Results for 'Baldur Gabriel'

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    Bild und Lehre.Baldur Gabriel - 1970 - [Bamberg,: Difo-Druck].
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  2. Artificial Intelligence, Values, and Alignment.Iason Gabriel - 2020 - Minds and Machines 30 (3):411-437.
    This paper looks at philosophical questions that arise in the context of AI alignment. It defends three propositions. First, normative and technical aspects of the AI alignment problem are interrelated, creating space for productive engagement between people working in both domains. Second, it is important to be clear about the goal of alignment. There are significant differences between AI that aligns with instructions, intentions, revealed preferences, ideal preferences, interests and values. A principle-based approach to AI alignment, which combines these elements (...)
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  3. (1 other version)A Slim Book About Narrow Content.Gabriel Segal - 2000 - MIT Press.
    The book, written in a clear, engaging style, contains four chapters.
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  4. Varieties of Indefinite Extensibility.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2015 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 56 (1):147-166.
    We look at recent accounts of the indefinite extensibility of the concept set and compare them with a certain linguistic model of indefinite extensibility. We suggest that the linguistic model has much to recommend over alternative accounts of indefinite extensibility, and we defend it against three prima facie objections.
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  5. Seeing What is not There.Gabriel Segal - 1989 - Philosophical Review 98 (2):189.
  6. Plurals and Simples.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2004 - The Monist 87 (3):429-451.
    I would like to discuss the claim that the resources of plural reference and plural quantification are sufficient for the purpose of paraphrasing all ordinary statements apparently concerned with composite material objects into plural statements concerned exclusively with simples.
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  7. Ramified structure.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 180 (5-6):1651-1674.
    The Russell–Myhill theorem threatens a familiar structured conception of propositions according to which two sentences express the same proposition only if they share the same syntactic structure and their corresponding syntactic constituents share the same semantic value. Given the role of the principle of universal instantiation in the derivation of the theorem in simple type theory, one may hope to rehabilitate the core of the structured view of propositions in ramified type theory, where the principle is systematically restricted. We suggest (...)
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  8. Equilibrium semantics.Gabriel Sandu & Merlijn Sevenster - forthcoming - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic.
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  9. (1 other version)Two theories of names.Gabriel Segal - 2001 - Mind and Language 16 (5):547–563.
    Two semantic theories of proper names are explained and assessed. The theories are Burge’s treatment of proper names as complex demonstratives and Larson and Segal’s quasi-descriptivist account of names. The two theories are evaluated for empirical plausibility. Data from deficits, processing models, developmental studies and syntax are all discussed. It is concluded that neither theory is fully confirmed or refuted by the data, but that Larson and Segal’s theory has more empirical plausibility.
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  10. Recombination and Paradox.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2015 - Philosophers' Imprint 15.
    The doctrine that whatever could exist does exist leads to a proliferation of possibly concrete objects given certain principles of recombination. If, for example, there could have been a large infinite number of concrete objects, then there is at least the same number of possibly concrete objects in existence. And further cardinality considerations point to a tension between the preceding doctrine and the Cantorian conception of the absolutely infinite. This paper develops a parallel problem for a variety of possible worlds (...)
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  11. Histoire et philosophie du caodaïsme.Gabriel Gobron - 1949 - Paris,: Dervy.
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  12. Compositional Semantics.Gabriel Sandu - 2006 - ProtoSociology 23.
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  13. Five Flies in the Ointment.Gabriel Segal - unknown
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    Frege als Neukantianer.Gottfried Gabriel - 1986 - Kant Studien 77 (1-4):84-101.
  15. (2 other versions)Ethical perceptions of business students in a new zealand university: Do gender, age and work experience matter?Gabriel Eweje & Margaret Brunton - 2009 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 19 (1):95-111.
    Ethical issues at the workplace have once again become topical and important due to considerable adverse publicity surrounding reports of unethical business practices by corporate managers. Accordingly, this paper re-visits the question of whether gender, age and work experience do have an effect on ethical judgement, using 655 business students as respondents. This is necessary as business students are likely to become managers during their career and will face complex ethical concerns and dilemmas in their daily, routine affairs. The findings (...)
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  16. Defence of a reasonable individualism.Gabriel Segal - 1991 - Mind 100 (399):485-94.
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    A libertanian critique of incest laws: Philosophical and anthropological perspectives.Gabriel Ernesto Andrade - 2021 - Human Affairs 31 (2):139-148.
