Results for 'Andrés Alonso Martos'

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  1.  49
    Brian Epstein, The Ant Trap: Rebuilding the Foundations of the Social Sciences: New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. Hardcover € 32,04, 298 pp.Andrés Alonso Martos - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (3):689-691.
  2. Testimonio, verdad y lenguaje.Andres Alonso Martos - 2005 - In Angel Alvarez Gómez (ed.), Paideia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
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  3. El alma del alma: Hegel y el magnetismo animal en" Enz." 406 (1830).Andrés Alonso Martos - 2010 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 15 (cialidad y subjetividad humanas):167-179.
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  4. Enmanuel Lévinas: «Paz y proximidad».Francisco Amoraga Montesinos & Andres Alonso Martos - 2006 - Laguna 18:143-154.
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  5. Paz y proximidad Peace and proximity: Traducción, introducción y notas de Andrés Alonso Martos y Francisco Amoraga Montesinos Translation, introduction and notes by Andrés Alonso Martos and Francisco Amoraga Montesinos.Emmanuel Lévinas - 2006 - Laguna 18.
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    Steinbock, Anthony J. Mundo familiar y Mundo ajeno. La fenomenología generativa tras Husserl. Salamanca: Ediciones Sígueme, 2022, 426 pp. Edición y traducción de Rocío Garcés Ferrer y Andrés Alonso Martos[REVIEW]Ignacio Quepons - 2023 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 20:607-611.
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    Casadio, Giovanni. Lo sciamanesimo. Prima e dopo Mircea Eliade.José Andrés Alonso de la Fuente - 2016 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 21:252-255.
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    A propósito de la reina Himiko.José Andrés Alonso de la Fuente - 2005 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 10:249-254.
    La cultura esquimal proporciona multitud de ejemplos que ilustran las teorías científicas del complejo mundo animista y shamánico. De hecho, tradicionalmente los esquimales han sido considerados el paradigma ideal de sociedad animista y shamánica junto a algunas otras poblaciones siberianas. Pese a que en repetidas ocasiones se ha afirmado sin tapujos que es un pueblo sin religión, los esquimales poseen un amplísimo repertorio de rituales, ceremonias y festejos que reflejan a la perfección su profundo sentido religioso. La “fiesta de las (...)
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    Falta, castigo y penitencia en la religión esquimal. La fiesta de las vejigas.José Andrés Alonso de la Fuente - 2004 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 9:13-35.
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    Los sáyâika y otros elementos religiosos en un breve ritual de caza acoma.José Andrés Alonso de la Fuente - 2005 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 10:255-259.
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  11.  46
    ¿ Brujos y magos en el Kalevala?José Andrés Alonso de la Fuente - 2006 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 11:39-62.
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    Boletín bibliográfico elemental sobre samanología desde 1972.José Andrés Alonso de la Fuente - 2011 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 16:279-310.
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  13.  56
    Groenlandés occidental kumaruaq 'caribú'.José Andrés Alonso de la Fuente - 2008 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 13:7-14.
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    Verbal interaction pattern analysis in clinical psychology.Jesús Alonso-Vega, Natalia Andrés-López & María Xesús Froxán-Parga - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recent developments in pattern analysis research have made this methodology suitable for the study of the processes that are set in motion in psychological interventions. Outcome research, based on the comparison between clinical results from treatment and control groups, has leveraged our empirical knowledge about the efficacy of psychological interventions. However, these methods of research are not precise enough for the analysis of these processes. On the contrary, pattern analysis could be a powerful tool to study moment-to-moment interactions typical of (...)
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  15.  29
    Terapia, Diagnóstico e Cura: o Problema do Tempo em Sêneca.André Alonso - 2020 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 14 (2):172-194.
    In this paper I argue that Seneca’s philosophy is a form of therapy and that one of its main concerns is the transformation of one’s life through time control. Aristotelian tradition lies in the idea that philosophy is, in its highest aspect, an abstract form of knowledge. Seneca, on the other hand, is an inheritor of a long tradition that takes philosophy as mind or soul therapy and bases its structure in a practical approach. Epicurus, for instance, goes as far (...)
