Results for 'Ayelet Baram‐Tsabari'

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  1. Using questions sent to an Ask‐A‐Scientist site to identify children's interests in science.Ayelet Baram‐Tsabari, Ricky J. Sethi, Lynn Bry & Anat Yarden - 2006 - Science Education 90 (6):1050-1072.
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  2. There and back again, or the problem of locality in biodiversity surveys.Ayelet Shavit & James Griesemer - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (3):273-294.
    We argue that ‘locality’, perhaps the most mundane term in ecology, holds a basic ambiguity: two concepts of space—nomothetic and idiographic—which are both necessary for a rigorous resurvey to “the same” locality in the field, are committed to different practices with no common measurement. A case study unfolds the failure of the standard assumption that an exogenous grid of longitude and latitude, as fine‐grained as one wishes, suffices for revisiting a species locality. We briefly suggest a scale‐dependent “resolution” for this (...)
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  3. Multicultural Jurisdictions: Cultural Differences and Women's Rights.Ayelet Shachar - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    Is it possible for the state simultaneously to respect deep cultural differences and to protect the hard-won citizenship rights of vulnerable group members, particularly women? This 2001 book argues that it is not only theoretically needed, but also institutionally feasible. Rejecting prevalent normative and legal solutions to this 'paradox of multicultural vulnerability', Multicultural Jurisdictions develops a powerful argument for enhancement of the jurisdictional autonomy of religious and cultural minorities while at the same time providing viable legal-institutional solutions to the problem (...)
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    Beyond open and closed borders: the grand transformation of citizenship.Ayelet Shachar - 2020 - Jurisprudence 11 (1):1-27.
    The Jurisprudence Lecture, delivered by Ayelet Shachar, challenges the established dichotomy between open and closed borders, showing that one of the most remarkable developments of recent years is...
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    The Curious Case of the Camel in Modern Japan: (De)Colonialism, Orientalism, and Imagining Asia.Ayelet Zohar - 2022 - BRILL.
    In _The Curious Case of the Camel in Modern Japan_, Ayelet Zohar addresses issues of Orientalism, colonialism, and exoticism in modern Japan, through images of camels – the epitome of Otherness, and a metonymy for Asia in the Japanese imagination.
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    The Shifting Border: Legal cartographies of migration and mobility.Ayelet Shachar - 2020 - Manchester: Manchester University Press.
    The border is one of the most urgent issues of our times. We tend to think of a border as a static line, but recent bordering techniques have broken away from the map, as governments have developed legal tools to limit the rights of migrants before and after they enter a country's territory. The consequent detachment of state power from any fixed geographical marker has created a new paradigm: the shifting border, an adjustable legal construct untethered in space. This transformation (...)
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    On Citizenship, States, and Markets.Ayelet Shachar & Ran Hirschl - 2014 - Journal of Political Philosophy 22 (2):231-257.
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    Plutarch on Civil Wars.Ayelet Peer - 2023 - Hermes 151 (4):424-448.
    Plutarch’s exuberant writings reaped praise in both antique and modern times. Various aspects of his work have been amply studied and analysed, yet some remain less discussed. This paper therefore aims to contribute to the ongoing research of his works by examining Plutarch’s references to stasis in general, and more particularly to the Roman civil wars. Plutarch lived through the civil wars of 69 CE, and although he did not suffer by experiencing them directly, these events no doubt contributed to (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Shifting values partly explain the debate over group selection.Ayelet Shavit - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 35 (4):697-720.
    I argue that images of the notion of group, in correspondence with their social and political values, shape the debate over the evolution of altruism by group selection. Important aspects of this debate are empirical, and criteria can decide among a variety of selection processes. However, leading researchers undermine or reinterpret such tests, explaining the evolution of altruism on the basis of a single extreme metaphor of ‘group’ and a single inclusive selection process. I shall argue that the extreme images (...)
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    Diverse Populations are Conflated with Heterogeneous Collectives.Ayelet Shavit & Aaron M. Ellison - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy 118 (10):525-548.