    This article is a libertarian critique of incest laws. On the basis of the libertarian “harm principle”, one must ask what exactly is the harm that incest brings forth. Traditionally, anthropologists have tried to rationalize the incest taboo in various theories, and lawmakers have used these principles as grounds for the criminalization of incest. These principles are the preservation of family structure, the enhancement of alliances and the avoidance of genetic risks. While I acknowledge that these rationalizations are plausible, I (...)
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    Independendly‐Friendly Logic: Dependence and Independence of Quantifiers in Logic.Gabriel Sandu - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (10):691-711.
    Independence‐Friendly logic introduced by Hintikka and Sandu studies patterns of dependence and independence of quantifiers which exceed those found in ordinary first‐order logic. The present survey focuses on the game‐theoretical interpretation of IF‐logic, including connections to solution concepts in classical game theory, but we shall also present its compositional interpretation together with its connections to notions of dependence and dependence between terms.
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  19. Receptacles.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2006 - Philosophical Perspectives 20 (1):427–451.
    This paper looks at the question of what regions of space are possibly exactly occupied by a material object.
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    Zum Erkenntniswert der Begriffs- und Metapherngeschichte.Gottfried Gabriel - 2020 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 62:7-12.
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    An axiomatic approach to free amalgamation.Gabriel Conant - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (2):648-671.
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  22. Universalismo y alteridad.Gabriel Bello - 1999 - Laguna:35-46.
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    Reflexiones.Gabriel Bentata - 2000 - Caracas: eXd.
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    Logique de l'histoire: pour une analytique des pratiques philosophiques.Gabriel Rockhill - 2010 - Editions Hermann.
    Philosopher, c’est, pense-t-on, faire de l’histoire de la philosophie ; c’est lire et interpréter les textes canoniques des grands penseurs de la tradition européenne en suivant l’enchaînement des idées depuis les Grecs anciens. Cette manière de pratiquer la philosophie est devenue tellement naturelle qu’elle en a oublié sa propre historicité. D’où la nécessité de la mettre en évidence en examinant de près ses multiples conséquences. C’est justement un des objectifs de l’analytique des pratiques philosophiques entreprise dans le présent ouvrage. -/- (...)
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  25. The Existential Background of Human Dignity.Gabriel Marcel - 1963 - Cambridge,: Harvard University Press.
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    The Philosophy of Innovation in Management Education: a Study Utilising Aristotle’s Concept of Phronesis.Gabriel J. Costello - 2019 - Philosophy of Management 18 (3):215-230.
    While much has been written on phronesis, there is a dearth of empirical work on the how the concept can be developed and implemented in practice, particularly in an educational setting. To address this problem, characteristics of phronesis were identified through a review of current literature and an examination of related themes from a special issue of the Philosophy of Management Journal on the philosophy of innovation. The implementation of the concept was investigated using an illustrative study of ongoing work (...)
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  27. Tagging: semantics at the iconic/symbolic interface.Gabriel Greenberg - 2019 - In Julian J. Schlöder, Dean McHugh & Floris Roelofsen (eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd Amsterdam Colloquium. pp. 11-20.
    Tagging is the phenomenon in which regions of a picture, map, or diagram are annotated with words or other symbols, to provide descriptive information about a depicted object. The interpretive principles that govern tagged images are not well understood, due in part to the difficulty of integrating pictorial and linguistic semantic rules. Rather than directly combining these rules, I propose to use the framework of perspectival feature maps as an intermediary representation of content, in which the outputs of pictorial and (...)
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  28. Aspects of compositionality.Gabriel Sandu & Jaakko Hintikka - 2001 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 10 (1):49-61.
    We introduce several senses of the principle ofcompositionality. We illustrate the difference between them with thehelp of some recent results obtained by Cameron and Hodges oncompositional semantics for languages of imperfect information.
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    Three Surprising Instances of Dividing.Gabriel Conant & Alex Kruckman - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-20.
    We give three counterexamples to the folklore claim that in an arbitrary theory, if a complete type p over a set B does not divide over $C\subseteq B$, then no extension of p to a complete type over $\operatorname {acl}(B)$ divides over C. Two of our examples are also the first known theories where all sets are extension bases for nonforking, but forking and dividing differ for complete types (answering a question of Adler). One example is an $\mathrm {NSOP}_1$ theory (...)
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  30. If-logic and truth-definition.Gabriel Sandu - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (2):143-164.
