Results for 'Anita Weiss'

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  1.  32
    Asking about Asking: Informed Consent in Organ Donation Research.Anita H. Weiss - 1996 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 18 (1):6.
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    Conducting Empirical Research on Informed Consent: Challenges and Questions.Greg A. Sachs, Gavin W. Hougham, Jeremy Sugarman, Patricia Agre, Marion E. Broome, Gail Geller, Nancy Kass, Eric Kodish, Jim Mintz, Laura W. Roberts, Pamela Sankar, Laura A. Siminoff, James Sorenson & Anita Weiss - 2003 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 25 (5):S4.
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    Physicians' disagreements about life-sustaining treatments: A case study. [REVIEW]Elisa J. Gordon & Anita H. Weiss - 1999 - HEC Forum 11 (2):101-121.
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    Conversations with Feminism: Political Theory and Practice.Penny A. Weiss - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Applying the idea of conversation broadly, Penny A. Weiss offers a collection of essays that are either constructed dialogues, letters, or discussions about voice and silencing. Conversation emerges as both a theory and a method of feminist political inquiry and practice. The most vocal participants in Weiss' conversations are historical political thinkers both within the Western canon (Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Rousseau) and beyond its confines (Astell, Coopers, Wollstonecraft, de Pizan). Other figures appear as well, from Anita Hill (...)
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  5. Professor Malcolm on animal intelligence.Donald D. Weiss - 1975 - Philosophical Review 84 (January):88-95.
  6. Cosmic behaviorism.Paul Weiss - 1942 - Philosophical Review 51 (July):345-356.
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    A rejoinder to professors Gosling and Taylor.Roslyn Weiss - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (1):117-118.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Rejoinder to Professors Gosling and Taylor Hedonism is for Socrates the radical view that pleasure is the standard according to which one ought to steer one's life, the view that pleasure represents the proper end of human existence. Hedonism is not for Socrates the weaker view that the good life is also the most pleasant. Were it not for the Protagoras, all would agree, I think, that Socrates (...)
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    Beyond Black and Blue: BDSM, Internet Pornography, and Black Female Sexuality.Ariane Cruz - 2015 - Feminist Studies 41 (2):409-436.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 41, no. 2. © 2015 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 409 Ariane Cruz Beyond Black and Blue: BDSM, Internet Pornography, and Black Female Sexuality I have been the meaning of rape I have been the problem everyone seeks to eliminate by forced penetration with or without the evidence of slime and/ but let this be unmistakable in this poem is not consent I do not consent —June Jordan, (...)
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    “Pushing the Button While Pushing the Argument”: Motor Priming of Abstract Action Language.Franziska Schaller, Sabine Weiss & Horst M. Müller - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (5):1328-1349.
    In a behavioral study we analyzed the influence of visual action primes on abstract action sentence processing. We thereby aimed at investigating mental motor involvement during processes of meaning constitution of action verbs in abstract contexts. In the first experiment, participants executed either congruous or incongruous movements parallel to a video prime. In the second experiment, we added a no-movement condition. After the execution of the movement, participants rendered a sensibility judgment on action sentence targets. It was expected that congruous (...)
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    Psychological ownership: Actors' and observers' perspectives.Carey K. Morewedge & Liad Weiss - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e344.
    Psychological ownership may be judged differently or similarly for self and others. Potential differences in how ownership is evaluated by actors and observers raise important questions about the concept of ownership (what is Mine, Ours, and Theirs) and how to resolve conflicting perceptions.
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    Mentoring as a supportive pedagogy in theological training.Nathan H. Chiroma & Anita Cloete - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
    This article contends that theological training supported by effective mentoring can contribute to the shaping of theology students in terms of their spiritual growth, character development and ministry formation. It is further argued that mentoring as a supportive pedagogy needs to be an essential element of theological education. Subsequently, guidelines for making mentoring an effective pedagogy in theological training are proposed. A lot has been written about mentoring; however this article focuses on the use of mentoring as a supportive pedagogy (...)
