Results for 'András Máté-Tóth'

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  1.  18
    Ethnicity, Religiosity and Memory. A Case Study in Vojvodina, Serbia.András Tóth-Máté, Gyula Lencsés & Melinda Adrienn Paizs - 2020 - Religious dialogue and cooperation 1:121-133.
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    Der Wiener Kreis in Ungarn: The Vienna Circle in Hungary.András Máté, Miklós Rédei & Friedrich Stadler (eds.) - 2011 - Springer.
    Der Einfluss des Wiener Kreises zeigt sich bis heute auf allen Gebieten der Philosophie. Mit der erzwungenen Emigration der meisten Mitglieder wurde diese logisch-empiristische Tradition in Mitteleuropa jedoch vorerst unterbrochen. Erst als der logische Empirismus nach dem 2. Weltkrieg in der angelsächsischen Welt zu einer wichtigen Denkrichtung geworden war, wirkte er von dort zurück nach Mitteleuropa. In den Beiträgen analysieren und bewerten namhafte Experten die Auswirkungen des Logischen Empirismus auf die Entwicklung der Philosophie in Ungarn.
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    Árpád szabó and Imre Lakatos, or the relation between history and philosophy of mathematics.András Máté - 2006 - Perspectives on Science 14 (3):282-301.
    The thirty year long friendship between Imre Lakatos and the classic scholar and historian of mathematics Árpád Szabó had a considerable influence on the ideas, scholarly career and personal life of both scholars. After recalling some relevant facts from their lives, this paper will investigate Szabó's works about the history of pre-Euclidean mathematics and its philosophy. We can find many similarities with Lakatos' philosophy of mathematics and science, both in the self-interpretation of early axiomatic Greek mathematics as Szabó reconstructs it, (...)
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  4. Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Logic and Language.Katalin Bimbó & Andras Maté (eds.) - 1993 - Budapest: Aran Publishers.
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    The Vienna Circle in Hungary, edited by András Máté, Miklós Rédei and Friedrich Stadler, Springer, Wien–New York, 2011, 300 pp. [REVIEW]Máté Szabó - 2013 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 19 (1):110-112.
    Review by: Maté Szabó The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, Volume 19, Issue 1, Page 110-112, March 2013.
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    Altered Neural Activity during Irony Comprehension in Unaffected First-Degree Relatives of Schizophrenia Patients—An fMRI Study.Róbert Herold, Eszter Varga, András Hajnal, Edina Hamvas, Hajnalka Berecz, Borbála Tóth & Tamás Tényi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    It Takes Two to Tango: Development, Validation, and Personality Correlates of the Acceptance of Sugar Relationships in Older Men and Women Scale.András Láng, Béla Birkás, András N. Zsidó, Dóra Ipolyi & Norbert Meskó - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Sugar relationships can be considered contemporary forms of transactional sex, that is, offering sexual services for material resources or other benefits. Considering the common age differences in these relationships, sugar relationships might be of relevance for older adults as well on the mating market. As a sequel to Birkás et al., in the present study, an attitude scale was developed to assess older women’s and men’s acceptance of sugar relationships. We also explored whether the acceptance of sugar relationships was associated (...)
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  8. Towards common ground in measuring acceptance of evolution and knowledge about evolution across Europe: a systematic review of the state of research.Paul Kuschmierz, Andra Meneganzin, Rianne Pinxten, Telmo Pievani, Dragana Cvektovic, Evangelia Mavrikaki, Dittmar Graf & Anna Beniermann - 2020 - Evolution: Education and Outreach 13 (18).
    Background Relatively little information is available regarding the level of acceptance of evolution and knowledge about evolution in different educational settings in Europe. The aim of the present study is to fill this gap and provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of research regarding evolutionary knowledge and acceptance of students and teachers across Europe, based on a systematic literature review. -/- Results We identified 56 papers for the period 2010–2020, presenting results for 29 European countries. Both knowledge and (...)
