231-241.
    This paper argues that it can be morally wrong to be friendly to strangers. More specifically, the paper argues there is a salient pro tanto moral reason against being friendly to strangers in virtue of the structure of interaction. By ‘a salient pro tanto reason’ I mean a reason that is not always decisive, but it is often significant enough that it ought to factor in moral deliberation. My argument is perfectly general, but it is presented to shed light on (...)
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  22.  49
    Flexner at 100: A Brief View from Oxford.Kenneth A. Fleming - 2011 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 54 (1):24-29.
    Abraham Flexner delivered his eponymous report 100 years ago. The Report had an immediate and profound impact on medical education in North America that resonated for several decades afterwards. Its impact was less immediate in the United Kingdom, but over time the major principles have been assimilated (GMC 1993). However, which—if any—of these principles are still relevant today? No doubt there will be debate about this, but in my view, Flexner's principle of academic and scientific excellence as one of the (...)
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  23.  8
    Modernism and its discontents: philosophical problems of twentieth-century literary theory.Bruce Edward Fleming - 1995 - New York: P. Lang.
    Literary theory of the twentieth century in the Anglo-American tradition forms a coherent whole, dividing into discrete clusters. This theory is riddled with purely logical problems inherent in its enterprise, resulting from the fact that Modernist theory develops as an offshoot of Romanticism. Such fundamental flaws, or discontents, afflict all Modernist theory, from Russian Formalism through Structuralism and Deconstruction. The problems of Modernist theory cannot be solved; at most we can resolve to take theory in a new direction.
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  24.  61
    Quality space computations for consciousness.Stephen M. Fleming & Nicholas Shea - 2024 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
    The quality space hypothesis about conscious experience proposes that conscious sensory states are experienced in relation to other possible sensory states. For instance, the colour red is experienced as being more like orange, and less like green or blue. Recent empirical findings suggest that subjective similarity space can be explained in terms of similarities in neural activation patterns. Here, we consider how localist, workspace, and higher-order theories of consciousness can accommodate claims about the qualitative character of experience and functionally support (...)
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  25.  40
    The missing voices in the conscientious objection debate: British service users’ experiences of conscientious objection to abortion.Becky Self, Clare Maxwell & Valerie Fleming - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-11.
    Background The fourth section of the 1967 Abortion Act states that individuals (including health care practitioners) do not have to participate in an abortion if they have a conscientious objection. A conscientious objection is a refusal to participate in abortion on the grounds of conscience. This may be informed by religious, moral, philosophical, ethical, or personal beliefs. Currently, there is very little investigation into the impact of conscientious objection on service users in Britain. The perspectives of service users are imperative (...)
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  26.  63
    An Account of Practical Decisions.Patrick Fleming - 2018 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 95 (1):121-139.
    _ Source: _Page Count 19 This paper offers an account of practical decisions. The author argues that decisions do not need to be conscious, nor do they need to be settled by deliberation. Agents can be mistaken about what they decided and agents can decide by doing some intentional action besides deliberating. The author argues that the functional role of a decision is to put an end to practical uncertainty. A mental event is a decision to the extent that it (...)
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  27.  70
    Berkeley and Idealism.Noel Fleming - 1985 - Philosophy 60 (233):309 - 325.
    1. What is it according to Berkeley for bodies to exist in the mind? Maybe no simple or single answer to this question fits everything that he says about it in the Principles and Dialogues , but I think he gives or suggests an answer in Principles section 49 that he may have to give or be willing to accept across the board. The trouble is that this answer comes with a fairly high price.
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    Distinguishing absence of awareness from awareness of absence.Matan Mazor & Stephen M. Fleming - 2020 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 1 (II).
    Contrasting brain states when subjects are aware compared to unaware of a presented stimulus has allowed researchers to isolate candidate neural correlates of consciousness. Here we propose that an important next step in this research program is to investigate, perhaps paradoxically, brain states that covary with reports of absences of awareness. Specifically, we propose that in order to distinguish content-specific and content-invariant neural correlates of consciousness, a distinction needs to be made between the neural correlates of awareness of stimulus absence, (...)
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  29.  14
    Empirical approaches to determining quality space computations for consciousness: a response to Dołega et al. and Song.Stephen M. Fleming & Nicholas Shea - 2024 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
    Our hope and aim was to provoke debate and research on the hypothesis that conscious experiences form quality spaces [1], so we were very pleased to receive letters from Dołęga, Mentec and Cleeremans [2] and Song [3] making constructive suggestions for taking this enquiry in new directions. Our focus was on how various computational theories of consciousness can accommodate the quality space hypothesis. Dołęga et al. make the helpful observation that this should also be investigated diachronically – both developmentally, and (...)
