Results for 'August Schleicher'

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  1. v. 6. Über den Ursprung der Sprache / Jacob Grimm. Die Ungleichheit menschlicher Rassen / Friedrich Pott. Die Darwinsche Theorie und die Sprachwissenschaft. [REVIEW]August Schleicher - 1717 - In Christopher Hutton, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Christian Wolff, Johann Christoph Adelung, Johann Christoph Gottsched, Johann Gottfried Herder, Dietrich Tiedemann, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Friedrich von Schlegel, Franz Bopp, Wilhelm von Humboldt, Heymann Steinthal, Jacob Grimm, August Friedrich Pott, August Schleicher, Georg von der Gabelentz, Hermann Paul & Wilhelm Max Wundt (eds.), 18th and 19th century German linguistics. Tokyo: Kinokuniya.
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    18th and 19th century German linguistics.Christopher Hutton, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Christian Wolff, Johann Christoph Adelung, Johann Christoph Gottsched, Johann Gottfried Herder, Dietrich Tiedemann, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Friedrich von Schlegel, Franz Bopp, Wilhelm von Humboldt, Heymann Steinthal, Jacob Grimm, August Friedrich Pott, August Schleicher, Georg von der Gabelentz, Hermann Paul & Wilhelm Max Wundt (eds.) - 1717 - Tokyo: Kinokuniya.
  3. The Course of Human Development: 19th-century Comparative Linguistics from Schlegel to Schleicher.Jennifer Mensch - 2019 - International Yearbook for Hermeneutics 18 (1):140-154.
    The investigation that I am going to pursue here is part of a larger effort on my part to understand the relationship between Kant’s so-called “philosophical anthropology” and the development of early German anthropology since it is my sense that Kant had a determinate, if indirect, effect on the history of that separate field. For now this larger project has three main foci: an account of Kant’s philosophical anthropology in all its parts, an inquiry into Kant’s relationship to the theories (...)
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    Was Hitler a Darwinian?: disputed questions in the history of evolutionary theory.Robert J. Richards - 2013 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Darwin's theory of natural selection and its moral purpose -- Appendix 1: the logic of Darwin's long argument -- Appendix 2: the historical ontology and location of scientific theories -- Darwin's principle of divergence: why Fodor was almost right -- Darwin's romantic quest: mind, morals, and emotions -- Appendix: assessment of Darwin's moral theory -- The relation of Spencer's evolutionary theory to Darwin's -- Ernst Haeckel's scientific and artistic struggles -- Haeckel's embryos: fraud not proven -- The linguistic creation of (...)
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    Trees of history in systematics and philology.Robert J. O'Hara - 1996 - Memorie Della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali E Del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano 27 (1): 81–88.
    "The Natural System" is the name given to the underlying arrangement present in the diversity of life. Unlike a classification, which is made up of classes and members, a system or arrangement is an integrated whole made up of connected parts. In the pre-evolutionary period a variety of forms were proposed for the Natural System, including maps, circles, stars, and abstract multidimensional objects. The trees sketched by Darwin in the 1830s should probably be considered the first genuine evolutionary diagrams of (...)
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    Les linguistes allemands du XIXème siècle et leurs interlocuteurs étrangers.Jacques François (ed.) - 2019 - Paris: Éditions de la Société de linguistique de Paris.
    Un siècle avant la parution posthume du Cours de linguistique générale de Ferdinand de Saussure, la linguistique moderne a émergé en Allemagne avec les études de Wilhelm von Humboldt pour la linguistique générale et (entre autres) de Franz Bopp, Jacob Grimm, August Schleicher et Karl Brugmann pour la grammaire historico-comparative des langues indo-européennes. Dès les années 1830, les instituts allemands de philologie et de linguistique ont attiré nombre de jeunes chercheurs de Scandinavie, de France, de Suisse, de Pologne, (...)
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  7. Social evolution.Gerald Gaus & John Thrasher - 2012 - In Gerald F. Gaus & Fred D'Agostino (eds.), Routledge Companion to Social and Political Philosophy. London: Routledge. pp. 643-655.
