Results for 'Alyssa Fine'

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  1.  51
    Physicians’ Perspectives on Ethically Challenging Situations: Early Identification and Action.Carol Pavlish, Katherine Brown-Saltzman, Kevin M. Dirksen & Alyssa Fine - 2015 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 6 (3):28-40.
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    Making the Call: A Proactive Ethics Framework. [REVIEW]Carol Pavlish, Katherine Brown-Saltzman, Alyssa Fine & Patricia Jakel - 2013 - HEC Forum 25 (3):269-283.
    This manuscript proposes a proactive framework for preventing or mitigating disruptive ethical conflicts that often result from delayed or avoided conversations about the ethics of care. Four components of the framework are explained and illustrated with evidenced-based actions. Clinical implications of adopting a prevention-based, system-wide ethics framework are discussed. While some aspects of ethically-difficult situations are unique, system patterns allow some issues to occur repeatedly—often with lingering effects such as healthcare providers’ disengagement and moral distress (McAndrew et al. Journal of (...)
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  3. The Routledge Handbook of Metaphysical Grounding.Michael J. Raven (ed.) - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    A collection of 37 essays surveying the state of the art on metaphysical ground. -/- Essay authors are: Fatema Amijee, Ricki Bliss, Amanda Bryant, Margaret Cameron, Phil Corkum, Fabrice Correia, Louis deRosset, Scott Dixon, Tom Donaldson, Nina Emery, Kit Fine, Martin Glazier, Kathrin Koslicki, David Mark Kovacs, Stephan Krämer, Stephanie Leary, Stephan Leuenberger, Jon Litland, Marko Malink, Michaela McSweeney, Kevin Mulligan, Alyssa Ney, Asya Passinsky, Francesca Poggiolesi, Kevin Richardson, Stefan Roski, Noel Saenz, Benjamin Schnieder, Erica Shumener, Alexander Skiles, (...)
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  4. The Wave Function: Essays on the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics.Alyssa Ney & David Albert (eds.) - 2013 - , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    This is a new volume of original essays on the metaphysics of quantum mechanics. The essays address questions such as: What fundamental metaphysics is best motivated by quantum mechanics? What is the ontological status of the wave function? Does quantum mechanics support the existence of any other fundamental entities, e.g. particles? What is the nature of the fundamental space of quantum mechanics? What is the relationship between the fundamental ontology of quantum mechanics and ordinary, macroscopic objects like tables, chairs, and (...)
  5. Defining physicalism.Alyssa Ney - 2008 - Philosophy Compass 3 (5):1033-1048.
    This article discusses recent disagreements over the correct formulation of physicalism. Although there appears to be a consensus outside those who discuss the issue that physicalists believe that what exists is what is countenanced by physics, as we will see, this orthodoxy faces an important puzzle now frequently referred to as 'Hempel's Dilemma'. After surveying the historical trajectory from Enlightenment-era materialism to contemporary physicalism, I examine several mainstream approaches that respond to Hempel's dilemma, and the benefits and drawbacks of each.
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  6. Neo-positivist metaphysics.Alyssa Ney - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 160 (1):53-78.
    Some philosophers argue that many contemporary debates in metaphysics are “illegitimate,” “shallow,” or “trivial,” and that “contemporary analytic metaphysics, a professional activity engaged in by some extremely intelligent and morally serious people, fails to qualify as part of the enlightened pursuit of objective truth, and should be discontinued” (Ladyman and Ross, Every thing must go: Metaphysics naturalized , 2007 ). Many of these critics are explicit about their sympathies with Rudolf Carnap and his circle, calling themselves ‘neo-positivists’ or ‘neo-Carnapians.’ Yet (...)
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    Allomaternal Care among the Hadza of Tanzania.Alyssa N. Crittenden & Frank W. Marlowe - 2008 - Human Nature 19 (3):249-262.
    Cooperative child care among humans, where individuals other than the biological mother (allomothers) provide care, may increase a mother’s fertility and the survivorship of her children. Although the potential benefits to the mother are clear, the motivations for allomothers to provide care are less clear. Here, we evaluate the kin selection allomothering hypothesis using observations on Hadza hunter-gatherers collected in ten camps over 17 months. Our results indicate that related allomothers spend the largest percentage of time holding children. The higher (...)
