Results for 'Anto Knežević'

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  1.  32
    Letters to the Editor.Anto Knezevic, Frank B. Dilley, C. Tabor Fisher, Eric Hoffman, Alastair Norcross, Thomas Urban, Dick Howard, Adrian Kuzminski & William J. Massicotte - 1994 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 67 (6):57 - 66.
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    Convergências & afinidades: homenagem a António Braz Teixeira.António Braz Teixeira (ed.) - 2008 - Lisboa: Centro de Estudos de Filosofia da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas da Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
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    Big Data in food and agriculture.Irena Knezevic & Kelly Bronson - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (1).
    Farming is undergoing a digital revolution. Our existing review of current Big Data applications in the agri-food sector has revealed several collection and analytics tools that may have implications for relationships of power between players in the food system. For example, Who retains ownership of the data generated by applications like Monsanto Corproation's Weed I.D. “app”? Are there privacy implications with the data gathered by John Deere's precision agricultural equipment? Systematically tracing the digital revolution in agriculture, and charting the affordances (...)
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    Organismo e sistema em Kant: ensaio sobre o sistema kantiano.António Marques - 1987 - Lisboa: Editorial Presença.
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    (1 other version)Hyperclass forcing in Morse-Kelley class theory.Carolin Antos & Sy-David Friedman - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (2):549-575.
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  6. O culto idioma: método sutil de ensinar a pensar.Antônio Sodré C. Cardoso - 1980 - São Paulo, SP, Brasil: EDICON.
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    The understanding of Aquinas' philosophy in the work of Tomo Vereš.Anto Gavrić - 2000 - Disputatio Philosophica 2 (1):5-20.
  8. Educação e sociedade alternativa.Antônio Renato Henriques - 1981 - In Ari Pedro Oro, Urbano Zilles & Antônio Renato Henriques, Filosofia da educação. Porto Alegre, RS: Escola Superior de Teologia São Lourenço de Brindes.
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    A lei da liberdade.António Pedro Barbas Homem - 2001 - Cascais: Principia.
    . 1. Introduĉão histórica ao pensamento jurídico, épocas medieval e moderna --.
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    Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Neural Networks for Solving Civil Engineering Problems.Milos Knezevic, Meri Cvetkovska, Tomáš Hanák, Luis Braganca & Andrej Soltesz - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-2.
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    Food insecurity and participation: A critical discourse analysis.Irena Knezevic, Heather Hunter, Cynthia Watt, Patricia Williams & Barbara Anderson - 2014 - Critical Discourse Studies 11 (2):230-245.
    The Nova Scotia Participatory Food Costing Project uses participatory action research to collect data on the cost and affordability of food and involves those who are directly affected by food insecurity. More than a decade of this work has also yielded qualitative evaluation data that illustrates the project participants' experience with the project and with food security more generally. The data are characterized by ample evidence of participants' perceived powerlessness related to government and social structures. At the same time, that (...)
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    Primjer prevođenja IV 4, 1-30 metodom transkulturalno adaptirane parafraze.Ruben Knežević - 2008 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 2 (1):185-190.
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  13. An Introduction to Aristotle's Organon.António Pedro Mesquita & Ricardo Santos - 2023 - In Ricardo Santos & Antonio Pedro Mesquita, New Essays on Aristotle's Organon. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  14. Rječnik filozofskih pojmova.Anto Miésiâc - 2000 - Split: Verbum.
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    Moral theology: dead ends and alternatives.Antônio Moser - 1990 - Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books. Edited by Bernardino Leers.
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    A filosofia brasileira.Antônio Paim - 1991 - Lisboa: Instituto de Cultura e Lingua Portuguesa, Ministério da Educação.
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    Ser ou não ser arte: estudos e ensaios de metaliteratura.António José Saraiva - 1993 - Lisboa: Gradiva.
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    A filosofia no Brasil: catálogo sistemático do profissionais, cursos, entidades e publicações da área da filosofia no Brasil.Antônio Joaquim Severino - 1990 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia.