    In this paper we show that first-order languages extended with partially ordered connectives and partially ordered quantifiers define, under a certain interpretation, their own truth-predicate. The interpretation in question is in terms of games of imperfect information. This result is compared with those of Kripke and Feferman.
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  31. Models of second-order zermelo set theory.Gabriel Uzquiano - 1999 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5 (3):289-302.
    In [12], Ernst Zermelo described a succession of models for the axioms of set theory as initial segments of a cumulative hierarchy of levelsUαVα. The recursive definition of theVα's is:Thus, a little reflection on the axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory shows thatVω, the first transfinite level of the hierarchy, is a model of all the axioms ofZFwith the exception of the axiom of infinity. And, in general, one finds that ifκis a strongly inaccessible ordinal, thenVκis a model of all of (...)
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    Partially ordered connectives.Gabriel Sandu & Jouko Väänänen - 1992 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 38 (1):361-372.
    We show that a coherent theory of partially ordered connectives can be developed along the same line as partially ordered quantification. We estimate the expressive power of various partially ordered connectives and use methods like Ehrenfeucht games and infinitary logic to get various undefinability results.
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    Atomism and Composition.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2017 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 6 (4):232-240.
    Atomism is the thesis that every object is composed of atoms. This principle is generally regimented by means of an atomicity axiom according to which every object has atomic parts. But there appears to be a sense that something is amiss with atomistic mereology. We look at three concerns, which, while importantly different, involve infinite descending chains of proper parts and have led some to question standard formalizations of atomism and composition in mereology.
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  34. Philosophical and Mathematical Correspondence of Gottlob Frege.Gottfried Gabriel, H. Hermes, F. Kambartel, Christian Thiel & Albert Veraart (eds.) - 1980 - University of Chicago Press.
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  35. Présence et immortalité.Gabriel Marcel - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 193 (3):387-388.
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    Essai de philosophie concrète.Gabriel Marcel - 1967 - [Paris]: Gallimard.
    La singularité de la démarche philosophique de Gabriel Marcel vient de ce qu'elle renoue avec ses origines socratiques ; elle se fonde résolument sur le concret, c'est-à-dire le corps-propre (par oposition au corps-objet ou instrument), la sensation traitée comme manière d'être au monde plutôt que comme message, la mémoire, la volonté.
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    Can We Have Physical Understanding of Mathematical Facts?Gabriel Tȃrziu - 2022 - Acta Analytica 37 (2):135-158.
    A lot of philosophical energy has been devoted recently in trying to determine if mathematics can contribute to our understanding of physical phenomena. Not many philosophers are interested, though, if the converse makes sense, i.e., if our cognitive interaction (scientific or otherwise) with the physical world can be helpful (in an explanatory or non-explanatory way) in our efforts to make sense of mathematical facts. My aim in this paper is to try to fill this important lacuna in the recent literature. (...)
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    Neo-existentialism: how to conceive of the human mind after naturalism's failure.Markus Gabriel - 2018 - Medford, MA: Polity Press.
    In this highly original book, Markus Gabriel presents 'Neo-Existentialism', an anti-naturalist view that holds that human mindedness consists in an open-ended proliferation of mentalistic vocabularies. Challenged by Charles Taylor, Andrea Kern and Jocelyn Benoist, Gabriel deftly refutes naturalism's metaphysical claim to epistemic exclusiveness.
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    A Semiotic Interpretation of the Innate Releasing Mechanism Concept and Other Ethological Triadic Relations.Gabriel Francescoli - 2017 - Biosemiotics 10 (3):461-468.
    This paper tries to link Ethology to Biosemiotics by analysing the similarities between some triadic relationships like biosemiotics’ Object—Representamen—Interpretant and the one established in Ethology between Sign-stimuli— Innate Releasing Mechanism—Modal Action Pattern, or the one potentially established in communication networks comprising Sender—Receiver—Eavesdropper. I argue here that a collaborative relationship is supported by the fact that the observational method used by Ethology is based on the triadic relationship Sender—Receiver—Eavesdropper. This method, by introducing the human observer at the Interpreter/Eavesdropper place, is not (...)
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    A constituição de sentido como acontecimento: Heidegger e a transformação da fenomenologia.Gabriel Lago de Sousa Barroso - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (1):17-38.
