Results for 'Barbara Goodrich-Dunn'

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  1.  38
    The Changing Composition of Canadian Boards of Directors.Paul Dunn & Barbara Sainty - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:230-233.
    This paper reports the first stage of our research agenda concerning the factors that influence the appointment of individuals to Canadian boards of directors. This particular study begins our examination of the role of women on boards. We focus on three interrelated aspects: the characteristics of the women who are appointed to boards, the characteristics of the firm that appoints a woman to an all-male board of directors, and the relationship, if any, between female directors and corporate social behaviour. The (...)
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    Modeling the Relationships Between Metacognitive Beliefs, Attention Control and Symptoms in Children With and Without Anxiety Disorders: A Test of the S-REF Model.Marie Louise Reinholdt-Dunne, Andreas Blicher, Henrik Nordahl, Nicoline Normann, Barbara Hoff Esbjørn & Adrian Wells - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Public involvement in the governance of population-level biomedical research: unresolved questions and future directions.Sonja Erikainen, Phoebe Friesen, Leah Rand, Karin Jongsma, Michael Dunn, Annie Sorbie, Matthew McCoy, Jessica Bell, Michael Burgess, Haidan Chen, Vicky Chico, Sarah Cunningham-Burley, Julie Darbyshire, Rebecca Dawson, Andrew Evans, Nick Fahy, Teresa Finlay, Lucy Frith, Aaron Goldenberg, Lisa Hinton, Nils Hoppe, Nigel Hughes, Barbara Koenig, Sapfo Lignou, Michelle McGowan, Michael Parker, Barbara Prainsack, Mahsa Shabani, Ciara Staunton, Rachel Thompson, Kinga Varnai, Effy Vayena, Oli Williams, Max Williamson, Sarah Chan & Mark Sheehan - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (7):522-525.
    Population-level biomedical research offers new opportunities to improve population health, but also raises new challenges to traditional systems of research governance and ethical oversight. Partly in response to these challenges, various models of public involvement in research are being introduced. Yet, the ways in which public involvement should meet governance challenges are not well understood. We conducted a qualitative study with 36 experts and stakeholders using the World Café method to identify key governance challenges and explore how public involvement can (...)
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    Emotion Understanding in Clinically Anxious Children: A Preliminary Investigation.Patrick K. Bender, Francisco Pons, Paul L. Harris, Barbara H. Esbjørn & Marie L. Reinholdt-Dunne - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  5. Reliability: an introduction.Stefano Bonzio, Jürgen Landes & Barbara Osimani - 2020 - Synthese (Suppl 23):1-10.
    How we can reliably draw inferences from data, evidence and/or experience has been and continues to be a pressing question in everyday life, the sciences, politics and a number of branches in philosophy (traditional epistemology, social epistemology, formal epistemology, logic and philosophy of the sciences). In a world in which we can now longer fully rely on our experiences, interlocutors, measurement instruments, data collection and storage systems and even news outlets to draw reliable inferences, the issue becomes even more pressing. (...)
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  6. Is Iconic Memory Iconic?Jake Quilty-Dunn - 2019 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 101 (3):660-682.
    Short‐term memory in vision is typically thought to divide into at least two memory stores: a short, fragile, high‐capacity store known as iconic memory, and a longer, durable, capacity‐limited store known as visual working memory (VWM). This paper argues that iconic memory stores icons, i.e., image‐like perceptual representations. The iconicity of iconic memory has significant consequences for understanding consciousness, nonconceptual content, and the perception–cognition border. Steven Gross and Jonathan Flombaum have recently challenged the division between iconic memory and VWM by (...)
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  7. Attention and encapsulation.Jake Quilty-Dunn - 2020 - Mind and Language 35 (3):335-349.
    The question of whether perception is encapsulated from cognition has been a major topic in the study of perception in the past decade. One locus of debate concerns the role of attention. Some theorists argue that attention is a vehicle for widespread violations of encapsulation; others argue that certain forms of cognitively driven attention are compatible with encapsulation, especially if attention only modulates inputs. This paper argues for an extreme thesis: no effect of attention, whether on the inputs to perception (...)
