Results for 'Annemarie Stee'

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  1.  19
    Appels, peren en fruit.Annemarie van Stee - 2019 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 111 (3):433-452.
    Conceptual review as task analysis method Meta-analysis is a crucial research tool in cognitive neuroscience. For meta-analysis to succeed, it is important that studies that are grouped together investigate the same cognitive process and that studies that investigate different cognitive processes are grouped apart. After all, comparing apples and oranges makes no sense. Studies’ comparability depends on the cognitive tasks employed. Yet current meta-analyses, especially when automated (e.g. Neurosynth, BrainMap), select and group studies based on cognitive labels (e.g. ‘working memory’, (...)
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    Liefde en persoonlijke identiteit.Annemarie van Stee - 2015 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 107 (1):49-69.
    Love and personal identity. Everyday loves, ambiguous selves What we love matters for who we are. The idea may be self-evident, but how should it be understood exactly? One way is to conceptualize the formative influence of love on our identities in terms of ‘identification’: loving shapes who we are as we (volitionally) identify with the interests of the beloved and accept them as our own. Harry Frankfurt has fleshed out an influential identification-view along these lines. However, the identification-account is (...)
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    Faith in a Rational Age: A Dialogue with Climacus.Annemarie van Stee - 2014 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 19 (1):153-166.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook Jahrgang: 19 Heft: 1 Seiten: 153-166.
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    The Ethics of Counting Neural Activity as Proof.Annemarie van Stee & Marc Slors - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (1):15-16.
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    Kneeling at the Altar of Science: The Mistaken Path of Contemporary Religious Scientism. By Robert Bolger. Foreword by Richard Olson. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2012. xiii+ 160 pages. Softcover $20.00. [REVIEW]Annemarie Stee - 2013 - Zygon 48 (2):496-497.
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    Kneeling at the Altar of Science: The Mistaken Path of Contemporary Religious Scientism. By RobertBolger. Foreword by RichardOlson. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2012. xiii+ 160 pages. Softcover $20.00. [REVIEW]Annemarie Van Stee - 2013 - Zygon 48 (2):496-497.
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    The Effectiveness of Art Therapy for Anxiety in Adult Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Annemarie Abbing, Erik W. Baars, Leo de Sonneville, Anne S. Ponstein & Hanna Swaab - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  8. Examining Network Effects in an Argumentative Agent-Based Model of Scientific Inquiry.AnneMarie Borg, Daniel Frey, Dunja Šešelja & Christian Straßer - 2017 - In Alexandru Baltag, Jeremy Seligman & Tomoyuki Yamada, Logic, Rationality, and Interaction (LORI 2017, Sapporo, Japan). Springer. pp. 391--406.
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    Recasting Hume and Early Modern Philosophy: Selected Essays, by Paul Russell.Annemarie Butler - 2024 - Mind 133 (531):867-876.
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    Hume on Believing the Vulgar Fiction of Continued Existence.Annemarie Butler - forthcoming - History of Philosophy Quarterly.
  11.  29
    The emergence of temporal language in Nicaraguan Sign Language.Annemarie Kocab, Ann Senghas & Jesse Snedeker - 2016 - Cognition 156 (C):147-163.
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    Aproximaciones a un realismo fenomenológico: más allá de la correlación y de la neutralidad ontológica.Stee Hernández Cagua - 2024 - Revista Filosofía Uis 23 (1):96-115.
    Este artículo sostiene la tesis según la cual la fenomenología se puede comprometer con una ontología realista. El artículo da básicamente tres pasos para argumentar esto: (1) revisar los argumentos que sostienen la tesis de que la fenomenología al ser correlacionista está más próxima a un idealismo que a un realismo; (2) revisar los argumentos que sostienen que la fenomenología al ejecutar la epojé implica una neutralidad ontológica; y (3) construir argumentos que demuestren que la fenomenología es más cercana a (...)
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  13. Epistemic effects of scientific interaction: approaching the question with an argumentative agent-based model.AnneMarie Borg, Daniel Frey, Dunja Šešelja & Christian Straßer - 2018 - Historical Social Research 43 (1):285-309.
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    Theorien über die Verbindung von Poesie und Musik: Moses Mendelssohn.Annemarie Deditius - 1918 - Liegnitz: Druck von C. Seyffarth.
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  15. S. Kierkegaard - Inter-esse zwischen Theorie und Praxis.Annemarie Pieper - 1977 - Philosophische Rundschau 24:129.
