Results for 'Anne Por'

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  1.  8
    Michael Friedman. A History of Folding in Mathematics: Mathematizing the Margins. xv + 419 pp., apps., bibl., index. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2018. €155 . ISBN 9783319724867. [REVIEW]Anne Por - 2019 - Isis 110 (3):577-578.
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    Do Sobrenatural Na Poesia.Ann Radcliffe & Marcos Balieiro - 2019 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 11 (31).
    Ann Radcliffe foi uma autora de extrema importância para a literatura britânica da virada do século XVIII para o XIX. Como se sabe, foi a autora mais bem paga da década de 1790. Os Mistérios de Udolpho, seu romance mais conhecido, foi dos mais influentes no que diz respeito à ficção gótica. Isso fica evidente, por exemplo, quando observamos que Jane Austen o coloca em destaque em boa parte da trama de seu Abadia de Northanger, de maneira que se pode (...)
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    El espacio subalterno de Xanenetla y Xonaca: estudios sobre la identidad urbana postcolonial en Puebla, México.Anne Kristiina Kurjenoja & María Emilia Ismael Simental - 2013 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 2 (1).
    El pensamiento moderno y sus sistemas urbano-arquitectónicos de un “determinismo ontológico” tenían como propósito promover contextos habitables de formas unificadas, basados en sistemas geométricos de organización de espacios y agrupación de funciones similares a través de sistemas de zonificación de funciones. La resultante ciudad moderna ignoró intencionalmente otras urbanidades y maneras subalternas de concebir espacios habitables (Bachelard, 1969: 212, 215) por contrariar el proyecto de organización económica y política que la ha sustentado. Lo que hoy en día estamos viviendo en (...)
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    Contextualism and the role of contextual frames.Anne Bezuidenhout - 2009 - Manuscrito 32 (1):59-84.
    Some part of the debate between minimalists and contextualists can be construed as merely terminological and can be resolved by agreeing to a certain division of labor. Minimalist claims are to be understood as claims about what is needed for adequate formal compositional semantic models of language understood in abstraction from real conversational contexts. Contextualist claims are ones about how language users produce and understand utterances by manipulating features of the psychological and discourse contexts of the conversational participants in real (...)
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    Moisés y los magos según Buenaventura, Pedro Abelardo y Algazel.Thérèse-Anne Druart - 2015 - Anuario Filosófico:141-158.
    En la Biblia los magos pudieron replicar la hazaña de Aarón al transformar su cayado en una serpiente. Buenaventura sostiene que las serpientes no fueron producidas como el efecto de una intervención divina directa. Pedro Abelardo afi rma que esta historia muestra que no sabemos a ciencia cierta cómo distinguir los milagros de los acontecimientos mágicos. Por otro lado, en el Corán los magos no consiguen realmente replicar la hazaña de Moisés: solamente producen serpientes falsas. Por ello, Algazel prefi ere (...)
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    La oligarquía y el establecimiento como constructos históricos sociológicos.Anne Marie Zwerg-Villegas - 2012 - Aposta 55:1.
    Colombia padece la imagen de que, desde sus inicios como colonia española hasta el presente, el país ha sido controlado por la oligarquía. Este ensayo examinará las evidencias que apuntan a esta alegación y confirmará que en sus inicios la Nación sí fue dominado por un grupo élite y reducido. Sin embargo, en años modernos, la oligarquía persiste pero que un grupo más extendido--una para-oligarquía o el Establecimiento--tiene mayor incidencia en las determinaciones en el progreso del país a través de (...)
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  7. Justicia divina y jerarquía: la naturaleza humana en Anne Conway”.Natalia Strok - 2021 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 54 (1):193-210.
    Anne Finch Conway es una de las filósofas del siglo XVII que discutió con los filósofos destacados de su época. La única obra con la que contamos de esta autora es Principia Philosophiae Anticissimae et Recentissimae o The Principle of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy. En este artículo me propongo dar cuenta del rol que la naturaleza humana tiene en su metafísica, de modo de encontrar un lugar más específico para el dolor y el sufrimiento en un mundo (...)