    The concept of difference has a long and important research tradition. We identify and explicate a heretofore overlooked distinction in the meaning and measurement of two different meanings of 'difference': 'diversity' and 'heterogeneity'. We argue that ‘diversity’ can describe a population well enough but does not describe a collective well. In contrast, ‘heterogeneity’ describes a collective better than a population and therefore ought to describe a collective. We argue that ignoring these distinctions can lead to a surprising and disturbing conflict (...)
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  11.  39
    The Marketization of Citizenship in an Age of Restrictionism.Ayelet Shachar - 2018 - Ethics and International Affairs 32 (1):3-13.
    In today's age of restrictionism, a growing number of countries are closing their gates of admission to most categories of would-be immigrants with one important exception. Governments increasingly seek to lure and attract “high value” migrants, especially those with access to large sums of capital. These individuals are offered golden visa programs that lead to fast-tracked naturalization in exchange for a hefty investment, in some cases without inhabiting or even setting foot in the passport-issuing country to which they now officially (...)
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    Jewish and Arab Childhood in Israel: Contemporary Perspectives.Einat Baram Eshel, Wurud Jayusi, Ilana Paul-Binyamin & Eman Younis (eds.) - 2021 - Lexington Books.
    In this edited collection on Jewish and Arab childhood in Israel, contributors illuminate the experiences of the individual child with family and community, the formal education system, and informal leisure culture, and they explore representations of childhood and its perceptions in literature and culture.
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    Temporal Succession in Samson Agonistes.Ayelet C. Langer - 2020 - Philosophy and Literature 44 (2):298-309.
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    Recasting the Die? A New History of Julius Caesar.Ayelet Haimson Lushkov - 2023 - Polis 40 (1):149-157.
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    Top-down effect on pupillary response: Evidence from shape from shading.Ayelet Sapir, Ronen Hershman & Avishai Henik - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104664.
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    Two Roads Diverge in a Wood: Indifference to the Difference Between ‘Diversity’ and ‘Heterogeneity’ Should Be Resisted on Epistemic and Moral Grounds.Ayelet Shavit, Anat Kolumbus & Aaron M. Ellison - unknown
    We argue that a conceptual tension exists between “diversity” and “heterogeneity” and that glossing over their differences has practical, moral, and epistemic costs. We examine how these terms are used in ecology and the social sciences; articulate a deeper linguistic intuition; and test it with the Corpus of Contemporary American English. The results reveal that ‘diversity’ and ‘heterogeneity’ have conflicting rather than interchangeable meanings: heterogeneity implies a collective entity that interactively integrates different entities, whereas diversity implies divergence, not integration. Consequently, (...)
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    The Worth of Citizenship in an Unequal World.Ayelet Shachar - 2007 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 8 (2):367-388.
    In today’s world, one’s place of birth and one’s parentage are — by law — relevant to, and often conclusive of, one’s access to membership in a particular political community. Birthright citizenship largely shapes the allocation of membership entitlement itself. But no less significantly, it also distributes opportunity unequally. This makes citizenship a matter of inherited entitlement. In a world in which membership in different political communities translates into very different starting points in life, upholding this legal connection between birth, (...)
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  18. Selecting By Merit: The Brave New World of Stratified Mobility.Ayelet Shachar - 2016 - In Sarah Fine & Lea Ypi (eds.), Migration in Political Theory: The Ethics of Movement and Membership. Oxford University Press UK.
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    Social Justice, Global Dynamics: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives.Ayelet Banai & Miriam Ronzoni - 2011 - Routledge.
    Many theoretical publications make assumptions about the facts of globalization, and in particular about the role and autonomy of the nation state. These factual claims and assumptions often play an important role in justifying the normative conclusions, yet remain under-explored. This interdisciplinary volume examines questions that are central to the problems of both social and international justice, and in particular, to their interdependence: How do global and transnational factors influence the capacity of states to be internally just? Has the state (...)
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    Citizenship as Inherited Property.Ayelet Shachar & Ran Hirschl - 2007 - Political Theory 35 (3):253-287.
