Results for 'Angelo Bella'

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  1.  41
    The self and our perception of its synchrony – Beyond internal and external cognition.Andrea Scalabrini, Michelangelo De Amicis, Agostino Brugnera, Marco Cavicchioli, Yasir Çatal, Kaan Keskin, Javier Gomez Pilar, Jianfeng Zhang, Bella Osipova, Angelo Compare, Andrea Greco, Francesco Benedetti, Clara Mucci & Georg Northoff - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 116 (C):103600.
  2.  12
    Hegel: la odisea del espíritu.Félix Duque (ed.) - 2010 - Madrid: Círculo de Bellas Artes.
    Hegel. La Odisea del Espíritu reúne la totalidad de las conferencias pronunciadas en el congreso homónimo que, coordinado por Félix Duque, se celebró en el Círculo de Bellas Artes y la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid entre el 28 de mayo y el 1 de junio de 2007 con motivo del segundo centenario de la publicación de "La Fenomenología del Espíritu". El congreso reunió a los mayores especialistas en la obra del pensador alemán y el resultado es una aportación de primer (...)
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  3.  27
    Responsibility and Punishment.J. Angelo Corlett - 2002 - Mind 111 (444):847-851.
  4. Collapse Models:a theoretical, experimental and philosophical review.Mauro Dorato, Angelo Bassi & Hendrik Ulbricht - 2023 - Entropy 25 (645):1.
    In this paper, we review and connect the three essential conditions needed by the collapse model to achieve a complete and exact formulation, namely the theoretical, the experimental, and the ontological ones. These features correspond to the three parts of the paper. In any empirical science, the first two features are obviously connected but, as is well known, among the different formulations and interpretations of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, only collapse models, as the paper well illustrates with a richness of details, (...)
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    Price of Pareto Optimality in hedonic games.Edith Elkind, Angelo Fanelli & Michele Flammini - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 288 (C):103357.
  6. An Analysis and Appraisal of the Moral Relevancy of the Distinction Between Negative and Positive Duties.Raymond Angelo Belliotti - 1977 - Dissertation, University of Miami
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    Probabilities of conditionals and previsions of iterated conditionals.Giuseppe Sanfilippo, Angelo Gilio, David E. Over & Niki Pfeifer - 2020 - International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 121.
    We analyze selected iterated conditionals in the framework of conditional random quantities. We point out that it is instructive to examine Lewis's triviality result, which shows the conditions a conditional must satisfy for its probability to be the conditional probability. In our approach, however, we avoid triviality because the import-export principle is invalid. We then analyze an example of reasoning under partial knowledge where, given a conditional if A then Cas information, the probability of A should intuitively increase. We explain (...)
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  8. A Road Map of Interval Temporal Logics and Duration Calculi.Valentin Goranko, Angelo Montanari & Guido Sciavicco - 2004 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 14 (1-2):9-54.
    We survey main developments, results, and open problems on interval temporal logics and duration calculi. We present various formal systems studied in the literature and discuss their distinctive features, emphasizing on expressiveness, axiomatic systems, and (un)decidability results.
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    Intemporalità della coscienza. Note a margine sul sentimento del tempo.Mauro Maldonato & Angelo Luciani - 2008 - Rivista di Estetica 37:125-140.
    Nei suoi diversi stadi evolutivi la vita biologica sul nostro pianeta ha mostrato due principali “adattamenti” al tempo: in primo luogo, imprimendo nel codice genetico elementi che facilitassero la variabilità periodica ai cambiamenti ambientali (luce, temperatura, precipitazioni), fenomeni tipici del nostro pianeta e del suo satellite rispetto al sole; in secondo luogo, dotando il sistema nervoso animale di strutture che garantissero, oltre l’equilibrio, le attività sensoriali e motorie rego...
