Results for 'Bayle (Pierre)'

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  1. Pierre Bayle pirrón Del diccionario histórico Y crítico.Pierre Bayle - 2007 - Ideas y Valores. Revista Colombiana de Filosofía 56 (134):93-117.
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  2. Dictionnaire historique et critique.Pierre Bayle - unknown
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    Bayle--political writings.Pierre Bayle - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Sally Jenkinson.
    Pierre Bayle was one of the most important sceptical thinkers of the seventeenth century. His work was a major influence on the development of the ideas of Voltaire (who acclaimed it for its candour on such subjects as atheism, obscenity and sexual conduct), Hume, Montesquieu and Rousseau. Banned in France on first publication in 1697, Bayle's Dictionnaire Historique et Critique became a bestseller and ran into several editions and translations. Sally L. Jenkinson's masterly new edition presents the (...)
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  4. Pierre Bayle: Dialogues of Maximus and Themistius.Pierre Bayle & Michael W. Hickson - 2016 - Leiden, Netherlands: Brill's Texts and Sources in Intellectual History 256/18.
    An English translation of Pierre Bayle's posthumous last book, Entretiens de Maxime et de Themiste (1707), in which Bayle defends his skeptical position on the problem of the evil. This book is often cited and attacked by G.W. Leibniz in his Theodicy (1710). Over one hundred pages of original philosophical and historical material introduce the translation, providing it with context and establishing the work's importance.
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  5. Correspondences of Pierre Bayle (french).Pierre Bayle - unknown
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    Pierre Bayle, pour une histoire critique de la philosophie: choix d'articles philosophiques du Dictionnaire historique et critique.Pierre Bayle, Jean-Michel Gros & Jacques Chomarat - 2001 - Honoré Champion.
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  7. (1 other version)Pensées diverses sur la comète: Avis au lecteur.Pierre Bayle - unknown
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    Historical and Critical Dictionary: Selections.Pierre Bayle & Craig Brush - 1991 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Richard Popkin’s meticulous translation--the most complete since the eighteenth century--contains selections from thirty-nine articles, as well as from Bayle’s four Clarifications. The bulk of the major articles of philosophical and theological interest--those that influenced Leibniz, Berkeley, Hume, and Voltaire and formed the basis for so many eighteenth-century discussions--are present, including David, Manicheans, Paulicians, Pyrrho, Rorarius, Simonides, Spinoza, and Zeno of Elea.
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    Historisches und kritisches Wörterbuch: eine Auswahl.Pierre Bayle - 2003 - Hamburg: Meiner. Edited by Günter Gawlick & Lothar Kreimendahl.
    Das 1697 in erster Auflage erschienene "Dictionnaire historique et critique" von Pierre Bayle ist als die "Bibel der Aufklärung" bezeichnet worden. Seine immense Bedeutung für das ausgehende 17. und das darauffolgende "Jahrhundert der Aufklärung" ist immer wieder auch von prominenter Seite bezeugt worden.
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  10. Pirro, do Dictionnaire Historique et Critique.Pierre Bayle - 1994 - O Que Nos Faz Pensar:62-65.
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  11. Philosophical commentary on the words of the gospel, 'compel them to come in' (extracts only).Pierre Bayle - unknown
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    Various Thoughts on the Occasion of a Comet.Pierre Bayle & Robert C. Bartlett (eds.) - 2000 - State University of New York Press.
    A new translation of Pierre Bayle's first great work, which undermines the influence of "superstition" in political life and laid the groundwork for the separation of church and state.
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    Ecrits sur Spinoza.Pierre Bayle, Françoise Charles-Daubert & Pierre-François Moreau - 1983 - Editeurs Berg International.
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  14. The great contest of faith and reason.Pierre Bayle - 1963 - New York,: Ungar. Edited by Karl C. Sandberg.
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  15. Diccionario histórico y crítico (Carmen Silva).Pierre Bayle - 2004 - Dianoia 53:142-143.
