Results for 'Balinese '

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  1.  97
    Balinese aesthetics.Stephen Davies - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 65 (1):21–29.
    According to the Balinese expert, Dr. Anak Agung Mad ´e Djelantik, “no writings about aesthetics specifically as a discipline exist in Bali.”1 The arts are discussed in ancient palm leaf texts, but mainly in connection with religion, spirituality, ceremony, and the like. However, there are famous accounts by expatriate Westerners and anthropologists.2 There have also been collaborations between Balinese and Western scholars.3 In addition, there is a significant literature written in Indonesian by Balinese experts, beginning in the (...)
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    Beauty, Youth, and the Balinese Legong Dance.Stephen Davies - 2013 - In Peg Brand Weiser (ed.), Beauty Unlimited. Indiana University Press. pp. 259-279.
    In this chapterI discuss beauty and youth in Balinese dance, with special reference to Legong. Legong is the "classic" Balinese dance genre for females and is represented by Balinese to the world as the quintessence of grace, charm, and beauty in their performing arts. . . . Apparently, the notion of beauty that is invoked here is not straightforwardly equivalent to the heterosexual male norms for female sexual attractiveness, which may favor younger women but don't require them (...)
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  3. Balinese legong: Revival or decline?Stephen Davies - manuscript
    In my understanding of the current status of the legong dance in Bali, despite dedicated local attempts to revitalize the genre, it is in decline. The debilitation of local Balinese arts is influenced by global and national socioeconomic trends, and, while the centralization of dance education in institutes may guarantee the preservation of representative dances and styles, it simultaneously alienates the dance from the grassroots public that formerly was the source of its strength and appreciation. Such changes undermine the (...)
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  4. Balinese.Iwayan Arka - 2005 - In Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 654--657.
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    Balinese Cockfights and the Seduction of Anthropology.William Roseberry - 1982 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 49.
  6.  15
    Tri hita karana: ancient Balinese wisdom for neo humans.Anand Krishna - 2008 - [Jakarta,] Indonesia: Anand Krishna Global Co-Operation in collaboration with Anand Ashram Foundation.
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    Balinese Dance: Beyond its Physical Aspect.I. Wayan Dibia - 1990 - Anthropology of Consciousness 1 (1-2):9-11.
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    A Balinese Temple Festival.Ludwik Sternbach & C. Hooykaas - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):489.
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    The Historiography of Balinese Texts,'.Adrian Vickers - 1990 - History and Theory 29 (2):158-178.
    There is a Balinese sense of history, albeit one different from most Western notions of history in that it stresses continuity with patterns from the past, not the past as a "foreign country." Balinese do not narrate events in chronological order for the purposes of writing history, as is the bent of Western scholars. Rather, they tell stories about other things that we would call "mythical" or "legendary" in order to refer to events. Balinese historical writing serves (...)
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  10. The origins of balinese legong.Stephen Davies - unknown
    The Genre Legong is a secular (balih-balihan) Balinese dance genre (Anon. 1971).[1] Though originally associated with the palace,[2] legong has long been performed in villages, especially at temple ceremonies, as well as at Balinese festivals of the arts. Since the 1920s, abridged versions of legong dances have featured in concerts organized for tourists and in overseas tours by Balinese orchestras. Indeed, the dance has become culturally emblematic, and its image is used to advertise Bali to the world. (...)
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    Direct Versus Indirect Causation as a Semantic Linguistic Universal: Using a Computational Model of English, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, and K'iche’ Mayan to Predict Grammaticality Judgments in Balinese.I. Nyoman Aryawibawa, Yana Qomariana, Ketut Artawa & Ben Ambridge - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (4):e12974.
    The aim of this study was to test the claim that languages universally employ morphosyntactic marking to differentiate events of more‐ versus less‐direct causation, preferring to mark them with less‐ and more‐ overt marking, respectively (e.g., Somebody broke the window vs. Somebody MADE the window break; *Somebody cried the boy vs. Somebody MADE the boy cry). To this end, we investigated whether a recent computational model which learns to predict speakers’ by‐verb relative preference for the two causatives in English, Hebrew, (...)
