Results for 'Anna Niccolo'

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  1.  20
    Confidence, advice seeking and changes of mind in decision making.Niccolò Pescetelli, Anna-Katharina Hauperich & Nick Yeung - 2021 - Cognition 215 (C):104810.
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    Anna de Pace. Niccolò Copernico e la fondazione del cosmo eliocentrico: Con testo, traduzione e commentario del Libro I de Le revoluzioni celesti. 450 pp., illus., bibl., index. Milan: Bruno Mondadori, 2009. €32. [REVIEW]André Goddu - 2011 - Isis 102 (3):559-560.
  3. (1 other version)Inner Acquaintance Theories of Consciousness.Anna Giustina - 2024 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind 4.
    Most recent philosophical theories of consciousness account for it in terms of representation, the bulk of the debate revolving around whether (suitably) representing something is sufficient for consciousness (as per first-order representationalism) or some further (meta-)representation is needed (as per higher-order representationalism and self-representationalism). In this paper, I explore an alternative theory of consciousness, one that aims to explain consciousness not in terms of representation but in terms of the epistemically and metaphysically direct relation of acquaintance. I call this the (...)
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  4. (1 other version)Development of organizational trust among employees from a contextual perspective.Anna-Maija Lämsä & Raminta Pučėtaitė - 2006 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 15 (2):130-141.
  5.  24
    Healing online? Social anxiety and emotion regulation in pandemic experience.Anna Bortolan - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (5).
    During the pandemic of Covid-19, internet-based communication became for many the primary, or only, means of interaction with others, and it has been argued that this had a host of negative effects on emotional and mental health. However, some people with a lived experience of mental ill-health also perceived improvements to their wellbeing during the period in which social activities were moved online. In this paper, I explore the possibility that some of these improvements are due to the partial “disembodiment” (...)
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  6. Digital and Technological Identities – In Whose Image? A philosophical-theological approach to identity construction in social media and technology.Anna Puzio - 2021 - Cursor.
    New technological developments have fundamentally transformed human life. Throughout this process, fundamental questions about human beings have once again been posed. The paper examines how technological change affects understandings of human beings and their bodies, thereby requiring new approaches to anthropology. First, Section 2 illustrates how the use of technology has changed the understanding of human beings and their bodies. A new connection between the human being or the body and technology has emerged. Section 3 then moves onto considering the (...)
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  7. Personen als Informationsbündel? Informationsethische Perspektiven auf den Gesundheitsbereich.Anna Puzio & Alexander Filipovic - 2021 - In Anna Puzio & Alexander Filipovic (eds.), Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion. Anthropologische und ethische Herausforderungen neuer Entwicklungen im Gesundheitsbereich. Freiburg: Herder.
    Die folgende Untersuchung nimmt eine informationsethische und anthropologische Perspektive ein und legt einen Schwerpunkt auf die Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) im Gesundheitsbereich. Zunächst beschreiben und problematisieren wir das Feld der Informationsethik, das im Wesentlichen heute als Ethik von umfassenden, digitalen Computersystemen als informationsprozessierenden Maschinen verstanden wird (Kap. 2). Im zweiten, anthropologischen Schritt untersuchen wir, wie informationelle Gesundheitstechnologien das menschliche Selbstverständnis beeinflussen (Kap. 3). Dies leitet über zur ethischen Fragestellung, die Überwachung, Kontrolle und Autonomie als Brennpunkte des Gesundheitsbereichs fokussiert (Kap. 4). (...)
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    Cognitive effects of language on human navigation.Elizabeth S. Spelke Anna Shusterman, Sang Ah Lee - 2011 - Cognition 120 (2):186.
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    The erosion of academic freedom in UK higher education.Anna Traianou - 2016 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 15 (1):39-47.
  10.  41
    Episiotomies and the ethics of consent during labour and birth: thinking beyond the existing consent framework.Anna Nelson & Beverley Clough - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (9):622-623.
    We agree with van der Pijl et al that the question of how to ensure consent is obtained for procedures which occur during labour and childbirth is vitally important, and worthy of greater attention.1 However, we argue that the modified opt-out approach to consent outlined in their paper may not do enough to protect the choice and agency of birthing people. Moreover, while their approach reflects a pragmatic attempt to facilitate legal clarity and certainty in this context, this is not (...)
