Results for 'Artemis Michailidou'

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  1.  12
    Gender, Body, and Feminine Performance: Edna St. Vincent Millay's Impact on Anne Sexton.Artemis Michailidou - 2004 - Feminist Review 78 (1):117-140.
    This paper will discuss Edna Millay's influence on Anne Sexton, with particular reference to issues such as gender politics, femininity, performativity, and the female body. Through close comparative readings of some of the two women's most representative poems, I analyze, firstly, how Millay's outspokenness and daring self-presentation as a woman writer facilitated Sexton's handling of material that was previously considered unacceptable for poetry and, secondly, how Sexton expanded the scope of women's writing in a manner that paid tribute to the (...)
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    Love Poetry, Women’s Bonding and Feminist Consciousness: The Complex Interaction between Edna St Vincent Millay and Adrienne Rich.Artemis Michailidou - 2006 - European Journal of Women's Studies 13 (1):39-57.
    This article examines Adrienne Rich’s Twenty-One Love Poems in relation to Edna St Vincent Millay’s Fatal Interview. Discussing notions such as lyric voice and innovation within traditional genres, the author analyses how Millay’s attempts to challenge commonplace definitions of female sexuality impacted on Rich’s articulation of sexual desire. The intertextual dialogue between the above works reveals that Millay and Rich produced two remarkably similar erotic narratives, which resist masculinist conceptions of literary history and comment on the self-referentiality of poetic composition. (...)
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    Units of Language Mixing: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective.Artemis Alexiadou & Terje Lohndal - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:394167.
    Language mixing is a ubiquitous phenomenon characterizing bilingual speakers. A frequent context where two languages are mixed is the word-internal level, demonstrating how tightly integrated the two grammars are in the mind of a speaker and how they adapt to each other. This raises the question of what the minimal unit of language mixing is, and whether or not this unit differs depending on what the languages are. Some scholars have argued that an uncategorized root serves as a unit, others (...)
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    Negativity in Communism: Ontology and Politics.Artemy Magun - 2014 - Russian Sociological Review 13 (1):9-25.
    The article addresses the notion of communism with a special angle of factuality and negativity, and not in the usual sense of a futurist utopia. After considering the main contemporary theories of communism in left-leaning political thought, the author turns to the Soviet experience of an “actually existing communism.” Apart from and against the bureaucratic state, a social reality existed organized around res nullius, that is, an unappropriated world that was not a collective property, as in the case of res (...)
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    Indigneu-vos! Un crit d'alerta fet des de l'autoritat moral i des de l'optimisme.Susagna Artemí - 2011 - Astrolabio 12:104.
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  6. The birth of terrorism out of the spirit of Enlightenment : the subject of Enlightenment and the terrorist sensorium.Artemy Magun - 2010 - In Ari Hirvonen & Janne Porttikivi (eds.), Law and evil: philosophy, politics, psychoanalysis. New York, N.Y.: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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  7. The Concept and the Experience of Revolution: France 1789--/Russia 1985--.Artemy V. Magun - 2003 - Dissertation, University of Michigan
    The historical meaning of the dissolution of the Soviet Union and of the subsequent post-communist transformation remains profoundly unclear. Most observers hesitate to designate these events as a revolution, building on a common-sense notion of revolution as a violent, radical change. My dissertation argues that the post-communist transformation was indeed a revolution and proves this claim by comparing it with the French Revolution, in its political, social, and anthropological aspects. In both historical cases, the quick and easy victory of society (...)
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  8.  16
    Why Them and Not I? An Account of Kalliopi Lemos’s Art Projects About Human Dignity.Artemis Manolopoulou - 2015 - In David Kim & Susanne Kaul (eds.), Imagining Human Rights. De Gruyter. pp. 201-216.
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    Psychometric Properties of the Parent-Infant Caregiving Touch Scale.Artemis Koukounari, Andrew Pickles, Jonathan Hill & Helen Sharp - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The double bind: The ambivalent treatment of traig passions in Hanna Arendt's theory of revolution.Artemy Magun - 2007 - History of Political Thought 28 (4):719-746.
