Results for 'Antje Scherner'

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  1.  19
    Scherzgefäße. Zur Wechselwirkung von Gestaltung, Handhabung und Trinkregeln in der Frühen Neuzeit.Antje Scherner - 2015 - In Thomas Pöpper (ed.), Dinge Im Kontext: Artefakt, Handhabung Und Handlungsästhetik Zwischen Mittelalter Und Gegenwart. De Gruyter. pp. 145-162.
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  2. Eine neue Biologie des Menschen? Evolution : vom egoistischen Gen zum kooperativen Individuum? / Volkart Wildermuth ; Abschied vom Rassendenken : ein neuer Blick auf unseren Genpool / Dagmar Röhrlich ; Reproduktionsmedizin, Embryonenforschung, Leihmütter-Varianten / Antje Sieb ; Gentests to go : was wollen wir wissen, was sollen wir tun? / Christina Sartori ; Stammzellen, die Fast-Alleskönner / Tanja Stehning ; Neurofeedback und die Schnittstelle Computer/Gehrin / Volkart Wildermuth ; Enhancement : schöner, schneller, klüger? / Renate Müller ; Forschung am Menschen : welche grenzen für klinische Studien? / isabel Reifenrath ; Die Biologie der Ethik.Antje Sieb - 2018 - In Regina Oehler (ed.), Biologie und Ethik: Natur im Griff?: die Sendungen des Funkkollegs. Franfurt am Main: Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung.
  3.  54
    First-Order Definability of Transition Structures.Antje Rumberg & Alberto Zanardo - 2019 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 28 (3):459-488.
    The transition semantics presented in Rumberg (J Log Lang Inf 25(1):77–108, 2016a) constitutes a fine-grained framework for modeling the interrelation of modality and time in branching time structures. In that framework, sentences of the transition language L_t are evaluated on transition structures at pairs consisting of a moment and a set of transitions. In this paper, we provide a class of first-order definable Kripke structures that preserves L_t-validity w.r.t. transition structures. As a consequence, for a certain fragment of L_t, validity (...)
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  4. Transition Semantics for Branching Time.Antje Rumberg - 2016 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 25 (1):77-108.
    In this paper we develop a novel propositional semantics based on the framework of branching time. The basic idea is to replace the moment-history pairs employed as parameters of truth in the standard Ockhamist semantics by pairs consisting of a moment and a consistent, downward closed set of so-called transitions. Whereas histories represent complete possible courses of events, sets of transitions can represent incomplete parts thereof as well. Each transition captures one of the alternative immediate future possibilities open at a (...)
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    Viewing and naming objects: eye movements during noun phrase production.Antje S. Meyer, Astrid M. Sleiderink & Willem J. M. Levelt - 1998 - Cognition 66 (2):B25-B33.
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    The incan quipus.Antje Christensen - 2002 - Synthese 133 (1-2):159 - 172.
    Quipus, knotted structures of woollen or cotton cords, were used as a bureaucratic tool in the Inca state. In the absense of a writing system, numerals and possibly other pieces of information were encoded on the quipus by tying knots into elaborately structured coloured cords. Though interpretation of the quipu contents is far from complete, some information on Inca mathematics can be deducted from the analysis of ancient specimen, especially when combined with the results of anthropological and linguistic research in (...)
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  7. Deliberative democracy, the public sphere and the internet.Antje Gimmler - 2001 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 27 (4):21-39.
    The internet could be an efficient political instrument if it were seen as part of a democracy where free and open discourse within a vital public sphere plays a decisive role. The model of deliberative democracy, as developed by Jürgen Habermas and Seyla Benhabib, serves this concept of democracy best. The paper explores first the model of deliberative democracy as a ‘two-track model’ in which representative democracy is backed by the public sphere and a developing civil society. Secondly, it outlines (...)
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    “A simple post-growth life”: The Green Camp Gallery Project as Lived Ecotopia in Urban South Africa.Antje Daniel - 2022 - Utopian Studies 33 (2):274-290.
