Results for 'Alicia Carpenter'

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  1. There is no pure evil, nor pure good, only purity" : William Blake's and Patti Smith's Art as Opposition to Societal Boundaries.Alicia Carpenter - 2022 - In James Rovira, Women in rock, women in romanticism. New York: Routledge.
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  2. I—Amber D. Carpenter: Ethics of Substance.Amber D. Carpenter - 2014 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 88 (1):145-167.
    Aristotle bequeathed to us a powerful metaphysical picture, of substances in which properties inhere. The picture has turned out to be highly problematic in many ways; but it is nevertheless a picture not easy to dislodge. Less obvious are the normative tones implicit in the picture and the way these permeate our system of values, especially when thinking of ourselves and our ambitions, hopes and fears. These have proved, if anything, even harder to dislodge than the metaphysical picture which supports (...)
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  3. Professor Carpenter's comment.Rhys Carpenter - 1923 - Journal of Philosophy 20 (2):46-48.
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    Ioläus, an Anthology of Friendship, Ed. by E. Carpenter.Edward Carpenter - 2018 - Franklin Classics.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  5. The mind argument and libertarianism.Alicia Finch & Ted A. Warfield - 1998 - Mind 107 (427):515-28.
    Many critics of libertarian freedom have charged that freedom is incompatible with indeterminism. We show that the strongest argument that has been provided for this claim is invalid. The invalidity of the argument in question, however, implies the invalidity of the standard Consequence argument for the incompatibility of freedom and determinism. We show how to repair the Consequence argument and argue that no similar improvement will revive the worry about the compatibility of indeterminism and freedom.
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    The Intermediate Sex: A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women.Edward Carpenter - 2015 - Routledge.
    The Intermediate sex collates papers from Edward Carpenter on his ideas about intermediate types. Carpenter claims that there are those in societies who hold an intermediate position between the two sexes and may have an inner sex in their mind that is different from their biological sex. Originally published in 1908, this version in1941, these papers present early observations about gender fluidity in both men and women, studying certain 'types' of intermediate people that he claimed were begin to (...)
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    Musical form regained.Patricia Carpenter - 1965 - Journal of Philosophy 62 (2):36-48.
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  8. ¿Qué es el ecofeminismo?Alicia Helda Puleo García - 2007 - Critica 57 (941):50-51.
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    Democracia directa contra déficit democrático: el caso uruguayo.Alicia Lissidini - forthcoming - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi.
    This article analyzes the functions and effects of direct democracy in Uruguay, especially in recent years. It studies the plebiscites and referendums that were actually carried out, and also those that were initiated but did not materialize because they did not achieve the necessary signatures or adhesions. The main objective of this research is to show that the mechanisms of direct democracy constitute an institutional way to channel and give voice to social discontent, contributing to avoid the democratic deficit and (...)
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    The Bible, the bottle and the knife: religion as a mode of resisting colonialism for U Dhammaloka.Alicia Turner - 2013 - Contemporary Buddhism 14 (1):66-77.
    While those who sought solidarity between Asians and Europeans in the colonial era often ended up replicating the colonial divisions they had hoped to overcome, the interstitial position of working class and beachcomber Buddhist monks allowed for more substantive modes of solidarity and critique. U Dhammaloka offered a sophisticated critique of British colonialism in its religious, cultural and material modes, but opted to focus his efforts on Buddhism as an avenue of resistance because it offered him a means of connection, (...)
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    Death in Documentaries: The Memento Mori Experience.Benjamin Bennett-Carpenter - 2017 - Brill | Rodopi.
    In _Death in Documentaries: The Memento Mori Experience_, Benjamin Bennett-Carpenter suggests that documentaries are an especially apt form of contemporary _memento mori_; that is, documentaries offer transformative experiences for a viewer to renew one’s consciousness of mortality.
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    Ideas and Ethical Formation: Confessions of a Buddhist-Platonist.Amber Carpenter - 2023 - In Christian Coseru, Reasons and Empty Persons: Mind, Metaphysics, and Morality: Essays in Honor of Mark Siderits. Springer. pp. 387-415.
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    The Simplification of Life: From the Writings of E. Carpenter Selected by H. Roberts.Edward Carpenter & Harry Roberts - 1905
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    The night is normal: a guide through spiritual pain.Alicia Britt Chole - 2023 - Carol Stream, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers.
    It's unnerving, isn't it? When our faith feels ungrounded, untethered... unreal. When our certainty is adrift, as though an undercurrent has pulled us away from shore into the deep, into the darkness. This is disillusionment. This is spiritual pain. And if this is you, please know that you are not alone. (And you are not as far away from safety as you may feel or fear.) Though faith shines best in full sun, it grows depth in the dark. The night (...)