    O conceito de acontecimento é um dos temas centrais do pensamento de Heidegger e oferece um fio condutor para a compreensão de sua obra. Este artigo mostra como a gênese deste conceito está diretamente relacionada à transformação da fenomenologia empreendida por Heidegger ao longo de suas primeiras preleções em Freiburg e fornece algumas indicações sobre a importância deste tópico para o desenvolvimento da ontologia fundamental em Ser e tempo. Nossa análise se divide em três partes. Em primeiro lugar, abordamos a (...)
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    A Man in Purgatory: Towards an Historical Phenomenology of Place.Gabriel Byng - 2021 - Environment, Space, Place 13 (1):1-36.
    Abstract:Scholars have long been interested in how people experienced places in the past, often relying for their evidence either on modern engagements with surviving landscapes, buildings and objects, or on contemporary descriptions of the ritualised or required activities that took place in and around them. This article argues that both approaches risk eliminating the subjectivity of historical agents and, thus, the ground of experience itself, assuming an unjustifiable uniformity either among historical persons or between historical persons and modern scholars. Historians (...)
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    Associativity of the Morley product of invariant measures in nip theories.Gabriel Conant & Kyle Gannon - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (3):1293-1300.
    In light of a gap found by Krupiński, we give a new proof of associativity for the Morley product of invariant measures in NIP theories.
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    Teaching sophrosyne: The use of the elenchos by Xenophon’s Socrates.Gabriel Danzig - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 31.
    The Socratic elenchos in Xenophon's work plays a central role even though it may seem to have a secondary part. The following article aims to work on the xenophontic characterization of the Socratic elenchos, as well as his assessment from the point of view of its educational qualities. In this sense, the socratic elenchos potentialities will be analyzed in three directions: first, the strictly formative dimension; secondly, its role for acting in political affairs; and, finally, his contribution to the acquisition (...)
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    A dimensão afetiva da existência humana à luz da fenomenologia hermenêutica: o caráter revelador das emoções em Ser e Tempo.Gabriel Henrique Dietrich - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (1):51-60.
    É crescente e plural o interesse filosófico em relação à dimensão afetiva da vida e da experiência humana. Dentre estes interesses destacam-se os recentes e variados esforços em compreender a natureza das emoções, especialmente em sua relação com diversas questões filosóficas envolvendo a agência humana. Na linha destes esforços soma-se a proposta de Goldie que consiste em um duplo movimento de, por um lado, apresentar um amplo e variado conjunto de fenômenos que precisam ser apreciados por quaisquer teorias da emoção, (...)
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    A filosofia da matemática de Frege no contexto do neokantismo.Gottfried Gabriel, Sven Schlotter, Lucas A. D. Amaral & Rafael R. Garcia - 2021 - Kant E-Prints 16 (2):363-376.
    Há muitos pontos de concordância entre Frege e os neokantianos. Isso vale especialmente para os representantes do neokantismo da teoria do valor ou do Sudoeste alemão na tradição de Hermann Lotze. Não discutiremos aqui todos os aspectos dessa proximidade; de acordo com o tema que propomos, ficaremos restritos à filosofia da matemática. A primeira parte do artigo tratará da relação entre aritmética e geometria, mostrando surpreendentes semelhanças entre Frege e o neokantiano Otto Liebmann. A segunda parte discutirá as diferentes recepções (...)
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    Battre la campagne à Bruxelles : La propagande électorale dans les dix-neuf communes.Gabriel Thoveron - 1976 - Res Publica 18 (3-4):401-425.
    On the basis of the various means of propaganda used in the electoral campaign from the local elections in Brussels, the author tries to describe this campaign in the 19 communes of the district Brussels-Capital. The campaign is shown to be in accordance with several rules : contagion, simplification, adaptation to the needs, orchestration. It also allows to draw a robot-picture of the average candidate.
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    Free will, de Sam Harris.Gabriel Garmendia da Trindade - 2015 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 12 (2):356-360.
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    Albert Schweitzer: A Study of His Philosophy of Life.Gabriel Langfeldt - 1960 - London,: Allen & Unwin.
    Examines Albert Schweitzer's philosophy in an attempt to determine whether he is Christian.
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  49. ContingEncia ou necessidade? : Shcelling e Hegel sobre o estado modal do espaço lógico.Markus Gabriel - 2009 - In Carlos João Correia (ed.), A religião e o ateísmo contemporâneo. Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade.
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    David Anakht.Genri Gabriėlovich Gabriėlʹi︠a︡n - unknown - Erevan: Izd-vo "Aistan,".
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