Results for 'Ataollah Koopal'

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  1.  26
    Seeing through a glass, darkly? Towards an educational iconomy of the digital screen.Wiebe Koopal & Joris Vlieghe - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (1):61-70.
    This paper attempts to reassess the educational affordances of digital screens, at a time when their educational impact has become incontournable, but is also increasingly growing suspicion. To bypass the redundancies of overly critical theoretical approaches, the paper foregrounds the subjectifying potentialities of the screen’s elusive technological ‘plasticity’. After the introduction, in which some pedagogical misgivings about the digital screen are addressed, we turn to Marie-José Mondzain’s historico-philosophical genealogy of iconoclasm. Trying to make sense of the aesthetic-political ambivalence that shrouded (...)
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  2. How to Understand Russellian Panpsychism.Ataollah Hashemi - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-20.
    Russellian Panpsychism or Panpsychist Russellian Monism (PRM) presents a new perspective on the ontological status of phenomenal consciousness, acknowledging its reality at the fundamental level of existence. Diverging from physicalism, PRM upholds the existence of phenomenal consciousness without disrupting the uniformity of nature, a departure from dualism. PRM posits a symbiotic relationship between mental and physical entities, asserting that the former provides intrinsic foundations for the latter, which are structural. This raises a pivotal inquiry: how does PRM reconcile these distinct (...)
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  3. How Does a Theoretical Term Refer?Ataollah Hashemi - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (6):957-968.
    This paper deals with the question of what the most appropriate semantic theory for theoretical terms would be. Traditionally, in the contemporary literature of philosophy of language, there have been two widely held semantic theories: the descriptivist theory and the causal theory. Comparing theoretical terms with natural kind terms, I attempt to show that the causal theory of reference applies to natural kinds owing to certain ontological and epistemological assumptions of natural kinds realism. I argue that there is no reason (...)
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    A Panpsychist Solution to the Exclusion Problem.Ataollah Hashemi - 2024 - Acta Analytica:1-14.
    Most proposals on the problem of mental causation or the exclusion problem come from two metaphysical camps: physicalism and dualism. However, a recent theory called “Russellian panpsychism” (PRM) offers a distinct perspective on the relationship between consciousness and the physical world. PRM posits that phenomenal consciousness is ubiquitous and fundamental. It suggests that consciousness and physical properties are not entirely separate but rather intertwined. Phenomenal consciousness serves as a categorical/intrinsic ground for the extrinsic/dispositional nature of physical properties. By doing so, (...)
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    Éducation sentimentale? Rethinking emotional intelligence with Michel Henry: from incarnation to education.Wiebe Koopal & Joris Vlieghe - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (3):367-382.
    ABSTRACTIn this paper we explore the possibility of rethinking the concept of emotional intelligence within the context of education. By developing a pedagogical dialogue with Michel Henry’s phenomenology of incarnation, we try to move beyond existing models of emotional intelligence by shifting the emphasis from the intellectual significance of emotion to a more original incarnate affectivity within intelligence, understood as lived sense-making. We claim that this ontological and ontogenetic perspective on emotion puts it at the heart of education. Yet only (...)
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    Music Education as Faustian Bargain: Re-Enchanting the World with Thomas Mann's Doktor Faustus.Wiebe Koopal & Joris Vlieghe - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 54 (4):101-121.
    Ever since its publication in 1947, Thomas Mann's Doktor Faustus,1 his last major novel, has triggered many discussions and scholarly analyses. Evidently, the fictitious life story of Adrian Leverkühn, the genius composer who strikes an unsavory bargain with the devil, abounds in literary artifice and ingenuity, drawing to that end from a nigh bottomless reservoir of extremely variegated cultural references.2 Leaving out strictly literary analyses, most critical attention for Mann's version of the Faust myth is centered on its politico-aesthetical motifs—its (...)
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  7. The epistemic value of natural theology.Ataollah Hashemi - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):1-19.
    According to certain theories, acquiring knowledge of God does not necessarily depend on philosophical evidence, and a believer is not obligated to rely on philosophical arguments from natural theology to justify their religious convictions. However, it is undeniable that philosophical arguments supporting the existence of God and theodicies possess significant epistemic value. This raises the question: what is the epistemic significance of the intellectual products derived from natural theology if they are not essential for attaining knowledge of God? Drawing upon (...)