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  15. Unethical and Fraudulent Financial Reporting: Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior.Tina D. Carpenter & Jane L. Reimers - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 60 (2):115-129.
    This research applies the theory of planned behavior to corporate managers’ decision making as it relates to fraudulent financial reporting. Specifically, we conducted two studies to examine the effects of attitude, subjective norm and perceived control on managers’ decisions to violate generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in order to meet an earnings target and receive an annual bonus. The results suggest that the theory of planned behavior predicts whether managers’ decisions are ethical or unethical. These findings are relevant to corporate (...)
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  16. Presentism and Ockham's Way Out.Alicia Finch & Michael C. Rea - 2008 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 1:1-17.
    We lay out the fatalist’s argument, making sure to clarify which dialectical moves are available to the libertarian. We then offer a more robust presentation of Ockhamism, responding to obvious objections and teasing out the implications of the view. At this point, we discuss presentism and eternalism in more detail. We then present our argument for the claim that the libertarian cannot take Ockham’s way out of the fatalism argument unless she rejects presentism. Finally, we consider and dispense with objections (...)
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  17.  16
    Versión, subversión y parodia: propuestas posfeministas en “Malena, una vida hervida” de Almudena Grandes.Alicia Rueda Acedo - 2023 - Valenciana 31:79-103.
    En este artículo se analiza “Malena, una vida hervida” de Almudena Grandes como relato paradigmático de las propuestas posfeministas que la autora española presenta en su obra narrativa, la cual recurrentemente se distancia y critica los modelos patriarcales de mujer tradicional, al mismo tiempo que cuestiona varios presupuestos feministas. “Malena, una vida hervida”, integrante de la colección Modelos de mujer, critica los parámetros estéticos que establece la sociedad, y replantea el erotismo y su vinculación con la comida. Para ello, Grandes (...)
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  18. Eating One's Own : Exploring Conceptual Space for Moral Restraint.Amber D. Carpenter - unknown
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  19. De la técnica a la techne.Alicia Olabuenaga García - 1997 - A Parte Rei 1:3.
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  20. Las mujeres y el deterioro medioambiental.Alicia Helda Puleo García - 2008 - Critica 58 (951):69-72.
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    How to resist? Postanarachafeminist theories and praxis for the 21st century.Alicia Valdés Lucas - 2024 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 29 (2).
    The present is characterized by the ontological crisis of the political subject and by the increasingly clear approach of radical political praxis to the libertarian thesis of rejection of the delegation of power and approach to direct action. Taking to the streets, assembly, direct action, individual insurrection, and daily resistance are some of the tools that characterize the new forms of resistance. However, where do these forms come from? This article aims to analyze the way in which poststructuralism, anarchism and (...)
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    The Buddhist philosophy of assimilation.Alicia Matsunaga - 1969 - Rutland, Vermont,: C. E. Tuttle Co..
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    Teatro posdramático y artes vivas.Alicia Bernal Molina & Miguel Molina Alarcón - 2022 - Boletín de Estética 59:89-114.
    En el ámbito específico de la crítica de las prácticas escénicas en España, el término “artes vivas” ha comenzado a utilizarse ampliamente en los últimos años para referir una serie de prácticas comprendidas hasta entonces bajo la denominación de “teatro posdramático”. En este contexto, el presente escrito tiene el propósito de analizar el debate teórico en torno a dicho desplazamiento terminológico, de gran pregnancia tanto desde un punto de vista académico como desde la perspectiva de la creación artística misma. Con (...)
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  24. Espacios de conflicto.Alicia Paredes Nolasco Y. Arturo Aguirre Moreno - 2020 - In Luis Gerena & Arturo Aguirre, Poder, violencia y estado: discusiones filosóficas sobre los espacios de conflicto. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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  25. Could Bohm's Hologram Succeed Where Rorty's Mirror Couldn't?Alicia J. Roqué - 1986 - Scientia 80 (121):141.
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  26. L'Art Déco a Catalunya.Alícia Suàrez & Mercè Vidal - forthcoming - Nexus.
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    Does academic dishonesty relate to unethical behavior in professional practice? An exploratory study.Donald D. Carpenter, Trevor S. Harding, Cynthia J. Finelli & Honor J. Passow - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (2):311-324.
    Previous research indicates that students in engineering self-report cheating in college at higher rates than those in most other disciplines. Prior work also suggests that participation in one deviant behavior is a reasonable predictor of future deviant behavior. This combination of factors leads to a situation where engineering students who frequently participate in academic dishonesty are more likely to make unethical decisions in professional practice. To investigate this scenario, we propose the hypotheses that (1) there are similarities in the decision-making (...)
