Results for 'Authorship History.'

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  1.  22
    Review of The Oxford history of Western philosophy. [REVIEW]No Authorship Indicated - 2001 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 21 (2):182-183.
    Reviews the book, The Oxford history of Western philosophy edited by Anthony Kenny . Written by a team of some of the most distinguished scholars, this authoritative and finely detailed compendium traces the history of Western philosophy from its earliest beginnings among the Presocratics to the current era. This paperback volume should no doubt be a welcome addition to the reference library of all theoretical/philosophical psychologists. 2012 APA, all rights reserved).
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    Review of The Norton history of the human sciences. [REVIEW]No Authorship Indicated - 1999 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 19 (1):119-120.
  3.  18
    Review of Genes, genesis, and God: Values and their origins in natural and human history. [REVIEW]No Authorship Indicated - 1999 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 19 (2):229-230.
    Reviews the book, Genes, genesis, and God: Values and their origins in natural and human history by Holmes Rolston III . Drawn from a series of lectures given by the author in November of 1997 at the University of Edinburgh as part of the Gifford Lectures, this book addresses the question of whether the supremely social and human phenomena of religion and ethics can be ultimately reduced to the phenomena of biology. Challenging much of what passes for unassailable truth in (...)
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    Review of The dream of reason: A history of philosophy from the Greeks to the Renaissance. [REVIEW]No Authorship Indicated - 2001 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 21 (2):184-184.
    Reviews the book, The dream of reason: A history of philosophy from the Greeks to the Renaissance by Anthony Gottlieb . Seldom in the history of histories—particularly histories of philosophy—have there been authors capable of producing accessible, entertaining, insightful, and accurate treatments of their subject matter. An unfailingly pleasant read, Gottlieb’s history shows how many of philosophy’s most revolutionary breakthroughs have consistently been co-opted by other branches of learning, leading to the unfortunate illusion that philosophers never make any progress. 2012 (...)
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    Review of Challenges to theoretical psychology. [REVIEW]No Authorship Indicated - 2000 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 20 (2):243-244.
    Reviews the book, Challenges to theoretical psychology by Wolfgang Maiers, Betty Bayer, Barbara Duarte Esgalhado, Rene Jorna, and Ernst Schraube . This stimulating and wide-ranging collection is composed of selections from the program of the Seventh Biennial Conference of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology that was held in Berlin, Germany in April and May of 1997. The 55 essays are grouped into ten major thematic fields: Psychological Understanding and the Role of Theory; Critical History of Psychology; Foundational Issues in (...)
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    Review of From soul to mind: The emergence of psychology, from Erasmus Darwin to William James. [REVIEW]No Authorship Indicated - 2000 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 20 (2):241-241.
    Reviews the book, From soul to mind: The emergence of psychology, from Erasmus Darwin to William James by Edward S. Reed . Seeking to tell "a new story about the development of psychology," this lively and well-written history of psychology begins with the "realization that we do not actually know what constituted psychology in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries" . Reed argues that because most historians of psychology devote the bulk of their attention to the work of theorists rather than (...)
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    Review of The body. [REVIEW]No Authorship Indicated - 2001 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 21 (1):96-97.
    Reviews the book, The body by Donn Welton . Over the last century, the nature and meaning of human embodiment has emerged as one of the more significant areas of philosophical and psychological inquiry. From at least the time of Edmund Husserl, many thinkers in the Continental tradition have striven to re-conceptualize the body and its relationship to self and other in such a way as to avoid the pitfalls of more traditional, reductionistic attempts that view the body solely in (...)
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    Review of The Metaphysical Club: A story of ideas in America. [REVIEW]No Authorship Indicated - 2002 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 22 (1):77-78.
    Reviews the book, The Metaphysical Club: A story of ideas in America by Louis Menand . In this highly entertaining and readable history, Menand examines the lives and thinking of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., William James, Charles Sanders Peirce, and John Dewey, members of an informal discussion group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1872 that called itself the Metaphysical Club. Beginning with the Civil War and ending in 1919 with the Supreme Court decision in U.S. v. Abrams, this insightful (...)
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    Review of The psychic factors of civilization, Social Evolution, Civilization during the Middle Ages, and History of the Philosophy of History. [REVIEW]No Authorship Indicated - 1894 - Psychological Review 1 (4):400-411.
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    Authorship and the History of Philosophy.Michael L. Morgan - 1988 - Review of Metaphysics 42 (2):327 - 355.
