Results for 'Alias Azhar'

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  1.  23
    Sharīʿah Criminal Law Enforcement in Hisbah Framework: Practice In Malaysia.Alias Azhar, Muhammad Hafiz Badarulzaman, Fidlizan Muhammad & Siti Zamarina Mat Zaib - 2020 - Intellectual Discourse 28 (1):149-170.
    : Hisbah is the most important institution in a society and nation.Enforcement parties are those who are directly involved in executing this. Incarrying out their duties, they bear heavy responsibility because it involvesthe rights of Allah and the rights of human. Hisbah implies theimplementation of al-amr bi-l-maʿrūf when it is clear thatit is abandoned, and wa-n-nahy ʿani-l-munkar when itis clear that it is done. This study is based on the concept of Hisbah in SharīʿahLaw which is of a general and (...)
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    Finely Tuned Models Sacrifice Explanatory Depth.Feraz Azhar & Abraham Loeb - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (5):1-36.
    It is commonly argued that an undesirable feature of a theoretical or phenomenological model is that salient observables are sensitive to values of parameters in the model. But in what sense is it undesirable to have such ‘fine-tuning’ of observables? In this paper, we argue that the fine-tuning can be interpreted as a shortcoming of the explanatory capacity of the model: in particular it signals a lack of a particular type of explanatory depth. The aspect of depth that we probe (...)
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    Paying Kidney Donors: Cost Efficient, Increase Kidney Supply and Protect the Poor.Azhar Hussain & Subrata Saha - 2014 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 5 (4):279-286.
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    Probable differences among the paradigms governing conventional and Islamic approaches to management.Azhar Kazmi - 2005 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 1 (4):263.
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    The Impact of Your Leadership in Human Resource Management: An Exploratory Study on the Oil Marketing Company.Azhar Ragheb Mahmood, Intisar Ragheb Mahmood & Thakaa Faiq Abd - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1621-1636.
    The importance of the marketing function at board level is often underestimated and its role in driving change in HR is often undervalued. This research examines how marketing can partner with organizational leadership for a mutually beneficial exchange of marketing skills and capabilities to be able to realign human resources quickly enough to deal with shifts in the external business environment and create a sustainable future for the business. The current research explores the concept of “marketing leadership” from an interpretive (...)
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    Spectra of conditionalization and typicality in the multiverse.Feraz Azhar - unknown
    An approach to testing theories describing a multiverse, that has gained interest of late, involves comparing theory-generated probability distributions over observables with their experimentally measured values. It is likely that such distributions, were we indeed able to calculate them unambiguously, will assign low probabilities to any such experimental measurements. An alternative to thereby rejecting these theories, is to conditionalize the distributions involved by restricting attention to domains of the multiverse in which we might arise. In order to elicit a crisp (...)
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    Scientific Realism and Primordial Cosmology.Feraz Azhar & Jeremy Butterfield - unknown
    We discuss scientific realism from the perspective of modern cosmology, especially primordial cosmology: i.e. the cosmological investigation of the very early universe. We first state our allegiance to scientific realism, and discuss what insights about it cosmology might yield, as against "just" supplying scientific claims that philosophers can then evaluate. In particular, we discuss: the idea of laws of cosmology, and limitations on ascertaining the global structure of spacetime. Then we review some of what is now known about the early (...)
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  8.  64
    Prediction and typicality in multiverse cosmology.Feraz Azhar - unknown
    In the absence of a fundamental theory that precisely predicts values for observable parameters, anthropic reasoning attempts to constrain probability distributions over those parameters in order to facilitate the extraction of testable predictions. The utility of this approach has been vigorously debated of late, particularly in light of theories that claim we live in a multiverse, where parameters may take differing values in regions lying outside our observable horizon. Within this cosmological framework, we investigate the efficacy of top-down anthropic reasoning (...)
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  9.  50
    Testing typicality in multiverse cosmology.Feraz Azhar - unknown
    In extracting predictions from theories that describe a multiverse, we face the difficulty that we must assess probability distributions over possible observations, prescribed not just by an underlying theory, but by a theory together with a conditionalization scheme that allows for selection effects. This means we usually need to compare distributions that are consistent with a broad range of possible observations, with actual experimental data. One controversial means of making this comparison is by invoking the 'principle of mediocrity': that is, (...)
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  10.  17
    Particle Swarm Intelligence to Optimize the Learning of N-tuples.M. A. Hannan Bin Azhar, F. Deravi & K. R. Dimond - 2008 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 17 (Supplement):169-196.
