Results for 'Arturo Viniegra-Osorio'

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  1.  43
    Survey on physicians' knowledge and attitudes towards clinical practice guidelines at the Mexican Institute of Social Security.Patricia Constantino-Casas, Consuelo Medécigo-Micete, Yuribia K. Millán-Gámez, Laura D. P. Torres-Arreola, Adriana A. Valenzuela-Flores, Arturo Viniegra-Osorio, Santiago Echevarría-Zuno & Fernando J. Sandoval-Castellanos - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (4):768-774.
  2.  29
    Factorización de isometrías en Rn.M. Osorio, María Juliana & Carlos Arturo Mora Ceballos - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Breve análisis de algunos modelos de comunicación de la ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación.Jaime Osorio Guzmán, Carlos Arturo Botero Arango & Carlos Andrés Botero Girón - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Gobernación de Risaralda y Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira unidas para fortalecer la metrología regional.Carlos Arturo Botero Arango, Jaime Osorio Guzmán & Carlos Andrés Botero Girón - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Actualización del estudio de oferta de servicios de laboratorios de metrología, pruebas y ensayos en Risaralda.Carlos Andrés Botero Girón, Jaime Osorio Guzmán & Carlos Arturo Botero Arango - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Una caracterización de acciones libres y propiamente discontinuas.Carlos Arturo Escudero Salcedo, Oscar Fernández Sánchez & Luis Eduardo Osorio Acevedo - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    The Business of (Im)migration: Bodies Across Borders.Paulina Segarra, Vijayta Doshi, Martyna Śliwa, Marco Distinto & Arturo Osorio - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (4):747-752.
    Irrespective of length of stay or voluntariness, (im)migration is the movement of individuals across borders. From national identity to labor markets, (im)migration affects various dimensions and spheres of social life. Currently, 3.6% of the global population are international (im)migrants, underscoring its profound significance in contemporary debates on humanitarianism, ethical governance, socioeconomic realities and sustainability. The analysis of (im)migration as a business is relevant since it raises important questions about precarious conditions and situations including marginalization, exploitation, and vulnerability in which (im)migrants (...)
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    Arturo Ardao: a cien años de su nacimiento.Arturo Ardao, Yamandú Acosta, Fernanda Diab, María Inés Moreno & Hugo E. Biagini (eds.) - 2014 - Montevideo, Uruguay: Universidad de la República Uruguay.
  9. Il primo libro di Arturo Massolo.Arturo Massolo - 1967 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:458.
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    Arturo Andrés Roig, filósofo e historiador de las ideas.Arturo Andrés Roig, Horacio Cerutti Guldberg & Manuel Rodríguez Lapuente (eds.) - 1989 - Guadalajara, Jalisco: Universidad de Guadalajara.
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  11. Ensayos en homenaje al doctor Arturo Ardao.Arturo Ardao, Hugo Achugar & Manuel Arturo Claps (eds.) - 1995 - Montevideo, Uruguay: Universidad de la República, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Departamento de Publicaciones.
    Contiene tres trabajos sobre Arturo Ardao: sobre la noción de sujeto (Yamandú Acosta); sobre la interpretación de Andrés Bello (Arturo A. Roig); y sobre su libro Filosofía de lengua española (ver HLAS 36:5047). Mencionamos algunas de las otras contribuciones: el tema de la historia de la filosofía latinoamericana (Horacio Cerutti Guldberg); el batllismo (Manuel A. Claps); el tema de Calibán (Roberto Fernández Retamar); el pensamiento de Pedro Figari (Juan Fló); la universidad latinoamericana en el siglo XVIII (Gregorio Weinberg); (...)
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  12. Arturo Andrés Roig, filósofo e historiador de las ideas.Arturo Andrés Roig, Horacio Cerutti Guldberg & Manuel Rodríguez Lapuente (eds.) - 1989 - Guadalajara, Jalisco: Universidad de Guadalajara.
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  13. La scienza e lo spirito negli scritti di Arturo Danusso.Arturo Danusso - 1978 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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  14.  45
    Adopting the intentional stance toward natural and artificial agents.Jairo Perez-Osorio & Agnieszka Wykowska - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (3):369-395.
    In our daily lives, we need to predict and understand others’ behavior in order to navigate through our social environment. Predictions concerning other humans’ behavior usually refer to their mental states, such as beliefs or intentions. Such a predictive strategy is called ‘adoption of the intentional stance.’ In this paper, we review literature related to the concept of intentional stance from the perspectives of philosophy, psychology, human development, culture, and human-robot interaction. We propose that adopting the intentional stance might be (...)