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  12.  31
    Babad Buleleng. A Balinese Dynastic Genealogy.John M. Echols & P. J. Worsley - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (3):468.
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    Possession in Two Balinese Trance Ceremonies.Hoyt Edge - 1996 - Anthropology of Consciousness 7 (4):1-8.
  14.  22
    Drawings of Balinese Sorcery: Published with a Commentary.Christiaan Hooykaas - 1980 - Leiden: Brill.
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    Javanese and Balinese Manuscripts and Some Codices Written in Related Idioms Spoken in Java and Bali. Descriptive Catalogue.John M. Echols & Theodore G. Th Pigeaud - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (3):516.
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    Ritual Purification of a Balinese Temple.C. G. & J. H. Hooykaas-van Leeuwen Boomkamp - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (1):139.
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    Cosmogony and Creation in Balinese Tradition.F. B. J. Kuiper & C. Hooykaas - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (3):549.
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  18.  17
    Ethics and Responsibilities: Preserving Traditional Balinese Architectural Values in the Global Era.I. Gede Mugi Raharja - 2021 - Cultura 18 (2):139-154.
    Bali island has become a world tourist destination since the colonial period. Bali even almost made to be a "living museum" through Baliseering program by the Dutch Colonial Government in the 1930s, with the pretext of protecting Balinese culture. The proscenium stage was introduced for the Balinese architectural performance venue. At the Colonial Tourism Exhibition in Paris in 1931, the Dutch Colonial Government introduced a unique Balinese architecture. The Balinese ethnographic museum was also built by combining (...)
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  19.  10
    Losing Self: The Application of Zhuangzian Wuwei and Balinese Taksu to the Development of Musicianship.Jui-Ching Wang - 2019 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 27 (2):133.
    Abstract:To respond to the current advocacy of a transcultural inquiry into music education philosophy rooted deeply in Western civilization, the primary purpose of this essay is to provide a broader alternative to examine the phenomena of music teaching and learning to bridge the philosophical gap between the West and the East. This essay also attempts to expand the discussion of Eastern philosophies by including Balinese taksu, an aesthetic and ecstatic experience rarely discussed in music education literature. I juxtapose the (...)
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  20.  24
    The Chester Beatty Library: A Catalogue of the Batak Manuscripts; Including Two Javanese Manuscripts and a Balinese Painting.R. S. H. & P. Voorhoeve - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (2):209.
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  21.  20
    Sur les traces de Gregory Bateson et Margaret Mead : essai de reconstitution d'une chaîne mimétique à partir de Balinese Character.Y. Winkin - 1998 - Hermes 22:83.
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    Śiwarātrikalpa of Mpu Tanakuṅ. An Old Javanese Poem, Its Indian Source and Balinese IllustrationsSiwaratrikalpa of Mpu Tanakun. An Old Javanese Poem, Its Indian Source and Balinese Illustrations.John M. Echols, A. Teeuw, Th P. Galestin, S. O. Robson, P. J. Worsley & P. J. Zoetmulder - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (2):361.
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  23.  55
    Āgama Tīrtha. Five Studies in Hindu-Balinese ReligionAgama Tirtha. Five Studies in Hindu-Balinese Religion.J. Gonda & C. Hooykaas - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (1):99.
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    Mantras between Eire and Water: Reflections on a Balinese Rite.Ludo Rocher & Frits Staal - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (3):428.
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    The Internal Consistency Reliability of the Santosh-Francis Scale of Attitude toward Hinduism among Balinese Hindus.C. B. J. Lesmana, Niko Tiliopoulos & Leslie J. Francis - 2011 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 15 (3):293-301.
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  26.  15
    Semiotics and classroom interaction: Mediated discourse, distributed cognition, and the multimodal semiotics of Maguru Panggul pedagogy in two Balinese Gamelan classrooms in the United States.Andrew Jocuns - 2007 - Semiotica 2007 (164):123-151.
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    The Struggle of the Hindu Balinese Intellectuals: Developments in Modern Hindu Thinking in Independent Indonesia.Ludo Rocher & Frederik Lambertus Bakker - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (3):508.