    This article offers a close reading of Hannah Arendt's book On Revolution. It exposes the ambivalence of Arendt with regard to tragedy and mimesis. This ambivalence is not just her own; it is inherent in the treatment of tragedy and mimesis throughout the history of political thought. In spite of Arendt's argument that privileges the limited American Revolution against the boundless French one, in her rhetoric and in her storytelling Arendt presents a unitary but dialectical picture of revolution, where suffering (...)
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    Cyril of Alexandria and Julian the Emperor in dialogue for the ancient Greek philosophy and paganism.Eirini Artemi - 2020 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 3:101-114.
    In the 5th century, Cyril of Alexandria wrote a large apologetic work, as a response to Julian the Apostate’s anti-Christian work Against the Galileans. Aside from the obvious divide of one being a Christian and one a pagan, Cyril's religious views were very different from Julian's. Julian's arguments against the Christian doctrine do not greatly differ from those used in the second century by Celsus and by Porphyry in the third, and he regarded the relations between Neoplatonic criticism of Christian (...)
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    What is an Orientation in History? Openness and Subjectivity.Artemy Magun - 2009 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2009 (147):121-148.
    This essay attempts to formulate an ethical program for today's left by showing that such a program should necessarily involve both the insistence on a subjectivity, in the sense of a revolutionary self-determination that would go beyond the liberal pre-established autonomy and an openness to the new and unrecognized that would go beyond all liberal tolerance. I further argue that the only way to understand the co-articulation of subjectivity and openness is to accentuate the event as the origin of open (...)
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    A return of barbarism.Artemy Magun - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (4):483-492.
    This article discusses the 2022 war from the point of view of its well-documented savagery. It addresses philosophical discussions of barbarism and gives a dialectical explanation of this phenomenon through the gradual polarization between the forces of Enlightenment and the obstinacy of the subject. This clash has a double shape: formality versus materiality and morality versus happiness.
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  14. El derecho al olvido y su protección: a partir de la protección de datos.Artemi Rallo Lombarte - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 85:104-108.
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    From the Origins of Government and Binding to the Current State of Minimalism 1.Artemis Alexiadou & Terje Lohndal - 2021 - In Nicholas Allott, Terje Lohndal & Georges Rey (eds.), A Companion to Chomsky. Wiley. pp. 23–51.
    Generative grammar is an approach to the study of language which is explicit, mentalistic, and based on the claim that the ability to acquire language is innately specified. This chapter outlines some of the recent history leading up to contemporary generative grammar. It provides some context for the emergence of Principles and Parameters and the basic gist of the Principles and Parameters approach. Chomsky is a fundamental contribution to the study of human language in its effort to develop a new (...)
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    Compound Formation in Language Mixing.Artemis Alexiadou - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    There is a growing body of literature using the tools of syntactic models of word formation (e.g. Distributed Morphology) to provide analyses of language mixing phenomena, in particular word internal mixing. In fact, the very phenomenon of word internal mixing directly supports a syntactic approach to word formation, according to which words are structurally complex. On the basis of this view, the basic units of word formation involve roots that combine with functional elements in the syntax. The combination of roots (...)
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    Roundtable: Q&A discussion.Artemy Magun, Kate Khan, Lina Bulakhova, Anastasia Merzenina, Artem Serebryakov & Oleg Aronson - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (4):605-615.
    This is the Q&A portion of the roundtable that focuses on the crucial issues of individual and collective guilt of the intellectual class in the face of war. The participants address the stratification of Russian society, possibilities and obstacles of dissent, and the eschatological tendencies of history by engaging with each other’s claims and ideas and seeking answers to direct questions.
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    The Future of the State: Philosophy and Politics.Artemy Magun (ed.) - 2020 - London: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The state has been a dominant political form for at least the last two hundred years. This is a multi-authored volume exploring the transformation of state as it experiences historical and conceptual crisis and envisioning how it could be re-constituted.
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    Up The Nile With A Child.Artemis Pittas & Rafael Guzman - 2009 - Philosophy Now 71:52-54.