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  8. The World in the Wave Function: A Metaphysics for Quantum Physics.Alyssa Ney - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    "What are the ontological implications of quantum theories, that is, what do they tell us about the fundamental objects that make up our world? How should quantum theories make us reevaluate our classical conceptions of the basic constitution of material objects and ourselves? Is there fundamental quantum nonlocality? This book articulates several rival approaches to answering these questions, ultimately defending the wave function realist approach. It is a way of interpreting quantum theories so that the central object they describe is (...)
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  9. Physicalism as an attitude.Alyssa Ney - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 138 (1):1 - 15.
    It is widely noted that physicalism, taken as the doctrine that the world contains just what physics says it contains, faces a dilemma which, some like Tim Crane and D.H. Mellor have argued, shows that “physicalism is the wrong answer to an essentially trivial question”. I argue that both problematic horns of this dilemma drop out if one takes physicalism not to be a doctrine of the kind that might be true, false, or trivial, but instead an attitude or oath (...)
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    Moving beyond mistrust: Centering institutional change by decentering the white analytical lens.Alyssa M. Newman - 2021 - Bioethics 36 (3):267-273.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 3, Page 267-273, March 2022.
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    Cosmopolitanism and the Climate Crisis.Alyssa R. Bernstein - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (10):84-101.
    As awareness of global warming has spread during the past couple of decades and developed into the realization that humanity faces an existential threat, a number of more or less Kantian liberal or cosmopolitan moral and political theorists have attempted to address questions of justice raised by the climate crisis. David Held was among the most prolific and influential of them. Here I discuss Held's cosmopolitan perspective on climate governance and consider its bearing on certain recent proposals for new institutions, (...)
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    Connected by commitment: Oppression and our obligation to undermine it.Alyssa Battistoni - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (S3):175-178.
  13. Blessing and Challenge: A Further Look at the Sources.Alyssa M. Gray, Jd & D. Ph - 2019 - In Mary L. Zamore & Elka Abrahamson, The sacred exchange: creating a Jewish money ethic. New York, NY: CCAR Press.
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  14. Fundamental physical ontologies and the constraint of empirical coherence: a defense of wave function realism.Alyssa Ney - 2015 - Synthese 192 (10):3105-3124.
    This paper defends wave function realism against the charge that the view is empirically incoherent because our evidence for quantum theory involves facts about objects in three-dimensional space or space-time . It also criticizes previous attempts to defend wave function realism against this charge by claiming that the wave function is capable of grounding local beables as elements of a derivative ontology.
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  15. Does an Adequate Physical Theory Demand a Primitive Ontology?Alyssa Ney & Kathryn Phillips - 2013 - Philosophy of Science 80 (3):454-474.
    Configuration space representations have utility in physics but are not generally taken to have ontological significance. We examine one salient reason to think configuration space representations fail to be relevant in determining the fundamental ontology of a physical theory. This is based on a claim due to several authors that fundamental theories must have primitive ontologies. This claim would,if correct, have broad ramifications for how to read metaphysics from physical theory. We survey ways of understanding the argument for a primitive (...)
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  16.  43
    Brain activation patterns resulting from learning letter forms through active self-production and passive observation in young children.Alyssa J. Kersey & Karin H. James - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    The Flexibility of Conceptual Pacts: Referring Expressions Dynamically Shift to Accommodate New Conceptualizations.Alyssa Ibarra & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  18. Can an appeal to constitution solve the exclusion problem.Alyssa Ney - 2007 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 88 (4):486–506.
    Jaegwon Kim has argued that unless mental events are reducible to subvening physical events, they are at best overdeterminers of their effects. Recently, nonreductive physicalists have endorsed this consequence claiming that the relationship between mental events and their physical bases is tight enough to render any such overdetermination nonredundant, and hence benign. I focus on instances of this strategy that appeal to the notion of constitution. Ultimately, I argue that there is no way to understand the relationship between irreducible mental (...)
