Results for 'Alicia Valdés'

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  1.  8
    How to resist? Postanarachafeminist theories and praxis for the 21st century.Alicia Valdés Lucas - 2024 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 29 (2).
    The present is characterized by the ontological crisis of the political subject and by the increasingly clear approach of radical political praxis to the libertarian thesis of rejection of the delegation of power and approach to direct action. Taking to the streets, assembly, direct action, individual insurrection, and daily resistance are some of the tools that characterize the new forms of resistance. However, where do these forms come from? This article aims to analyze the way in which poststructuralism, anarchism and (...)
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    Can erotic capital subvert masculine economy? Aesthetic work and the post-feminist approach to economics / ¿Puede el capital erótico subvertir la economía masculina? Aesthetic work y el enfoque postfeminista hacia la economía.Alicia Valdés Lucas - 2019 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 24 (2):87-108.
    The aim of this article is to elucidate whether and how the theory of erotic capital may function as a feminist tool to subvert the hierarchies and relations in current economy in favour of the empowerment and liberation of women. Thus, by analyzing the ways in which white, liberal feminism directly constructs its claims and petitions through the absorption of liberal epistemological dogmas, we intend to search the direct relation between the ideology developed by white, cisgender feminists and liberal economics (...)
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    Mujer e histeria. El Real lacaniano como espacio de habitancia revolucionaria.Alicia Valdés - 2022 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 107:159-174.
    La relación entre el inconsciente y la revolución ha sido ampliamente estudiada por Skott-Myhre (2014). Este autor defiende la idea del inconsciente como el espacio potencial para la revolución, ergo, la subjetividad neoliberal ha de ser desafiada al nivel del deseo inconsciente. La presente conferencia tiene como objetivo seguir la línea de argumentación esgrimida por Bethany Morris (2017) en la que se define al sujeto mujer como un sujeto que posee un surplus de inconsciente, elemento que determina a la mujer (...)
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    La aparición del mercado capitalista y sus efectos sobre la agencia de la mujer. La pérdida de aura en Walter Benjamin.Alicia Valdés Lucas - 2021 - Endoxa 48:255-274.
    Los procesos históricos suponen diferentes impactos a los diferentesagentes históricos. Los procesos que dieron forma al mercado capitalista neoliberalimpusieron al varón blanco heterosexual como único agente oficial de los procesos históricos.Esta imposición supuso la base para la construcción del actual sistema patriarcal.Este artículo se pregunta cómo estos procesos históricos afectaron a la mujer. Cómo laagencia femenina ha sido condicionada por el capitalismo. Este ensayo busca observarcómo los procesos de consumo y producción de masas han afectado a la construcciónde la agencia (...)
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    Politics in the Time of COVID.Stefanie R. Fishel, Andrew Fletcher, Sankaran Krishna, Utz McKnight, Gitte du Plessis, Chad Shomura, Alicia Valdés & Nadine Voelkner - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (3):657-689.
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  6. Power, suffering, and courts : reflections on promoting health rights through judicialization.Alicia Ely Yamin - 2011 - In Alicia Ely Yamin & Siri Gloppen (eds.), Litigating health rights: can courts bring more justice to health? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
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    Podcast Como Identificador de Las Necesidades de Aprendizaje Del Universitario.Alicia Tapia López & Oliver Carrero Márquez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-13.
    Desde un análisis descriptivo-cualitativo, basado en encuestas de calidad validadas por ANECA (2017-2022), se presenta el proceso de mejora de la asignatura Documentación Informativa, ubicada en 2º del Grado en Publicidad, gracias a la implementación de metodologías centradas en el aprender haciendo. La propuesta formativa se apoyó en que los alumnos participaran en todo el proceso de creación de un podcast. De los resultados se desprenden, como principales conclusiones, que los estudiantes entienden el fenómeno del podcasting como una herramienta que (...)
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  8. Presentación [La Guerra de la Independencia].Alicia Laspra Rodríguez - 2006 - El Basilisco 38:3-6.
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  9. Vivir en público y paideia privada en las Cartas a Lucilio de L.A. Séneca.Alicia María de Mingo Rodríguez - 2011 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 23 (2):277-302.
