Results for 'Asma Belhadi'

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  1.  46
    Multiple agent possibilistic logic.Asma Belhadi, Didier Dubois, Faiza Khellaf-Haned & Henri Prade - 2013 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 23 (4):299-320.
    The paper presents a ‘multiple agent’ logic where formulas are pairs of the form, made of a proposition and a subset of agents. The formula is intended to mean ‘ all agents in believe that is true’. The formal similarity of such formulas with those of possibilistic logic, where propositions are associated with certainty levels, is emphasised. However, the subsets of agents are organised in a Boolean lattice, while certainty levels belong to a totally ordered scale. The semantics of a (...)
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  2. Against fairness.Stephen T. Asma - 2013 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    From the school yard to the workplace, there’s no charge more damning than “you’re being unfair!” Born out of democracy and raised in open markets, fairness has become our de facto modern creed. The very symbol of American ethics—Lady Justice—wears a blindfold as she weighs the law on her impartial scale. In our zealous pursuit of fairness, we have banished our urges to like one person more than another, one thing over another, hiding them away as dirty secrets of our (...)
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    Ethical Issues in Conducting Cross-Cultural Research in Low-Income Countries: A Pakistani Perspective.Asma Fazal - 2021 - Asian Bioethics Review 14 (2):151-168.
    The rapid growth of pharmaceutical markets in the 20th century has increased the demand for human research participants in clinical trials. However, with the globalization of clinical research, most clinical trials are conducted in low-income countries (LICs) with political and economic instability, and lack of basic healthcare, but easy access to human subjects. This paper explores the unique ethical challenges faced during the pre-enrollment phase of cross-cultural research in a country like Pakistan, and how these challenges make the Pakistani population (...)
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    Socio-Spatial Micro-Networks: Building Community Resilience in Kenya.Asma Mehan, Neady Odour & Sina Mostafavi - 2023 - In Ali Cheshmehzangi, Maycon Sedrez, Hang Zhao, Tian Li, Tim Heath & Ayotunde Dawodu, Resilience vs Pandemics. Springer. pp. 141-159.
    The adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have exposed the lack of multi-scalar community resilient strategies that catalyze the development of alternative coping mechanisms for future challenges. To address the immediate needs of vulnerable and marginalized groups, especially in times of crisis, as evidenced by the pandemic, micro-networks within communities have mitigated and reduced harm through self-devised ingenuity based on local ways of life. Socio-spatial micro-networks have the potential to empower communities to self-organize, engage, collaborate, co-design, co-build, and connect with (...)
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  5. Philosophical Implications of Affective Neuroscience.Stephen Asma, Jaak Panksepp, Rami Gabriel & Glennon Curran - 2012 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 19 (3-4):6-48.
    These papers are based on a Symposium at the COGSCI Conference in 2010. 1. Naturalizing the Mammalian Mind 2. Modularity in Cognitive Psychology and Affective Neuroscience 3. Affective Neuroscience and the Philosophy of Self 4. Affective Neuroscience and Law.
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    Following Form and Function: A Philosophical Archaeology of Life Science.Stephen T. Asma - 1996 - Northwestern University Press.
    The concepts of form and function have traditionally been defined in terms of biology and then extended to other disciplines. Stephen T. Asma examines the various interpretations of form and function in science and philosophy, reflecting on the philosophical presuppositions underlying the work of Geoffroy, Cuvier, Darwin, and others. -/- In the continental tradition of Canguilhem and Foucault, Asma's treatment of the historical form/function dispute analyzes the complex interactions among ideologies, metaphysical commitments, and research programs. Following Form and (...)
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  7. On Monsters: an unnatural history of our worst fears.Stephen T. Asma - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    Hailed as "a feast" (Washington Post) and "a modern-day bestiary" (The New Yorker), Stephen Asma's On Monsters is a wide-ranging cultural and conceptual history of monsters--how they have evolved over time, what functions they have served for us, and what shapes they are likely to take in the future. Beginning at the time of Alexander the Great, the monsters come fast and furious--Behemoth and Leviathan, Gog and Magog, Satan and his demons, Grendel and Frankenstein, circus freaks and headless children, (...)
  8.  52
    Housing as Politics: The case of Tehran.Asma Mehan & Mahziar Mehan - 2020 - In Simona Canepa, Spaces for living, Spaces for sharing. Syracuse, Italy: LetteraVentidue Edizioni. pp. 56-65.