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    Sprachliche Konstituierung der Identität durch Emotionalität.Anita Pavić Pintarić, Zaneta Sambunjak & Tomislav Zelić (eds.) - 2016 - Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
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    Recipes and Revolutions: Consciousness–Raising and Feminist Picnics.Courtney Pedersen, Anita Holtsclaw, Rachael Haynes, Caitlin Franzmann & Courtney Coombs - 2016 - Feminist Review 114 (1):130-138.
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    The Drama of Humanity and Other Miscellaneous Papers, 1939-1985.William Petropulos, Eric Voegelin & Gilbert Weiss (eds.) - 2004 - University of Missouri.
    This second volume of Eric Voegelin’s miscellaneous papers contains unpublished writings from the time of his forced emigration from Austria in 1938 until his death in 1985. The volume’s focus is on dialogue and discussion, presenting Voegelin in the role of lecturer, discussant, and respondent. “The Drama of Humanity” presents the Walter Turner Candler Lectures delivered in four parts at Emory University in 1967. This text, a small book in itself, addresses the themes of “The Contemporary Situation,” “Man in the (...)
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    (1 other version)Kausalitat und Zufall in der Philosophie des Aristoteles.Phillip de Lacy & Helene Weiss - 1944 - American Journal of Philology 65 (4):414.
  16.  73
    Metaphysics: The domain of ignorance.Paul Weiss - 1934 - Philosophical Review 43 (4):402-406.
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    Mobile Devices and Recording in the Classroom.Yasmin Ibrahim & Anita Howarth - 2014 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 3 (1):21-32.
    Mobile technologies such as tablets, iPads, laptops, netbooks as well as mobile phones with internet connectivity and recording features present new challenges to the academy. In the age of convergence and with the encoding of several features into mobile telephony, private spaces of the classroom can be reconfigured through the mediation of technologies. In most cases, existing rules and regulations of higher education institutions do not comprehensively address these challenges. The introduction of new technologies into the classroom has been often (...)
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    Networks of Social Justice: Transnational Activism and Social Change.Suzan Ilcan & Anita Lacey - 2013 - Studies in Social Justice 7 (1):1-6.
  19. Minimalism deflated: independence without substance.Bernhard Weiss - 2009 - Synthese 171 (3):521-529.
    The paper examines Wright’s attempt to inflate deflationism about truth. It accepts the details of Wright’s argument but contends that it should best be seen as posing a dilemma for the deflationist: either truth is independent of norms of warranted assertibility—in which case it is substantial—or it is not—in which case epistemicism about truth is a consequence. Some concerns about epistemicism are raised in avoiding the second horn. The first is avoided by distinguishing between independence and substantiality and arguing that (...)
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  20.  43
    Language and ethics: Reflections on Maimonides' "ethics".Raymond L. Weiss - 1971 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 9 (4):425-433.
    The author considers maimonides' ethics in the context of the following problem: how can concepts be transmitted from one language to a radically different language? he examines how maimonides conveyed as well as transformed key greek moral concepts within rabbinic hebrew, Which has no words to translate literally such terms as 'virtue,' 'passion,' 'happiness,' or even 'ethics.' the one word found to be indispensable is that for 'ethics' in the original greek sense, I.E., 'character traits.' the author discusses in some (...)
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  21. Le destin des grandes œuvres dramatiques.Auréliu Weiss - 1960 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 163:216-217.
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  22. Monsters, sadists, and the unspectacular torture experience.Nerina Weiss - 2019 - In William C. Olsen & Thomas J. Csordas, Engaging Evil: A Moral Anthropology. New York: Berghahn Books.
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    Efficient optimal Kolmogorov approximation of random variables.Liat Cohen, Tal Grinshpoun & Gera Weiss - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 329 (C):104086.
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    The Philosophical and Aesthetic Letters and Essays..Friedrich Schiller & John Weiss - 1846 - Chapman.
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    Variations on a game of Gale (III): Remainder strategies.Marion Scheepers & William Weiss - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (4):1253-1264.