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    Duty to Warn in the Era of Next Generation Sequencing.Alicia Latham Schwark & Michael F. Walsh - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (7):79-80.
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  11. Colombia: la protección judicial del derecho a la salud. ¿Una promesa difícil de complir?Alicia Ely Yamin, Oscar Parra-Vera & Camila Gianella - 2013 - In Alicia Ely Yamin, Siri Gloppen & Elena Odriozola (eds.), La lucha por los derechos de la salud: ¿puede la justicia ser una herramienta de cambio? México, D.F.: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.
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    Un testimonio multigeneracional: La traducción, una herramienta más contra el genocidio. Selección de poemas de Ruth Irupé Sanabria.Alicia Partnoy - 2020 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 11 (21):e081.
    Presentación de la poeta Ruth Irupé Sanabria, selección de poemas y traducción a cargo de su madre, la escritora Alicia Partnoy.
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    The notion of character friendship and the cultivation of virtue.Diana Hoyos-Valdés - 2018 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 48 (1):66-82.
    Most theories about virtue cultivation fall under the general umbrella of the role model approach, according to which virtue is acquired by emulating role models, and where those role models are usually conceived of as superior in some relevant respect to the learners. I argue that although we need role models to cultivate virtue, we also need good and close relationships with people who are not our superiors. The overemphasis on role models is misguided and misleading, and a good antidote (...)
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  14.  22
    Value Pluralism and Tragic Loss.Alicia Steinmetz - 2020 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 32 (4):556-573.
    ABSTRACT Isaiah Berlin's value pluralism remains attractive because of its compelling account of tragic loss. The expectation and recognition of tragic loss can alert us to, and help guard us against, the fanaticism, the distortion of values, and the self-deception that may result from even the most well-meaning and good-faith pursuit of political ideals.
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    Ética, disenso, y derechos humanos: en conversación con Ernesto Garzón Valdés.Javier Muguerza & Ernesto Garzón Valdés - 1998 - Madrid: Argés. Edited by Ernesto Garzón Valdés.
  16.  13
    Perspectivas ecofeministas de la ciencia y el conocimiento La crítica al sesgo andro-antropocéntrico.Alicia Helda Puleo - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:41.
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    Sartre: la conciencia como libertad infinita.Lourdes Gordillo Álvarez-Valdés - 2009 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 37 (1):9-29.
    Sartre considers the rise of spontaneous not cognitive consciousness or prereflexive cogito as a subject. Without any conditions, without any nature or essence can be determined. The awareness event as an absolute necessity is indeed unjustifiable that refers to the world, is pure intentionality. The abstract ideal of freedom for Sartre is a conscience without any determination. Man is free because it is free of any determination by precognitive structure of consciousness.
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  18.  12
    Teatro posdramático y artes vivas.Alicia Bernal Molina & Miguel Molina Alarcón - 2022 - Boletín de Estética 59:89-114.
    En el ámbito específico de la crítica de las prácticas escénicas en España, el término “artes vivas” ha comenzado a utilizarse ampliamente en los últimos años para referir una serie de prácticas comprendidas hasta entonces bajo la denominación de “teatro posdramático”. En este contexto, el presente escrito tiene el propósito de analizar el debate teórico en torno a dicho desplazamiento terminológico, de gran pregnancia tanto desde un punto de vista académico como desde la perspectiva de la creación artística misma. Con (...)
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  19. La educación como formación de la identidad o la cría del animal humano.Alicia Poza - 2003 - Diálogo Filosófico 56:259-268.
    Este texto pretende analizar la relación entre la educación y la identidad. En concreto, intenta responder a la pregunta sobre la clase de criatura humana que ha de formarse mediante una educación democrática. La respuesta se estructura en tres partes: en primer lugar, se define en qué consiste la educación democrática; en segundo lugar, se señalan las diferentes dimensiones que intervienen en la constitución de la identidad y el tipo de identidad personal que se requiere para convivir en una sociedad (...)
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  20.  65
    Does Action Theory Rest on a Mistake?Alicia Juarrero Roqué - 1987 - Philosophy Research Archives 13:587-612.