    Iran, as a country that has never been colonized, underwent a rapid modernization process, which arose from its internal pressures. Starting from 1945, with the rise of globalism at the end of World War II, a new stage of modernization began in Iran which continued to grow and foster the culture of mass consumption. Globalization also led to the rise of different maternities in the housing sector. Focusing on Tehran, the dominant tendency to create a modern society based on nationalism (...)
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  9. Stuffed Animals and Pickled Heads: The Culture and Evolution of Natural History Museums.Stephen T. Asma - 2002 - Journal of the History of Biology 35 (1):185-187.
  10.  50
    Building Resilient Communities Over Time.Asma Mehan & Sina Mostafavi - 2022 - In Robert Brears, The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Futures. Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Nature. pp. 1-4.
    Community resilience entails the community’s ongoing and developing capacity to account for its vulnerabilities and function amid and recover from disturbance. A holistic and systematic approach of the community on how it uses material and energy resources or how a society educates the members' overtime is required to learn from the past and adapt to the present and future opportunities and threads. Community resilience has a long history in the local communities, which is embedded in their culture and history around (...)
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  11. Darwin's causal pluralism.Stephen T. Asma - 1996 - Biology and Philosophy 11 (1):1-20.
    Traditionally, Darwin has been grouped with the functionalists because natural selection (an adaptational mechanism) plays the prominent role in shaping organic form. In this paper, I sketch the dichotomy of functionalism versus structuralism and then argue that Darwin cannot be characterized adequately with this dichotomy. I argue that Darwin can incorporate both causal stories because he makes two important modifications to the traditional metaphysical presuppositions. I then offer some brief reflections on the import of Darwin's causal pluralism for the Philosophy (...)
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  12. The City as the (Anti)Structure: Fearscapes, social movement, and protest square.Asma Mehan - 2020 - Lo Squaderno 1 (57):53-56.
    The fear of the other is the main focus of this paper, which analyse Tehran protest squares as inside-out spaces where the state attempts to maintain some form of control, and where the public attempts to occupy it. The fear of ‘others’ can lead to exclusion from the public space of those who are seen as threatening. This process of ‘otherness’ renders fear as an arena of conflict and highlights the political utility of fear by particular groups and individuals.
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    Tehran: from Sacred to Radical.Asma Mehan - 2022 - London, UK: Routledge.
    This book is an interdisciplinary research work designed to be of interest to a broad range of academics. The book examines the relationship between democracy and the (trans)formations of urban spaces in Iran. It engages with the ideas of ‘modernity’ in architecture and investigates how they might align (or not) with other forms of radical power. The topic of the work is novel and aims to examine the relationship between the affordances of public spaces, their micro-histories, and the emergence of (...)
  14.  6
    The Affective Agency of Public Space: Social Inclusion and Community Cohesion.Asma Mehan - 2024 - Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter Brill.
    The Affective Agency of Public Space explores the pivotal role that public spaces play in fostering social inclusion and community cohesion within various settings, including Europe and the United States. This scholarly work underscores the critical importance of developing inclusive public zones that enhance urban life and promote integration and interaction among diverse community groups. It also confronts and debunks common myths about ‘different people,’ actively addressing misconceptions while promoting the recognition of diverse identities and voices. Through a comparative lens, (...)
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  15. EUKN webinar “Port Cities and Mega-Trends: Glocal Approaches to Sustainable Transitions”.Asma Mehan - 2021 - The Port City Futures Blog.
    The Covid-19 crisis raises questions of resilience, sustainable transitions and global trade in the wake of a pandemic. Port cities require new scenarios to deal with these questions, and over the past year several online initiatives were held to discuss this challenge. So does the European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN) ‘Thinking Beyond the Crisis’ series, which explores the urban impacts of and responses to the coronavirus outbreak in EUKN member countries. The online webinar “Port cities and Mega-Trends: Glocal Approaches to (...)
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  16. Metaphors of Race: Theoretical Presuppositions behind Racism.Stephen T. Asma - 1995 - American Philosophical Quarterly 32 (1):13 - 29.
    Philosophers and scientists have historically conceptualized race according to two main metaphors; internal differentiation (theological, philosophical and genetic), and external differentiation (environmental). This paper examines these metaphors and theories in Descartes, Kant, Hegel, and also Darwin and the subsequent racial theories of recent history. The paper argues that the externalist metaphor has a more liberal and potentially egalitarian tradition.
