Results for 'Annelies Kleinherenbrink'

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  1.  49
    Pygmalion Displacement: When Humanising AI Dehumanises Women.Lelia Erscoi, Annelies Kleinherenbrink & Olivia Guest - manuscript
    We use the myth of Pygmalion as a lens to investigate and frame the relationship between women and artificial intelligence (AI). Pygmalion was a legendary ancient king of Cyprus and sculptor. Having been repulsed by women, he used his skills to create a statue, which was imbued with life by the goddess Aphrodite. This can be seen as one of the primordial AI-like myths, wherein humanity creates intelligent life-like self-images to reproduce or replace ourselves. In addition, the myth prefigures historical (...)
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    The audience as actor: the participation status of the audience at the victim hearings of the South African TRC.Annelies Verdoolaege - 2009 - Discourse Studies 11 (4):441-463.
    In this article Goffman's theories on participation framework and change in footing are applied to discursive material from the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The main finding is that a discursive setting such as the public hearings of a truth and reconciliation commission can be highly intricate and layered when considering the role of the various discourse participants. The testifying victims, the TRC commissioners and the audience engaged in various forms of subordinate communication — byplay, crossplay and sideplay — (...)
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    Insignienverlust – Insignienbesitz.Annelies Amberger - 2008 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 42 (1):189-228.
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    Dose-dependent laryngeal muscle evoked potentials as an indicator of effective vagus nerve stimulation.Grimonprez Annelies, Raedt Robrecht, Delbeke Jean, Vonck Kristl & Boon Paul - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  5.  27
    Fin de Siècle.Annelies Cousserier - forthcoming - de Uil van Minerva: Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis En Wijsbegeerte van de Cultuur.
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    Qualitative Theory and Communications Science.Annelies Schickenrieder - 1992 - Communications 17 (1):109-120.
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  7. Chapter Six Ancient Landscape in Roman Nikopolis: Reconstruction of Geomorphology and Vegetation in the Area of the Roman City of Nikopolis, Epirus, Greece.Annelies Lh Storme, Loes Jt Janssen, Sjoerd J. Klutving & Sjoerd Bohncke - 2007 - In Bart Ooghe & Geert Verhoeven, Broadening horizons: multidisciplinary approaches to landscape study. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
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  8. Experimental philosophy and intuitions on what is art and what is not.Annelies Monseré - unknown
    It is generally agreed upon that philosophers of art rely on their intuitions to justify or criticize proposed definitions of art. Experimental philosophers, however, have questioned the role of intuition in philosophy, since empirical research shows that philosophers’ intuitions are neither widely shared nor reliable sources of justification. This article aims to apply these experimental challenges to the project of defining art. It will be demonstrated that while experimentalists are right in claiming that philosophers' intuitions cannot be used as epistemic (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Non-Western Art and the Concept of Art: Can Cluster Theories of Art Account for the Universality of Art?Annelies Monseré - 2012 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 49 (2):148-165.
    This essay seeks to demonstrate that there are no compelling reasons to exclude non-Western artefacts from the domain of art. Any theory of art must therefore account for the universality of the concept of art. It cannot simply start from ‘our’ art traditions and extend these conceptions to other cultures, since this would imply cultural appropriation, nor can it resolve the matter simply by formulating separate criteria for non-Western art, since this would imply that there is no unity in the (...)
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  10.  32
    Recounting a Common Experience: On the Effectiveness of Instructing Eyewitness Pairs.Annelies Vredeveldt & Peter J. van Koppen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  11. Borderline Cases and the Project of Defining Art.Annelies Monseré - 2016 - Acta Analytica 31 (4):463-479.
    Most philosophers of art assume that there are three categories with regard to arthood, namely ‘art’, ‘artful’ and ‘non-art’ and that, therefore, a definition must be able to account for ‘artful items’, also called ‘borderline cases of art’. This article, however, defends the thesis that, since there is no agreement over which items fall under the category ‘artful’, the ability to account for borderline cases of art should not be used as a criterion for evaluating definitions of art. The defended (...)
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  12. Sensus communis as a foundation for men as political beings: Arendt’s reading of Kant’s Critique of Judgment.Annelies Degryse - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (3):345-358.
    In the literature on Hannah Arendt’s Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy, two sorts of claim have been made by different interpreters. First, there is Beiner’s observation that there is a shift in Arendt’s thoughts on judgment, which has led to the idea that Arendt develops two distinct theories of judgment. The second sort of claim concerns Arendt’s use of Kant’s transcendental principles. At its core, it has led to the critique that Arendt detranscendentalizes — or empiricalizes — Kant, by linking (...)
