Results for 'Augusta Fiore'

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    Edith Stein: fra filosofia, ebraismo e cristianesimo.Augusta Fiore - 2017 - Napoli: Chirico.
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  2. Semidisquotation and the infinitary function of truth.Camillo Fiore - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (2):851-866.
    The infinitary function of the truth predicate consists in its ability to express infinite conjunctions and disjunctions. A transparency principle for truth states the equivalence between a sentence and its truth predication; it requires an introduction principle—which allows the inference from “snow is white” to “the sentence ‘snow is white’ is true”—and an elimination principle—which allows the inference from “the sentence ‘snow is white’ is true” to “snow is white”. It is commonly assumed that a theory of truth needs to (...)
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    The Archaeology of Elam: Formation and Transformation of the Ancient Iranian State.Augusta McMahon & D. T. Potts - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (3):501.
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    The Psychology of Special Abilities and Disabilities.Augusta F. Bronner - 1999 - Routledge.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  5. The Pastoral Epistles: First Timothy, Second Timothy, and Titus.Benjamin Fiore - 2007
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  6. Poesie di Nicola d'Otranto nel Laur. Gr. 58.2.Augusta Acconcia Longo & André Jacob - 1984 - Byzantion 54:371-379.
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    Niccolò Machiavelli: an annotated bibliography of modern criticism and scholarship.Silvia Ruffo-Fiore - 1990 - New York: Greenwood Press.
    The volume will implement the research efforts of both Machiavelli scholars and those in related general and specific fields.
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  8. The Spiritual Vindications of Mary Wollstonecraft.Fiore Sireci - 2010 - Enlightenment and Dissent 26:195-229.
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    Dewey on Familiarity in Education, Aesthetics, and Art.Andrea Fiore - 2024 - Educational Theory 73 (6):822-832.
    In this paper, Andrea Fiore sketches the notion of familiarity in Dewey's thought, particularly in its relations with education, aesthetics, and art. The importance of that notion emerges in Dewey's well-known writings such as How We Think, The School and Society, and Art as Experience, where he shows that not only does familiarity play a fundamental role in our lives, but it also constitutes a helpful tool to make our experience deeper and richer. This is particularly evident in two (...)
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  10. Recapture Results and Classical Logic.Camillo Fiore & Lucas Rosenblatt - 2023 - Mind 132 (527):762–788.
    An old and well-known objection to non-classical logics is that they are too weak; in particular, they cannot prove a number of important mathematical results. A promising strategy to deal with this objection consists in proving so-called recapture results. Roughly, these results show that classical logic can be used in mathematics and other unproblematic contexts. However, the strategy faces some potential problems. First, typical recapture results are formulated in a purely logical language, and do not generalize nicely to languages containing (...)
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  11. A Educação da Desmemória ea Cultura do Esquecimento-Uma Breve Cartografia.Edson da Silva Augusta - 2005 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 7 (2).
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    Discussions.Augusta Klein - 1914 - Mind 23 (1):542-549.
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  13. Ritorniamo a Cattaneo.Tommaso Fiore - 1923 - Humanitas 24:175.
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  14. A Structural Tonk.Camillo Fiore - 2023 - Analysis (XX):anad049.
    When logicians work with multiple-conclusion systems, they use a metalinguistic comma ‘,’ to aggregate premises and/or conclusions. In this note, I present an analogy between this comma and Prior’s infamous connective tonk. The analogy reveals that these expressions have much in common. I argue that, indeed, the comma can be seen as a structural incarnation of tonk. The upshot is that, whatever story one has to tell about tonk, there are good reasons to tell a similar story about the comma (...)
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    The Challenge of Quantification: An Interdisciplinary Reading.Monica Di Fiore, Marta Kuc-Czarnecka, Samuele Lo Piano, Arnald Puy & Andrea Saltelli - 2023 - Minerva 61 (1):53-70.
    The present work looks at what we call “the multiverse of quantification”, where visible and invisible numbers permeate all aspects and venues of life. We review the contributions of different authors who focus on the roles of quantification in society, with the aim of capturing different and sometimes separate voices. Several scholars, including economists, jurists, philosophers, sociologists, communication and data scientists, express concerns or identify critical areas of our relationship with new technologies of ‘numericization’. While mindful of the important specificities (...)