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  11. Semiotyka ikony Pawła Florenskiego i Borysa Uspienskiego. Pomiędzy snem a jawą.Anna Wolińska - 2004 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 24:254.
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  12. Działania polskiego środowiska psychologii humanistycznej.Anna Wyka - 1987 - Colloquia Communia 30 (1-2):197-220.
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  13. Lévinas en Russie: une philosophie inattendue, dérangeante, incontournable.Anna Yampolskaya - 2008 - Cahiers d'Études Lévinassiennes 7.
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  14. Zeig mir deine Technik und ich sag dir, wer du bist? Was Technikanthropologie ist und warum wir sie dringend brauchen.Anna Puzio - 2023 - In Mensch und Maschine im Zeitalter "Künstlicher Intelligenz".
    Puzio, Anna: Zeig mir deine Technik und ich sag dir, wer du bist? Was Technikanthropologie ist und warum wir sie dringend brauchen. In: Diebel-Fischer, Hermann/Kunkel, Nicole/Zeyher-Quattlender, Julian (Hg.): Mensch und Maschine im Zeitalter "Künstlicher Intelligenz". Theologisch-ethische Herausforderungen. LIT 2023. -/- Abstract: Der Aufsatz untersucht das vielschichtige Verhältnis von Mensch und Technik und plädiert für eine Technikanthropologie. Wie schon Gernot Böhme für die Technikphilosophie diagnostiziert hat, gibt es die Technikanthropologie „faktisch [ . . . ] nämlich mit einschlägigen Publikationen, Curricula (...)
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    Animal Rights: A New Vista.Anna Jedynak - 2024 - Etyka 59 (1-2):103-121.
    The debate on animal rights has been influenced by changes in science, philosophy, nature, and social life over the last 40 years. These include (1) increased moral sensibility that gradually embraces creatures which are more and more distant from those closest to us; (2) environmental threats and their connection with people’s attitude towards animals; (3) scientific discoveries in the field of ethology and animal emotionality, which indicate evolutionary roots of morality; (4) new philosophical concepts (embodied, embedded, enactive and extended mind, (...)
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  16. Moral Principles: A Challenge for Deniers of Moral Luck.Anna Nyman - 2024 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11 (7).
    On a common characterization, moral luck occurs when factors beyond agents’ control affect their moral responsibility. The existence of moral luck is widely contested, however. In this paper, I present a new challenge for deniers of moral luck. It seems that some factors beyond agents’ control—such as moral principles about blame- and praiseworthiness—clearly affect moral responsibility. Thus, moral luck deniers face a dialectical burden that has so far gone unnoticed. They must either point to a relevant difference between factors like (...)
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  17. Theology Meets AI: Examining Perspectives, Tasks, and Theses on the Intersection of Technology and Religion.Anna Puzio - 2023 - In Anna Puzio, Nicole Kunkel & Hendrik Klinge (eds.), Alexa, wie hast du's mit der Religion? Theologische Zugänge zu Technik und Künstlicher Intelligenz. Darmstadt: Wbg.
    Artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, virtual and augmented reality, (semi-)autonomous ve- hicles, autoregulatory weapon systems, enhancement, reproductive technologies and human- oid robotics – these technologies (and many others) are no longer speculative visions of the future; they have already found their way into our lives or are on the verge of a breakthrough. These rapid technological developments awaken a need for orientation: what distinguishes hu- man from machine and human intelligence from artificial intelligence, how far should the body be allowed to (...)
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  18. Zwischen Ent-und Begrenzung – Anthropologische und ethische Perspektiven auf die Grenzen des Menschen im Transhumanismus.Anna Puzio - 2020 - In Grenzgänge der Ethik. Münster: Aschendorff.
    Der vorliegende Aufsatz beleuchtet den Umgang des Transhumanismus mit den menschlichen Grenzen und zieht daraus Konsequenzen für eine Anthropologie und Ethik im 21. Jahrhundert. Nach einer kurzen Einführung in die transhumanistische Bewegung im ersten Kapitel werden im zweiten Kapitel die Themen und Technologien des Transhumanismus skizziert, die immer auch Versuche der Grenzüberschreitung sind. Dabei wird ebenfalls auf die mit dem Transhumanismus verwandte Bewegung des technologischen Posthumanismus eingegangen. Anschließend werden im dritten Kapitel die anthropologischen Annahmen, die mit den transhumanistischen Visionen verbunden (...)
