Results for 'Anthropology of aesthetics'

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  1.  1
    A Response to Günter Figal’s Aesthetic Monism: Phenomenological Sublimity and the Genesis of Aesthetic Experience.GermanyIrene Breuer Irene Breuer Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Dipl-Ing Arch: Degree in Architecture Phil), Then Professor for Architectural Design Germanylecturer, Phenomenology at the Buwdaad Scholarship Buenos Airesto Midlecturer for Theoretical Philosophy, the Support of the B. U. W. My Research Focus is Set On: Ancient Greek Philosophy Research on the Reception of the German Philosophical Anthropology in Argentina Presently Working on Mentioned Research Subject, French Phenomenology Classical German, Architectural Theory Aesthetics & Design Cf: Https://Uni-Wuppertalacademiaedu/Irenebreuer - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):151-170.
    This paper aims to pay tribute to Figal’s comprehensive and innovative analysis of the artwork and beauty, while challenging both his realist position on the immediacy of meaning and his monist stance that reduces sublimity to beauty. To enquire into the origin of aesthetic feelings and sense, and thus, to break the hermeneutic circle, we first trace the origin of this reduction to the reception of Burke’s concept of the sublime by Mendelssohn and Kant. We then recur to Husserl and (...)
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  2. `Marvels of Everyday Vision' - The Anthropology of Aesthetics and the Cattle-Keeping Nilotes.Jeremy Coote - 1992 - In Anthropology, Art, and Aesthetics. Clarendon Press.
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    Force: a fundamental concept of aesthetic anthropology.Christoph Menke - 2013 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Sensibility: the indeterminacy of the imagination -- Praxis: the practice of the subject -- Play: the operation of force -- Aestheticization: the transformation of praxis -- Aesthetics: philosophy's contention -- Ethics: the freedom of self-creation.
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    The Concept of (Aesthetic) Experience in Gadamer's Hermeneutics and its Anthropological Implications.Anne Marie Olesen - 2000 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 12 (22).
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    On the anthropological foundation of aesthetic enjoyment.András Horn - 1981 - Man and World 14 (1):55.
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    Race and Aesthetics in the Anthropology of Petrus Camper.Miriam Claude Meijer - 1999 - Brill | Rodopi.
    After the discovery of the anthropoid ape in Asia and in Africa, eighteenth-century Holland became the crossroads of Enlightenment debates about the human species. Material evidence about human diversity reached Petrus Camper, comparative anatomist in the Netherlands, who engaged, among many other interests, in menschkunde. Could only religious doctrine support the belief of human demarcation from animals? Camper resolved the challenges raised by overseas discoveries with his thesis of the facial angle, a theory which succeeding generations distorted and misused in (...)
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  7. Levi-Strauss, Anthropology, and Aesthetics.Boris Wiseman - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    In a wide-ranging 2007 study of Claude Lévi-Strauss's aesthetic thought, Boris Wiseman demonstrates not only its centrality within his oeuvre but also the importance of Levi-Strauss for contemporary aesthetic enquiry. Reconstructing the internal logic of Lévi-Strauss's thinking on aesthetics, and showing how anthropological and aesthetic ideas intertwine at the most elemental levels in the elaboration of his system of thought, Wiseman demonstrates that Lévi-Strauss's aesthetic theory forms an integral part of his approach to Amerindian masks, body decoration and mythology. (...)
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    The Zen Arts: An Anthropological Study of the Culture of Aesthetic Form in Japan.Rupert A. Cox - 2003 - Psychology Press.
    Combining anthropological descriptions with historical criticism, Cox situates the Zen arts within contemporary critical discourses.
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    Dialogical Anthropology of Art.Giuseppe Patella - 2012 - Culture and Dialogue 2 (1):81-106.
