Results for 'B. Henggler'

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  1. Source localization of brain electric field frequency bands during conscious, spontaneous visual imagery and abstract thought.Daniel Lehmann, B. Henggler, M. Koukkan & M. Michel - 1993 - Cognitive Brain Research 1:203-20.
  2. On dimensionality and continuity of physical space and time.B. Abramenko - 1958 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 9 (34):89-109.
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  3. BETTONI E., "Duns Scotus: the Basic Principles of his Philosophy".B. A. B. A. - 1961 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 53:435.
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  4. BERGSON H., "L'evoluzione creatrice".B. A. B. A. - 1961 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 53:211.
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    The making of an informed society: an inaugural lecture delivered at the University of Ibadan on Tuesday, 14 April 1981.B. Olabimpe Aboyade - 1982 - [Ibadan]: University of Ibadan.
  6.  14
    Dwa pierwsze tomy "Analecta Cracoviensia”.B. S. A. - 1973 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 21 (1):90-91.
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    Sympozjum: Teoria poznania metafizycznego. Lublin 5 -6 XII 1978.B. S. A. - 1981 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 29 (1):243-244.
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    Uzupełnienie do Historii filozofii teoretycznej w „Rocznikach Filozoficznych”, 17 (1969), z. l.B. S. A. - 1971 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 19 (1):153-154.
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  9. CATTANEO C., "Scritti filosofici".B. A. B. A. - 1961 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 53:211.
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    Buddhist Logic.E. B. & Th Stcherbatsky - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (4):490.
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    Light on yoga.B. K. S. Iyengar - 1965 - New York,: Schocken Books.
    "The definitive work by B.K.S. Iyengar, the world's most respected yoga teacher. B.K.S. Iyengar has devoted his life to the practice and study of yoga. It was B.K.S. Iyengar's unique teaching style, bringing precision and clarity to the practice, as well as a mindset of 'yoga for all', which has made it into the worldwide phenomenon it is today. 'Light on Yoga' is widely called 'the bible of yoga' and has served as the source book for generations of yoga students (...)
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    In defense of behavioral welfare economics.B. Douglas Bernheim - 2021 - Journal of Economic Methodology 28 (4):385-400.
    In The Community of Advantage, Robert Sugden advocates an opportunity-oriented framework for normative analysis, positions it a substitute for behavioral welfare economics, and criticizes the latte...
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  13. Avempace, Projectile Motion, and Impetus Theory.Abel B. Franco - 2003 - Journal of the History of Ideas 64 (4):521-546.
    This paper provides a historical reevaluation of the originality and implications of Avempace's critique of Aristotle's causal explanation of the motion of projectiles. It also offers a serious revision of the place which has usually been assigned to Avempace in the history of science. The views regarding projectiles defended in Avempace's Arabic commentary are in sharp opposition to the anti-Aristotelian Avempace that was known in the Medieval West through Averroes. Avempace's commentary reveals only a moderate critic of Aristotle, a critic (...)
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    Cooper on equality and excellence in education.B. C. Hurst - 1981 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 15 (1):119–124.
    B C Hurst; Cooper on Equality and Excellence in Education, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 15, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 119–124,
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    Quotients of Boolean algebras and regular subalgebras.B. Balcar & T. Pazák - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (3):329-342.
    Let ${\mathbb{B}}$ and ${\mathbb{C}}$ be Boolean algebras and ${e: \mathbb{B}\rightarrow \mathbb{C}}$ an embedding. We examine the hierarchy of ideals on ${\mathbb{C}}$ for which ${ \bar{e}: \mathbb{B}\rightarrow \mathbb{C} / \fancyscript{I}}$ is a regular (i.e. complete) embedding. As an application we deal with the interrelationship between ${\fancyscript{P}(\omega)/{{\rm fin}}}$ in the ground model and in its extension. If M is an extension of V containing a new subset of ω, then in M there is an almost disjoint refinement of the family ([ω]ω) V (...)
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  16. BOCHENSKI J. M.- BLAKELEY T.- KUENG G.- LOBKOWICZ N.- DAHM H.- FLEISCHER H.- MUELLER S.- JORDAN Z.- VRTACIC L.- BUCHHOLZ A., "Studies in Soviet Thought". [REVIEW]B. A. B. A. - 1962 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 54:514.
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    New books. [REVIEW]B. A. - 1910 - Mind 19 (1):436-a-436.
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  18. Book Review. [REVIEW]B. A. - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):384.
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  19. Two challenges to the double effect doctrine: euthanasia and abortion.A. B. Shaw - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (2):102-104.
    The validity of the double effect doctrine is examined in euthanasia and abortion. In these two situations killing is a method of treatment. It is argued that the doctrine cannot apply to the care of the dying. Firstly, doctors are obliged to harm patients in order to do good to them. Secondly, patients should make their own value judgments about being mutilated or killed. Thirdly, there is little intuitive moral difference between direct and indirect killing. Nor can the doctrine apply (...)
