Results for 'Andreas Karyos'

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  1. The acceleration of history and decolonization in the eastern Mediterranean : the case of Cyprus, 1945-1959.Andreas Karyos - 2016 - In Alexios Alecou, Acceleration of history: war, conflict, and politics. London: Lexington Books.
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  2. A vaccine tax: ensuring a more equitable global vaccine distribution.Andreas Albertsen - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (10):658-661.
    While COVID-19 vaccines provide light at the end of the tunnel in a difficult time, they also bring forth the complex ethical issue of global vaccine distribution. The current unequal global distribution of vaccines is unjust towards the vulnerable living in low-income countries. A vaccine tax should be introduced to remedy this. Under such a scheme, a small fraction of the money spent by a country on vaccines for its own population would go into a fund, such as COVAX, dedicated (...)
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    How distinctive is affective processing? On the implications of using cognitive paradigms to study affect and emotion.Andreas B. Eder, Bernhard Hommel & Jan De Houwer - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (6):1137-1154.
    Influential theories on affect and emotion propose a fundamental differentiation between emotion and cognition, and research paradigms designed to test them focus on differences rather than similarities between affective and cognitive processes. This research orientation is increasingly challenged by the widespread and successful use of cognitive research paradigms in the study of affect and emotion—a challenge with far-reaching implications. Where and on what basis should theorists draw the line between cognition and emotion, and when is it useful to do so? (...)
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  4. Global rules and private actors: Toward a new role of the transnational corporation in global governance.Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo & Dorothée Baumann - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (4):505-532.
    : We discuss the role that transnational corporations should play in developing global governance, creating a framework of rules and regulations for the global economy. The central issue is whether TNCs should provide global rules and guarantee individual citizenship rights, or instead focus on maximizing profits. First, we describe the problems arising from the globalization process that affect the relationship between public rules and private firms. Next we consider the position of economic and management theories in relation to the social (...)
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    Democracy and the politics of the extraordinary: Max Weber, Carl Schmitt, and Hannah Arendt.Andreas Kalyvas - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Although the modern age is often described as the age of democratic revolutions, the subject of popular foundings has not captured the imagination of contemporary political thought. Most of the time, democratic theory and political science treat as the object of their inquiry normal politics, institutionalized power, and consolidated democracies. The aim of Andreas Kalyvas' study is to show why it is important for democratic theory to rethink the question of its beginnings. Is there a founding unique to democracies? (...)
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    Leibniz: Metaphilosophy and Metaphysics, 1666–1686.Andreas Blank - 2005 - Munich, Germany: Philosophia.
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    From Stakeholder Management to Stakeholder Accountability: Applying Habermasian Discourse Ethics to Accountability Research.Andreas Rasche & Daniel E. Esser - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 65 (3):251-267.
    Confronted with mounting pressure to ensure accountability vis-à-vis customers, citizens and beneficiaries, organizational leaders need to decide how to choose and implement so-called accountability standards. Yet while looking for an appropriate standard, they often base their decisions on cost-benefit calculations, thus neglecting other important spheres of influence pertaining to more broadly defined stakeholder interests. We argue in this paper that, as a part of the strategic decision for a certain standard, management needs to identify and act according to the needs (...)
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  8. Die logischen Fragmente des Theophrast.Andreas Graeser - 1974 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 36 (2):367-368.
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  9. Elda abrevaya.Lou Andreas-Salome - 2006 - Cogito 49:157.
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    Die aristotelische Dialektik: ihre Darstellung in der Topik und in den sophistischen Widerlegungen und ihre Anwendung in der Metaphysik M 1-3.Andreas Beriger - 1989 - Heidelberg: Winter.