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  8.  17
    Anne Foerst. El encuentro entre teología e inteligencia artificial.Francisco J. Génova - 2017 - Salmanticensis 64 (3):313-338.
    La inteligencia artificial ha llegado para quedarse, nos rodea y se hace presente en nuestros trabajos, nuestros hogares y en nuestras relaciones personales. El futuro de la humanidad va a ser modelado por las tecnologías emergentes, entre las cuales la IA es un punto de convergencia privilegiado de todos los desafíos que la tecnología de nuestro mundo le presenta a la teología. Una teóloga que ha aceptado este desafío es Anne Foerst. Ella ha planteado la cuestión de si en (...)
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    Germánico en Egipto (Tac. ann. 2.60-61) : Tácito, Heródoto y la escenografía de la certeza en la historiografía antigua.Juan Ramón Ballesteros-Sánchez - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (54).
    El texto propone una nueva interpretación para la descripción que realiza Tácito ( _Ann_. 2.60-61) del viaje por Egipto de Germánico (19 d. C.). El autor establece paralelos de este texto con las _Historias_ de Heródoto para definir una intención teórica en el mismo. Tácito utiliza este episodio egipcio para reflexionar sobre los métodos y las posibilidades de alcanzar certezas por medio del discurso histórico.
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    problema do amor e da dist'ncia em Anne Carson.Rafael Saldanha - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 66 (1):e38535.
    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar a rearticulação do problema do amor na obra da classicista e poeta Anne Carson. Em seu livro Eros, the bittersweet, Carson realiza uma reconstrução do problema do amor na tradição helênica. A operação, porém, não se restringe a uma mera reconstrução histórica, visto que as elaborações conceituais da autora acabam pondo o problema do amor como um tipo de situação que tem sua força justamente na transcendência das condições particulares. Analisaremos, portanto, como (...)
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    Memoria, género y activismo. Resistencia a la dictadura y lucha por el aborto legal.Elizabeth Jelin & Barbara Sutton - 2021 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 11 (22):e099.
    El 26 de marzo de 2021 se realizó el panel virtual “Memoria, género y activismo. Resistencia a la dictadura y lucha por el aborto legal”. El evento fue organizado por Emilio Crenzel y Daniele Salerno en el marco del proyecto MEMORIGHTS - Memoria Cultural en el Activismo LGBT, con sede en la Universidad de Utrecht y en la Universidad de Buenos Aires, desarrollado dentro del programa Marie Sklodowska-Curie de la Unión Europea. El panel contó también con la colaboración del proyecto (...)
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  12. “Eu acho que você está um pouco apaixonada por mim”: desejo, sexualidade e colonialidade de gênero em Gentleman Jack.Danni Conegatti - 2025 - Trans/Form/Ação 48 (2):e025004.
    This paper discusses gender, sexuality and race through the analysis of Ann Walker, who is a character in the Tv show Gentleman Jack (2019). It aims to focus on the encounter and on the latent desire between Ann and the series’ protagonist to then explore the tensions and established pacts within the limits of femininity, heterossexuality and whiteness, through an elusive gaze to the paranoid reading. Therefore, desire emerges as a theoretical-analytical category by the writings of Deleuze and Guattari (1997; (...)
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  13. Políticas de la definición de lo humano: más allá de un problema de igualdad.Enver Joel Torregroza Lara - 2024 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 13 (1):31-39.
    Anne Phillips argues that definitions of the human are a trap for the political claims to equality contained in humanitarianism or human rights discourse. However, defining the human also hides the ontological and political problem addressed by the Philosophical Anthropology. There is an ethical and political stake in the philosophical anthropology of the last century when it insists on the indefinability of the human. With this, it criticizes the politics implicit in the definition of the human. And also, it (...)
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    Dossiê estética.Marcos Balieiro - 2019 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 11 (31).