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  28. The Causational and Free Will Theories of Volition, a Review of Dr. Carpenter's 'Mental Physiology'.Malcolm Guthrie & William Benjamin Carpenter - 1877
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    Occupational distress in nursing: A psychoanalytic reading of the literature.Alicia M. Evans, David A. Pereira & Judith M. Parker - 2008 - Nursing Philosophy 9 (3):195-204.
    Abstract Occupational stress in nursing has attracted considerable attention as a focus for research and as a consequence multiple objects of nurses' stress, or 'stressors', have been identified. This paper puts into question the dominant conceptual and methodological approach to occupational stress in nursing research by both foregrounding the notion of anxiety and juxtaposing it with the notion of 'stress'. It is argued that the notion of 'stress' and the domination of the questionnaire have produced a narrow reading of the (...)
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    What one intelligence test measures: A theoretical account of the processing in the Raven Progressive Matrices Test.Patricia A. Carpenter, Marcel A. Just & Peter Shell - 1990 - Psychological Review 97 (3):404-431.
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    Type-logical semantics.Bob Carpenter - 1997 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    The book, which stepwise develops successively more powerful logical and grammatical systems, covers an unusually broad range of material.
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    The Golden Rule in Sports: Investing in the Conditions of Cooperation for a Mutual Advantage in Sports Competitions.Alicia Bockel - 2015 - Wiesbaden: Imprint: Springer VS.
    Elite level sport lends itself to a highly competitive environment that encourages players to seek a competitive advantage in order to win. Since competition is an inherent condition that is also considered desirable in this setting, it may at first glance seem as if cooperation does not have any room in elite level sports. Sustainable cooperation can be mutually advantageous for players, but it only has a chance of coming into fruition if it is also in line with individual players' (...)
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    5 Variety of Socratic Elenchi.Michelle Carpenter & Ronald Polansky - 2002 - In Gary Alan Scott, Does Socrates Have a Method?: Rethinking the Elenchus in Plato's Dialogues and Beyond. Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 89-100.
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  34. On behalf of the consequence argument: time, modality, and the nature of free action.Alicia Finch - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 163 (1):151-170.
    The consequence argument for the incompatibility of free action and determinism has long been under attack, but two important objections have only recently emerged: Warfield’s modal fallacy objection and Campbell’s no past objection. In this paper, I explain the significance of these objections and defend the consequence argument against them. First, I present a novel formulation of the argument that withstands their force. Next, I argue for the one controversial claim on which this formulation relies: the trans-temporality thesis. This thesis (...)
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    Introns in UTRs: Why we should stop ignoring them.Alicia A. Bicknell, Can Cenik, Hon N. Chua, Frederick P. Roth & Melissa J. Moore - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (12):1025-1034.
    Although introns in 5′‐ and 3′‐untranslated regions (UTRs) are found in many protein coding genes, rarely are they considered distinctive entities with specific functions. Indeed, mammalian transcripts with 3′‐UTR introns are often assumed nonfunctional because they are subject to elimination by nonsense‐mediated decay (NMD). Nonetheless, recent findings indicate that 5′‐ and 3′‐UTR intron status is of significant functional consequence for the regulation of mammalian genes. Therefore these features should be ignored no longer.
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  36. Las ideas de naturaleza en la ecología profunda y sus impicaciones prácticas.Alicia Irene Bugallo - 2002 - Ludus Vitalis 10 (17):65-93.
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    Relaciones recíprocas entre el Movimiento Ecología Profunda y las ciencias naturales.Alicia Irene Bugallo - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 23:175-182.
    We highlight the deep ecology movement, inspired on ecological knowledge but mainly on the life-style of the ecological and biological field-worker. Its creator, the Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess, stresses that human and no human beings have, at least, one kind of right in common: namely the ‘right’ to express its own nature, to live and blossom. This idea shows the inspiration from perseverare in suo esse, from Baruch Spinoza’s Ethics. But beyond this Spinozan influence, the striving for expression of one’s (...)
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    Cosmology and Quantum Mechanical Unstable States for Helium.Donald Gilbert Carpenter - 1994 - Apeiron (Misc) 20:15.
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    Damnatio Paruulorum. El Pensamiento de san Agustín sobre el pecado original en los ss. 174,175, 176 y ss. 293-294.Alicia Eelen & Anthony Dupont - 2013 - Augustinus 58 (230-231):201-214.