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    Kognitive romanische Onomasiologie und Semasiologie.Andreas Blank & Peter Koch (eds.) - 2003 - Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
    Dieser Sammelband zeigt anhand von Problemen der Lexik und Grammatik romanischer Sprachen sowie der linguistischen Metasprache, daß die onomasiologische und die semasiologische Perspektive in ihrer Komplementarität unabdingbare Bezugspunkte einer sich als 'kognitiv' verstehenden Sprachwissenschaft sein sollten. Mit im Detail unterschiedlicher Perspektivierung werden Fragen der synchronischen und diachronischen Lexikologie und Grammatik diskutiert, ausgewählte Konzept- bzw. Funktionsbereiche im Detail analysiert und Probleme der Grammatikographie und der Konzeptualisierung von Sprache beleuchtet.
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  12. Leibniz’ Rezeption der Aristotelischen Logik und Metaphysik.Andreas Blank (ed.) - 2016 - Hildesheim, Germany:
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    Reply to Brandon Look.Andreas Blank - 2006 - The Leibniz Review 16:123-124.
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  14. Fresh Starts for Poor Health Choices: Should We Provide Them and Who Should Pay?Andreas Albertsen - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (1):55-64.
    Should we grant a fresh start to those who come to regret their past lifestyle choices? A negative response to this question can be located in the luck egalitarian literature. As a responsibility-sensitive theory of justice, luck egalitarianism considers it just that people’s relative positions reflect their past choices, including those they regret. In a recent article, Vansteenkiste, Devooght and Schokkaert argue against the luck egalitarian view, maintaining instead that those who regret their past choices in health are disadvantaged in (...)
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  15.  10
    Gott ist nicht gut und nicht gerecht: zum Gottesbild der Gegenwart.Andreas Benk - 2008 - Düsseldorf: Patmos.
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    Endlichkeit: zur Vergänglichkeit und Begrenztheit von Mensch, Natur und Gesellschaft.Andreas Bihrer, Anja Franke-Schwenk & Tine Stein (eds.) - 2015 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
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  17. “Das Recht kann nicht ungerecht sein …” Beiträge zu Leibniz’ Philosophie der Gerechtigkeit.Andreas Blank (ed.) - 2015 - Stuttgart, Germany:
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  18. Titre II Compétence Art. 2-31.Andreas Bucher - forthcoming - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas.
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    A moral theory of solidarity. Avery Kolers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.Andreas Busen - 2019 - Constellations 26 (4):660-663.
  20. Landschaft von gestern für die Kultur von morgen.Andreas Muhar - 1994 - Topos 6:95-102.
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    Wucher – überholtes Relikt der Wirtschaftsgeschichte oder bleibende wirtschaftsethische Herausforderung?Andreas Pawlas - 2021 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 65 (2):134-140.
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    Schloßbau und Repräsentation. Zur Funktionalität der Adelspalais in der Umgebung des Kaiserhofes in Wien.Andreas Pecar - 2007 - In Christine Tauber, Johannes Süßmann & Ulrich Oevermann, Die Kunst der Mächtigen Und Die Macht der Kunst: Untersuchungen Zu Mäzenatentum Und Kulturpatronage. Akademie Verlag. pp. 179-200.
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    From the Act to the Decision.Andreas Kalyvas - 2004 - Political Theory 32 (3):320-346.
    There is much disagreement among many commentators of Hannah Arendt's work about whether her contributions to politics and philosophy contain a clandestine version of decisionism or, by contrast, represent an explicit attempt to break away from the elements of voluntarism, arbitrariness, and irrationality, which are considered to be inherent to any theory of the decision. Despite the many disagreements that set apart these two interpretations of Arendt, however, there is a common presupposition that both share. They are in agreement concerning (...)
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  24.  12
    Politische Ethik in den Zeiten der Biopolitik.Andreas Brenner - 2003 - In Katja Becker, Eva-Maria Engelen & Milos Vec, Ethisierung - Ethikferne: Wie Viel Ethik Braucht Die Wissenschaft? De Gruyter. pp. 15-30.
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    Jubiläum Eines Berühmten Buches.Willy Andreas - 1957 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 9 (3):232-245.
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    Karl Marx/Friedrich Engels, das Ende der klassischen deutschen Philosophie: Bibliographie.Bert Andréas - 1983 - Trier: Karl-Marx-Haus.
