Results for 'Authors, Austrian'

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  1.  19
    Austrian Economics and the Social Doctrine of the Church: A Reflection Based on the Economic Writings of Mateo Liberatore and Oswald von Nell-Breuning.Alejandro A. Chafuen - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (2).
    In the field of economic policy, recommendations by members of the Austrian school of economics are opposed to the popular demands and statements made by most priests and other religious authorities. On the other hand, in the field of theory, the methodological individualism of the Austrians allows an easier dialogue with religious traditions respectful of free will. The influential writings of Mateo Liberatore, S.J. and Oswald von Nell-Breuning S.J, can help foster the dialogue between economists that promote market based (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Wittgenstein, Austrian Economics, and the Logic of Action: Praxeological Investigations.Roderick Long - 2005 - Routledge.
    Fascinating and thought-provoking, this book shows how the methodology of Austrian economics can be justified and strengthened by grounding it in the philosophy of Wittgenstein. Frege and Wittgenstein argued that whatever counts as thought must embody logical principles. Their arguments also support the conclusion that whatever constitutes action must embody economic principles. In this incisive text, the author shows that this confirms the claims of Austrian economists such as Mises and Hayek that the laws of economics are a (...)
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  3.  28
    Austrian Economics and the Transaction Cost Approach to the Firm.Nicolai J. Foss & Peter G. Klein - 2009 - Libertarian Papers 1:39.
    As the transaction cost theory of the firm was taking shape in the 1970s, another important movement in economics was emerging: a revival of the ‘Austrian’ tradition in economic theory associated with such economists as Ludwig von Mises and F. A. Hayek . As Oliver Williamson has pointed out, Austrian economics is among the diverse sources for transaction cost economics. In particular, Williamson frequently cites Hayek , particularly Hayek’s emphasis on adaptation as a key problem of economic organisation (...)
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  4.  34
    The Genesis of the Austrian Model of Constitutional Review of Legislation.Theo Öhlinger - 2003 - Ratio Juris 16 (2):206-222.
    The European model of the constitutional review of legislation, characterized by the concentration of the constitutional review power in a single constitutional court, had its origin in the Austrian Federal Constitution of 1920. This is all the more remarkable when one considers that this Constitution established at the same time a parliamentary system of government in a fairly radical form. As the author explains, this “invention” of a constitutional court is attributable to two factors. One factor is the federal (...)
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  5.  16
    Was Ludwig von Mises a Conventionalist? - A New Analysis of the Epistemology of the Austrian School of Economics.Alexander Linsbichler - 2017 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book presents a concise introduction to the epistemology and methodology of the Austrian School of economics as defended by Ludwig von Mises. The author provides an innovative interpretation of Mises’ arguments in favour of the a priori truth of praxeology, the received view of which contributed to the academic marginalisation of the Austrian School. The study puts forward a unique argument that Mises – perhaps unintentionally – defends a form of conventionalism. Chapters in the book include detailed (...)
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  6.  53
    The Austrian Mind. [REVIEW]A. F. W. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (4):798-799.
    This book covers a period of Austrian history stretching from 1848 to 1933, a period of amazing intellectual activity, on a scale comparable perhaps only with renaissance Italy. Johnston includes chapters on Emperor Franz Joseph, the Beidermeir culture, legal and economic theorists, Austro-marxists, and Viennese aestheticism. Perhaps most interesting for philosophers are sections on positivism and impressionism and the author’s discussions of men such as Mach, Boltzman, Schlick, Mauthner, the ever-present Karl Kraus, Wittgenstein, Buber, and Freud. There is another (...)
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    Are there really any errors in the Austrian theory of welfare?Mateusz Czyżniewski - 2024 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 76:505-527.
    This text reviews David Megger’s 2021 book entitled _Justice in Welfare Economics. __Libertarianism and the Austrian School_ (in Polish: _Sprawiedliwość w ekonomii dobrobytu, liberatarianizm i szkoła austriacka_). The review takes a critical approach, highlighting the most significant aspects of the presented considerations and emphasising their uniqueness and complexity. I intend to extensively discuss the author’s theses concerning the modification of the fundamental claims of Austrian school representatives about justice and welfare, highlighting both their strengths and weaknesses.
