Results for 'Anita Cremers'

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  1.  41
    Evaluating XAI: A comparison of rule-based and example-based explanations.Jasper van der Waa, Elisabeth Nieuwburg, Anita Cremers & Mark Neerincx - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 291 (C):103404.
  2.  32
    A Political Economy of the Senses: Neoliberalism, Reification, Critique.Anita Sridhar Chari - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Anita Chari revives the concept of reification from Marx and the Frankfurt School to spotlight the resistance to neoliberal capitalism now forming at the level of political economy and at the more sensate, experiential level of subjective transformation. Reading art by Oliver Ressler, Zanny Begg, Claire Fontaine, Jason Lazarus, and Mika Rottenberg, as well as the politics of Occupy Wall Street, Chari identifies practices through which artists and activists have challenged neoliberalism's social and political logics, exposing its inherent tensions (...)
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    Plurality effects in an exhaustification-based theory of embedded questions.Alexandre Cremers - 2018 - Natural Language Semantics 26 (3):193-251.
    Questions embedded under responsive predicates and definite descriptions both give rise to a variety of phenomena which can be grouped under the term plurality effects: quantificational variability, cumulativity, and homogeneity effects. This similarity has not gone unnoticed, and many proposals have taken inspiration in theories of definite plurals to account for these effects with embedded questions. Recently these phenomena have received less attention, as the field has focused on the so-called intermediate exhaustive reading of embedded questions instead, after Spector called (...)
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    Regulating Ethical Failures: Insights from Psychology.David De Cremer, Ann E. Tenbrunsel & Marius van Dijke - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (S1):1 - 6.
    Ethical failures are all around. Despite their pervasiveness, we know little how to manage and even survive the aftermath of such failures. In this paper, we develop the argument that as business ethics researchers we need to zoom in more closely on why ethical failures emerge, and how these insights can help us to be effective ethical leaders that can increase moral awareness and manage distrust. To succeed in this scientific enterprise, we advocate the use of a behavioral business ethics (...)
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    Exhaustivity and Anti‐Exhaustivity in the RSA Framework: Testing the Effect of Prior Beliefs.Alexandre Cremers, Ethan G. Wilcox & Benjamin Spector - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (5):e13286.
    During communication, the interpretation of utterances is sensitive to a listener's probabilistic prior beliefs. In this paper, we focus on the influence of prior beliefs on so‐called exhaustivity interpretations, whereby a sentence such as Mary came is understood to mean that only Mary came. Two theoretical origins for exhaustivity effects have been proposed in the previous literature. On the one hand are perspectives that view these inferences as the result of a purely pragmatic process (as in the classical Gricean view, (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Other minds?Anita Avramides - 2002 - Think 1 (2):61-68.
    One of the most intriguing of philosophical puzzles concerns other minds. How do you know there are any? Yes, you're surrounded by living organisms that look and behave much as you do. They even say they have minds. But do they? Perhaps other humans are mindless zombies: like you on the outside, but lacking any inner conscious life, including emotions, thoughts, experiences and even pain. What grounds do you possess for supposing that other humans aren't zombies? Perhaps less than you (...)
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  7.  15
    Behavioral Business Ethics: Shaping an Emerging Field.David de Cremer & Ann E. Tenbrunsel (eds.) - 2011 - Routledge Academic.
    "This book presents a collection of chapters that contribute significantly to the field of business ethics by promoting much needed insights into the motives that drive people to act ethically or unethically. It acknowledges that business ethics plays a pivotal role in the way business is conducted and adds insights derived from a behavioral view that will make us more aware of morality and provide recommendations into how we can improve our actions"--Provided by publisher.
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  8. Social Contract Theory and Gender Discrimination.Anita Cava - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (2):257-270.
    This paper relates Donaldson and Dunfee’s Integrative Social Contracts Theory to the problem of gender discrimination. We make the assumption that multinational managers might seek some guidance from ISCT to resolve ethical issues of gender discrimination in countries indifferent or hostile to gender equaIity. The role of Donaldson and Dunfee’s “hypernorms” seems especially cruciaI, and we find that, under their writings thus far, no “hypernorms” exist to make unethical the most blatant acts of sex discrimination in a host country whose (...)
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    Dr C. J. BLEEKER, Inleiding tot een phaenomenologie van den godsdienst. Assen, Van Gorcum & Co., 1934.K. J. Cremer - 1937 - Philosophia Reformata 2 (3):188-190.