    ABSTRACT Utopias in Africa is an emerging academic field. While we are witnessing an increasing number of fictional and ideological utopias, little attention is paid to lived utopias. The Green Camp Gallery Project is such a lived utopia, which predominantly strives for realizing desired future imaginations in daily practices. Localized in the urban context of Durban, in a derelict house in the industrial area, the Green Camp strives for a “simple post-growth life,” which is closely related to nature and the (...)
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    Working Together: Contributions of Corpus Analyses and Experimental Psycholinguistics to Understanding Conversation.Antje S. Meyer, Phillip M. Alday, Caitlin Decuyper & Birgit Knudsen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  10. Emergence everywhere?! Reflections on Philip Clayton's mind and emergence.Antje Jackelen - 2006 - Zygon 41 (3):623-632.
  11. Henry Stapp on quantum mechanics, spirit, mind, and moralitv.Antje JackklEn, Philip Clayton & Gregory R. Peterson - 2006 - Zygon 41 (3-4):776.
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    Kritik der Verantwortung. Zu den Grenzen verantwortlichen Handelns in komplexen Kontexten.Antje Kapust - 2006 - Philosophische Rundschau 53 (3):263.
  13. Spatial reasoning as verbal reasoning.Antje Krumnack, Leandra Bucher, Jelica Nejasmic & Markus Knauff - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
  14.  18
    Structural priming is not a Royal Road to representations.Antje S. Meyer - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Neunzehn Alte Gedichte (Gushi shijiu shou 古詩十九首) aus der Han-Zeit. By Manfred W. Frühauf.Antje Richter - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (4).
    Neunzehn Alte Gedichte aus der Han-Zeit. By Manfred W. Frühauf. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2019. Pp. x + 369. €58.
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    Bolzano’s concept of grounding against the background of normal proofs.Antje Rumberg - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (3):424-459.
    In this paper, I provide a thorough discussion and reconstruction of Bernard Bolzano’s theory of grounding and a detailed investigation into the parallels between his concept of grounding and current notions of normal proofs. Grounding (Abfolge) is an objective ground-consequence relation among true propositions that is explanatory in nature. The grounding relation plays a crucial role in Bolzano’s proof-theory, and it is essential for his views on the ideal buildup of scientific theories. Occasionally, similarities have been pointed out between Bolzano’s (...)
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    CRISP: A computational model of fixation durations in scene viewing.Antje Nuthmann, Tim J. Smith, Ralf Engbert & John M. Henderson - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (2):382-405.
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    Neither Body nor Brain: Comparing Preventive Attitudes to Prostate Cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease.Antje Kampf & Annette Leibing - 2013 - Body and Society 19 (4):61-91.
    This article compares health promotion attitudes towards prostate cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Our aim is to demonstrate that these two apparently distinct conditions of the aging body – one affecting the male reproductive system, the other primarily the brain – are addressed in similar fashion in recent public health activities because of a growing emphasis on a ‘cardiovascular logic’. We suggest that this is a form of reductionism, and argue that it leaves us with a dangerous paradox: while re-transcending, at (...)
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  19.  23
    Contempt in Seneca's Dialogue “On the Firmness of the Wise”.Antje Junghanß - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (3):240-248.
    For Seneca, the firmness of the Wise is shown in his ability to remain calm against attacks, as he explains in his treatise of that name. Attacks can come in the form of injustice, iniuria, and disparagement, contumelia; Seneca proves that neither of them affects the wise man. Contumelia is linked to contemptus in definition and conceptualization so that the remarks on how to deal with disparagement contain clues as to what contemptus means for Seneca. The article argues that Seneca (...)
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  20.  39
    Towards a common framework of grounded action cognition: Relating motor control, perception and cognition.Antje Gentsch, Arne Weber, Matthis Synofzik, Gottfried Vosgerau & Simone Schütz-Bosbach - 2016 - Cognition 146 (C):81-89.