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    On Robert Nozick's 'on austrian methodology'.Walter Block - 1980 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 23 (4):397 – 444.
    Austrian economics - the school of thought associated with Carl Menger, Frederick von Weiser, Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk, and in this century, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Murray N. Rothbard, and Israel Kirzner - is based on a framework of methodological principles and assumptions much at variance with those of traditional or 'orthodox' economists. Robert Nozick, in his 'On Austrian Methodology', focuses attention on the most fundamental features of this framework, and subjects them to a thoroughgoing and scathing analysis. (...)
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  9.  17
    The Сoncept of Sachverhalt: The State of Affairs in the Austrian Philosophy of the 19th Century.V. V. Seliverstov - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (1):106-120.
    This article considers the concept of Sachverhalt in the Austrian philosophical tradition of the 19 th century. In particular, we examine the works of Bernard Bolzano, Rudolf Lotze, Julius Bergmann, Franz Brentano, Karl Stumpf, Anton Marty and Alexius Meinong. The emergence of the concept of Sachverhalt, or the state of things, in extensive philosophical discussions is connected with the works of L. Wittgenstein and phenomenologist Adolf Reinach. Reinach criticized previous theories of judgment. He wrote that they were built on (...)
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  10.  95
    An austrian mélange • Eckehart köler, Peter weibel, Michael stöltzner, Bernd Buldt, Carsten Klein, and Werner depauli-schimanovich-göttig, eds. Kurt gödel. Wahrheit & beweisbarkeit. Band 1: Dokumente und historische analysen [Kurt gödel. Truth and provability. Vol. 1: Documents and historical analyses]. Vienna: Öbv et hpt, 2002. Isbn 3-209-03824-1. Pp. 279. • Bernd Buldt, Eckehart köhler, Michael stöltzner, Peter weibel, Carsten Klein, and Werner depauli-schimanovich-göttig, eds. Kurt gödel. Wahrheit & beweisbarkeit. Band 2: Kompendium zum werk [vol. 2: Compendium of work]. Vienna: Öbv et hpt, 2002. Isbn 3-209-03835-X. Pp. 447. [REVIEW]Hannes Leitgeb - 2007 - Philosophia Mathematica 15 (2):245-257.
    While the Gödel centenary year 2006 triggered a lot of conference and workshop activity on Gödel, the years leading to it stand out by exhibiting several excellent publications on Gödel's life and work, most notably the completion of the Kurt Gödel Collected Works series . The two volumes of Kurt Gödel. Wahrheit & Beweisbarkeit, written in German and edited by E. Köhler et al., constitute something like the ‘German-Austrian contribution’ to this renewal of interest in Gödel's legacy, even though (...)
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  11.  18
    The Relationship Between Austrian Tax Auditors and Self-Employed Taxpayers: Evidence From a Qualitative Study.Katharina Gangl, Barbara Hartl, Eva Hofmann & Erich Kirchler - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:447237.
    A constructive, highly professional relationship between tax authorities and taxpayers is essential for tax compliance. The aim of the present paper was to explore systematically the determinants of this relationship and related tax compliance behaviors based on the extended slippery slope framework. We used in-depth qualitative interviews with 33 self-employed taxpayers and 30 tax auditors. Interviewees described the relationship along the extended slippery slope framework concepts of power and trust. However, also novel sub-categories of power (e.g., setting deadlines) and trust (...)
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  12.  13
    German and Austrian-German Historical Thought in the Modern Era.Mark E. Blum - 2019 - Lexington Books.
    This study examines how Germany and Austria each generated a normative narrative structure that became a template for the historians and others who formulated history within the two cultures. The author demonstrates these narrative structures and indicates both their strengths and weaknesses and ways to broaden their understandings.
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  13.  12
    The Origins and Consequences of Property Rights: Austrian, Public Choice, and Institutional Economics Perspectives.Colin Harris, Meina Cai, Ilia Murtazashvili & Jennifer Murtazashvili - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Property rights are the rules governing ownership in society. This Element offers an analytical framework to understand the origins and consequences of property rights. It conceptualizes of the political economy of property rights as a concern with the follow questions: What explains the origins of economic and legal property rights? What are the consequences of different property rights institutions for wealth creation, conservation, and political order? Why do property institutions change? Why do legal reforms relating to property rights such as (...)