    In our contribution we will discuss a specific aspect of Augustine’s doctrine of grace in a specific genre of his oeuvre: the thematisation of infant baptism and its consequence -the damnation of unbaptised children to hell— in his preaching ministry, particularly in sermones 174-176 and sermones 293-294. First, we will introduce Augustine’s position by sketching the historical, controversial and theological framework. Subsequently, we will present the said two groups of sermones ad populum. This research will enable us to evaluate the (...)
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    Effects of pictorial instruction on paired-associate recall in first-graders.Alicia K. Lopes & Charles L. Richman - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (5):393-394.
  41. Explanation and Moral Justification of Behavior.Alicia Juarrero Roque - 1977 - Dissertation, University of Miami
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  42. Traduzione italiana.Alicia J. Roqué - 1986 - Scientia 80:153.
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  43. Dubitatio y exemplum en Valerio Máximo: el funcionamiento de la ejemplaridad y la memoria en Roma.Alicia Schniebs - 2013 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 17 (1):85-100.
    La obra de Valerio Máximo se inscribe en las transformaciones políticas, socioculturales y simbólicas propias de la instauración del principado. En este artículo se estudian las características y funciones de la dubitatio, una de las figuras retóricas más idiosincrásicas del estilo de este autor, como marca textual que permite recuperar el comportamiento del enunciador como agente del discurso ejemplar y de la memoria, temas centrales del texto y de un contexto en que la elite se ve obligada a redefinir su (...)
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    The propaganda value of imperial patronage: ecclesiastical foundations and charitable establishments in the late twelfth century.Alicia Simpson - 2015 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 108 (1):179-206.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 108 Heft: 1 Seiten: 179-206.
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    Hobbes and the Politics of Translation.Alicia Steinmetz - 2021 - Political Theory 49 (1):83-108.
    This essay argues that Hobbes’s work as a translator was fundamental to his mature political philosophy. A proper appreciation for the significance of Hobbes’s lifelong engagement with the politics of translation clarifies both the relationship between Hobbes’s humanist and scientific work, and the meaning of his simultaneous critique and use of rhetoric in his political writings. Against the interpretation held by many scholars that Hobbes simply traded his early humanist interests for his mature political and scientific views, I demonstrate that (...)
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    The “Normalization” of Intersex Bodies and “Othering” of Intersex Identities in Australia.Morgan Carpenter - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (4):487-495.
    Once described as hermaphrodites and later as intersex people, individuals born with intersex variations are routinely subject to so-called “normalizing” medical interventions, often in childhood. Opposition to such practices has been met by attempts to discredit critics and reasserted clinical authority over the bodies of women and men with “disorders of sex development.” However, claims of clinical consensus have been selectively constructed and applied and lack evidence. Limited transparency and lack of access to justice have helped to perpetuate forced interventions. (...)
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    Selection against Disability: Abortion, ART, and Access.Alicia Ouellette - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (2):211-223.
    This essay re-examines the disability critique of prenatal and pre-implantation screening in light of evidence about the larger context in which fertility and reproductive healthcare is rendered in the U.S. It argues that efforts to identify acceptable criteria for trait-based selection or otherwise impose reasons-based limitations on reproductive choice should be avoided because such limitations tend to perpetuate the discrimination encountered by adults with disabilities seeking fertility and reproductive health services.
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    Daoism in Management.Alicia Hennig - 2017 - Philosophy of Management 16 (2):161-182.
    The paper concentrates on the Chinese philosophical strand of Daoism and analyses in how far this philosophy can contribute to new directions in management theory. Daoism is an ancient Chinese philosophy, which can only be traced back roughly to about 200 or 100 BC when during Han dynasty the writers Laozi and Zhuangzi were identified as “Daoists”. However, during Han dynasty Daoism and prevalent Confucianism intermingled. Generally, it is rather difficult today to clearly discern Daoist thought from other philosophical strands (...)
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    Anti‐Black Racism and Power: Centering Black Scholars to Achieve Health Equity.Alicia L. Best - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (S1):39-41.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue S1, Page S39-S41, March‐April 2022.
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    Life outside the matrix: a journey into the supernatural faith lifestyle.Venetia Carpenter - 2013 - Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image Publishers.
    What's on the other side of stepping out in faith? A supernatural lifestyle. The world is shaking. Anyone can see it. Governments are collapsing. Economies are failing. Nations are in turmoil. People are realizing that things that appeared so stable and promising are subject to fall. The solution? Stepping out in faith and experiencing the miraculous as your new normal. God wants you to live a supernatural lifestyle! Venetia Carpenter learned this first hand, as she shares inspired insights and (...)
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