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  16. Oeuvres Diverses de Mr. Pierre Bayle ... Contenant Tout Ce Que Cet Auteur a Publié Sur des Matieres de Theologie, de Philosophie, de Critique, d' Histoire, & de Litterature, Excepté Son Dictionaire Historique Et Critique.Pierre Bayle - 1727 - P. Husson [Etc.].
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  17. Pensieri sulla Cometa e Dizionario storico e critico.Pierre Bayle & Gian Piero Brega - 1972 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 162:321-321.
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  18. Spinoza ve Ethica Üzerine.Pierre Bayle - 2022 - ViraVerita E-Journal: Interdisciplinary Encounters 16 (2):212-224.
    Pierre Bayle’ın Tarihsel ve Eleştirel Sözlük adlı eserindeki “Spinoza” maddesi, Spinoza felsefesinin temel meselelerine dair genel bir bakış sunar. Söz konusu maddenin burada çevirisi sunduğumuz “N Çıkması”nda ise Bayle, özellikle Spinoza’nın Ethica adlı eserine odaklanarak kip, değişiklik, töz ve Tanrı gibi Spinoza metafiziğinin temel kavramlarına yönelik eleştiriler getirir.
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    A Philosophical Commentary on These Words of the Gospel, Luke 14:23, “Compel Them to Come In, That My House May Be Full”.Pierre Bayle - 2005 - Liberty Fund.
    (From Liberty Fund:) The topics of church and state, religious toleration, the legal enforcement of religious practices, and religiously motivated violence on the part of individuals have once again become burning issues. Pierre Bayle’s Philosophical Commentary was a major attempt to deal with very similar problems three centuries ago. His argument is that if the orthodox have the right and duty to persecute, then every sect will persecute, since every sect considers itself orthodox. The result will be mutual (...)
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  20. Recueil de Quelques Pieces Curieuses Concernant la Philosophie de Monsieur Descartes.Pierre Bayle, François Bernier, Nicolas Malebranche, L'abbe de Lanion & Henri Desbordes - 1684 - Chez Henry Desbordes, ..
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    Œuvres diverses.Pierre Bayle & Alain Niderst - 1964 - Hildesheim,: G. Olms. Edited by Alain Niderst.
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    Historisches und kritisches Wörterbuch: Zweiter Teil der Auswahl. Dictionnaire historique et critique.Pierre Bayle - 2011 - Meiner, F.
    Pierre Bayles "Dictionnaire historique et critique" (1. Aufl. 1697) ist als die "Bibel" oder, in den Worten Wilhelm Diltheys, als die "Rüstkammer der Aufklärung" bezeichnet worden. Die Attraktion, die es nicht nur auf die zeitgenössischen Leser ausübte, beruht in erster Linie auf dem Geist nüchterner, vorurteilsfreier Prüfung, der das ganze Werk durchzieht. Diese Grundhaltung traf den Nerv und das Lebensgefühl des 18. Jahrhunderts, das sich nach Kants Worten nur dem verpflichtet fühlte, was vor dem "Richterstuhl der Vernunft" legitimiert worden (...)
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    Pensées diverses sur la comète: édition critique avec une introduction et des notes.Pierre Bayle - 1911 - Paris: E. Cornély et cie.. Edited by A. Prat.
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  24. Œuvres diverses.Pierre Bayle - 1971 - Paris,: Éditions sociales.
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    Œuvres diverses.Pierre Bayle & Elisabeth Labrousse - 1964 - Hildesheim,: G. Olms. Edited by Alain Niderst.
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    First page preview.Pierre Bayle - 2007 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 (2).
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    Ce que c'est que la France toute catholique: sous le règne de Louis le Grand.Pierre Bayle - 1973 - Librairie philosophique J. Vrin.
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    Système De Philosophie, Contenant La Logique Et La Métaphysique..Pierre Bayle, Samuel Pitra & G. J. Decker - 2019 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  29. Theologisch-Politische Tractat Spinoza's.Benedictus de Spinoza & Pierre Bayle - 1876 - Weisz.