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  14.  28
    Aleksey Khomyakov’s unknown essay on the Austrian Slavs (1845) and his poetry: the interplay of historiosophical ideas and poetic prophetism.Andrey P. Dmitriyev - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 72 (3-4):205-215.
    The paper introduces a conceptually important, but previously unknown essay by the Russian poet, theologian and philosopher Aleksey Khomyakov. This essay, “The Slavic and Orthodox Christian Population of Austria,” was discovered in two versions: an original, previously unpublished manuscript and a later anonymous 1845 text. The author reveals an aesthetic function that certain structural elements perform in Khomyakov’s essay, encouraging the interaction between historiosophical ideas and literary creativity. The essay is emphatically philosophical in its style, as its very composition embraces (...)
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  15.  16
    Subordination, authority, psychotherapy.David Freis - 2017 - History of the Human Sciences 30 (2):34-53.
    This article explores the history of ‘subordination-authority-relation’ (SAR) psychotherapy, a brand of psychotherapy largely forgotten today that was introduced and practised in inter-war Vienna by the psychiatrist Erwin Stransky (1877–1962). I situate ‘SAR’ psychotherapy in the medical, cultural and political context of the inter-war period and argue that – although Stransky’s approach had little impact on historical and present-day debates and reached only a very limited number of patients – it provides a particularly clear example for the political dimensions of (...)
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  16.  54
    Decision Criteria in Ethical Dilemma Situations: Empirical Examples from Austrian Managers. [REVIEW]Michael Litschka, Michaela Suske & Roman Brandtweiner - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (4):473-484.
    This article is the result of an empirical research project analyzing the decision behaviour of Austrian managers in ethical dilemma situations. While neoclassical economic theory would suggest a pure economic rational basis for management decisions, the empirical study conducted by the authors put other concepts to a test, thereby analyzing their importance for managerial decision making: specific notions of fairness, reciprocal altruism, and commitment. After reviewing some of the theoretical literature dealing with such notions, the article shows the results (...)
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  17.  2
    Rethinking the Scarcity Theorem in Austrian Economics: Rejoinder to Córdoba.Igor Wysocki - 2025 - Global Philosophy 35 (2):1-8.
    This paper takes issue with Córdoba’s (Axiomathes 27(5):521–529, 2017) attempt to axiomatize praxeology, with the particular target being his ultimate derivation of the Scarcity Theorem. This author starts with proving the Uneasiness Theorem, a proof we find flawless. It is indeed the case that action entails wanting something, from which it follows – by contraposition – that being satisfied (i.e. not wanting anything) entails no action. That much must be granted. However, we consider the author’s alleged proof of the Scarcity (...)
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  18.  52
    Florentine anatomical models and the challenge of medical authority in late-eighteenth-century Vienna.Anna Maerker - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (3):730-740.
    This paper investigates the reception of a set of Florentine anatomical wax models on display at the medico-surgical academy Josephinum in late-eighteenth-century Vienna. Celebrated in Florence as tools of public enlightenment, in the Habsburg capital the models were criticised by physicians, who regarded the Josephinum and its surgeons as a threat to their medical authority. The controversy surrounding these models from the empire’s periphery temporarily destabilised the relationship between surgeons and physicians in the Austrian capital. The debate on the (...)
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  19.  12
    Briefwechsel: 1946 bis 1951.Hannah Arendt & Hermann Broch - 1996 - Frankfurt am Main: Judischer Verlag. Edited by Hermann Broch & Paul Michael Lützeler.
  20.  8
    L'homme probable: Robert Musil, le hasard, la moyenne et l'escargot de l'histoire.Jacques Bouveresse - 1993 - Eclat.
    Le possible et le probable constituent les deux notions centrales autour desquelles Musil a ordonné sa philosophie du devenir de l'humanité et sa conception de l'histoire.
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  21.  94
    Legitimizing Immigration Control: A Discourse-Historical Analysis.Ruth Wodak & Theo van Leeuwen - 1999 - Discourse Studies 1 (1):83-118.
    Austrian immigration authorities frequently reject the family reunion applications of immigrant workers. They justify their decisions not only on legal grounds but also on the basis of their own often prejudiced judgements of the applicants' ability to `integrate' into Austrian society. A discourse-historical method is combined with systemic-functionally oriented methods of text analysis to study the official letters which notify immigrant workers of the rejection of their family reunion applications. The systemic-functionally oriented methods are used in a detailed (...)