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    Concordance of the Resting State Networks in Typically Developing, 6-to 7-Year-Old Children and Healthy Adults.Shalini Narayana, Cody L. Thornburgh, Roozbeh Rezaie, Bella N. Bydlinski, Frances A. Tylavsky, Andrew C. Papanicolaou, Asim F. Choudhri & Eszter Völgyi - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  11.  11
    Editorial: Self-compassion: From Neuroscience to Clinical Setting.Andrea Poli, Angelo Gemignani & Christopher Chad Woodruff - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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  12.  63
    Analyzing racism.J. Angelo Corlett - 1998 - Public Affairs Quarterly 12 (1):23-50.
  13.  18
    Lgbtfobia na tradição religiosa Iorubá do Ifá: especulações e práticas da heteronormatividade.Miguel Angelo Silva de Melo - 2017 - Odeere 2 (3).
    Este artigo está inserido na área de concentração de educação intercultural, etnofilosofia e estudos de gênero, com ênfase nas pressuposições teóricas pós-identitárias advindas com os estudos queer. Assim, o presente artigo tem como objetivo geral promover um estudo histórico-descritivo sobre a efabulação e o enclausuramento do espírito “queer” na comunidade religiosa yorùbá em territorialidades nigerianas, bem como, se propõem a revistar as representações sociais dos modelos heteronormativos de depredação, de submissão e de abjeção de indivíduos de orientação sexual ou de (...)
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    Gli eroi greci. Un Problema storico-religioso.Francis R. Walton & Angelo Brelich - 1960 - American Journal of Philology 81 (2):197.
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  15.  65
    The Role of Philosophy in Academic Ethics.J. Angelo Corlett - 2014 - Journal of Academic Ethics 12 (1):1-14.
    This paper seeks to provide some of the roles of philosophy in the field of academic ethics.
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  16.  28
    BeatWalk: Personalized Music-Based Gait Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease.Valérie Cochen De Cock, Dobromir Dotov, Loic Damm, Sandy Lacombe, Petra Ihalainen, Marie Christine Picot, Florence Galtier, Cindy Lebrun, Aurélie Giordano, Valérie Driss, Christian Geny, Ainara Garzo, Erik Hernandez, Edith Van Dyck, Marc Leman, Rudi Villing, Benoit G. Bardy & Simone Dalla Bella - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Taking regular walks when living with Parkinson’s disease has beneficial effects on movement and quality of life. Yet, patients usually show reduced physical activity compared to healthy older adults. Using auditory stimulation such as music can facilitate walking but patients vary significantly in their response. An individualized approach adapting musical tempo to patients’ gait cadence, and capitalizing on these individual differences, is likely to provide a rewarding experience, increasing motivation for walk-in PD. We aim to evaluate the observance, safety, tolerance, (...)
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  17.  13
    Auditory-Motor Rhythms and Speech Processing in French and German Listeners.Simone Falk, Chloé Volpi-Moncorger & Simone Dalla Bella - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  18.  82
    The good professor.J. Angelo Corlett - 2005 - Journal of Academic Ethics 3 (1):27-54.
    This paper seeks to provide a philosophical analysis of the features of an excellent professor, but a well-balanced one, professionally speaking. What makes for excellence in research, teaching and service is explored in some detail, with attention paid to the contexts of four-year colleges and comprehensive universities in the united states.
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  19. Self-Efficacy and Academic Resilience Among Grade 12 Students in a Private School: A Correlational Study.Michael Angelo Valentin, Ruelma Velasco, Christia Jhean Robles, Princess Noren Canlas, Junizhel Paraguya & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 11 (2):225-231.
    The learning process of both students and teachers can be predicted based on the learning mode. Therefore, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, schools must start using online learning and abandon more traditional teaching techniques. Thus, this study investigates the relationship between self-efficacy and academic resilience among 150 senior high school students. Thus, the researchers employed General Self-Efficacy and Resilience Scale. Finally, the statistical analysis reveals that the r coefficient of 0.78 indicates a high positive correlation between the variables. The p-value (...)
