Results for 'Balázs Lénárt'

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  1.  23
    Adaptive inventory control in production systems.Balázs Lénárt, Katarzyna Grzybowska & Mónika Cimer - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho, Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 222--228.
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    Balazs on ChinaChinese Civilization and Bureaucracy.Conrad Schirokauer, Etienne Balazs, H. M. Wright & Arthur F. Wright - 1965 - Journal of the History of Ideas 26 (4):593.
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  3. Grounding, Essence, and Contingentism.Karol Lenart - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (5):2157-2172.
    According to grounding necessitarianism if some facts ground another fact, then the obtaining of the former necessitates the latter. Proponents of grounding contingentism argue against this claim, stating that it is possible for the former facts to obtain without necessitating the latter. In this article I discuss a recent argument from restricted accidental generalisations provided by contingentists that advances such possibility. I argue that grounding necessitarianism can be defended against it. To achieve this aim, I postulate a relationship between grounding (...)
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  4. Phenomenology as Philosophy of Revelation.Balázs M. Mezei - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (3):139-166.
    In this article I offer an interpretation of the fundamental problem of phenomenology in terms of a philosophy of revelation proposing in this way the renewal of the last important development of Western philosophy both in terms of its metaphysical aspiration and scientific relevance. After the general introduction, I outline the philosophical problem of revelation. I show how this philosophy influenced early phenomenology. I explain the underlying subject matter in the history of phenomenology, i.e. the notion of disclosure. I also (...)
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    Pragmatist Variations on Ethical and Intercultural Life.Lenart Škof - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    This is a book about pragmatism, intercultural philosophy, and ethics that attempts to bring to the fore the variations on the ethical and intercultural life of pragmatism, based on readings of William James, John Dewey, Richard Rorty, and Roberto Mangabeira Unger. To this foursome is added the leading feminist thinker of our age, Luce Irigaray.
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    Measuring Individual Differences in Decision Biases: Methodological Considerations.Balazs Aczel, Bence Bago, Aba Szollosi, Andrei Foldes & Bence Lukacs - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  7.  54
    Body and Religion: A Phenomenologico-empirical Interpretation of Rorty’s Neopragmatism.Lenart Skof - 2011 - Sophia 50 (1):91-99.
  8. Critical Whiteness Studies and the “Jewish Problem”.Balázs Berkovits - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialtheorie Und Philosophie 5 (1):86-102.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialtheorie und Philosophie Jahrgang: 5 Heft: 1 Seiten: 86-102.
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    Does the sovereign exist? Robert Musil’s political theology.Zoltán Balázs - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 83 (1):163-179.
    ABSTRACT The paper discusses a possible political theological interpretation of arguments developed in Robert Musil’s The Man Without Qualities. What emerges is that Musil pose a fundamental challenge to the possibility of any real analogy between God and the political sovereign, as suggested by Carl Schmitt. At stake is Austria as a yet-to-be-born modern sovereign. However, the novel shows why attempts to conceive it in an image of God all fail. After surveying four such attempts, the main focus will be (...)
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  10.  34
    From Fame to Glory. The Case of Prince Friedrich of Homburg.Zoltan Balazs - 2014 - Philosophical Investigations 37 (4):328-349.
    The paper examines the value of glory and offers a conception of it, which is developed by criticising other accounts and by arguing that the Homeric and the Biblical traditions have a remarkably similar, converging view on glory. A more detailed analysis of Heinrich von Kleist's The Prince Friedrich of Homburg serves to deepen this view and outline an account of glory that rests on the following claims: it is different from, although not entirely opposite to, fame; it is related (...)
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  11.  39
    Peano arithmetic as axiomatization of the time frame in logics of programs and in dynamic logics.Balázs Biró & Ildikó Sain - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 63 (3):201-225.
    Biró, B. and I. Sain, Peano arithmetic as axiomatization of the time frame in logics of programs and in dynamic logics, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 63 201-225. We show that one can prove the partial correctness of more programs using Peano's axioms for the time frames of three-sorted time models than using only Presburger's axioms, that is it is useful to allow multiplication of time points at program verification and in dynamic and temporal logics. We organized the paper (...)
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  12. Shame, Gender Violence, and Ethics: Terrors of Injustice.Lenart Skof & Shé M. Hawke (eds.) - 2021 - New York; London; Boulder; Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Through cutting-edge accounts and interdisciplinary critiques of shame, this collection responds to the epidemic of gendered violence that the world witnesses daily. Contributors expose and challenge how oppression and violence connect to regimes of injustice that have dominated modern times.