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  28.  7
    Sêdulur papat kalima pancêr: ilmu rahasia kelahiran dan kematian.I. Ketut Sandika - 2021 - Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan, Banten: Javanica.
    On Balinese mysticism and spirituality related with philosophy of the birth and death of a human being which cannot be separated from the four accompanying duplications.
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    Tri hita karana: the spirit of Bali.Jan Hendrik Peters - 2013 - Jakarta: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia. Edited by Wisnu Wardana.
    """This book neither wants to make an accusation, nor impose things that are impossible to carry out. It merely wants to make the Balinese and tourists aware of what is happening in this paradise on earth and about the positive infl uence they can have in preserving the culture of the beautiful island of Bali. Tri Hita Karana, the spirit of Bali originated from the rich Balinese-Hindu philosophy. Tri Hita Karana means three causes of happiness: balanced and harmonious (...)
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  30. Purwwagamacasana. Suwidja - 1990 - [Jakarta]: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan, Direktorat Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional, Proyek Penelitian dan Pengkajian Kebudayaan Nusantara. Edited by Ida Bagus Mayun & I. Made Purna.
    Interpretation of religious ethics in Hindu-Balinese.
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    Siwa tattwa: ajaran spiritual leluhur Nusantara.I. Ketut Sandika - 2018 - [Denpasar]: Diterbitkan dan didistribusikan oleh Bali Wisdom.
    On Balinese Hindu traditional spiritualism as referred to Shaivism teachings.
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  32.  14
    Making Process and Meaning the Ceramic Puppet Kamasan Illustrations in Cultural Conservation Efforts in Bali.I. Wayan Mudra, I. Ketut Muka P., I. Wayan Suardana & Anak Agung Gede Rai Remawa - 2021 - Cultura 18 (2):211-228.
    The advantage ceramic of Balinese Kamasan ornament, it has a very strong Balinese identity. Therefore, the this ceramic creation was a novel creation by ceramic artists in Indonesia. Purpose this study to explain the process creation, types of products, and the meaning of ceramic craft creation the Balinese Kamasan puppet. The determination data sources by purposive sampling. Data collection methods by observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The results of creation process consisted of several stages with a fairly (...)
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  33.  9
    Dampak perkawinan campuran terhadap tatakrama daerah Bali.Sri Saadah Herutomo - 1991 - [Jakarta]: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan, Direktorat Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional, Proyek Inventarisasi dan Pembinaan Nilai-Nilai Budaya. Edited by Hartati & Ita Novita Adenan.
    Impact of interfaith marriage on the ethics in Bali Province.
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  34.  16
    The Age of Immunology: Conceiving a Future in an Alienating World.A. David Napier - 2003 - University of Chicago Press.
    In this fascinating and inventive work, A. David Napier argues that the central assumption of immunology—that we survive through the recognition and elimination of non-self—has become a defining concept of the modern age. Tracing this immunological understanding of self and other through an incredibly diverse array of venues, from medical research to legal and military strategies and the electronic revolution, Napier shows how this defensive way of looking at the world not only destroys diversity but also eliminates the possibility of (...)
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  35.  80
    Hermes' Dilemma and Hamlet's Desire: On the Epistemology of Interpretation.Vincent Crapanzano - 1992 - Harvard University Press.
    Treating subjects as diverse as Roman carnivals and Balinese cockfights, circumcision, dreaming, and spirit possession in Morocco, transference in ...
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  36.  84
    ‘Man Is Ill Because He Is Badly Constructed’: Artaud, Klossowski and Deleuze in Search for the Earth Inside.Rick Dolphijn - 2011 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 5 (1):18-34.
    Starting with Antonin Artaud's radio play To Have Done With The Judgement Of God, this article analyses the ways in which Artaud's idea of the body without organs links up with various of his writings on the body and bodily theatre and with Deleuze and Guattari's later development of his ideas. Using Klossowski (or Klossowski's Nietzsche) to explain how the dominance of dialogue equals the dominance of God, I go on to examine how the Son (the facialised body), the Father (...)
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  37.  21
    Mores and Morals: Metaethics and the Social World.Kenneth Walden - 2017 - In Tristram Colin McPherson & David Plunkett (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Metaethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 417-430.