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    Negatieve campagnevoering in de Nederlandse consensusdemocratie: de ontwikkelingen sinds Fortuyn.Annemarie S. Walter - 2010 - Res Publica 52 (3):293-314.
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    Anerkennung: eine philosophische Propädeutik ; Festschrift für Annemarie Pieper.Annemarie Pieper, Monika Hofmann-Riedinger & Urs Thurnherr - 2001
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    Empirical Philosophy and Eating in Theory.Annemarie Mol & Ada Jaarsma - 2023 - Symposium 27 (1):189-211.
    This interview, conducted over email, is an exchange between Annemarie Mol, a philosopher and Professor of Anthropology of the Body at the University of Amsterdam, and Ada Jaarsma, associate editor of Symposium. While the questions reflect Jaarsma’s interests in Mol’s account of “empirical philosophy” and its import for contemporary Continental philosophy, Mol’s responses raise questions, in turn, about how phrases like “Continental philosophy” betray geographical and canonical presumptions. Reflecting on the import of wonder, of reading, of intervening in philosophy’s (...)
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    When Cars Hit Trucks and Girls Hug Boys: The Effect of Animacy on Word Order in Gestural Language Creation.Annemarie Kocab, Hannah Lam & Jesse Snedeker - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (3):918-938.
    A well‐known typological observation is the dominance of subject‐initial word orders, SOV and SVO, across the world's languages. Recent findings from gestural language creation paradigms offer possible explanations for the prevalence of SOV. When asked to gesture transitive events with an animate agent and inanimate patient, gesturers tend to produce SOV order, regardless of their native language biases. Interestingly, when the patient is animate, gesturers shift away from SOV to use of other orders, like SVO and OSV. Two competing hypotheses (...)
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  20.  14
    Hypersequent-Based Argumentation: An Instantiation in the Relevance Logic RM.AnneMarie Borg, Ofer Arieli & Christian Straßer - 2018 - In E. Black, S. Modgil & N. Oren, Theory and Applications of Formal Argumentation. TAFA 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10757. Springer. pp. 17–34.
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    Just Laws, Unjust Laws, and Theo‐Moral Responsibility in Traditional and Contemporary Civil Rights Activism.AnneMarie Mingo - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (4):683-717.
    In his 1963 response to an open letter from eight white religious leaders chastising his involvement in Birmingham, Martin Luther King, Jr. explained that civil rights activists’ blatant breaking of some laws while obeying others was the result of two types of laws: just laws and unjust laws. Civil rights activists believed they had a legal responsibility to obey just laws and a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. Today, new civil rights struggles continue to challenge unjust laws that shred (...)
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  22. Theory-choice, transient diversity and the efficiency of scientific inquiry.AnneMarie Borg, Daniel Frey, Dunja Šešelja & Christian Straßer - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 9 (2):26.
    Recent studies of scientific interaction based on agent-based models suggest that a crucial factor conducive to efficient inquiry is what Zollman has dubbed ‘transient diversity’. It signifies a process in which a community engages in parallel exploration of rivaling theories lasting sufficiently long for the community to identify the best theory and to converge on it. But what exactly generates transient diversity? And is transient diversity a decisive factor when it comes to the efficiency of inquiry? In this paper we (...)
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  23. An Argumentative Agent-Based Model of Scientific Inquiry.AnneMarie Borg, Daniel Frey, Dunja Šešelja & Christian Straßer - 2017 - In Salem Benferhat, Karim Tabia & Moonis Ali, Advances in Artificial Intelligence: From Theory to Practice: 30th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, Iea/Aie 2017, Arras, France, June 27-30, 2017, Proceedings, Part I. Springer Verlag. pp. 507--510.
  24.  30
    F.W.J. Schelling, Über das Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit.Annemarie Pieper - 1995 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 58 (4):764-765.
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    Dit is geen programma: over empirische filosofie.Annemarie Mol - 2000 - Krisis: Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 1 (1):6-26.
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  26. An Anscombean Perspective on Habitual Action.Annemarie Kalis & Dawa Ometto - 2019 - Topoi 40 (3):637-648.
    Much of the time, human beings seem to rely on habits. Habits are learned behaviours directly elicited by context cues, and insensitive to short-term changes in goals: therefore they are sometimes irrational. But even where habitual responses are rational, it can seem as if they are nevertheless not done for reasons. For, on a common understanding of habitual behaviour, agents’ intentions do not play any role in the coming about of such responses. This paper discusses under what conditions we can (...)