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    Rhetorical Investigations: Studies in Ordinary Language Criticism, and: Ordinary Language Criticism: Literary Thinking after Cavell after Wittgenstein (review).Richard Fleming - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (1):209-213.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Rhetorical Investigations: Studies in Ordinary Language Criticism, and: Ordinary Language Criticism: Literary Thinking after Cavell after WittgensteinRichard FlemingRhetorical Investigations: Studies in Ordinary Language Criticism, by Walter Jost; 368 pp. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2004, $55.00. Ordinary Language Criticism: Literary Thinking after Cavell after Wittgenstein, edited by Kenneth Dauber and Walter Jost; 353 pp. Evansville: Northwestern University Press, 2003, $29.95 paper.On the question of ordinary language criticism and (...)
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  31.  47
    Fromm and Habermas: Allies for Adult Education and Democracy.Ted Fleming - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (2):123-136.
    The legacy of the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research has been a powerful force for critically understanding social reality. Erich Fromm was one of the early and best known members of the Institute. Fromm emphasised the centrality of culture and interpersonal relations in the contruction of the psyche. The unconscious was not only the location for buried repressed matter but also for the imaginative potential of the human person. He is a forgotten and neglected contributor to the story of the (...)
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  32. Observations on unstable quantons, hyperplane dependence and quantum fields.Gordon N. Fleming - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 42 (2):136-147.
    There is persistent heterodoxy in the physics literature concerning the proper treatment of those quantons that are unstable against decay. Following a brief litany of this heterodoxy, I develop some of the consequences of assuming that such quantons can exist, undecayed and isolated, at definite times and that their treatment can be carried out within a standard quantum theoretic state space. This assumption requires hyperplane dependence for the unstable quanton states and leads to clarification of some recent results concerning deviations (...)
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  33.  69
    An Exploratory Study of Chinese Accounting Students’ and Auditors’ Audit-specific Ethical Reasoning.Damon M. Fleming, Chee W. Chow & Wenbing Su - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (3):353-369.
    This study uses three audit-specific ethical dilemmas to assess the level of ethical reasoning between Chinese accounting students (as proxies for new entrants to the auditing profession) and experienced auditors. A sample of U.S. accounting students is used as a base for comparison. Consistent with expectations based on particularly salient aspects of Chinese national culture, we find the Chinese students’ levels of ethical reasoning to be significantly lower than those of their U.S. counterparts in the two cases that invoked these (...)
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  34. Two Dogmas of Biology.Leonore Fleming - 2017 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 9 (2).
    The problem with reductionism in biology is not the reduction, but the implicit attitude of determinism that usually accompanies it. Methodological reductionism is supported by deterministic beliefs, but making such a connection is problematic when it is based on an idea of determinism as fixed predictability. Conflating determinism with predictability gives rise to inaccurate models that overlook the dynamic complexity of our world, as well as ignore our epistemic limitations when we try to model it. Furthermore, the assumption of a (...)
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    Metaethical angst and the solace of sentimentalism.Patrick Fleming - 2024 - Philosophical Forum 55 (3):323-333.
    Perhaps, nothing matters. Life might be devoid of value and meaning. Such thoughts can prompt feelings of angst. What kind of philosophical view could provide us with comfort? Some moral realists think that moral realism can. Moral realism does not comfort me. I think the comfort it gives others is an illusion. If we are moral realists, moral facts may be forever beyond our grasp. However, if we are anti-realist sentimentalists, then moral facts are built for us to find. If (...)
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    Social research in sport (and beyond): Notes on exceptions to informed consent.Scott Fleming - 2013 - Research Ethics 9 (1):32-43.
    Over the last two decades sport-related research has become increasingly influenced by ethical propriety and institutional governance. Whilst there has been thorough consideration of biomedical and associated research in sport and exercise, social research in sport studies has received less attention. In this article, following a brief contextualization of the current climate for research ethics discourse, the planks of an argument for social research in sport without informed consent are addressed. Dealing with ideas linked to ecological validity, impracticality, averting alarm, (...)
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  37.  6
    The Morality of Everyday Life: Rediscovering an Ancient Alternative to the Liberal Tradition.Thomas Fleming - 2004 - University of Missouri.
    In _The_ _Morality of Everyday Life_, Thomas Fleming offers an alternative to the enlightened liberalism espoused by thinkers as different as Kant, Mill, Rand, and Rawls. Philosophers in the liberal tradition, although they disagree on many important questions, agree that moral and political problems should be looked at from an objective point of view and a decision made from a rational perspective that is universally applied to all comparable cases. Fleming instead places importance on the particular, the local, (...)
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  38.  54
    Why flying dogs are rare: A general theory of luck in evolutionary transitions.Leonore Fleming & Robert Brandon - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 49:24-31.
    There is a worry that the ‘major transitions in evolution’ represent an arbitrary group of events. This worry is warranted, and we show why. We argue that the transition to a new level of hierarchy necessarily involves a nonselectionist chance process. Thus any unified theory of evolutionary transitions must be more like a general theory of fortuitous luck, rather than a rigid formulation of expected events. We provide a systematic account of evolutionary transitions based on a second-order regularity of chance (...)
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  39. The indeterminacy of desire and practical reason.Patrick Fleming - 2008 - In David K. Chan (ed.), Moral psychology today: essays on values, rational choice, and the will. Springer Verlag.