  20. Mediterranean Theoria: A View from Delphi.Artemis Leontis - 2001 - Thesis Eleven 67 (1):101-117.
    Whereas the Mediterranean has not submitted easily to strong theories, still it has inspired a certain kind of theorizing from the ground. The setting of the Mediterranean viewed from the land's edge gave the world theoria, which Greek etymology and usage associates with looking onto a scene with amazement, viewing drama, being sent as an emissary to consult the oracle, or traveling for the purposes of sightseeing. The present essay explores some connections between the Mediterranean and theoria. Following a brief (...)
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    The intellectual heritage of the 1917 Revolution: Reflection and negativity.Artemy Magun - 2017 - Constellations 24 (4):580-593.
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    Primordial Home, Elusive Home.Artemis Leontis - 1999 - Thesis Eleven 59 (1):1-16.
    This article builds on a developing interdisciplinary discussion of home. It studies two 20th-century texts in counterpoint: political philosopher Agnes Heller's essay, `Where Are We at Home,' and novelist Melpo Axioti's My Home, a nostalgic recollection of life on Mykonos. Heller contrasts the elusive, self-appointed geography of postmodern living with a traditional view of primordial dwelling, a non-transient way of dwelling that gave to Earth a commitment stretching from ancestral past to a distant future. That experience is all but lost (...)
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    Karl Marx and Hannah Arendt on the Jewish question: political theology as a critique.Artemy Magun - 2012 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (4):545-568.
    The article is dedicated to the politico-theological critique of Judaism from the position of Christianity. It shows the affinity of Marx’s early critique of liberal state and of Hannah Arendt’s criticism of formal legalistic thinking in the contemporary judicial treatment of Nazism (and of similar international political crimes). Marx’s critique of nation-state finds its unlikely continuation in Arendt’s critique of international law. The politico-theological argument is explicit in Marx and implicit in Arendt, but both develop the Hegelian criticism of liberal (...)
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    Politics of the One: Concepts of the One and Many in Contemporary Thought.Artemy Magun (ed.) - 2012 - Bloomsbury Academic.
    This volume in the Political Theory and Contemporary Philosophy series examines one of the most important topics in contemporary political theory: how to conceptualize the relationship between the one and the many. The essays discuss how to reconcile multiple ontologies without subsuming them to a totalitarian unity. While one school of thought seeks to create a new ontology based on the many instead of the one,, another proposes to understand the "one" as the "ultra-one" of the event. In this groundbreaking (...)
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    Artificial Abduction: A Cumulative Evolutionary Process.Artemis Moroni, Jônatas Manzolli & Fernando J. Von Zuben - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (153 - 1/4):343-362.
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    Conservatism and the dialectic of ideology.Artemy Magun - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought:1-9.
    This essay applies the dialectical method to the phenomenon of conservatism by putting it into a coherent system of modern ideologies. It draws attention to three groups of dialectical phenomena: the mutual reflection of modern ideologies in each other, which leads to the partial syntheses of their hybridization; the dialectic of form and content that changes situational conservatism into a substantive one, and vice versa, and the historical dialectic of progress and regress that makes conservatism constituent of many modern institutions (...)
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    Intellectuals in the face of the war: between anger and guilt.Artemy Magun - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (4):551-551.
  28.  21
    Lenin on democratic theory.Artemy Magun - 2018 - Studies in East European Thought 70 (2-3):141-152.
    Lenin’s State and Revolution is not only a project for imminent revolutionary policy and not only a legitimization argument for a revolutionary dictatorship, but also a theory of state and theory of democracy. Lenin points at the reduplication of state organs that is inherent in a democratic state. While the Russian revolutionary thinks of this reduplication as something transitory, we today increasingly see it as a durable condition coterminous with the late-modern democratic state. I use Lenin’s treatise as a point (...)
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    L'éducation supérieure dans la Russie post?soviétique et la crise mondiale des universités.Artemy Magun - 2009 - Multitudes 39 (4):109.
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    Le terrorisme contemporain et ses conditions philosophiques.Artemy Magun - 2008 - Rue Descartes 62 (4):47.
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    Mediating EU politics: Online news coverage of the 2009 European Parliamentary elections.Hans-Jörg Trenz & Asimina Michailidou - 2010 - Communications 35 (3):327-346.