    The overwhelming majority of action theories have relied on a Humean model of causality and of explanation; even those theories that explicitly reject aspects of that model uncritically adopt others. The atomistic presuppositions embodied in the model are unable to account for either the dynamic and fabric-like nature of action or the features of control and meaning present therein. It is these atomistic presuppositions that give rise to the “Gettier-like vexations” that are common counterexamples in action theory. The Humean requirement (...)
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  21.  65
    Does Level Generation Always Generate Act-Tokens?Alicia Juarrero Roque - 1983 - Philosophy Research Archives 9:177-192.
    After a brief summary of Alvin Goldman’s theory of the “level-generation” of complex act-tokens from basic acts, it is argued that if the occurrent want which causes the basic act becomes deactivated in medias res, or during the interval between the basic act and the generated events, the latter do not qualify as actions proper. A discussion follows of Steven Davis’s at tempts to provide a counterexample to GoIdman’s theory by suggesting an example in which the Goldman conditions are met (...)
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  22. Contextualismo y niveles de escrutinio.L. M. Valdés - 2000 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):87-95.
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  23. El explendor de la filosofía analítica.Luis Ml Valdés - 2005 - In Manuel Garrido (ed.), El legado filosófico y científico del siglo XX. Madrid: Cátedra.
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    The Social and Cultural Background of Hoplite Development in Archaic Athens: Peasants, Debts, zeugitai and Hoplethes.Miriam A. Valdés Guía - 2019 - História 68 (4):388.
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  25.  45
    Power, Status and Expectations: How Narcissism Manifests Among Women CEOs.Alicia R. Ingersoll, Christy Glass, Alison Cook & Kari Joseph Olsen - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4):893-907.
    Firms face mounting pressure to appoint ethical leaders who will avoid unnecessary risk, scandal and crisis. Alongside mounting evidence that narcissistic leaders place organizations at risk, there is a growing consensus that women are more ethical, transparent and risk-averse than men. We seek to interrogate these claims by analyzing whether narcissism is as prevalent among women CEOs as it is among men CEOs. We further analyze whether narcissistic women CEOs take the same types of risk as narcissistic men CEOs. Drawing (...)
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  26.  34
    Rethinking the Moral Authority of Experience: Critical Insights and Reflections from Black Women Scholars.Alicia Best, Folasade C. Lapite & Faith E. Fletcher - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (1):27-30.
    The field of bioethics is calling for a new generation of scholars equipped with the normative, empirical, and practical knowledge and expertise to prioritize equity concerns largely underrepresent...
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    Selection against Disability: Abortion, ART, and Access.Alicia Ouellette - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (2):211-223.
    This essay re-examines the disability critique of prenatal and pre-implantation screening in light of evidence about the larger context in which fertility and reproductive healthcare is rendered in the U.S. It argues that efforts to identify acceptable criteria for trait-based selection or otherwise impose reasons-based limitations on reproductive choice should be avoided because such limitations tend to perpetuate the discrimination encountered by adults with disabilities seeking fertility and reproductive health services.
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    Anti‐Black Racism and Power: Centering Black Scholars to Achieve Health Equity.Alicia L. Best - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (S1):39-41.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue S1, Page S39-S41, March‐April 2022.
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    (1 other version)RESEÑA de: Moreno, César, Mingo, Alicia María de (eds.). Signo, intencionalidad, verdad: estudios de fenomenología. Sevilla: SEFE: Universidad de Sevilla, 2005. [REVIEW]Alicia María de Mingo - 2007 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 5:309-315.
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    A Buddhist crossroads: pioneer European Buddhists and globalizing Asian networks 1860–1960.Alicia Turner, Laurence Cox & Brian Bocking - 2013 - Contemporary Buddhism 14 (1):1-16.
    Single-country approaches to the study of Buddhism miss the crucial significance of international networks in the making of modern Buddhism, in a period when the material basis for such networks had been transformed. Southeast Asia in particular acted as a dynamic crossroads in this period enabling the emergence of a ?global Buddhism? not controlled by any single sect, while India and Japan both played unexpectedly significant roles in this crossroads. A key element of this process was the encounter between Asian (...)
