Results for 'Balla Annamaria'

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  1.  25
    Being Reassuring About the Past While Promising a Better Future: How Companies Frame Temporal Focus in Social Responsibility Reporting.Annamaria Tuan, Matteo Corciolani & Elisa Giuliani - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (3):626-667.
    How is time framed in corporate social responsibility (CSR) talk? The literature mostly fails to analyze how multiple CSR activities are framed from a temporal perspective. Moreover, those researchers who undertake temporal framing tend to overlook the role of home-country cultural characteristics. Using a mixed-method analysis of 2,720 CSR reports from developing country companies, we show that CSR talk is mostly framed in the future tense when firms communicate complex human rights issues such as slavery or child labor, while the (...)
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    Mixed Reality for Cross-Cultural Integration: Using Positive Technology to Share Experiences and Promote Communication.Annamaria Recupero, Stefano Triberti, Camilla Modesti & Alessandra Talamo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Validation and variability: Dual challenges on the path from systems biology to systems medicine.Annamaria Carusi - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 48:28-37.
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    Platonic Ideas and Appearance in Aristotle’s Topics.Annamaria Schiaparelli - 2017 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 99 (2):129-155.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie Jahrgang: 99 Heft: 2 Seiten: 129-155.
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    In Silico Medicine: Social, Technological and Symbolic Mediation.Annamaria Carusi - 2016 - Humana Mente 9 (30).
    In silico medicine is still forging a road for itself in the current biomedical landscape. Discursively and rhetorically, it is using a three-way positioning, first, deploying discourses of personalised medicine, second, extending the 3Rs from animal to clinical research, and third, aligning its methods with experimental methods. The discursive and rhetorical positioning in promotions and statements of the programme gives us insight into the sociability of the scientific labour of advancing the programme. Its progress depends on complex social, institutional and (...)
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    Beyond fluid intelligence and personality traits in social support: the role of ability based emotional intelligence.Annamaria Di Fabio - forthcoming - Frontiers in Psychology.
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    Catharsis Without Pessimism? Nehamas versus Foucault on Reading the Phaedo.Chloé Balla - 2014 - Philosophical Inquiry 38 (3-4):119-128.
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  8. Trust in the Virtual/Physical Interworld.Annamaria Carusi - 2011 - In Charles Ess & May Thorseth (eds.), Trust and Virtual Worlds: Contemporary Perspectives. Peter Lang.
    The borders between the physical and the virtual are ever-more porous in the daily lives of those of us who live in Internet enabled societies. An increasing number of our daily interactions and transactions take place on the Internet. Social, economic, educational, medical, scientific and other activities are all permeated by the digital in one or other kind of virtual environment. Hand in hand with the ever-increasing reach of the Internet, the digital and the virtual, go concerns about trust. In (...)
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  9. Hoi Pythagoreioi.Kōstēs Ballas - 1985 - Athēnai: Hidryma Goulandrē-Chorn.
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    Understanding compressive deformation in porous titanium.Vamsi Krishna Balla, Susmita Bose & Amit Bandyopadhyay - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (22):3081-3094.
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    Secular human rights: A challenge for the churches, a chance for the women.Annamaria Grünfelder - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (3):949-957.
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    Implicit Trust in the Space of Reasons.Annamaria Carusi - 2009 - Journal of Social Epistemology 23 (1):25-43.
    Pila (2009) has criticised the recommendations made by requirements engineers involved in the design of a grid technology for the support of distributed readings of mammograms made by Jirotka et al. (2005). The disagreement between them turns on the notion of “biographical familiarity” and whether it can be a sound basis for trust for the performances of professionals such as radiologists. In the first two sections, this paper gives an interpretation of the position of each side in this disagreement and (...)