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  19. The Science of Well-Being.Anna Alexandrova - 2015 - In Guy Fletcher (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Well-Being. New York,: Routledge. pp. 389-401.
  20. Robot Theology: On Theological Engagement with Robotics and Religious Robots.Anna Puzio - 2023 - In Anna Puzio, Nicole Kunkel & Hendrik Klinge (eds.), Alexa, wie hast du's mit der Religion? Theologische Zugänge zu Technik und Künstlicher Intelligenz. Darmstadt: Wbg. pp. 95–113.
    As robots increasingly find their way into the various spheres of human life, the question of religious robots becomes relevant. This article examines from a Catholic-Christian theological perspective whether robots can be used for religious purposes, and it asks how this may be done and what issues are important to consider. In addition, the study contributes to research on the theological engagement with robotics. It is argued that the use of religious robotics dif- fers significantly depending on the specific religion. (...)
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    Patient autonomy and choice in healthcare: self-testing devices as a case in point.Anna-Marie Greaney, Dónal P. O’Mathúna & P. Anne Scott - 2012 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 15 (4):383-395.
    This paper aims to critique the phenomenon of advanced patient autonomy and choice in healthcare within the specific context of self-testing devices. A growing number of self-testing medical devices are currently available for home use. The premise underpinning many of these devices is that they assist individuals to be more autonomous in the assessment and management of their health. Increased patient autonomy is assumed to be a good thing. We take issue with this assumption and argue that self-testing provides a (...)
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  22. Die Helden und Monster in uns – ein technikphilosophischer Blick auf "Iron Man" und die "Avengers".Anna Puzio - 2019 - Zem::Dg.
    „Ich bin Iron Man.“ Mit diesem Satz bekennt sich Tony Stark, genialer Technik-Erfinder und Leiter von „Stark Industries“, zu seiner neuen High-Tech-Rüstung: ein fliegendes Roboter-Exoskelett, das ihm übernatürliche Fähigkeiten verleiht. Dieses Pressestatement wird zum Auftakt der Iron Man-Identität. Doch was hat es mit Iron Man eigentlich auf sich? Was verraten die Action- und Science-Fiction-Filmreihen „Iron Man“ (2008–2013) und „The Avengers“ (2012–2018) über uns selbst? -/- Puzio, Anna: Die Helden und Monster in uns – ein technikphilosophischer Blick auf "Iron Man" (...)
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  23. Menschsein in einer technisierten Welt. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf den Menschen im Zeichen der digitalen Transformation.Anna Puzio, Carolin Rutzmoser & Eva-Maria Endres (eds.) - 2022 - Wiesbaden: Springer.
    Digitalisierung und technologischer Fortschritt verändern das menschliche Selbstverständnis. Während sich der Mensch in Abgrenzung zu Tier und Natur als kultiviertes und autonom handelndes Wesen definiert, steht er angesichts der zunehmenden Technologisierung nun vor der Frage: Was bedeutet Menschsein vor dem Hintergrund der neuen Technologien? Wie verändern sich die menschliche Lebenswelt, Verantwortungsstrukturen und Identitätskonzepte? Was können Menschen, was Technologien nicht können? Was macht den Menschen aus und wo wird er in Frage gestellt? Der Band bietet einen umfassenden Blick auf diese Fragestellungen. (...)
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  24. Der berechenbare Mensch im Transhumanismus. Der eurowissenschaftliche Diskurs in der transhumanistischen Anthropologie als philosophisch-theologische Herausforderung.Anna Puzio - 2022 - In Anna Puzio, Carolin Rutzmoser & Eva-Maria Endres (eds.), Menschsein in einer technisierten Welt. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf den Menschen im Zeichen der digitalen Transformation. Wiesbaden: Springer.