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    Episkepseis: hē poiētikē hedra tou Steliou Ramphou.Antōnēs Zervas - 1994 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Harmos.
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  20. Moral injury in healthcare professionals: A scoping review and discussion.Anto Čartolovni, Minna Stolt, P. Anne Scott & Riitta Suhonen - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (5):590-602.
    Moral injury emerged in the healthcare discussion quite recently because of the difficulties and challenges healthcare workers and healthcare systems face in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Moral injury involves a deep emotional wound and is unique to those who bear witness to intense human suffering and cruelty. This article aims to synthesise the very limited evidence from empirical studies on moral injury and to discuss a better understanding of the concept of moral injury, its importance in the healthcare (...)
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    As cartas de problemática de António Sérgio.António Sérgio - 2012 - Lisboa: Fim de Século. Edited by Olga Pombo.
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  22. Amoral, im/moral and dis/loyal: Children’s moral status in child welfare.Zlatana Knezevic - 2017 - Childhood 4 (24):470-484.
    This article is a discursive examination of children’s status as knowledgeable moral agents within the Swedish child welfare system and in the widely used assessment framework BBIC. Departing from Fricker’s concept of epistemic injustice, three discursive positions of children’s moral status are identified: amoral, im/moral and dis/loyal. The findings show the undoubtedly moral child as largely missing and children’s agency as diminished, deviant or rendered ambiguous. Epistemic injustice applies particularly to disadvantaged children with difficult experiences who run the risk of (...)
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    Broadening Ethnographic Following: From Following Conflicts to Following Agreements and Silences in Vaccination Debates.Zlatana Knezevic - 2024 - Ethnos:1–18.
    George Marcus’s methodology for multi-sited ethnography is widely discussed and applied in anthropology and the strategy of ‘following the conflict’ has been a fruitful approach to studying controversies and conflicts. Drawing on my shifting methodology in the initial stages of a digital ethnography project on vaccination-related online community forums, I explore ‘the war’ on vaccines using a broadened strategy that includes following agreements and silences within the controversy. By examining the debate in conjunction with medical anthropology research, I discuss how (...)
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    Class Forcing in Class Theory.Carolin Antos - 2018 - In Carolin Antos, Sy-David Friedman, Radek Honzik & Claudio Ternullo, The Hyperuniverse Project and Maximality. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhäuser. pp. 1-16.
    In this article we show that Morse-Kelley class theory provides us with an adequate framework for class forcing. We give a rigorous definition of class forcing in a model \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \end{document} of MK, the main result being that the Definability Lemma can be proven without restricting the notion of forcing. Furthermore we show under which conditions the axioms are preserved. We conclude by proving that Laver’s Theorem does not hold for (...)
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    Archaioi Hellēnes philosophoi.Antōnios G. Adrianopoulos - 1971 - Athēnai: [S.N.].
  26. Religion and education for life.Anto Amarnad - 2006 - Journal of Dharma 31 (2):237-252.
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    Cuidado del mundo, cuidado de la palabra, cuidado del alma. La visión del problema según el zoroastrismo.José Antonio Antón Pacheco - 2020 - Isidorianum 25 (50):277-285.
    En este artículo se intenta mostrar si se puede aplicar el concepto griego de epiméleia al pensamiento zoroastriano. Más en concreto, se abordan los temas del cuidado del mundo, el cuidado de la palabra y el cuidado del alma. Para ello se analizan algunas categorías fundamentales del mazdeísmo tales como menog, getic, paiman, daena, jorrah o fravarsi. La conclusión que se extrae es que sí es pertinente hablar de cuidado del mundo, cuidado de la palabra y cuidado de sí en (...)