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  15.  16
    The Corporate Purpose of Spanish Listed Companies: Neurocommunication Research Applied to Organizational Intangibles.Luis Mañas-Viniegra, Igor-Alejandro González-Villa & Carmen Llorente-Barroso - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:574571.
    Purpose driven companies have developed their corporate culture with a commitment to stakeholders, Sustainable Development Goals, and social responsibility, prioritizing the management of organizational intangibles over capital. The overall objective of this research is to gain knowledge regarding the attention and emotional intensity registered by young Spanish university students when visualizing corporate purpose versus corporate visual identity, as well as the image of the Chairman of the main Spanish companies quoted on the IBEX 35. The techniques of eye tracking and (...)
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    Brief study of G'3 logic.Mauricio Osorio Galindo & José Luis Carballido Carranza - 2008 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 18 (4):475-499.
    We present a Hilbert-style axiomatization of a recently introduced logic, called G'3 G'3 is based on a 3-valued semantics. We prove a soundness and completeness theorem. The replacement theorem holds in G'3. As it has already been shown in previous work, G'3 can express some non-monotonic semantics. We prove that G'3can define the same class of functions as Lukasiewicz 3 valued logic. Moreover, we identify some normal forms for this logic.
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  17.  37
    Expressivism and Crossed Disagreements.Javier Osorio & Neftali Villanueva - 2019 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 86:111-132.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the connection between expressivism and disagreement. More in particular, the aim is to defend that one of the desiderata that can be derived from the study of disagreement, the explanation of ‘crossed disagreements’, can only be accommodated within a semantic theory that respects, at the meta-semantic level, certain expressivistic restrictions. We will compare contemporary dynamic expressivism with three different varieties of contextualist strategies to accommodate the specificities of evaluative language –indexical contextualism – (...)
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  18. Behavior, purpose and teleology.Arturo Rosenblueth, Norbert Wiener & Julian Bigelow - 1943 - Philosophy of Science 10 (1):18-24.
    This essay has two goals. The first is to define the behavioristic study of natural events and to classify behavior. The second is to stress the importance of the concept of purpose.Given any object, relatively abstracted from its surroundings for study, the behavioristic approach consists in the examination of the output of the object and of the relations of this output to the input. By output is meant any change produced in the surroundings by the object. By input, conversely, is (...)
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  19.  27
    Repensando el siglo XIX desde América Latina y Francia: homenaje al filósofo Arturo A. Roig.Arturo Andrés Roig, Marisa Muñoz, Patrice Vermeren & Yamandú Acosta (eds.) - 2009 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Colihue.
  20.  48
    En torno a la filosofía del derecho de Hegel: cuestiones y objeciones.Arturo Klenner - 2002 - Polis 3.
    El autor trabaja en este artículo una de las obras más citadas y controvertidas del Hegel de su periodo maduro cual es los Principios de la Filosofía del Derecho o Derecho Natural y Ciencia Política, comúnmente conocida como Filosofía del Derecho y desarrolla algunos temas que permanecen como cuestiones abiertas al debate o como aspectos objetables, tanto en su teoría del espíritu objetivo como en su interpretación.
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  21. Reflexiones sobre la tentativa de inducción imposible y el omnimodo facturus.Juan L. Fuentes Osorio - 2007 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 3:40-74.
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    Elicitación de raíces cultivadas in vitro de brugmansia candida (solanaceae) con l-arginina, precursor de alcaloides del tropano.Jaime Niño Osorio, Edwing Javier Grajales González, M. Mosquera & M. Oscar - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Hannah Arendt : el Estado, el individuo y la banalidad.Felipe Osorio Gómez - 2012 - Medellín, Colombia: Universidad de Medellín.
  24. Libro reseñado: Cultura del juicio y experiencia del arte. Ensayos. Autor: Javier Domínguez.Carios Rojas Osorio - 2003 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 28:161-166.
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    The ethical and religious values of ancient India, 3,000 B.C.-650 A.D.Arturo Speziale - 1987 - Calcutta: Sujan Publications.
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    La actualidad de los cabos sueltos. A propósito de una nueva edición de las Meditaciones de Alexander Baumgarten.Nicolás Trujillo-Osorio - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (161):395-399.
    En este breve comentario discuto algunos aspectos de la interpretación de la epistemología de Davidson que sugiere Willian Duica en su reciente libro. Luego de una presentación somera del libro me centro en tres asuntos centrales de la interpretación de Duica. En primer lugar, argumento que su lectura de la crítica de Davidson al dualismo esquema/contenido es muy restrictiva y deja abierta la posibilidad de un realismo directo empirista. En segundo lugar, argumento que en su lectura el propio Duica se (...)