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  17. Conceptualizing the Urban Commons.Asma Mehan & Mahziar Mehan - 2022 - In Robert Brears, The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Futures. Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Nature. pp. 1-4.
    The concept of the commons was made widely known by the research of economist Elinor Ostrom (1990), allowing the “commoners” of that community the right to sustain themselves by grazing animals and collecting wood and wild food (Bingham-Hall 2016:2). This concept denotes the public land and natural resources –such as water and air – accessible to all members of society for development and survival, around which, historically, commoners organized themselves as self-governing collectives (Brears 2021). Referring to Lessig (2001) and the (...)
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    Explaining Unconscious Discrimination: Misattribution and Rationalization.Lieke Joske Franci Asma - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-20.
    Implicit bias involves unintentionally disadvantaging persons in virtue of their membership of a certain social group. It is not completely clear, however, why agents sometimes are conscious of unintentionally discriminating, while in other scenarios they are not. Typically, this is explained in terms of characteristics of the individual agent, for example whether they are motivated or have the cognitive resources to reflect on their initial evaluation. In the paper, I argue that we need to consider characteristics of the decision-making situation (...)
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    Oil Heritage in Iran and Malaysia: The Future Energy Legacy in the Persian Gulf and the South China Sea.Asma Mehan & Rowena Abdul Razak - 2022 - In F. Calabrò, L. Della Spina & M. J. Piñeira Mantiñán, New Metropolitan Perspectives. NMP 2022. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 2607–2616.
    The oil industry has played a major role in the economy of modern Iran and Malaysia, especially as a source of transnational exchange and as a major factor in industrial and urban development. During the previous century, the arrival of oil companies in the Persian Gulf, brought many changes to the physical built environment and accelerated the urbanization process in the port cities. Similarly, the development of the national oil industry had a huge impact on post-independence Malaysia, affecting balance sheets, (...)
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  20. Blank slate: squares and political order of city.Asma Mehan - 2016 - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism 40 (4):311-321.
    This paper aims to analyze the square beyond an architectural element in the city, but weaves this blank slate, with its contemporary socio political atmosphere as a new paradigm. As a result, this research investigates the historical, social and political concept of Meydan – a term which has mostly applied for the Iranian and Islamic public squares. This interpretation, suggested the idea of Meydan as the core of the projects in the city, which historically exposed in formalization of power relations (...)
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    Positive Psychology Interventions as an Opportunity in Arab Countries to Promoting Well-Being.Asma A. Basurrah, Mohammed Al-Haj Baddar & Zelda Di Blasi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:793608.
    Positive Psychology Interventions as an Opportunity in Arab Countries to Promoting Well-being AbstractIn this perspective paper, we emphasize the importance of further research on culturally-sensitive positive psychology interventions in the Arab region. We argue that these interventions are needed in the region because they not only reduce mental health problems but also promote well-being and flourishing. To achieve this, we shed light on the cultural elements of the Arab region and how the concept of well-being differs from that of Western (...)
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    Purple tea composition and inhibitory effect of anthocyanin-rich extract on cancer cell proliferation.Asma Bashir, Faisal Khan & Fadwa Al Mughairbi - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Religionsfreiheit und Meinungsfreiheit.Asma Jahangir - 2008 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2009 (jg):117-122.
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  24. "Monsters on the Brain: An Evolutionary Epistemology of Horror".Stephen Asma - 2014 - Social Research: An International Quarterly (N.4).
    The article discusses the evolutionary development of horror and fear in animals and humans, including in regard to cognition and physiological aspects of the brain. An overview of the social aspects of emotions, including the role that emotions play in interpersonal relations and the role that empathy plays in humans' ethics, is provided. An overview of the psychological aspects of monsters, including humans' simultaneous repulsion and interest in horror films that depict monsters, is also provided.
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    The Gods Drink Whiskey: Stumbling Toward Enlightenment in the Land of the Tattered Buddha.Stephen T. Asma - 2005 - Harper Collins.
    Asma, a professor of Buddhism at Columbia College in Chicago and the author of Stuffed Animals and Pickled Heads (2001), recounts his intense and revelatory Cambodian adventures while teaching at Phnom Penh's Buddhist Institute. In an electrifying and frank mix of hair-raising anecdotes and expert analysis, he explicates the vast difference between text-based Buddhist teachings and daily life in a poor and politically volatile Buddhist society. Amid tales of massage parlors, marijuana-spiced pizza, and bloodshed, he cogently explains how Theravada (...)