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  16.  7
    DERRIDA, J., Canallas. Dos ensayos sobre la razón, Trotta, Madrid, 2005.Andrés Alonso - 2006 - Anuario Filosófico:222-225.
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  17.  43
    Demanda Pedro Fausto Canales Bermejo contra España. Informe pericial sobre víctimas del franquismo en la sociedad española contemporánea.Francisco Ferrándiz Martín, Juan Antonio Flores Martos, María García Alonso, Julián López García & Pedro Tomé Martín - 2019 - Endoxa 44:71.
    El siguiente informe pericial se basa en la experiencia de investigación de los firmantes en relación a las exhumaciones de fosas comunes de la Guerra Civil y la postguerra, y al conocido como “movimiento para la recuperación de la memoria histórica” que están teniendo lugar en España desde el año 2000, que ha enfatizado sus demandas sobre la suerte de los desaparecidos y ha puesto en marcha un ciclo de exhumaciones de fosas comunes derivadas de la Guerra Civil y la (...)
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  18.  4
    Ensayos sobre la filosofía en el al-Andalus.Manuel Alonso Alonso & Andrés Martínez Lorca (eds.) - 1990 - Barcelona: Anthropos Editorial.
    Recoge un variado mosaico de investigaciones sobre la filosofía en al-Andalus llevadas a cabo por prestigiosos arabistas y hebraístas. En la primera parte se analizan las influencias clásicas y orientales que confluyeron en la vida intelectual de la España musulmana. Y en la segunda, se ofrece una panorámica de los principales filósofos de al-Andalus.
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  19. Ensayos sobre la filosofía en el al-Andalus.Manuel Alonso Alonso & Andrés Martínez Lorca (eds.) - 1990 - Barcelona: Editorial Anthropos.
  20. L'Art, la science et la métaphysique: études offertes à André Mercier à l'occasion de son quatre-vingtième anniversaire et recueillies au nom de l'Académie internationale de philosophie de l'art.Luz García Alonso, E. Moutsopoulos, Gerhard Seel & André Mercier (eds.) - 1993 - New York: P. Lang.
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  21.  27
    MDL+ a manufacturing description language to describe and control assembling tasks in industry 4.0.Mauricio-Andres Zamora-Hernandez, Jose Andrez Chaves Ceciliano, Alonso Villalobos Granados, John Alejandro Castro Vargas, Jose Garcia-Rodriguez & Jorge Azorin-Lopez - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (4):664-687.
    The assembly of products or components by operators in industries is a complex task with recurring problems. In these processes, operators often make errors that can lead to defective products. Therefore, they need to be inspected later to verify their correct assembly. The main problems are caused by several reasons including high employee turnover, lack of experience in manufacturing specific products or confusion in interpreting instructions to assemble similar components. In this paper, a novel structured language aimed to describe the (...)
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  22.  23
    Postural Stability and Cognitive Performance of Subjects With Parkinson’s Disease During a Dual-Task in an Upright Stance.Luis Morenilla, Gonzalo Márquez, José Andrés Sánchez, Olalla Bello, Virginia López-Alonso, Helena Fernández-Lago & Miguel Ángel Fernández-del-Olmo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  23. L'Art, la science et la métaphysique: études offertes à André Mercier à l'occasion de son quatre-vingtième anniversaire et recueillies au nom de l'Académie internationale de philosophie de l'art.Luz Garcâia Alonso, E. Moutsopoulos, Gerhard Seel & Andrâe Mercier (eds.) - 1993 - New York: P. Lang.
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    Spreading the word: The “woman question” in the periodicals a voz feminina and O progresso.Cláudia Pazos-Alonso - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (1):61-75.
    This article considers for the first time the progressive Portuguese periodicals A Voz Feminina and O Progresso from a transnational perspective, with particular reference to contemporary debates about women’s suffrage in England as well as the wider emergence of transnational women’s networks around that time. It discusses the epistolary contact of the Principal Editor, Francisca Wood, with key radical figures such as Lydia Becker in England, Marie Goegg in Switzerland and André Léo in France, through an analysis of relevant editorials, (...)