    The global distributive implications of automatically allocating political membership according to territoriality (jus soli) and parentage (jus sanguinis) principles have largely escaped critical scrutiny. This article begins to address this considerable gap. Securing membership status in a given state or region--with its specific level of wealth, degree of stability, and human rights record--is a crucial factor in the determination of life chances. However, birthright entitlements still dominate both our imagination and our laws in the allotment of political membership to a (...)
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  21.  46
    The Notion of 'Group' and Tests of Group Selection.Ayelet Shavit - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (5):1052-1063.
    This paper examines the empirical aspect of the debates over group selection. I argue that specific narrow readings of the notion of ‘group’ result in a deficient experimentation of the group selection process. Criteria for empirical testability are presented and used to reexamine two well-known experiments of group selection. I argue that the former holds a narrow image of ‘group’ that does not distinguish group selection from selection at other levels; while the latter holds a multifaceted image of ‘group’ that (...)
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  22. On Citizenship and Multicultural Vulnerability.Ayelet Shachar - 2000 - Political Theory 28 (1):64-89.
  23. Just Membership: Between Ideals and Harsh Realities.Ayelet Shachar - 2012 - Les Ateliers de L’Ethique 7 (2):71-88.
    In this paper, Ayelet Shachar begins by restating the main idea of her important book The Birthright Lottery : Citizenship and Global Inequality and then goes on to address in a constructive spirit the main themes raised by the five preceding comments written by scholars in the fields of law, philosophy and political science.Dans cet article, Ayelet Shachar commence par rappeler l’idée centrale de son livre important The Birthright Lottery: Citizenship and Global Inequality avant de répondre de manière (...)
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  24. How feedback infl uences persistence, disengagement, and change in goal pursuit.Ayelet Fishbach & Stacey R. Finkelstein - 2012 - In Henk Aarts & Andrew J. Elliot (eds.), Goal-directed behavior. New York, NY: Psychology Press.
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    The motivational self is more than the sum of its goals.Ayelet Fishbach - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (2):143-144.
    I present evidence in favor of an overarching motivational self: a mental function that regulates expression of multiple goals. Goals often conflict with each other, and the role of a motivational self is to consciously or unconsciously prioritize pursuit of these goals. When observing inconsistency in expression of goals, it is therefore useful to consider whether the motivational self is attempting to balance between conflicting goals or if such inconsistency results from temporary self-control weakness.
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    Homo risibilis: The Incongruous Perspective of Reason.Ayelet Lilti - 2021 - The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook 2 (1):277-280.
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    Philosophical Laughter: Divine or Annihilating?Ayelet Lilti - 2022 - The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook 3 (1):311-316.
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    Self-Determination and Resource Rights: In Defence of Territorial Jurisdiction Over Natural Resources.Ayelet Banai - 2016 - Res Publica 22 (1):9-20.
    Is territorial jurisdiction over natural resources justified? This paper argues that a freedom-based account of self-determination coupled with ‘functionalist’ justifications of territorial right support territorial jurisdiction over natural resources. This justification simultaneously gives rise to limits on the permissible exercise of the right: the principles of reciprocity and generality, and of equal freedom. This ‘reciprocal’ view on territorial jurisdiction over natural resources, defended here, differs from two alternatives: the traditional sovereignty view on the one hand and the transnational jurisdiction view—which (...)
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  29. Le casse-tête de la citoyenneté par droit de naissance.Ayelet Shachar - 2012 - Les Ateliers de L’Ethique 7 (2):89-116.
    Cet article est la traduction française de l’introduction du livre d’Ayelet Shachar, «The Puzzle of Birthright Citizenship», avec la permission de l’éditeur, tirée de The Birthright Lottery : Citizenship and Global Inequality, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, pp.1-18. © 2009 President and Fellows of Harvard College. Traduction de Martin Provencher.This paper is the French translation of Ayelet Shachar’s introduction, «The Puzzle of Birthright Citizenship», digitally reproduced by permission of the publisher from The Birthright Lottery : Citizenship and Global (...)