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    Quality of patient Care with new Privatized Healthcare system: A Systematic Review of Technology Integration and Health Insurance".Azhar Ahmed Halawi, Hatem Saeed Ayed Alqahtani, Mohammed Mousa Essa Ayyashi, Nooran Hashim Basha, Dr Eman Hamad Alkanaani, Malak Awn Alharthi, Khadejah Abdullah Najmi, Noor Faisal Alhuzali, Abdullah Shayakh Alshehri & Othman Ali Alshehri - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1301-1313.
    Background: The quality of patient care is effective for new privatized healthcare system. For providing the effective services to the patients’ technology tools play important role. Also, new privatized healthcare organizations introduce the healthcare insurance. The aim of current systematic review is to explore the quality of patient care with new privatized healthcare system in the context of technology integration and health insurance. Method: A thorough search of databases, including Scopus, PsycINFO, and Web of Science, was conducted in order to (...)
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  12.  19
    resto escatológico de la Eingedenken benjaminiana.Antonio Alías - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 18 (5):1-8.
    El artículo aborda el proceso de conceptualización de la rememoración benjaminiana [Eingedenken], entendida por el pensador alemán como ejercicio crítico sobre una idea de historia que, desde Hegel, se asimiló al progreso como principio rector de las sociedades modernas. Partiendo, pues, de unos presupuestos epistemológicos distintos, Walter Benjamin procura en el recuerdo un nuevo tiempo histórico por venir, que se activa dialécticamente desde cierto mesianismo como resto escatológico en el ámbito de una moderna de la secularización.
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    Jihad and Just War in the War on Terror.Alia Brahimi - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    Jihad and Just War in the War on Terror explores the cases for war put forward by George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden. It systematically lays out how violence has been justified on both 'sides', and how these justifications have been criticised within the West and the Muslim world.
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  14. Religion in the War on Terror.Alia Brahimi - 2011 - In Hew Strachan & Sibylle Scheipers, The changing character of war. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Effective field theories as a novel probe of fine-tuning of cosmic inflation.Feraz Azhar - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 71:87-100.
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  16.  47
    The origins of belief representation: Monkeys fail to automatically represent others’ beliefs.Alia Martin & Laurie R. Santos - 2014 - Cognition 130 (3):300-308.
  17.  51
    Understanding the abstract role of speech in communication at 12months.Alia Martin, Kristine H. Onishi & Athena Vouloumanos - 2012 - Cognition 123 (1):50-60.
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  18. Polytopes as vehicles of informational content in feedforward neural networks.Feraz Azhar - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (5):697-716.
    Localizing content in neural networks provides a bridge to understanding the way in which the brain stores and processes information. In this paper, I propose the existence of polytopes in the state space of the hidden layer of feedforward neural networks as vehicles of content. I analyze these geometrical structures from an information-theoretic point of view, invoking mutual information to help define the content stored within them. I establish how this proposal addresses the problem of misclassification and provide a novel (...)
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    Flows into inflation: An effective field theory approach.Feraz Azhar & David I. Kaiser - 2018 - Physical Review D 98 (6).
    We analyze the flow into inflation for generic "single-clock" systems, by combining an effective field theory approach with a dynamical-systems analysis. In this approach, we construct an expansion for the potential-like term in the effective action as a function of time, rather than specifying a particular functional dependence on a scalar field. We may then identify fixed points in the effective phase space for such systems, order-by-order, as various constraints are placed on the Mth time derivative of the potential-like function. (...)
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  20.  16
    Perspektif baru tentang relasi Islam dan demokrasi di Indonesia: telaah epistemologis: monograf.Muhammad Azhar - 2018 - Bantul, Indonesia: Lp3M Umy.
    On Islam related to democracy and politics in Indonesia.
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    Editorial: Variability and Individual Differences in Early Social Perception and Social Cognition.Alia Martin, Talee Ziv & Jessica A. Sommerville - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Gauging Fine-Tuning.Feraz Azhar & Abraham Loeb - unknown
    We introduce a mathematical framework for quantifying fine-tuning in general physical settings. In particular, we identify two distinct perspectives on fine-tuning, namely, a local and a global perspective --- and develop corresponding measures. These measures apply broadly to settings characterized by an arbitrary number of observables whose values are dependent on an arbitrary number of parameters. We illustrate our formalism by quantifying fine-tuning as it arises in two pertinent astrophysical settings: in models where a significant fraction of the dark matter (...)
