Results for 'Anthony Woozley'

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  1. Injustice.Anthony D. Woozley - 1973 - In Nicholas Rescher (ed.), Studies in Ethics (American Philosophical Quarterly Monograph Series, No. 7). Oxford: Basil Blackwell. pp. 109-122.
  2.  54
    Plato and the need for law.Anthony Woozley - 2010 - Philosophical Quarterly 60 (239):373-395.
    Was there a major change in Plato's views on the role and importance of law? It can be argued that he held in both 'Republic' and 'Laws' that law and administrators are essential to a state of the best kind, but legislators are not, since legislation has been done by the founders. This interpretation seems to be incompatible with passages in 'Statesman', in which the status and role of law appear to be positively downgraded. The appearance of a contradiction between (...)
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    Review essay / rethinking criminal law.Anthony D. Woozley - 1982 - Criminal Justice Ethics 1 (1):41-47.
    George P. Fletcher, Rethinking Criminal Law Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1978, xviii + 898 pp.
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  4. Harm to Future Persons: Non-Identity Problems and Counterpart Solutions.Anthony Wrigley - 2012 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 15 (2):175-190.
    Non-Identity arguments have a pervasive but sometimes counter-intuitive grip on certain key areas in ethics. As a result, there has been limited success in supporting the alternative view that our choices concerning future generations can be considered harmful on any sort of person-affecting principle. However, as the Non-Identity Problem relies overtly on certain metaphysical assumptions, plausible alternatives to these foundations can substantially undermine the Non-Identity argument itself. In this paper, I show how the pervasive force and nature of Non-Identity arguments (...)
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    Parts outweigh the whole (word) in unconscious analysis of meaning.R. L. Abrams & Anthony G. Greenwald - 2000 - Psychological Science 11 (2):118-124.
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    Ethics and end of life care: the Liverpool Care Pathway and the Neuberger Review.Anthony Wrigley - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (8):639-643.
    The Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying has recently been the topic of substantial media interest and also been subject to the independent Neuberger Review. This review has identified clear failings in some areas of care and recommended the Liverpool Care Pathway be phased out. I argue that while the evidence gathered of poor incidences of practice by the Review is of genuine concern for end of life care, the inferences drawn from this evidence are inconsistent with the causes for (...)
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    Experience sampling of the degree of mind wandering distinguishes hidden attentional states.Anthony P. Zanesco, Ekaterina Denkova, Joanna E. Witkin & Amishi P. Jha - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104380.
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  8. The Uncompleted Argument: Du Bois and the Illusion of Race.Anthony Appiah - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 12 (1):21-37.
    Contemporary biologists are not agreed on the question of whether there are any human races, despite the widespread scientific consensus on the underlying genetics. For most purposes, however, we can reasonably treat this issue as terminological. What most people in most cultures ordinarily believe about the significance of “racial” difference is quite remote, I think, from what the biologists are agreed on. Every reputable biologist will agree that human genetic variability between the populations of Africa or Europe or Asia is (...)
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    Rigour and Reason: Essays in Honour of Hans Vilhelm Hansen.J. Anthony Blair & Christopher W. Tindale (eds.) - 2020 - University of Windsor.
    Built in the centre of Copenhagen, and noted for its equestrian stairway, the Rundetaarn, was intended as an astronomical observatory. Part of a complex of buildings that once included a university library, it affords expansive views of the city in every direction, towering above what surrounds it. The metaphor of the towering figure, who sees what others might not, whose vantage point allows him to visualize how things fit together, and who has an earned-stature of respect and authority, fits another (...)
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    In My Father’s House: Africa in the Philosophy of Culture.Anthony Appiah - 1992 - Oxford University Press.
    The beating of Rodney King and the resulting riots in South Central Los Angeles. The violent clash between Hasidim and African-Americans in Crown Heights. The boats of Haitian refugees being turned away from the Land of Opportunity. These are among the many racially-charged images that have burst across our television screens in the last year alone, images that show that for all our complacent beliefs in a melting-pot society, race is as much of a problem as ever in America. In (...)
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  11. (1 other version)The Volitional Brain: Towards a Neuroscience of Free Will.Benjamin Libet, Anthony Freeman & Keith Sutherland - 1999 - Imprint Academic.