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    Listen to your mother! The role of talker familiarity in infant streaming.B. Barker & R. Newman - 2004 - Cognition 94 (2):B45-B53.
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    The Afropessimist Never Drinks the Kool-Aid of Black Enlightened Progress: An Interview with Frank B. Wilderson III.Fernando Gomez Herrero & I. I. I. Frank B. Wilderson - 2022 - Diacritics 50 (4):72-97.
    Frank Wilderson: I introduce a semiotic configuration. The point is, at important levels of abstraction, people who are positioned as Black—which is very different from saying people who think of themselves as Black. One of the basic premises of Afropessimism, which makes it resonate with psychoanalysis or Marxism, is that where one is positioned in a paradigm might not be where one thinks one is or where one desires to be. When I teach undergraduates, I say: “Look, I used to (...)
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    Al-Ghazālī on Condemnation of Pride and Self-Admiration (Kitāb Dhamm al-kibr wa’l-ʿujb): Book XXIX of the Revival of the Religious Sciences (Iḥyāʾ ʿulūm al-dīn). Translated by Mohammed Rustom.Matthew B. Ingalls - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (2).
    Al-Ghazālī on Condemnation of Pride and Self-Admiration : Book XXIX of the Revival of the Religious Sciences. Translated by Mohammed Rustom. Cambridge: The Islamic Texts Society, 2018. Pp. xxxvi + 190. £17.99.
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    Is consciousness recent?B. Baars - 1992 - Consciousness and Cognition 1 (2):139-142.
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    L'espace dans ses dimensions transcendantale et pragmatiste.Manuel B.äächtold - 2011 - Kant Studien 102 (2):145-167.
    This article examines the Kantian thesis of the a priori nature of our knowledge of space. Because it makes the representation of objects possible as external to us and all others, and consequently, as distinct and individualized, space (whatever its structure may be) claims the status as necessary condition and as apriori possibility of all knowledge. However, in the light of various physical, psychological and philosophical considerations, it seems that the particular structure allocated by Kant to space (i.e. uniqueness, infinity, (...)
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  25. Places that disasters leave behind.B. Janz - manuscript
    In 2004 Orlando Florida was hit with an almost unprecedented series of storms and hurricanes. Within two months, Hurricanes Charley, Frances, and Jeanne hit, and Hurricane Ivan made a near miss. Billions of dollars of damage resulted from these disasters, and several dozen lives were lost. It is tempting, in the case of extreme events, to either regard them as having no need of interpretation (that is, as simply given, material events shared by everyone), or as a kind of rare (...)
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    Property Rights with Respect to Modern Money: A Libertarian Justification.Lennart B. Ackermans - 2020 - Journal of Social Ontology 6 (2):315-349.
    The traditional Lockean justification of property rights has been argued to be no longer valid in a world in which much wealth does not derive from acquisitions of natural resources, and in which much property, such as money, is intangible. This means that libertarians need to reconsider whether and why property rights are justified for objects that fall outside of the scope of the Lockean justification. This paper gives a justification of property rights in relation to modern money, which uses (...)
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  27.  33
    Taste aversions induced by d-amphetamine: Dose-response relationship.B. A. Nathan & J. R. Vogel - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (3):287-288.
  28. Cultura mexicana moderna en el siglo XVIII.Bernabé Navarro B. - 1964 - México,: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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  29. Mudrostʹ krasoty: o problemakh ėsteticheskogo vospitanii︠a︡: kniga dli︠a︡ uchiteli︠a︡.B. M. Nemenskiĭ - 1981 - Moskva: "Prosveshchenie,".
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    Cum altari adsistitur semper ad Patrem dirigatur oratio.B. Neunheuser - 1985 - Augustinianum 25 (1-2):105-119.
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    Очерки теории интегративной антропологии.B. A. Nikitëiìuk - 1995 - Maĭkop: Adygeĭskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  32. Freedom as Act of Totalization: A Critique on Sartre.B. Oinam - 1998 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 25 (1):103-118.
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  33. No recording please! This is ART. Or: what do Cynthia Hawkins and Walter Benjamin have in common (not)?B. Olivier - 1996 - South African Journal of Philosophy 15 (1):8-14.
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    The I Ching or "Book of Changes": Chinese space-time model and a philosophy of divination.B. B. Olshin - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy and Culture 2 (2):17-39.
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    Non-uptake of facility-based maternity services in an inner-city community in Lagos, nigeria: An observational study.B. O. Olusanya, O. P. Alakija & V. A. Inem - 2010 - Journal of Biosocial Science 42 (3):341-358.
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  36. (1 other version)Waldecker, Ludwig, Allgemeine Staatslehre.B. V. Oppen - 1931 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 36:206.