  27.  8
    Ausdruckswelt: eine Studie über Nihilismus und Kunst bei Benn und Nietzsche.Andreas Wolf - 1988 - New York: G. Olms.
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    Kommentar Zu Nietzsches "Jenseits von Gut Und Böse".Andreas Urs Sommer - 2016 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Jenseits von Gut und Böse ist ein Werk, mit dem Nietzsche einen neuen Ton fand, um so die „Philosophie der Zukunft“ zu initiieren. Es untergräbt gewohnte Gewissheiten in fundamentalphilosophischer, religiöser, moralischer und politischer Hinsicht. Zugleich verspricht es, die Perspektiven, das Leben der Leser grundlegend zu verändern. Signalbegriffe wie „Wille zur Macht“ und „Sklaven-Moral“ dürfen nicht als feste Lehren missverstanden werden.
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  29.  13
    Ontological Dependence and the Metaphysics of Individual Substances, 1540–1716.Andreas Blank - 2015 - Munich, Germany: Philosophia.
  30.  33
    Tensions in Piketty’s Participatory Socialism: Reconciling Justice and Democracy.Andreas Albertsen & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen - 2021 - Analyse & Kritik 43 (1):71-88.
    In the final parts of Piketty’s Capital and Ideology, he presents his vision for a just and more equal society. This vision marks an alternative to contemporary societies, and differs radically both from the planned Soviet economies and from social democratic welfare states. In his sketch of this vision, Piketty provides a principled account of how such a society would look and how it would modify the current status of private property through co-managed enterprises and the creation of temporary ownership (...)
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  31.  49
    Democratic Education in the Mode of Populism.Andreas Mårdh & Ásgeir Tryggvason - 2017 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 36 (6):601-613.
    This paper seeks to bring John Dewey’s pragmatist philosophy of democratic education and the public into dialogue with Ernesto Laclau’s theory of populism. Recognizing populism as an integral aspect of democracy, rather than as its antithesis, the purpose of this paper is to provide a theoretical account of populism as being of educational relevance in two respects. First, it argues that the populist logic specifies a set of formal elements by which democratic education could operate as a collective enterprise. Second, (...)
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    Gott als Möglichkeit: ein religionsphilosophischer Zugang.Andreas Nohr - 2020 - Hamburg: Medien Kontor Hamburg.
    Beginn : das Narrativ -- Traditionelle Denkmöglichkeiten -- Alternative Denkmöglichkeiten -- Unbedingte Möglichkeit -- Entfaltung -- Konsequenzen -- Schluss : das Narrativ.
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    Kunst als symbolische Wirklichkeitskonstruktion.Andreas J. Obrecht - 1990 - Wien: VWGÖ.
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    Kant-Konkordanz: zu den Werken Immanuel Kants (Bände I-IX der Ausgabe der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften).Andreas Roser, Thomas Mohrs & Frank R. Börncke - 1992 - Olms-Weidmann.
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  35. Neururers Probleme mit den Nationalsozialisten. Drei Briefe an das bischöfliche Ordinariat St. Pölten.Andreas Roser - 1995 - Wittgenstein-Studien 2 (1).
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  36. 14 Post-structuralism and the randomisation of history.Andreas Bieler & Adam David Morton - 2010 - In Cerwyn Moore & Chris Farrands, International Relations Theory and Philosophy: Interpretive Dialogues. Routledge. pp. 157.
  37. Epochen und Stadien der Metaphysik : der doppelte Fortschrittsbegriff in Kants Entwürfen der späten Preisschrift.Andreas Brandt - 2017 - In Andree Hahmann & Bernd Ludwig, Über die Fortschritte der kritischen Metaphysik: Beiträge zu System und Architektonik der kantischen Philosophie. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag.
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    Absolutes Sein: Parmenides' Lehrgedicht und seine Spiegelung im Sophistes.Andreas Brzoska - 1992 - Münster: Lit.
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    Zur Mythosdiskussion in der Philosophie.Andreas Cesana - 1993 - In Fritz Graf, Mythos in Mythenloser Gesellschaft: Das Paradigma Roms. De Gruyter. pp. 305-323.