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  26. De-colonising public spaces in Malaysia. Dating in Kuala Lumpur.Krzysztof Nawratek & Asma Mehan - 2020 - Cultural Geographies 27.
    This article discusses places and practices of young heterosexual Malaysian Muslims dating in non-private urban spaces. It is based on research conducted in Kuala Lumpur (KL) in two consecutive summers 2016 and 2017. Malaysian law (Khalwat law) does not allow for two unrelated people (where at least one of them is Muslim) of opposite sexes to be within ‘suspicious proximity’ of one another in public. This law significantly influences behaviors and activities in urban spaces in KL. In addition to the (...)
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  27. Uncrossed bridges: Islam, feminism and secular democracy.Asma Barlas - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (4-5):417-425.
    In this article I review two contrasting approaches to Muslim women’s rights: those that want Muslims to secularize the Qur’an as the precondition for getting rights and those that emphasize the importance of a liberatory Qur’anic hermeneutics to Muslim women’s struggles for rights and equality. As examples of the former, I take the works of Nasr Abu Zayd and Raja Rhouni and, of the latter, my own. In addition to joining the debates on Muslim women’s rights, this exercise is meant (...)
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  28. Petroleum Industry Museums in Iran.Asma Mehan - 2022 - TICCIH Bulletin 96:27-28.
    In 2020, TICCIH published its thematic study on oil heritage, the first global assessment of the heritage of petroleum production and the oil industry, and of the places, structures, sites, and landscapes that might be conserved for their historical, technical, social, or architectural attributes. In many cases, the petroleum production sites and historical infrastructures, situated in corrosive and fragile landscapes, are costly to conserve, challenging to re-use, and pre-function considering their contribution to climate change. TICCIH also included the proposals for (...)
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    The Effect of Using Artificial Intelligence on Learning Vocabulary among Jordanian EFL University Students.Asma'A. Ali Abu Qbeita - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1890-1907.
    This study examines the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in enhancing English vocabulary acquisition among university students at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University in Jordan. A quasi-experimental design was employed, involving 40 EFL students, evenly split by gender (20 males and 20 females), all of whom were enrolled in the Basic English Language Course. The students were randomly assigned to either an experimental group, which utilized the Duolingo app for vocabulary learning, or a control group, which followed traditional methods of vocabulary (...)
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  30. The Evolution of Imagination.Asma Stephen - 2017 - University of Chicago Press.
    This book develops a theory of how the imagination functions, and how it evolved. The imagination is characterized as an embodied cognitive system. The system draws upon sensory-motor, visual, and linguistic capacities, but it is a flexible, developmental ability, typified by creative improvisation. The imagination is a voluntary simulation system that draws on perceptual, emotional, and conceptual elements, for the purpose of creating works that adaptively investigate external (environmental) and internal (psychological) resources. Beyond the adaptive useful values of this system, (...)
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    Liberalism and human suffering: materialist reflections on politics, ethics, and aesthetics.Asma Abbas - 2010 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book investigates the sources and implications of our encounters with suffering in contemporary politics and culture, exploring the forces that determine ...
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  32. CONGRESO XVII TICCIH —CHILE (Patrimonio Industrial: Entendiendo el pasado, haciendo el futuro sostenible).Asma Mehan & Mostafa Behzadfar (eds.) - 2018
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    Jihad: what everyone needs to know.Asma Afsaruddin - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    The word "jihad" is everywhere in the global media. It generally appears in the context of violence waged against the West by militants in or from Muslim-majority societies. This usage overwhelmingly colors popular discourse about Islam and Muslims and it has resulted in highly simplistic, distorted, and a historical understandings of the concept of jihad. For most Muslims, jihad refers to the continuous human struggle to promote and implement what is morally good and noble in all walks of life, as (...)
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    Global-happy and local-sad: Perceptual processing affects emotion identification.Narayanan Srinivasan & Asma Hanif - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (6):1062-1069.
  35. The Emotional Mind: the affective roots of culture and cognition.Stephen T. Asma & Rami Gabriel - 2019 - Harvard University Press.