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  13.  34
    La perfezione di Clarens: Utopia e politica in Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Annamaria Loche - 2005 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
    La Nouvelle Héloïse di Jean-Jacques Rousseau, pur essendo a tutti gli effetti un romanzo, presenta molti elementi leggibili in chiave di filosofia politica. Tra questi emerge la descrizione di Clarens, la parte più politica dell’opera, che è stata interpretata da alcuni come una sorta di utopia, da altri come un laboratorio della politica, preparatorio di alcune delle tematiche del Contrat social. Entrambe queste interpretazioni hanno dei riscontri nel testo: lo dimostra il fatto che si rintracciano fianco a fianco temi come (...)
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    Moralità del diritto e morale critica: saggio su Herbert Hart.Annamaria Loche & H. L. A. Hart - 1997 - Franco Angeli.
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  15. "Political motives of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's" new heloise".Annamaria Loche - 2010 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 6 (2):234 - +.
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  16. Definition and Explanation in Plotinus: Some Problems.Annamaria Schiaparelli - 2010 - In David Charles (ed.), Definition in Greek philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  17. Ennead VI. 7 [38] 2: An Outline of Some Problems.Annamaria Schiaparelli - 2010 - In David Charles (ed.), Definition in Greek philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 467.
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  18.  34
    Costruzione di mondi. Note sul concetto weberiano di Weltbild.Annamaria Vassalle - 2012 - Annali Del Dipartimento di Filosofia 18:127-149.
    This paper aims to focus on the Weberian concept of Weltbild, considered as one of the most important analytic instruments of his sociology. I will argue that Weltbilder have a mainly cognitive function, with a direct practical effect: they are framing devices, that allow men to orient themselves in the world. In this sense, the Weberian concept of Weltbild differs from the notion of Ideology. I will base my argument on two different elements: the peculiar theoretical status of World-images and (...)
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  19. Prometheus Bound. Curiosity and Anxiety for the Future Time in Hobbes' Leviathan.Annamaria Vassalle - 2010 - Humana Mente 4 (12).
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    Yoga für die Praxis.Annamaria Wadulla - 1971 - Weilheim/Obb.,: O. W. Barth.
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  21. Harvesting the Promise of AOPs: An assessment and recommendations.Annamaria Carusi, Mark R. Davies, Giovanni De De Grandis, Beate I. Escher, Geoff Hodges, Kenneth M. Y. Leung, Maurice Wheelan, Catherine Willet & Gerald T. Ankley - 2018 - Science of the Total Environment 628:1542-1556.
    The Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) concept is a knowledge assembly and communication tool to facilitate the transparent translation of mechanistic information into outcomes meaningful to the regulatory assessment of chemicals. The AOP framework and associated knowledgebases (KBs) have received significant attention and use in the regulatory toxicology community. However, it is increasingly apparent that the potential stakeholder community for the AOP concept and AOP KBs is broader than scientists and regulators directly involved in chemical safety assessment. In this paper we (...)
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    Media representations of nurses in the pandemic: Just doing our job?Annamaria Bagnasco, Gianluca Catania, Ann Gallagher & Georgina Morley - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (4):901-905.
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  23. Isocrates, Plato, and Aristotle on Rhetoric.Chloe Balla - 2004 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 1:45-71.
    Scholars often regard the 4th century controversy on education as a rivalry between philosophy, which is represented by Plato and Aristotle, and rhetoric, which is represented most prominently by Isocrates. The problem with this view is that it presupposes a distinction between philosophy and rhetoric which seems to be the product rather than the cause of the controversy. In this paper I discuss certain aspects of Isocrates’ thought which allow us to place him in the beginning of a tradition which (...)
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    Bridging Museum Mission to Visitors’ Experience: Activity, Meanings, Interactions, Technology.Annamaria Recupero, Alessandra Talamo, Stefano Triberti & Camilla Modesti - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:486454.
    In recent years, the contribution of various disciplines and professionals (i.e. from marketing, computer science, psychology and pedagogy) to museum management has encouraged the development of a new conception of museology. Specifically, psychology has affected the overall conception of museum and the visitors towards a more holistic vision of the museum experience as a complexity of memory, personal drives, group identity, meaning-making process, as well as leisure preferences. In this regard, psychological research contributes to advance the scientific knowledge about psychological (...)