    It is widely accepted in science that the universe is a closed deterministic system in which everything can, ultimately, be explained by purely physical...
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  12. Abstracting Propositions.Anthony Wrigley - 2006 - Synthese 151 (2):157-176.
    This paper examines the potential for abstracting propositions – an as yet untested way of defending the realist thesis that propositions as abstract entities exist. I motivate why we should want to abstract propositions and make clear, by basing an account on the neo-Fregean programme in arithmetic, what ontological and epistemological advantages a realist can gain from this. I then raise a series of problems for the abstraction that ultimately have serious repercussions for realism about propositions in general. I first (...)
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    The Problem of Counterfactuals in Substituted Judgement Decision-Making.Anthony Wrigley - 2011 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 28 (2):169-187.
    The standard by which we apply decision-making for those unable to do so for themselves is an important practical ethical issue with substantial implications for the treatment and welfare of such individuals. The approach to proxy or surrogate decision-making based upon substituted judgement is often seen as the ideal standard to aim for but suffers from a need to provide a clear account of how to determine the validity of the proxy's judgements. Proponents have responded to this demand by providing (...)
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  14.  44
    Moral Authority and Proxy Decision-Making.Anthony Wrigley - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (3):631-647.
    IntroductionExtended decision -making through the use of proxy decision -makers has been enshrined in a range of International Codes, Professional Guidance and Statute,For example, the UK Mental Capacity Act section 9.1; The General Medical Council ; the US National Guardianship Association ; Nuffield Council on Bioethics ; CIOMS-WHO section 6. Court cases such as Re Quinlan in the US have also contributed to establishing the groundings for the legal status of the proxy, albeit in terms of who might be suitable (...)
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  15.  20
    Hope and Exploitation in Commercial Provision of Assisted Reproductive Technologies.Anthony Wrigley, Gabriel Watts, Wendy Lipworth & Ainsley J. Newson - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (5):30-41.
    Innovation is a key driver of care provision in assisted reproductive technologies (ART). ART providers offer a range of add‐on interventions, aiming to augment standard in vitro fertilization protocols and improve the chances of a live birth. Particularly in the context of commercial provision, an ever‐increasing array of add‐ons are marketed to ART patients, even when evidence to support them is equivocal. A defining feature of ART is hope—hope that a cycle will lead to a baby or that another test (...)
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    A Brief History of Western Philosophy.Anthony Kenny - 1998 - Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Spanning 2,500 years of thought, this superb volume provides essential coverage of the most influential philosophers of the Western world, including Socrates, ...
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    Children’s practices and their connections with ‘mind’.Anthony J. Wootton - 2006 - Discourse Studies 8 (1):191-198.
    In the context of two examples from child conversation the author exemplifies the kinds of attributional process that can be uncovered through detailed examination of interaction. Although these processes implicate an orientation to psychological states by the child their specification does not depend on claims regarding the child’s cognitive processes. Nevertheless this specification can have a bearing on the adequacy of theories of cognitive processes, by locating competences that such theories should be able to account for. These issues are related (...)
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  18.  23
    Human Rights and the Challenge of Cosmopolitanism.Anthony Woodiwiss - 2002 - Theory, Culture and Society 19 (1-2):139-155.
    The article outlines the diverse willed and unwilled developments which have attenuated international human rights discourse so that it still cannot be used to hold governments to account for their failures to respect the economic and social rights of their citizens. These developments range from geopolitical manoeuvres, through changed modes of enunciation , to the absence of appropriate governmentalist techniques for measuring economic and social compliance. It then questions and counters the doctrine of `justiciability' that is the discursive node of (...)
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    International Law.Anthony Woodiwiss - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):524-525.
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    Postmodanizumu: Japanese for (and Against) Postmodernism.Anthony Woodiwiss - 1991 - Theory, Culture and Society 8 (4):111-118.
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    Sallust and Catiline: Conspiracy Theories.Anthony J. Woodman - 2021 - História 70 (1):55.
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    Santayana and Goethe.Anthony Woodward - 1991 - Overheard in Seville 9 (9):1-7.