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  30. Het Leven van B. De Spinoza, Met Eenige Aanteekeningen Over Zyn Bedryf, Schriften, En Gevoelens [From the Dictionnaire]. Nevens Een Kort Betoog Voen de Waarheit des Christelyken Godtsdiensts Door den Heer Jaquelot. Vertaalt Door F. Halma.Pierre Bayle, François Halma & Isaac Jaquelot - 1698
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    III. Éclaircissement. Que ce qui a été dit du pyrrhonisme, dans ce dictionnaire, ne peut point préjudicier à la religion. [REVIEW]Pierre Bayle - 2008 - Cahiers Philosophiques 115 (3):98-112.
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  32. Cogitationes Rationales de Deo, Anima et Malo, Œuvres diverses. Volumes supplémentaires, n° III.Pierre Poiret, Marjolaine Chevallier & Pierre Bayle - 1993 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 98 (1):282-283.
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    Le Porte-Feuille d'un Philosophe, ou Mélange de pièces philosophiques, politiques, critiques, satyriques&galantes, etc. [Collected by the Abbé H. J. Dulaurens.].Henri-Joseph du Laurens, Pierre Bayle & Marteau - 1770 - Chez Pierre Marteau, Fils.
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  34. Les Fondements Philosophiques de la Tol'erance En France Et En Angleterre au Xviie Siáecle.Yves Charles Zarka, Franck Lessay, G. A. J. Rogers & Pierre Bayle - 2002
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  35. Political Writings [from the Historical and Critical Dictionary].Pierre Bayle - 2000
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  36. Bayle's Dictionary: Historical and Critical: By Peter Bayle, the Second Edition, to Which is Prefixed, the Life of the Author.
    Revised, Corrected and Enlarged, by Pierre Desmaizeaux, Fellow of the Royal Society.
    Peter Bayle - 1997 - Routledge.
    Bayle's Dictionary is one of the best known and most influential works of the eighteenth century. Banned in Catholic France on first publication in 1697 it became a bestseller and ran into several editions and translations. Its merciless scientific and philosophical enquiring challenged all assumptions and blind reverence for authority, setting new standards for all future encyclopedists. This second English edition is enlarged from the fourth French edition, which in turn had been much enlarged from Bayle's manuscripts. Edited (...)
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  37. Luc daireaux.Pierre Bayle en Normandie - 2010 - In Philippe de Robert, Claudine Pailhès & Hubert Bost (eds.), Le rayonnement de Bayle. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation. pp. 127.
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    Bayle, Pierre.Kristen Irwin - 2015 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Pierre Bayle Pierre Bayle was a seventeenth-century French skeptical philosopher and historian. He is best known for his encyclopedic work The Historical and Critical Dictionary, a work which was widely influential on eighteenth-century figures such as Voltaire and Thomas Jefferson. Bayle is traditionally described as a skeptic, though … Continue reading Bayle, Pierre →.
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    Pierre Bayle, Matter, and the Unity of Consciousness.Jean-Pierre Schachter - 2002 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):241 - 265.
    There were three such assumptions required, one explicitly stated, and two not made explicit until Bayle. The explicit one was a certain commonly accepted double understanding of ‘destruction’: a ‘natural’ version, which made it no more than a change in a particular arrangement or ‘organization’ of particles through which an aggregate was destroyed by losing its identity, and a metaphysical version, which entailed the actual annihilation of a substance. It was assumed that the latter could be accomplished only by (...)
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    BAYLE, Pierre, De la tolérance. Commentaire philosophique sur ces paroles de Jésus-Christ «Contrains-les d'entrer»BAYLE, Pierre, De la tolérance. Commentaire philosophique sur ces paroles de Jésus-Christ «Contrains-les d'entrer».Marie-Anne Solasse - 1995 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 51 (1):201-204.
  41. Le "Dictionnaire" de Bayle et la lutte philosophique au XVIIIe siècle.Pierre Rétat - 1971 - Paris,: les Belles lettres.