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    Introduction.Douglas J. Cremer - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (5):539-542.
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    Pim Fortuyn ou la persistance du rêve communautariste aux Pays-Bas.Omar Munoz-Cremers & Patrice Riemens - 2002 - Multitudes 3 (3):147-153.
    Preceded by an introduction by Noortje Marres and Patrice Riemens that stresses the reconstitution of a national communitarianism around the elections, the article analyses the assassination of Pim Fortyn and the rise of a populism of the extreme-right. It is based upon an analysis of the media and of the relative backwardness of Dutch society with regard to the question of technology. According to the author, Pint Fortyn is essentially a media phenomenon made possible through the complicity of TV journalists. (...)
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    Nurses experiences of ethical dilemmas: A review.Anita Haahr, Annelise Norlyk, Bente Martinsen & Pia Dreyer - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):258-272.
    Background: Nursing care is rapidly evolving due to the advanced technological and medical development, and also due to an increased focus on standardization and the logic of production, permeating today’s hospital cultures. Nursing is rooted in a holistic approach with an ethical obligation to maintain and respect the individual’s dignity and integrity. However, working within time limits and heavy workload leads to burnout and ethical insensitivity among nurses, and may challenge nurses’ options to act on the basis of ethical and (...)
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  13. Disability, Difference, Discrimination: Perspectives on Justice in Bioethics and Public Policy.Anita Silvers, David Wasserman, Mary B. Mahowald & Lawrence C. Becker - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    How should we respond to individuals with disabilities? What does it mean to be disabled? Over fifty million Americans, from neonates to the fragile elderly, are disabled. Some people say they have the right to full social participation, while others repudiate such claims as delusive or dangerous. In this compelling book, three experts in ethics, medicine, and the law address pressing disability questions in bioethics and public policy. Anita Silvers, David Wasserman, and Mary B. Mahowald test important theories of (...)
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  14. Other Minds.Anita Avramides - 2000 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Brian McLaughlin, Ansgar Beckermann & Sven Walter.
    How do I know whether there are any minds beside my own? This problem of other minds in philosophy raises questions which are at the heart of all philosophical investigations--how it is that we know, what is in the mind, and whether we can be certain about any of our beliefs. In this book, Anita Avramides begins with a historical overview of the problem from the Ancient Skeptics to Descartes, Malebranche, Locke, Berkeley, Reid, and Wittgenstein. The second part of (...)
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    Regulating the Use of Cognitive Enhancement: an Analytic Framework.Anita S. Jwa - 2019 - Neuroethics 12 (3):293-309.
    Recent developments in neuroscience have enabled technological advances to modulate cognitive functions of the brain. Despite ethical concerns about cognitive enhancement, both individuals and society as a whole can benefit greatly from these technologies, depending on how we regulate their use. To date, regulatory analyses of neuromodulation technologies have focused on a technology itself – for instance, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulation of a brain stimulation device – rather than the use of a technology, such as the use (...)
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  16.  19
    Taking Family-Centered Care Seriously.Anita Ho - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (6):65-67.
    Volume 20, Issue 6, June 2020, Page 65-67.
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  17. (1 other version)Alfred Tarski, Life and Logic.Anita Burdman Feferman & Solomon Feferman - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (4):535-540.
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  18.  30
    Shareholder Engagement on Environmental, Social, and Governance Performance.Tamas Barko, Martijn Cremers & Luc Renneboog - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (2):777-812.
    We study behind-the-scenes investor activism promoting environmental, social, and governance improvements by means of a proprietary dataset of a large international, socially responsible activist fund. We examine the activist’s target selection, forms of engagement, impact on ESG performance, drivers of success, and effects on the targets’ operations and value creation. Target firms are typically large and visible, perform well, and have high liquidity and low ESG performance. Engagement induces ESG rating adjustments: firms with poor ex ante ESG ratings experience a (...)
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  19.  44
    Meaning and Mind: An Examination of a Gricean Account of Language.Anita Avramides - 1989 - Bradford Books.
    The Gricean account of language is at the center of much current work in the philosophy of language and the philosophy of mind. Anita Avramides maintains that Grice's paradigm can be used to defend very different conceptions of mind and of meaning. In this clearly argued book she describes Grice's analysis of meaning and proposes two interpretations of it, one reductive and one nonreductive. Much current work in cognitive science assumes that the content of words and thoughts can be (...)