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    André Laronde: Cyrène et la Libye hellénistique. Libykai Historiai de l'époque républicaine au principal d'Auguste. (Etudes d'Antiquités Africaines.) Pp. 524; 185 illustrations; 1 map. Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1987. frs. 650. [REVIEW]J. M. Alonso-Núñez - 1989 - The Classical Review 39 (2):409-409.
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    Miscellanea André Combes. [REVIEW]C. Alonso - 1969 - Augustinianum 9 (2):403-404.
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    R. Kottje – B. Moeller (Herausg.), Ökumenische Kirchengeschichte. I: Alte Kirche und Ostkirche, von André Benoît, Anastasios Kallis, Bernhard Kötting, Eduard Lohse, Alfred Schindler und Anton Vögtle. [REVIEW]C. Alonso - 1975 - Augustinianum 15 (3):492-494.
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  28.  11
    La filosofía en Al-Ándalus.Andrés Martínez Lorca (ed.) - 2017 - [Córdoba]: Almuzara.
    La presente obra ofrece una perspectiva abierta de la filosofía de al-Andalus con enfoques diversos y complementarios a cargo de reconocidos especialistas del arabismo, el hebraísmo y el pensamiento medieval: Miguel Asín Palacios, Manuel Alonso, Roger Arnaldez, Miguel Cruz Hernández, Fernando Díaz Esteban, Salvador Gómez Nogales, David Gonzalo Maeso, Joaquín Lomba, Andrés Martínez Lorca y Juan Vernet. Novedad importante que reflejan estas páginas es la integración de los filósofos judíos y musulmanes en la casa común de al-Andalus, como (...)
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  29.  20
    Characterization of rock material by point load strength index test and direct cut.Ernesto Patricio Feijoo Calle & Paúl Andrés Almache Rodríguez - 2021 - Minerva 2 (4):11-22.
    The objective of this work is to establish a relationship between the cutting time in rocks, determining a speed and the point load strength index test, Is, to characterize the rock in terms of resistance and avoid sending samples to laboratories. As a first stage, on andesite samples, 5 x 5 x 10 cm test tubes were made. After the elaboration they were subjected to cutting, using an electric floor cutter and the time was evaluated. This cut was made in (...)
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  30.  30
    Alonso de la Fuente, José Andrés, "El libro de Nishán la Samán". Madrid, Ediciones Complutense / Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2017, 162 pp. ISBN: 978- 84-669-3517-7. [REVIEW]Carlos Moral-García - 2017 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 22:523-524.
  31. Beuchot, Mauricio: Derechos Humanos: Historia y Filosofía.Javier Gonzalez - 2004 - Dikaiosyne 13 (7).
    Alonso, Ángel Castigo y derecho sin libre albedrío ni responsabilidad Punishment and law without free will and no responsibility López Corredoira, Martín De los metarrelatos a la "muerte de los intelectuales". Una mirada al "Humanismo impenitente" desde la reconstrucción neonietzscheana postmoderna From meta - reports to the "demise of intellectuals". A view of "impenitent humanism" from post-modern neo-Nietzschean deconstruction Mora García, José Pascual Kant y el método de trascender en la filosofía de Karl Jaspers Kant and the transcendental method (...)
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  32. Friedrich Nietzsche. 1844-1900.Josef Simon - 2004 - Dikaiosyne 13 (7).
    Alonso, Ángel Castigo y derecho sin libre albedrío ni responsabilidad Punishment and law without free will and no responsibility López Corredoira, Martín De los metarrelatos a la "muerte de los intelectuales". Una mirada al "Humanismo impenitente" desde la reconstrucción neonietzscheana postmoderna From meta - reports to the "demise of intellectuals". A view of "impenitent humanism" from post-modern neo-Nietzschean deconstruction Mora García, José Pascual Kant y el método de trascender en la filosofía de Karl Jaspers Kant and the transcendental method (...)
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    La creatio ex nihilo Y sus implicaciones fenomenológicas en Levinas.Gustavo Víctor Ramírez - 2004 - Dikaiosyne 7 (13).