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  13. Human Rights and Access to Information.Bartlomiej Lenart & Miranda Koshelek - 2015 - Progressive Librarian (43).
    Unresolved disagreements on issues of access, censorship, and privacy within the information profession can be dangerous when entrepreneurial interests outweigh the public good and as corporations anticipate financial gain from placing limitations on information retrieval and use. The information profession can benefit from a grounding of its core values in a robust moral framework that can coherently place demands on interested parties. We argue that grounding the core values of privacy and ubiquitous access to information in a needs-based theory of (...)
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    Zapomniany świat znaczeń.Mirosław Lenart - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (4):21-40.
    Artykuł ma na celu ukazanie wpływu bogatej symboliki „dzikiego męża”, która została według autora opracowania świadomie użyta jako znaczący i jednocześnie uzupełniający element przekazu treści pochodzącej z pierwszej połowy XV wieku _Księgi praw miejskich Głubczyc_ (Codex Iuris Lubschicensis). Analizowany materiał źródłowy stanowi spisany w języku niemieckim zbiór praw miejskich, sporządzony na bazie łacińskich odpisów, który oprócz bogatych zdobień posiada liczne sceny figuralne. Ich autorem był Jan z Żytawy, iluminator czynny na Śląsku i we Wrocławiu, który ukończył swoją pracę w (...)
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    Divine Revelation and Human Person.Balázs M. Mezei - 2006 - Philosophy and Theology 18 (2):337-354.
    Divine revelation as a subject matter cannot be properly considered in the framework of theology, as theology already presupposes revelation. In order to conceive revelation in a non-theological way, we need a philosophical approach. Thus we can recognize the need for a renewed understanding of revelation as God’s self-revelation. In this paper I argue for the understanding of God’s self-revelation as radical revelation, which is opposed to partial understandings ofrevelation, such as the propositional one. A given notion of divine revelation (...)
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  16. Platonic and Husserlian Intentionality.Balazs M. Mezei - 2003 - Recherches Husserliennes 20:93-114.
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  17. The Second Philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer: Schopenhauer and Radical Empiricism.Lenart Skof - 2010 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 91:55-64.
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    9 Captives of the past The questions of responsibility.Balazs Szalontai - 2013 - In Jun-Hyeok Kwak, Inherited Responsibility and Historical Reconciliation in East Asia. Routledge. pp. 1--165.
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    A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe Volume I: Negotiating Modernity in the 'Long Nineteenth Century'.Balázs Trencsényi, Maciej Janowski, Monika Baár, Maria Falina & Michal Kopeček - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The volume offers the first-ever synthetic overview of the history of modern political thought in East Central Europe. Covering twenty national cultures and languages wedged between Russia, Turkey, Austria and Germany, it goes beyond the conventional nation-centered narrative and offers a novel vision of transnational intellectual history. The authors focus on the ways political thinkers outside of Western Europe sought to bridge the gap between an idealized Western modernity and their own societies. Mapping these discourses and debates from the Enlightenment (...)
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  20. Non-finite-axiomatizability results in algebraic logic.Balázs Biró - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (3):832 - 843.
  21.  7
    ChatGPT in Academia: University Students’ Attitudes Towards the use of ChatGPT and Plagiarism.Balázs Fajt & Emese Schiller - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-20.
    This mixed-methods study examines the integration of ChatGPT within academic discourse, focusing on its role in education. ChatGPT, an AI chatbot using the GPT model, offers significant benefits such as enhanced plagiarism detection and improved accuracy in academic work. However, it also presents ethical challenges related to academic integrity. The research explores factors influencing student adoption, including perceived usefulness, ease of use, overall attitude, and anxiety related to ChatGPT usage. Additionally, the study investigates how gender, educational context, and prior AI (...)
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  22. On the Lewisian Principle of Recombination and Quidditism.Karol Lenart - 2021 - Acta Analytica 36 (3):357-371.
    In this paper, I discuss a connection between quidditism and the Lewisian principle of recombination. I begin by reconstructing a typical characterisation of a Lewisian principle of recombination, followed by an explanation of quidditism. In the remainder, I argue that a proponent of a Lewisian principle of recombination cannot endorse quidditism without some important modifications of her view.
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  23. When can statistical theories be causally closed?Balázs Gyenis & Miklós Rédei - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 34 (9):1285-1303.
    The notion of common cause closedness of a classical, Kolmogorovian probability space with respect to a causal independence relation between the random events is defined, and propositions are presented that characterize common cause closedness for specific probability spaces. It is proved in particular that no probability space with a finite number of random events can contain common causes of all the correlations it predicts; however, it is demonstrated that probability spaces even with a finite number of random events can be (...)