    There is a type of history of philosophy that involves both philosophical analysis and historical understanding. in this paper i try to show how this enterprise attempts to construct a surrogate author for the texts under investigation. in order to clarify this model of interpretation, i compare the notion of surrogate author with collingwood's notion of reenactment and with nehamas's criticism of foucault's conception of authorship. i also discuss the roles of history and philosophy both as part of the (...)
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    Review of Psychological concepts and biological psychiatry. [REVIEW]No Authorship Indicated - 2001 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 21 (1):97-98.
    Reviews the book, Psychological concepts and biological psychiatry by Peter Zachar . Almost from the very beginning of its disciplinary history clinical psychology has sought to align itself philosophically and methodologically with the natural sciences, particularly medicine and neurology. Contradicting the common-place assumption that common sense or folk psychology has been proven uninformative and futile, Zachar provides explicit philosophical and psychological arguments that demonstrate why such accounts are not only vital to proper scientific explanation but inevitable as well. 2012 APA, (...)
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  12. The history of the influence of the treatise'De Mundo'on philosophy up to the 3rd century in light of recent discoveries concerning authorship and date of composition.M. Andolfo - 1997 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 89 (1):82-125.
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  13. Scientific authorship in the age of collaborative research.K. Brad Wray - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 37 (3):505-514.
    I examine two challenges that collaborative research raises for science. First, collaborative research threatens the motivation of scientists. As a result, I argue, collaborative research may have adverse effects on what sorts of things scientists can effectively investigate. Second, collaborative research makes it more difficult to hold scientists accountable. I argue that the authors of multi-authored articles are aptly described as plural subjects, corporate bodies that are more than the sum of the individuals involved. Though journal editors do not currently (...)
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    Performing authorship: self-inscription and corporeality in the cinema.Cecilia Sayad - 2013 - London: I.B. Tauris.
    The figure of the auteur continues to haunt the study of film, resisting both the poststructuralist charges that pointed to its absence and the histories of production demonstrating its pitfalls. In an era defined by the instability of identities and the recycling of works, Performing Authorship offers a refreshingly new take on the cinematic auteur, proposing that the challenges that once accelerated this figure's critical demise should instead pump new life into it. Performing Authorship is an illuminating analysis (...)
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    Authorship Revisited: Conceptions of Authorship Around 1900 and 2000.G. J. Dorleijn, Ralf Grüttemeier & Liesbeth Korthals Altes (eds.) - 2010 - Peeters.
    How do conceptions of the literary author change throughout history, and how do they function in specific contexts? The present volume aims to investigate debates on the concept of authorship as a struggle of participants - writers, critics, and scholars - over different conceptions of interpretation. In this struggle all kinds of literary and non-literary norms appear to be at stake. The volume compares the time span around 1900 and 2000, and contrasts the French situation with conditions in other (...)
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  16.  24
    The authorship of Sister Peg revisited: a reply to David Raynor’s response to ‘Let Margaret Sleep’.Richard B. Sher - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (2):384-394.
    In ‘The Authorship of Sister Peg', David Raynor relies on circumstantial evidence, unsubstantiated hypotheses, and subjective analysis in an effort to dispute my article ‘Let Margaret Sleep' and claim the authorship of Sister Peg for David Hume. This reply focusses instead on the large body of documentary and testimonial evidence that has surfaced during the past forty years, which overwhelmingly and convincingly supports the attribution of Sister Peg to Adam Ferguson. New documentary evidence includes Ferguson's emendations in Sir (...)
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  17. Pseudo-Aristotle’s Risa lat al-Tuff ah a: Its History and Critical Edition with Remarks on its Possible Authorship and an Overview of its Contents.Muhammed Burak Bakır - forthcoming - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences.
    This article examines Pseudo-Aristotle’s Risālat al-Tuffāḥa or Kitāb al-Tuffāḥa (Lat. Liber de Pomo, Eng. The Book of the Apple) in terms of its history, possible authorship, and manuscripts, presents an overview of its contents and includes a critical edition of its complete Arabic version, which has never been critically edited before. The edition is based on the manuscript closest to the original Arabic version of the treatise, and a comparison with a second complete manuscript was made. The present article (...)
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  18.  8
    Authorship roles in popular music: issues and debates.Ron Moy - 2015 - Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
    The studio/label as auteur -- Gender and degrees of popular music authorship -- The singular and collective : the writer as auteur -- The interpreter as auteur -- The producer/re-mixer as auteur -- The Zeitgeist as auteur : contexts, scenes & technologies -- Coda : the seeker and the sought.
