Results for 'Barlaam'

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  1.  36
    Barlaam of Seminara on Stoic Ethics.John Sellars & Charles Hogg - 2022 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    This volume contains the first critical edition and translation of Barlaam of Seminara's fourteenth century treatise Ethics According to the Stoics , along with a series of interpretative essays explaining its content and context. Barlaam's text is the earliest interpretative work written on Stoic ethics, a product of the burgeoning Italian Renaissance but also drawing on Barlaam's experience in the Byzantine intellectual world of Constantinople. Intriguingly, it offers a radically different account of the Stoic theory of emotions (...)
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  2.  14
    Barlaam und Josaphat‘ Überlegungen zur Bildwürdigkeit der Askese im Mittelalter.Gottfried Kerscher - 2010 - Das Mittelalter 15 (1):66-81.
    The contribution concentrates on the graphic representation of asceticism and ascetic life forms as it is perceived in a late medieval version of the legend of ‘Barlaam and Josaphat’. The legend was handed down from a Buddhist text version first in Byzantium and later in the West; the often illustrated German vernacular version of Rudolf von Ems forms the basis of the contribution. Asceticism served as a self-compulsatory voluntary decision for the acquisition of divine mercy in all of these (...)
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  3. Barlaam de seminara traité sur la date de pâques.Anne Tihon - 2011 - Byzantion 81:362-411.
    This paper gives a critical edition of the Treatise on the Easter Computus of Barlaam of Seminara, with a French translation and commentary. Written around 1333 this treatise demonstrates systematically and scientifically why the Easter Canon used at that time by the Church is superseded. Nevertheless Barlaam advises that the usual Canon should not be changed. In spite of its objectivity, Barlaam's treatise must be seen in the context of his rivalry with Nicephorus Gregoras, who had already (...)
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    Αύσεις εἰς τὰς ἐπενεχθείσας αὐτῷ ἀπορίας [Barlaam the Calabrian, Solutions].Robert E. Sinkewicz - 1981 - Mediaeval Studies 43 (1):151-217.
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    Barlaam de Seminara, Traités sur les éclipses de soleil de 1333 et 1337.D. Pingree - 1980 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 73 (1).
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  6. Ho Barlaam kai hē philosophia eis tēn Thessalonikēn.Giuseppe Schirò - 1959
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    “Palamism” and “Barlaamism” in the Russian Name-Glorifiers Controversy of the 1910s: The Philosophical Background.Dmitry Biriukov - forthcoming - Sophia:1-16.
    I find two lines of interpretation of the philosophical status of “Palamism” and “Barlaamism” in the Russian thought of the late 19th to early twentieth centuries. One of these lines links Palamism with Aristotelianism and nominalism, and Barlaamism with Platonism and realism. The other line, conversely, connects Palamism with Platonism and Barlaamism with nominalism. I trace in detail the development and transformation of these lines in the course of the Name-Glorifiers controversy of the 1910s. I show the impact of the (...)
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  8.  22
    Medizinisches im Barlaam-Roman: Ein Streifzug durch den hochsprachlichen griechischen Text, seine Vorläufer, Parallelen und Nachdichtungen.Robert Volk - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 99 (1):145-193.
    Der Titel der vorliegenden Studie mag verwundern, gilt doch die Erbauliche Geschichte von Barlaam und Ioasaph als „dogmatischer Roman oder eine in Form eines Romans eingekleidete Dogmatik“ bzw. als „der berühmteste und beste geistliche Roman des Mittelalters“. Von seinem eigentlichen Ursprung an – einer Lebensbeschreibung Buddhas – weist der Barlaam jedoch verschiedene Passagen von im weitesten Sinn medizinischer Thematik auf, und diese sind eine zu Vergleichszwecken vorzüglich geeignete überschaubare Auswahl, die den Blick auf einige durchaus beachtenswerte Details zu (...)
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  9.  18
    Der Roman Barlaam und Joasaph in seinem Verhältnis zu Agapets Königsspiegel.Karl Praechter - 1893 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 2 (3).