    Durch die vielfältigen technologischen Entwicklungen werden der Mensch und das menschliche Dasein stark verändert. Der Transhumanismus strebt eine radikale technologische Transformation des Menschen an und setzt dabei ein bestimmtes Menschenverständnis voraus. Der Beitrag untersucht die Anthropologie des Transhumanismus und fokussiert dabei besonders dessen neurowissenschaftlichen Diskurs. Im Transhumanismus wird der Mensch im Wesentlichen mit dessen neuronalen Prozessen, v. a. dem Gehirn, gleichgesetzt. Im Beitrag wird die transhumanistische Argumentation auf ihre Stichhaltigkeit hin überprüft. Dabei stellt sich nicht nur heraus, dass der Transhumanismus (...)
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    (1 other version)Representations of the woman leader in Finnish business media articles.Anna–Maija Lämsä & Tanja Tiensuu - 2002 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 11 (4):363-374.
    This paper explores the kinds of representations of the woman leader produced discursively in the Finnish business media. The paper draws on the idea that jobs and organizations are gendered and, to the extent that gendered features are valued differently, with masculinity being favoured particularly in managerial positions, the status of women and men leaders becomes unequal. Based on the assumption that the media form a powerful force which creates and maintains meanings in contemporary society, we focus on articles published (...)
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  26. Alles, was (ge)recht ist? – Gerechtigkeit im Recht als Herausforderung der Christlichen Sozialethik.Anna Puzio - 2020 - Amosinternational 14 (4).
    Die aktuellen Entwicklungen von Digitalisierung, Klimawandel, Globalisierung und Migration führen an die Grenzen von Rechtsnormen und werfen die Frage nach der Gerechtigkeit im Recht neu auf. Inwiefern das Recht gerecht ist und gerecht sein soll, ist vor allem ein Thema der Ethik (Lindner 2016). Sozialethik „erarbeitet und begründet Maßstäbe gerechter Praxis“. Sie fragt also danach, wie gesellschaftliche Prozesse, Institutionen, rechtliche und politische Entscheidungen gerecht gestaltet werden können (Heimbach-Steins 2004, 7f.). Die Frage nach der Gerechtigkeit im Recht wirft auch ein Licht (...)
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  27. Gesellschaft 4.0? – Transformationen des Sozialen durch die Digitalisierung.Anna Puzio - 2021 - Jahrbuchs Für Christliche Sozialwissenschaften 63.
    Durch die fortschreitende Digitalisierung und Technologisierung kommt es zu vielfältigen Transformationsprozessen, die das gesellschaftliche Zusammenleben und das Soziale grundlegend betreffen. Technologien prägen, wie wir Beziehungen gestalten und kommunizieren, und beeinflussen gesellschaftliche Strukturen und Institutionen. Die Auswirkungen sind umfassend: Die verschiedenen Bereiche des gesellschaftlichen Lebens wie Arbeit, Politik, Gesundheit, Pflege, Bildung und Kultur werden verändert (vgl. z. B. Endres u. a. 2022). Dabei eröffnen Technologien vielfältige Möglichkeiten, wecken aber auch das Bedürfnis nach Orientierung. Wie weit sollten wir den Menschen technologisch verändern? (...)
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    Meinong on Meaning and Truth: A Theory of Knowledge.Anna Sierszulska - 2005 - De Gruyter.
    The study aims at exposing Meinong's ideas that may be of interest to analytic philosophers. It contains all the basic information concerning Meinong's theory of objects with a special focus upon 'objectives', which are Meinong's propositions. Meinong's theory of meaning and his epistemological views are discussed in detail. An outline of his conception of truth, which is classified as firmly realistic, is followed by a review of the critical works touching upon Meinong's epistemological ideas. Finally, Meinong's theory of objects is (...)
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  29.  14
    La scuola di tutti e per ognuno. Meritocrazia selettiva e cooperazione inclusiva.Anna Angelucci - 2012 - Società Degli Individui 45:45-52.
    La cooperazione appare, sia da un punto di vista biologico sia da un punto di vista culturale, come una modalitÀ comportamentale che gli esseri umani hanno sviluppato per garantirsi vantaggi evoluzionistici di tipo individuale e/o sociale. Anche nell'attivitÀ pedagogica e formativa, l'approccio cooperativo, centrato sulla costante valorizzazione dei processi di apprendimento nel percorso d'istruzione, costituisce la scelta privilegiata dai docenti italiani, nelle scuole di ogni ordine e grado. Tuttavia, negli ultimi anni, con l'istituzione di un sistema di valutazione nazionale, il (...)