    This essay develops an account of artistic creativity based on Martin Buber’s theory of dialogue. Crucially, Buber distinguishes between the It that is objectified in experience and use and the You whom we meet as a whole person in dialogical relationships. Buber’s emphasis on dialogue as the core of what it means to be human suggests that the human significance of art might also be in its dialogical potential. The problem, however, is that artists, psychologists, critics, and philosophers often treat (...)
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    Cong xing wei dao yi yi: yi shi de shen mei ren lei xue chan shi = From action to meaning: ritual study from the perspective of aesthetic anthropology.Liangcong Zhang - 2015 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
    儀式是理解人類文化的一把鑰匙。作為人類基本經驗形態的展演,儀式涉及人類文化的諸多方面,是闡釋特定文化經驗、觀察文化意蘊、理解不同文化體系的表達模式的切入點。本書秉承審美人類學的理念,把儀式作為人類的基 本文化形式和審美文化機制,在全面理解儀式理論觀念和相關概念的基礎上,闡釋了儀式與審美制度、審美認同和審美交流的關系,為讀者理解審美人類學提供了重要參考。 張良叢,哈爾濱師范大學文學院副教授,馬列文論研究會理事,主要從事審美人類學和西方文學理論研究。.
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    Anthropological Aesthetics of Greek Antiquity as a Narrative of Philosophical Discourse.O. M. Goncharova - 2022 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 21:84-93.
    _Purpose._ The article aims to define the philosophical narratives about the "beautiful human" of Greek antiquity in the coordinates of the triad of "natural", "social" and "cultural" body. _Theoretical basis._ When achieving this purpose, the author based on the conceptual provisions of the philosophical anthropology of Н. Plessner, in particular, concerning the attitude of a limited body to its limit as an empirical comprehension of a human him/herself and the world. Developing the position of the body as a socio-cultural (...)
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    The Anthropology of Art.David Davies - 2021 - In Lydia Goehr & Jonathan Gilmore (eds.), A Companion to Arthur C. Danto. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 103–111.
    In this chapter, the author begins with Arthur Danto's reflections upon art and evolution in his 1985 David and Marianne Mandel Lecture in Aesthetics presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics. “Primitive” artifacts influenced modernist artists because the “conceptual complexity and aesthetic subtlety” of such artifacts revealed to them artistic possibilities that transcended the “prevailing aesthetic canons” of late nineteenth‐century European art. Danto's argument has drawn widespread criticism, many of his critics, including Vogel herself, (...)
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    The Anthropology of Art.Graeme Chalmers & Robert Layton - 1984 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 18 (2):103.
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    The Specifics of the Problem of Subject in Receptive Aesthetics and Literary Anthropology of W. Iser.M. V. Morozova - 2018 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 22 (1):107-115.
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    A New Interpretation of the Essence of Aesthetic Experience: From the Perspective of Cognitive Neuroaesthetics and Aesthetic Anthropology.Fanjun Meng & Yushui Liang - 2022 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 56 (4):97-120.
    Abstract:In the transformation from classical to modern aesthetics, the proposition and exploration of aesthetic experience constitutes one of the major dimensions of various aesthetic problems. Pragmatic aesthetics, phenomenological aesthetics, hermeneutic aesthetics, analytical aesthetics, and new pragmatic aesthetics have comprehensively analyzed and discussed aesthetic experience. Through the construction and deconstruction of aesthetic experience in aesthetic history, the study of the key concept seems to have come to a certain predicament. This is mainly reflected in the (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Philosophical Anthropology and the Critique of Aesthetic Judgment.F. Williams - 1954 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 46:172.
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    A Transformation Theory of Aesthetics.Michael Stephan - 1990 - New York: Routledge.
    First published in 1990. How we perceive and respond to the visual image has been traditional concern of psychologists, philosophers and art historians. Today, where the visual image increasingly permeates our everyday life and consciousness, the question becomes ever more relevant. How do we, for instance, instinctively ‘know’ what it is that a picture represents without having to be taught? How it is that we experience pleasure in looking at certain pictures? How is it that we often want to talk (...)