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  19.  37
    Harm Avoidance and Mobility During Middle Childhood and Adolescence among Hadza Foragers.Alyssa N. Crittenden, Alan Farahani, Kristen N. Herlosky, Trevor R. Pollom, Ibrahim A. Mabulla, Ian T. Ruginski & Elizabeth Cashdan - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (1):150-176.
    Cross-cultural sex differences in mobility and harm avoidance have been widely reported, often emphasizing fitness benefits of long-distance travel for males and high costs for females. Data emerging from adults in small-scale societies, however, are challenging the assumption that female mobility is restricted during reproduction. Such findings warrant further exploration of the ontogeny of mobility. Here, using a combination of machine-learning, mixed-effects linear regression, and GIS mapping, we analyze range size, daily distance traveled, and harm avoidance among Hadza foragers during (...)
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  20. Ontological Reduction and the Wave Function Ontology.Alyssa Ney - 2013 - In Alyssa Ney & David Albert, The Wave Function: Essays on the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics. , US: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 168-183.
  21. The Status of our Ordinary Three Dimensions in a Quantum Universe1.Alyssa Ney - 2010 - Noûs 46 (3):525-560.
    There are now several, realist versions of quantum mechanics on offer. On their most straightforward, ontological interpretation, these theories require the existence of an object, the wavefunction, which inhabits an extremely high-dimensional space known as configuration space. This raises the question of how the ordinary three-dimensional space of our acquaintance fits into the ontology of quantum mechanics. Recently, two strategies to address this question have emerged. First, Tim Maudlin, Valia Allori, and her collaborators argue that what I have just called (...)
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  22.  24
    (1 other version)The Promises and Problems of Two Stoic Big Tents.Alyssa Lowery - forthcoming - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences.
    Alyssa Lowery ABSTRACT: Stoicism’s tremendous recent popularity provides an opportunity to update the tradition for a contemporary audience. In this paper, I review one such update: Stoicism’s conception as a ‘big tent,’ first as depicted by two prominent figures in contemporary Stoicism – Ryan Holiday and Massimo Pigliucci – then how it fares in light ….
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  23. Climate Change and Justice: A Non-Welfarist Treaty Negotiation Framework.Alyssa R. Bernstein - 2015 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 18 (2):123-145.
    Obstacles to achieving a global climate treaty include disagreements about questions of justice raised by the UNFCCC's principle that countries should respond to climate change by taking cooperative action "in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities and their social and economic conditions". Aiming to circumvent such disagreements, Climate Change Justice authors Eric Posner and David Weisbach argue against shaping treaty proposals according to requirements of either distributive or corrective justice. The USA's climate envoy, Todd Stern, takes (...)
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  24. Physicalism and our knowledge of intrinsic properties.Alyssa Ney - 2007 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 85 (1):41 – 60.
    that the properties of science are purely extrinsic with the metaphysical principle that substances must also have intrinsic properties, the arguments reach the conclusion that there are intrinsic properties of whose natures we cannot know. It is the goal of this paper to establish that such arguments are not just ironic but extremely problematic. The optimistic physicalist principles that help get the argument off the ground ultimately undermine any justification the premises give for acceptance of the conclusion. Though I do (...)
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  25.  22
    The Call to Humanity in “Bartleby, the Scrivener”.Alyssa Thompson - 2020 - Women in Philosophy Journal 11:74-89.
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    Physician Sexual Assault: The Moral Imperative for Gender Equity in Medicine.Alyssa M. Burgart - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (1):4-6.
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    Portraits of Change: Using Picture Books to Engage Students in Thematic Civic Education.Alyssa Whitford, Timothy Lintner, Jeremiah Clabough, Caroline Sheffield & I. I. I. William Russell - 2024 - Journal of Social Studies Research 48 (1):49-63.
    This semester-long research project examined the use of social studies trade books to thematically teach about six individuals who served as change agents in the United States during the late 19th century and early 20th century. Three of the individuals were African American men, Robert Smalls, Frederick Douglass, and John Roy Lynch, who took civic action to address racial discrimination faced by the Black community in the half century following the U.S. Civil War. The other three indivduals were women women, (...)