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    The Emergence of Soul: Retrieving Augustine's Potentialism for Contemporary Theological Anthropology.Andreas Nordlander - forthcoming - Zygon.
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  41. Ur Nödiga förnuftsövningar.Andreas Rydelius - 1999 - In Henrik Lagerlund, Svensk filosofi från Rydelius till Hedenius: texter från tre århundraden. Stockholm: Thales.
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    Charting African Prosperity Gospel economies.Andreas Heuser - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4).
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    (1 other version)The limits of corporate responsibility standards.Andreas Rasche - 2010 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 19 (3):280-291.
    I explore the limits of corporate responsibility standards – for example Social Accountability 8000 (SA 8000), the Global Reporting Initiative, the Fair Labor Association workplace code – by looking at these initiatives through Derrida's aporias of justice as set out in 'Force of Law: The "Mystical Foundation of Authority"'. Based on a discussion of SA 8000, I uncover the unavoidable aporias that are associated with the use of this standard. I contribute to the literature on corporate responsibility standards in general (...)
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  44.  93
    Self-Blame and Moral Responsibility.Andreas Brekke Carlsson (ed.) - 2022 - New York, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Self-blame is an integral part of our lives. We often blame ourselves for our failings and experience familiar unpleasant emotions such as guilt, shame, regret, or remorse. Self-blame is also what we often aim for when we blame others: we want the people we blame to recognize their wrongdoing and blame themselves for it. Moreover, self-blame is typically considered a necessary condition for forgiveness. However, until now, self-blame has not been an integral part of the theoretical debate on moral responsibility. (...)
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    II. Kant's Respect for Persons.Andreas Teuber - 1983 - Political Theory 11 (3):369-392.
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    Der Logische Aufbau von Leibniz' Metaphysik.Andreas Blank - 2001 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    Für das gegenwärtige Bild von Leibniz' Metaphysik ist das Urteil von Catherine Wilson charakteristisch, die in ihr ein Beispiel für „revisionäre" Metaphysik im Sinne Strawsons sieht: eine Metaphysik, die das alltägliche Verständnis der Welt durch ein ganz anderes ersetzt, im Gegensatz zu einer „deskriptiven" Metaphysik, die die impliziten Strukturen unseres alltäglichen Verständnisses der Welt offenlegt. Auch Strawson stellt Leibniz im wesentlichen auf die Seite der revisionären Metaphysik. Die Untersuchungen in diesem Buch bestätigen eher Strawsons Einsicht, daß kein wirklicher Philosoph je (...)
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  47.  26
    Symbioses between mathematical logic and computer science.Andreas Blass - 2016 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 167 (10):868-878.
  48.  6
    Wittgenstein on Colors and Internal Relations, 1930–1932.Andreas Blank - 2007 - In Christian Kanzian, Cultures. Conflict - Analysis - Dialogue: Proceedings of the 29th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, Austria. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 21-32.
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    A roadmap for integrating the brain with mind maps.Andreas Demetriou & Antigoni Mouyi - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (2):156-158.
    This commentary compares the P-FIT model with psychometric and developmental models of intelligence and shows that there are isomorphisms and divergences between them. All three models involve some common dimensions, but the P-FIT model lacks many of the dimensions of the other models. Then we point to research that can lead to the integration of brain models with cognitive-developmental models.
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    Sozialkapital und das Kooperationsproblem in sozialen Dilemmata.Andreas Diekmann - 1993 - Analyse & Kritik 15 (1):22-35.
    Coleman’s Foundations devotes much attention to the role of ‘social capital’ in solving problems of cooperation in dilemma situations. In contrast to the human capital approach, however, there is no stringent theory of social capital allowing for the deduction of empirically testable hypotheses from a set of general principles. This article demonstrates by means of various examples that social capital is an important exogenous factor inducing the evolution of cooperation and the stabilization of cooperation in N-person dilemmas. Some preliminary suggestions (...)
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