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  18.  20
    Specifics of Development of Aesthetics Studies: Between Soviet and Chinese Marxism.Vitalii Turenko - 2022 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 2 (7):56-60.
    The article reveals the features of the formation and functioning of aesthetic research in such two areas of Marxism as Soviet and Chinese. The study identified three key stages in the development of aesthetics in Soviet Marxism – the pre-war (the 1920s and 1930s), late Stalinism and the Khrushchev thaw, and the late period (1970-1980s). It should be noted that in the context of Soviet Marxism, the key tasks were that aesthetics becomes influential and in-demand science, included in (...)
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    Aesthetic Judgment, Embodied Rationality, and the Truth of Appearances: An Introduction to Roger Scruton’s Philosophical Anthropology.Eryn Rozonoyer & Paul T. Wilford - 2023 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 7 (3):115-135.
    This paper offers an interpretation of and introduction to the philosophical anthropology of Roger Scruton through an examination of the aesthetic dimension of human rationality. We argue that attending to our aesthetic experience as individuated subjects capable of intersubjective communion offers a helpful corrective to the deracinated and disembodied view of human rationality prevalent in much of our contemporary ethical and scientific discourse. Through a consideration of how embodied rationality is at work in four different forms of art – (...)
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    The Protoliterary: Steps Toward an Anthropology of Culture.Karl Ludwig Pfeiffer - 2002 - Stanford University Press.
    This is a broad-ranging and ambitious attempt to rethink aesthetic and literary studies in terms of an “anthropology” of symbolic media generally. Central to the author’s argument is the proposition that the idea of literature—at least as it has been understood in the West since the eighteenth century—as the paradigm for artistic experience is both limited and limiting. In its place, the author offers a more general theory of aesthetic experience appropriate to a wide range of media and geared (...)
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  21.  28
    Philosophical anthropology and the critique of aesthetic judgment.Williams Forrest - 1955 - Kant Studien 46 (1-4):172-188.
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    Towards an anthropology of ambient sound.Christine Guillebaud (ed.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This volume approaches the issue of ambient sound through the ethnographic exploration of different cultural contexts including Italy, India, Egypt, France, Ethiopia, Scotland, Spain, Portugal, and Japan. It examines social, religious, and aesthetic conceptions of sound environments, what types of action or agency are attributed to them, and what bodies of knowledge exist concerning them. Contributors shed new light on these sensory environments by focusing not only on their form and internal dynamics, but also on their wider social and cultural (...)
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  23. Predicates of Aesthetic Judgement: Ontology and Value in Huichol Material Representations.Anthony Shelton - 1992 - In Jeremy Coote (ed.), Anthropology, Art, and Aesthetics. Clarendon Press.
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    Introduction: Why There Should Be a Cognitive Anthropology of Science.Christophe Heintz - 2004 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 4 (3-4):391-408.
    I argue that questions, methods and theories drawn from cognitive anthropology are particularly appropriate for the study of science. I also emphasize the role of cognitive anthropology of science for the integration of cognitive and social studies of science. Finally, I briefly introduce the papers and attempt to draw the main directions of research.
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    Aesthetics and anthropology: cogitations.Tarek Elhaik - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book focuses on the reconfiguration of aesthetic anthropology into an anthropological problem of cogitation, opening up a fascinating new dialogue between the domains of anthropology, philosophy, and art. Tarek Elhaik embarks on an inquiry composed of a series of cogitations based on fieldwork in an ecology of artistic and scientific practices: from conceptual art exhibitions to architectural environments; from photographic montages to the videotaping of spirit seances; from artistic interventions in natural history museums to ongoing dialogues between (...)
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    Aesthetic Foundations of Girardian Anthropology.Ronald Zuleyman Rico Sandoval - 2023 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 39:125-150.