    Anyone who has taught an introductory ethics course has found themselves having to explain that some important words can be used in different ways. There is the way social scientists talk when they refer to the norms of a Balinese cockfight, the values of early modern scientific culture, and the morality of Bolsheviks. This chapter examines the possibility that the social aspects of morality might tell us something important about what morality must be, and thus inform our metaethics. It (...)
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  38.  13
    A Translation Analysis of the Green Revolution in Bali.Thierry Bardini - 1994 - Science, Technology and Human Values 19 (2):152-168.
    This article uses the translation approach to analyze the Green Revolution in Bali, Indonesia. The translation approach reopens the controversy about a classical topic in development studies: the failure or success of the Green Revolution. The translation method helps us to understand how the previous explanations of the failure or success of the Green Revolution in Bali were socially constructed and how the presence and the identity of social groups involved in agriculture on Bali were negotiated during the controversy. J. (...)
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  39.  68
    Tiger-Hunting Scene on Yeh Pulu Relief in Bali: Romanticism of People’s Heroism in the Study of Iconology.I. Wayan Adnyana - 2018 - Cultura 15 (1):147-160.
    This article aims to analyze the tiger-hunting scene on Yeh Pulu relief, located in Bedulu Village, Gianyar, Bali. This relief is estimated to have been created by Balinese artists of the end of the era of Ancient Bali Kingdom in about the 14th century AD. There are only few in-depth studies conducted on this monumental relief in the context of iconology by visual art researchers. Therefore, the author has conducted intensive field research and studies since a year ago based (...)
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    Exploitation of Bali Traditional Symbols on Today’s Design.I. Made Gede Arimbawa - 2011 - Cultura 8 (2):209-222.
    Based on the views of Hindus in Bali, the application of ornaments in the form of Balinese traditional symbols should follow the rules of the prevailing tradition.The symbols are created to show the cosmology and philosophy based on the teachings of Hinduism as indigenous in Bali and function as a means of a sacred ritual. But in reality the designers in Bali often exploit the symbols by “mutilating” and applying them to undue places, motivated by a desire to create (...)
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  41. Etika bisnis dan profesi: perspektif kearifan lokal Tri Hita Karana dan pemikiran lainnya secara integralistik.Anantawikrama Tungga Atmadja, Nengah Bawa Atmadja & Made Sudarma - 2022 - Denpasar, Bali: Pustaka Larasan.
    On business ethics practiced by the Balinese in accordance with their traditional knowledge.
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  42.  11
    Unsettled boundaries: philosophy, art, ethics east/west.Curtis L. Carter (ed.) - 2017 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Marquette University Press.
    For readers looking for insights into key issues linking current Eastern and Western views on the arts, aesthetics, and philosophy, Unsettled Boundaries offers fresh and insightful perspectives on current issues as seen by leading Chinese and Western scholars. Represented in the volume are previously unpublished essays of Nöel Carroll, Garry Hagberg, Richard Shusterman, and Jason Wirth alongside writings of Chinese peers Gao Jianping, Peng Feng, Liu Yuedi, Wang Chunchen and Cheng Xiangzhan. The essays in this volume draw attention to evolving (...)
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  43.  14
    Cross-cultural comparison of landscape scenic beauty evaluations: A case study in Bali.R. Bruce Hull & Grant R. B. Reveli - 1989 - Journal of Environmental Psychology 9 (3):177-191.
    Both similarities and differences were observed when comparing scenic beauty evaluations of rural landscapes made by persons from different cultures. Differences seem due to the westernized tourists' misinterpretation or ignorance of the meaning associated with certain landscape features by the Balinese. This implies scenic beauty is dependent upon meanings assigned to landscape features, which in turn implies that scenic beauty is, to some extent, learned. Similarities between tourists' and Balinese' scenic evaluations are significant and correspond to consistencies found (...)
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  44.  23
    Wayang Kamasan Painting and Its Development in Bali’s Handicrafts.I. Wayan Mudra, Anak Agung Gede Rai Remawa & I. Komang Arba Wirawan - 2020 - Cultura 17 (1):139-157.