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  13.  96
    The Role of Intuitions in the Philosophy of Art.Annelies Monseré - 2015 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 58 (7-8):806-827.
    According to Herman Cappelen and Bernard Molyneux, it is widely assumed that intuitions are used as evidence for philosophical theories in all areas of philosophy. Philosophers’ self-image, however, is wrong. This wrong self-image, so they argue, has merely misled metaphilosophers, but has had no substantial implications for philosophical practices. This article examines the role of intuitions in the project of defining art. In accordance with Cappelen and Molyneux, I demonstrate that philosophers of art believe intuitions are used as evidence for (...)
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  14.  21
    “Our Ears Lived Their Own Lives”. The Auditory Experience in Breslau Autobiographical Literature during the ‘Third Reich’.Annelies Augustyns - 2020 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 11 (3).
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    À la recherche de la subjectivité dans les Problèmes d'Évrart de Conty: un commentateur juché sur les épaules d'Aristote.Annelies Bloem - 2006 - In Pieter de Leemans & Michèle Goyens, Aristotle's Problemata in different times and tongues. Leuven: Leuven University Press. pp. 1--245.
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  16.  30
    Corpus de langue des signes : situer les biais des méthodes d'annotation et d'analyse.Annelies Braffort, Emilie Chételat-Pelé & Jérémie Segouat - 2011 - Corpus 10 (10):25-40.
    Cet article propose un tour d’horizon de différents types de biais que l’on peut rencontrer dans les études basées sur l’annotation de corpus vidéo de langue des signes. En tâchant de situer objectivement les choix effectués et les biais potentiels à chaque étape, nous décrivons les méthodologies que nous avons mises en place dans trois études, portant respectivement sur la synchronisation des composantes corporelles, le mouvement des sourcils et les clignements des yeux, puis la coarticulation.
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    DK Heikes, Rationality and Feminist Philosophy.Annelies Decat - 2011 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 73 (2):407-409.
  18. The Sovereign and the Social.Annelies Degryse - 2008 - Ethical Perspectives 15 (2):239-258.
    In this article, I claim that Arendt understands Hobbes not only as the theoretical father of totalitarianism, but also of what Arendt calls ‘the social.’ I do so by first presenting her view on imperialism and the rise of the bourgeoisie as a general framework. Then, I focus on her reading of Hobbes’s Leviathan. Hobbes gives birth to a state that asks for absolute obedience, depriving all his subjects of political, or participation rights. This leads to Arendt’s understanding of sovereignty (...)
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  19. [no title].Annelies Lannoy - unknown
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    The Charge from Psychology and Art's Definition.Annelies Monseré - 2016 - Theoria 82 (3):256-273.
    This article argues that the so-called Charge from Psychology does not refute the project of defining art. The charge entails that the project is misguided because it falsely presupposes that the concept of art is classically structured. The charge is challenged by distinguishing philosophers’ normative from psychologists’ descriptive aims. Unlike what many philosophers of art themselves believe, defining art is a normative project, since proposed definitions formulate conditions under which the concept of art should be applied, rather than is applied. (...)
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  21.  43
    Incommensurable Aims in the Philosophy of Art.Annelies Monseré - unknown
    This article argues that philosophers of art wrongly aim for their definitions of art to be both descriptively and normatively adequate, for the method that is used to achieve both aims, namely the method of reflective equilibrium, is not applicable to the project of defining art. Therefore, in order to facilitate genuine debate regarding definitions of art, philosophers must abandon the method of reflective equilibrium and determine which approach, be it descriptive or normative, deems more appropriate.
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  22. Gender, property and power: Mahr and marriage in a Palestinian village.Annelies Moors - 1991 - In Kathy Davis, Monique Leijenaar & Jantine Oldersma, The Gender of power. Newbury Park: Sage Publications. pp. 111--128.
  23.  28
    Evaluating the aims and methods of defining art: a metaphilosophical investigation regarding the question 'what is art?'.Annelies Monseré - unknown
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  24.  69
    (1 other version)Why We Need a Theory of Art.Annelies Monseré - 2016 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 53 (2):165-183.
    In this article, I argue against Dominic McIver Lopes’s claim that nobody needs a theory of art. On the one hand, I will demonstrate that Lopes’s alternative to theories of art – namely, the buck-passing theory of art – is neither more viable nor more fruitful: it is likewise incapable of resolving disagreement over the status of certain artefacts and of being fruitful for the broader field of the arts. On the other hand, I will defend the view that we (...)