    RESUMEN En este texto proponemos que el fundamento de la teoria mimética de René Girard, que le permitió construir una "antropología fundamental", se puede encontrar en el realismo estético. Expondremos algunas notas características de la relación mimética, para luego poder postular que Girard se opone no solo a la mentira romántica que evita aceptar la mimesis como elemento estructurador del deseo, sino también al falseamiento impresionista que oculta la violencia fundadora de las sociedades. Para esto, analizaremos su teoría de la (...)
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    Gardens and the Passion for the Infinite.Fine Arts Aesthetics International Society for Phenomenology & Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 2003 - Springer Verlag.
    This handsomely produced volume contains 22 contributions from international scholars, which were originally presented at the 2000 Conference of the International Society for Phenomenology, Fine Arts, & Aesthetics. The papers center around the theme of gardens and include a wide range of topics of interest to phenomenologists but also, perhaps, to gardeners with a philosophical bent. A sampling of topics: Leonardo's Annunciation Hortus Conclusus and its reflexive intent; hatha yoga--a phenomenological experience of nature; the Chinese attempt to miniaturize the (...)
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    Making things specific: towards an anthropology of everyday ethics in healthcare.Jeannette Pols - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (3):309-319.
    This paper is the English translation and adaptation of my inaugural lecture in Amsterdam for the Chair Anthropology of Everyday Ethics in Health Care. I argue that the challenges in health care may look daunting and unsolvable in their scale and complexity, but that it helps to consider these problems in their specificity, while accepting that some problems may not be solved but have become chronic. The paper provides reflections on how to develop a scientific approach that does not (...)
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    The Anthropology of Music. [REVIEW]David P. McAllester - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 2 (4):139.
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    Multicultural Fashion… Stirrings of Another Sense of Aesthetics and Memory.Nirmal Puwar - 2002 - Feminist Review 71 (1):63-87.
    This paper looks at the place of items long associated with the bodies of South Asian women in mainstream fashion. First, there will be a profiling of some of the scenes where bindhies, mendhies and related scents and sounds are donned and adored by white bodies. By participating in conversations with South Asian women in Britain in the second part of the article, the author is able to discuss some of the stirrings raised by the recent legitimization of these items (...)
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    Schiller on the Aesthetic Constitution of Moral Virtue and the Justification of Aesthetic Obligations.Levno von Plato - 2021 - Disputatio 13 (62):205-243.
    Friedrich Schiller’s notion of moral virtue includes self-determination through practical rationality as well as sensual self-determination through the pursuit of aesthetic value, i.e., through beauty. This paper surveys conceptual assumptions behind Schiller’s notions of moral and aesthetic perfections that allow him to ground both, moral virtue and beauty on conceptions of freedom. While Schiller’s notions of grace and dignity describe relations between the aesthetic and the moral aspects of certain determining actions, the ‘aesthetic condition’ conceptualises human beings from the perspective (...)
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  32. Review of Aesthetics and Rock Art. [REVIEW]Jennifer A. Mcmahon - 2006 - British Journal of Aesthetics 46 (2):208-210.
    The essays collected in this volume are written by scholars from a wide range of disciplines (anthropology, archaeology, art history, philosophy and psychology). The papers ostensibly address how to evaluate rock art, but can also be read in the context of offering support for the affirmative in the debate regarding whether aesthetics is a cross-cultural discipline. Two alternative conceptions of the aesthetic provide the underlying antithesis and thesis respectively to all papers. The antithesis holds that the aesthetic pertains (...)
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    La philosophie ricœurienne de l’esthétique entre poétique et éthique [Ricoeur’s Philosophy of Aesthetics Between Poetics and Ethics].Samuel Lelièvre - 2016 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 7 (2):43-73.
    Ricœur’s philosophy never locates itself directly in the field of philosophical aesthetics inasmuch as philosophical aesthetics never arises as a field of major questioning and discursive development for Ricœur’s philosophy or as a field that would guide that philosophy. However, Ricœur maintains an ongoing but complex connection with aesthetics throughout his philosophical work. Here we defend the thesis that there are difficulties relating both to the complexity of Ricœur’s philosophy and to the crisis situation of aesthetics (...)