    Alonso, Ángel Castigo y derecho sin libre albedrío ni responsabilidad Punishment and law without free will and no responsibility López Corredoira, Martín De los metarrelatos a la "muerte de los intelectuales". Una mirada al "Humanismo impenitente" desde la reconstrucción neonietzscheana postmoderna From meta - reports to the "demise of intellectuals". A view of "impenitent humanism" from post-modern neo-Nietzschean deconstruction Mora García, José Pascual Kant y el método de trascender en la filosofía de Karl Jaspers Kant and the transcendental method (...)
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  34. El Raggionamento della possanza d'Amore de Giulio Claro.Andres Navarro Lazaro - 2006 - Rinascimento 46:215-280.
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    Curricular Assessment of the subject Family Comprehensive Attention.Jacqueline Legañoa Alonso, Sonia Rodríguez Ramos, Viviana Molero Porto, Magalis Castellano Zamora & Yedilma Souto Nápoles - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (2):301-316.
    Fundamento: El Plan D de la carrera de Estomatología concibe la existencia de una disciplina principal integradora denominada Estomatología Integral, sobre la base de la concepción de interdisciplinariedad y la mayor flexibilización curricular. Objetivo: Realizar una valoración de la asignatura Atención Integral a la Familia II del plan D de la carrera de Estomatología. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en la Facultad de Estomatología de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camaguey en Mayo 2015, mediante el análisis documental (...)
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    (1 other version)De los metarrelatos a la" muerte de los intelectuales".Mora García & José Pascual - 2004 - Dikaiosyne 7 (13).
    The philosopher's paper Alonso, Ángel Castigo y derecho sin libre albedrío ni responsabilidad Punishment and law without free will and no responsibility López Corredoira, Martín De los metarrelatos a la "muerte de los intelectuales". Una mirada al "Humanismo impenitente" desde la reconstrucción neonietzscheana postmoderna From meta - reports to the "demise of intellectuals". A view of "impenitent humanism" from post-modern neo-Nietzschean deconstruction Mora García, José Pascual Kant y el método de trascender en la filosofía de Karl Jaspers Kant and (...)
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  37. Legitimating the machine. The epistemological foundation of technological metaphor in the natural philosophy of René Descartes.Andres Vaccari - 2008 - In Claus Zittel (ed.), Philosophies of technology: Francis Bacon and his contemporaries. Boston: Brill. pp. 287--336.
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    The Tragic Condition of Philosophy: Plato’s Apology as Tragedy.Andrés Federico Racket - 2016 - Elenchos 37 (1-2):95-118.
    This paper argues that Plato’s Apology can be read as a tragedy analogous to Oedipus Tyrannus. Jacob Howland has argued that the elements of tragedy laid out Aristotle’s Poetics are present, but the relation of the Apology to Oedipus Tyrannus and other aspects of Sophocles’ tragedy have not been noted. With this procedure, Plato means to argue that a philosopher should hide his refutations more than Socrates did.
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    Las formas políticas de la Grecia arcaica a la luz de los factores socio-económicos.Andrés Espinosa Alarcón & José Luis Pérez Iriarte - 1965 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 19:113-140.
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  40. The creation of the person.Andres Avelino - 1945 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 26 (3):256.
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  41. Fighting Software Piracy: Which Governance Tools Matter in Africa?Antonio R. Andrés & Simplice A. Asongu - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (3):667-682.
    This article integrates previously missing components of government quality into the governance-piracy nexus in exploring governance mechanisms by which global obligations for the treatment of IPRs are effectively transmitted from international to the national level in the battle against piracy. It assesses the best governance tools in the fight against piracy and upholding of intellectual property rights (IPRs). The instrumentality of IPR laws (treaties) in tackling piracy through good governance mechanisms is also examined. Findings demonstrate that: (1) while all governance (...)
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  42.  26
    BPFA and projective well-orderings of the reals.Andrés Eduardo Caicedo & Sy-David Friedman - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (4):1126-1136.
    If the bounded proper forcing axiom BPFA holds and ω 1 = ${\mathrm{\omega }}_{1}^{\mathrm{L}}$ , then there is a lightface ${\mathrm{\Sigma }}_{3}^{1}$ well-ordering of the reals. The argument combines a well-ordering due to Caicedo-Veličković with an absoluteness result for models of MA in the spirit of "David's trick." We also present a general coding scheme that allows us to show that BPFA is equiconsistent with R being lightface ${\mathrm{\Sigma }}_{4}^{1}$ , for many "consistently locally certified" relations R on $\mathrm{\mathbb{R}}$ . (...)
