Results for 'Backman Ylva'

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  1. Group Argumentation Development through Philosophical Dialogues for Persons with Acquired Brain Injuries.Ylva Backman, Teodor Gardelli, Viktor Gardelli & Caroline Strömberg - 2020 - International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 67 (1):107-123.
    The high prevalence of brain injury incidents in adolescence and adulthood demands effective models for re-learning lost cognitive abilities. Impairment in brain injury survivors’ higher-level cognitive functions is common and a negative predictor for long-term outcome. We conducted two small-scale interventions (N = 12; 33.33% female) with persons with acquired brain injuries in two municipalities in Sweden. Age ranged from 17 to 65 years (M = 51.17, SD = 14.53). The interventions were dialogic, inquiry-based, and inspired by the Philosophy for (...)
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  2. Beyond Structure: Using the Rational Force Model to Assess Argumentative Writing.Ylva Backman, Alina Reznitskaya, Viktor Gardelli & Ian A. G. Wilkinson - 2023 - Written Communication 40 (2):555–585.
    Current approaches used in educational research and practice to evaluate the quality of written arguments often rely on structural analysis. In such assessments, credit is awarded for the presence of structural elements of an argument, such as claims, evidence, and rebuttals. In this article, we discuss limitations of such approaches, including the absence of criteria for evaluating the quality of the argument elements. We then present an alternative framework, based on the Rational Force Model (RFM), which originated from the work (...)
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    Six forms of variety in students' moral reasoning: an age-old distinction enabling new methods and findings.Ylva Backman & Viktor Gardelli - 2015 - Ethics and Education 10 (2):227-240.
    In this study, the age-old distinction between decision method and criterion of rightness, commonly employed in normative ethics, was used to attain a detailed understanding of inter- and intrapersonal variety in students' moral reasoning. A total of 24 Swedish students, 12–15 years of age, were interviewed. Inter- and intrapersonal varieties in and between the two dimensions of moral reasoning were found, constituting six novel forms of varieties. We describe several explanations proposed within the field of social-cognitive domain theory, and argue (...)
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    Inclusion as participation: mapping the participation model with four different levels of inclusive education.Kattis Edström, Viktor Gardelli & Ylva Backman - forthcoming - International Journal of Inclusive Education.
    In Swedish schools, the so-called ‘Participation Model’ is used to observe and analyse participation, with the intention of supporting an inclusive learning environment. While this model is widely promoted by government agencies, its theoretical alignment to the concept(s) of inclusion is not established. This article therefore compares and maps the six aspects of participation within the Participation Model (i.e. belonging, accessibility, interaction, autonomy, involvement and acceptance) with a hierarchically ordered set of commonly occuring definitions of inclusive education (ranging from the (...)
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  5. ’you talk and try to think, together’ – a case study of a student diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder participating in philosophical dialogues.Viktor Gardelli, Ylva Backman, Anders Franklin & Åsa Gardelli - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:1-28.
    We present results from a single case study based on semi-structured interviews with a student (a boy in school year 3) diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and his school staff after participating in a short and small-scale intervention carried out in a socio-economically disadvantaged Swedish elementary school in 2019. The student participated in a seven week long intervention with a total of 12 philosophical dialogues (ranging from 45 to 60 minutes). Two facilitators, both with years of facilitation experience and teacher (...)
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    Philosophy with children : moral argumentation and the role of pictures.Ylva Backman, Liza Haglund, Viktor Gardelli & Anders Persson - unknown
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    Vetenskapliga tankeverktyg.Ylva Backman, Teodor Gardelli, Viktor Gardelli & Anders Persson - 2012 - Lund: Studentlitteratur.
  8. To Colorize a Worldview Painted in Black and White : Philosophical dialogues to reduce the influence of extremism on youths online.Daniella Nilsson, Viktor Gardelli, Ylva Backman & Teodor Gardelli - 2015 - International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 5 (1):64-70.