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  24.  14
    Religion and revelation after Auschwitz.Balázs M. Mezei - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Religion After Auschwitz is a philosophical approach to the notion of revelation. Following such authors as A. Dulles, R. Swinburne, or K. Ward, Balazs Mezei investigates some of the main problems of revelation and connects them to the general problem of religion today. Religion is considered in the perspective of the age "after Auschwitz", an expression coined by Hans Jonas and further elaborated by J. B. Metz. Mezei develops the insights of these philosophers and investigates various aspects of religion and (...)
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  25.  41
    Is it the Principal Principle that implies the Principle of Indifference?Balazs Gyenis & Leszek Wronski - 2017 - In Gábor Hofer-Szabó & Leszek Wroński, Making it Formally Explicit: Probability, Causality and Indeterminism. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
    Hawthorne, Landes, Wallmann and Williamson argue that the Principal Principle implies a version of the Principle of Indifference. We show that what the Authors take to be the Principle of Indifference can be obtained without invoking anything which would seem to be related to the Principal Principle. In the Appendix we also discuss several Conditions proposed in the same paper.
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    The Materialism of Roy Wood Sellars.Balázs Gimes - 2021 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 11 (1):166-182.
    Physicalism is often characterized as an empirical hypothesis. But according to an alternative conceptualization, it is instead a stance or an attitude. I analyze Roy Wood Sellars’s materialist philosophy in order to show that it is a counterexample to a specific physicalist empirical hypothesis: the minimal completeness of the physical. However, it is arguably not reducible to a stance: it is a meaningful metaphysical thesis with substantive cognitive content.
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  27. Extended Mind and Identity.Robert A. Wilson & Bartlomiej A. Lenart - 2014 - In Levy Neil & Clausen Jens, Handbook on Neuroethics. Springer. pp. 423-439.
    Dominant views of personal identity in philosophy take some kind of psychological continuity or connectedness over time to be criterial for the identity of a person over time. Such views assign psychological states, particularly those necessary for narrative memory of some kind, special importance in thinking about the nature of persons. The extended mind thesis, which has generated much recent discussion in the philosophy of mind and cognitive science, holds that a person’s psychological states can physically extend beyond that person’s (...)
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  28. Metaphysical ethics reconsidered: Schopenhauer, compassion and world religions.Lenart Skof - 2006 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 87:101-117.
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    Is it time for studying real-life debiasing? Evaluation of the effectiveness of an analogical intervention technique.Balazs Aczel, Bence Bago, Aba Szollosi, Andrei Foldes & Bence Lukacs - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:138195.
    The aim of this study was to initiate the exploration of debiasing methods applicable in real-life settings for achieving lasting improvement in decision making competence regarding multiple decision biases. Here, we tested the potentials of the analogical encoding method for decision debiasing. The advantage of this method is that it can foster the transfer from learning abstract principles to improving behavioral performance. For the purpose of the study, we devised an analogical debiasing technique for 10 biases (covariation detection, insensitivity to (...)
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  30.  48
    A Wholesome Anthropocentrism: Reconceptualizing the Value of Nature Within the Framework of An Enlightened Self-Interest.Bartlomiej A. Lenart - 2020 - Ethics and the Environment 25 (2):97.
    Abstract:Non-anthropocentric approaches to environmental ethics face problems that cannot be resolved within a holistic framework of natural value since such frameworks posit abstract and general properties as the bearers of intrinsic value and thus ignore the moral claims of individual organisms. Two paradigm examples of such approaches, Aldo Leopold's Land Ethic and Arne Neass' Deep Ecology suffer from this problem. Christine Korsgaard's argument for the conceptual separation of intrinsic and instrumental valuing, however, serves as a strong theoretical grounding for a (...)
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  31. Two Models of Radical Revelation in Austrian Philosophy.Balazs Mezei - 2009 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 1 (1):99 - 120.
    In this paper I highlight two opposing models of the notion of divine revelation: the propositional and the radical. The propositional understanding of revelation was central to theology and philosophy until the 19th century. Since then, a number of other models of revelation have emerged. I define as radical the understanding of revelation which emphasizes two features of revelation: (1) God’s existence is per se revelatory; (2) God’s revelation is per se self-revelation. I propose too an assessment of the notion (...)
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  32. Deux retours d'une idée : sur les vicissitudes politiques et éthiques de la démocratie. Vers une politique de non-violence.Lenart Škof - 2012 - Synthesis Philosophica 27 (2):225-236.