    Bernard Williams has famously argued that all reasons for action are internal reasons.1 The internalist requirement on reasons is that all reasons must be linked to the agent’s subjective motivational state by a sound deliberative route. This argument has been the subject of a great deal of debate. In this paper I wish to draw attention to a much less discussed aspect of Williams’ papers on internalism. Williams believes that there is an essential indeterminacy regarding what an agent has a (...)
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    The New Tractatus: Summing Up Everything.Bruce Fleming - 2007 - Upa.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus was informed by the belief that it was possible to get clarity once and for all on fundamental philosophical issues, and so to think our way to a silence where philosophy was no longer necessary. This is The New Tractatus: it sympathizes with Wittgenstein's impatience with the endless cycle of argument, but reacts to this impatience and takes it in different directions than Wittgenstein did. Wittgenstein was concerned with questions like these: What is the meaning of (...)
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  41.  32
    Being directly responsive and accountable to human-research participants.David A. Fleming & Don Reynolds - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (3):24 – 25.
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  42. "(2006), A16. Brody, Baruch A. The Ethics of Biomedical Research: An International Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. Capron, Alexander M." Experimentation with Human Beings: Light or Only Shadows?" Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law and. [REVIEW]Susan Ellenberg, Thomas Fleming & David DeMets - 2008 - Contemporary Issues in Bioethics 15 (1).
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  43. Uses of a quantum master inequality.Gordon N. Fleming - unknown
    An inequality in quantum mechanics, which does not appear to be well known, is derived by elementary means and shown to be quite useful. The inequality applies to 'all' operators and 'all' pairs of quantum states, including mixed states. It generalizes the rule of the orthogonality of eigenvectors for distinct eigenvalues and is shown to imply all the Robertson generalized uncertainty relations. It severely constrains the difference between probabilities obtained from 'close' quantum states and the different responses they can have (...)
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    An essay in post-Romantic literary theory: art, artifact, and the innocent eye.Bruce Edward Fleming - 1991 - Lewiston, N.Y., USA: E. Mellen Press.
    Offers a theory of art that overturns post-Romantic, prescriptive theories and reclaims the independent and direct experience of art as being of primary importance. The text examines the relevance of perception and attacks social usefulness as the criterion of excellence in the arts.
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  45. Kant and Strawson on the Objectivity Thesis.Patrick Fleming - 2004 - Idealistic Studies 34 (2):173-180.
    In the Transcendental Deductions, Kant attempts to establish the necessary applicability of the categories to what is encountered in experience. As I see it, the argument is intended to deduce two distinct, but, in Kant’s eyes, interrelated, claims. The first is that it is a necessity that experience be of an objective world. Call this rough idea the objectivity thesis. The second thesis is that the categoriesapply only to mere appearances, that is, the world insofar as we structure it. Call (...)
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    Sub-quantum entities.John J. Fleming - 1964 - Philosophy of Science 31 (3):271-274.
    The possibility of a sub-quantum mechanical realm has been investigated in recent years by DeBroglie, Bohm, Vigier, and others. It is felt that what is needed in this investigation is some simple and direct resolution of the problem as to whether sub-quantum entities exist or not. By restricting attention to quanta of light energy there is presented a theoretical expression for a sub-quantum or micro-photon which has proven to be testable. It is possible by this development to bridge the particle-wave (...)
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    Mimesis, movies, and media.Scott Cowdell, Chris Fleming & Joel Hodge (eds.) - 2015 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Introduction -- Media and representation. On the one medium / Eric Gans -- The scapegoat mechanism and the media: beyond the folk devil paradigm / John O'Carroll -- The apocalypse will not be televised / Chris Fleming -- Film. Mirrors of nature: artificial agents in real life and virtual worlds / Paul Dumouchel -- Superheroes, scapegoats, and saviors: the problem of evil and the need for redemption / Joel Hodge -- Sanctified victimage on page and screen: The hunger games (...)
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    Vocabulary of Philosophy: Psychological, Ethical, Metaphysical, with Quotations and References.William Fleming & Henry Calderwood - 2015 - Palala Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Mimetic theory and film.Paolo Diego Bubbio & Chris Fleming (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The interdisciplinary French-American thinker René Girard (1923-2015) has been one of the towering figures of the humanities in the last half-century. The title of René Girard's first book offered his own thesis in summary form: romantic lie and novelistic truth [mensonge romantique et vérité romanesque]. And yet, for a thinker whose career began by an engagement with literature, it came as a shock to some that, in La Conversion de l'art, Girard asserted that the novel may be an “outmoded” form (...)
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    First Word Philosophy: Wittgenstein-Austin-Cavell.Richard Fleming - 2004 - Bucknell University Press.
    The significance of ordinary philosophy is stated and argued in this book. There continues to be much resistance to taking seriously ordinary language philosophy and this, argues the author, is becoming costly to the discipline of philosophy and intellectual work in general.
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