    A recent report by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention in cooperation with the Swedish Security Service shows that the Internet has been extensively used to spread propaganda by proponents of violent political extremism, characterized by a worldview painted in black and white, an anti-democratic viewpoint, and intolerance towards persons with opposing ideas. We provide five arguments suggesting that philosophical dialogue with young persons would be beneficial to their acquisition of insights, attitudes and thinking tools for encountering such propaganda. (...)
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  9. Game Technologies to Assist Learning of Communication Skills in Dialogic Settings for Persons with Aphasia.Ylva Backman, Viktor Gardelli & Peter Parnes - 2021 - International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 16 (3):190-205.
    Persons with aphasia suffer from a loss of communication ability as a consequence of a brain injury. A small strand of research indicates effec- tiveness of dialogic interventions for communication development for persons with aphasia, but a vast amount of research studies shows its effectiveness for other target groups. In this paper, we describe the main parts of the hitherto technological development of an application named Dialogica that is (i) aimed at facilitating increased communicative participation in dialogic settings for persons (...)
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  10.  19
    On the Combination of Film and Philosophical Dialogue.Ylva Backman - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 43:5-9.
    The educational method Philosophy for Children is a combined thinking skills program and a democratic dialogic approach, implemented in approximately 50 countries and translated into about 20 languages. Lately, with P4C as a point of departure, the area of philosophical dialogue has extended into the inclusion of a range of contextualized methods with different starting points for the dialogues. In this paper, two arguments for having films as starting points for philosophical dialogues are presented: a) The argument from perspective taking, (...)
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    Research Methods in the Swedish project Education for Participation : Philosophizing back a ‘New’ Life After Acquired Brain Injury.Ylva Backman, Teodor Gardelli, Viktor Gardelli, Caroline Strömberg & Åsa Gardelli - 2018 - In F. García, E. Duthie & R. Robles, Parecidos de familia: Propuestas actuales en Filosofía para Niños. Anaya. pp. 482-490.
    Annually, more than ten million people in all age groups in the world experience an acquired brain injury, which is a brain injury caused after birth by external forces or certain internal factors. Brain injury survivors are often left with long-term impairments in cognitive, social, or emotional functioning. Despite a promising outset, research on the effectiveness of philosophical dialogues as an educational method for persons with ABI to increase their cognitive, social, and emotional functioning has, to our knowledge, been virtually (...)
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    On Being Twice Exceptional in Sweden - An Interview-Based Case Study about the Educational Situation for a Gifted Student Diagnosed with ADHD.Anna-Carin Holmgren, Ylva Backman, Viktor Gardelli & Åsa Gyllefjord - 2023 - Education Sciences 13 (11).
    The gifted education research area is rapidly expanding in Sweden. In the context of very limited research nationally, demands are increasing for steering documents and addressing of student and teacher needs in practice. However, Swedish research on students that are ‘twice exceptional’—students classified as being both gifted and disabled (for instance, through a neurodevelopmental disorder such as ADHD)—is nearly non-existent. In this study, we present an exploratory single case study of a female student in school year seven based on semi-structured (...)
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  13. Problems and Solutions in Researching Computer Game Assisted Dialogues for Persons with Aphasia.Ylva Backman, Viktor Gardelli & Peter Parnes - 2022 - Designs for Learning 1 (14):46–51.
    In this paper, we describe technological advances for supporting persons with aphasia in philosophical dialogues about personally relevant and contestable questions. A computer game-based application for iPads is developed and researched through Living Lab inspired workshops in order to promote the target group’s communicative participation during group argumentation. We outline some central parts of the background theory of the application and some of its main features, which are related to needs of the target group. Methodological issues connected to the design (...)