    Tracing the leading role of emotions in the evolution of the mind, a philosopher and a psychologist pair up to reveal how thought and culture owe less to our faculty for reason than to our capacity to feel. Many accounts of the human mind concentrate on the brain’s computational power. Yet, in evolutionary terms, rational cognition emerged only the day before yesterday. For nearly 200 million years before humans developed a capacity to reason, the emotional centers of the brain were (...)
  36. Oil Heritage and the Mass Urbanization of the Sea.Zachary S. Casey & Asma Mehan - 2024 - In Jonathan Alexander Perez, Harmony Smith, Cornine Tendorf, David Turturo & Derek Rahn Williams, Crop X: Yield. Bruges, Belgium: Die Keure. pp. 218-219.
    Brought to you by: Crop X editors: Jonathan Alexander Perez, Harmony Smith, Corinne Tendorf, David Turturo, and Derek Rahn Williams. Faculty Advisor: David Turturo; Crop X team included: Chaimae Alehyane, Zachary S. Casey, Suzanna Brinez, Jacob Brown, Elizabeth George, Francisco Javier Muniz Ituarte, Brodey Myers. -/- Credits: Huckabee College of Architecture; Graphic Designers: Studio BLDG (Blossom Liu + Danny Gray); English Editor: Luke Studebaker; Spanish Translator: Jessie Forbes; Printer: Die Keure. Cover Photo: Derek Williams. -/- Generously supported by the Graham (...)
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    Emerging ‘spatialities of discontent’ in Modern Tehran.Asma Mehan - 2020 - Iranian Cities. An Emerging Urban Agenda at a Time of Drastic Alterations.
    La recente esperienza dei movimenti “Occupy” e di altre proteste di strada evidenzia la domanda globale per una democrazia partecipativa che riconosca il conflitto sociale. L’emergere di un urbanismo insorgente a Tehran si è realizzato anche attraverso associazioni semantiche che dipendono dalla memoria storica presente nell’immaginazione collettiva. Durante la Rivoluzione Islamica del 1978-79, luoghi di Tehran quali Enqelab Street e Azadi Square hanno fornito le principali dimensioni spaziali della protesta rendendo possibile una sua appropriazione basata su nuove interpretazioni ideologiche. Inoltre, (...)
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    (1 other version)From the Love Studio.Asma Abbas - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (4).
  39. Quar'anic ethics and said nursi's risale-I nur.Asma Afsaruddin - 2005 - In Ian S. Markham & İbrahim Özdemir, Globalization, ethics, and Islam: the case of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. Burlington, Vt: Ashgate.
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  40. The Empty Locus of Power: Production of Political Urbanism in Modern Tehran.Asma Mehan - 2017 - Dissertation,
    Is there a connection between power struggles and urban context? How the urban space used for the symbolic manifestation of power and social control? How urban space becomes the site of conflict and resistance? How urban nodes like squares became political apparatus in social demonstrations and revolutions? How do specific squares become symbols of revolutions? This thesis investigated these questions by viewing the city as a place formed by politics, which built upon the central concept of Meydan (Public Square), as (...)
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    There Is No Free Won't: The Role Definitions Play.L. Asma - 2017 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 24 (5-6):8-23.
    In this paper, I analyse how neuroscientists come to the conclusion that the brain 'decides' what we will do. I do so by focusing on a recent study on free won't, from which it is concluded that the decision to veto is not free. First, I argue that assumptions about voluntariness and freedom that underlie this and other Libet-style experiments are more stringent than assumed by other critics. Second, I claim that these assumptions lead to an experimental setting in which (...)
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    Architecture for Revolution: Democracy and Public space.Asma Mehan (ed.) - 2015 - Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh.
    Common space and public open spaces are studied and investigated from various aspects in western contexts. What is the most considered in this study is the relationship between public open space and democratic functions in eastern context and especially in Middle Eastern countries. The notion of public is connected to the notion of people in the framework of the nation-state political organization. What was happened in Cairo in 2011, just as in Kiev in 2014, and Turkey 2013 was the prolonged (...)
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  43. Transition.Asma Mehan & Sina Mostafavi - 2024 - In Andrea Crudeli, ADAPTIVE REUSE: Theoretical Glossary and Design Labs. Florence, Italy: STH Press. pp. 150-153.
    Adaptive reuse embodies a significant transition in the evolution of urban landscapes, representing a paradigm shift from industrial or obsolete uses to vibrant, sustainable, and community-centric functions. This transformative process, deeply rooted in the principles of sustainable urban development, emphasizes the conservation of architectural heritage, environmental sustainability, and socio-economic revitalization. At the heart of adaptive reuse is the concept of sustainability, which challenges traditional notions of development and conservation by repurposing existing structures, thereby conserving resources, and reducing the carbon footprint (...)