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    The authorship of Sister Peg.David R. Raynor - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (2):345-383.
    This paper is in four parts. The first sets out the debate between those who wished England to have only a professional army, and those who sought to supplement it with a citizen militia. This debate is crucial for understanding The History of the Proceedings in the Case of Margaret, Commonly Called Peg, Only Lawful Sister to John Bull, Esq. This political satire (commonly known as Sister Peg) is about the successful struggle to re-establish the militia in England in 1757, (...)
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  20.  42
    The Authorship of the Abstract Revisited.John O. Nelson - 1991 - Hume Studies 17 (1):83-86.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Authorship of the Abstract Revisited John 0. Nelson More than a dozen years ago, in the pages of The Philosophical Quarterly,1 this writer contested Sraffa and Keynes' claim, advanced in the introduction to their edition ofthe Abstract? that it was Hume and not Adam Smith (as traditionally supposed) who was the author of that work. The traditional view, which might be called the Adam Smith authorship-theory, (...)
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    Can authorship policies help prevent scientific misconduct? What role for scientific societies?Anne Hudson Jones - 2003 - Science and Engineering Ethics 9 (2):243-256.
    The purpose of this article is to encourage and help inform active discussion of authorship policies among members of scientific societies. The article explains the history and rationale of the influential criteria for authorship developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, examines questions about those criteria that emerge from authorship policies adopted by several U.S. medical schools, and summarizes the arguments for replacing authorship with the contributorguarantor model. Finally, it concludes with a plea for (...)
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  22. The problem of authorship.M. Sedik - 2005 - Filozofia 60 (7):498-511.
    The paper focuses on the problem of authorship in the domain of visual arts. It’s aim is to see the author not as a person, who produces the work of art, but to exa-mine the creative process, which builds up this relationship. It attempts to show the problems concerning the common idea of authorship and to grasp their main points in order to describe the creative process of authorship. Chapter 2 starts with the common idea of an (...)
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  23.  23
    Nicole Nyffenegger, Authorising History: Gestures of Authorship in Fourteenth-Century English Historiography. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2013. Pp. xii, 218; 2 black-and-white figures. £44.99. ISBN: 978-1-4438-4819-0. [REVIEW]Richard J. Moll - 2014 - Speculum 89 (4):1183-1184.
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    The Authorship of the Allegoriae Super Vetus et Novum Testamentum.Philip S. Moore - 1935 - New Scholasticism 9 (3):209-225.
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    Kierkegaard's authorship: a guide to the writings of Kierkegaard.George E. Arbaugh - 1968 - London,: Allen & Unwin. Edited by George B. Arbaugh.
    First published in English in 1968, Kierkegaard's Authorship begins with a brief account of the life and meaning of Kierkegaard and concludes with the brief treatment of his relation to multifaceted existentialism. By reviewing the total authorship and by making available much of the fruit of widespread research, this work throws into relief Kierkegaard's central purposes and makes it possible to avoid some of the dubious interpretations which have grown out of more narrowly selective study. This critical introduction (...)
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  26.  38
    James A. Secord. Victorian Sensation: The Extraordinary Publication, Reception, and Secret Authorship of Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. xx + 624 pp., illus., bibl., index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2000. $35, £22.50. [REVIEW]Frederick Churchill - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):314-315.
    This is a steamer trunk of a book! Its chapters, like so many tightly stuffed drawers with their numerous partitions, are full of all the apparel needed for a five‐hundred‐plus‐page voyage across the thirty years of Victorian history that surround the Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation and its anonymous author, Robert Chambers. We find storage places for observations on the new steam presses, on the reading public—both high‐ and lowbrow—on phrenology, on Scottish science and the Free Church movement, (...)
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  27.  32
    The Authorship of The Art of Logick.James S. Measell - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (3):321-324.
  28.  12
    Confucius and the Analects Revisited: New Perspectives on Composition, Dating, and Authorship.Michael Hunter & Martin Kern (eds.) - 2018 - BRILL.
    Featuring contributions by preeminent scholars of early China, _Confucius and the_ Analects _Revisited: New Perspectives on Composition, Dating, and Authorship_ advances and examines debates surrounding the history of the Confucian _Analects_.
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    Inking Cultures: Authorship, AI-Generated Art and Copyright Law in Tattooing.Melanie Stockton-Brown - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (5):2037-2065.