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    Paul Erdös, András Hajnal, Attila Máté, and Richard Rado. Combinatorial set theory: partition relations for cardinals. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 106; Disquisitiones mathematicae Hungaricae, vol. 13. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, New York, and Oxford, and Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1984, 347 pp. [REVIEW]Neil H. Williams - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (1):310-312.
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    Andras Jakab. Neukantianismus in der ungarischen Rechtstheorie in der ersten Hälfte des XX. Jahrhunderts (Rezensionsabhandlung).András Jakab - 2008 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 94 (2):264-272.
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  11. Were Neanderthals and Homo sapiens ‘good species’?Andra Meneganzin & Massimo Bernardi - 2023 - Quaternary Science Reviews 303.
    Prior to the advent of whole-genome sequencing in ancient humans, the likelihood that Homo sapiens and Neanderthals admixed has long been debated, mostly on the basis of phenotypic assessments alone. Today, evidence for archaic hominin admixture is being documented in an increasing number of studies, expanding the evidential basis of the debate on whether Homo sapiens and Neanderthals merit separate specific taxonomic status. Here we argue that while new evidence has provided us with a finer-grained picture of ancient intra- and (...)
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  12. Perspectives on Visual Learning, vol. 3: Image and Metaphor in the New Century.András Benedek & Kristof Nyíri (eds.) - 2019
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  13. TJ Mawson, Belief in God: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion.Andra Lazaroiu - 2006 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):121-127.
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    Freedom: A global theory?András Szigeti - 2005 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 5 (13):157-176.
    This essay provides a critical discussion of Philip Pettit’s book A Theory of Freedom: From the Psychology to the Politics of Agency (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001). It evaluates the general prospeets of a ‘global theory of freedom’ of the kind advocated by Pettit, i.e. one that seeks explicitly to link a metaphysical theory of free agency to a distinct conception of political liberty. Pettit’s in many ways innovative views concerning ongoing debates in metaphysics and political theory (e.g. compatibilism, republicanism, (...)
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    The Entrepreneurial Calling: Perspectives from Rahner.William J. Toth - 2005 - Listening 40 (1):35-47.
    In this paper I offer a brief historical perspective on the social teaching of the Church as it relates to the entrepreneur. I then offer a preliminary analysis of the vocation of the entrepreneur and show how the Trinitarian doctrines of the Father's providence, the Son's kenotic self-sacrifice and the Spirit's creativity in Rahner's pastoral writings relate to the vocation of the entrepreneur. Although he never constructed a specific and developed theology regarding the calling of the entrepreneur, I believe Rahner's (...)
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    Reflections on the Meaning of Work. Toth - 2011 - The Lonergan Review 3 (1):304-310.
  17. Leibniz and Arnauld: A Commentary on their Correspondence.Benson Mates - 1990
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  18. Inherence of False Beliefs in Spinoza’s Ethics.Oliver Istvan Toth - 2016 - Society and Politics 10 (2):74-94.
    In this paper I argue, based on a comparison of Spinoza's and Descartes‟s discussion of error, that beliefs are affirmations of the content of imagination that is not false in itself, only in relation to the object. This interpretation is an improvement both on the winning ideas reading and on the interpretation reading of beliefs. Contrary to the winning ideas reading it is able to explain belief revision concerning the same representation. Also, it does not need the assumption that I (...)
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  19. The ontological roots of human science: The message of evolution - the physics of freedom (choice).András Balázs - 2007 - World Futures 63 (8):568 – 583.
    The original proposal of H. H. Pattee (1971) of basing quantum theoretical measurement theory on the theory of the origin of life, and its far reaching consequences, is discussed in the light of a recently emerging biological paradigm of internal measurement. It is established that the "measurement problem" of quantum physics can, in principle, be traced back to the internal material constraints of the biological organisms, where choice is a fundamental attribute of the self-measurement of matter. In this light, which (...)
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  20.  66
    Benson Mates. Elementary logic. Oxford University Press, New York1965, x + 227 pp.G. T. Kneebone & Benson Mates - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (3):483-484.