    Dans cet article, nous examinons deux critiques différentes de la démocratie libérale. En analysant la pensée politique slovène contemporaine de Slavoj Žižek et de certains de ces adeptes, qui ces derniers temps redonnent un nouveau souffle à « l’idée du communisme », nous allons d’abord réfléchir de manière critique sur le potentiel émancipatoire de ce courant de la philosophie slovène contemporaine. La partie intermédiaire se concentre sur l’emploi ainsi que sur la logique de la violence et plaide pour une nouvelle (...)
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    Foucault, még Foucault előtt.Balázs Kiss - 1997 - Budapest: MTA Politikai Tudományok Intézete.
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    Correction to: On the Lewisian Principle of Recombination and Quidditism.Karol Lenart - 2021 - Acta Analytica 36 (3):373-373.
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    Shaking up story time: A case for shaping the nature of information literacy instruction in public and school libraries through philosophy.Bartlomiej A. Lenart & Carla J. Lewis - unknown
    While the Philosophy for Children method has been adopted within classrooms by individual teachers and into some school systems by schoolboards, public and school libraries, the ideal users of this sort of programming, have been slow to recognise the benefits of this didactic methodology. This is particularly surprising given that the P4C method integrates perfectly with traditional story-time orientated programming. Not only is the integration of P4C into story-time sessions virtually seamless, but it might also help reinvigorate a well-established feature (...)
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  36. From compassion to solidarity-The ethical self, values, and the society.Lenart Skof - 2005 - Synthesis Philosophica 20 (1):141-150.
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    Justice and the Democratization of Finance.Lenart Nici - 2024 - Social Philosophy Today 40:141-157.
    What would it mean for the institutions of finance to be democratized? I explore this question from a broadly Rawlsian conception of justice. In the first part of the paper I outline Rawls’s theory of justice. In the second part I briefly review what Rawls had to say about justice in the economic sphere. Notably, he thought that his conception of justice can only be realized in either “Property-Owning Democracy” or “Liberal Socialism.” I briefly explore the nature of these two (...)
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    Animal Pneuma: Reflections on Environmental Respiratory Phenomenology.Lenart Škof - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (2):33.
    This essay is an attempt to propose an outline of a new respiratory animal philosophy. Based on an analysis of the forgetting of breath in Western philosophy, it aims to gesture towards a future, breathful and compassionate world of co-sharing and co-breathing. In the first part, the basic features of forgetting of breath are explained based on David Abram’s work in respiratory ecophilosophy. This part also introduces an important contribution to modern philosophy by Ludwig Klages. The second part is dedicated (...)
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  39.  30
    Anton Günther’s critique of pantheism as introduction to his philosophy of revelation.Balázs M. Mezei - 2024 - Intellectual History Review 34 (1):185-202.
    The ingenious thought of Anton Günther (1783–1863) is rarely mentioned in the annals of nineteenth-century philosophy. However, in the eyes of his contemporaries, Günther belonged to the key thinkers of his age on par with Kant, Fichte, Hegel, and Schelling. Günther was an original writer yet he left many of his insights undeveloped or ambiguously formulated. As a flamboyant and popular debater, he attacked the most influential philosophers of his time. His attacks were aimed especially at what he termed the (...)
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  40.  48
    Studying the role of cognitive control in reasoning: evidence for the congruency sequence effect in the ratio-bias task.Balazs Aczel & Bence Palfi - 2017 - Thinking and Reasoning 23 (1):81-97.
    In this study, we investigated whether control of the conflict between incongruent heuristic and analytical answer options in a reasoning task is modulated by the presence of conflict on previous trials. In two experiments, we found that the incongruency of the previous trial has a significant effect on the control exhibited on the current trial. Our data also showed that this adaptation effect is modulated by the incongruency of the previous series of trials. These results demonstrate the same control adaptation (...)
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  41.  51
    Metaphysical Compatibilism and the Ontology of Trans-World Personhood: A Neo-Lewisian Argument for the Compatibility of Divine Foreknowledge (Determinism) and Metaphysical Free Will.Bartlomiej Andrzej Lenart - 2022 - Metaphysica 23 (2):385-407.
    David Lewis’ contemplations regarding divine foreknowledge and free will, along with some of his other more substantial work on modal realism and his counterpart theory can serve as a springboard to a novel solution to the foreknowledge and metaphysical freedom puzzle, namely a proposal that genuine metaphysical freedom is compatible with determinism, which is quite different from the usual compatibilist focus on the compatibility between determinism and moral responsibility. This paper argues that while Lewis opens the doors to such a (...)