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    Sigmund Freud und die psychoanalytische Behandlung von Psychosen.Georg Augusta - 2021 - Psyche 75 (1):67-96.
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    2.5 Disciplines for the Common Good: From insular to systemic interdisciplinarity.Filippo Dal Fiore - forthcoming - Common Knowledge: The Challenge of Transdisciplinarity.
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    Penitência em crise, sacramentos em crise?André Gustavo De Fiore - 2014 - Revista de Teologia 8 (14):148-170.
    O presente artigo vem refletir sobre a crise do sacramento da penitência. Nesse contexto, apresenta-a como originária no relativismo e na distorção da noção de pecado presentes na sociedade atual. Por fim, apresenta os desafios atuais provenientes dessa reflexão, abrindo possibilidades para futuras reflexões e maior aprofundamento sobre o tema.
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    F. CICCOLELLA, Cinque poeti bizantini. Anacreontee dal Barberiniano greco 310.Augusta Acconcia Longo - 2002 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 95 (2):675-680.
    Il libro di C., che costituisce il quinto volume della nuova promettente collana diretta da E.V. Maltese, nella quale sono già apparsi importanti contributi ed altri sono annunciati, comprende l'edizione critica e il commento di una parte delle poesie anacreontiche giunte sino a noi nella ben nota raccolta tramandata, mutila, come dimostra l'indice antico dei ff. 1-7, dal codice Barb. gr. 310, e più precisamente i componimenti classicheggianti sopravvissuti nella prima parte del manoscritto, con l'esclusione delle anacreontiche di Sofronio di (...)
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    Lennart Rydén (†), The life of St. Philaretos the Merciful, written by his grandson Niketas. A critical edition with introduction, translation, notes, and indices.Augusta Acconcia Longo - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (2):625-626.
    La Vita di Filareto il Misericordioso, un testo agiografico di grande interesse storico e letterario, oggetto di riscritture e traduzioni, fu edita per la prima volta nel 1900 da Vasiliev, dal Paris. gr. 1510 (V). Nonostante la maggiore antichità del codice (X secolo), quella di V risultò in seguito una versione secondaria rispetto alla versione edita nel 1934 da Fourmy e Leroy, tratta dai codici Genuensis Urbanus 34 (G) dell'XI secolo e Paris. gr. 1608 (P) del XIV secolo, e riedita (...)
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  21. Classical Logic Is Connexive.Camillo Fiore - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Logic (2):91-99.
    Connexive logics are based on two ideas: that no statement entails or is entailed by its own negation (this is Aristotle’s thesis) and that no statement entails both something and the negation of this very thing (this is Boethius' thesis). Usually, connexive logics are contra-classical. In this note, I introduce a reading of the connexive theses that makes them compatible with classical logic. According to this reading, the theses in question do not talk about validity alone; rather, they talk in (...)
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    (1 other version)Negation considered as a statement of difference in identity.Augusta Klein - 1911 - Mind 20 (80):521-529.
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  23. The Problem of Logic.Augusta Klein - 1910 - Mind 19 (73):105-111.
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  24. Methods and systematic reflections.Fiore Mester - 2004 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 27 (1-4):330.
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    Violence and the Visual.Augusta Rohrbach - 1994 - International Studies in Philosophy 26 (1):71-82.
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    Hopkins' Relation to The Deutschlund Nuns.Fiore - 1965 - Renascence 18 (1):45-48.
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    A proposed new classification of terms.Augusta Klein - 1914 - Mind 23 (92):542-549.
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    A Defining Analysis of the Life and Death Dyad: Paving the Way for an Ethical Debate.Giovanni Boniolo & Pier Paolo Di Fiore - 2008 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 33 (6):609-634.
    We discuss the meaning of “being alive” and “being dead.” Our primary aim is to pave the way for a sound and accurate ethical debate concerning these two concepts. In particular, we analyze a metabolic approach and a genetic one and discuss the reasons for their failure to constitute a good starting point for successive debates. We argue that any ethical or social discussion of topics involving life and death must introduce cultural constructs such as, on the one hand, the (...)
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    Autodoação e responsabilidade pelo outro: Uma reflexão sobre o discipulado missionário a partir de 2Cor 5,14-17.André Gustavo De Fiore - 2015 - Revista de Teologia 9 (16):27-37.