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    On De-Mythologizing Whitehead’s Actual Entity.Barbara Parsons - 1974 - Tulane Studies in Philosophy 23:98-105.
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    The Deteleologization of Nature: Darwin’s Language in On the Origin of Species.Bárbara Jiménez Pazos - 2018 - Metaphysica 19 (2):185-200.
    Although a detailed analysis of Darwin’s lexicon inOn the Origin of Specieshas not been undertaken, critical literature claims that there are lexical signs of a teleological nature in the language used in this work. I intend to refute, through an analysis of the lexicon in Darwin’s work, the criticisms that claim a teleological subtext in Darwin’s language and that conceive said language to be a reflection of a teleological conception of nature. I will place special emphasis on the lexical material (...)
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  10. Kulturowy kontekst wyborów perswazyjnych w komunikacji społecznej.Barbara Pogonowska - 1999 - Prakseologia 139 (139).
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  11. Image ethics: Security and manipulation of digital images.Barbara Rockenbach - 2000 - Journal of Information Ethics 9 (2):66-71.
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  12. A Critical Reflection On Utilitarianism As The Basis For Psychiatric Ethics.Barbara Russell - 2007 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 2:1-4.
    Utilitarianism is one of the “grand Enlightenment” moral philosophies. It provides a means of evaluating the ethical implications of common and unusual situations faced by psychiatrists, and offers a logical and ostensibly scientific method of moral justification and action. In this first of our two papers, we trace the evolution of utilitarianism into a contemporary moral theory and review the main theoretical critiques. In the second paper we contextualize utilitarianism in psychiatry and consider its function within the realm of the (...)
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  13. The difference between definite and indefinite descriptions.Barbara Abbott - manuscript
  14.  58
    Desplazamientos en torno a la corporalidad. Entre la ética de la liberación y la perspectiva descolonial.Bárbara Aguer - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (169):33-59.
    Se reconstruyen las diferencias alrededor del tratamiento de la corporalidad en dos corrientes contemporáneas del pensamiento latinoamericano: la filosofía de la liberación y la perspectiva descolonial. Ambas se inscriben en un campo filosófico comprendido como conocimiento situado, lo que significa que dichas perspectivas, al visibilizar su propio lugar de enunciación, realizan una sistematización críticaracional, fundada en la experiencia concreta, histórica y sensible de la herida colonial. En el marco que configura este punto de partida reflexivo, el lugar asignado a la (...)
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  15. Błąd naturalistyczny — analiza i krytyka. Metaetyczne źródło sporu o naturalizowanie epistemologii.Barbara Trybulec - 2013 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 19 (2).
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    The representation theorem for the algebras determined by the fragments of infinite-valued logic of Lukasiewicz.Barbara Wozniakowska - 1978 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 7 (4):176-178.
    In this paper we shall give a characterization of D-algebras in terms of lattice ordered abelian groups. To make this paper self-contained we shall recall some notations from [4]. The symbols !; ^; _; serve as implication, conjunction, disjunction, and negation, respectively. By D we mean a set of connectives from the list above containing the implication connective !. By a D-formula we mean a formula built up in a usual way from an innite set of the propositional variables and (...)
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    Self-empowerment: How to survive your job.Barbara Bertagni - 2006 - Philosophical Practice 2 (3):179-182.
    Managers are expected to actively build their role, shaping and adjusting it day after day on their own company needs and on market upheaval. In our society development became one of the keywords: development at all costs, continuous growth, economic growth, professional development, purchasing power growth. Inside this logic a self-empowerment or coaching project are frequntly required, and really often the consultant acts inside the same logic of development at all cost. When the adviser agrees to this request without opening (...)
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  18. Who will read this body? An a/r/tographic statement.Barbara Bickel - 2008 - In Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor & Richard Siegesmund, Arts-based research in education: foundations for practice. New York: Routledge.
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    Straw Godzilla: Engaging the academy and research ethics in artistic research projects.Barbara Bolt & Robert Vincs - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (12):1304-1318.