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    Habit and creativity in judges’ definition and framing of legal questions.B. Robert Owens & Ben Merriman - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (5):741-767.
    The dominant social scientific approach to studying judicial behavior treats judges as strategic actors pursuing their political preferences under institutional constraint. The intellectual roots of this rational choice approach are in American law’s long but sporadic engagement with pragmatist ideas. This article challenges that approach: a fully pragmatist account of judicial action provides a better description of the intellectual and social work of judging, and better explains how judges reach a decision in difficult cases that most affect the development of (...)
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    A further note on Burchard Kranich.M. B. Donald - 1951 - Annals of Science 7 (1):107-108.
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    Decision-making in patients with advanced cancer compared with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.A. B. Astrow, J. R. Sood, M. T. Nolan, P. B. Terry, L. Clawson, J. Kub, M. Hughes & D. P. Sulmasy - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (9):664-668.
    Aim: Patients with advanced cancer need information about end-of-life treatment options in order to make informed decisions. Clinicians vary in the frequency with which they initiate these discussions.Patients and methods: As part of a long-term longitudinal study, patients with an expected 2-year survival of less than 50% who had advanced gastrointestinal or lung cancer or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis were interviewed. Each patient’s medical record was reviewed at enrollment and at 3 months for evidence of the discussion of patient wishes concerning (...)
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  40. Schads Wirkungen in der Ukraine im ersten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts.A. J. B. Abaschnik Wladimir - 2000 - Fichte-Studien. Hrsg. Von Wolfgang H. Schrader.-Amsterdam-Atlanta: Editions Rodopi Bv 18:149-187.
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  41. As if they could be brought to account: How athenians managed the political unaccountability of citizens.F. Abdel-Nour & B. Cook - 2014 - History of Political Thought 35 (3):436-457.
    The political unaccountability of ordinary citizens in classical Athens was originally raised as a challenge by ancient critics of democracy. In tension with that criticism, the authors argue that attention to the above challenge is consistent with a defence of Athenian democratic politics. In fact, ordinary citizens' function in the Assembly and courts implicitly included the burden of justifying their own political decisions to an imagined authority, as if they could be brought to account. Byeans of practices that encouraged this (...)
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  42. Analytic stochastic regularization: Gauge and supersymmetric theories.M. C. B. Abdalla - 1988 - Scientia 52:273.
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  43. V.I. Leninin fălsăfi irsi vă mu̇asirlik: "Materializm vă empiriokritisizm" ăsărinin 70 illii̐i.Ḣ. B. Abdullai̐ev & J. T. Ăḣmădli (eds.) - 1980 - Baky: "Elm" năshrii̐i̐aty.
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    The physician charter on medical professionalism: a Jewish ethical perspective.A. B. Jotkowitz - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (7):404-405.
    The physician charter on medical professionalism creates standards of ethical behaviour for physicians and has been endorsed by professional organisations worldwide. It is based on the cardinal principles of the primacy of patient welfare, patient autonomy, and social welfare. There has been little discussion in the bioethics community of the doctrine of the charter and none from a Jewish ethical perspective. In this essay the authors discuss the obligations of the charter from a Jewish ethical viewpoint and call on other (...)
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    Burchard Kranich (C. 1515–1578), miner and queen's physician, Cornish mining stamps, antimony and, Frobisher's gold.M. B. Donald - 1950 - Annals of Science 6 (3):308-322.
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    On Wanting to Be Somebody.A. B. Palma - 1988 - Philosophy 63 (245):373 - 387.
    There are many people in the world who want to be Somebody. Let us describe someone as Somebody who comes to believe that, in one or more respects, he or she is a special or significant person and who succeeds, through whatever means, in acquiring some sort of reputation and some sort of fame. People want to become Somebody because they believe that unless they succeed in that respect they will turn out to be a mere mediocrity, or worse still, (...)
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  47.  22
    When Women Watch Television..Ulla B. Abrahamsson - 1994 - Communications 19 (1):67-86.
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    Intuitions, principles and consequences.A. B. Shaw - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (1):16-19.
    Some approaches to the assessment of moral intuitions are discussed. The controlled ethical trial isolates a moral issue from confounding factors and thereby clarifies what a person's intuition actually is. Casuistic reasoning from situations, where intuitions are clear, suggests or modifies principles, which can then help to make decisions in situations where intuitions are unclear. When intuitions are defended by a supporting principle, that principle can be tested by finding extreme cases, in which it is counterintuitive to follow the principle. (...)
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  49. Muḥākamat Suqrāṭ, aw, al-Haqq fi al-mawt.Badawī Abū Dīb - 1982 - Bayrūt,:
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    The King of pain: Aeneas, achates and 'achos'in aeneid 1.G. B. Achates & T. Weber - 2008 - Classical Quarterly 58:181-189.
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