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  44. Citizen Participation, Digital Agency, and Urban Development.Simone Tappert, Asma Mehan, Pekka Tuominen & Zsuzsanna Varga - 2024 - Urban Planning 9:1-6.
    Today’s exponential advancement of information and communication technologies is reconfiguring participatory urban development practices. The use of digital technology implies new forms of decentralised governance, collaborative knowledge production, and social activism. The digital transformation has the potential to overcome shortcomings in citizen participation, make participatory processes more deliberative, and enable collaborative approaches for making cities. While digital tools such as digital mapping, e‐participation platforms, location‐based games, and social media offer new opportunities for the various actors and may act as a (...)
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  45. Adaptive Imagination: Toward a Mythopoetic Cognitive Science.Stephen Asma - 2021 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 5 (2):1-32.
    A mythopoetic paradigm or perspective sees the world primarily as a dramatic story of competing personal intentions, rather than a system of objective impersonal laws. Asma argued that our contemporary imaginative cognition is evolutionarily conserved-it has structural and functional similarities to premodern Homo sapiens’s cognition. This article will outline the essential features of mythopoetic cognition or adaptive imagination, delineate the adaptive sociocultural advantages of mythopoetic cognition, explain the phylogenetic and ontogenetic mechanisms that give rise to human mythopoetic mind, show (...)
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  46. Glocalization challenges and the contemporary architecture: systematic review of common global indicators in Aga Khan Award’s winners.Safa Salkhi Khasraghi & Asma Mehan - 2023 - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism 47 (2):135–145.
    Local reports from different international societies have considered the achievement of the successful Glocalized architecture model in line with the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Aga Khan Cultural Foundation’s International Program for Islamic Architecture has also prioritized the understanding of the success drivers in architectural projects. This study aimed to detect the potentials of the common global indicators to access qualitative design assessment through analyzing the Aga Khan Award’s reports. The selected methodology in the present study is a (...)
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  47. The abstract space and the alienation of political public space in the Middle East.Farzad Zamani & Asma Mehan - 2019 - Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research 13 (3):483-497.
    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explain how abstract space of the State – universally and specifically within the context of Middle Eastern cities – aims to homogenise the city and eliminate any anomaly that threatens its power structure. Design/methodology/approach – Through a historical and discourse analysis of these policies and processes in the two case studies, this paper presents a contextualised reading of Lefebvre’s concept of abstract space and process of abstraction in relation to the alienation (...)
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  48. Digital Feminist Placemaking: The Case of the “Woman, Life, Freedom” Movement.Asma Mehan - 2024 - Urban Planning 9:1-19.
    Throughout Iran and various countries, the recent calls of the “Zan, Zendegi, Azadi” (in Persian), “Jin, Jiyan, Azadi” (in Kurdish), or “Woman, Life, Freedom” (in English) movement call for change to acknowledge the importance of women. While these feminist protests and demonstrations have been met with brutality, systematic oppression, and internet blackouts within Iran, they have captured significant social media attention and coverage outside the country, especially among the Iranian diaspora and various international organizations. This article, grounded in feminist urban (...)
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  49. The Evolution of Imagination.Stephen T. Asma - 2017 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Guided by neuroscience, animal behavior, evolution, philosophy, and psychology, Asma burrows deep into the human psyche to look right at the enigmatic but powerful engine that is our improvisational creativity—the source, he argues, of our remarkable imaginational capacity. How is it, he asks, that a story can evoke a whole world inside of us? How are we able to rehearse a skill, a speech, or even an entire scenario simply by thinking about it? How does creativity go beyond experience (...)
  50. Feminism in the borderscape: Juarense women against injustice.Asma Mehan & Natalia Dominguez - 2024 - Frontiers in Sociology 9:1391529.
    This article critically examines the feminist movement in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, highlighting the struggles and activism of Juarense women against social injustices, particularly those exacerbated by machismo, the Narco War, and the manufacturing industry. The analysis explores the roots of machismo in Mexican culture, the impact of the maquiladora industry on women's lives, and the rise of feminist activism in response to these challenges. Emphasizing the intersection of gender violence and legal frameworks, the article incorporates feminist legal theory to argue (...)
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