    Ann Radcliffe foi uma autora de extrema importância para a literatura britânica da virada do século XVIII para o XIX. Como se sabe, foi a autora mais bem paga da década de 1790. Os Mistérios de Udolpho, seu romance mais conhecido, foi dos mais influentes no que diz respeito à ficção gótica. Isso fica evidente, por exemplo, quando observamos que Jane Austen o coloca em destaque em boa parte da trama de seu Abadia de Northanger, de maneira que se pode (...)
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    Extraction from subjects: Differences in acceptability depend on the discourse function of the construction.Anne Abeillé, Barbara Hemforth, Elodie Winckel & Edward Gibson - 2020 - Cognition 204 (C):104293.
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    Métodos de traducción chino-español de poesías de Li Bai.Tong Wu - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):1-13.
    Li Bai es un poeta chino relevante en toda la historia de la poesía china, y actualmente emergen numerosas traducciones sobre sus poesías clásicas, entre ellos, destacan especialmente las traducciones de Chen Guojian y Anne-Hélène Suárez Girard. Son escasas las investigaciones que se han dedicado a la comparación de sus versiones de traducción, y se trata de un enfoque relevante para aprender los métodos recurridos diferentes por traductores de ambos países y ha sido una importante inspiración para los traductores (...)
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  17. Feature binding, attention and object perception.Anne Treisman - 1998 - Phil Trans R. Soc London B 353:1295-1306.
  18. Standard issue scoring manual.Anne Colby - 1987 - In The measurement of moral judgment. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Divided Loyalties: Dilemmas of Sex and Class.Anne Phillips - 1987 - Virago Press.
  20. La música: extracto de los cursos de Éstetica impartidos en Berlín en 1828/29, según el manuscrito de Karol Libelt.Georg Wihelm Friedrich Hegel - 1996 - Anuario Filosófico 29 (54):195-232.
    Texto establecido por Anne Marie Gethmann-Siefert. Traducción de Yolanda Espiña. Presentación y notas de Alain Olivier.
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    Family Feuds: Gender, Nationalism and the Family1.Anne McClintock - 1993 - Feminist Review 44 (1):61-80.
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    Caring or Not Caring for Coworkers? An Empirical Exploration of the Dilemma of Care Allocation in the Workplace.Anne Antoni, Juliane Reinecke & Marianna Fotaki - 2020 - Business Ethics Quarterly 30 (4):447-485.
    ABSTRACTOrganization and management researchers praise the value of care in the workplace. However, they overlook the conflict between caring for work and for coworkers, which resonates with the dilemma of care allocation highlighted by ethicists of care. Through an in-depth qualitative study of two organizations, we examine how this dilemma is confronted in everyday organizational life. We draw on the concept of boundary work to explain how employees negotiate the boundary of their caring responsibilities in ways that grants or denies (...)
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  23.  52
    Heredity, environment, and the question "how?".Anne Anastasi - 1958 - Psychological Review 65 (4):197-208.
  24.  39
    Feature analysis in early vision: Evidence from search asymmetries.Anne Treisman & Stephen Gormican - 1988 - Psychological Review 95 (1):15-48.
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  25. Language processing and working memory: A developmental perspective.Anne-Marie Adams & Catherine Willis - 2001 - In Jackie Andrade (ed.), Working Memory in Perspective. Psychology Press. pp. 79--100.
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  26. Virginia Tilden.Anne Davis Ad - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (3).
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  27. Writing on the World: Simonides, Exactitude, and Paul Celan.Anne Carson - 1997 - Arion 4 (2).
  28. Feminism and republicanism: Is this a plausible alliance?Anne Phillips - 2000 - Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (2):279–293.
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    Paul Grobstein (Associate Editor, JRP, 2005-2011).Anne Dalke & J. R. P. Editors - 2011 - Journal of Research Practice 7 (1).
    Paul Grobstein, Eleanor A. Bliss Professor of Biology at Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania, USA passed away Tuesday, June 28, 2011. Since Paul came to Bryn Mawr in 1986, he taught courses ranging from "Introductory Biology" and "Philosophy of Science" to "Evolution of Stories" and "The Brain and Education." Paul founded the Summer Institutes for K-12 Teachers, which brought hundreds of local educators to campus to consider new ways of teaching science and math. He served as chair of the Biology Department (...)
