Ann Clark [6]Ann K. Clark [5]Anna Clark [5]Anne Clark [2]
Anne B. Clark [2]Ann Kramer Clark [2]Anna S. Clark [2]Anna J. Clark [1]

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  1. On the inappropriate use of the naturalistic fallacy in evolutionary psychology.Anne B. Clark, Eric Dietrich & David Sloan Wilson - 2003 - Biology and Philosophy 18 (5):669-81.
    The naturalistic fallacy is mentionedfrequently by evolutionary psychologists as anerroneous way of thinking about the ethicalimplications of evolved behaviors. However,evolutionary psychologists are themselvesconfused about the naturalistic fallacy and useit inappropriately to forestall legitimateethical discussion. We briefly review what thenaturalistic fallacy is and why it is misusedby evolutionary psychologists. Then we attemptto show how the ethical implications of evolvedbehaviors can be discussed constructivelywithout impeding evolutionary psychologicalresearch. A key is to show how ethicalbehaviors, in addition to unethical behaviors,can evolve by natural selection.
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  2. Private lives, public history: navigating Australian historical consciousness.Anna Clark - 2018 - In Anna Clark & Carla L. Peck, Contemplating historical consciousness: notes from the field. Oxford: Berghahn.
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    Is music a language?Ann Clark - 1982 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 41 (2):195-204.
  4. On the inappropriate use of the naturalistic fallacy in evolutionary psychology.David Sloan-Wilson, Eric Dietrich & Anne Clark - 2003 - Biology and Philosophy 18 (5):669-681.
    The naturalistic fallacy is mentioned frequently by evolutionary psychologists as an erroneous way of thinking about the ethical implications of evolved behaviors. However, evolutionary psychologists are themselves confused about the naturalistic fallacy and use it inappropriately to forestall legitimate ethical discussion. We briefly review what the naturalistic fallacy is and why it is misused by evolutionary psychologists. Then we attempt to show how the ethical implications of evolved behaviors can be discussed constructively without impeding evolutionary psychological research. A key is (...)
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    Animal Pragmatism: Rethinking Human-Nonhuman Relationships (review).Ann K. Clark - 2006 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 20 (1):56-59.
  6.  35
    The Triple Helix: Gene, Organism, Environment (review).Ann Clark - 2002 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 16 (3):239-241.
  7.  31
    Augustine and Derrida.Ann K. Clark - 1981 - New Scholasticism 55 (1):104-112.
  8.  20
    Contemplating historical consciousness: notes from the field.Anna Clark & Carla L. Peck (eds.) - 2018 - Oxford: Berghahn.
    The last several decades have witnessed an explosion of new empirical research into representations of the past and the conditions of their production, prompting claims that we have entered a new era in which the past has become more “present” than ever before. Contemplating Historical Consciousness brings together leading historians, ethnographers, and other scholars who give illuminating reflections on the aims, methods, and conceptualization of their own research as well as the successes and failures they have encountered. This rich collective (...)
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    From Arnulf of Lisieux to Stefania of San Silvestro: A 12th-Century Letter and Its Hagiographic Afterlife.Anne L. Clark - 2018 - Franciscan Studies 76 (1):23-37.
    This is a story about a single letter and its circulation. It began as a letter addressed to an unnamed nun in France in the mid-twelfth century, and made its way into a vita of a Franciscan holy woman in Italy in the late thirteenth century. The letter was composed by Arnulf, the bishop of Lisieux from 1141 to 1181. Arnulf later included it in the various collections of his letters that he prepared for publication. Although transmission of Arnulf's letter (...)
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    Gender in the Secondary Curriculum: Balancing the Books.Ann Clark & Elaine Millard - 1998 - Psychology Press.
    The 'gender gap' in schooling, as manifested by the current disparity in boys' and girls' achievement at GCSE, continues to create problems for teachers. In this volume a team of contributors considers the gender issues particular to a range of subjects in the secondary curriculum. They discuss effective strategies - supported by their research and practice - and offer some ways forward for teachers.