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    Inventores de la paz, soñadores de Europa: Siglo de la Ilustración.Espinosa Antón & Francisco Javier - 2012 - Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
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    Rhetorik Jahrbuch : Rhetorik Und Verständlichkeit.Gerd Antos, Manfred Beetz, Joachim Dyck, Wolfgang Neuber, Peter L. Oesterreich & Gert Ueding (eds.) - 2009 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Rhetoric as a persuasive technique, school subject and social practice has determined our literary and social linguistic life since the 5th century BC. Its history is the history of the production of speech under changing social conditions. Rhetoric has managed to re-establish itself as an academic subject at German universities since the 1960s, and today, in our advanced media society, it plays an outstanding role in advertising, sales and the social technology of management. - The Rhetoric Yearbook summarises rhetoric research (...)
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  30.  8 hodēgos ploēgēsēs ston kyverno-chōro tou Platōnos.Zōē Antōnopoulou-Trechlē - 2018 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Harmos.
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    Livros com ideias dentro.António Rego Chaves - 2008 - Porto: Campo das Letras.
    'Livros com ideias dentro' pretende chamar a atenção para obras que correm o risco de ser preteridas em favor de múltiplas temáticas fúteis que cada vez mais parecem ir ao encontro da procura de grande parte de leitores.
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    The Myth of Pluralism: An Exploration into the Metaphysical Vision of Panikkar And Whitehead.Anto Cheranthuruthy - 2010 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):9-27.
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  33. Leibniz; o Homem.António Borges Coelho - 1969 - [Lisboa]: Livros Horizonte.
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    O realismo da fenomenologia de Munique.António Fidalgo - 1991 - Braga [Portugal]: Faculdade de Filosofia.
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  35. Conocimiento científico y acción social: crítica epistemológica a la concepción de ciencia en Max Weber.Manuel Gil Antón - 1997 - Barcelona, España: Gedisa.
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    A Chronological Overview of Complete and Partial Translations of the Bible Published in Croatian.R. Knežević - 2007 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 1 (1):131-150.
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    Alojz JEMBRIH, Stipan Konzul and the “Bible Institute” in Urach.Ruben Knežević - 2008 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 2 (1):137-138.
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    Alojz JEMBRIH, Stipan Konzul i “Biblijski zavod” u Urachu.Ruben Knežević - 2008 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 2 (1):193-197.
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    Filozofija kao politicka sudbina srpska filozofija ili filozofija u Srbiji.Milos Knezevic - 2004 - Filozofija I Društvo 2004 (24):253-279.
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    Novi testament 1563.(Pretisak).Ruben Knežević - 2009 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 3 (1):178-181.
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    On revisions of Šarić's Bible translations.Ruben Knežević - 2007 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 1 (1):25-46.
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    Oppi elämästä: retkiä biologian ja biologien parissa.Anto Leikola - 1977 - Porvoo: Söderström.
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  43. O problema da analogia: da modernidade (hermenêutica) à Idade Média (São Boaventura).António Rocha Martins - 2012 - In José Quaresma, Analogia e mediacão: transversalidade na investigacão em arte, filosofia e ciência. Lisboa: CIEBA.
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  44. How do differentiae fit into Aristotle's system of predicables?António Pedro Mesquita - 2023 - In Ricardo Santos & Antonio Pedro Mesquita, New Essays on Aristotle's Organon. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Introdução geral.António Pedro Mesquita - 2005 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
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    Early Christian attitude towards money.Anto Mišić - 2005 - Disputatio Philosophica 7 (1):37-46.
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    Rječnik filozofskih pojmova.Anto Mišić - 2000 - Split: Verbum.
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    Teologia moral: impasses e alternativas.Antônio Moser - 1987 - Petrópolis: Vozes. Edited by Leers & Bernardino.
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    Bibliografia filosófica brasileira: período contemporâneo (1931/1977).Antônio Paim - 1979 - [São Paulo, S.P.]: Edições GRD.
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    Corrente eclética na Bahia.Antônio Paim & Anna Maria Moog Rodrigues (eds.) - 1979 - Rio de Janeiro: Editora Documentário.
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