    It is a matter of dispute how far back evolutionary explanations of social order should be traced. Evolutionary ideas certainly appear in the work of the ancient Greek philosophers, but it seems reasonable to identify the origins of modern evolutionary thinking in the eighteenth-century natural histories of civil society such as Rousseau’s Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality Among Men (1750: Pt III), Adam Ferguson’s An Essay on the History of Civil Society (1767), and Adam Smith’s Wealth of (...)
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  8. Darwin and the linguists: the coevolution of mind and language, Part 1. Problematic friends.Stephen G. Alter - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 38 (3):573-584.
    In his book The descent of man , Charles Darwin paid tribute to a trio of writers who offered naturalistic explanations of the origin of language. Darwin’s concurrence with these figures was limited, however, because each of them denied some aspect of his thesis that the evolution of language had been coeval with and essential to the emergence of humanity’s characteristic mental traits. Darwin first sketched out this thesis in his theoretical notebooks of the 1830s and then clarified his position (...)
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    Auguste Comte and positivism: the essential writings.Auguste Comte - 1975 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Gertrud Lenzer.
    Although Auguste Comte is conventionally acknowledged as one of the founders of sociology and as a key representative of positivism, few new editions of his writings have been published in the English language in this century. He has become virtually dissociated from the history of modern positivism and the most recent debates about it. Gertrud Lenzer maintains that the work of Comte is, for better or for worse, essential to an understanding of the modern period of positivism. This collection provides (...)
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  10. The positive philosophy of Auguste Comte.Auguste Comte & Harriet Martineau - 1896 - London,: G. Bell & sons. Edited by Harriet Martineau & Frederic Harrison.
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    Sprachlos. Die Evangelische Ethik und die Forschung an adulten Stammzellen.Niklas Schleicher - 2018 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 62 (2):135-142.
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    Auguste Comte.Auguste Comte - 1968 - [Paris]: Bordas. Edited by Pierre Arnaud.
    " Pour devenir un parfait philosophe, il me manquait surtout une passion, a la fois profonde et pure, qui me fit assez apprecier la partie affective de la nature humaine " note Auguste Comte dans ses " Prieres quotidiennes " redigees peu apres 1845, cette " annee sans pareille " au cours de laquelle il rencontre, frequente et voit disparaitre Clotilde de Vaux a laquelle il voue un amour eperdu. Cette relation aussi profonde et intense que physiquement ephemere ne bouleverse (...)
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    Selected writings of August Cieszkowski.August Cieszkowski - 1979 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by André Liebich.
    Selections from the most important and representative writings of the philosopher, economist, social reformer and political activist August Cieszkowski (1814 1894).
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  14. Œuvres d'Auguste Comte..Auguste Comte - 1968 - Paris,: Éditions Anthropos.
    t. 1.- Cours de philosophie positive. v. 1: Les préliminaires généraux et la philosophie mathématique.--v. 2: La philosophie astronomique et la philosophie de la physique. v. 3: La philosophie chimique et la philosophie biologique.
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  15. Testament d'Auguste Comte.Auguste Comte - 1896 - Paris,: Fonds typographique de l'Exécution testamentaire d'Auguste Comte. Edited by Pierre Laffitte.
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    Messer, August, Glauben und Wissen.August Messer - 1920 - Kant Studien 24 (1).
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    Cosmographia Christiana: Kosmologie und Geographie im frühen Christentum.Frank Schleicher - 2014 - Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
    Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral--Friedrich-Schiller-Universitèat Jena, 2012) originally presented under title: Spèatantike christliche Vorstellungen von der Welt.
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    Das Nutztier als Mitgeschöpf – Herausforderung für eine Ethik der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung: Tagungsbericht.Niklas Schleicher - 2017 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 61 (1):68-70.
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    Eine Polis an der Grenze des karthagischen Machtbereiches.Frank Schleicher - 2017 - História 66 (4):384-400.
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    Giorgio Agamben (2020), Homo Sacer. De soevereine macht en het naakte leven.Floris Schleicher - 2021 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 113 (2):322-325.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Nietzsche, von August Vetter..August Vetter - 1926 - München: E. Reinhardt.