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    A dialogue between chinese and occidental philosophy in meeting the challenge of our times: The interdisciplinary phenomenology of man and of the human condition.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1986 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 13 (3):271-282.
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    Aquinas on Sensible Forms and Semimaterialism.Gabriele De Anna - 2000 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (1):43 - 63.
    IN THE FIRST CHAPTER OF HIS BOOK Theories of Cognition in the Later Middle Ages, Robert Pasnau takes a position in a longstanding debate concerning the metaphysical status and the epistemological role of sensible forms in Aquinas’s theory of cognition. His main claim is that Aquinas was a materialist about sensation and developed “a theory of the sort that a modern materialist could love.”.
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    A Scottish Jacobin: John Oswald on Commerce and Citizenship.Anna Plassart - 2010 - Journal of the History of Ideas 71 (2):263-286.
    John Oswald was a Scottish journalist and pamphleteer who gained fame in the 1790s for his scandalous lifestyle and democratic political views. He was considered by his British contemporaries as the incarnation of the crimes of Jacobinism. This article seeks to reassess Oswald’s place in the history of political thought by placing him within the context of his own Scottish background. Oswald’s radical views were neither directly inspired by his French revolutionary friends, nor typical of the English and Scottish radical (...)
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    Correlation between Habituation of Visual Evoked Potentials and Magnetophosphene thresholds in migraine.Ambrosini Anna, Kisialiou Aliaksei, Iezzi Ennio, Perrotta Armando, Nardella Andrea, Berardelli Alfredo, Pierelli Francesco & Schoenen Jean - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  34.  15
    Do you see what I see? Personality and perceptual suppression.Antinori Anna, Carter Olivia & Smillie Luke - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  35. Impetus and Equipoise in the Life-Strategies of Reason: Logos and Life Book 4.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 2000
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    The Simple View of Colours and the Reference of Perceptual Terms.Gabriele De Anna - 2002 - Philosophy 77 (299):87 - 108.
    This essay deals with the problem of the status of colours, traditionally considered as the paradigmatic case of secondary qualities: do colours exist only as aspects of experience or are they real properties of objects, existing independently of human and animal perception? Recently, John Campbell has argued in favour of the simple view of colours, according to which colours are real properties of objects. I discuss the place of Campbell's position in a debated which was started by John Mackie and (...)
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    La debolezza della volontà 1: dall’Antichità ai dibattiti contemporanei.Anna Arezzo - 2008 - Quaestio 8:627-635.
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    The entanglement of theory and practices in the arts.Anna Asbury, Emma Rault, Eileen Stevens & P. Sonderen (eds.) - 2019 - Arnhem: ArtEZ Press.
    What do we mean by theory in the arts, and what role does it play in that sense? Theory appears as an active, transformative, fluid, and communicative element of art practices, and research in the arts in particular. Theory is the fluid that perfuses and connects the territory of fine art and design, as well as other art forms such as music, architecture, writing, moving images, dance, and theatre. At the heart of this publication is the new field of research (...)
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    The Limits of the Market: The Pendulum Between Government and Market.Anna Asbury (ed.) - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    The old discussion of 'Market or State' is obsolete. There will always have to be a mix of market and state. The only relevant question is what that mix should look like. How far do we have to let the market go its own way in order to create as much welfare as possible for everyone? What is the responsibility of the government in creating welfare? These are difficult questions. But they are also interesting questions and Paul De Grauwe analyses (...)
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    Carnap and the Members of the Lvov–Warsaw School. Carnap’s Warsaw Lectures in the Polish context.Anna Brożek - 2021 - In Christian Damböck & Gereon Wolters (eds.), Der Junge Carnap in Historischem Kontext: 1918–1935 / Young Carnap in an Historical Context: 1918–1935. Springer Verlag. pp. 205-221.