    By stating that "only one died for all," "so that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died and was raised for them" Paul precedes the following expression: " the love of Christ compels us ". As Christ left his example, Christians should love and assign themselves tasks on community service, be dedicated and taking responsibility for others. This article aims to reflect on the pastoral implications concerning the concept of "new creatures" with a (...)
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  30. Generalization of the Heisenberg indeterminacy principle, and the implied search for ultimate reality and meaning.Fiore Mester - 2004 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 27 (4):330-357.
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  31. What the Adoption Problem Does Not Show.Camillo Giuliano Fiore - 2022 - Análisis Filosófico 42 (1):79-103.
    Saul Kripke proposed a skeptical challenge that Romina Padró defended and popularized by the name of the Adoption Problem. The challenge is that, given a certain definition of adoption, there are some logical principles that cannot be adopted—paradigmatic cases being Universal Instantiation and Modus Ponens. Kripke has used the Adoption Problem to argue that there is an important sense in which logic is not revisable. In this essay, I defend two independent claims. First, that the Adoption Problem does not entail (...)
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  32. “Writers Who Have Rendered Women Objects of Pity”: Mary Wollstonecraft’s Literary Criticism in the Analytical Review and A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.Fiore Sireci - 2018 - Journal of the History of Ideas 79 (2):243-265.
    This article details the variety of critical strategies in Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, finding strong connections with her writing as a reviewer for the Analytical Review, the literary review published by the reformer and Dissenter Joseph Johnson. In Rights of Woman, Wollstonecraft employed textual analyses and an evolving set of theoretical positions that had been introduced in the course of her career at the Analytical Review. By elucidating the importance of the reviews and the specificity (...)
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  33. Reading Conclusions Conjunctively.Camillo Fiore - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (6):1641-1672.
    In philosophical logic and proof theory, we often find multiple-conclusion systems that induce a conjunctive reading of premises and a disjunctive reading of conclusions. In mathematical logic, in contrast, we often find multiple-conclusion systems that induce a conjunctive reading of both premises and conclusions. This paper studies some technical and philosophical aspects of this latter approach to multiple-conclusion consequence. The takeaway is that, while the importance of disjunctive multiple conclusions is beyond doubt, conjunctive multiple conclusions also have philosophical interest. First, (...)
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    Cartas.Nísia Floresta Brasileira Augusta - 2002 - Sta [i.e. Santa] Cruz do Sul, RS: EDUNISC. Edited by Constância Lima Duarte, Miguel Lemos, Paula Berinson & Auguste Comte.
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    Anthropological theory for the twenty-first century: a critical approach.Augusta Lynn Bolles, Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz, Bernard C. Perley & Keri Vacanti Brondo (eds.) - 2022 - London: University of Toronto Press.
    Anthropological Theory for the Twenty-First Century presents a critical approach to the study of anthropological theory for the next generation of aspiring anthropologists. Through a carefully curated selection of readings, this collection reflects the diversity of scholars who have long contributed to the development of anthropological theory, incorporating writings by scholars of colour, non-Western scholars, and others whose contributions have historically been under-acknowledged. The volume puts writings from established canonical thinkers, such as Marx, Boas, and Foucault, into productive conversations with (...)
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    SMILANSKY, Saul. 10 Paradoxos Morais. Rio de Janeiro: Tinta Negra, 2011. ISBN: 9788563876003.Andre Gustavo De Fiore - 2014 - Revista de Teologia 8 (14):303-307.
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    Cristo dorme no fundo da barca?André Gustavo Di Fiore & Ney De Souza - 2022 - Franciscanum 64 (177).
    A pandemia da Covid-19 transformou realidades e exigiu comportamentos sociais jamais experienciados que, na dimensão eclesial, vêm revelando compreensões e posturas inadequadas à mistagogia evangélica, mas que também podem provocar um discipulado missionário ad extra, na concepção de Igreja Povo de Deus. Portanto, o presente artigo objetivou, a partir de uma hermenêutica de Mc 4,35-41, refletir sobre o protagonismo laical em tempos de pandemia, sua autocompreensão eclesial e seu posicionamento diante da crise sanitária. Para tanto, estruturou-se em três pontos: teceu (...)
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    Velle malum sub ratione mali: sinderesi e coscienza nel pensiero etico di Giovanni Duns Scoto.Giammarco Fiore - 2022 - Roma: Antonianum.