  21. The Philosophy of Leibniz: Metaphysics and Language.Benson Mates - 1986 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    This book offers a critical account of the fundamental elements of Leibniz's philosophy, as they manifest themselves in his metaphysics and philosophy of language. Emphasis is placed upon his hitherto neglected doctrine of nominalism, which states that only concrete individuals exist and that there are no such things as abstract entities – no numbers, geometrical figures or other mathematical objects, nor any abstractions such as space, time, heat, light, justice, goodness, or beauty. Using this doctrine as a basis, the book (...)
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    Elena N. Boeck. The Bronze Horseman of Justinian in Constantinople, bespr. von András Kraft.András Kraft - 2022 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 115 (3):1129-1139.
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    Toward a redefinition of implicit memory: Process dissociations following elaborative processing and self-generation.Jeffrey Toth, Eyal M. Reingold & Larry Jacoby - 1994 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 20 (2):290-303.
  24. The neuropsychology of memory.J. P. Toth, S. Lindsay, L. L. Jacoby, L. R. Squire & N. Butters - 1992 - In L. R. Squire & N. Butters (eds.), Neuropsychology of Memory. Guilford Press.
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    “Mapping to know”: The effects of representational guidance and reflective assessment on scientific inquiry.Eva Erdosne Toth, Daniel D. Suthers & Alan M. Lesgold - 2002 - Science Education 86 (2):264-286.
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    “False Friends” and Some Other Phenomena Reflecting the Historical Determination of the Terminology of Hungarian Private Law.András Földi - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (3):729-747.
    This article deals with some phenomena of the Hungarian legal language from a historical point of view, with special regard to the terminology of private law going back to Roman law tradition. The author aims, on the one hand, to present the historical background of the current terminology of Hungarian private law by means of some representative examples. On the other hand, it is attempted at demonstrating that “false friends” and some further misunderstandings in the current terminology of Hungarian private (...)
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  27.  16
    How To Do Things With Pictures: Skill, Practice, Performance.András Benedek & Kristof Nyiri (eds.) - 2013 - Peter Lang Edition.
    Pictorial meaning involves not just resemblance, but also pictorial skills, pictorial acts, practices, and performance. Especially in the classroom setting, at all levels of education, it is essential to realize that teaching with pictures and learning through pictures is a practical enterprise where thinking is embedded in doing. Promoting visual learning means to be a visionary, and to take on an enormous educational challenge. But while adaptation and innovation are inevitable in a world where technological changes are rapidly and radically (...)
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  28.  22
    Some economic aspects of globalization: blessing or curse!Mate Babić - 2002 - Disputatio Philosophica 4 (1):125-144.
  29. Kunst und Freiheit. Eine kritiche Interpretation der Hegelschen Aesthetik.Andras Horn - 1972 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 34 (4):828-829.
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  30. Anomalie semiotyczne. Wstępne podejście do modelu semiotycznego.Andrăs Kertèsz - 1990 - Studia Semiotyczne 16:135-151.
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    Az Ember Fáj a Földnek: Utak Az Ökofilozófiához.András Lányi - 2010 - L'Harmattan.
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    Kritikai értekezés a jogtudományról.András Sajó - 1983 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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    A gyakorlati materializmus felé.András György Szabó - 1972 - Budapest,: Magvetö Könykiado.
  34. A proletárforradalom világnézete: a filozófia bírálata.András György Szabó - 1977 - [Budapest]: Magvető.
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  35. Awareness, automaticity, and memory dissociations.J. P. Toth, D. S. Lindsay & Larry L. Jacoby - 1992 - In L. R. Squire & N. Butters (eds.), Neuropsychology of Memory. Guilford Press. pp. 46--57.
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    Does Threat Have an Advantage After All? – Proposing a Novel Experimental Design to Investigate the Advantages of Threat-Relevant Cues in Visual Processing.Andras N. Zsido, Arpad Csatho, Andras Matuz, Diana Stecina, Akos Arato, Orsolya Inhof & Gergely Darnai - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Liberté et vérité: pensée mathématique & spéculation philosophique.Imre Tóth - 2009 - Paris: Éclat.