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    Philosophical dialogues in education for persons with acquired brain injuries.Teodor Gardelli, Ylva Backman, Viktor Gardelli, Åsa Gardelli & Caroline Strömberg - unknown
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    Coherentism as a foundation for ethical dialog and evaluation in school : value communication, assessment and mediation.Viktor Gardelli, Anders Persson, Liza Haglund & Ylva Backman - unknown
    In this paper, we are mainly concerned with coherentism as an approach to ethical dialog in school. We have two different but connected aims with the paper. The first aim is to say something about general philosophical questions relating to coherentism as a theory in metaethics, and especially in relation to value education; the second aim is to explore some possible implications of coherentism as a method in studying the enterprise of discussing ethical issues and questions with children as well (...)
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    (1 other version)Ethics in school : from moral development to children's conceptions of justice.Backman Ylva, Haglund Liza, Persson Anders & Viktor Gardelli - manuscript
    A main issue in Swedish school debate is the question of how to teach the student a common value system based on democracy and western humanism. The debate is rather intense, to say the least. Not only is the premise that there exists one value system that we share a target for critique, but there is also the question of what value education is or could be. There is, as well, quite a body of research on children's moral development, where (...)
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    The Universal Right to Education: Freedom, Equality and Fraternity.Ylva Bergström - 2009 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 29 (2):167-182.
    The overall aim of the article is to analyse how the universal right to education have been built, legitimized and used. And more specifically ask who is addressed by the universal right to education, and who is given access to rights and to education. The first part of the article focus on the history of declarations, the notion of the universal right to education, emphasizing differences in matters of detail—for example, the meaning of ‘compulsory’, ‘children’s rights’ or ‘parents’ rights’—and critically (...)
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  18.  28
    Demand or discretion? The market model applied to science and its core values and institutions.Ylva Hasselberg - 2012 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 12 (1):35-51.
  19. All of a Sudden: Heidegger and Plato’s Parmenides.Jussi Backman - 2007 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 11 (2):393-408.
    The paper will study an unpublished 1930–31 seminar where Heidegger reads Plato’s Parmenides, showing that in spite of his much-criticized habit of dismissing Plato as the progenitor of “idealist” metaphysics, Heidegger was quite aware of the radical potential of his later dialogues. Through a temporal account of the notion of oneness (to hen), the Parmenides attempts to reconcile the plurality of beings with the unity of Being. In Heidegger’s reading, the dialogue culminates in the notion of the “instant” (to exaiphnēs, (...)
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  20. Logocentrism and the Gathering Λόγος: Heidegger, Derrida, and the Contextual Centers of Meaning.Jussi Backman - 2012 - Research in Phenomenology 42 (1):67-91.
    Abstract Derrida's deconstructive strategy of reading texts can be understood as a way of highlighting the irreducible plurality of discursive meaning that undermines the traditional Western “logocentric“ desire for an absolute point of reference. While his notion of logocentrism was modeled on Heidegger's articulation of the traditional ontotheological framework of Aristotelian metaphysics, Derrida detects a logocentric remnant in Heidegger's own interpretation of gathering ( Versammlung ) as the basic movement of λόγος, discursiveness. However, I suggest that Derrida here touches upon (...)
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    Action recognition is sensitive to the identity of the actor.Ylva Ferstl, Heinrich Bülthoff & Stephan de la Rosa - 2017 - Cognition 166 (C):201-206.
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    Drowning by numbers: On reading, writing and bibliometrics.Ylva Hasselberg - 2012 - Confero Essays on Education Philosophy and Politics 1 (1):19-44.
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  23. Divine and Mortal Motivation: On the Movement of Life in Aristotle and Heidegger.Jussi Backman - 2005 - Continental Philosophy Review 38 (3-4):241-261.
    The paper discusses Heidegger's early notion of the “movedness of life” (Lebensbewegtheit) and its intimate connection with Aristotle's concept of movement (kinēsis). Heidegger's aim in the period of Being and Time was to “overcome” the Greek ideal of being as ousia – constant and complete presence and availability – by showing that the background for all meaningful presence is Dasein, the ecstatically temporal context of human being. Life as the event of finitude is characterized by an essential lack and incompleteness, (...)