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  25. Subjectivity in a post-colonial symbolic: The anxiety of Joyce / Christine Van boheemen. Proust and subjectivity.Annelies Schulte Nordholt - 2000 - In Willem van Reijen & Willem G. Weststeijn, Subjectivity. Atlanta, GA: Rodopi.
  26. St Paul in the early 20th century history of religions. “The mystic of Tarsus” and the pagan mystery cults after the correspondence of Franz Cumont and Alfred Loisy.Annelies Lannoy - 2012 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 64 (3):222-239.
    Alfred Loisy (1857-1940), the excommunicated French modernist priest and historian of religions, and Franz Cumont (1868-1947), the Belgian historian of religions and expert in pagan mystery cults, conducted a lively correspondence in which they intensively exchanged ideas. One of their favorite subjects for discussion was the dependence of St Paul on the pagan mysteries. Loisy dealt with this early 20 th century moot point for Protestant, Catholic and non-religious scholars in his publications, while Cumont always remained silent. This study of (...)
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  27.  48
    Civilized spaces and extreme horrors. An interview with Saskia Sassen.Annelies Decat - 2012 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 15 (3):377-386.
    Saskia Sassen is an authority in the field of globalization studies, and has published widely on the political, economic and social dimensions of globalization, migration, global cities and new technologies. This interview explores how her work can contribute to political philosophy. In her most recent book, Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages (2008), she undercuts the common understanding of the nation-state as fading away. She demonstrates how globalization to a large extent takes place inside national institutions, thus transforming (...)
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  28.  33
    Introduction.Annelies Degryse - 2008 - Ethical Perspectives 15 (2):143-147.
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    Eye-closure increases children's memory accuracy for visual material.Serena Mastroberardino & Annelies Vredeveldt - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Overgang basis-secundair onderwijs vanuit ontwikkelingspsychologisch perspectief.Hilde Colpin, Annelies Somers & Karine Verschueren - 2008 - Nova et Vetera: Tijdschrift Voor Onderwijs en Opvoeding 85 (3):134-146.
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  31. Dopamine and impairment at the executive level.Trevor J. Crawford, Annelies Broerse & Jans Den Boer - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):678-679.
    Patients with schizophrenia have an impairment in the inhibition of reflexive saccades, as a consequence of a functional impairment of the prefrontal cortex, which has not yet been encapsulated in terms of a formal model. A number of novel and testable hypotheses can be generated from the framework proposed by Findlay & Walker that will stimulate further research. Their framework therefore marks an important step in the development of a comprehensive functional model of saccadic eye movements. Further advances will be (...)
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  32. Professional loving care and the bearable heaviness of being.Annelies van Heijst - 2008 - In Hilde Lindemann, Marian Verkerk & Margaret Urban Walker, Naturalized Bioethics: Toward Responsible Knowing and Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    A Temporal Map of Coaching.Tim Theeboom, Annelies E. M. Van Vianen & Bianca Beersma - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Can race really be erased? A pre-registered replication study.Wouter Voorspoels, Annelies Bartlema & Wolf Vanpaemel - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Between the Fiction and Me-Umwelten of Artists and Architects.Annelies de Smet, Isolde Vanhee & Esther Venrooij (eds.) - 2018 - Gent: Grafische Cel.
    What triggers the act of creating? What role do sensory cues, environmental factors, and interdisciplinary exchanges play in this? The semiotic theories of Jacob von Uexküll, a Baltic German biologist, served as an important starting point in addressing these questions. In 1934 he proposed the concept of the Umwelt as a means to assess the behaviour of humans and animals, their realm of experience, and capacity to act. An investigation into the complexity of these Umwelten, from the natural world to?inner (...)
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    Die Arier im Vorderen Orient.Albrecht Goetze & Annelies Kammenhuber - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (2):284.
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    Hippologia Hethitica.H. G. Güterbock, Annelies Kammenhuber & H. G. Guterbock - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (3):267.
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    A Marriage of Equals?Danny Praet & Annelies Bossu - 2015 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 159 (2):301-326.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Philologus Jahrgang: 159 Heft: 2 Seiten: 301-326.
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    The Disputed Charity of Catholic Nuns: Dualistic Spiritual Heritage as a Source of Affliction.Annelies van Heijst - 2013 - Feminist Theology 21 (2):155-172.
    In several European countries former pupils of Catholic nuns have made accusations of physical and emotional abuse. Feminist scholars have tended to perceive nuns as heroines because of their authority and their contribution to raising the social status of women. But there is also a darker side to convent education. Committees established by national governments have identified systemic factors leading to abuse in educational institutions. This article argues that these factors should include a feminist theological explanation: a dualistic, sacrificial spirituality (...)