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  23.  32
    Correction to: A Bayesian View on the Dr. Evil Scenario.Feraz Azhar, Alan H. Guth & Mohammad Hossein Namjoo - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (6):2543-2543.
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    A Bayesian View on the Dr. Evil Scenario.Feraz Azhar, Alan H. Guth & Mohammad Hossein Namjoo - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-12.
    In Defeating Dr. Evil with Self-Locating Belief, Adam Elga proposes and defends a principle of indifference for self-locating beliefs: if an individual is confident that his world contains more than one individual who is in a state subjectively indistinguishable from his own, then he should assign equal credences to the hypotheses that he is any one of these individuals. Through a sequence of thought experiments, Elga in effect claims that he can derive the credence function that should apply in such (...)
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  25. Sel cemara, integrasi dan interkoneksi sains dan ilmu agama.Azhar Arsyad - 2010 - In Azyumardi Azra, Nanat Fatah Natsir & Hendriyanto Attan, Strategi pendidikan: upaya memahami wahyu dan ilmu. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
  26.  61
    Three Aspects of Typicality in Multiverse Cosmology.Feraz Azhar - unknown
    Extracting predictions from cosmological theories that describe a multiverse, for what we are likely to observe in our domain, is crucial to establishing the validity of these theories. One way to extract such predictions is from theory-generated probability distributions that allow for selection effects---generally expressed in terms of assumptions about anthropic conditionalization and how typical we are. In this paper, I urge three lessons about typicality in multiverse settings. Because it is difficult to characterize our observational situation in the multiverse, (...)
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    Child Labor and Inhumane Treatment of Children in Pakistan.Azhar Hussain & Farwa Ali - 2016 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 7 (1-2):65-71.
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  28. Terrorist Beheadings: Politics and Reciprocity.Alia Brahimi - 2010 - In Sibylle Scheipers, Prisoners in War. Oxford University Press.
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  29. Merleau-Ponty and Temporalities in the Flesh: Bodies of Expression and Temporalities in the Flesh.Alia A. Saji - forthcoming - Philosophy Today.
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    Jihad in Mediaeval and Modern Islam: The Chapter on Jihad from Averroes' Legal Handbook 'Bidāyat al-Mudjtahid' and the Treatise 'Koran and Fighting' by the Late Shaykh al-Azhar, Maḥmūd ShaltūtJihad in Mediaeval and Modern Islam: The Chapter on Jihad from Averroes' Legal Handbook 'Bidayat al-Mudjtahid' and the Treatise 'Koran and Fighting' by the Late Shaykh al-Azhar, Mahmud Shaltut.Umar Abd-Allāh, Rudolph Peters, Shaykh al-Azhar, Maḥmūd Shaltūt, Umar Abd-Allah & Mahmud Shaltut - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (3):567.
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    Fī al-ḥurrīyah wa-wāqiʻ al-istilāb wa-al-ightirāb: dirāsah fī mafāhīm al-insān al-muʻāṣir ladá Irīk Frūm.Azhar Hāshim ʻAdhārī - 2021 - al-Samāwah, al-ʻIrāq: Dār Masāmīr lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    A Reparative Reading of Feminism.Maite Escudero-Alías - 2021 - The European Legacy 26 (3-4):358-373.
    ABSTRACT The aim of this article is to offer a reparative framework for current feminist approaches, most of which seek to inhabit rather than assimilate previous forms of inclusivity or intersectionality, by vindicating the pioneering role of past feminisms. For this purpose, I will stick to a double-edged methodological tool that has been an object of dispute in feminist and literary studies for the last decades, namely, critique and postcritique, two concepts that could be said to bear witness to old (...)
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  33. A Phenomenology of Hesitation: Interrupting racializing habits of seeing.Alia Al-Saji - 2014 - In Emily S. Lee, Living Alterities: Phenomenology, Embodiment, and Race. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 133-172.
    This paper asks how perception becomes racializing and seeks the means for its critical interruption. My aim is not only to understand the recalcitrant and limitative temporal structure of racializing habits of seeing, but also to uncover the possibilities within perception for a critical awareness and destabilization of this structure. Reading Henri Bergson and Maurice Merleau-Ponty in dialogue with Frantz Fanon, Iris Marion Young and race-critical feminism, I locate in hesitation the phenomenological moment where habits of seeing can be internally (...)