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    Standing for Democracy – Bioethics Conferences and Totalitarian Regimens.Ayelet Shai - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):46-48.
    The upcoming World Congress of Bioethics (WCB) will take place in Qatar in 2024. In response to criticism regarding this location, The international Association of Bioethics (IAB) board members exp...
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  31. Political Self-Determination and Global Egalitarianism.Ayelet Banai - 2013 - Social Theory and Practice 39 (1):45-69.
    Proponents of global egalitarian justice often argue that their positions are compatible with the principle of self-determination. At the same time, prominent arguments in favor of global egalitarianism object to one central component of the principle: namely, that the borders of states (or other political units) are normatively significant for the allocation of rights and duties; that duties of justice and democratic rights should stop or change at borders. In this article, I propose an argument in defense of the normative (...)
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    Freedom beyond the threshold: self-determination, sovereignty, and global justice.Ayelet Banai - 2015 - Ethics and Global Politics 8 (1).
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    Transforming Objects into Data: How Minute Technicalities of Recording “Species Location” Entrench a Basic Challenge for Biodiversity.Ayelet Shavit & James Griesemer - 2011 - In M. Carrier & A. Nordmann (eds.), Science in the Context of Application. Springer. pp. 169--193.
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    The Shape of the Roman Order: The Republic and Its Spaces by Daniel J. Gargola.Ayelet Haimson Lushkov - 2018 - American Journal of Philology 139 (2):350-353.
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  35. From Liberal to Post-Colonial to Multicultural Feminism: Competing Approaches to the study of Gender, Citizenship and Fate of Religious Arbitration.Ayelet Shachar - 2009 - In Debra Satz & Rob Reich (eds.), Toward a humanist justice : the political philosophy of Susan Moller Okin. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
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    Legitimating Identities. The Self-presentations of Rulers and Subjects.Ayelet Shachar - 2003 - Contemporary Political Theory 2 (1):113-115.
  37.  26
    You Can't Go Home Again - or Can you? 'Replication' Indeterminacy and 'Location' Incommensurability in Three Biological Re-Surveys.Ayelet Shavit - unknown
    Reproducing empirical results and repeating experimental processes is fundamental to science, but is of grave concern to scientists. Revisiting the same location is necessary for tracking biological processes, yet I argue that ‘location’ and ‘replication’ contain a basic ambiguity. The analysis of the practical meanings of ‘replication’ and ‘location’ will strip of incommensurability from its common conflation with empirical equivalence, underdetermination and indeterminacy of reference. In particular, I argue that three biodiversity re-surveys, conducted by the research institutions of Harvard, Berkeley, (...)
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    The Paintings of Ibrahim Nubani.Ayelet Zohar - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (1):3-33.
    This text reads into the work of Ibrahim Nubani (1962—), a Palestinian-Israeli painter who was diagnosed with schizophrenia in 1988, during the first Intifada. Nubani’s painting has undergone a tremendous change from the 1980s and the period of his hospitalization to his painting style today: from geometric, Modernist-type painting, gradually moving into his contemporary chaotic and saturated style of expression. I draw parallels between Nubani’s personal and psychological condition and the political events that affected him. I refer to his state (...)
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    Is Investor-State Arbitration Unfair? A Freedom-Based Perspective.Ayelet Banai - 2017 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 10 (1).
    Investor-state-dispute-settlement is an arbitration mechanism to settle disputes between foreign investors and host-states. Seemingly a technical issue in private international law, ISDS procedures have recently become a matter of public concern and the target of political resistance, due to the power they grant to foreign investors in matters of public policies in the countries they invest in. This article examines the practice of ISDS through the lenses of liberal-statist theories of international justice, which value self-determination. It argues that the investor-state (...)
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    Visual Working Memory Cannot Trade Quantity for Quality.Ayelet Ramaty & Roy Luria - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    (1 other version)Squaring the Circle of Multiculturalism? Religious Freedom and Gender Equality in Canada.Ayelet Shachar - 2016 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 10 (1):31-69.