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    Aesthetics of appearing.Martin Seel - 2005 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    This book proposes that aesthetics begin not with concepts of being or semblance, but with a concept of appearing. Appearing bespeaks of the reality that all aesthetic objects share, however different they may otherwise be. For Martin Seel, appearing plays its part everywhere in the aesthetic realm, in all aesthetic activity. In his book, Seel examines the existential and cultural meaning of aesthetic experience. In doing so, he brings aesthetics and philosophy of art together again, which in continental (...)
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    Making the Body Beautiful: A Cultural History of Aesthetic Surgery.Grant Jewell Rich - 2000 - Anthropology of Consciousness 11 (3-4):65-67.
    Making The Body Beautiful:. Cultural History of Aesthetic Surgery. By Sander L. Gilman. 1999. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. $29.95 (cloth).
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    Aesthetics of Appearing.John Farrell (ed.) - 2004 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    This book proposes that aesthetics begin not with concepts of being or semblance, but with a concept of _appearing_. _Appearing_ bespeaks of the reality that all aesthetic objects share, however different they may otherwise be. For Martin Seel, _appearing_ plays its part everywhere in the aesthetic realm, in all aesthetic activity. In his book, Seel examines the existential and cultural meaning of aesthetic experience. In doing so, he brings aesthetics and philosophy of art together again, which in continental (...)
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  37. Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology Including Many of the Principal Conceptions of Ethics, Logic, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Religion, Mental Pathology, Anthropology, Biology, Neurology, Physiology, Economics, Political and Social Philosophy, Philology, Physical Science, and Education.James Mark Baldwin - 1940 - P. Smith.
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  38. Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology Including Many of the Principal Conceptions of Ethics, Logic, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Religion, Mental Pathology, Anthropology, Biology, Neurology, Physiology, Economics, Political and Social Philosophy, Philology, Physical Science, and Education; and Giving a Terminology in English, French, German, and Italian. Written by Many Hands and Edited by James Mark Baldwin, with the Co-Operation and Assistance of an International Board of Consulting Editors.James Mark Baldwin - 1960 - P. Smith.
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  39. Towards a Wittgensteinian Aesthetics. Wollheim and the Analysis of Aesthetic Practices.Giovanni Matteucci - 2013 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 6 (1):67-83.
    In order to investigate the possibility to develop Wittgenstein's suggestions about aesthetics, this paper will focus on the organic perspective elaborated by Richard Wollheim in «Art and Its Objects». In this regard we will try to emphasize how the concept of art as a "form of live" - explicit in Wollheim - involves the analysis of the practices embodied in the experience of art starting from those of representation. The inception modes of such practices of representation need to be (...)
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    Aesthetics, literature and life: essays in honour of Jean-Pierre Cometti.Carla Carmona & Jerrold Levinson (eds.) - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis International.
    The complex relationship between life and the arts has always Vbeen a crucial topic in philosophical discourse. The essays in this book discuss fundamental issues of modern and contemporary aesthetics, drawing upon the work of the French philosopher Jean- Pierre Cometti, a key fi gure in the studies of aesthetics, pragmatism, and Austrian philosophy. The volume covers a wide-range of topics, from the examination of fundamental principles of art and literary criticism to a new understanding of the Modernist (...)
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    Beauty in context: towards an anthropological approach to aesthetics.Wilfried Van Damme - 1996 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    In surveying the field of the anthropology of aesthetics, the author argues that the phenomenon of cultural relativism in easthetic preference may be accounted ...
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  42. The gift of silence : towards an anthropology of jazz improvisation as neuroresistance.Martin E. Rosenberg - 2021 - In Alice Koubová & Petr Urban (eds.), Play and Democracy: Philosophical Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Martin E. Rosenberg -/- The Gift of Silence: Towards an Anthropology of Jazz Improvisation as Neuro-Resistance. -/- ABSTRACT: -/- This essay addresses how the complex processes that occur during jazz improvisation enact behaviors that resemble the logic of gift exchange first described by Marcel Mauss. It is possible to bring to bear structural, sociological, political economical, deconstructive or even ethical approaches to what constitutes gift exchange during the performance of jazz. Yet, I would like to shift from focusing this (...)