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  28. (2 other versions)Separability, locality, and higher dimensions in quantum mechanics.Alyssa Ney - 2017 - In Shamik Dasgupta, Brad Weslake & Ravit Dotan, Current Controversies in Philosophy of Science. London: Routledge.
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  29. Are There Fundamental Intrinsic Properties?Alyssa Ney - 2010 - In Allan Hazlett, New Waves in Metaphysics. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 219--39.
  30. A Physicalist Critique of Russellian Monism.Alyssa Ney - 2015 - In Torin Andrew Alter & Yujin Nagasawa, Consciousness in the Physical World: Perspectives on Russellian Monism. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 346-369.
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  31.  38
    A Jewish Response to the Vatican?Alyssa Henning, Michal Raucher & Laurie Zoloth - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (11):37-39.
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    Grateful Patient Fundraising and the Unconscious Bias.Alyssa Sutton & Ceciel Rooker - 2022 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 12 (1):41-46.
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  33. Finding the world in the wave function: some strategies for solving the macro-object problem.Alyssa Ney - 2020 - Synthese 197 (10):4227-4249.
    Realists wanting to capture the facts of quantum entanglement in a metaphysical interpretation find themselves faced with several options: to grant some species of fundamental nonseparability, adopt holism, or to view localized spacetime systems as ultimately reducible to a higher-dimensional entity, the quantum state or wave function. Those adopting the latter approach and hoping to view the macroscopic world as grounded in the quantum wave function face the macro-object problem. The challenge is to articulate the metaphysical relation obtaining between three-dimensional (...)
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  34.  44
    Investigating Integrity in Public Reason Liberalism.Alyssa Lowery - 2019 - Southwest Philosophy Review 35 (1):173-180.
    Public reason liberalism has been challenged by religious critics who make the “Integrity Objection.” That is, they argue that public reason’s stringent limits on the kinds of reasons which can serve as justificatory prevent them from living lives of integrity wherein their political activity and personal commitments are in sync. Convergence forms of public reason liberalism adopt this critique and respond to it by rejecting the dominant model of public reason, consensus justification, replacing the Rawlsian standard of shared reasons with (...)
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  35.  34
    Response to Rob Reed, “Must God Prevent Evil?”.Alyssa Lowery - 2017 - Southwest Philosophy Review 33 (2):77-81.
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  36. Commentary on Mathias Frisch's Causal Reasoning in Physics.Ney Alyssa - manuscript
    This is a commentary on Mathias Frisch's book Causal Reasoning in Physics (Cambridge 2014). This commentary was presented at the 2016 Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association in a session sponsored by the Society for the Metaphysics of Science.
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  37. The causal contribution of mental events.Alyssa Ney - 2012 - In Simone Gozzano & Christopher S. Hill, New Perspectives on Type Identity: The Mental and the Physical. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 230.
  38.  31
    Moral Distress in Clinical Ethics: Expanding the Concept.Alyssa M. Burgart & Katherine E. Kruse - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (12):1-1.
  39. Three arguments for wave function realism.Alyssa Ney - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (4):1-18.
    Wave function realism is an interpretative framework for quantum theories which recommends taking the central ontology of these theories to consist of the quantum wave function, understood as a field on a high-dimensional space. This paper presents and evaluates three standard arguments for wave function realism, and clarifies the sort of ontological framework these arguments support.
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  40.  11
    The Heart and Mind in Teaching: Pedagogical Styles Through the Ages.Alyssa Magee Lowery & William Hayes - 2014 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In this book, authors Alyssa Magee Lowery and William Hayes trace the history of teaching from Greek philosophy to twenty-first century educational issues in an effort to provide some perspective in the long art versus science debate, ultimately finding that the two components may be able to coexist peacefully.
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  41. Kant on Rights and Coercion in International Law: Implications for Humanitarian Military Intervention.Alyssa R. Bernstein - 2007 - Philosophy 38 (2):237.