    The puppet arts in Bali can be found in the wayang Kamasan painting at Kamasan Village, Klungkung Regency. This painting inspired the creation and development of new handicraft in Bali. The objectives this research: 1. To find the wayang Kamasan painting in Klungkung Regency; 2. To find the development of handicraft types in Bali inspired by wayang Kamasan painting. This research used a qualitative descriptive approach, and data collection by observation, interview, and documentation. The results that wayang Kamasan painting is (...)
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  45.  8
    The Natural Syntax of Local Coreference.William O'Grady - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:660296.
    Emergentist approaches to language are burdened with two responsibilities in contemporary cognitive science. On the one hand, they must offer a different and better understanding of the well-known phenomena that appear to support traditional formal approaches to language. On the other hand, they must extend the search for alternative explanations beyond the familiar languages of Europe and East Asia. I pursue this joint endeavor here by outlining an emergentist account for constraints on local anaphora in English and Balinese, with (...)
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  46.  39
    East and West Cross Cultural Semiotics: On Taman Ujung Bali Architecture.I. Gede Mugi Raharja - 2017 - Cultura 14 (1):159-169.
    Indonesia had absorbed various cultures since ancient times, caused the local cultures were enriched with sign language. However, signs on the traditional culture in Indonesia are more symbolic in nature. Interestingly, East and West cross-cultural sign was encountered in Bali, on Sukasada Park design, in Ujung Village, Karangasem regency. The park which was known as Taman Ujung was a legacy of Karangasem Kingdom. This article was compiled from the results of research conducted in 1999, 2012 and 2016. The latest study (...)
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  47.  25
    Heritage, Knowledges and Memories on Pura Penulisan Architecture Bali at Ancient Mount Batur Caldera Area.I. Gede Mugi Raharja - 2018 - Cultura 15 (1):85-101.
    Bali island’s beautiful nature in Indonesia are the result of volcanic activity under the sea, more than 23 million years ago. The geology of Bali island lies in the Sunda mountains arc, part of the volcanic rings of Pacific ring of fire. This causes the condition of Bali island is often unstable in ancient times, due to the shocks of volcanic eruptions. One of the beautiful areas caused by ancient volcanic activity is the Caldera of Mount Batur. On the northwestern (...)
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  48.  46
    Aesthetic and Space Concept of Visual Composition in Interior and Architecture of Bali Madya Dwelling.A. A. Gede Rai Remawa, Imam Santosa & Biranul Anas Zaman - 2013 - Cultura 10 (2):157-168.
    Global era is an era of acculturation which may surface difficulties due to the tendency of becoming global chaos that may influence people’s thought. Everyonehas their own views and has made changes with their own worldview perception; hybrid and heterodox. Changes without wisdom will eliminate local elements.This phenomenon has influenced myriad forms of visual composition and architecture of Bali Madya dwelling. Balinese culture has gone through various changes since Rsi Markandeya in the 9th century, Empu Kuturan in the 10th (...)
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  49. The Garage (Take One).Sean Smith - 2013 - Continent 3 (2):70-87.
    This piece, included in the drift special issue of continent. , was created as one step in a thread of inquiry. While each of the contributions to drift stand on their own, the project was an attempt to follow a line of theoretical inquiry as it passed through time and the postal service(s) from October 2012 until May 2013. This issue hosts two threads: between space & place and between intention & attention . The editors recommend that to experience the (...)
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  50.  5
    The Application of Tri Hita Karana Principles in Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning: A Case Study of Kedonganan Traditional Village, Bali.Irina Mildawani, I. Gusti Agung Ayu Rai Asmiwyati, Rehulina Apriyanti, Veronika Widi Prabawasari & Armaini Akhirson - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:869-878.
    Tri Hita Karana is a traditional Balinese philosophy that emphasizes the importance of balance in the relationships between humans and God, humans and others, and humans and the natural environment. Although this principle underpins many aspects of life, its application in architectural and urban planning often faces various challenges. This research identifies the gap between traditional principles and the demands of modern development. A qualitative case study approach was used in Kedonganan Traditional Village, Kuta, Bali, employing in-depth interviews and (...)
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