    In this paper we propose that the concept of mediatization should be used not only in the narrow sense to analyze the impact of media on the operational modes of the political system, but also in more general terms to capture the transformation of the public sphere and the changing conditions for the generation of political legitimacy. More specifically and with regard to the role of political communication on the internet, we focus on the transformative potential of online media in (...)
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  32.  20
    Guilty of goodness? Or innocently good?Artemy Magun - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (4):553-556.
    This roundtable intervention explores the question of collective guilt in the case of Russia’s war with Ukraine. Psychoanalytic analysis of guilt is added here to the traditional discussions of concrete and generalized responsibility of the individual for the actions of her government. An affirmative, good-oriented ethic is promoted, in contrast to the evil-centered ethic. A group guilt of intelligentsia is found in its cultural and economic domination within the Russian society, which has led to an unfortunate separation between the nationalist (...)
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    Le terrorisme contemporain et ses conditions philosophiques Le sensorium des Lumières.Artemy Magun - forthcoming - Rue Descartes.
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    Heritage Speakers as Part of the Native Language Continuum.Heike Wiese, Artemis Alexiadou, Shanley Allen, Oliver Bunk, Natalia Gagarina, Kateryna Iefremenko, Maria Martynova, Tatiana Pashkova, Vicky Rizou, Christoph Schroeder, Anna Shadrova, Luka Szucsich, Rosemarie Tracy, Wintai Tsehaye, Sabine Zerbian & Yulia Zuban - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    We argue for a perspective on bilingual heritage speakers as native speakers of both their languages and present results from a large-scale, cross-linguistic study that took such a perspective and approached bilinguals and monolinguals on equal grounds. We targeted comparable language use in bilingual and monolingual speakers, crucially covering broader repertoires than just formal language. A main database was the open-access RUEG corpus, which covers comparable informal vs. formal and spoken vs. written productions by adolescent and adult bilinguals with heritage-Greek, (...)
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  35. A partir de la protección de datos. El derecho al olvido y su protección.Artemi Rallo Lombarte - 2010 - Telos: Revista de Pensamiento Sobre Tecnología y Sociedad 85:104-108.
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    David Sepkoski, Catastrophic thinking: extinction and the value of diversity from Darwin to the Anthropocene, Chicago: the University of Chicago Press, 2020. [REVIEW]Artemis Korniliou - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (2):1-3.
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    Generative Grammar: A Meaning First Approach.Uli Sauerland & Artemis Alexiadou - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The theory of language must predict the possible thought—signal (or meaning—sound or sign) pairings of a language. We argue for a Meaning First architecture of language where a thought structure is generated first. The thought structure is then realized using language to communicate the thought, to memorize it, or perhaps with another purpose. Our view contrasts with the T-model architecture of mainstream generative grammar, according to which distinct phrase-structural representations—Phonetic Form (PF) for articulation, Logical Form (LF) for interpretation—are generated within (...)
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  38.  8
    El pensamiento positivista en la historia de Guatemala, 1871-1900.Artemis Torres Valenzuela - 2000 - [Guatemala: [S.N.].
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    Consciousness in a multilevel architecture: Evidence from the right side of the brain.Boris M. Velichkovsky, Olga A. Krotkova, Artemy A. Kotov, Vyacheslav A. Orlov, Vitaly M. Verkhlyutov, Vadim L. Ushakov & Maxim G. Sharaev - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 64:227-239.
  40.  13
    Ephesian Artemis and Initiation.Kent J. Rigsby - 2023 - Kernos 36:145-155.
    The claim that the cult of Artemis of Ephesus included a rite of initiation, conducted by the kouretes, should be doubted. Various Ephesian magistrates in Roman Imperial times, but not the annual kouretes, declare that they celebrated “all the sacrifices and mysteries”. This however can be merely the increasingly pretentious terminology of the age, “mysteries” meaning no more than “holy rites”. Ancient authors show no knowledge of initiation to Artemis at Ephesus. In contrast, the inscriptions unambiguously attest initiation (...)
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    Artemis und Arsinoe.Zsolt Adorjáni - 2017 - Hermes 145 (1):61-78.