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    L’Influenza Della Retorica di Aristotele in Eta Imperiale: L'Importanza di Essere Chiaramente Ambigui.Annamaria Schiaparelli - 1999 - Méthexis 12 (1):53-75.
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    In cammino con Edgar Morin.Annamaria Anselmo (ed.) - 2020 - Messina: Armando Siciliano editore.
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    A szemléletes gondolkozás logikája.Zoltán Balla - 2009 - Budapest: Napkút. Edited by Botond Isztray, Anna Isztrayné Bíró & Zoltán Balla.
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  28. Debra Nails, The People of Plato: A Prosopography of Plato and Other Socratics, Hackett, Indianapolis/Cambridge, 2002.Chloe Balla - 2005 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 1:119-122.
  29.  46
    πέφυκεν πλεονεκτεῖν? Plato and the Sophists on Greed and Savage Humanity.Chloe Balla - 2018 - Polis 35 (1):83-101.
    Fifth-century authors often invoke the idea that human beings are by nature savage, and that the civilized state of human societies is imposed on them by law and custom. A possible consequence of this idea is a pessimistic anthropological account, according to which pleonexia or greed is a natural characteristic of human beings, and therefore a justified drive of human behaviour. Scholars often attribute this pessimistic account of human nature to the sophists, whose views are considered to be reflected in (...)
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    Philosophia kai rētorikē stēn klasikē Athēna.Chloē Balla (ed.) - 2008 - Ērakleio: Ekdoseis Philosophikēs Scholēs Panepistēmiou Krētēs.
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  31. Extensor septal 2024 con cartílago costal: fusión total de arquitectura e ingeniería en rinoplastia primaria. Una técnica quirúrgica avanzada de la punta nasal.José Roberto Lema Balla - 2024 - Telos: Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Utilitaristas 17 (2):91-105.
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  32. Trust in the Virtual/Physical Interworld.Annamaria Carusi - 2011 - In Charles Ess & May Thorseth (eds.), Trust and Virtual Worlds: Contemporary Perspectives. Peter Lang.
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    Trust in the Physical/Virtual Interworld.Annamaria Carusi - 2011 - In Charles Ess & May Thorseth (eds.), Trust and Virtual Worlds: Contemporary Perspectives. Peter Lang.
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  34. Ancora su Guyay e Bergson.Annamaria Contini - 2012 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 8 (1):147-152.
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    La philosophie de la vie en France.Annamaria Contini - 2022 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 119 (2):177-202.
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  36. Plus que la vie. L'esthétique sociologique de Guyau.Annamaria Contini - 2004 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 46:67-92.
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    La ragione estetica: saggio su Nietzsche.Annamaria Lossi - 2012 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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  38. Philosophy engines: Technology and reading/writing/thinking philosophy.Annamaria Carusi - 2009 - Discourse 8 (3).
    Knowledge does not float free of the technologies available for its production and presentation. The intimate connection between ideas and praxis - embodied, technological, social - exemplified in any knowledge practice is, in the terms of Ihde & Selinger (2004), an 'epistemology engine'. This refers to the material-semiotic connections that obtain for any specific rendering of an idea. Often this material-semiotic connection is easier to recognise in the case of art than in that of knowledge, where it appears more-or-less obvious (...)
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  39. Bodmer e Breitinger e l'estetica sei-settecentesca italiana.Annamaria Razzano - 1963 - Rivista di Estetica 8:61.
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  40. Plotinus on dialectic.Annamaria Schiaparelli - 2009 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 91 (3):253-287.
    In this paper, Plotinus' treatise On Dialectic I.3 [20] is discussed. In the first part of the paper, I argue that for Plotinus the importance of dialectic stands in the method of division that enables one to grasp the ‘what it is’. I present and examine some passages which contain a description of dialectic and an account of its activity. I then look into the reasons why Plotinus affirms the superiority of dialectic, as he conceived it, over logic, as the (...)