    Santayana, whose early writings are hostile to the Faustian spirit, used a quotation from IFaust, Part IID as epigraph to IThe Realm of SpiritD. This suggest a possible affinity of late Santayana, and aspects of Goethe. The speech of the Earth-Spirit in IFaustD has an amoralism similar to passages in IThe Realm of MattesD. A certain ironical, detached spirituality links the poet-sages as well. Each uses some of the symbolism of Christian dogma (e.g., the last chapter of IThe Realm of (...)
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    The ‘Spanishness’ of Santayana.Anthony Woodward - 1994 - Overheard in Seville 12 (12):23-30.
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    What economists say (and don't say) about politics.Anthony Woodlief - 2000 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 14 (2-3):271-298.
    Abstract Sam Peltzman has brought discipline and common sense to economic analyses of voting and representation. Yet his approach suffers, like that of other economists, from disciplinary provincialism and a singular devotion to econometrics as a research methodology. Political science offers alternative models and research methods that can enliven and deepen the political analyses of Peltzman and other economists.
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    Hope, Dying and Solidarity.Anthony Wrigley - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (1):187-204.
    Hope takes on a particularly important role in end of life situations. Sustaining hope can have considerable benefits for the quality of life and any prospect of a good death for the dying. However, it has proved difficult to adequately account for hope when dying, particularly in some of the more extreme end of life situations. Standard secular accounts of hope struggle to establish how the fostering of hope may be possible in such situations. This leads to a practical ethical (...)
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    Psychometric and psychophysical theory within a framework of response bias.Anthony A. Wright - 1974 - Psychological Review 81 (4):322-347.
  27.  20
    Unexpected words or unexpected languages? Two ERP effects of code-switching in naturalistic discourse.Anthony Yacovone, Emily Moya & Jesse Snedeker - 2021 - Cognition 215 (C):104814.
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    Approaches to Teaching the Hebrew Bible as Literature in Translation.Anthony D. York, Barry N. Olshen & Yael S. Feldman - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (2):287.
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    Chinese Narrative: Critical and Theoretical Essays.Anthony C. Yu & Andrew H. Plaks - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (3):392.
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    The Confucian Concept of Order.Anthony C. Yu - 1968 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 43 (2):249-272.
  31. Analytic Islamic philosophy.Anthony Robert Booth - 2018 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book is an introduction to Islamic Philosophy, beginning with its Medieval inception, right through to its more contemporary incarnations. Using the language and conceptual apparatus of contemporary Anglo-American ‘Analytic’ philosophy, this book represents a novel and creative attempt to rejuvenate Islamic Philosophy for a modern audience. It adopts a ‘rational reconstructive’ approach to the history of philosophy by affording maximum hermeneutical priority to the strongest possible interpretation of a philosopher’s arguments while also paying attention to the historical context in (...)
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  32. Parallax: The Dependence of Reality on its Subjective Constitution.G. Anthony Bruno - 2021
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  33. Prophetic failure and moral hierarchy: The origins of a contemporary French messianic movement.Anthony Belgrano van Fossen - 1984 - In Richard A. Hutch & Peter G. Fenner (eds.), Under the shade of a coolibah tree: Australian studies in consciousness. Lanham: University Press of America.
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    Nietzsche's Philosophy of History.Anthony K. Jensen - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Nietzsche, the so-called herald of the 'philosophy of the future', nevertheless dealt with the past on nearly every page of his writing. Not only was he concerned with how past values, cultural practices and institutions influence the present - he was plainly aware that any attempt to understand that influence encounters many meta-historical problems. This comprehensive and lucid exposition of the development of Nietzsche's philosophy of history explores how Nietzsche thought about history and historiography throughout his life and how it (...)
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    Philosophical lessons of entanglement.Anthony Sudbery - unknown
    The quantum-mechanical description of the world, including human observers, makes substantial use of entanglement. In order to understand this, we need to adopt concepts of truth, probability and time which are unfamiliar in modern scientific thought. There are two kinds of statements about the world: those made from inside the world, and those from outside. The conflict between contradictory statements which both appear to be true can be resolved by recognising that they are made in different perspectives. Probability, in an (...)