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  20.  31
    Racism and Bioethics: Are We Part of the Problem?Anita Ho - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (4):23-25.
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  21.  26
    Les Théoriciens Italiens de la Raison D’État Carrières et MotivationsItalian theorists of the reason of state careers and motivationsDie Italienischen Theoretiker der Staatsräson Karrieren und Motivationen.Cremer Albert - 2009 - Revue de Synthèse 130 (3):425-445.
    L’article cherche à mettre en lumière les carrières et les motivations des auteurs italiens qui ont écrit sur la raison d’État entre 1550 et 1650. La moitié d’entre eux furent des ecclésiastiques aux positions très différentes auxquels se joignaient juristes, médecins et gens de lettres. Nombre d’ecclésiastiques enseignaient dans les universités et tentaient d’obtenir un poste de secrétaire ou de conseiller à la cour, auprès d’un prince ou d’un cardinal. D’autres motifs les poussaient à rédiger leurs traités: la réprobation des (...)
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  22.  51
    Are the GFRUP's recommendations for withholding or withdrawing treatments in critically ill children applicable? Results of a two-year survey.R. Cremer, A. Binoche, O. Noizet, C. Fourier, S. Leteurtre, G. Moutel & F. Leclerc - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (3):128-133.
    Objective: To evaluate feasibility of the guidelines of the Groupe Francophone de Réanimation et Urgence Pédiatriques for limitation of treatments in the paediatric intensive care unit .Design: A 2-year prospective survey.Setting: A 12-bed PICU at the Hôpital Jeanne de Flandre, Lille, France.Patients: Were included when limitation of treatments was expected.Results: Of 967 children admitted, 55 were included with a 2-day median delay. They were younger than others , had a higher paediatric risk of mortality score , and a higher paediatric (...)
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  23. Uneasy Access: Privacy for Women in a Free Society.Anita L. Allen - 1988 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    'Anita L. Allen breaks new ground...A stunning indictment of women's status in contemporary society, her book provides vital original scholarly research and insight.' |s-NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN.
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  24. Socio-Emotional Development Following Very Preterm Birth: Pathways to Psychopathology.Anita Montagna & Chiara Nosarti - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The role of iconicity and simultaneity for efficient communication: The case of Italian Sign Language (LIS).Anita Slonimska, Asli Özyürek & Olga Capirci - 2020 - Cognition 200 (C):104246.
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  26.  46
    The price of perfection: Individualism and society in the era of biomedical enhancement, by Maxwell J. Mehlman.Anita Silvers - 2011 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 4 (1):231-236.
    Maxwell J. Mehlman, The price of perfection: Individualism and society in the era of biomedical enhancement, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009, reviewed by Anita Silvers.
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    Explaining Unfair Offers in Ultimatum Games and their Effects on Trust.David De Cremer, Eric van Dijk & Madan M. Pillutla - 2010 - Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (1):107-126.
    Unfair offers in bargaining may have disruptive effects because they may reduce interpersonal trust. In such situations future trust may be strongly affected by social accounts (i.e., apologies vs. denials). In the current paper we investigate when people are most likely to demand social accounts for the unfair offer (Experiment 1), and when social accounts will have the highest impact (Experiment 2). We hypothesized that the need for and impact of social accounts will be highest when the intentions of the (...)
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  28.  28
    Ignorance implicatures of modified numerals.Alexandre Cremers, Liz Coppock, Jakub Dotlačil & Floris Roelofsen - 2022 - Linguistics and Philosophy 45 (3):683-740.
    Modified numerals, such as at least three and more than five, are known to sometimes give rise to ignorance inferences. However, there is disagreement in the literature regarding the nature of these inferences, their context dependence, and differences between at least and more than. We present a series of experiments which sheds new light on these issues. Our results show that the ignorance inferences of at least are more robust than those of more than, the presence and strength of the (...)
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  29. Justice through trust: Disability and the “outlier problem” in social contract theory.Anita Silvers & Leslie Pickering Francis - 2005 - Ethics 116 (1):40-76.
  30. Trusting experts and epistemic humility in disability.Anita Ho - 2011 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 4 (2):102-123.