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  20.  54
    Bibliography of Joel Feinberg.J. Angelo Corlett - 2006 - The Journal of Ethics 10 (1-2):201-204.
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  21.  88
    On the Role and Value of Intercollegiate Athletics in Universities.J. Angelo Corlett - 2013 - Journal of Academic Ethics 11 (3):199-209.
    This paper challenges Professor Myles Brand’s position on the role and value of intercollegiate athletics in U.S. colleges and universities on the ground that it fails to account for considerations of deep fiscal responsibility. It presents both a philosophical and ethical criticism of his position that broadens the discussion beyond athletics to include a particular kind of higher educational institution more generally.
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  22.  67
    Collective punishment and public policy.J. Angelo Corlett - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (3):207 - 216.
    In this paper I shall discuss various philosophical theories of collective punishment: marxian annihilism, metaphysical collectivism and methodological individualism. After refuting metaphysical collectivism and its modified version, I defend a modification of methodological individualism.
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  23.  43
    Academic Placement Data and Analysis: 2017 Final Report.Carolyn Dicey Jennings, Patrice Cobb, Pablo Contreras Kallens & Angelo Kyrilov - 2017 - APA Grant Funds: Previously Funded Projects.
    Academic Placement Data and Analysis (APDA) has released its complete 2017 Final Report, an 81-page document that collects data on PhD-granting philosophy programs (including ratings by former students, placement rates, and diversity) and the discipline as a whole (including hiring networks, placement maps, cluster analyses of programs, job descriptions, non-academic hiring). The report was created by Carolyn Dicey Jennings, Patrice Cobb, Pablo Contreras Kallens, and Angelo Kyrilov, all of University of California, Merced. (from Daily Nous).
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  24.  10
    The Prince.Raymond Angelo Belliotti - 2010 - In Harold Bloom Blake Hobby (ed.), Bloom's Literary Themes: Civil Disobedience.
  25.  9
    L'uomo e Dio. Appunti di critica.Angelo Quarto Di Palo - 1947 - Journal of Philosophy 44 (15):418-418.
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    The condemnation of St. Thomas at Oxford.Daniel Angelo Callus - 1955 - [London]: Blackfriars.
  27. Economic Exploitation in Intercollegiate Athletics.J. Angelo Corlett - 2013 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 7 (3):295 - 312.
    This paper investigates philosophically the question of whether or not college and university athletes in the USA are doing something morally wrong should they terminate their college or university experience prior to graduation and enter the professional athletic ranks. Various moral arguments are brought to bear in order to attempt to shed light on this issue. One reason why such athletes ?turn professional? before they graduate is the perceived economic exploitation they experience as essentially underpaid workers earning much revenue for (...)
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  28.  98
    Profiling Color.J. Angelo Corlett - 2011 - The Journal of Ethics 15 (1-2):21 - 32.
    This paper examines philosophically the nature and possible moral justification of racial profiling in terms of color profiling. Precisely what is such profiling, and can it ever be morally justified? If so, under what conditions is it morally justified?
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    Pensar a Ética da Amizade Na Escola.Pedro Angelo Pagni - 2015 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 23:364-386.
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    Inferno.Raymond Angelo Belliotti - 2011 - In Dante's Deadly Sins: Moral Philosophy in Hell. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 19–47.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Dante's Mission The Journey Begins Vestibule (Ante‐Hell): The Indecisive Neutrals Upper Hell: Sins of Unrestrained Desire (the Wolf) River Styx, Walls of the City of Dis Lower Hell: Sins of Malice Leading to Violence (the Lion) Lower Hell: Sins of Malice Leading to Fraud (the Leopard) Dante's Existential Lessons in Hell.