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  31.  12
    Transforming Toxic Materialities: Microbes in Anthropogenically Polluted Soils.Alicia Ng - forthcoming - Theory, Culture and Society.
    In this essay, I explore non-human multispecies interactions in soils polluted by electronic waste and subsequently bioremediated by plants and microbes. I argue that regenerative transformation in polluted soil environments is principally through microbial degradation, a significant process for survival amidst disaster. In doing so, I combine two separate research areas – the materiality of electronic waste and of soils – thus contributing to theorization on the persistent problem of anthropogenically polluted soils. I do so by examining the process of (...)
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  32.  12
    Pour un écoféminisme de l’égalité.Alicia Puleo - 2017 - Multitudes 67 (2):75.
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    La Argentina actual por sí misma...: a 40 años del IHPA (1975-2015).Alicia Ugarte & Raúl Arué (eds.) - 2017 - [Tucumán, República Argentina]: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNT, Instituto de Historia y Pensamiento Argentinos.
  34. El exilio español en México, 2: Ramón Xirau y Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez.Margarita Valdés - 2009 - In Manuel Garrido (ed.), El legado filosófico español e hispanoamericano del siglo XX. Madrid: Cátedra. pp. 563--578.
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    Effects of Olympic Combat Sports on Health-Related Quality of Life in Middle-Aged and Older People: A Systematic Review.Pablo Valdés-Badilla, Tomás Herrera-Valenzuela, Eduardo Guzmán-Muñoz, Pedro Delgado-Floody, Cristian Núñez-Espinosa, Matias Monsalves-Álvarez & David Cristóbal Andrade - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Olympic combat sports are unconventional physical activity strategies to train middle-aged and older people with and without health problems. This systematic review aimed to assess the available body of published peer-reviewed articles related to the effects of Olympic combat sports interventions on health-related quality of life in adults aged 45 and older. The search was carried out in five generic databases until July 2021 and the protocol was registered in PROSPERO. The PRISMA guidelines were followed and the Downs and Black (...)
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    Linguistic and Perceptual Mapping in Spatial Representations: An Attentional Account.Berenice Valdés-Conroy, José A. Hinojosa, Francisco J. Román & Verónica Romero-Ferreiro - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (2):646-663.
    Building on evidence for embodied representations, we investigated whether Spanish spatial terms map onto the NEAR/FAR perceptual division of space. Using a long horizontal display, we measured congruency effects during the processing of spatial terms presented in NEAR or FAR space. Across three experiments, we manipulated the task demands in order to investigate the role of endogenous attention in linguistic and perceptual space mapping. We predicted congruency effects only when spatial properties were relevant for the task but not when attention (...)
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    Life as Praxis, Praxis as Life: A Review Essay of Derrick Bell's Ethical Ambition: Living a Life of Meaning and Worth.Francisco Valdes - 2004 - Legal Ethics 7 (1):117-131.
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    Unicidad del teorema de Morley.Fernando Valdés Macías - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Aesthetic-Epistemological Contradiction in the Concept of Water.Alicia Macías Recio - 2024 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1:33-47.
    _The following paper highlights the contradictions that exist in the understanding of water: it is considered a marketable resource over which one can exert power and, at the same time, a common good used by the planet’s species and ecosystems. Based on this, and after an analysis of several widespread ideas, the paper proceeds to describe the paradox in the perception of water as a product of an alienated aesthetics that makes it impossible to experience the after-effects of the Westernised (...)
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    (1 other version)Action research on organizational change with the Food Bank of the Southern Tier: a regional food bank’s efforts to move beyond charity.Alicia Swords - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (4):849-865.
    This paper reports on an action research project about organizational change by a regional food bank in New York State’s southern tier. While the project team initially included a sociologist, food bank leadership and staff, it expanded to involve participants in food access programs and area college students. This paper combines findings from qualitative research about the food bank with findings generated through a collaborative inquiry about a ten-year process of organizational change. We ask how a regional food bank can (...)