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  22. Rationalities and Their Limits: Reconstructing Neurath’s and Mises’s Prerequisites in the Early Socialist Calculation Debates.Alexander Linsbichler - 2021 - Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology 39:95-128.
    Austrian economist Ludwig Mises’s central role in the socialist calculation debates has been consensually acknowledged since the early 1920s. Yet, only recently Nemeth, O’Neill, Uebel, and others have drawn particular attention to Mises’s encounter with logical empiricist Otto Neurath. Despite several surprising agreements, Neurath and Mises certainly provide different answers to the questions “what is meant by rational economic theory” (Neurath) and whether “socialism is the abolition of rational economy” (Mises). Previous accounts and evaluations of the exchange between Neurath (...)
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  23.  16
    A Two-Point-of-View Approach to the Vienna Circle.Eugene N. Ivakhnenko - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (1):44-52.
    The author proposes to consider the activities of the Vienna Circle from two different perspectives. One approach reveals the intellectual efforts of the Vienna logicians to bring the order of thought in line with the social and political „Ordnung“ in Austria in the 1930s. It also brings to light the clash between the “exact thinking” and M. Heidegger’s „Das Nichts“, as well as the “new order”, whose adherents sought support not in logic, but in the collective unconscious. The other perspective (...)
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  24.  15
    Two Ways to Fail to Understand.Jocelyn Benoist - 2018 - In Jesús Padilla Gálvez & Margit Gaffal, Human Understanding as Problem. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 69-80.
    The author here analyzes the difference between Verstehen and Ver­ständnis in Wittgenstein’s work. He shows that one should not exaggerate this difference, because there is no secret power of ‘comprehension’ (Verständnis) according to the Austrian philosopher, but only the fact that we understand (ver­stehen) something to be understood in definite circumstances. No ‘comprehension’, then, exists without and beyond real understanding. The fact remains that Wittgenstein seems to mark a slight distinction in a famous passage of his Philo­sophical Investigations (§§ (...)
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  25. Wittgenstein’s Ignorance of Argumentation Theory and Toulmin’s Rehabilitation of Wittgenstein.Henrique Jales Ribeiro - 2024 - Philosophy International Journal 7 (2):1-5.
    The author- following his own research on the subject- argues that Wittgenstein ignores argumentation theory and in general, the problems of rhetoric and argumentation. From this point of view, he frames Stephen Toulmin’s reading of Wittgenstein, arguing that the British philosopher- who was a student of the Austrian- advocates precisely the same thesis. He explains that this happens in a very peculiar (rhetorical) context on Toulmin’s part; a context in which, in essence, Wittgenstein’s philosophy is being rehabilitated.
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  26.  25
    The Murder of Professor Schlick: The Rise and Fall of the Vienna Circle.David Edmonds - 2020 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    From the author of Wittgenstein's Poker and Would You Kill the Fat Man?, the story of an extraordinary group of philosophers during a dark chapter in Europe's history On June 22, 1936, the philosopher Moritz Schlick was on his way to deliver a lecture at the University of Vienna when Johann Nelböck, a deranged former student of Schlick's, shot him dead on the university steps. Some Austrian newspapers defended the madman, while Nelböck himself argued in court that his onetime (...)
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  27.  42
    Sprachkritik ou sémantique : sur le schisme de l'école brentanienne.Jocelyn Benoist - 2003 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 64 (1):35.
    The author studies the last period of Brentano’s thought and its characteristic refusal of semantic entities. During this « reist » period, Brentano fought against the idea of something like the « content » of a judgement. Confronting this conception, according to which nothing is but what is real, with the one of the « semantic objectivism », exemplified by Bolzano and Husserl, the author underlines the split which divides the so-called Austrian philosophical tradition.
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  28.  60
    Autoethnography and Existentialism: The Conceptual Contributions of Viktor Frankl.Amber Esping - 2010 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 41 (2):201-215.
    The author introduces the existential psychology of the Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl. The article describes several theoretical ideas and perceptual metaphors derived from Frankl’s scholarship that make it useful as a philosophical and historical underpinning for the practice of autoethnography. Frankl asserted that each individual’s disposition, situation, and position work together to create a uniquely valuable and incommutable individual perspective. This incommutability suggests that the value of autoethnographic social science is based on the opportunities derived from (...)