    It is generally accepted that the therapeutic relationship between professionals and patients is one of trust. Nonetheless, some patient groups carry certain social vulnerabilities that can be exacerbated when they extend trust to health-care professionals. In exploring the epistemic and ethical implications of expert status, this paper examines how calls to trust may increase epistemic oppression and perpetuate the vulnerability of people with impairments. It critically evaluates the processes through which epistemic communities are formed or determined, and examines the institutional (...)
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  31. Ethical and safe: Research with children about domestic violence.Anita Morris, Kelsey Hegarty & Cathy Humphreys - 2012 - Research Ethics 8 (2):125-139.
    Ethics applications to conduct research with children who have experienced domestic violence will frequently raise a red flag to ethics committees about the potential for risk and re-traumatization. On the other hand, such sensitive research can enable a hidden, marginalized population to have their voices heard. It can deliver findings about children’s lives that can inform otherwise adult-centric research, policy and practice initiatives. The authors highlight ethical concerns and practical solutions using examples from domestic violence, family law and child abuse (...)
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  32.  21
    Bolzano's Semiotic Method of Explication.Anita Kasabova - 2006 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 23 (1):21 - 39.
  33.  23
    “Walking Together”: Can Racism Be Overcome by a Postsecular Spirituality?Douglas J. Cremer - 2024 - The European Legacy 29 (3-4):334-349.
    The continuing power of racist ideology threatens liberal democracy, for racism is more than a personal bias or a social construction. It is an ideological framework that reduces human beings to an existence along a color-coded spectrum, with people designated as “white” at the top of the hierarchy and people designated as “black” at the bottom. One has to see this ideology clearly in order to choose a proper response and then act accordingly. First, the reality of “race” has been (...)
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  34. Right-wing women: Causes, choices, and blaming the victim.Anita M. Superson - 1993 - Journal of Social Philosophy 24 (3):40-61.
  35.  55
    Power Hierarchy and Epistemic Injustice in Clinical Ethics Consultation.Anita Ho & Dave Unger - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (1):40-42.
  36. Guest Editors’ Introduction On Understanding Ethical Behavior and Decision Making.David De Cremer, David M. Mayer & Marshall Schminke - 2010 - Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (1):1-6.
    Behavioral ethics is an emerging field that takes an empirical, social scientific approach to the study of business ethics. In this special issue, we include six articles that fall within the domain of behavioral ethics and that focus on three themes—moral awareness, ethical decision making, and reactions to unethical behavior. Each of the articles sheds additional light on the specific issues addressed. However, we hope this special issue will have an impact beyond that of the new insights offered in these (...)
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    Experiments on the acceptability and possible readings of questions embedded under emotive-factives.Alexandre Cremers & Emmanuel Chemla - 2017 - Natural Language Semantics 25 (3):223-261.
    Emotive-factive predicates, such as surprise or be happy, are a source of empirical and theoretical puzzles in the literature on embedded questions. Although they embed wh-questions, they seem not to embed whether-questions. They have complex interactions with negative polarity items such as any or even, and they have been argued to preferentially give rise to weakly exhaustive readings with embedded questions. We offer an empirical overview of the situation in three experiments collecting acceptability judgments, monotonicity judgments, and truth-value judgments. The (...)
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    Youth culture, media and sexuality: What could faith communities contribute?Anita Cloete - 2012 - HTS Theological Studies 68 (2).
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    Technology and education: Challenges and opportunities.Anita L. Cloete - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (4):1-7.
    This article seeks to contribute to the continuous reflection on the integration of technology into education. In order to accomplish this aim, the use of technology in the form of blended learning and online education will be utilised to illustrate how technology plays a central role in education today. It is argued that technology should not merely be viewed as a tool, but rather as a medium that shapes culture. Therefore, the integration of technology into education should be accompanied by (...)
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    Growing up Young, Asian and Female in Britain: A Report on Self-harm and Suicide.Anita Bhardwaj - 2001 - Feminist Review 68 (1):52-67.
    It is now a well-documented statistic that Asian women between the ages of 15–35 are two to three times more vulnerable to suicide and self-harm than their non-Asian counterparts (Soni-Raleigh, 1996). The article will summarize the findings of the research report Growing Up Young, Asian and Female in Britain (Newham Asian Women's Project, 1998), which aimed to explore the reasons why young Asian women self-harmed and to evaluate the service responses they were given. It also made recommendations aimed at decreasing (...)
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  41.  66
    XII—Knowing and Acknowledging Others.Anita Avramides - 2023 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 123 (3):305-326.