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    Sorting Test, Tower Test, and BRIEF-SR do not predict school performance of healthy adolescents in preuniversity education.Annemarie Boschloo, Lydia Krabbendam, Aukje Aben, Renate de Groot & Jelle Jolles - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Beckett’s M.Annemarie Lawless - 2022 - Angelaki 27 (6):31-49.
    This essay explores the question of why M figures in the names of all of Beckett’s major characters. I connect M to the word murmuring, which proliferates in his work, and I claim that Beckett was influenced by a passage in Dante’s Purgatorio, in which each face in a group of penitents is inscribed with the letter M. With a rounded eye socket below each arch, the faces of the penitents spell omo or man. I argue that M stands for (...)
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    Language Trails: ‘Lekker’ and Its Pleasures.Annemarie Mol - 2014 - Theory, Culture and Society 31 (2-3):93-119.
    This is an article about bodily pleasures, words and some of the relations between them. It is a turn in a conversation between the author (‘me’) and Marilyn Strathern (‘Strathern’). It talks theory, but not in general. Instead, this theory gets situated in traditions; specified; in relation to concerns; and exemplified with stories to do with the term lekker. This article is in English, but lekker is not an English term. It is Dutch. The stories come from long-term field work (...)
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  30.  22
    Comments on Ainslie's Hume's True Scepticism.Annemarie Butler - 2019 - Hume Studies 45 (1):101-108.
    Donald C. Ainslie's Hume's True Scepticism is a wonderful book—clearly written and forcefully argued—and was deservedly honored with Journal of the History of Philosophy's Book Prize for 2016. The focus of the book is part four of the first Book of Hume's Treatise, "Of the sceptical and other systems of philosophy." Ainslie develops an interpretation that takes seriously Hume's psychological claims, using them to solve puzzles in Hume scholarship, including the extent of Hume's scepticism, the nature of his sceptical crisis, (...)
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    Ethical aspects of the current German law regarding opiate maintenance therapy.Annemarie Heberlein - 2014 - Ethik in der Medizin 26 (4):287-299.
    Obwohl die Substitutionsbehandlung nachweislich den Gesundheitszustand opiatabhängiger Patienten verbessern und die Beschaffungskriminalität reduzieren kann, bestehen enge gesetzliche Regelungen, die die Therapiefreiheit der behandelnden Ärzte stark begrenzen: So werden durch das Betäubungsmittelgesetz und die zugehörigen Verordnungen nicht nur das Behandlungsziel (Abstinenz) sondern auch notwendige Therapiebausteine definiert, die darauf ausgerichtet sind, die Therapietreue des Patienten zu kontrollieren. Deutsche Ärzte, die die strengen Auflagen nicht strikt befolgten, wurden zu Gefängnisstrafen verurteilt. Wie der Artikel zeigt, fördern die bestehenden Gesetze eine „kontrollierende“ statt einer motivierenden (...)
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    A Reply to the Message of Franz Werfel.Annemarie Hula - 1946 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 21 (2):349-352.
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    Die philosophische Personlichkeit des Antiochos von Askalon.Annemarie Lueder - 1940 - Gottingen,:
  34. Since for a long time we have had dealings with unbelievers...": Ramon Llull and the dialogue with Judaism and Islam.Annemarie C. Mayer - 2017 - In Lola Badia, Alexander Fidora, Ripoll Perelló & Maria Isabel, Actes del Congres d'Obertura de l'Any Llull: "En el setè centenari de Ramon Llull: el projecte missional i la pervivència de la devoció": Palma, 24-27 de novembre de 2015. Palma (Illes Balears): Universitat de les Illes Balears.
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  35. 'On the Concept of an Object of Pure Practical Reason'(Chapter of the Analytic of Practical Reason).Annemarie Pieper - 2009 - In Karl Ameriks, Kant's Moral and Legal Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  36. Karl Christian Planck, 1819-1880: Bibliographie.Annemarie Rayhrer - 1987 - Stuttgart: Württembergische Landesbibliothek. Edited by Karl Christian Planck.
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    Asad b. Mūsā: Kitāb az-zuhdAsad b. Musa: Kitab az-zuhd.Annemarie Schimmel & Raif Georges Khoury - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (4):809.
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    Intellectual Modernism of Shibli Nuʿmani: An Exposition of His Religious and Political IdeasIntellectual Modernism of Shibli Numani: An Exposition of His Religious and Political Ideas.Annemarie Schimmel & Mehr Afroz Murad - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (4):810.