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  27.  15
    ¿Qué desafíos presenta el Sínodo de la Amazonía a la teología? Pensar el problema desde los posibles retos al estatuto epistemológico de la teología.Vicente Valenzuela Osorio - 2021 - Franciscanum 63 (175):1-20.
    Los desafíos que el Sínodo de la Amazonía presenta a la teología son trabajados en el horizonte de la pregunta por el estatuto epistemológico de la teología, a partir del uso de algunas metáforas empleadas por los textos del Sínodo. En este trabajo se requiere asumir una clave de lectura intertextual y un método que justifique la centralidad de las metáforas y su dinamismo de préstamo con relación a la fundamentación teológica. Las metáforas empleadas por los documentos sinodales dan qué (...)
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  28.  20
    La filosofía en Puerto Rico: los transterrados.Carlos Rojas Osorio, Manfred Kerkhoff, Antonio Mansilla Triviño, Luis Ramírez, José Rivera & Juan José Sánchez (eds.) - 2016 - Universidad de Puerto Rico,: Red Caribeña de Filosofía :.
    "La filosofía en Puerto Rico: los transterrados reúne varios estudios sobre filófofos extranjeros que en algún momento decidieron compartir su vida, su enseñanza y sus trabajos académicos con los habitantes de esta bella y hospitalaria Isla de Puerto Rico. La presente es una obra en la cual han colaborado varios autores: Manfre Kerkhoff, Antonio Mansilla Triviño, Juan José Sánchez, Luis Ramírez, José Rivera y Carlos Rojas Osorio, quien estuvo a cargo la iniciativa, el plan de la obra y la (...)
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    The ethics of autonomous neurosurgical robots (ANRs).Arturo Balaguer Townsend - forthcoming - Bioethics.
    It may only be a handful of years before fully autonomous neurosurgical robots (ANRs) are pushed into widespread clinical adoption. Nevertheless, whether it is ethical to greenlight the development and adoption of ANRs is still up for debate. On the one hand, the widespread adoption of ANRs may lead to unprecedented therapeutic effects, increase sterility, improve pain profiles, increase precision, and reduce complications over the long term. On the other hand, ANRs may lead to human neurosurgical skill atrophy, increased legal (...)
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  30.  40
    A family of genuine and non-algebraisable C-systems.Mauricio Osorio, Aldo Figallo-Orellano & Miguel Pérez-Gaspar - 2021 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 31 (1):56-84.
    In 2016, Béziau introduced the notion of genuine paraconsistent logic as logic that does not verify the principle of non-contradiction; as an important example, he presented the genuine paraconsist...
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    Infants’ agent individuation: It’s what’s on the insides that counts.Hernando Taborda-Osorio & Erik W. Cheries - 2018 - Cognition 175 (C):11-19.
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  32. The value of testimonial-based beliefs in the face of AI-generated quasi-testimony.Felipe Alejandro Álvarez Osorio & Ruth Marcela Espinosa Sarmiento - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):25-38.
    The value of testimony as a source of knowledge has been a subject of epistemological debates. The "trust theory of testimony" suggests that human testimony is based on an affective relationship supported by social norms. However, the advent of generative artificial intelligence challenges our understanding of genuine testimony. The concept of "quasi-testimony" seeks to characterize utterances produced by non-human entities that mimic testimony but lack certain fundamental attributes. This article analyzes these issues in depth, exploring philosophical perspectives on testimony and (...)
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  33.  97
    Sex Hormones and Processing of Facial Expressions of Emotion: A Systematic Literature Review.Flávia L. Osório, Juliana M. de Paula Cassis, João P. Machado de Sousa, Omero Poli-Neto & Rocio Martín-Santos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  34. Tres perfiles de filósofos cínicos: Antístenes, Diógenes y Craso.Claudia Patricia Fonnegra Osorio - 2014 - Escritos 22 (48):71-85.
    Los filósofos cínicos se han caracterizado por seguir sus pasiones, hablar francamente y revisar los artificios normativos de una comunidad. Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar, a partir de un enfoque hermenéutico, tres perfiles de sus vidas, los cuales tienen en común la búsqueda de la configuración de una forma de vida ético-estética en la que resulta esencial actuar conforme a lo que se piensa. Con lo anterior se pretende señalar por qué esta perspectiva filosófica puede orientar en la contemporaneidad (...)
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    Democratic instance selection: A linear complexity instance selection algorithm based on classifier ensemble concepts.César García-Osorio, Aida de Haro-García & Nicolás García-Pedrajas - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence 174 (5-6):410-441.
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    Religious Objects in Museums: Private Lives and Public Duties.Lily Jiménez Osorio - 2015 - Aisthesis 58:319-323.