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  41.  78
    Matching Ethical Work Climate to In-role and Extra-role Behaviors in a Collectivist Work Setting.Alicia S. M. Leung - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (1-2):43-55.
    This paper studies the relationship between organizational ethical climate and the forms of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), including in-role and extra-role behaviors, and examines the mediating effect of employee loyalty. A sample of employees from a traditional Hong Kong-based company was used as a study group. The purpose of this study was to examine the causes and implications of how various ethical work climates affect employee performance. Based on a model proposed by Victor and Cullen, ethical climate is arranged from (...)
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  42.  84
    Self-Organization: Kant's Concept of Teleology and Modern Chemistry.Alicia Juarrero Roqué - 1985 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (1):107 - 135.
    AS IS WELL KNOWN, one of Kant's major concerns was the reconciliation of Newtonian science and metaphysics, a preoccupation made particularly acute by the need to provide a satisfactory explanation of organisms. It is in light of his claim that only the mechanistic principles of Newton's physics can provide scientific knowledge that the role to be played by purposiveness becomes problematic. Purpose appears to resist mechanistic explanation and is therefore a major impediment to unifying science under one set of principles. (...)
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  43.  14
    Normative Systems in Legal and Moral Theory: Festschrift for Carlos E. Alchourrón and Eugenio Bulygin.Ernesto Garzón Valdés, G. H. von Wright, Carlos E. Alchourrón & Eugenio Bulygin - 1997
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    Pluralismo y futuro compartido : una aportación al espacio cultural-trascendental.Alicia María de Mingo - 2010 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 7:233.
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  45. Parir en jardines de hospitales públicos en México.Alicia Márquez Murrieta - 2021 - In Fabiola de Lachica Huerta, Alicia Márquez Murrieta & Graciela de Garay Arellano (eds.), El acontecimiento al centro: cuatro estudios desde la sociología y la historia. Ciudad de México: Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora.
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    Vigencia de la crítica personalista al positivismo Y al marxismo: Fecundidad Del concepto de persona para enfretar la crisis sociosanitaria.Grisel Ramírez Valdés - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía 19 (1):61-78.
    La realidad social, política, económica y sanitaria que experimentamos hoy denota que vivimos una crisis planetaria que convulsa al conjunto de las relaciones sociales. Es un imperativo teórico, retomar la fecundidad del concepto de persona y la crítica de Emmanuel Mounier al positivismo y al marxismo del siglo XX. Su crítica se basó en la noción de persona, de profunda raíz en la teología cristiana occidental y hoy considerado Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad al permitir fundamentar la validez global de (...)
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    Hildebrand y la acción propiamente moral.Alicia Rodrigo - 2015 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 48:211-221.
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  48. Could Bohm's Hologram Succeed Where Rorty's Mirror Couldn't?Alicia J. Roqué - 1986 - Scientia 80 (121):141.
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  49. Bipartite Entanglement Induced by a Common Background (Zero-Point) Radiation Field.A. Valdés-Hernández, L. de la Peña & A. M. Cetto - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (5):843-862.
    This paper deals with an (otherwise classical) two-(non-interacting) particle system immersed in a common stochastic zero-point radiation field. The treatment is an extension of the one-particle case for which it has been shown that the quantum properties of the particle emerge from its interaction with the background field under stationary and ergodic conditions. In the present case we show that non-classical correlations—describable only in terms of entanglement—arise between the (nearby) particles whenever both of them resonate to a common frequency of (...)
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    Desincronización temporal y espacial entre trabajo y familia: Hacerse el salario en las migraciones estacionales de los/as temporeros/as de la uva.Ximena Valdés Subercaseaux - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 31.
    La movilidad y las migraciones estacionales forman parte del mercado de trabajo que genera la agricultura y agroindustria de exportación. Este estudio se localiza en Atacama, la región más especializada en uva de mesa de exportación, y que es, la actividad que paga mejores salarios en comparación con el resto de las frutas y que insume más trabajadores por hectárea. El artículo analiza el uso del tiempo laboral anual de los trabajadores para conocer las migraciones, los ingresos de los/as temporeros/as (...)
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