    In Australia, the university ethics approval process is guided by the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research. The National Statement does not provide a hurdle to be overcome or avoided, nor is it a Godzilla-like monster that must be slain for truth to survive. Rather the National Statement provides an affirmation of an abiding respect for all life and a mechanism for beginning the intelligent questioning, theorization and contextualization for a work of art. Focusing specifically on the emergent (...)
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  20. "Vom Grund des Grundgesetzes": zeitgeschichtliche Dimensionen des Wirkens von Theodor Litt 1947 bis 1962.Barbara Drinck, Peter Gutjahr-Löser & Dieter Schulz (eds.) - 2013 - Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
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  21. 10 “Pop genes”.Barbara Duden & Silja Samerski - 2007 - In Regula Valérie Burri & Joseph Dumit, Biomedicine as Culture: Instrumental Practices, Technoscientific Knowledge, and New Modes of Life. Routledge. pp. 6--167.
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    Managed Care Takes to the Highway: Implications for Insureds.Barbara J. Gilchrist - 2001 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 29 (2):203-219.
    Automobile insurance companies are joining the move to managed care in the hopes of reducing health-care expenditures arising out of automobile accidents. Industry interest is strong enough that large managed care organizations, such as Concentra Managed Care, Inc., and HNC Insurance Solutions, are beginning to offer their existing network of providers to persons seeking medical care for automobile accident injuries and their evaluation software to insurers.While insurance companies have successfully pressed four state legislatures and one commissioner of insurance for authorization (...)
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    Dream Trackers: Yapa Art and Knowledge of the Australian Desert.Barbara Glowczewski - 2004 - Anthropology of Consciousness 15 (2):69-70.
  24.  4
    Was bleibt von der Menschlichkeit? Widerstreitende Menschenbilder im kybernetischen Zeitalter.Barbara Henry - 2023 - In Kevin Liggieri & Marco Tamborini, Homo technologicus: Menschenbilder in den Technikwissenschaften des 21. Jahrhunderts. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 55-68.
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    Dancing on the head of a pin? Foetal life and the european convention.Barbara Hewson - 2005 - Feminist Legal Studies 13 (3):363-375.
    The case of Vo v. France represents the latest phase of the European Court of Human Rights’ thinking on the scope of Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights (the right to life) in relation to foetal life where a foetus had been lost owing to a medical accident. The Court by a majority decided that, “even assuming” Article 2 applied to the instant case (albeit to the life of the pregnant woman rather than that of the foetus), (...)
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  26.  14
    Taking Laughter Seriously.Barbara Houston - 2009 - Philosophy of Education 65:213-216.
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    Noël Coypel’s educational journey to Rome at the end of 1672 and the beginning of 1673.Barbara Hryszko - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 27 (2):217-232.
    The aim of this article is to present the circumstances of Noël Coypel’s appointment as rector of the French Academy in Rome and to trace the route of his didactic journey from Paris to Rome with the Prix de Rome scholars entrusted to him. The paper is an attempt to answer the following questions: why a more difficult route through the Alps was chosen, in what way was the journey educational, and what role did the documents given to Coypel play (...)
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  28. W poszukiwaniu utraconego sensu.Barbara Markiewicz - 2000 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 34 (2):203-206.
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    Nietzsche’s Zoophobia.Barbara D. Massey - 1999 - Philosophical Topics 27 (1):147-165.
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    Podmiotowość w prawie międzynarodowym.Barbara Mielnik & Agata Wnukiewicz-Kozłowska (eds.) - 2013 - Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
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  31.  10
    Campaign against Pornography.Barbara Norden - 1990 - Feminist Review 35 (1):1-8.
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  32.  55
    Varieties of pseudo-interior algebras.Barbara Klunder - 2000 - Studia Logica 65 (1):113-136.
    The notion of a pseudo-interior algebra was introduced by Blok and Pigozzi in [BPIV]. We continue here our studies begun in [BK]. As a consequence of the representation theorem for pseudo-interior algebras given in [BK] we prove that the variety of all pseudo-interior algebras is generated by its finite members. This result together with Jónsson's Theorem for congruence distributive varieties provides a useful technique in the study of the lattice of varieties of pseudo-interior algebras.