    This article considers current advances in tattooing that are challenging community-held views of authorship and ownership, and the need to address this tension. The key challenge is from AI-generated artworks being used as tattoo designs, but the authorial role of the tattooist is also challenged by body art projects such as tattoo collection. Legal clarity for tattooing is lacking, and in addressing this, this article advocates for an open, community-based form of shared copyright ownership and authorship for projects (...)
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  30.  33
    The authorship of an anonymous expositio symboli (CPL 229A).L. H. Westra - 1996 - Augustinianum 36 (2):525-542.
  31.  42
    The Authorship of Life: Narrative and Dramatic Strategies of Sustaining Self-Integrity in Santayana with Reference to Paul Ricoeur.Katarzyna Kremplewska - 2015 - Overheard in Seville 33 (33):56-67.
  32.  55
    Butler on Subjectivity and Authorship: Reflections on Doing Philosophy in the First Person.Asher Walden - 2009 - The Pluralist 4 (2):55 - 62.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Butler on Subjectivity and Authorship: Reflections on Doing Philosophy in the First PersonAsher WaldenWhat drew me to theology a number of years ago was that it was the most personal kind of philosophy, to the extent that it deals with the most important issues of one’s own “personal” life. It used the tools of the philosophical tradition to address questions that the philosophers—especially those in the University of (...)
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    The Authorship of Philoponus’ Commentary On the Soul iii.Antonia Kakavelaki - 2022 - Ancient Philosophy 42 (1):291-301.
    To this day no consensus has been reached concerning the authorship of the 3rd book of Philoponus’ on the Soul. I will begin this article by surveying the discussion of the authorship. In this first section I go into some detail concerning the arguments of scholars who attribute the DAC 3 to Philoponus, and those who do not believe that it is by Philoponus, including those who attribute it to Stephanus of Alexandria. The second section of the paper (...)
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    Not in Sisterhood: Edith Wharton, Willa Cather, Zona Gale, and the Politics of Female Authorship.D. Williams - 2001 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Not In Sisterhood investigates an important transitional moment in the history of U.S. women's writing : the uneasy shift from the 19th-century model of the "lady author" to some new but undefined alternative. The careers of Edith Wharton and Willa Cather, together with that of their friend and peer Zona Gale, the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for drama, reveal several different strategies for negotiating this unknown terrain. While Gale made her feminist politics an integral part of her (...)
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  35.  18
    Edinburgh Lamarckians? The Authorship of Three Anonymous Papers.Pietro Corsi - 2021 - Journal of the History of Biology 54 (3):345-374.
    In the space of four years, from 1826 to 1829, the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal published three anonymous articles seemingly advocating doctrines inspired by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. Decades of scholarship have initially attributed the most outspoken of the three articles, the 1826 “Observations on the Nature and Importance of Geology,” to Robert Grant, and subsequently to Robert Jameson, thanks to a critical reassessment by James Secord. More recently, scholars have also ascribed to Jameson an article published in 1829, “Of the Continuity (...)
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    Lessons from the 'Literatory': How to Historicise Authorship.David Saunders & Ian Hunter - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 17 (3):479-509.
    Authorship has proven a magnetic topic for literary studies and is now identified as an index of the current state of literary history and theory. The significance of this topic stems from a characteristic that literary criticism shared with the other human sciences: its drive to adopt a reflexive and self-critical posture towards its own central objects and concepts. By reflecting on authorship, criticism aspires not just to describe a literary phenomenon; it also wishes to bring to light (...)
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  37.  22
    Authorship of the Natural and Political Observations Upon the Bills of Mortality.P. D. Groenewegen - 1967 - Journal of the History of Ideas 28 (4):601.
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    Question of the Authorship of the Commentary on the prophet Isaiah (CPG 2911): from Erasmus to Garnier and His Followers.Nikolai Lipatov-Chicherin - 2022 - Augustinianum 62 (1):121-153.
    The article considers arguments presented by Erasmus of Rotterdam, Julien Garnier and their modern followers against the authenticity of the Commentary on the Prophet Isaiah, which has been preserved in mansucsripts as a work of Basil the Great. A survey of the correspondence of Erasmus and of the circumstances of his attempted translation of the book shows that his critical judgement on the authorship was motivated by the need to justify his abandoning of the project of translation rather than (...)