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  8. On the Possibility of Metaphysics: A Thomas Reidian Perspective.Ataollah Hashemi - manuscript
    This paper delves into the examination of metaphysical knowledge from the unique vantage point of Thomas Reid. While some philosophers, including Immanuel Kant, assert the impossibility of metaphysical knowledge based on specific epistemological and methodological principles, Reid, a proponent of direct realism, presents alternative epistemological and methodological principles that challenge the skeptics’ stance. The primary objective of this paper is to explore whether metaphysical knowledge is attainable through Reid’s perspective. In this paper, I contend that Reid’s direct realism indeed opens (...)
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    Conquering illusions: Don Quixote and the educational significance of the novel.Wiebe Koopal & Stefano Oliverio - 2025 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 59 (1):79-94.
    In this article we want to rethink the educational significance of the novel from the perspective of a ‘metanovelistic’ reading of Don Quixote, often acclaimed as the ‘first modern novel’. Our point of departure is two-fold: on the one hand, there is the controversial contemporary phenomenon of de-reading, and all the educational discussions it entails; on the other hand, there is the existing tradition of literary education, which has already extensively reflected upon the (moral, epistemological, ontological) relations between novel reading, (...)
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  10. Ontological Deflationisim and Metaphysical Realism.Ataollah Hashemi - 2022 - Perspectives About Truth: Truths About Truth.
  11. Ontološki pluralizam i ontološka kategorija.Ataollah Hashemi & Davood Hosseini - 2023 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 19 (1):1-16.
    Ontološki pluralizam je gledište prema kojemu postoje različiti načini postojanja. Povijesno gledano, načini postojanja su usklađeni s ontološkim kategorijama. Ovaj rad istražuje zašto postoji takva veza i kako je treba shvatiti. Ontološki pluralizam pati od prigovora prema kojem se ontološki pluralizam urušava u ontološki monizam, tj. u gledište da postoji samo jedan način postojanja. Priznavanje ontoloških kategorija može spasiti ontološki pluralizam od ovog prigovora ako načini postojanja utemeljuju ontološke kategorije.
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  12. Coincident Objects and The Grounding Problem.Ataollah Hashemi - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 16 (41):164-173.
    Pluralists believe in the occurrence of numerically distinct spatiotemporal coincident objects. They argue that there are coincident objects that share all physical and spatiotemporal properties and relations; nevertheless, they differ in terms of modal and some other profiles. Appealing to the grounding problem according to which nothing can ground the modal differences between coincident objects, monists reject the occurrence of coincident objects. In the first part of this paper, I attempt to show that the dispute between monists and pluralists cannot (...)
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  13. Spinoza and the Puzzle of Attributes: An Essentialist Approach.Ataollah Hashemi - manuscript
    In Spinoza’s ontology, there are only two categories of existing items: an independent entity that is one substance, and dependent entities that are infinite modes; “nothing exists external to the intellect except substances and their affections”(Proof of 1.P.4). Nevertheless, Spinoza introduces a third notion, ‘attribute’, that is defined as “what the intellect perceives of substance as constituting its essence” (1.d.4). Spinoza’s metaphysics is known for the doctrine of substance monism that indicates that only one substance exists. Spinoza, however, explicitly states (...)
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    Calvinist’ Exercises in Educational Theory: Introduction.Wiebe Koopal & Samira Alirezabeigi - 2024 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 43 (4):337-342.
  15.  22
    Derek Ford’s Inhuman Educations.Wiebe Koopal - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (5):535-543.
  16.  1
    For an Un-Creative Music Education? On the (Un)Timeliness of Schopenhauer as Music Educator.Wiebe Koopal & Joris Vlieghe - 2024 - Philosophy of Education 80 (2):155-171.
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    Navigating Principlism and Particularism.Ataollah Hashemi - 2024 - Southwest Philosophy Review 40 (2):27-30.
  18. How to deal with the puzzle of coincident objects.Ataollah Hashemi - 2017 - Dissertation, University of Alberta
    The grounding problem is related to the puzzle of numerically distinct spatiotemporally coincident objects. Suppose Lumpl –a lump of clay– and Goliath – the statue – are created and later destroyed, simultaneously. They would share all of their physical and spatiotemporal properties and relations. But, Goliath and Lumpl have different modal and sortal properties, which would suggest they are distinct entities, while at the same time entirely co-located. This issue creates a puzzle and raises the question of how two distinct (...)
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  19.  24
    If Music Be the Food of Education: Thinking Elementary Music Education with Michel Serres.Wiebe Koopal & Joris Vlieghe - 2022 - Philosophy of Education 78 (1):119-131.