    La géométrie non euclidienne fut non seulement un bouleversement sans précédent dans l'histoire des mathématiques, mais également une bouffée d'air pur pour les partisans d'une "vérité sans les dogmes". Par ce "non" augmentatif, elle affirmait l'existence d'un en-dehors de l'Être, vingt-quatre siècles après le Parménide de Platon, et plaçait, more geometrico, la philosophie dans l'espace de la spiritualité occidentale, ouvrant la voie à la liberté dans le domaine des sciences rigoureuses. C'est aux implications philosophiques de cette révolution mathématique qu'est consacré (...)
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    The Skeptic Way: Sextus Empiricus' Outlines of Pyrrhonism.Benson Mates (ed.) - 1996 - New York: Oup Usa.
    A study of Pyrrhonean scepticism, consisting of a new translation of Sextus Empiricus' Outlines of Pyrrhonism, accompanied by an analytic introduction and an in-depth, section-by-section commentary - the first of its kind available.
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    Descriptions and reference.Benson Mates - 1973 - Foundations of Language 10 (3):409-418.
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  40. A response to Graf and komatsu's (1994) critique of the process-dissociation procedure: When is caution necessary?Jeffrey Toth, Eyal M. Reingold & Larry Jacoby - 1995 - European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 7:113-130.
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    Nonconscious forms of human memory.Jeffrey P. Toth - 2000 - In Endel Tulving (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Memory. Oxford University Press. pp. 245--261.
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    A Cognitive Elaboration Model of Sustainability Decision Making: Investigating Financial Managers’ Orientation Toward Environmental Issues.Edina Eberhardt-Toth & David M. Wasieleski - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (4):735-751.
    This empirical paper examines individual-level cognitive factors associated with developing an orientation to sustainable development issues among a population of business practitioners from France. Across two studies, we survey 180 financial managers and 83 finance students, as well as 144 managers from other business disciplines and 117 non-finance business students. We consider ability and motivation variables integrated and adapted into a cognitive elaboration model for sustainable decision making. Specifically, we examine the degree of influence of two factors on the ethical (...)
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  43. (2 other versions)The philosophy of Leibniz. Metaphysics and Language.Benson Mates - 1986 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 181 (1):106-107.
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  44. A fresh look on the role of the second kind of knowledge in Spinoza’s Ethics.Oliver Istvan Toth - 2017 - Hungarian Philosophical Review (2):37-56.
    In this paper, through a close reading of Spinoza's use of common notions I argue for the role of experiential and experimental knowledge in Spinoza's epistemology.
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  45. Agency, Fate and Luck: Themes from Bernard Williams.Andras Szigeti & Talbert Matthew (eds.) - 2022 - Oxford University Press.
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    Morality and Agency: Themes From Bernard Williams.András Szigeti & Matthew Talbert (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Usa.
    Bernard Williams was one of the great philosophical figures of the second half of the 20th century and remains deeply influential. This edited volume brings together new articles from prominent scholars that focus on the innovative ideas and methods that Williams developed as part of his distinctive "outlook" in ethics. The chapters in the first section examine Williams's attempts to explore theoretical options beyond the confines of what he called the "morality system." The contributors show how, through a critical confrontation (...)
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  47. Image and Metaphor in the New Century.Andras Benedek & Kristof Nyiri (eds.) - 2019
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  48. Multiple occupancy, identity, and what matters.L. Andra - 2007 - Philosophical Explorations 10 (3):211 – 225.
    As regards the question of what matters in survival two views have been identified: on the one hand, we have the view that what matters is identity (the so-called 'commonsense view') and, on the other hand, we have the view that what matters is the holding of certain psychological connections between various mental states over time (the relation R). Several attempts have tried to reconcile these two views involving the so-called 'multiple occupancy view' or 'cohabitation thesis'. Even if the latter (...)
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  49. Der entfremdete Marx.András Gedő - 1971 - Frankfurt/Main,: Verlag Marxistische Blätter.
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    Válságtudat és filozófia.András Gedő - 1976 - [Budapest]: Kossuth.
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