  42. Wave Function Realism.Alyssa Ney - 3105–3124
    This is an introduction to wave function realism for a compendium on the philosophy of quantum mechanics that will be edited and translated into Portuguese by Raoni Arroyo, entitled Compêndio de Filosofia da Física Quântica. This essay presents the history of wave function realism, its various interpretations, the main arguments that are given for the position, and the main objections that have been raised to it.
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    C.L.R. James’s Decolonial Humanism in Theory and Practice.Alyssa Adamson - 2018 - CLR James Journal 24 (1):153-176.
    This paper argues for the concept of a decolonial humanism at the heart of C.L.R. James’s theoretical and political engagements. In exploring the concept of decolonial humanism, the paper moves through three major sections dealing with some of the definitive epistemic and political aspects of James’s work: a critique of Enlightenment Humanism and European Marxism without disavowing the aspirations of universal human emancipation; James’s work with the Johnson-Forest Tendency, the Pan-Africanist movement, and his attempts at labor organizing in Trinidad first (...)
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    Correction to: Harm Avoidance and Mobility During Middle Childhood and Adolescence among Hadza Foragers.Alyssa N. Crittenden, Alan Farahani, Kristen N. Herlosky, Trevor R. Pollom, Ibrahim A. Mabulla, Ian T. Ruginski & Elizabeth Cashdan - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (1):177-177.
    A correction to this paper has been published:
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  45. Grounding in the Philosophy of Mind: A Defense.Alyssa Ney - 2016 - In Ken Aizawa & Carl Gillett, Scientific Composition and Metaphysical Ground. London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  46. The Argument from Locality for Many Worlds Quantum Mechanics.Alyssa Ney - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy.
    One motivation for preferring the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics over realist rivals, such as collapse and hidden variables theories, is that the interpretation is able to preserve locality (in the sense of no action at a distance) in a way these other theories cannot. The primary goal of this paper is to make this argument for the many worlds interpretation precise, in a way that does not rely on controversial assumptions about the metaphysics of many worlds.
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  47. Physical causation and difference-making.Alyssa Ney - 2009 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 60 (4):737-764.
    This paper examines the relationship between physical theories of causation and theories of difference-making. It is plausible to think that such theories are compatible with one another as they are aimed at different targets: the former, an empirical account of actual causal relations; the latter, an account that will capture the truth of most of our ordinary causal claims. The question then becomes: what is the relationship between physical causation and difference-making? Is one kind of causal fact more fundamental than (...)
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  48. Microphysical Causation and the Case for Physicalism.Alyssa Ney - 2016 - Analytic Philosophy 57 (1):141-164.
    Physicalism is sometimes portrayed by its critics as a dogma, but there is an empirical argument for the position, one based on the accumulation of diverse microphysical causal explanations in physics, chemistry, and physiology. The canonical statement of this argument was presented in 2001 by David Papineau. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate a tension that arises between this way of understanding the empirical case for physicalism and a view that is becoming practically a received position in philosophy (...)
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  49.  24
    Promoting Human Rights in the Future Climate Regime.Alyssa Johl & Sébastien Duyck - 2012 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 15 (3):298 - 302.
    Over the past several years, the human rights implications of climate change have become more evident. While extreme weather events and slow onset changes caused by climate change affect the exercise of human rights, the implementation of climate change policies - in relation to both mitigation and adaptation - may also lead to the infringement of the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities. Despite this recognition by the UN Human Rights Council and other bodies, the international climate change regime (...)
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  50.  97
    The Rights of States, the Rule of Law, and Coercion: Reflections on Pauline Kleingeld's Kant and Cosmopolitanism.Alyssa R. Bernstein - 2014 - Kantian Review 19 (2):233-249.
    Pauline Kleingeld argues that according to Kant it would be wrong to coerce a state into an international federation, due to the wrongness of paternalism. Although I agree that Kant opposes the waging of war as a means to peace, I disagree with Kleingeld's account of the reasons why he would oppose coercing a state into a federation. Since she does not address the broader question of the permissibility of interstate coercion, she does not properly address the narrower question of (...)
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