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  11. Implications of Metaphor or for the Sake of the Word: An Aristotelian Critique and an Augustinian Reconstruction.Ann Kramer Clark - 1973 - Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin
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    Metaphor and Literal Language.Ann K. Clark - 1977 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 52 (4):366-380.
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    Nasica and fides.Anna J. Clark - 2007 - Classical Quarterly 57 (01):125-.
  14.  55
    The Quest For Certainty In Feminist Thought.Ann Clark - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (3):84-93.
    In this paper I argue that the essentialism/antiessentialism debate among feminists is a variety of the idealist/realist split that Dewey addressed in The Quest for Certainty. I attempt to use Dewey's thought to subvert this opposition so that we can remove the feminist discussion from the structure of an idealist/realist either/or.
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  15. Tom Rockmore & Beth Singer , "Anti-foundationalism Old and New".Ann K. Clark - 1994 - Metaphilosophy 25 (4):396.
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  16.  48
    Unity and Method in Augustine’s “De Magistro”.Ann K. Clark - 1977 - Augustinian Studies 8:1-10.
  17. What kind of justice for human rights?Ann Marie Clark - 2019 - In Melissa Labonte & Kurt Mills, Human rights and justice: philosophical, economic, and social perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
  18.  38
    Of monkeys, mechanisms and the modular mind.Lee Alan Dugatkin & Anne Barrett Clark - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (1):153-154.
  19.  8
    International perspectives on teaching rival histories: pedagogical responses to contested narratives and the history wars.Henrik êAstrèom Elmersjèo, Anna Clark & Monika Vinterek (eds.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    This book presents a survey of approaches to dealing with 'rival histories' in the classroom, arguing that approaching this problem requires great sensitivity to differing national, educational and narrative contexts. Contested narratives and disputed histories have long been an important issue in history-teaching all over the world, and have even been described as the 'history' or 'culture' wars. In this book, authors from across the globe ponder the question "what can teachers do (and what are they doing) to address conflicting (...)
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    International Perspectives on Teaching Rival Histories: Pedagogical Responses to Contested Narratives and the History Wars.Henrik Åström Elmersjö, Anna Clark & Monika Vinterek (eds.) - 2017 - London: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book presents a survey of approaches to dealing with 'rival histories' in the classroom, arguing that approaching this problem requires great sensitivity to differing national, educational and narrative contexts. Contested narratives and disputed histories have long been an important issue in history-teaching all over the world, and have even been described as the 'history' or 'culture' wars. In this book, authors from across the globe ponder the question "what can teachers do (and what are they doing) to address conflicting (...)
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    Commentary: Yawning, acute stressors, and arousal reduction in Nazca booby adults and nestlings.Andrew C. Gallup & Anne B. Clark - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The new math: Is XY ≥ XX?Patricia S. Goldman-Rakic & Ann S. Clark - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (2):191-191.
  23.  24
    BOOKS Reviews.James Campbell & Ann Kramer Clark - 1994 - Metaphilosophy 25 (4):392-400.
    William James and the Reinstatement of the Vague. By William Joseph Gavin. Anti‐foundationalism Old and New. Edited by Tom Rockmore and Beth Singer.
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    Gods of Rome - Lipka Roman Gods. A Conceptual Approach. Pp. x + 219, ills. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2009. Cased, €89, US$132. ISBN: 978-90-04-17503-7. [REVIEW]Anna Clark - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (2):515-517.
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  25. Hildegard of Bingen, Homilies on the Gospels. [REVIEW]Anne Clark - 2012 - The Medieval Review 8.
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    The Fire and the Sun. [REVIEW]Ann Clark - 1980 - New Scholasticism 54 (2):252-253.
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  27. Vincent Colapietro, Fateful Shapes of Human Freedom: John William Miller and the Crisis of Modernity. [REVIEW]Ann Clark - 2004 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 40 (1):180-185.
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