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    Lettres d'Auguste Comte à divers.Auguste Comte - 1902 - Paris,: Fonds typographique de l'exécution testamentaire d'Auguste Comte. Edited by Georges Audiffrent.
  23. Auguste Comte et l'hypothèse cosmogonique Herschel-Laplace.Auguste Comte & Castilhos Goycochêa (eds.) - 1950 - Rio de Janeiro: [Jornal do commercio].
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    Œuvres de Auguste Barth: recueillies à l'occasion de son quatrevingtième anniversaire.Auguste Barth - 1914 - Paris: E. Leroux.
    t. 1. Les religions de l'Inde, et Bulletins des religions de l'Inde (1880-1885) -- t. 2. Bulletins des religions de l'Inde (1889-1902) -- t. 3. Comptes rendus et notices (1872-1886) -- t. 4. Comptes rendus et notices (1887-1898) -- t. 5. Comptes rendus et notices (1899-1911). Bibiliographie. Index général.
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    (1 other version)Messer, August Kommentar zu Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft. [REVIEW]August Messer - 1923 - Kant Studien 28 (1-2).
  26. La synthèse subjective d'Auguste Comte.Auguste Comte - 1900 - Paris,: Fonds typographique de l'exécution testamentaire d'Auguste Comte.
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    Prolegomena zur Historiosophie.August Cieszkowski - 2019 - Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Prolegomena zur Historiosophie" verfügbar.
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  28. A la lumière du Marxisme, t. II, 1re partie: Auguste Comte. Les Utopistes français. Proudhon.Auguste Cornu, Armand Cuvillier, Paul Labérenne, Lucy Prenant & Henri Wallon - 1937 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 44 (4):11-12.
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  29. Problems or prospects? Being a parent in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany.Angelika Ecker, Irina Jarvers, Daniel Schleicher, Stephanie Kandsperger, Iris Schelhorn, Marie Meyer, Thomas Borchert, Michael Lüdtke & Youssef Shiban - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundIn the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, many restrictions hit people in ways never seen before. Mental wellbeing was affected and burden was high, especially for high-risk groups such as parents. However, to our knowledge no research has yet examined whether being a parent was not only a risk for psychological burden but also a way to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.MethodsAn online survey was used to collect data from 1,121 participants from April to June 2020. In addition to (...)
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    Understanding democratic conflicts: The failures of agonistic theory.Vincent August - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (2):182-203.
    Western democracies experience profound conflicts that induce concerns about polarization and social cohesion. Yet although conflicts are a core feature of democracies, the forms, functions, and dynamics of democratic conflicts have rarely been subject of political theory. This paper aims at furthering our understanding of democratic conflicts. It analyzes the theory of conflict in Mouffe's agonistic pluralism, confronts it with sociological conflict theory, and presents concrete points of departure for a more comprehensive theory of democratic conflicts. The paper, thus, contributes (...)
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    (1 other version)Discours sur l'esprit positif..Auguste Comte - 1898 - Paris,: Société positiviste. Edited by E. Antoine.
    Le fondateur du positivisme ne s'est pas contente d'exposer ses theories dans deux series de grandes oeuvres constructives, il en a presente aussi des sortes de syntheses, de resumes exoteriques, destines a un public plus large. Le Discours sur l'esprit positif (1844), discours preliminaire au Traite philosophique d'astronomie populaire, avait ainsi ete concu par Comte comme une sorte de manifeste systematique de la nouvelle ecole. La grande loi sur l'evolution intellectuelle de l'humanite vers l'esprit positif y est developpee jusque dans (...)
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  32. Friedrich August von Hayek.Friedrich August von Hayek - 2004 - In Gisela Riescher (ed.), Politische Theorie der Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen. Von Adorno bis Young. Alfred Kröner Verlag. pp. 223.
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    Entanglements and Weavings: Diffractive Approaches to Gender and Love.Deirdre C. Byrne & Marianne Schleicher (eds.) - 2020 - Brill | Rodopi.
    In this edited volume, authors from multiple academic and creative disciplines interrogate constructionist and new materialist paradigms to assess their adequacy when analysing entanglements and weavings of gender and love in diverse contexts where discursive and material elements intra-act.
