Results for 'Barbra Sabota'

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  1.  22
    Retorno à sombra de uma mangueira.Barbra Sabota, Ricardo Regis de Almeida & Rodrigo Milhomem de Moura - 2021 - Filosofia E Educação 13 (2):2212-2234.
    De natureza qualitativo-interpretativista, nosso estudo objetiva relacionar a educação linguística crítico-decolonial, bem como nossas experiências de vida e formação com as praxiologias freirianas. Redigimos narrativas autobiográficas a partir do questionamento: Como se deu seu primeiro encontro com a práxis freiriana? Produzimos, ainda, uma narrativa biográfica de Paulo, em bricolagem, com dados encontrados em cinco de suas obras. Como resultado de nossos esforços, acreditamos que este texto fortaleceu nosso sonho de vivenciar uma educação pública de qualidade, que encoraje mais sujeitos na (...)
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    Moral theory in Śāntideva's Śikṣāsamuccaya: cultivating the fruits of virtue.Barbra R. Clayton - 2006 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Śāntideva.
    This book analyses the moral theory of the seventh century Indian Mahayana master, Santideva. Santideva is the author of the well-known religious poem the Bodhicaryavatara (Entering the Path of Enlightenment) , as well as the significant, but relatively overlooked, Siksasamuccaya (Compendium of Teachings) . Both of these works describe the nature and path of the bodhisattva, the altruistic spiritual ideal especially exalted in Mahayana literature. With particular focus on the Siksasamuccaya , this work offers a response to three questions: What (...)
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  3.  24
    Textual analysis of retired nurses’ oral histories.Barbra Mann Wall, Nancy E. Edwards & Marjorie L. Porter - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (4):279-288.
    This paper considers the use of textual analysis of oral histories as a method for historians of nursing. Fifty‐three oral histories of retired nurses in midwestern USA were analyzed for the purpose of historical reconstruction of past education experiences in nursing. Textual analysis was used to determine how nurses made sense of their educational experiences, and it involved gathering data, analyzing the information, and using a different method of interpreting the data. Although the participants responded to specific questions, the oral (...)
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    Beyond the received narrative: finding the voice for a history of all nurses.Sioban Nelson & Barbra Wall - 2010 - Nursing Inquiry 17 (2):93-94.
  5.  28
    Consent forms and the therapeutic misconception.Nancy M. P. King, Gail E. Henderson, Larry R. Churchill, Arlene M. Davis, Sara Chandros Hull, Daniel K. Nelson, P. Christy Parham-Vetter, Barbra Bluestone Rothschild, Michele M. Easter & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2005 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 27 (1):1-7.
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    Everyday ethical challenges of nurse-physician collaboration.Motshedisi Sabone, Pelonomi Mazonde, Francesca Cainelli, Maseba Maitshoko, Renatha Joseph, Judith Shayo, Baraka Morris, Marjorie Muecke, Barbra Mann Wall, Linda Hoke, Lilian Peng, Kim Mooney-Doyle & Connie M. Ulrich - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):206-220.
    Background: Collaboration between physicians and nurses is key to improving patient care. We know very little about collaboration and interdisciplinary practice in African healthcare settings. Research question/aim: The purpose of this study was to explore the ethical challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration in clinical practice and education in Botswana Participants and research context: This qualitative descriptive study was conducted with 39 participants (20 physicians and 19 nurses) who participated in semi-structured interviews at public hospitals purposely selected to represent the three levels (...)
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  7. We acknowledge with thanks receipt of the following titles. Inclusion in this list neither implies nor precludes subsequent review. Ariarajah, S. Wesley, Axis of Peace: Christian Faith in Times of Violence and War (Geneva: WCC Publications, 2004). 137 pp. no price (pb), ISBN. [REVIEW]R. J. Berry, Michael Brierley, David A. Brondos, Elizabeth M. Bucar, Barbra Barnett & Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2006 - Studies in Christian Ethics 19:273-276.
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    Who Shall Take Care of Our Sick? Roman Catholic Sisters and the Development of Catholic Hospitals in New York City by Bernadette McCauley and Unlikely Entrepreneurs: Catholic Sisters and the Hospital Marketplace, 1865–1925 by Barbra Mann Wall. [REVIEW]Joseph J. Piccione - 2011 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 11 (1):183-189.
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    ‘It's all there in the language’—a conversation with Garrett Stewart.David LaRocca - 2024 - Philosophical Investigations 47 (3):278-297.
    What does a famed literary theorist have to say about the interaction between ‘literature’ and ‘philosophy’? Well, if he's Garrett Stewart, the celebrated agent of pyrotechnic style in the service of durable insights across disparate disciplines and media, then we have much reason to lean in and listen. Stewart is the author of 20 books that range with uncanny competency across Victorian narrative, contemporary American fiction, written auralities, poetics and prose stylistics, cinematic evolution from silver oxide to screen pixel, book (...)
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