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    Out of Control.Raymond Angelo Belliotti - 2010-09-24 - In Fritz Allhoff, Jesús Ilundáin‐Agurruza & Michael W. Austin (eds.), Cycling ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 200–213.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Pirate and Performance‐Enhancing Drugs Life and Times Performance‐Enhancing Drugs The Paternalistic Argument The Argument from the Harm Principle The Argument from Distorted Values The Argument from the Prisoner's Dilemma Why r‐EPO Should Continue to be Banned The Pirate's False Treasure Notes.
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    Compensatory Justice to Groups.J. Angelo Corlett - 2021 - In Deborah C. Poff & Alex C. Michalos (eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 368-372.
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  33. L'existencialisme de M. Gabriel Marcel.Antonio Angelo Leite Rainho - 1955 - [Lisbonne,:
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  34.  12
    Naboth’s Vineyard: A guide for South Africa on the Vexing Land Issue.Maxwell Zakhele Shamase & Angelo Nicolaides - 2022 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 2 (1):1-9.
    The story of Naboth’s vineyard (1 Kings 21:1-16) is one played out during the dynasty of Omri in Northern Israel (866-842 BCE) and speaks to an era in which socio-economics were largely dominated by political elites. The narrative concerns inter alia a clash between two arrangements of land ownership, inheritance and possession by others. Thus, from a socio – analytical perspective, the story has lessons to impart to 2022 South Africa where the issue of the land redistribution is an important (...)
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    Lo policiaco y el aparato de Estado: una lectura entre Rancière y Althusser.Mitchel Angelo Rojas Valdés - 2023 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 22 (2):133-149.
    Este escrito se propone exponer, desarrollar y fundamentar, a grandes rasgos, un cuestionamiento interpretativo sobre la vinculación entre J. Rancière y L. Althusser, específicamente en torno a la concepción de policía del primero y de aparato de Estado del segundo. Es conocido que, en una primera etapa, Rancière fue cercano al pensamiento de Althusser, pero nunca un adherente del mismo. No obstante, en su pensamiento político se pueden hallar residuos y vestigios que parecieran dar cuenta de aquella primera relación intelectual (...)
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  36.  75
    Can terrorism be morally justified?J. Angelo Corlett - 1996 - Public Affairs Quarterly 10 (3):163-184.
  37.  19
    Latino identity.J. Angelo Corlett - 1999 - Public Affairs Quarterly 13 (3):273-295.
  38. Apontamentos Teórico-Metodológicos da Pesquisa em História da Educação: O Método Materialista Histórico-Dialético.Denise Kloeckner Sbardelotto, Adair Angelo Dalarosa & Maria Isabel Moura Nascimento - 2009 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 11 (1).
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    Are Collapse Models Testable via Flavor Oscillations?Sandro Donadi, Angelo Bassi, Catalina Curceanu, Antonio Di Domenico & Beatrix C. Hiesmayr - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (7):813-844.
    Collapse models predict the spontaneous collapse of the wave function, in order to avoid the emergence of macroscopic superpositions. In their mass-dependent formulation, they claim that the collapse of any system’s wave function depends on its mass. Neutral K, D, B mesons are oscillating systems that are given by Nature as superposition of two distinct mass eigenstates. Thus they are unique laboratory for testing collapse models that are sensitive to the mass. In this paper we derive—for the single mesons and (...)
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  40.  70
    The Effect of Spontaneous Collapses on Neutrino Oscillations.Sandro Donadi, Angelo Bassi, Luca Ferialdi & Catalina Curceanu - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (9):1066-1089.
    We compute the effect of collapse models on neutrino oscillations. The effect of the collapse is to modify the evolution of the spatial part of the wave function and we will show that this indirectly amounts to a change on the flavor components. For the analysis we use the mass proportional CSL model, and perform the calculation to second order perturbation theory. As we will show, the CSL effect is very small—mainly due to the very small mass of neutrinos—and practically (...)
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  41.  10
    Editor’s Introduction.J. Angelo Corlett - 2006 - The Journal of Ethics 10 (1-2):2-4.