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    Dead donors and the "shortage" of human organs: Are we missing the point?Barbara A. Koenig - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (1):26 – 27.
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  34. Dynamika ducha w twórczym procesie samorealizacji na ścieżce Vajrayany.Barbara Koehler - 2000 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 1:115-128.
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  35. Zjawisko buddyjskiego modernizmu.Barbara Koehler - 2003 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 4:131-139.
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  36.  19
    First Language Attrition and Dominance: Same Same or Different?Barbara Köpke & Dobrinka Genevska-Hanke - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:397002.
    We explore the relationship between first language attrition and language dominance, defined here as the relative availability of each of a bilingual’s languages with respect to language processing. We assume that both processes might represent two stages of one and the same phenomenon ( Schmid and Köpke, 2017 ; Köpke, 2018 ). While many researchers agree that language dominance changes repeatedly over the lifespan (e.g., Silva-Corvalan and Treffers-Daller, 2015 ), little is known about the precise time scales involved in dominance (...)
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  37. Women, Power, and Philosophy at Rome and Beyond.Barbara Levick - 2002 - In Gillian Clark & Tessa Rajak, Philosophy and Power in the Graeco-Roman World: Essays in Honour of Miriam Griffin. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Historical Representations and the Gendered Battleground of the 'Past': A Study of the Canterbury Heritage Museum.Barbara Read - 1996 - European Journal of Women's Studies 3 (2):115-130.
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    Correctable Myths About Research Misconduct in the Biomedical Sciences.Barbara K. Redman - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (2):621-629.
    A recent National Academy report on research integrity noted that policies are not evidence-based, with no formal entity responsible to attend to this deficit. Here we describe four areas of research misconduct regulations governing Public Health Service funded research that are empirically and/or ethically questionable. Policies for human subject protection, RM and conflict of interest are not harmonized, making it extremely difficult to deal with complex cases which often contain allegations in all of these areas. Second, detection of RM has (...)
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  40. Parables for Preachers: The Gospel of Luke. Year C.Barbara E. Reid - 2000
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  41.  16
    From the sws president: A sociological skeptic in the brave new world.Barbara Katz Rothman - 1998 - Gender and Society 12 (5):501-504.
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  42.  34
    On Landscapes by herrington, susan.Barbara Sandrisser - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 67 (3):353-355.
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  43. Intuition in Britannicus in The Existential Coordinates of the Human Condition: Poetic, Epic, Tragic. The Literary Genre.Barbara Woshinsky - 1984 - Analecta Husserliana 18:417-423.
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  44. Ethics and Responsibility in a London Borough.Barbara Goodwin - 1996
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  45. El performance del estatismo = Formen des stillstehens.Barbara Gronau - 2022 - In Idalia Sautto, Laguna Trujillo, Maria Paula, Manuel Bueno Botello & Savannah Beck, Blickwinkel: marasmo. Ciudad de México: Goethe-Institut Mexiko.
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    Monks and their enemies: a comparative approach.Barbara H. Rosenwein, Thomas Head & Sharon Farmer - 1991 - Speculum 66 (4):764-796.
    In a pioneering study Georges Duby showed how the system of justice that had prevailed in the Carolingian era ceased to function in the Mâconnais of the tenth century. His observations about the breakdown of public institutions opened up a new field of research, for they suggested the development in the tenth century of a unique set of judicial institutions and practices, different in kind from the traditional public order of the Roman and Roman-influenced Carolingian worlds. This was an important (...)
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    Orts- und Sachregister.Barbara Sasse - 2017 - In Die Ur- Und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie 1630-1850. De Gruyter. pp. 455-471.
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  48.  14
    What We Want: The Art of Marie Luplau and Emilie Mundt.Barbara Sjoholm - 2009 - Feminist Studies 35 (3):549-572.
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    A Meditation on Merit.Barbara S. Stengel - 2017 - Philosophy of Education 73:560-564.
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    Exploring the Nexus of Queer and Religious.Barbara S. Stengel - 2022 - Philosophy of Education 78 (4):1-10.
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