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  24. The Absent Foundation: Heidegger on the Rationality of Being.Jussi Backman - 2005 - Philosophy Today 49 (5):175-184.
    For Heidegger, the fundamental “rationality” of Western metaphysics lies in the fact that its “leading question” concerning beings as beings constantly refers back to the question concerning the ground (arche, ratio, Grund) of beings. Whereas metaphysics has sought to ground beings in ideal beingness, Heidegger attempts to think beingness as itself based on the withdrawing “background” dimension of no-thing-ness that grounds finite presence by differing from it. In Heidegger’s earlier work, the structure of this “grounding” is considered in terms of (...)
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  25. A discussion with Martha Nussbaum on “ Education for Citizenship in an Era of Global Connection ”.Ylva Boman, Bernt Gustavsson & Martha Nussbaum - 2002 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 21 (4/5):305-311.
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    Att förklara politiskt förtroende: betydelsen av socialt kapital och rättvisa procedurer.Ylva Norén Bretzer - 2005 - Göteborg: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Göteborgs universitet.
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    Cell cycle regulators control stemness and differentiation.Ylva Engström - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (7):2100123.
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    Emotions and understanding: Wittgensteinian perspectives.Ylva Gustafsson, Camilla Kronqvist & Michael McEachrane (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This unique collection of articles on emotion by Wittgensteinian philosophers provides a fresh perspective on the questions framing the current philosophical and scientific debates about emotions and offers significant insights into the role of emotions for understanding interpersonal relations and the relation between emotion and ethics.
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    The Paradoxes of Paradisiac Nudity : Fascist Aesthetics and Medicalised Discourse in the 1930's Nudist Movement, Health through Nude Culture.Ylva Habel - 2000 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 12 (22).
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    The social psychology of knowledge reassessed: toward a new delineation of the field with empirical substantiation.Anna-Maija Pirttilä-Backman - 1993 - Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia.
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  31. Nature conservation and the ambiguous human-nature relationship.Ylva Uggla - 2019 - In Thomas Kerlin Park & James B. Greenberg, Terrestrial transformations: a political ecology approach to society and nature. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    On the complexities of studying sensitive communities online as a researcher–participant.Ylva Hård af Segerstad - 2021 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 19 (3):409-423.
    Purpose This study aims to explore the complexities of methodological, ethical and emotional challenges of studying sensitive and vulnerable communities online from the perspective of simultaneously being a researcher and a research subject. The point of departure for these explorations consists of the author’s past and ongoing studies of the role and use of a closed grief support group on Facebook for bereaved parents – a community of which the author is a member. The aim is not to provide ready (...)
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    Seeing the value of experiential knowledge through COVID-19.Ylva Söderfeldt, Jane Macnaugthon, Anna Hallberg, Mariacarla Gadebusch Bondio, Hannah Bradby & Sarah Atkinson - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (3):1-4.
    Seeing the entwinement of social and epistemic challenges through COVID, we discuss the perils of simplistic appeals to ‘follow the science’. A hardened scientism risks excarbating social conflict and fueling conspiracy beliefs. Instead, we see an opportunity to devise more inclusive medical knowledge practices through endorsing experiential knowledge alongside traditional evidence types.
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  34. Läsnäolon yksinkertaisuus ja monitahoisuus.Jussi Backman - 2010 - Ajatus 67:261-271.
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    Who Killed the Ideologies or Were They Just Resting? Tingsten, Technocratism and Ideology in Sweden 1930–1970.Ylva Hasselberg - 2013 - History of European Ideas 39 (1):103-120.
    Summary The article examines the reception and interpretation of the ?death of ideology? thesis in Sweden. The thesis was launched by the political scientist Herbert Tingsten in several works, and generated much attention and debate in the 1960s. The main opponents of the idea saw it as a liberal utopia, and also as an attack on Swedish social democracy. It is largely this interpretation that has gone down in history. This article seeks to demonstrate that Tingsten's idea can be given (...)