    Das Widerspiel von mythischer und historischer Zeit ist ein wesentliches Merkmal der antiken Zeitauffassung, wie sie uns in reinster Form die antike Literatur widerspiegelt. Es stellt auch einen wichtigen Unterschied zu unserer modernen Zeiterfahrung dar, sodass die angelegentliche Untersuchung jeder Spielart dieser παλίντονος ἁρμονίη von Mythischem und Historischem einer Herausforderung gleichkommt, die Eigenart antiker Zeitauffassung verstehen zu lernen. Auf den folgenden Seiten geht es um diese Problematik in einem einzigen Gedicht einer bestimmten Gattung eines begrenzten Zeitalters: Das Zeitalter ist die (...)
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  42.  14
    Artemis and Diana in Ancient Greece and Italy. At the Crossroads between the Civic and the Wild.Pierre Ellinger - 2022 - Kernos 35:365-370.
    Cet ouvrage collectif sur Artémis et Diane en Grèce ancienne et en Italie, dirigé par Giovanni Casadio et Patricia A. Johnston, regroupe la plupart des interventions du Vergilian Society’s Symposium Cumanum, tenu à la Villa Vergiliana, près de l’ancienne Cumes, en juin 2012. Après une introduction générale des éditeurs sur Artémis puis sur Diane et la présentation des contributions, il est organisé en quatre parties. Le cadre de la première paraîtra très vaste, « Artémis à Mycènes et en Grèce...
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  43. The Self-Swarm of Artemis: Emily Dickinson as Bee/Hive/Queen.Joshua M. Hall - 2022 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 58 (2):167-187.
    Despite the ubiquity of bees in Dickinson’s work, most interpreters denigrate her nature poems. But following several recent scholars, I identify Nietzschean/Dionysian overtones in the bee poems and suggest the figure of bees/hive/queen illuminates as feminist key to her corpus. First, (a) the bee’s sting represents martyred death; (b) its gold, immortality; (c) its tongue, the “lesbian phallus”; (d) its wings, poetic power; (e) its buzz, poetic melody, and (f) its organism, a joyful Dionysian Susan (her sister-in-law and love interest) (...)
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    Then Artemis Said.Diana Lueptow - 2019 - Arion 26 (3):133-134.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Then Artemis Said DIANA LUEPTOW Then Artemis said, because our mother found no home but an island dragging anchor, a safe child will never be delivered. arion 26.3 winter 2019...
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    Artemis Bear-Leader.Michael B. Walbank - 1981 - Classical Quarterly 31 (02):276-.
    Editors of Lysistrate have regarded this passage as a kind of cursus honorum of a well-brought-up young Athenian lady: the chorine first served at the age of seven as a bearer of the sacred casket ; then at the age of ten as miller of corn for Athena Archegetis ; then followed service as a ‘bear’ of Artemis at the Brauronia; finally, she returned to Athens as a basket-bearer , holding a string of figs, when a fair young girl. (...)
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    The New Artemis?Debra Merskin - 2010 - In Fritz Allhoff & Nathan Kowalsky (eds.), Hunting Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 225–238.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Humans and Hunting Women Who Hunt Why Do You Hunt? The Thrill of the Kill How Did You Learn to Hunt? With Whom? Women Hunting What Does It Feel Like? The New Artemis? Notes.
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  47. Athena versus Artemis.Otakar A. Funda - 2009 - Filosoficky Casopis 57 (3):415-422.
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    Artémis Sôteira à Délos.Gérard Siebert - 1966 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 90 (2):447-459.
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    Artemis - Cicerone: Athen von Günther Wachmeier. München 1976.Rudolf Till - 1978 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 30 (1):96-96.
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    Nom d’une Artémis! À propos de l’Artémis Phôsphoros de Messène.Laurent Piolot - 2005 - Kernos 18:113-140.
    Qu’a donc vu Pausanias dans l’Asklépieion de Messène ? Parmi les nombreuses statues qu’abrite l’aile occidentale de ce complexe, il mentionne la présence d’une Artémis Phôsphoros. Toutefois, le matériel épigraphique mis au jour dans ce secteur du sanctuaire ne fait connaître qu’une Artémis Ortheia. Qu’est-ce à dire ? Il ne semble pas que le témoignage du Périégète soit ici à remettre en cause. Il convient au contraire de se s’interroger sur les raisons qui font que Pausanias voit une Artémis Phôsphoros (...)
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