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  40.  60
    Lost in medical treatment: doctoring with borders.Annelies van Heijst, Carlo J. W. Leget & Mieke Visser - 2012 - Clinical Ethics 7 (2):54-61.
  41.  10
    The Passion-Paradigm: The Religious Caring of 'The Poor Sisters of the Divine Child'.Annelies van Heijst - 1998 - European Journal of Women's Studies 5 (1):35-46.
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    Direct electrophysiological registration of phonological and semantic perception in the human subthalamic nucleus.De Letter Miet, Aerts Annelies, Vanhoutte Sarah, Van Borsel John, Raedt Robrecht, De Taeye Leen, Van Mierlo Pieter, Boon Paul, Van Roost Dirk & Santens Patrick - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  43.  51
    Sample survey on sensitive topics: Investigating respondents' understanding and trust in alternative versions of the randomized response technique.Annelies De Schrijver - 2012 - Journal of Research Practice 8 (1):Article - M1.
    In social science research, survey respondents hesitate to answer sensitive questions. This explains why traditional self-report surveys often suffer from high levels of non-response and dishonest answers. To overcome these problems, an adjusted questioning technique is necessary. This article examines one such adjusted questioning technique: the randomized response technique. However, in order to obtain reliable and valid data, respondents need to understand and trust this technique. Respondents' understanding and trust are assessed in two online variants of the randomized response technique: (...)
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    EEG Correlates of Learning From Speech Presented in Environmental Noise.Ehsan Eqlimi, Annelies Bockstael, Bert De Coensel, Marc Schönwiesner, Durk Talsma & Dick Botteldooren - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Botulinum toxin infiltrations for chronic migraine are efficacious and safe: the Bruges experience.Bergmans Bruno, Bruffaerts Rose, Verhalle Marie-Damienne, Verhoeven Kristof, Van Dycke Annelies & Deryck Olivier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  46.  19
    “Can You Deny Her That?” Processes of Governmentality and Socialization of Parents in Elite Women’s Gymnastics.Froukje Smits, Frank Jacobs & Annelies Knoppers - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Abusive practices in elite women’s artistic gymnastics have been the focus of discussions about how to eliminate or reduce them. Both coaches and parents have been named as key actors in bringing about change. Our focus is on parents and their ability to safeguard their daughters in WAG. Parents are not independent actors, however, but are part of a larger web consisting of an entanglement of emotions and technologies and rationalities used by staff, other parents, and athletes, bounded by skill (...)
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  47.  13
    Simply effective? The differential effects of solution-focused and problem-focused coaching questions in a self-coaching writing exercise.Lara Solms, Jessie Koen, Annelies E. M. van Vianen, Tim Theeboom, Bianca Beersma, Anne P. J. de Pagter & Matthijs de Hoog - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Coaching is a systematic and goal-oriented one-on-one intervention by a coach aimed to guide clients in their professional and personal development. Previous research on coaching has demonstrated effects on a number of positive outcomes, including well-being and performance, yet little is known about the processes that underlie these outcomes, such as the type of questions coaches use. Here, we focus on three different types of coaching questions, and aim to uncover their immediate and sustained effects for affect, self-efficacy, and goal-directed (...)
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  48.  22
    Daily Fluctuations in Smartphone Use, Psychological Detachment, and Work Engagement: The Role of Workplace Telepressure.Michelle Van Laethem, Annelies E. M. van Vianen & Daantje Derks - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  49.  25
    Optimal Experience in Adult Learning: Conception and Validation of the Flow in Education Scale.Jean Heutte, Fabien Fenouillet, Charles Martin-Krumm, Gary Gute, Annelies Raes, Deanne Gute, Rémi Bachelet & Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    While the formulation of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's theory of flow, including the experience dimensions, has remained stable since its introduction in 1975, its dedicated measurement tools, research methodologies, and fields of application, have evolved considerably. Among these, education stands out as one of the most active. In recent years, researchers have examined flow in the context of other theoretical constructs such as motivation. The resulting work in the field of education has led to the development of a new model for understanding (...)
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  50.  19
    Testing a Self-Compassion Intervention Among Job Seekers: Self-Compassion Beneficially Impacts Affect Through Reduced Self-Criticism.Loes M. Kreemers, Edwin A. J. van Hooft, Annelies E. M. van Vianen & Sophie C. M. de Zilwa - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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