    Journal Name: The Law & Ethics of Human Rights Issue: Ahead of print.
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  42. What We Owe Women: The View from Multicultral Feminism.".Ayelet Shachar - 2009 - In Debra Satz & Rob Reich (eds.), Toward a humanist justice : the political philosophy of Susan Moller Okin. New York, US: Oxford University Press. pp. 143--65.
  43.  22
    How Do We Recognize Emotion From Movement? Specific Motor Components Contribute to the Recognition of Each Emotion.Ayelet Melzer, Tal Shafir & Rachelle Palnick Tsachor - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  44. Self-Determination and the Limits on the Right to Include.Lior Erez & Ayelet Banai - 2024 - Political Studies.
    States’ right to exclude prospective members is the subject of a fierce debate in political theory, but the right to include has received relatively little scholarly attention. To address this lacuna, we examine the puzzle of permissible inclusion: when may states confer citizenship on individuals they have no prior obligation to include? We first clarify why permissible inclusion is a puzzle, then proceed to a normative evaluation of this practice and its limits. We investigate self-determination – a dominant principle in (...)
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    Reply to my critics.Ayelet Shachar - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (3):615-623.
    European Journal of Political Theory, Volume 21, Issue 3, Page 615-623, July 2022. In this response essay, Ayelet Shachar replies to her critics, pushing beyond the arguments developed in her most recent book, The Shifting Border, to probe new ideas. Specifically, she elaborates five avenunes for exploration: dethorning the state as the exclusive decisionmaker on migration; finding the tools to alleviate oppression in the criticized practices themselves; identifying rights and duty-bearers; exposing the spatial dimension of structural injustice; and revisiting (...)
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    “Location” Incommensurability and “Replication” Indeterminacy: Clarifying an Entrenched Conflation by Using an Involved Approach.Ayelet Shavit - 2016 - Perspectives on Science 24 (4):425-442.
    . Reproducible results and repeatable measurements at the same location are fundamental to science, yet of grave concern to scientists. Involvement in biological re-surveys under MVZ-Berkeley, Harvard-LTER and Hamaarag elucidated “replication” and “location” and untangled “incommensurability” from “no fact of the matter” and “indeterminacy.” All cases revealed incommensurability without indeterminacy on the smallest scale and indeterminacy without incommensurability on higher scales, with communication failure in the former and successful workarounds in the latter. I argue that an involved philosophy helps clarify (...)
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    Science and Sentiment: Grinnell’s Fact-Based Philosophy of Biodiversity Conservation.Ayelet Shavit & James R. Griesemer - 2018 - Journal of the History of Biology 51 (2):283-318.
    At the beginning of the twentieth century, the biologist Joseph Grinnell made a distinction between science and sentiment for producing fact-based generalizations on how to conserve biodiversity. We are inspired by Grinnellian science, which successfully produced a century-long impact on studying and conserving biodiversity that runs orthogonal to some familiar philosophical distinctions such as fact versus value, emotion versus reason and basic versus applied science. According to Grinnell, unlike sentiment-based generalizations, a fact-based generalization traces its diverse commitments and thus becomes (...)
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    Geel Revisited after Centuries of Mental Rehabilitation. Eugeen Roosens and Lieve Van de Walle. Garant Publishers :London. 2007. ix+129pp. [REVIEW]Ayelet Abraham - 2010 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 38 (1):1-2.
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    Yardley Livy: Rome's Italian Wars. Books 6–10. With an Introduction and Notes by Dexter Hoyos. Pp. xliv + 391, maps. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Paper, £12.99, US$14.95. ISBN: 978-0-19-956485-9. [REVIEW]Ayelet Haimson Lushkov - 2014 - The Classical Review 64 (2):629-629.
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    Gregory B. Kaplan, Jewish Poetry and Cultural Coexistence in Late Medieval Spain. (Jewish Engagements.) Leeds: Arc Humanities Press, 2019. Pp. 104. $79. ISBN: 978-1-6418-9147-9. [REVIEW]Ayelet Oettinger - 2022 - Speculum 97 (4):1214-1215.
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