  26.  23
    Narratives from the Nursery. Negotiating Professional Identities in Early Childhood. By J. Osgood: Pp 179. London: Routledge. 2012.£ 24.99 (pbk). ISBN 9780415556224.Diana Strauss & Anita Cooper - 2012 - British Journal of Educational Studies 60 (3):285-287.
  27.  27
    Optimal timing and the Weber function.Peter R. Killeen & Neil A. Weiss - 1987 - Psychological Review 94 (4):455-468.
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  28. The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks.Michael I. Jordan & Yair Weiss - 2002
  29.  17
    Design, Mediation, and the Posthuman.Dennis M. Weiss, Amy D. Propen & Colbey Emmerson Reid (eds.) - 2014 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    Weiss, Propen, and Reid gather a diverse group of scholars to analyze the growing obsolescence of the human-object dichotomy in today's world. In doing so, Design, Mediation, and the Posthuman brings together diverse disciplines to foster a dialog on significant technological issues pertinent to philosophy, rhetoric, aesthetics, and science.
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    Personality traits and complex problem solving: Personality disorders and their effects on complex problem-solving ability.Ulrike Kipman, Stephan Bartholdy, Marie Weiss, Wolfgang Aichhorn & Günter Schiepek - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Complex problem solving can be interpreted as the number of psychological mechanisms that allow us to reach our targets in difficult situations, that can be classified as complex, dynamic, non-transparent, interconnected, and multilayered, and also polytelic. The previous results demonstrated associations between the personality dimensions neuroticism, conscientiousness, and extraversion and problem-solving performance. However, there are no studies dealing with personality disorders in connection with CPS skills. Therefore, the current study examines a clinical sample consisting of people with personality and/or depressive (...)
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  31.  38
    Book review: Gendered community: Rousseau, sex, and politics. [REVIEW]Penny A. Weiss - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1).
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    Minerva's owl: Building a corporate value system. [REVIEW]William L. Weiss - 1986 - Journal of Business Ethics 5 (3):243 - 247.
    Culture is shaped by a handful of people who are guardians of the vision and the shapers of the corporate conscience. It is especially the role of the chief executive to define the character of the business and to establish the corporate culture.A corporation can instill within its basic policy structure and patterns of behavior a corporate culture, a corporate conscience that can prevail.
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    Kurt Breysig. Historiography between Historicism and Sociology. [REVIEW]Heinrich Weiss - 1975 - Philosophy and History 8 (2):249-252.
  34. M. KEHL, New Age oder Neuer Bund? [REVIEW]B. Weiss - 1989 - Theologie Und Philosophie 64 (2):287.
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    Meaning and Mind: An Examination of a Gricean Account of Language.Anita Avramides - 1989 - Bradford Books.
    The Gricean account of language is at the center of much current work in the philosophy of language and the philosophy of mind. Anita Avramides maintains that Grice's paradigm can be used to defend very different conceptions of mind and of meaning. In this clearly argued book she describes Grice's analysis of meaning and proposes two interpretations of it, one reductive and one nonreductive. Much current work in cognitive science assumes that the content of words and thoughts can be (...)
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  36. Other Minds.Anita Avramides - 2000 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Brian McLaughlin, Ansgar Beckermann & Sven Walter.
    How do I know whether there are any minds beside my own? This problem of other minds in philosophy raises questions which are at the heart of all philosophical investigations--how it is that we know, what is in the mind, and whether we can be certain about any of our beliefs. In this book, Anita Avramides begins with a historical overview of the problem from the Ancient Skeptics to Descartes, Malebranche, Locke, Berkeley, Reid, and Wittgenstein. The second part of (...)
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    The Philosophy of Paul Weiss.Paul Weiss & Lewis Edwin Hahn - 1995 - Library of Living Philosophers.
    This text examines the philosophy of Paul Weiss. Much of Dr Weiss's impact has come through his example, discussions, and such activities as founding and editing the Review of Metaphysics and founding and leading the Metaphysical Society of America.
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    A Code of Ethics for Health Care Ethics Consultants: Journey to the Present and Implications for the Field.Anita J. Tarzian & Lucia D. Wocial - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (5):38-51.