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  21.  44
    How Well Can Saliency Models Predict Fixation Selection in Scenes Beyond Central Bias? A New Approach to Model Evaluation Using Generalized Linear Mixed Models.Antje Nuthmann, Wolfgang Einhäuser & Immo Schütz - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  22.  22
    Only Behavioral But Not Self-Report Measures of Speech Perception Correlate with Cognitive Abilities.Antje Heinrich, Helen Henshaw & Melanie A. Ferguson - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    SWIFT: A Dynamical Model of Saccade Generation During Reading.Ralf Engbert, Antje Nuthmann, Eike M. Richter & Reinhold Kliegl - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (4):777-813.
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    The Dual Quality of Norms and Governance beyond the State: Sociological and Normative Approaches to 'Interaction'.Antje Wiener - 2007 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 10 (1):47-69.
  25.  14
    Reproducibility in Cognitive Hearing Research: Theoretical Considerations and Their Practical Application in Multi-Lab Studies.Antje Heinrich & Sarah Knight - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    “Knowing Too Much Is Knowing Too Little”: A Theological Appraisal of the Boundaries of Knowledge.Antje Jackelén - 2008 - In Paul David Numrich (ed.), The boundaries of knowledge in Buddhism, Christianity, and science. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. pp. 15--149.
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    Jeffrey P. Bishop, The Anticipatory Corpse: Medicine, Power and the Care of the Dying: University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana, 2011, 411 pp, $35 pbk.Antje Kahl - 2014 - Human Studies 37 (4):589-596.
    “[T]here is something rotten at the heart of medicine” —this is one of the central statements of Jeffrey Paul Bishop in his book The Anticipatory Corpse. Medicine, Power and the Care of the Dying. The obvious, if somewhat morbid, thought that “rotten” would refer to the decaying body as the central subject of investigation is, however, misleading. Instead, Bishop aims to demonstrate that the modern trend of medicalizing dying and death is the wrong way.The book explores contemporary medicine’s practices, their (...)
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    (1 other version)Sprachen der Ikonizität. Neuere Ansätze in der Bildforschung.Antje Kapust - 2015 - Philosophische Rundschau 62 (3):191.
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    Working with Hans-Jorg Rheinberger.Antje Radeck - 2012 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 35 (1):105-110.
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  30.  7
    Aus geteilten Zeiten: Studien zur Nanbeichao-Periode. Geburtstagsgabe für Shing Müller 宋馨. Edited by Roderich Ptak.Antje Richter - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (1).
    Aus geteilten Zeiten: Studien zur Nanbeichao-Periode. Geburtstagsgabe für Shing Müller 宋馨. Edited by Roderich Ptak. Deutsche Ostasienstudien, vol. 35. Gossenberg: Ostasien Verlag, 2020. Pp. vi + 216. €29.
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    Notions of Epistolarity in Liu Xie's" Wenxin Diaolong".Antje Richter - 2007 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 127 (2):143-160.
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  32.  12
    Tales from Tang Dynasty China: Selections from the Taiping Guangji; and Record of the Listener: Selected Stories from Hong Mai’s Yijian zhi.Antje Richter - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (4).
    Tales from Tang Dynasty China: Selections from the Taiping Guangji. Edited by Alexei Kamran Ditter; Jessey Choo; and Sarah M. Allen. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Co., 2017. Pp. xiv + 162. $46 ; $16. Record of the Listener: Selected Stories from Hong Mai’s Yijian zhi. Translated by Cong Ellen Zhang. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Co., 2018. Pp. xliv + 116. $48 ; $16.