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  34. Christian August Crusius: Sketch of the necessary truths of reason (1745).Christian August Crusius - 2009 - In Eric Watkins (ed.), Kant's Critique of Pure Reason: Background Source Materials. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Passages from the letters of Auguste Comte.Auguste Comte - 1901 - London,: A. &. C. Black. Edited by John K. Ingram.
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  36. Fünf Faksimile-Tafeln zum Beitrag von August Faust: Kopernikus.August Faust - 1943 - Kant Studien 43:16.
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    En marge du romantisme: portrait et correspondance d'Auguste Sougey-Avisard, 1818-1889.Auguste Sougey-Avisard & Eugène Susini - 1975 - München: Fink. Edited by Eugène Susini.
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    The axiomatic system of the factorial implication.August Pieczkowski - 1966 - Studia Logica 18 (1):41 - 64.
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    Christian August Brandis: Handbuch der Geschichte der Griechisch-Römischen Philosophie. Theil 1.Christian August Brandis - 1835 - de Gruyter.
    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections (...)
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  40. Beiträge zur Marx-Engels-Forschung: dem Wirken Auguste Cornus gewidmet: [Ansprachen u. Vorträge auf d. festl. Kolloquium, das d. Akad. d. Wiss. d. DDR am 20. Sept. 1973 zu Ehren d. 85. Geburtstages d. korrespond. Mitgl. d. Akad. d. Wiss. d. DDR Auguste Cornu veranstaltete.Auguste Cornu & Heinrich Scheel (eds.) - 1975 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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    Undecidability of the homogeneous formulas of degree 3 of the predicate calculus.August Pieczkowski - 1968 - Studia Logica 22 (1):7 - 16.
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  42. Introduction à la physique aristotélicienne.Auguste Mansion - 1913 - Louvain,: Institut supérieur de philosophie.
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    Maurice Blondel et Auguste Valensin: correspondance.Maurice Blondel & Auguste Valensin - 1957 - Aubier, Éditions Montaigne.
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  44. August Wilhelm Und Friedrich Schlegel.August Wilhelm von Schlegel & Oskar F. Walzel - 1891 - Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft.
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    Rede über den Geist des Positivismus.Auguste Comte - 1966 - Hamburg,: Meiner. Edited by Iring Fetscher.
    Im "Discours sur l'esprit positif" (1844) begündet Auguste Comte (1798-1857) seinen utopischen Entwurf einer von wissenschaftlichen Prinzipien geleiteten und auf positive Erkenntnisse (wahrgenommene Tatsachen) gestützten zivilisatorischen Erneuerung der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft. Comte untermauert und bestärkt hier den Fortschrittsglauben des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts. Somit gilt der Text als Programm- und Hauptschrift des >klassischen Positivismus.
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    Ludwig August Unzer: Vermächtnisse für Zweifler.Ludwig August Unzer - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2019 (2):126-138.
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  47. Die grundfragen der philosophie.August Brunner - 1933 - Freiburg im Breisgau,: Herder & co., g. m. b. h..
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    Der Europa-Gedanke.August Buck - 1992 - de Gruyter.
    Das bilaterale Kulturzentrum Villa Vigoni am Comer See widmet sich u.a. mit zahlreichen Fachtagungen der Vertiefung und Erforschung der deutsch-italienischen Beziehungen in Literatur, Wissenschaft, Kultur und Politik. In der Schriftenreihe der Villa Vigoni werden herausragende Ergebnisse dieser Tagungen der an den biliteralen Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Italien interessierten Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht. Ziel ist es, durch die wissenschaftliche Dokumentation einen Beitrag zur Aufarbeitung der deutsch-italienischen Kulturtradition zu leisten und die weitere Entwicklung der bilateralen Verständigung zu fördern.
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  49. Romanische Dichtung und Dichtungslehre in der Renaissance. Ein Forschungsbericht.August Buck - 1959 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 33 (4):588-607.
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    Écrits de jeunesse 1816–1828: Suivis du Mémoire sur la ‘Cosmogonie’ de Laplace, 1835.Auguste Comte, Paulo Estavão Berrêdo Carneiro & Pierre Arnaud - 2018 - Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
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