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    Le Epistole greche di Barlaam Calabro.Michele Trizio - 2005 - Quaestio 5 (1):619-630.
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    Further Evidence on the Ancient, Patristic, and Byzantine Sources of Barlaam the Calabrian's Contra Latinos.John A. Demetracopoulos - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (1):83-122.
    A. Fyrigos, professor of Patristic and Byzantine Philosophy at the «Universitas Gregoriana» and specialist on Barlaam the Calabrian (ca. 1290–1348), has recently edited B.'s anti-Latin works —twenty one works in number—written on the occasion of the ecclesiastical-political negotiations he held in Constantinople with the legates Francesco da Camerino and Richard of England during 1334 and 1335, focused on the Filioque and intended to promote some sort of union between the Eastern and Western Church. This edition, which is prefaced by (...)
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  12. Long story : "Barlaam and Josaphat", "Physiologus" and their influence on a Wallachian Speculum Principis from the 16th century.Mihai Grigore - 2019 - In Alexandra Cuffel & Nikolas Jaspert (eds.), Entangled hagiographies of the religious other. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
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    the Sources Of Barlaam And Joasaph.J. Rendel Harris - 1925 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 9 (1):119-129.
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  14.  36
    St. John Damascene, Barlaam and Joasaph. [REVIEW]W. K. Lowther Clarke - 1914 - The Classical Review 28 (8):280-281.
  15.  73
    The doctrine of the knowledge of God in the early writings of Barlaam the Calabrian.Robert E. Sinkewicz - 1982 - Mediaeval Studies 44 (1):181-242.
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  16.  71
    The Buddha of Christendom: A Review of the Legend of Barlaam and Josaphat. [REVIEW]Philip Almond - 1987 - Religious Studies 23 (3):391 - 406.
    Through the Manichaeans, the Islamic world, and the Christian East, the story of the Buddha became known to the Christian West. If the teachings of the Buddha reached the West in an attenuated form, his life and the ascetic ideal which it symbolized were a positive force in the spiritual life of Christendom. It is one of the vicissitudes of history for which Christianity and Buddhism can both feel grateful. For the Legend of Barlaam and Josaphat demonstrates powerfully the (...)
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  17.  45
    St. John Damascene: Barlaam and Ioasaph. English translation by G. R. Woodward and H. Mattingly, Introduction by D. M. Lang. (Loeb Classical Library.) Pp. xxxv+640. London: Heinemann, 1967. Cloth, 25 s. net. [REVIEW]H. Chadwick - 1969 - The Classical Review 19 (01):104-105.
  18.  34
    La estructura narrativa de la versión bizantina de la Historia de Barlaam y Josafat.Pedro Bádenas - 1996 - Augustinianum 36 (1):213-229.
  19.  10
    Vera Johanterwage, Buddha in Bergen: Die altnordische “Barlaams ok Josaphats saga.” (Skandinavistische Arbeiten 25.) Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2019. Pp. 304; 17 black-and-white figures, 10 tables, and 2 stemmata. €49. ISBN: 978-3-8253-6743-5. [REVIEW]Jens Eike Schnall - 2021 - Speculum 96 (1):230-232.
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  20.  26
    Theodori Dexii Opera omnia, edidit Ioannes D. POLEMIS. Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca 55.Hans-Veit Beyer - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 98 (1):126-129.
    Die vorliegende Arbeit besteht, von Beigaben wie Indizes und Bibliographie abgesehen, aus einer 124 Seiten umfassenden Einleitung und einer 328 Seiten umfassenden vollständigen Werkausgabe des bisher wenig bekannten Antipalamiten Theodoros Dexios. Seine Schriften, eine von POLEMIS (P.) als „Appellatio“ bezeichnete Beschwerde über die Voreingenommenheit des Ioannes Kantakuzenos auf dem Konzil von 1351, zwei Briefe und ein von P. so genannter „Tractatus brevis de Christo ipso splendente in Transfiguratione“ sind anonym überliefert, zudem auch ohne Überschriften. Zu Beginn der Einleitung wird G. (...)
