Results for 'Aysen Candas'

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  1. Quietly Reverting Public Issues into Private Troubles.Aysen Candas & Yildiz Silier - 2014 - Social Politics 21 (1).
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    Solidarity among strangers:A problem of coexistence in turkey.Aysen Candas & Ayse Bugra - 2010 - Constellations 17 (2):293-311.
  3. The Ethics of Food Advertising Targeted Toward Children: Parental Viewpoint.Aysen Bakir & Scott J. Vitell - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (2):299-311.
    The children’s market has become significantly more important to marketers in recent years. They have been spending increasing amounts on advertising, particularly of food and beverages, to reach this segment. At the same time, there is a critical debate among parents, government agencies, and industry experts as to the ethics of food advertising practices aimed toward children. The␣present study examines parents’ ethical views of food advertising targeting children. Findings indicate that parents’ beliefs concerning at least some dimensions of moral intensity (...)
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    As finalidades da arte: a autonomia e a liberdade na estética hegeliana.Cilene Nascimento Canda - 2010 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 2 (2):40-51.
    O objeto de estudo do presente texto assenta-se na discussão sobre as finalidades da arte referentes à liberdade e à autonomia humana, tendo como aporte teórico a estética hegeliana. O estudo pretende, ainda que de modo conciso, ser um caminho reflexivo de suporte para a compreensão da estética, enquanto área de conhecimento humano. A metodologia adotada refere-se ao estudo de cunho teórico sobre a arte enquanto expressão, forma de produção de conhecimento sensível e de criação humana. Visa-se tecer argumentos acerca (...)
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    Bauddha Darśana Kī Paramparā Aura Santa Ravidāsa.Rameśa Canda - 2012 - Manīsha Prakāśana.
    On the life of Ravidāsa, 15th century Awadhi, Hindi, and Panjabi religious poet and impact of Buddhist philosophy on his thoughts.
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    Mahāyāna meṃ ācāra-mīmāṃsā: Ācārya Śāntideva kr̥ta Śikshā-samuccaya kā nīti dārśanika adhyayana.Rameśa Canda - 2017 - Vārāṇasī: Manīsha Prakāśana.
    Moral and philosophical study of Śikṣāsamuccaya, a work of Mahayana Buddhist philosophy by Śāntideva, active 7th century.
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    Türkiye'de Korumacılık ve Kültür ve Tabiat Varlıklarını Koruma Bilincinin Gelişimi: 1938-1960 Dönemi.Nimet Candaş Kahya - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 10):271-271.
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    (1 other version)Ethical judgments and intentions: A multinational study of marketing professionals.Scott J. Vitell, Aysen Bakir, Joseph G. P. Paolillo, Encarnacion Ramos Hidalgo, Jamal Al-Khatib & Mohammed Y. A. Rawwas - 2003 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 12 (2):151–171.
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    Pātañjalayoga aura Śrī Aravindayoga.Triloka Canda - 1991 - Dillī, Bhārata: Īsṭarna Buka Liṅkarsa.
    Study of Yogasūtra, classical aphoristic work on the Yoga school in Indic philosophy, by Patañjali, and the philosophy of Aurobindo Ghose, 1872-1950, Indic philosopher, on Yoga.
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    Book Review: Gender before Birth: Sex Selection in a Transnational Context by Rajani Bhatia. [REVIEW]Candas Pinar - 2020 - Gender and Society 34 (1):166-168.
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    Liyakat.Candaş Tolga Işık - 2022 - İstanbul: Kırmızı Kedi Yayimevi.
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  12. Jaina dr̥shtie yoga.Motīcanda Giradharalāla Kāpadiyā - 1974
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    Daśavādarahasya mīmāṃsā : Vaidika sr̥shṭi prakriyā kā vivecana.Candā Kumārī - 2014 - Dillī: Abhisheka Prakāśana. Edited by Madhusūdana Ojhā.
    Study of Daśavādarahasya of Madhusūdana Ojha, 1866-1929, treatise on the Hindu philosophy of creation and cosmology.
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    Bauddha darśana kā saiddhāntika ādhāra: Ācārya Aśvaghosha viracita Buddhacarita, Saundarānanda evaṃ anya Baudha srotoṃ para adharita.Nīla Canda Rāgho - 2012 - Candīgaṛha: Aruṇa Pabliśiṅga Prāīveṭa Limiṭeḍa.
    On Buddhist philosophy based on the works of Aśvaghosha and other Buddhist sources.
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    Śrī Mohanalāla Dalīcanda Desāī lekhasañcaya agranthastha.Mohanalāla Dalīcanda Deśāī - 2023 - Amadāvāda: Jñānanī Bārī. Edited by Kāntibhāī Bī Śāha.
    Unpublished writing on Jaina doctrines, philosophy, rituals, tirthankars, Gujarati Jain poets and their works.
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    Transformation of dairy activity in Mexico in the context of current globalization and regionalization.Luis Arturo García Hernández, Estela Martínez Borrego, Hernán Salas Quintanal & Aysen Tanyeri-Abur - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (2):157-167.
    To explain globalization of the Mexicandairy production more precisely, globalization indairy systems worldwide and within Mexico ispresented, using an intensive dairy operation in theregion of La Laguna (North Mexico), and a traditionaldairy operation in Los Altos de Jalisco (West Mexico)as examples. The focus is on the economic aspects ofregionalization, and how it relates to theglobalization process. In this context, the process ofregionalization of the North American dairy systemsand their relationships with the local systems in LaLaguna and Los Altos de Jalisco (...)