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  29.  12
    Im Keller des Herzens: 38 Stimmen zum Werk von Ingeborg Bachmann: Gedenkbuch zum 38. Todestag von Ingeborg Bachmann 25. Juni 1926 Klagenfurt-17. Oktober 1973 Rom.Ingeborg Bachmann & Magdalena Tzaneva (eds.) - 2011 - Berlin: LiDi.
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    Cultural transfer in Swedish exile.Irene Nawrocka - 2023 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 34 (1):66-81.
    After the death in 1934 of his father-in-law Samuel Fischer, founder of the well-known publishing house S. Fischer in Berlin, Gottfried Bermann Fischer moved to Vienna with the aim of publishing the works of prominent German-speaking Jewish and non-Jewish authors who could no longer publish in National Socialist Germany. After the ‘Anschluss’ to Nazi Germany in March 1938 he fled to Sweden with help from Karl Otto and Tor Bonnier, heads of Albert Bonniers Förlag. Eagerly observed by the Nazi authorities, (...)
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    Im Keller des Herzens: 38 Stimmen zum Werk von Ingeborg Bachmann: Gedenkbuch zum 38. Todestag von Ingeborg Bachmann 25. Juni 1926 Klagenfurt-17. Oktober 1973 Rom.Ingeborg Bachmann & Magdalena Tzaneva (eds.) - 2011 - Berlin: LiDi.
  32.  22
    The War in the Scientific Discourse of Russia and Austria (Book Review: V.K. Belozorov & A. Dubowy (Eds.) Military Science versus the Science of War in Austria and in Russia = Militärwissenschaften versus Wissenschaft über den Krieg in Österreich und Russland. Moscow: Moscow State Linguistic University, 2021). [REVIEW]Dmitry G. Perednya - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 64 (6):147-159.
    The author reviews the collective work Military Sciences versus the Science of War in Austria and in Russia. The reviewed book considers methodological and ideological problems of modern war and its aspects. The author draws attention to several topics, which are important for understanding modern war. The reviewed work is analyzed from the point of view of its contribution to the development of the philosophy of war. The author focuses on the peculiarities of classical researches on war, pays attention to (...)
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  33. Dlaczego nie istnieje filozofia polska.Barry Smith - 1997 - Filozofia Nauki 5 (1):5-15.
    The author raises the question why Polish philosophy (by which he means Polish analytical philosophy, or the philosophy of the Lvov-Warsaw School) differs so much from what is known as 'Continental philosophy'. He identifies and analyses the following factors which have influenced philosophical developments in Poland: socialism, the connection between philosophy and mathematics, the influence of Austrian philosophy, the peculiar role of K. Twardowski, and Catholicism. The article ends with an appeal for not tolerating irrationalism and relativism in philosophy.
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  34.  87
    Entrepreneurship and Decentralised Investment in a Planned Economy.Maxi Nieto - 2021 - Historical Materialism 30 (1):133-163.
    Since the 1980s, authors of the Austrian School have argued that the problem of rational allocation in a planned economy is not computational or technical in nature (static optimisation, with given information) but a question of dynamic efficiency (innovation and the creation of new information), and that this would be impossible without market processes and free entrepreneurship. In this article, we argue to the contrary that a planned economy can effectively drive dynamic efficiency. We first reveal that the (...) thesis on the impossibility of dynamic efficiency in socialist planning is based on tautological arguments, or on problems already solved by technological development. Secondly, we present an institutional formula for promoting innovative activities and entrepreneurship within a framework of social ownership of the means of production and social control of investment. (shrink)
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  35.  18
    Modernity and the Text: Revisions of German Modernism.Andreas Huyssen & David Bathrick (eds.) - 1989 - Columbia University Press.
    The study of Austrian and German modernist literature has a long and venerable history in this country. There have been no attempts yet, however, to reassess German and Austrian literary modernism in light of current discussion of modernity and postmodernity. Addressing a set of historical and theoretical questions central to current reevaluations of modernism, this volume presents American readers with a state-of-the-art account of German modernism studies in the eighties. Essays by Jochen Schulte-Sasse, Russell A. Berman, Peter Uwe (...)