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    Distress, disease, desire: perspectives on the medicalisation of premature ejaculation.Ylva Söderfeldt, Adam Droppe & Tim Ohnhäuser - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (12):865-866.
    The discovery that certain selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors delay ejaculation and the later development and approval of dapoxetine as an on-demand treatment option has led to a dramatic increase in medical interest in premature ejaculation. This paper analyses the diagnostic criteria and the discussion within the medical community about suitable treatments against the backdrop of theories of science, sex and gender. Our conclusion is that the diagnosis itself and the suggested treatments contribute to normative models of sexual conduct and therefore (...)
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    Continuous Support Promotes Obstetric Labor Progress and Vaginal Delivery in Primiparous Women – A Randomized Controlled Study.Ylva Vladic Stjernholm, Paula da Silva Charvalho, Olga Bergdahl, Tomislav Vladic & Maria Petersson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Obstetric labor and childbirth are mostly regarded as a physiological process, whereas social, cultural, psychological and transcendental aspects have received less attention. Labor support has been suggested to promote labor progress. The aim of this study was to investigate whether continuous labor support by a midwife promotes labor progress and vaginal delivery.Material and Methods: A randomized controlled study at a university hospital in Sweden in 2015–17. Primiparous women with singleton pregnancy and spontaneous labor onset were randomized to continuous support (...)
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    Effects of divided attention on free and cued recall of verbal events and action events.Lars BÄckman & Lars-GÖran Nilsson - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (1):51-54.
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  39. Aiheesta toiseen: Heidegger, Parmenides ja ajattelun lähtökohdat.Jussi Backman - 2004 - Ajatus 61:209-251.
  40. Illusions of empathy.Ylva Gustafsson - 2009 - In Ylva Gustafsson, Camilla Kronqvist & Michael McEachrane, Emotions and understanding: Wittgensteinian perspectives. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    A Critical Analysis of Neurological Theories on Empathy in Healthcare.Ylva Gustafsson - 2021 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 14 (2):97-113.
    Some employ neurological theories of empathy to train medical students and to explain why care work is emotionally exhausting. I argue, however, that these theories develop conceptual and methodological confusion that creates a reductive and misdirected focus in patient-centered care. Neurological theories on empathy do not help us understand patient-centered care, nor do they help us understand why care work can be exhausting. By discussing examples of care work, I argue that empathic attentiveness to patients is a dialogical ethical response (...)
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    Ethics and the philosophy of culture: Wittgensteinian approaches.Ylva Gustafsson, Camilla Kronqvist & Hannes Nykänen (eds.) - 2013 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Questions of ethics and the study of culture are tightly interwoven. Are we to see ethics as one thread in the fabric created by human culture or does ethics rather transcend culture? The discussions in this volume take place within this spectrum. Eleven Wittgenstein scholars explore how ethics is embedded in everyday activities and speech. The topics dealt with range from the ways we speak about human practices and nature, religious belief, gender, and moral understanding to questions about Wittgensteinâ (TM)s (...)
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    Shame and Philosophy – by Phil Hutchinson.Ylva Gustafsson - 2009 - Philosophical Investigations 32 (2):197-201.
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    Cognitive Rehabilitation in Old Age.Robert D. Hill, Lars Backman & Anna Stigsdotter-Neely (eds.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Cognitive deficits are part of the normal aging process and are exacerbated by various diseases that affect adults in old age, such as dementia, depression, and stroke. A significant scientific and social effort has been expended to evaluate whether cognitive deficits can be remedied through systematic interventions. The editors, as well as the chapter authors, represent a variety of viewpoints that span theory as well as practice. Overall, they aim to address concepts in cognitive rehabilitation that are useful in intervention (...)