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  30. Haben menschliche Embryonen eine Disposition zur Personalität?Anne Sophie Meincke - 2018 - In Markus Rothhaar, Martin Hähnel & Roland Kipke (eds.), Der manipulierbare Embryo. Brill Mentis. pp. 147-171.
    Do human embryos have a disposition to personhood? This has been argued within recent attempts to reformulate the classical argument from potentiality for the protection of human embryos with the help of the concept of disposition. In this paper, I analyse the central ontological premise of this new approach and show that any hopes of rehabilitating in dispositionalist terms the idea of a potential to personhood inherent in human embryos are mistaken. The dispositionalist version of the potentiality argument navigates in (...)
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  31. Self-Regulation in Informal Workplace Learning: Influence of Organizational Learning Culture and Job Characteristics.Anne F. D. Kittel, Rebecca A. C. Kunz & Tina Seufert - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The digital shift leads to increasing changes. Employees can deal with changes through informal learning that enables needs-based development. For successful informal learning, self-regulated learning is crucial, i.e., to set goals, plan, apply strategies, monitor, and regulate learning for example by applying resource strategies. However, existing SRL models all refer to formal learning settings. Because informal learning differs from formal learning, this study investigates whether SRL models can be transferred from formal learning environments into informal work settings. More precisely, are (...)
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  32. Des électrodes pour une âme fantôme: l'anatomie animée de Duchenne de Boulogne.Anne Marie Drouin Hans - 2010 - Ludus Vitalis 18 (33):89-122.
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  33. English Wycliffite Sermons: Volume Iii.Anne Hudson (ed.) - 1990 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This third volume completes the text of the cycle of 294 English Wycliffite sermons; the first two volumes appeared in 1983 and 1987 respectively. The 120 sermons here were intended to provide material for all the weekday occasions for which the Sarum rite offers a separate gospel reading; such complete coverage of ferial days is unparalleled in English medieval homiliaries, and seems unknown elsewhere in contemporary European cycles of sermons. The introduction to the present book, which is intended to be (...)
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    Stretching the imagination: the ministry of the school in preparing young people for leadership roles.[The Australian Catholic schooling system has effectively raised the educational and economic standards of the Catholic community from the ranks of the working class into the middle class].Anne Hunt - 1998 - The Australasian Catholic Record 75 (4):383.
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  35. Language Learning From Positive Evidence, Reconsidered: A Simplicity-Based Approach.Anne S. Hsu, Nick Chater & Paul Vitányi - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (1):35-55.
    Children learn their native language by exposure to their linguistic and communicative environment, but apparently without requiring that their mistakes be corrected. Such learning from “positive evidence” has been viewed as raising “logical” problems for language acquisition. In particular, without correction, how is the child to recover from conjecturing an over-general grammar, which will be consistent with any sentence that the child hears? There have been many proposals concerning how this “logical problem” can be dissolved. In this study, we review (...)
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    Ethical Sensibilities for Practicing Care in Management and Organization Research.Anne Antoni & Haley Beer - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (2):279-294.
    Management and organization researchers are being called to conduct research that is more caring, yet the concept of care and how to practice it within the profession is undertheorized. Adopting a feminist epistemology and methodology, we develop the concept of care by weaving the personal, ethical, and political into the research process. First, we reflect critically on how aspects of care—attentiveness, responsibility, competence, and responsiveness (Tronto, Moral boundaries: a political argument for an ethic of care, Routledge, 1993; Tronto, Caring democracy: (...)
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    Is verbal communication a purely preservative process?Anne Bezuidenhout - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (2):261-288.