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    Holismo moderado y fenómenos lingüísticos.Kênio Angelo Dantas Freitas Estrela - 2021 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 31 (2):443-454.
    El holismo semántico es una teoría que está relacionada con los significados que se atribuyen a las palabras y sus relaciones con otras palabras en una lengua. En este trabajo se propone rehabilitar el holismo semántico como una posición filosófica razonable y presentar una versión del holismo semántico desarrollada por Henry Jackman – llamada “holismo semántico moderado”. Esta teoría es capaz de explicar algunos fenómenos lingüísticos, como la vaguedad, polisemia y ambigüedad, haciendo del holismo moderado una teoría útil no sólo (...)
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    L'educazione dell'uomo completo: scritti in onore di Mario Alighiero Manacorda.Mario Alighiero Manacorda & Angelo Semeraro (eds.) - 2001 - [Milan?]: La Nuova Italia.
  44. The introduction of the moral psychology in the ergon argument.Angelo Antonio Pires De Oliveira - 2020 - Rónai 8 (2):375-391.
    In this paper, I discuss in detail one of the first conclusions drawn by Aristotle in the ergonargument. The paper provides an in-depth approach to Nicomachean Ethics’ lines 1098a3-4, where one reads: “λείπεταιδὴπρακτικήτιςτοῦλόγονἔχοντος”. I divide the discussion into two parts. In the first part, I put under scrutiny how one should take the word “πρακτική” and argue that one should avoid taking this word as meaning “practical” in the passage. I will argue in favor of taking it as meaning “active”. (...)
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  45. Alienation in capitalist society.J. Angelo Corlett - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (9):699 - 701.
    In a recent paper in this journal Charles B. Saunders et al. argue that corporations have no social responsibility regarding alienation in the workplace in that there is no significant degree of alienation in the workplace, at least in white collar and management level positions in corporate America.Contrary to Saunders et al., this paper defines the concept of alienation. Having done that, it proceeds to show that the argument Saunders et al. make flounders on logical grounds. I conclude that Saunders (...)
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  46. A marxist approach to business ethics.J. Angelo Corlett - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (1):99 - 103.
    This paper contains a philosophical explication of some of the essentials of a Marxist approach to business ethics. A Marxist approach is construed as a moral critique of capitalism. This paper hopes to lay the groundwork for a more detailed analysis of Karl Marx's critique of capitalist economies.
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  47.  84
    Social epistemology and social cognition.J. Angelo Corlett - 1991 - Social Epistemology 5 (2):135 – 149.
  48. (1 other version)Josiah Royce and the Problems of Philosophical Pedagogy.Lucio Angelo Privitello - 2010 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 46 (1):111-142.
    The power, depth, and humanity of the work and life of Josiah Royce gains in richness by following his reflections on the problems of philosophical pedagogy. While engaged as a professor of philosophy, author, advisor, and administrator, Royce developed and refined guidelines for the philosophy of education, and the art of philosophical pedagogy. Except for a few personal recollections from his students and colleagues, an article by Frank M. Oppenheim that appeared thirty-five years ago, and the annotated bibliography to his (...)
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  49.  33
    Penal Substitutionism, Divine Justice, and the Existence of God.J. Angelo Corlett & Nathan Huffine - 2021 - Philosophy and Theology 33 (1):69-93.
    Professor William Lane Craig argues that a particular set of concerns about the Christian doctrine of penal substitution (namely, that Jesus of Nazareth was sacrificed for the sins of humanity) can be satisfied. This article provides rebuttals to said replies in an attempt to render plausible the claim that God exists to the extent that God is perfectly just, and that divine justice requires, among other things, that God never engage in the harming of innocents, consistent with any doctrine of (...)
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    Do Wave Functions Jump? Perspectives on the Work of GianCarlo Ghirardi.Valia Allori, Angelo Bassi, Detlef Duerr & Nino Zanghi (eds.) - 2020 - Springer.
    Book to honor the work of GianCarlo Ghirardi.
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