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  39. No Intentions in the Brain: A Wittgensteinian Perspective on the Science of Intention.Annemarie Kalis - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  40.  20
    A Generalized Proof-Theoretic Approach to Logical Argumentation Based on Hypersequents.AnneMarie Borg, Christian Straßer & Ofer Arieli - 2020 - Studia Logica 109 (1):167-238.
    In this paper we introduce hypersequent-based frameworks for the modelling of defeasible reasoning by means of logic-based argumentation and the induced entailment relations. These structures are an extension of sequent-based argumentation frameworks, in which arguments and the attack relations among them are expressed not only by Gentzen-style sequents, but by more general expressions, called hypersequents. This generalization allows us to overcome some of the known weaknesses of logical argumentation frameworks and to prove several desirable properties of the entailments that are (...)
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  41. Hume’s Causal Reconstruction of the Perceptual Relativity Argument in Treatise 1.4.4.Annemarie Butler - 2009 - Dialogue 48 (1):77-101.
    ABSTRACT: In Treatise 1.4.4, on behalf of modern philosophers, Hume described a causal argument that shows that our impressions of secondary qualities do not resemble qualities of objects themselves. However, in their respective arguments, Hume’s philosophical predecessors did not argue causally, but appealed to contrary qualities. I argue that Hume’s presentation was not simply a “gratuitous” stylistic difference, but an important correction of his predecessors in light of his own philosophical discoveries. -/- RÉSUMÉ : Dans le Traité 1.4.4, Hume a (...)
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    Communicating public health during COVID-19, implications for vaccine rollout.Annemarie Naylor, Maeve Walsh, Josefine Magnusson & Peter S. Bloomfield - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    A large body of information and opinion related to COVID-19 is being shared via social media platforms. Recent reports have raised concerns about the reliability and verifiability of said information being disseminated and the way systems, processes and design of the platforms facilitates such spread. This, alongside other areas of concern, has resulted in several social media platforms taking steps towards tackling the spread of mis- and dis-information. Here we discuss approaches to online public health messaging from a range of (...)
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  43. Sun at Midnight. Despair and Trust in the Islamic Mystical Tradition.Annemarie Schimmel - 1994 - Diogenes 42 (165):1-25.
    In the Name of the One who has no Name,He who appears before you, how ever you call Him!How does Islamic theology and Koran exegesis, some of whose representatives set out to find the most modern developments, such as the atomic bomb, in the Koran, deal with the latest interpretations of quantum physics, of Heisenberg's uncertainty relation, and with the question of whether the sub-atomic world is made up of waves or particles? How does a theologian react to the notion (...)
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    Imagined Causes: Hume’s Conception of Objects by Stefanie Rocknak.Annemarie Butler - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (1):173-174.
  45.  10
    Development of a Generic Workshop Appraisal Scale (WASC) for Organizational Health Interventions and Evaluation.Annemarie Fridrich, Georg F. Bauer & Gregor J. Jenny - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Als ik eet verplaatst de wereld zich door mij.Annemarie Mol & Lisa Doeland - 2023 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 63 (2):6-15.
    Dit essay is een sterk ingekorte en bewerkte versie van het tweede hoofdstuk (“Being”) uit Eating in Theory (2021). Weggelaten zijn uitweidingen over de grenzen van het metabole lichaam, en het veldwerk uit klinische situaties waarin die grenzen op het spel staan. Hier ontbreken ook de vele voetnoten die in het origineel te vinden zijn, evenals de ‘zijlijn-tekst’, die kort een boek presenteert, te weten The meaning of whitemen: Race and modernity in the Orokaiva cultural world van Ira Bashkow. Dit (...)
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  47. Klant of zieke?: markttaal en de eigenheid van de gezondheidszorg.Annemarie Mol - 2004 - Krisis: Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 5:3-24.
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    ONE, TWO, THREE Cutting, Counting, and Eating.Annemarie Mol - 2011 - Common Knowledge 17 (1):111-116.
    This piece is a response to Marilyn Strathern's article, “Binary License,” in the Common Knowledge symposium on “comparative relativism.” Arguing that, across noncoherent practices, there is room for different natures, the essay suggests that modes of relating (the briefly invoked example given is of divergent counting practices) do not need a shared conceptual apparatus in order to be combined. What is held in the juxtaposition of acts and practices seems to be the sense in which acts are not affected by (...)
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  49. Wijsgerig onderzoek en het leven met verschillen.Annemarie Mol - 2005 - Krisis: Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 6 (2):7-12.
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    Waarom vertrouwen in zoiets rustgevends als settlement?Annemarie Mol - 2006 - Krisis 7 (2):51-52.
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