    In a recent paper titled “Content Preservation”, Tyler Burge argues that certain psychological processes play a purely preservative role, and not a justificatory role. Burge’s claim is that the justificatory force of the beliefs sustained by these processes is independent of features of these processes, such as their reliability. The function of these psychological processes is merely to preserve the beliefs in order to “assure the proper working of other cognitive capacities over time”. In particular, Burge claims that the memory (...)
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    Values in geography.Anne Buttimer - 1974 - Washington,: Association of American Geographers.
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    Technology and Community College Faculty.Anne-Marie McCartan - 1999 - Inquiry (ERIC) 4 (1):45-53.
  40. Körper oder Organismus? Eric T. Olsons Cartesianismusvorwurf gegen das Körperkriterium transtemporaler personaler Identität.Anne Sophie Meincke - 2010 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 117 (1):88-120.
    Eric Olson distinguishes his animalistic account of transtemporal personal identity from the apparently similar Bodily Criterion, among other things, by accusing the latter of being contaminated with Cartesian implications owing to its usage of the term ‚body‘. In contrast, Olson argues, Animalism is able to avoid these implications by substituting the concept of body for the concept of organism, which makes Animalism not only a distinct position, but also the better alternative to the Bodily Criterion. The paper critically reconstructs Olson’s (...)
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    La vision chez Platon et Aristote.Anne Merker - 2003 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
  42. Interview: Edward Said: Orientalism and After.Anne Beezer, Peter Osborne & Edward Said - 1993 - Radical Philosophy 63.
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  43. Verantwortung für die Umwelt. Das Beispiel der kirchlichen Umweltbeauftragten.Anne Friederike Hoffmann - 2019 - In Christian Albrecht & Reiner Anselm (eds.), Aus Verantwortung: der Protestantismus in den Arenen des Politischen. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
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  44. Le syncrétisme ésotérique de Meyrink. Le Golem et l'Ange à la fenêtre d'Occident.Anne-Marie Baranowski - 2001 - Iris 22:135-158.
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  45. Transformation of medical care through gene therapy and human rights to life and health -balancing risks and benefits.Anne Kjersti Befring - 2023 - In Santa Slokenberga, Timo Minssen & Ana Nordberg (eds.), Governing, protecting, and regulating the future of genome editing: the significance of ELSPI perspectives. Boston: Brill/Nijhoff.
  46. Ethical aspects of cloning techniques.Anne McLaren, M. Mikkelsen, L. Archer, O. Quintana, S. Rodota, E. Schroten, D. Mieth, G. Hottois & N. Lenoir - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (6):349-352.
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  47. The Revival of Virtue Ethics.Anne Baril & Allan Hazlett - 2019 - In Iain Thomson & Kelly Becker (eds.), Cambridge History of Philosophy 1946-2010. Cambridge. pp. 223-236.
    In the second half of the twentieth century, an influential strain of ethical thinking conceptualized itself as a revival of an ancient ethical tradition, as against modern moral philosophy, and in particular as a recovery of two central ethical concepts: virtue and eudaimonia. This revival paved the way for virtue ethics to be regarded as one of the “big three” approaches in ethics, alongside deontological and consequentialist approaches. Early developments of virtue ethics were eudaimonist, harking back to ancient Greek philosophers, (...)
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    Approches culturelles des savoirs juridiques.Anne-Sophie Chambost & Frédéric Audren (eds.) - 2020 - Paris La Défense: LGDJ.
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    Les centres de la petite enfance : soutien aux parents travailleurs ou lieu d’intervention auprès des familles?Anne Deret - 2001 - Éthique Publique 3 (1).
    La participation de l’État québécois aux services de garde, tant sur la plan du financement que de l’orientation éducative depuis les nouvelles dispositions de la politique familiale de 1997, est marquée par une orientation de plus en plus importante vers la prévention et l’intervention auprès des familles. Cet article rappelle comment cette orientation a pris place progressivement depuis les années 1970 dans les garderies du Québec et montre le rôle de plus en plus important de l’État dans les services de (...)
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  50. Le rythme musical: À la jointure de l'intérieur et de l'extérieur.Anne-Claire Desesquelles - 2003 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 21:171-192.
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