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  39.  31
    JAMES A. SECORD, Victorian Sensation: The Extraordinary Publication, Reception, and Secret Authorship of Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2001. Pp. xix+624. ISBN 0-226-74410-8. £22.50, $35.00. [REVIEW]Jon Topham - 2002 - British Journal for the History of Science 35 (3):347-379.
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    The Moral Economies of American Authorship: Reputation, Scandal, and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Marketplace.Susan M. Ryan - 2016 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    The Moral Economies of American Authorship argues that the moral character of authors became a kind of literary property within mid-nineteenth-century America's expanding print marketplace, shaping the construction, promotion, and reception of texts as well as of literary reputations.
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    The Authorship of the Platonic Epistles. [REVIEW]W. A. Heidel - 1914 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 11 (11):304-305.
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    Budé's Breviarium: Authorship, Date and Purpose.Andrew Burnett - 2017 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 80 (1):101-126.
    The early publication history of the very short Breviarium of Guillaume Budé's De asse et partibus eius is analysed and clarified, and the earliest versions are dated to c. 1520. Though short, it was an influential little work, and in particular its links with Cuthbert Tunstall's De arte supputandi are explored. It is argued that Bude himself was the author of the Brevianum, and that it may have a relevance to the Budé/Porzio controversy about the 'sestertius' and 'sestertium'.
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    Authorship of Gregory's Critique of Hume.John Dunn - 1964 - Journal of the History of Ideas 25 (1):128.
  44.  12
    Authorship of the "Natural and Political Observations upon the Bills of Mortality".P. G. Groenewegen - 1967 - Journal of the History of Ideas 28 (4):601.
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    Taiwanese Researchers’ Perceptions of Questionable Authorship Practices: An Exploratory Study.Sophia Jui-An Pan & Chien Chou - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1499-1530.
    In 2014, SAGE Publications retracted 60 articles authored by Taiwanese researchers due to suspected peer-review fraud. This scandal led to the resignation of the Minister of Education at the time since he coauthored several retracted works. Issues regarding the lack of transparent decision-making processes regarding authorship were further disclosed. Motivated by the scandal, we believe that this is one of the first empirical studies of questionable authorship practices in East Asian academia; we investigate Taiwanese researchers’ perceptions of QAPs. (...)
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    Reclaiming the Works of Early Modern Women: Authorship, Gender, and Interpretation in the Nouveau recueil de lettres des dames de ce temps (1635).Aurora Wolfgang & Sharon Diane Nell - 2009 - Intertexts 13 (1):1-16.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reclaiming the Works of Early Modern Women Authorship, Gender, and Interpretation in the Nouveau recueil de lettres des dames de ce temps (1635)1Aurora Wolfgang (bio) and Sharon Diane Nell (bio)Reclaiming the forgotten texts of women writers has been a major feminist undertaking of the last half-century. Indeed, believing in the importance of this sort of work, we have each spent much of our careers studying the women writers (...)
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    Book Review: Victorian Sensation: The Extraordinary Publication, Reception, and Secret Authorship of Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. [REVIEW]Michael Ruse - 2001 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 26 (3):387-388.
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    Book Reviews of the No trespassing: Authorship, Intellectual Property Rights, and the Boundaries of Globalization, Library: An Unquiet History, The Spinster and the Prophet. [REVIEW]Graham P. Cornish, Michael Gorman & Gordon Graham - 2004 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 15 (4):219-223.
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    Approaching Legal Multinomials from the Sociolinguistic Perspective – Insights into Authorship-Based Distinctions.Edyta Więcławska - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (4):1699-1715.
    The paper explores the hypothesis that multinomials can act as authorship-based style distinguishing markers in legal communication. Specifically, the analysis focuses on identifying the quantitative distribution patterns of structural categories of multinomials as typical for two authorship categories and on their communicative function. The two authorship categories that are contrasted here are legal professionals/experts and lay people. The analysis is conducted in the corpus-based methodology with a custom-designed corpus of English, authentic texts found in the legal trade, (...)
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    Re–Assessing the Authorship of the Heike Nokyo Ganmon.Michael Jamentz - 2023 - Buddhist Studies Review 39 (2):209-227.
    This article demonstrates that Fujiwara no Toshinori composed the text of the National Treasure Heike nokyo ganmon, which has usually been attributed to Taira no Kiyomori. First, the article establishes that Toshinori was a prolific author of the ganmon genre, which required skill in composing elaborate parallel prose and a profound knowledge of Buddhist doctrine and Chinese history. It then documents the existence of many, overlooked works written by Toshinori and reveals that certain passages found in them match passages in (...)
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