    In March 1930, Alfred Tarski visited Vienna and delivered few lectures which presented the achievements of the logical branch of the Lvov-Warsaw School. Rudolf Carnap was one of the most careful listeners of these lectures. The same year, in November, Carnap, invited by the Warsaw Philosophical Society, visited Warsaw where he gave three lectures. This was an opportunity for him to meet such members the Lvov-Warsaw School as Jan Łukasiewicz, Stanisław Leśniewski, Tadeusz Kotarbiński, and others. Many years later, Carnap reminisced (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Teachers' experiences of enjoyment of work as a subtle atmosphere: an empirical lifeworld phenomenological analysis.Anna-Carin Bredmar - 2013 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology: Lifeworld Approach for Empirical Research in Education-the Gothenburg Tradition: Special Edition 1 13:1-16.
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    Pytania w opisie analitycznym. Logika erotetyczna z metodologicznego punktu widzenia.Anna Brożek - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (4):259-280.
    The article presents the method of analytic description as applied in the theory of questions. This procedure, described by Tadeusz Czeżowski and broadly used in the Lvov-Warsaw School, is applied first of all at the pre-theoretic stage of research, namely to construct the conceptual scheme of a given discipline and to classify the objects of investigations. Ajdukiewicz’s theory of questions and its developments, in particular recent works of Adam Jonkisz, are presented as examples of the applications of this method. Analytic (...)
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  43. Out of epistemology : Feminist theory in the 1980s and beyond.Anna G. Jónasdóttir & Kathleen B. Jones - 2008 - In Anna G. Jónasdóttir & Kathleen B. Jones (eds.), The Political Interests of Gender Revisited: Redoing Theory and Research with a Feminist Face. United Nations University Press.
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  44. Alexa, wie hast du's mit der Religion? Theologische Zugänge zu Technik und Künstlicher Intelligenz.Anna Puzio, Nicole Kunkel & Hendrik Klinge (eds.) - 2023 - Darmstadt: Wbg.
    Technik und Künstliche Intelligenz gehören zu den brisanten Themen der gegenwärtigen Theologie. Wie kann Theologie zu Technik und KI beitragen? Der Technikdiskurs ist aufgeladen mit religiösen Motiven, und Technologien wie Roboter fordern die Theologie, z. B. das Menschenbild, die Ethik und die religiöse Praxis, neu heraus. Der Sammelband erforscht aus theologischer Perspektive die drängenden Themen unserer Zeit. Dazu begibt sich die Theologie in Dialog mit den Technikwissenschaften. Untersucht werden die Veränderungen des Menschenbildes durch Roboter, Religiöse Roboter, Optimierung des Körpers, medizinische (...)
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    Mitigation measures for addressing gender bias in artificial intelligence within healthcare settings: a critical area of sociological inquiry.Anna Isaksson - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-10.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is often described as crucial for making healthcare safer and more efficient. However, some studies point in the opposite direction, demonstrating how biases in AI cause inequalities and discrimination. As a result, a growing body of research suggests mitigation measures to avoid gender bias. Typically, mitigation measures address various stakeholders such as the industry, academia, and policy-makers. To the author’s knowledge, these have not undergone sociological analysis. The article fills this gap and explores five examples of mitigation (...)
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  46.  15
    Historicity and Christian Life-Experience in the Early Philosophy of Martin Heidegger.Anna Jani - 2016 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 21 (1):29-41.
    In his early Freiburg lectures on the phenomenology of religious life, published as his Phenomenology of Religious Life, Heidegger sought to interpret the Christian life in phenomenological terms, while also discussing the question of whether Christianity should be construed as historically defined. Heidegger thus connected the philosophical discussion of religion as a phenomenon with the character of the religious life taken in the context of factical life. According to Heidegger, every philosophical question originates from the latter, which determines such questions (...)
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  47.  21
    La place de l’animal dans l’étude des religions antiques.Anna Angelini - 2023 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 154 (4):493-505.
    Cet article commence par revenir sur certains thèmes et enjeux des contributions présentées dans le volume. Il évoque ensuite les problèmes liés aux paradigmes épistémologiques employés dans l’étude du rapport entre animaux et religions antiques, en proposant quelques pistes de réflexion pour la recherche sur ce thème.
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    Note on aphidruma 2: Strabo on the transfer of cults.Anna Anguissola - 2006 - Classical Quarterly 56 (02):643-.
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    Note on aphidruma 1: Statues and their function.Anna Anguissola - 2006 - Classical Quarterly 56 (02):641-.
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    (1 other version)Argos.Anna-Philippa Touchais & Gilles Touchais - 1996 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 120 (2):843-845.
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