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  33. Humboldt meets Spivak? : Reflections on Teaching a Philosophy of Practice under Precarious Conditions.Antje Schuhmann - 2016 - In James Arvanitakis & David J. Hornsby (eds.), Universities, the citizen scholar and the future of higher education. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Ursprungszauber: Zur Rezeption von Hermann Useners Lehre von der religiösen Begriffsbildung.Antje Wessels - 2003 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Wie kam der Mensch zu der Vorstellung, dass es Götter gibt? Enthält die Sprache des Mythos Hinweise auf Ursprung und Entwicklung des religiösen Denkens? In einer wissenschaftshistorischen Studie wird hier die Theorie des Klassischen Philologen Hermann Usener (1834-1905) vom Ursprung der Religion (1896) und deren Rezeption in den Werken von Albrecht Dieterich, Ludwig Radermacher, Aby Warburg und Walter F. Otto untersucht. Mit seiner strukturanalytisch entwickelten Lehre von der religiösen Begriffsbildung hat Usener die seit der Romantik geführte Ursprungsdebatte neu aufgerollt und (...)
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  35. The Varieties of Applied Philosophy: Introduction.Antje Gimmler, Philip Højme & Jakob Bo Lautrup Kristensen - 2023 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 56 (2):105-111.
    Applied philosophy is experiencing its “golden days,” as Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen says in his insightful introduction to A Companion to Applied Philosophy. Applied philosophy seems to be distinguished from its opposite, pure philosophy, usually understood as traditional philosophy, which deals with subjects such as free will, consciousness, or knowledge in philosophical subdisciplines like ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology. To embrace applied philosophy could thus mean to advocate for a philosophy that deals with questions “relevant to ‘the important questions of everyday life,’” as (...)
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    Strategischer Wettbewerb im Weltraum: Politik, Recht, Sicherheit und Wirtschaft im All.Antje Nötzold, Enrico Fels, Andrea Rotter & Moritz Brake (eds.) - 2024 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Der Sammelband nimmt erstmalig seit Ende des Kalten Krieges für den deutschsprachigen Raum eine komprimierte Bestandsaufnahme der aktuellen Aktivitäten, rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen, politischen und militärischen Konfliktlinien und Kooperationsräume sowie weiterführender Trends und Herausforderungen im Weltraum vor. Dabei werden zum einen die rechtlichen, militärischen, wirtschaftlichen und technologischen Herausforderungen des Bedeutungszuwachses dieses strategisch gewichtigen Raumes analysiert. Zum anderen werden Handlungsfähigkeit und -bedarf ausgewählter Weltraummächte, ihre Kooperationsmöglichkeiten und Konfliktpotenziale sowie der internationale politische Regulierungsbedarf herausgearbeitet und darauf aufbauend politische Handlungsempfehlungen dargelegt.,,Eine hervorragend gelungene Bestandsaufnahme der (...)
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  37. Ecological Movements and the Critique of Development: Agents and Interpreters.Antje Linkenbach - 1994 - Thesis Eleven 39 (1):63-85.
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  38. Word form retrieval in language production.Antje S. Meyer & Belke & Eva - 2009 - In Gareth Gaskell (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Oxford University Press.
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    Anthropology of Modernity: Projects and Contexts.Antje Linkenbach - 2000 - Thesis Eleven 61 (1):41-63.
    The article takes up J. P. Arnason's basic theoretical assumption that the western trajectory to modernity marks only one possibility of the modern constellation and that modernity has to be pluralized. Arnason's differentiation between a civilizational paradigm and a civilizational horizon allows us to acknowledge the ambivalent perceptions of modernity prevalent in the colonial and postcolonial encounter and gives space for counter-paradigms of modernity. Through a brief discussion of Indian reflections on modernity (P. Chatterjee, J. Alam) I want to argue (...)
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    Postmodern Concepts of the Body in Jeanette Winterson's Written on the Body.Antje Lindenmeyer - 1999 - Feminist Review 63 (1):48-63.
    This article is concerned with Jeanette Winterson's use and reworking of post-modern concepts of the body in her novel Written on the Body. Feminist appropriations of those concepts can be problematic: they tend to focus on the way in which a coherent body image is constructed and then imposed on the body parts, whereas many feminist theorists continue to emphasize the wholeness and integrity of the female body. Written on the Body offers constructive ways of theorizing the female body within (...)