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  36.  8
    The Beloved Ego : Foundations of the New Study of the Psyche.Wilhelm Stekel - 2013 - Routledge.
    Wilhelm Stekel was an Austrian physician and psychologist and one of Freud’s earliest followers. A prolific writer, this book originally published in 1921, was considered by the translator ‘the best general introduction of its author to the English public’, containing as is does many of his central ideas. Although the author had already fallen out with him by this time, in the preface to this book, he acknowledges Freud’s significance to the field and says he regards his ‘Psycho-Analysis as (...)
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    The Depths of the Soul : Psycho-Analytical Studies.Wilhelm Stekel - 2013 - Routledge.
    Wilhelm Stekel was an Austrian physician and psychologist and one of Freud’s earliest followers. This title, originally published in 1921, was the author’s favourite of his own work. In the preface he says: ‘It was written in the beautiful years in which the first rays of analytic psychognosis penetrated the darkness of the human soul.’ Covering a variety of topics he takes a psychoanalytic look into _The Depths of the Soul_.
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    3.4. Il Nullo e il Nulla: alle radici dell’ontologia sociale.Paolo Di Lucia - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 49:217-225.
    According to the Austrian philosopher Hans Kelsen (1881-1973), social and institutional entities are the only entities that can be null, void. The starting point of the article, The “Invalid” and the “Nothing”: At the Origins of Social Ontology, is the analysis of Hans Kelsen’s thesis. But: Why are social entities the only entities that can be null, void? In order to answer this question, in the first part of the article, the author uses two new concepts: validity-imperfection and validity-falsification. (...)
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    Psychological Profile of a Serial Killer (Based on the Novel “Silence” by Thomas Raab).Ivan Megela & Kateryna Mehela - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):335-345.
    The research deals with the issue of genre hybridization in the novel “Silence – Chronicle of a Killer” written by a contemporary Austrian writer Thomas Raab. An examination of the novel's composition and structure, as a text in motion, has been accomplished in the article. The novel “Silence” is an excellent illustration of how the genre of adventure has been adapted to include elements of science fiction. This novel is a love tale, a rural life saga, a formation narrative, (...)
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    Anton Marty and Contemporary Philosophy.Clare Mac Cumhaill - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This edited collection of eight original essays pursues the aim of bringing the spotlight back on Anton Marty. It does so by having leading figures in the contemporary debate confront themselves with Marty's most significative contributions, which span from philosophy of mind, philosophy of language and ontology to meta-metaphysics and meta-philosophy. The book is divided in three parts. The first part is dedicated to themes in philosophy of language, which were at the centre of Marty's philosophical thinking throughout his life. (...)
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  41. "Not these sounds": Beethoven at mauthausen.James Schmidt - 2005 - Philosophy and Literature 29 (1):146-163.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"Not These Sounds":Beethoven at MauthausenJames SchmidtIOn May 7, 2000, the British conductor Simon Rattle led the Vienna Philharmonic in a memorial performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony at the site of the former Nazi concentration camp at Mauthausen.1 The concert marked the fifty-fifth anniversary of the liberation of the Austrian camp, which had been established shortly after the Anschluss to receive prisoners who—in the argot of the Third Reich—were (...)
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    Questions on Wittgenstein.Rudolf Haller - 1988 - Routledge.
    Wittgenstein, possibly the most influential philosopher of the twentieth century, is often labelled a Neopositivist, a New-Kantian, even a Sceptic. _Questions on Wittgenstein_, first published in 1988, presents a selection of nine essays investigating a matter of vital philosophical importance: Wittgenstein’s relationship to his Austrian predecessors and peers. The intention throughout is to determine the precise contours of Wittgenstein’s own thought by situating it within its formative context. Although it remains of particular interest to Anglo-Saxon philosophers, special familiarity with (...)
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  43. Edmund Husserl : « Aperçu historique sur la philosophie des mathématiques ». Présentation.Andrea Dirican Ariotto - 2025 - Philosophia Scientiae 29-1 (29-1):151-162.
    In the following, we introduce the French translation of part of the lessons Husserl gave at the University of Halle during the winter semester of the 1887-1888 academic year. In particular, these lessons confirm the author’s debt to Franz Brentano, both in terms of his view of the history of philosophy and the status of mathematical knowledge. Similarly, Husserl’s reflections from this period help to clarify his place in the history of Austrian philosophy, which influenced the birth of scientific (...)