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  17. Bhāshā, sat, aura vikalpa: Ācārya Dharmakīrti kā bhāshā-darśana.Kr̥shṇa Canda Pāṇḍeya - 2021 - Prayāgarāja: Rākā Prakāśana.
    Study on the philosophy of language of Dharmakīrti, 7th century Buddhist philosopher.
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    Knowledge Production, Mobilization and Standardization in Chile’s HidroAysén Case.Claudio Broitman & Pablo Kreimer - 2018 - Minerva 56 (2):209-229.
    The Aysén Hydroelectric Project in Chilean Patagonia proposed the construction of the country’s largest power facility to supply its capital, nearly 2,000 kilometres away. We seek to explain the way science, politics, law, business and the civilian population are joined up. To this end, we analyse the project’s evolution, the construction of techno-scientific arguments by the participants and how Chilean regulations are adapting to this process.
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    On the Ancient Roots of Berkeley Immaterialist Idealism.Alberto Luis López - manuscript
    During the Mexico-Canda Conference in October 2020 at Western University (Canada) I submitted a draft of a future paper.
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    Chiloé y el Puerto Libre en la discusión parlamentaria chilena: la geopolítica de la Patagonia.Jamadier Esteban Uribe Muñoz - 2024 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 15 (28-29):e196.
    El presente artículo tiene por objeto comprender las razones políticas detrás de la Ley 12.008 que en 1956 creó una zona de franquicia tributaria en las provincias de Chiloé, Aysén y Magallanes, poniendo especial énfasis en el lugar que ocupó Chiloé en el debate. Se identifican tres motivos principales tras la ley: el valor estratégico del Estrecho de Magallanes, la precaria situación económica de las provincias australes y la migración de trabajadores chilotes hacia la Patagonia argentina, lo que era percibido (...)
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    Discourses of Nature in New Perceptions of the Natural Landscape in Southern Chile.Enrique Aliste, Mauricio Folchi & Andrés Núñez - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:296209.
    Landscapes are shaped over time by the changing imaginaries that result from new representations of nature and the value associated with it. This paper discusses the evolving discourses which have shaped the perception of the landscape in two socially and ecologically significant contexts in Chile. The first is the central-southern region of the country, a large portion of which is now devoted to commercial forestry plantations. The second is the Patagonia-Aysén region, where since the 1990s, colonisation of a land defined (...)
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    Le métier de paysagiste.Louis Benech & Barbara de Negroni - 2017 - Cahiers Philosophiques 2:109.
    Les troubles de mémoire sont un motif fréquent de consultation dans les services de gériatrie, psychiatrie ou neurologie. Ils sont pour beaucoup synonymes d’un mot terrible : Alzheimer. Dès l’apparition de troubles mnésiques, chacun s’interroge : « Est-ce l’âge, ou bien la maladie? Puis-je panser ma mémoire, ou vais-je dériver avec elle? » Les docteurs Emmanuelle Candas et Bruno Le Dastumer, gériatres, spécialistes des troubles de la mémoire, font un état des lieux de la maladie d’Alzheimer et répondent à (...)
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    M. Tulli Ciceronis de Finibus Bonorum Et Malorum Libri Quinque (Classic Reprint).Marcus Tullius Cicero & James S. Reid - 2018 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from M. Tulli Ciceronis De Finibus Bonorum Et Malorum Libri Quinque Duo sunt, opinor, quae lectures a me hoc loco requi rent aut, si non requirent ipsi, rogandi mihi sunt, ut beneuolo animo et adtento accipiaut. Nam primum di ccudam st de horum librorum, quos Cicero de finibus honorum et maiorum scripsit, emendatiolle et enarratione et nninersae opera a me in iis positm ratio sic expli canda, ut, qua in commentariis disperse posita sunt, ea ad suas canssas generation reuocata (...)
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    La patagonia ya nunca sería la misma : Del melodrama a la defensa Del medio ambiente.Sergio Mansilla Torres - 2018 - Alpha (Osorno) 46:33-47.
    Resumen En este trabajo se discute la imagen de la Patagonia -en este caso de aquella zona de Patagonia que corresponde a Aysén- que proyecta la novelaLa Patagonia ya nunca sería la mismadesde la mirada y comportamiento de los personajes protagonistas de la misma. Se estudia en particular el tópico de la naturaleza prístina, la que ejercería una especie de efecto purificador sobre las conductas, actitudes y espiritualidad incluso, de sujetos que en algún momento de sus vidas han sido instrumentos (...)
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    Reciprocal Interaction Between Śākta Theology and Ritual Praxis—a Study of Caṇḍī Pūjā and Devī Māhātmya in the Devī Mandir Community of Shree Maa.Zipei Tang - 2021 - Journal of Dharma Studies 4 (3):295-311.
    Śākta tradition is one of the major branches of Hindu Theism which focuses on the divine feminine. Recent scholarly researches on Śākta tradition mainly orient toward either its sacred text or its ritual customs; however, textual exegesis and ritual studies have mostly been two separate spheres. This paper presents an attempt to integrate the two. It explores one of the most essential practices of Śākta tradition, the Caṇḍī pūjā, and discusses its relationship with Śākta theology in the principal Śākta text (...)
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