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    What is Life?Augusta Gaskell - 1931 - Philosophical Review 40 (5):498-500.
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    Whence? Whither? Why?Augusta Gaskell & F. K. Richtmyer - 1940 - Philosophical Review 49 (6):685-686.
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  41. Dewey’s and Pareyson’s Aesthetics.Andrea Fiore - 2022 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 14 (1):25-37.
    Even though the American thinker John Dewey and the Italian Luigi Pareyson belong to two different philosophical traditions, on the aesthetic ground they show many resonances and similarities. Using Pareyson’s words, “just as it happens between people, who in particularly happy encounters […] reveal themselves to each other,” it is therefore possible to have Dewey’s aesthetics and Pareyson’s dialogue with each other, highlighting their affinities. This operation can strengthen the idea that the aesthetic experience is a way to fulfil human (...)
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  42. L'inedito De Deipara et Christo ut eius Filio, primo trattato sulla Beata Vergine Maria di Francisco Suàrez.Stefano de Fiores - 2005 - Gregorianum 86 (3):463-495.
    The Jesuit theologian, Francisco Suarez, is know as the «father of modern scientific Mariology» because of the innovations he brought to the Scholastic treatment of the Virgin Mary. Commenting on the third part of the Summa Theologica of St. Thomas, at the Roman College in 1584-85, he developed 24 questions under the title De Deipara et Christo ut eius Filio, material which to this day has remained unpublished. In the present essay, the author discusses the role of Mary in the (...)
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    Passaggi sul vuoto.Luciano De Fiore (ed.) - 2014 - [Giulianova]: Galaad edizioni.
    Intorno alla problematica del vuoto e alla sua dialettica col "pieno" si è giocata anche l'incerta, secolare partita tra libertà e senso. La questione riguarda non solo l'ambito filosofico, interessando la fisica innanzitutto, la psicoanalisi, le arte e l'estetica. Nel ricapitolare la storia culturale della questione, il volume vuol dar conto sinteticamente del tema del vuoto quindi nella tradizione kenotica cristiana, nell'attuale antropologia filosofica e in architettura, senza tralasciare la dimensione intrapsichica, sia nelle tradizioni della meditazione taoista e zen, sia (...)
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    Essays on Woman, by Edith Stein.Augusta Spiegelman Gooch - 1992 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 23 (2):190-192.
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    Remarks on isomorphisms in typed lambda calculi with empty and sum types.Marcelo Fiore, Roberto Di Cosmo & Vincent Balat - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 141 (1):35-50.
    Tarski asked whether the arithmetic identities taught in high school are complete for showing all arithmetic equations valid for the natural numbers. The answer to this question for the language of arithmetic expressions using a constant for the number one and the operations of product and exponentiation is affirmative, and the complete equational theory also characterises isomorphism in the typed lambda calculus, where the constant for one and the operations of product and exponentiation respectively correspond to the unit type and (...)
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    Platone totalitario.Vincenzo Fiore - 2017 - [Cesena]: Historica.
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    Best Practices for the Design and Development of Ethical Learning Video Games.Rudy McDaniel & Stephen M. Fiore - 2012 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 2 (4):1-23.
    This article builds upon earlier research in which the authors presented case studies focused on the design and development of two original ethical learning video games. Through this case study and a review of relevant literature, the authors explored the content creation of, and theoretical rationale for, the design and development of ethics games. Both games were geared toward an undergraduate student audience as casual learning games to be completed in a few hours of gameplay. To update and expand this (...)
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  48. Century path: a magazine devoted to the brotherhood of humanity, the promulgation of theosophy and the study of ancient and modern ethics, philosophy, science, and art.Katherine Augusta Westcott Tingley (ed.) - 1900 - San Diego: New Century Corporation.
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    Attitude as it affects performance of tests.Augusta F. Bronner - 1916 - Psychological Review 23 (4):303-331.
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  50. Inferential Constants.Camillo Fiore, Federico Pailos & Mariela Rubin - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (3):767-796.
    A metainference is usually understood as a pair consisting of a collection of inferences, called premises, and a single inference, called conclusion. In the last few years, much attention has been paid to the study of metainferences—and, in particular, to the question of what are the valid metainferences of a given logic. So far, however, this study has been done in quite a poor language. Our usual sequent calculi have no way to represent, e.g. negations, disjunctions or conjunctions of inferences. (...)
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