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    Ver, tocar, creer: travesías de la mirada religiosa en las estampitas devocionales.Lily Estefanía Jiménez Osorio - 2020 - Aisthesis 68 (68):161-178.
    El objetivo de este artículo es explorar los mecanismos de la visualidad háptica aplicada a imágenes religiosas de reproducción masiva. Para ello, se ha trabajado con una muestra de estampas devocionales católicas perteneciente al Museo Histórico Nacional, las que corresponden a imágenes del Sagrado Corazón en sus distintas variantes. Sostengo que el carácter háptico de las imágenes es fundamental para la mirada religiosa y las formas de la creencia, evidenciando los mecanismos de persuasión que estas imágenes comportan, así como sus (...)
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    De Húle a Materie: de Aristóteles a Schelling.Arturo Leyte - 2000 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 21:87-96.
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    Determinación de la actividad antifúngica de extractos vegetales sobre el hongo Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet.Jaime Niño Osorio, N. Correa, Yaned Milena, M. Mosquera, M. Oscar & Johana Ospina Trujillo - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Participación en plusvalías: instrumento para la gestión del riesgo en el municipio de pereira.Martha Cecilia Ochoa Osorio & Beatriz Elena Rojas Múnera - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    On the first-offer dilemma in bargaining and negotiations.António Osório - 2020 - Theory and Decision 89 (2):179-202.
    In bargaining and negotiations, should one make the first offer or wait for the opponent to do so? Practitioners support the idea that moving first in bargaining is a mistake, while researchers find strong evidence that first-movers benefit from an anchoring effect. This paper addresses these issues from a theoretical perspective for the first time in the literature. It is found that first-movers benefit from a strategic advantage, while second-movers benefit from an information advantage. Therefore, the existence of first- and (...)
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  42. Fundamentos para una efectuacion del hombre en el pensamiento de Ortega y Gasset.E. Quintero Osorio - 1987 - Franciscanum 29 (85):9-28.
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    Genealogía del giro linguístico.Carlos Rojas Osorio - 2006 - Medellín, Colombia: Editorial Universidad de Antioquia.
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    Descripción e implementación de un magnetómetro Kerr convencional.Javier Ignacio Torres Osorio & Beatríz Cruz Muñoz - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Situación actual de la contaminación electromagnética no ionizante en Colombia.Javier Ignacio Torres Osorio & Luz Elena Agudelo Sánchez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  46. Hearing it rain - Millikan on language learning.Naomi Osorio-Kupferblum - 2013 - Beiträge der Österreichischen Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft 21.
    In her ‘Spracherwerb’(2012) Ruth Millikan gives a compelling account of language acquisition based on our ability to track objects. I argue that, and how, it is undermined by her insistence on equating understanding language utterances and sense perception, point to idealist hazards, and plead against propositionality and for imagism in order to safeguard the account’s important potential for giving a comprehensive explication of meaning.
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  47. The role of models in science.Arturo Rosenblueth & Norbert Wiener - 1945 - Philosophy of Science 12 (4):316-321.
    The intention and the result of a scientific inquiry is to obtain an understanding and a control of some part of the universe. This statement implies a dualistic attitude on the part of scientists. Indeed, science does and should proceed from this dualistic basis. But even though the scientist behaves dualistically, his dualism is operational and does not necessarily imply strict dualistic metaphysics.
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    New Perspectives on Spontaneous Brain Activity: Dynamic Networks and Energy Matter.Arturo Tozzi, Marzieh Zare & April A. Benasich - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:147690.
    Spontaneous brain activity has received increasing attention as demonstrated by the exponential rise in the number of published papers on this topic over the last thirty years. Such “intrinsic” brain activity, generated in the absence of an explicit task, is frequently associated with resting-state or default-mode networks. The focus on characterizing spontaneous brain activity promises to shed new light on questions concerning the structural and functional architecture of the brain and how they are related to “mind”. However, many critical questions (...)
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  49. Purposeful and non-purposeful behavior.Arturo Rosenblueth & Norbert Wiener - 1950 - Philosophy of Science 17 (4):318-326.
    In a recent essay Professor Taylor criticizes the criteria used by Rosenblueth, Wiener and Bigelow in 1943 to distinguish purposeful from non-purposeful behavior. He also criticizes our definition of behavior, our concept of the vague as opposed to the general, our use of the word correlation, and our statement that a system may reach a final condition. Indeed, there seems to be little, if anything, in our paper to which he does not emphatically object.He maintains that the notions of purpose (...)
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  50.  22
    Revisiting $\mathbb{Z}$.Mauricio Osorio, José Luis Carballido & Claudia Zepeda - 2014 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 55 (1):129-155.
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