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  21.  25
    Antonio Rigo, La „Cronaca delle Meteore“. La storia dei monasteri della Tessaglia tra XIII e XVI secolo.Ljubomir Maksimović - 2005 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (1):243-244.
    Im Grunde stellt das Buch eine neue (die dritte) Ausgabe, diesmal die echt kritische Ausgabe, der sogennanten Chronik der Meteora (nach den ungenügend bearbeiteten Ausgaben von L. Heuzey und F.I. Uspenskij im 19. Jh.) dar. Außer der Ausgabe mit italienischer Übersetzung (S. 122–139) bietet aber der Herausgeber auch eine ausführliche Einführungsstudie (S. 13–120), sowie ebenso ausführliche historische Kommentare (S. 143–173). Die Ausgabe ist auf Grund der Handschriften aus dem Kl. Barlaam (heute Petrop. Gr.251.I) und Kl. des Hl. Stefan entstanden. (...)
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  22.  12
    The Question on the Divine Distinction and the Divine Energies in Gregory Palamas.Christos Terezis & Lydia Petridou - 2017 - Philotheos 17:72-83.
    In this study, focusing our attention on Gregory Palamas’ treatise under the title Περί θείας ενώσεως και διακρίσεως, we attempt to investigate, first of all, the volitional nature and the polymorphism of the divine energies and their relation to the divine essence. We also attempt to approach the divine distinction as a good “procession” and to prove, relying exclusively on the Christian thinker’s text, the inconsistencies according to his view that arise from the positions supported by Barlaam and Akindynos (...)
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  23.  16
    Isichasm in the spiritual culture of Kiev and Moscow Rus.N. S. Zhyrtuyeva - 2000 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 14:62-69.
    For Byzantium, the XIV century was the time of its last elevation in culture, which was called "Paleologic Renaissance." His main content was "hesychast disputes", which lasted for thirty years and took frequent political forms. The main subjects of this discussion were, on the one hand, the Calabrian monk Barlaam, who came from Italy, where he received Latin education, and on the other hand, the Thessalonian Metropolitan Gregory Palam, who spoke on behalf of the Athos monks. The followers of (...)
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  24. Quest for the Divine Presence: Metaphysics of Participation and the Relation of Philosophy to Theology in St. Gregory Palamas's "Triads" and "One Hundred and Fifty Chapters".Scott F. Pentecost - 1999 - Dissertation, The Catholic University of America
    The debate over the possibility of Christian philosophy remains largely intractable because of the modern assumption of a sharp distinction between philosophy and theology. The metaphysical basis of this assumption is an understanding of the world's relationship to God that emphasizes efficient causality and thus introduces a hiatus between the world and God. This contrastive understanding of transcendence parallels insistence on the disciplinary distinction between philosophy and theology. ;St. Gregory Palamas , in his two major works, the Triads and One (...)
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  25.  84
    Dialogue Between an Orthodox and a Barlaamite, and: The Ground of Union: Deification in Aquinas and Palamas (review). [REVIEW]David Bradshaw - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (4):586-588.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Dialogue Between an Orthodox and a Barlaamite, and: The Ground of Union: Deification in Aquinas and PalamasDavid BradshawSaint Gregory Palamas. Dialogue Between an Orthodox and a Barlaamite. Translated by Rein Ferweda with Introduction by Sara J. Denning-Bolle. Binghamton, NY: Global Publications/CEMERS, 1999. Pp. 108. Paper, $17.00.A. N. Williams. The Ground of Union: Deification in Aquinas and Palamas. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp. 222. Cloth, (...)
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  26.  31
    The Wisdom of Balahvar. [REVIEW]P. R. - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (2):325-325.
    The interest of this Georgian ancestor of the Barlaam and Josophat romance lies in the relative nearness of the Christian version in time and in its ethical attitudes to the probable Buddhist Sanskrit original.--R. P.
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