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  43. Anthropology, Art, and Aesthetics.Jeremy Coote (ed.) - 1992 - Clarendon Press.
    This collection of essays on anthropological approaches to art and aesthetics is the first in its field to be published for some time. In recent years a number of new galleries of non-Western art have been opened, many exhibitions of non-Western art held, and new courses in the anthropology of art established. This collection is part of and complements these developments, contributing to the general resurgence of interest in what has been until recently a comparatively neglected field of (...)
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    The Work of Art in a Pragmatist Perspective, between Somaesthetics and Techno-aesthetics.Dario Cecchi - 2019 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 12 (2):87-99.
    John Dewey puts aesthetic experience at the center of his reflection on art and beauty, reconsidering it dynamically. Nowadays, this view opened the path to somaesthetics, a term coined by Richard Shusterman, and aesthetic anthropology. Here, it is argued that the contribution of pragmatist aesthetics could be further developed by exploring its analogies with techno-aesthetics, a paradigm proposed by French philosopher Gilbert Simondon in the early 1980s. Art occupies accordingly a special place within the different forms of (...)
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  45. The Economy of Aesthetics: 60 micro-observation into the migration of the Taiwanese society.W. H. Zhan - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Kant's Doctrine of Sensibility, Space and Time: Transcendental, Anthropological and Natural Science Connotations.Viktor Kozlovskyi - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (3):81-98.
    The author examines Kant’s transcendental doctrine of space and time in order to find out possible anthropological connotations of the German philosopher’s topology. The analysis allows us to draw the following conclusions: 1) the anthropological features of space and time significantly correct the transcendental understanding of space and time as forms of sensual intuition; 2) the anthropological connotations of the forms of space and time make it impossible to have both noumenal, intellectual intuition of things and intuition based on a (...)
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    The Possibility of Culture: Pleasure and Moral Development in Kant’s Aesthetics.Samuel Hughes - 2017 - British Journal of Aesthetics 57 (3):334-337.
    © British Society of Aesthetics 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society of Aesthetics. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] interpretations of Kant’s ethics have tended to foreground its more humane characteristics, stressing the prominence of emotion, habituation and virtue, distancing us from the harsh and mechanical Kant of legend.1 At the same time there has been increasing interest among aestheticians in the moral significance of the aesthetic and in the role (...)
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  48. The allergy of philosophical aesthetics to sensuality and its desensitization in view of philosophical anthropology.Wioletta Kazimierska-Jerzyk - 2010 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 12:25-38.
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    Formation and development of the philosophical anthropology studies in soviet ukraine.S. V. Rudenko & V. E. Turenko - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 16:143-156.
    Purpose of this article is the historical reconstruction of the studies in philosophical anthropology in Soviet Ukraine. Theoretical basis. In the philosophical tradition of independent Ukraine, there is an opinion that at the intersection of the 1960s and 1970s, there was an anthropological turn in the national philosophical thought. The authors provide a holistic and comprehensive reconstruction of philosophical understanding of man in the works of Ukrainian thinkers of the Soviet era. Originality. It has been proved that before the (...)
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  50. On Joy of Actually Human Life. To the Phenomenology of Aesthetical Experiencing.Sergey Yachin - 2024 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 13 (2):375-398.
    The question of the unity of aesthetical experience and, consequently, experiencing—the experience that spans and permeates all human being—takes on a critical significance for post-Husserlian phenomenology. This question can no longer be posed in the former ego-centered (egological) paradigm of understanding the subject but presupposes its radical decentration taking into account the constitutive role of the instance of the other. The following question moves us towards the solution on such unity: which vital need the human selfness seeks to fulfil when (...)
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