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    Le moment machiavélien de Pierre Bayle.Gianni Paganini - 2018 - Archives de Philosophie 81 (4):709-728.
    À travers l’analyse des articles « florentins » du Dictionnaire historique et critique (Machiavel, Guichardin, Savonarole) l’auteur essaie de voir comment Bayle a lu Le Prince et les Discours de Machiavel sur des sujets cruciaux pour sa pensée : le rapport religion-politique, mais aussi la réflexion sur la république et la démocratie, la relation entre morale et société, la figure du prophète « armé » ou « désarmé ». Avec son anti-conformisme intellectuel coutumier, Bayle se distingue tant de (...)
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    Bayle's Relations with England and the English.Leo Pierre Courtines - 1940 - Philosophical Review 49 (4):475-476.
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    Pierre Bayle: hétérodoxie et rigorisme.Elisabeth Labrousse - 1996 - Editions Albin Michel.
    De Pierre Bayle, la tradition critique a longtemps voulu ne faire qu'un précurseur des Lumières. C'était trop négliger la personnalité et la pensée du théologien calviniste, et le considérer comme un auteur mineur. En 1964, Élizabeth Labrousse, directeur de recherches au CNRS et grande historienne du protestantisme, publiait son Pierre Bayle qui allait vite s'imposer comme l'ouvrage de référence sur le réfugié de Rotterdam. Grâce à ce livre en deux volumes, l'auteur du Dictionnaire Critique retrouvait enfin (...)
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  45.  21
    Pierre Bayle and Richard Simon: toleration, natural law, and the Old Testament.James Michael Hooks - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (4):382-401.
    ABSTRACT Pierre Bayle developed an expansive theory of toleration in his Commentaire philosophique by arguing that tolerance is a universal principle of natural law. However, by situating toleration in natural law rather than positive law, Bayle was brought into theoretical conflict with the Old Testament injunction that the state should punish idolatry. To resolve this conflict, Bayle drew upon the work of early modern Hebraists, particularly the Catholic biblical scholar Richard Simon. Bayle adapted Simon’s idea (...)
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    Pierre Bayle, on his own terms: comments on Dmitri Levitin's the Kingdom of Darkness.Suzanne Marchand - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    Dmitri Levitin's extremely erudite study of the works and intellectual worlds of Isaac Newton and Pierre Bayle demands that we take these early modern scholars on their own terms, rather than testing their qualifications to be deemed 'enlightened.' In the case of Bayle, Levitin emphasizes the importance of his antipathy to scholastic philosophy and his debts to the theological debates in contemporary France and the Low Countries.
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  47. Between atheism and tolerance-on the historical effects of Bayle, Pierre (1647-1706).Theodor G. Bucher - 1985 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 92 (2):353-379.
  48. (2 other versions)Pierre Bayle.Michael W. Hickson - 2022 - Oxford Bibliographies in Renaissance and Reformation.
    An annotated bibliography of the primary and secondary literature of Pierre Bayle.
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    Pierre Bayle, the Rights of the Conscience, the "Remedy" of Toleration.Gianluca Mori - 1997 - Ratio Juris 10 (1):45-60.
    Pierre Bayle (1647–1706) is often considered one of the staunchest defenders of toleration, especially in the domain of religion. His Commentaire philosophique, published in 1686, one year after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, argued for a broad idea of toleration, to be extended with no exceptions to all sects and religions. However, his thought can hardly be reduced to an exaltation of the “rights of the conscience,” for he realized very soon that such an exaltation risks (...)
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  50.  98
    Pierre Bayles Verteidigung des irrenden Gewissens und das Paradox der Toleranz.Peter Königs - 2015 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 101 (1):16-31.
    Bayle is famous for his defence of religious toleration. In this paper, I will call into question his main argument for toleration, his defence of the erring conscience. While it is often maintained that the argument is self-defeating, my claim will be more fundamental: His defence of the erring conscience does not even qualify as an argument for toleration in the first place, at least not for toleration as it is commonly understood. The argument has been misconceived by both (...)
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