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    Mahler Is a DJ: Reconducting Classical Music Education.Wiebe Sieds Koopal, Joris Vlieghe & Thomas De Baets - 2020 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 28 (2):220.
    Abstract:In this paper we reconceptualize general music education as a "classical music education," departing from speculative reflection on the notion of conducting. We constitute this notion as an interpretative axis connecting, on the one hand, a different perspective on what classical music might mean in the context of general education, and, on the other hand, a more dynamic, techno-ecological concept of both music and education. This paper develops these connections by thinking along with a concrete specimen of classical music in (...)
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  21.  31
    Educating with Style? Rethinking the Pedagogical Significance of (In)consistency Between Calvino and Deleuze.Wiebe Koopal - 2024 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 43 (4):429-443.
    In this paper I try to 'rethink' consistency as an educational quality for the 3rd millennium, following Italo Calvino's choice to take it up in his lecture series Memos for the Next Millennium, and despite the fact that the (final) lecture devoted to this quality remained unwritten. After reflecting on how consistency already plays a certain role in Calvino's other lectures, I expand on the specific educational implications of this role's unresolved ambivalence, in order to argue that this ambivalence, properly (...)
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  22. Navigating Principlism and Particularism: Reflections on “Rawls’s Efficiency”.Ataollah Hashemi - forthcoming - Southwest Philosophy Review.
  23. Quine and Aristotelian Essentialism.Ataollah Hashemi - 2013 - Logical Studies 4 (1):129-144.
    Quine, the famous American empiricist philosopher, in wake of his criticisms of quantified modal logic, believes that the logic is committed to a doctrine which he calls Aristotelian Essentialism, and tries to prove that the doctrine is meaningless. He defines Aristotelian Essentialism as a doctrine which distinguishes between things’ essential and accidental properties, and the distinction is independent from the language in which the things are referred to, and also the ways by which they are specified. In the present paper, (...)
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    Caring for Literature that Matters? Conceptualizing a Thing-centered Perspective on Literature Education with Rousseau, Deleuze, and Calvino.Wiebe Koopal & Joris Vlieghe - 2022 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (5):529-549.
    This paper primarily aims at conceptualizing a new philosophical approach to literature education, one that we—in the vein of certain pedagogical trends—propose to call “thing-centered”. Point of departure is the ongoing confrontation with a two-sided educational problem: on the one hand, the confrontation with the steady decline of younger generations’ engagements with ‘classical’ literature; on the other hand, that with the unsatisfactory answers which either accept this development, in light of the world’s irresistible digitization, or try overcoming it through a (...)
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  25.  29
    To beat or not to beat? On music, violence, and education.Wiebe Koopal - 2022 - Ethics and Education 17 (1):117-139.
    ABSTRACT In this article I venture the hypothesis that music confronts education with the possibility to think violence in ways that are both inherently educational and radically affirmative. Beginning with a reflection on a poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, which emphatically evokes the violence within the genesis of music, I then move in a different direction in the second section, which surveys how extant (music-) educational has thematized violence so far. Concluding that this thematization, notwithstanding many nuances, invariably implies a (...)
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    The Public-Educational Musings of Benjamin Britten: Toward A Post-Critical Love For Classical Music.Lierin Buelens, Joris Vlieghe, Thomas De Baets & Wiebe Sieds Koopal - 2023 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 31 (2):170-186.
    In this paper we discuss the musical work of classical composer Benjamin Britten as a lasting legacy for public music education. Our starting point is the contemporary urgency to rethink both public music education in general, and the public-educational significance of Western classical music in particular, in the face of the dual threats posed by anti-educational tendencies of “functionalization” and “hobbyfication.” Relating this situation to concerns already voiced by Britten in his time, we consider in what ways aspects of Britten’s (...)
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  27.  39
    Lārestāni Studies 1. Lāri Basic VocabularyComparative Basic Vocabulary of Khonjī and Lārī. Lārestāni Studies 2Larestani Studies 1. Lari Basic VocabularyComparative Basic Vocabulary of Khonji and Lari. Larestani Studies 2. [REVIEW]P. O. Skjærvo̵, Koji Kamioka, Minoru Yamada, Ataollah Rahbar, Ali Akbar Hamidi & P. O. Skjaervo - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (2):325.
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    A Response to Wiebe Koopal’s Review of Inhuman Educations: Jean-François Lyotard, Pedagogy, Thought.Derek R. Ford - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (5):545-547.