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    Antigone Claimed: “I Am a Stranger!” Political Theory and the Figure of the Stranger.Andrés Fabián Henao Castro - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (2):307-322.
    This paper seeks to destabilize the silent privilege given to the secured juridical-political position of the citizen as the stable site of enunciation of the problem/solution framework under which the stranger (foreigner, immigrant, refugee) is theoretically located. By means of textual, intertextual, and extratextual readings of Antigone, the paper argues that it is politically and literarily possible to (re)invent her for strangers in the twenty-first century, that is, for those symbolically produced as not-legally locatable and who resignify their ambivalent ontological (...)
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  44. Seguimiento de cristo y moral cristiana en San Bernardo.José-Roman Flecha Andres - 2007 - Salmanticensis 54 (1):5-29.
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    El Habla de Los Historiadores, y Otros Ensayos.Andrés L. Mateo - 2010 - Universidad Apec.
    Presentación del rector -- El habla de los historiadores -- Discurso de recepción de Andrés L. Mateo en la Academia Dominicana de la Lengua, por Diógenes Céspedes -- La dominicanidad en los Apuntes de un viaje, de José Martí -- Una lectura diferente de la quintilla del Padre Vásquez -- ¿Por qué vino Pedro Henríquez Ureña en 1931? -- Anexos al ensayo : ¿Por qué vino Pedro Henríquez Ureña en 1931?
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    Das reflexive Absolute: über die Bedeutung der Metaphysik in Hegels "Wissenschaft der Logik".Andrés Parra - 2021 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
    This book investigates the relationship between Hegel's Science of Logic und metaphysics. Its main thesis is that Hegel makes a case for a reflexive theory of the absolute. The Author thus establishes a distinction between first and second order theories of the absolute. First order theories are basic descriptions of the absolute whose consistency can be verified in merely analytical terms. The second order theory intends not only to describe the absolute without contradictions, but also to include coherently the thought (...)
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  47. Political authority and obligation in Aristotle.Andres Rosler - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Andres Rosler's study looks at Aristotle and the question of political obligation and its limits. Rosler takes his exploration further, considering the ethical underpinning of Aristotle's political thought, the normativity of his ethical and political theory, and the concepts of political authority and obligation themselves"--Provided by publisher.
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    The Problem of Inclusion in Deliberative Environmental Valuation.Andrés Vargas, Alex Lo, Michael Howes & Nicholas Rohde - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (2):157-176.
    The idea of inclusive collective decision-making is important in establishing democratic legitimacy, but it fails when citizens are excluded. Stated-preference methods of valuation, which are commonly used in economics, have been criticised because the principle of willingness to pay may exclude low-income earners who do not have the capacity to pay. Deliberative valuation has been advocated as a way to overcome this problem, but deliberation may also be exclusive. In this review, two deliberative valuation frameworks are compared. The first is (...)
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  49.  21
    Dilemmas of Educational Ethics: Cases and Commentaries.Meira Levinson & Jacob Fay (eds.) - 2016 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Education Press.
    Educators and policy makers confront challenging questions of ethics, justice, and equity on a regular basis. Should teachers retain a struggling student if it means she will most certainly drop out? Should an assignment plan favor middle-class families if it means strengthening the school system for all? These everyday dilemmas are both utterly ordinary and immensely challenging, yet there are few opportunities and resources to help educators think through the ethical issues at stake. Drawing on research and methods developed in (...)
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    Cosmotechnical Thought Between Substantivism and the Empirical Turn.Andrés Vaccari - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (4):1279-1284.
    In this article I respond to Yuk Hui by revisiting the crossroads in the philosophy of technology as represented by the philosophies of Stiegler and Ihde. Whereas Hui proposes the concept of cosmotechnics as an integrating perspective, I conceive of the crossroads in other terms, namely from the perspective of substantivism. I characterize our present situation, what a philosophy of technology should address and then examine Hui’s notion of cosmotechnics from this alternative perspective. My main concern is to show future (...)
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