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  36. What is relevant to the unity of consciousness?Anthony J. Marcel - 1996 - In Christopher Peacocke (ed.), Objectivity, Simulation and the Unity of Consciousness: Current Issues in the Philosophy of Mind. British Academy.
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    The “Logic” of Informal Logic.J. Anthony Blair - unknown
    Are there any logical norms for argument evaluation besides soundness and inductive strength? The paper will look at several concepts or models introduced over the years, including those of Wisdom, Toulmin, Wellman, Rescher, defeasible reasoning proponents and Walton to consider whether there is common ground among them that supplies an alternative to deductive validity and inductive strength.
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    (1 other version)The Wittgenstein Reader.Anthony Kenny (ed.) - 1994 - Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Résister aux boîtes noires. Design et intelligences artificielles.Anthony Masure - 2019 - Cités 4:31.
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  40. The Logic of Deterrence.Anthony Kenny, Avner Cohen & Steven Lee - 1987 - Ethics 97 (3):638-653.
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  41. Contending environmental knowledge on water in the middle east : Global, regional and national contexts.J. Anthony Allan - 2000 - In Philip Anthony Stott & Sian Sullivan (eds.), Political ecology: science, myth and power. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 340--76165.
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  42. Gödel's 'proof' for the existence of God.C. Anthony Anderson - 2015 - In Snezana Lawrence & Mark McCartney (eds.), Mathematicians and Their Gods: Interactions Between Mathematics and Religious Beliefs. Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
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    The Ethics of Food for Tomorrow: On the Viability of Agrarianism—How Far can it Go? Comments on Paul Thompson’s Agrarian Vision.Raymond Anthony - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (4):543-552.
    Abstract I consider Paul Thompson’s Agrarian Vision from the perspective of the philosophy of technology, especially as it relates to certain questions about public engagement and deliberative democracy around food issues. Is it able to promote an attitudinal shift or reorientation in values to overcome the view of “food as device” so that conscientious engagement in the food system by consumers can become more the norm? Next, I consider briefly, some questions to which it must face up in order to (...)
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    Gandhi: 'Hind Swaraj' and Other Writings Centenary Edition.Anthony J. Parel (ed.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Hind Swaraj is Mahatma Gandhi's fundamental work. Not only is it key to understanding his life and thoughts, but also the politics of South Asia in the first half of the twentieth century. Celebrating 100 years since Hind Swaraj was first published in a newspaper, this centenary edition includes a new Preface and Editor's Introduction, as well as a new chapter on 'Gandhi and the 'Four Canonical Aims of Life''. The volume presents a critical edition of the 1910 text of (...)
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  45. Language, Race, and the Legacies of the British Empire.Kwame Anthony Appiah - 2004 - In Philip D. Morgan & Sean Hawkins (eds.), Black Experience and the Empire. Oxford University Press.
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    Commentary on Konishi.J. Anthony Blair - unknown
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    Commentary on van Laar.J. Anthony Blair - unknown
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    Commentary on "Spiritual Experience and Psychopathology".Anthony Storr - 1997 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 4 (1):83-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Commentary on “Spiritual Experience and Psychopathology”Anthony Storr (bio)Many psychiatrists, including myself, are deeply dissatisfied with current psychiatric taxonomy. Grossly abnormal people like multiple murderers are often deemed sane in law, because they do not happen to exhibit the symptoms of recognized mental illnesses like schizophrenia or manic-depressive psychosis. In contrast, some of those who do exhibit such symptoms, and who therefore risk being labeled psychotic, cannot be considered (...)
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    Made in Whose Image?: Genetic Engineering and Christian Ethics.Thomas Anthony Shannon - 1997 - Humanities Press.
    The ability of medical science to clone and perhaps even predetermine characteristics of certain species conflicts dramatically with many claims of the religious establishment. Opening with a description of various developments in plant, animal, and human genetics, Made in Whose Image? highlights the progress genetic research has achieved, its future promise, and its social impact. The developments are analyzed from the perspective of Christian ethics, as expounded by Roman Catholic and Protestant theorists, to give an overview of crucial ethical issues. (...)
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    The human factor in education.Austin Anthony D'Souza - 1969 - Bombay,: Orient Longmans.
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