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    Motherhood as idea and practice: A discursive understanding of employed mothers in sweden.Heléne Thomsson & Ylva Elvin-Nowak - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (3):407-428.
    This article discusses the meanings that motherhood has in the everyday life of women in Sweden and how they practice their mothering. The empirical foundation is qualitative interviews conducted with mothers who live in Sweden. Social constructionist and discursive psychology inspired the article, and according to the analysis three discursive positions were identified. The first position deals with the child-mother relationship and indicates that the child's psychological well-being is dependent on the mother's accessibility. The second discursive position deals with the (...)
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  46. Gatherings Symposium: Beyond Presence?Jussi Backman, Taylor Carman, Daniel O. Dahlstrom, Graham Harman, Michael Marder & Richard Polt - 2019 - Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 9:145-174.
  47.  13
    On Intimate Ground: A Gestalt Approach to Working with Couples.Gordon Wheeler & Stephanie Backman (eds.) - 1997 - Gestalt Press.
    Couples therapy has long been regarded as one of the most demanding forms of psychotherapy because of the way it challenges therapists to combine the insights of dynamic psychology with the power and clarity of systems dynamics. In this exciting new volume, Gordon Wheeler and Stephanie Backman, couples therapists with broad training and long years of experience, present dramatic new approaches that at last integrate the dynamic/self-organizational and the systemic/behavioral schools of thought. Building on the insights of Gestalt psychology (...)
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  48. Introduction to Biopolitics and Ancient Thought.Jussi Backman & Antonio Cimino - 2022 - In Jussi Backman & Antonio Cimino, _Biopolitics and Ancient Thought_. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-11.
    In the introduction to the volume, the editors explain the overarching aim of the volume and contextualize the main themes of its chapters. Even if the notions of biopolitics and biopower have played a crucial role in philosophy, the humanities, and the social sciences over the last decades, they have been used in various and at times diverging senses, which has also produced different narratives about the history of biopolitics. The main aim of the volume is to clarify whether and (...)
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  49. Johdatukseksi Martin Heideggerin vuoden 1935 luentoihin.Jussi M. Backman - 2010 - Tiede Ja Edistys 35 (2):91-106.
    Artikkeli toimii johdantona Martin Heideggerin suomennettuun teokseen Johdatus metafysiikkaan. Se avaa historiallisia tilanteita, joissa kyseiset luennot alun perin pidettiin (1935) ja julkaistiin (1953). Johdatus metafysiikkaan -luennoista voidaan löytää epäsuora kuvaus Heideggerin suhteesta kansallissosialismiin hänen rehtorikautensa (1933–1934) jälkeisinä vuosina ja ne dokumentoivat myös filosofian olosuhteita ja ehtoja kansallissosialismin aikana. Filosofisesti luennot kiteyttävät Heideggerin Olemisen ja ajan (1927) jälkeisen käänteen (Kehre) ja esittävät ohjelmallisen luonnoksen Heideggerin myöhäisajattelun tärkeimmistä suuntaviivoista.
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  50. Für das Wohnen denken: Heidegger, Arendt und die praktische Besinnung.Jussi Backman - 2007 - Heidegger-Jahrbuch 3:199-220.
    Dieser Aufsatz, der sich den Interpretationen u. a. von Robert Bernasconi, Jacques Taminiaux und Franco Volpi anschließt, betrachtet Heideggers „Wiederholung“ der praktischen Philosophie des Aristoteles als eine Radikalisierung des aristotelischen Begriffs des Handelns (praxis). Die moderne „Not des Wohnens“ erweist sich als ein Ergebnis der Unterordnung der Endlichkeit und Zeitlichkeit des menschlichen Handelns in der abendländischen philosophischen Tradition unter die metaphysischen und theologischen Ideale, die aus dem anfänglichen Verständnis der Seiendheit als beständiger Anwesenheit (ousia) hervorgehen. Die Grundform dieser Unterordnung ist (...)
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