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    Reviews / Rezensionen.Antje Roggenkamp, Joshua Forrest, Alf Christophersen, Philipp David, Mark Chapman & Friedrich Wilhelm Graf - 2012 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 19 (1):152-173.
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    (1 other version)Performative Strategien des memento mori: Erfahrungen der Vergänglichkeit in der Gegenwartslyrik.Antje Schmidt - 2018 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 27 (2):157-172.
    In einer gesteigerten Form der Memento-mori-Dichtung des Barock wurde die menschliche Sterblichkeit durch den Einsatz performativer Strategien für die Zeitgenoss*innen bereits zu Lebzeiten erfahrbar. So waren mahnende und tröstende Tote, die scheinbar direkt aus dem Jenseits zu den Lebenden sprechen, in Begräbnisgedichten und Grabinschriften allgegenwärtig. Ebenso waren Gedichte und Sterbelieder verbreitet, in denen der Sterbeakt performativ durchlebt werden konnte. In der Gegenwart, die sich nach Norbert Elias durch eine Verdrängung der menschlichen Vergänglichkeit zugunsten von Unsterblichkeitsphantasien, und somit einer Vermeidung von (...)
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    Investigation of phonological encoding through speech error analyses: Achievements, limitations, and alternatives.Antje S. Meyer - 1992 - Cognition 42 (1-3):181-211.
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  44.  31
    Mapping Research Topics and Theories in Private Regulation for Sustainability in Global Value Chains.Antje Wahl & Gary Q. Bull - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (4):585-608.
    The globalization of production and trade has contributed to the rise in complex global value chains where the reach of state regulation is limited. As an alternative, private regulation, developed and administered by companies, industry associations, and nongovernmental organizations, has emerged to safeguard economic, environmental, and social sustainability in producer countries and along the value chain. The academic literature on private regulation in global value chains has grown over the last decade, but currently few major reviews of the research have (...)
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  45. Concluding Dialogue: Challenging the Past, Grasping the Future.Antje Jackelén & Philip Hefner - 2004 - Zygon 39 (2):401-412.
    . A dialogue between the outgoing and incoming directors of the Zygon Center for Religion and Science took place as part of the inaugural symposium. In their conversation they speak of the past and present challenges and goals of the Center, outline what is foremost in their minds, and offer glimpses into what they see as the Center’s priorities for future work.
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    The relationship of speech intelligibility with hearing sensitivity, cognition, and perceived hearing difficulties varies for different speech perception tests.Antje Heinrich, Helen Henshaw & Melanie A. Ferguson - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Die Ketten ästhetischer Geschichtsbildung als Garanten der Handlungsfreiheit: Schillers und Nietzsches Historienschriften.Antje Büssgen - 2019 - Nietzscheforschung 26 (1):57-84.
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  48. Recognition : conceptualization and context.Antje Gimmler - 2017 - In Håkon Leiulfsrud & Peter Sohlberg (eds.), Concepts in action: conceptual constructionism. Boston: Brill.
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    An intellectually honest theology.Antje Jackelén - 2008 - Zygon 43 (1):43-55.
    Abstract.A hallmark of Arthur Peacocke's work is his aim of writing theology that is intellectually honest. He believed that intelligibility and meaning are foremost on theology's agenda. Consequently, he focused on ultimate meanings, but he did so by taking into account the scientific knowledge of the world. He faced head‐on the challenge to accept the Christian tradition, at the same time subjecting that tradition to critique and reforming its images and modes of thinking. I survey Peacocke's agenda, his methodology, and (...)
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  50. Das Leben ist eine Kette von Wundern" : der "spiritus" der Wahrnehmung und die Kultur der Diagonale.Antje Kapust - 2018 - In Guido Meyer, Marco A. Sorace, Clara Vasseur & Johannes Bündgens (eds.), Identitätsbildung: Spiritualität der Wahrnehmung und die Krise der Moderne. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber, in der Verlag Herder.
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