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    CEU Summer University Call for Applications.Anja Božič - 2021 - Clotho 3 (2):229-231.
    How did the notion of civic participation change throughout history, and how were these changes reflected in the foundations of political thought? In what forms of expression did it surface in various written and visual media of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern period? These questions will be the focus of the summer university course.
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    Ferenc Hörcher (1964), University of Public Service, Budapest.Anja Božič - 2022 - Clotho 4 (2):323-340.
    Toward concordia: Dialogue and Poetry. – The question whether the governance and autonomy of medieval and early modern cities and the participation of their citizens in communal affairs may gesture toward a form of communal self-governance or it is yet another form of the rule of the privileged has re-emerged with new answers in recent scholarship. It was also one of the topics of the lecture series, Urban Governance and Civic Participation in Words and Stone, as part of which Prof. (...)
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    Francesco Petrarca: Pisma prijateljem.Anja Božič - 2022 - Clotho 4 (1):129-141.
    Ko sem prenočeval v predmestju Vicenze, sem se domislil nove snovi za pisanje. Naneslo je namreč, da sem po opoldanskem odhodu iz Padove vrata tvojega mesta dosegel, ko se je sonce že nagibalo k zahodu. Preudarjal sem, ali naj prenočim tam ali naj nadaljujem pot – kajti mudilo se mi je, hkrati pa mi je zaradi dolžine dneva ostal še dobršen del svetlih ur – in ko sem se tako obotavljal, – glej – kdo bi se mogel skriti pred prijatelji? (...)
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    Joža Lovrenčič in makaronska latinščina v Sholarju iz Trente.Anja Božič & David Movrin - 2019 - Clotho 1 (1):103-119.
    Članek obravnava literarno ustvarjanje dr. Joža Lovrenčiča (1890–1952), slovenskega pesnika, pisatelja, prevajalca in klasičnega filologa. Prinaša nekatere življenjepisne informacije in na njihovi podlagi obravnava zlasti njegovo afiniteto do rimske in grške antike. S tem v zvezi se posveča njegovi mladostni povesti Med Scilo in Karibdo in epski pesnitvi Sholar iz Trente (1939). Še posebej pri slednji je najti vrsto navezav in citatov iz klasičnega sveta, hkrati pa pesnitev na več mestih s slovenščino meša latinske besede ali v latinščino celo povsem (...)
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