    For decades a debate has played out in the literature about who bioethicists are, what they do, whether they can be considered professionals qua bioethicists, and, if so, what professional responsibilities they are called to uphold. Health care ethics consultants are bioethicists who work in health care settings. They have been seeking guidance documents that speak to their special relationships/duties toward those they serve. By approving a Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibilities for Health Care Ethics Consultants, the American Society (...)
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  39. Nurses experiences of ethical dilemmas: A review.Anita Haahr, Annelise Norlyk, Bente Martinsen & Pia Dreyer - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):258-272.
    Background: Nursing care is rapidly evolving due to the advanced technological and medical development, and also due to an increased focus on standardization and the logic of production, permeating today’s hospital cultures. Nursing is rooted in a holistic approach with an ethical obligation to maintain and respect the individual’s dignity and integrity. However, working within time limits and heavy workload leads to burnout and ethical insensitivity among nurses, and may challenge nurses’ options to act on the basis of ethical and (...)
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    Youth culture, media and sexuality: What could faith communities contribute?Anita Cloete - 2012 - HTS Theological Studies 68 (2).
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  41. Uneasy Access: Privacy for Women in a Free Society.Anita L. Allen - 1988 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    'Anita L. Allen breaks new ground...A stunning indictment of women's status in contemporary society, her book provides vital original scholarly research and insight.' |s-NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN.
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    The role of iconicity and simultaneity for efficient communication: The case of Italian Sign Language (LIS).Anita Slonimska, Asli Özyürek & Olga Capirci - 2020 - Cognition 200 (C):104246.
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    Bolzano's Semiotic Method of Explication.Anita Kasabova - 2006 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 23 (1):21 - 39.
  44.  83
    Semantics for Pure Theories of Connexive Implication.Yale Weiss - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (3):591-606.
    In this article, I provide Urquhart-style semilattice semantics for three connexive logics in an implication-negation language (I call these “pure theories of connexive implication”). The systems semantically characterized include the implication-negation fragment of a connexive logic of Wansing, a relevant connexive logic recently developed proof-theoretically by Francez, and an intermediate system that is novel to this article. Simple proofs of soundness and completeness are given and the semantics is used to establish various facts about the systems (e.g., that two of (...)
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  45.  45
    Language, Music, and Revitalizing Indigeneity: Effecting Cultural Restoration and Ecological Balance via Music Education.Anita Prest & J. Scott Goble - 2021 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 29 (1):24.
    In this paper, we explore challenges in conveying the culturally constructed meanings of local Indigenous musics and the worldviews they manifest to students in K-12 school music classes, when foundational aspects of the English language, historical and current discourse, and English language habits function to thwart the transmission of those meanings. We recount how, in settler colonial societies in North America, speakers of the dominant English language have historically misrepresented, discredited, and obscured cultural meanings that inhere in local Indigenous musics. (...)
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    Many heads are more utilitarian than one.Anita Keshmirian, Ophelia Deroy & Bahador Bahrami - 2022 - Cognition 220 (C):104965.
  47.  49
    A Cognitive Profile of Obesity and Its Translation into New Interventions.Anita Jansen, Katrijn Houben & Anne Roefs - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  48. Health Care Ethics Consultation: An Update on Core Competencies and Emerging Standards from the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities’ Core Competencies Update Task Force.Anita J. Tarzian & Asbh Core Competencies Update Task Force 1 - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (2):3-13.
    Ethics consultation has become an integral part of the fabric of U.S. health care delivery. This article summarizes the second edition of the Core Competencies for Health Care Ethics Consultation report of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities. The core knowledge and skills competencies identified in the first edition of Core Competencies have been adopted by various ethics consultation services and education programs, providing evidence of their endorsement as health care ethics consultation (HCEC) standards. This revised report was prompted (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Alfred Tarski, Life and Logic.Anita Burdman Feferman & Solomon Feferman - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (4):535-540.
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    Routes to embodiment.Anita Körner, Sascha Topolinski & Fritz Strack - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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