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    Die Stellung Österreichs und der Schweiz zur Schaffung des Europäischen Binnenmarktes eine Vergleichende Analyse.Michał Tomczyk - 2016 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 18 (1):53-70.
    This article examines, in a comparative perspective, the integration policy of the two, in many respects, very similar, neutral states, with particular emphasis on the period after the signing of the Single European Act. Despite the converging political and economic objectives, the decisions of both countries were determined by different economic and political conditions. For Austria, the integration processes were perceived as an important step, towards reconstruction of the economy, the abolition of trade barriers with the most important economic partner. (...)
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    Hermann Broch as a reader of Max Weber: Protestantism, rationalization and the 'disintegration of values'.Austin Harrington - 2006 - History of the Human Sciences 19 (4):1-18.
    The article explores a range of motifs in the writing of the Austrian émigré novelist and essayist Hermann Broch, that point to themes in the sociological thought of Max Weber. Although explicit citations of Weber’s name appear rarely in Broch’s writings, the thematic and stylistic contents of Broch’s first novel of 1930-1 The Sleepwalkers indicate a plethora of ways in which the Austrian author engages with ideas he can only have first assimilated by means of a more or (...)
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  46.  34
    Проблема охорони довкілля та природоохоронні інституції галичини.Haydukevych Olena - 2017 - Схід 1 (147):46-52.
    The article highlights the issues of nature protection in Halychyna region that have been arising since ancient times till1939. Inthe 20-30s of the XXth century the solution of this problem was considered in the search of separate valuable objects of nature, their expropriation from the sphere of economic usage and complete protection. In the hard interwar period, the Polish government, scientists and some land owners were doing their best to protect nature. This intense activity had a significant public basis, as (...)
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    The Origins of Gaslight Technology in Eighteenth-Century Pneumatic Chemistry.Leslie Tomory - 2009 - Annals of Science 66 (4):473-496.
    The interaction between science and technology in the Industrial Revolution has been debated by various authors over the years. Most recently, Ursula Klein has described eighteenth-century chemistry as an interconnected system of science and technology because of the inherently productive nature of chemical experimentation. The technology used in the nineteenth gaslight industry follows the pattern that Klein describes: gaslight technology was derived from the academic studies of eighteenth-century pneumatic chemists. The foundation of the technology in science included first, a knowledge (...)
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    Розвиток та діяльність "товариства взаємної допомоги приватних службовців" галичини в 1867 році.Berest Ihor - 2017 - Схід 5 (151):29-33.
    The article analyzes the work of the trade union organization "COMPANY OF MUTUAL AID OF PRIVATE EMPLOYEES" of Galicia in 1867, which in fact became the successor to the dissolved by the Austrian authorities in October 1848, the "Company of Private Employees" of Galicia. The purpose of its activity was to support the moral and material interests of private employees. The society was divided into real, advisory and honorary members, and the bodies of the partnership were the Central Department, (...)
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    Wittgenstein Reads Freud: The Myth of the Unconscious.Jacques Bouveresse - 1995 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    Did Freud present a scientific hypothesis about the unconscious, as he always maintained and as many of his disciples keep repeating? This question has long prompted debates concerning the legitimacy and usefulness of psychoanalysis, and it is of utmost importance to Lacanian analysts, whose main project has been to stress Freud's scientific grounding. Here Jacques Bouveresse, a noted authority on Ludwig Wittgenstein, contributes to the debate by turning to this Austrian-born philosopher and contemporary of Freud for a candid assessment (...)
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    Христоф зіґварт (1830–1904) і його логіка в працях ісидора продана.Volodymyr O. Abashnik - 2020 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 63:80-88.
    In this article, a little-studied problem of the critical analysis of the philosophical and logical position of the representative of German philosophical tradition Christoph Sigwart in the university philosophy, especially in the work of a Kharkiv private-docent Isidor Prodan is presented. At first, the main periods of the scientific and creative career of Isidor Prodan, including his studying at the Czernowitz Gymnasium and the philosophical faculty at the University of Vienna are considered. His teacher in Vienna was a very famous (...)
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