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  42.  66
    Lax monitoring versus logical intuition: The determinants of confidence in conjunction fallacy.Balazs Aczel, Aba Szollosi & Bence Bago - 2016 - Thinking and Reasoning 22 (1):99-117.
    ABSTRACTThe general assumption that people fail to notice discrepancy between their answer and the normative answer in the conjunction fallacy task has been challenged by the theory of Logical Intuition. This theory suggests that people can detect the conflict between the heuristic and normative answers even if they do not always manage to inhibit their intuitive choice. This theory gained support from the finding that people report lower levels of confidence in their choice after they commit the conjunction fallacy compared (...)
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  43.  69
    Determinism, Physical Possibility, and Laws of Nature.Balázs Gyenis - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (6):568-581.
    We call attention to different formulations of how physical laws relate to what is physically possible in the philosophical literature, and argue that it may be the case that determinism fails under one formulation but reigns under the other. Whether this is so depends on our view on the nature of laws, and may also depend on the inter-theoretical relationships among our best physical theories, or so shall we argue.
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  44. Shadow People: Relational Personhood, Extended Diachronic Personal Identity, and Our Moral Obligations Toward Fragile Persons.Bartlomiej Lenart - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Alberta
    This Dissertation argues for a care-centrically grounded account of relational personhood and widely realized diachronic personal identity. The moral distinction between persons and non-persons is arguably one of the most salient ethical lines we can draw since many of our most fundamental rights are delineated via the bounds of personhood. The problem with drawing such morally salient lines is that the orthodox, rationalistic definition of personhood, which is widespread within philosophical, medical, and colloquial spheres, excludes, and thereby de-personifies, a large (...)
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  45.  24
    The Sovereign’s Beatitude.Zoltan Balazs - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (3):428-448.
    Though it may sound awkward to ask whether the political sovereign is happy or unhappy, the question is relevant to political theory, especially within a political theological perspective. Because man was created in the image of God, human happiness needs to be a reflection of divine beatitude, and as divine sovereignty is, at least analogically, related to political sovereignty, the conceptual coherence is secured. The main argument is, however, that the analogy does not hold. I shall show how St Thomas (...)
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    Užitek, vednost, oblast: psihoanaliza, matematična logika, politična filozofija.Milan Balažic - 2017 - Ljubljana:
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    Grand challenges for science in the 21st century.Balázs Gulyás, Jan W. Vasbinder & Jonathan Sim (eds.) - 2018 - New Jersey: World Scientific.
    This interesting book is a compilation of the lectures and discussions held during a four-day event "Grand Challenges for Science in the 21st Century" organized by Para Limes at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The elite group of speakers included Nobel laureate Sydney Brenner who called on all scientists to adopt a truth-seeking approach and not be afraid of challenging assumptions. The other panellists were Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal and past President of the Royal Society, the much-cited Terrence Sejnowski (...)
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    Bayes rules all: On the equivalence of various forms of learning in a probabilistic setting.Balazs Gyenis - unknown
    Jeffrey conditioning is said to provide a more general method of assimilating uncertain evidence than Bayesian conditioning. We show that Jeffrey learning is merely a particular type of Bayesian learning if we accept either of the following two observations: – Learning comprises both probability kinematics and proposition kinematics. – What can be updated is not the same as what can do the updating; the set of the latter is richer than the set of the former. We address the problem of (...)
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    Democracy and Democratic Hope: Rortian Meditations for the 21st Century.Lenart Škof - 2018 - Contemporary Pragmatism 15 (2):211-227.
    In the first part of this paper we introduce some of the main ideas of two great philosophers of democracy – Richard Rorty and Luce Irigaray. We show that in a similar manner both deal with an ethical ideal of community to be imagined, and achieved in the future. In the second part of this paper we present two ideas about democracy as an ethical and spiritual community – i.e., democracy as it relates to the idea of the »child« and (...)
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    De l'altérnative progréssiste: Unger versus Žižek.Lenart Škof - 2010 - Synthesis Philosophica 25 (1):93-100.
    Dans cet article, nous traitons de la question de l’avenir de la démocratie dans le cadre de certains projets politiques émancipateurs actuels. Nous critiquons d’abord la revitalisation de l’idée du communisme de Žižek et de Badiou. Conformément à cette approche, nous nous intéressons à un livre récent de R.M. Unger, The Self Awakened. À la fois nous défendons sa version du pragmatisme radicalisé et étendons certains de ses usages à un contexte politico-éthique plus large.
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