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  41. Il problema della libertà in Rosmini.Annamaria Tripodi - 1976 - Roma: Città nuova.
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    From cell membrane to nucleotides: The phosphate regulon in Escherichia coli.Annamaria Torriani - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (8):371-376.
    Most of the essential cellular components, like nucleic acids, lipids and sugars, are phosphorylated. The phosphate equilibrium in Escherichia coli is regulated by the phosphate (Pi) input from the surrounding medium. Some 90 proteins are synthesized at an increased rate during Pi starvation and the global control of the cellular metabolism requires cross‐talk with other regulatory mechanisms. Since the Pi concentration is normally low in E. coli's natural habitat, these cells have devised a mechanism for synthesis of about 15 proteins (...)
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    Ethical dimensions of paediatric nursing: A rapid evidence assessment.Annamaria Bagnasco, Lucia Cadorin, Michela Barisone, Valentina Bressan, Marina Iemmi, Marzia Prandi, Fiona Timmins, Roger Watson & Loredana Sasso - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (1):111-122.
    Background: Paediatric nurses often face complex situations requiring decisions that sometimes clash with their own values and beliefs, or with the needs of the children they care for and their families. Paediatric nurses often use new technology that changes the way they provide care, but also reduces their direct interaction with the child. This may generate ethical issues, which nurses should be able to address in the full respect of the child. Research question and objectives: The purpose of this review (...)
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    Building up financial literacy and financial resilience.Annamaria Lusardi, Andrea Hasler & Paul J. Yakoboski - 2020 - Mind and Society 20 (2):181-187.
    This article uses data from the 2020 TIAA Institute-GFLEC Personal Finance Index to show that many American families were financially fragile well before the COVID-19 pandemic hit the U.S. economy. Financial fragility is particularly severe among specific demographic groups, such as African-Americans and those with low income. The article also shows that financial fragility is strongly linked to financial literacy and that many Americans are ill-equipped to deal with the financial decisions needed to navigate through a financial crisis. Suggestions are (...)
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    Mathematical Features of Whitehead’s Point-free Geometry.Annamaria Miranda & Giangiacomo Gerla - 2008 - In Michel Weber and Will Desmond (ed.), Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought. De Gruyter. pp. 119-130.
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    Commentary on Nursing Ethics article.Annamaria Bagnasco, Gianluca Catania, Giuseppe Aleo & Loredana Sasso - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (6):742-743.
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    A model for reflection for good clinical practice.John I. Balla, Carl Heneghan, Paul Glasziou, Matthew Thompson & Margaret E. Balla - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (6):964-969.
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    The Ethical Work That Regulations Will Not Do.Annamaria Carusi - 2012 - Information, Communication and Society 15 (1):124-141.
    Ethical concerns in e-social science are often raised with respect to privacy, confidentiality, anonymity and the ethical and legal requirements that govern research. In this article, the authors focus on ethical aspects of e-research that are not directly related to ethical regulatory framework or requirements. These frameworks are often couched in terms of benefits or harms that can be incurred by participants in the research. The authors shift the focus to the sources of value in terms of which benefits or (...)
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    Computational biology and the limits of shared vision.Annamaria Carusi - 2011 - Perspectives on Science 19 (3):300-336.
    Since the 1980s, several studies of visual perception have persuasively argued that important aspects of human vision are best accounted for not by recourse to inner mental representations but rather through socially observable actions and behaviors (e.g. Lynch 1985, Latour 1986, Lynch 1990, Goodwin 1994, Goodwin 1997, Sharrock & Coulter 1998). While there are clearly physiological mechanisms required for vision, psychological accounts of perception in terms of inner mental representations have been dislodged from their position as the basic term in (...)
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  50. Epistemological Problems in Aristotle’s Concept of Definition.Annamaria Schiaparelli - 2011 - Ancient Philosophy 31 (1):127-143.
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