    It is possible to tease out two questions in connection with the epistemological problem of other minds: (i) How do I know what others think and feel? and (ii) How do I know that others think and feel? Fred Dretske offers a perceptual account of our knowledge of other minds that yields an answer to (i) but not (ii). Quassim Cassam uses Dretske’s perceptual account to show how we can answer both (i) and (ii). In this paper I show how (...)
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  42.  47
    James Keill, George Cheyne, and Newtonian physiology, 1690?1740.Anita Guerrini - 1985 - Journal of the History of Biology 18 (2):247-266.
  43.  64
    What Corporate Governance Can Learn from Catholic Social Teaching.Martijn Cremers - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (4):711-724.
    This reflection focuses on what insights Catholic Social Teaching can provide for corporate governance. I argue that the ‘standard’ agency theory is overly reductionist and insufficiently incorporates important economic limitations as well as human frailty. As a result, such agency theory insufficiently distinguishes firms from markets, which can easily relativize how we treat others and facilitate rationalization of unethical behavior. I then explore how three pillars of CST—human dignity, solidarity, and subsidiarity—can help overcome these limitations. CST proposes a vision of (...)
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  44. Correcting Course: How Should an Ethics Consultant Respond to a Surrogate’s Request for Remote Monitoring?Anita J. Tarzian - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):149-150.
    As ambient assisted living technologies continue to evolve, ethics consultants should be prepared to address questions about their proper use. In this issue, we address a scenario in a dementia car...
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    The dilemma of jehovah's witness children who need blood to survive.Anita Catlin - 1996 - HEC Forum 8 (4):195-207.
    Medical researchers must continue to develop and test non-blood oxygen-transport products. Resources provided by the Jehovah's Witness Hospital Assistance Line must be consulted. Sickle cell researchers must continue to test non-blood treatment. Information about non-blood treatments must be disbursed. Ways to enhance parental comport as the laws further and further support children's best interest must be provided. Information regarding cultural diversity must be disseminated. Hospitals and healthcare agencies that have not done so must institute the use of ethics consulting or (...)
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    The Limited Role of Social Sciences and Humanities in Interdisciplinary Funding: What are Its Effects?Anita Välikangas - 2024 - Social Epistemology 38 (2):152-172.
    There is wide agreement among scholars in research policy that the position of the social sciences and humanities (SSH) in interdisciplinary research is not as good as it should be. Academics give many reasons why SSH fields should become more active collaborators in interdisciplinarity, including the capacity within these disciplines to introduce new research questions and to make interdisciplinary research more ethically and societally grounded. This article assesses the conditions attached to 127 recent funding programmes for interdisciplinary and crossdisciplinary research. (...)
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    Carrying the Message of Counter-Hegemonic Practice: Teacher Candidates as Agents of Change.Anita Bright - 2015 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 51 (6):460-481.
  48.  31
    Agamben’s Philosophical Lineage: edited by Adam Kotsko and Carlo Salzani, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2017, x + 333 pp., $150.00/£95.00 (cloth), $39.95/£24.99.Douglas J. Cremer - 2020 - The European Legacy 26 (2):210-212.
    Cutting and parsing the corpus of a great author’s work is properly a delicate and exacting task, particularly when executed by numerous authors within the limits of a three-hundred-page academic b...
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    Boethius französisch: zur diskursiven Vernetzung mittelalterlicher und frühneuzeitlicher Consolatio-Übersetzungen.Désirée Cremer - 2015 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann. Edited by Boethius.
    Die "Consolatio Philosophiae," spatantikes Meisterwerk des Boethius, fungiert seit ihrer Wiederentdeckung durch Alkuin am Ende des 8. Jahrhunderts als Ausgangspunkt zahlreicher Kommentare und Ubersetzungen, die fur die europaische Geistesgeschichte pragend sind. Dieses Buch beleuchtet eine noch grossenteils unerforschte Texttradition: Franzosische Consolatio-Versionen des Mittelalters und der Fruhen Neuzeit bilden den Gegenstand der Analyse, bei der translatorische Strategien, diskursive Vernetzungen mit anderen Texten und Traditionen sowie sprachhistorische Entwicklungen sichtbar werden. Zur umfassenden Ermittlung komplexer Sinnstiftung werden jeweils historisches Umfeld, Paratextualitat und Textstruktur sowie (...)
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    Contemporary Debates on Terrorism.Douglas J. Cremer - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (5):644-645.
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