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    The Dynamic and Fragile Nature of Eyewitness Memory Formation: Considering Stress and Attention.Alia N. Wulff & Ayanna K. Thomas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Eyewitnesses are often susceptible to recollection failures and memory distortions. These failures and distortions are influenced by several factors. The present review will discuss two such important factors, attention failures and stress. We argue that acute stress, often experienced by eyewitnesses and victims of crimes, directly influences attentional processes, which likely has downstream consequences for memory. Attentional failures may result in individuals missing something unusual or important in a complex visual field. Amongst eyewitnesses, this can lead to individuals missing details, (...)
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  35.  24
    Better guesses.Niels Linnemann & Feraz Azhar - forthcoming - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
    It has recently become popular to analyze scenarios in which we guess, in terms of a trade‐off between the accuracy of our guess (namely, its credence) and its specificity (namely, how many answers it rules out). Dorst and Mandelkern describe an account of guessing, based on epistemic utility theory (EUT), in which permissible guesses vary depending on how one weighs accuracy against specificity. We provide a minimal formal account of guessing that: (i) does not employ EUT, but rests on how (...)
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    Understanding the role of mirror neurons in action understanding will require more than a domain-general account.Alia Martin & Laurie R. Santos - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (2):211-211.
  37. Determining a qualitative research design using illustrations by a novice qualitative researcher.Ilyana Janis & Maizam Alias - 2019 - In Annette Baron & Kelly McNeal, Case study methodology in higher education. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
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  38. Guru permulaan, guru berkesan, dan guru cemerlang.Zamri Mahamod, Bity Salwana Alias & Anita Abdul Rahman - 2020 - In Zamri Mahamod & Anita Abdul Rahman, Profesion keguruan dan pembangunan insan. Bangi: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
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    Sequential Spiking Neural P Systems with Local Scheduled Synapses without Delay.Alia Bibi, Fei Xu, Henry N. Adorna & Francis George C. Cabarle - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-12.
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    Neuropsychological Consequences for Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumor in Malaysia.Hamidah Alias, Sie Chong D. Lau, Ilse Schuitema & Leo M. J. de Sonneville - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  41.  22
    Business Ethics in Islam, by Abbas J. Ali. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014. 256 pp. ISBN 978-1781006726. [REVIEW]Azhar Kazmi - 2016 - Business Ethics Quarterly 26 (2):257-260.
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  42. Decolonizing Bergson : the temporal schema of the open and the closed.Alia Al-Saji - 2019 - In Andrea J. Pitts & Mark William Westmoreland, Beyond Bergson: Examining Race and Colonialism through the Writings of Henri Bergson. Albany: SUNY Press.
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  43. Rhythms of the Body: A Study of Sensation, Time and Intercorporeity in the Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl.Alia Al-Saji - 2002 - Dissertation, Emory University
    Phenomenology's relation to sensation has many facets. Sensation arises in different contexts in Edmund Husserl's work, and receives several reformulations. This causes us to inquire how the sensations that are unified within the temporal flow by time constituting consciousness, in On the Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time, and that continue to exercise an affective pull even after having passed away, in Analyses Concerning Passive Synthesis, can be related to the bodily sensations which constitute the lived body in Ideas (...)
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  44.  57
    Epistemic and non-epistemic values in economic evaluations of public health.Alessandra Cenci & M. Azhar Hussain - 2019 - Journal of Economic Methodology 27 (1):66-88.
    We review methods for economic evaluation recently developed in health economics by focusing on the epistemic and non-epistemic values they embody. The emphasis is on insights into valuing health,...
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  45.  14
    Assessment procedures and problems in their use: At the new B.ed. (Hons.)/Ade program in balochistan.Alia Ayub, Maroof Bin Rauf & Khalid Khurshid - 2017 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 56 (1):51-71.
    This research aimed at investigating the assessment procedures for evaluating the prospective teachers' abilities, developed through the new B.Ed. /ADE curriculum in teacher education institutions of Baluchistan, this research study will also highlights the emerging problems in the use of new modern assessment procedures. The research was conducted in seven Teacher Training institutions of Baluchistan. The data was collected through the survey questionnaire, based on a pilot project, from the seven Heads of the institutions and the nine Teacher Educators/school, involved (...)
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  46. Too Late: Racialized Time and the Closure of the Past.Alia Al-Saji - 2013 - Insights 6 (5):1-13.
    In this paper, I explore some of the temporal structures of racialized experience – what I call racialized time. I draw on the Martiniquan philosopher and psychiatrist Frantz Fanon, in particular his book ‘Black Skin, White Masks,’ in order to ask how racism can be understood as a social pathology which, when internalized or ‘epidermalized,’ may result in aberrations of affect, embodiment and agency that are temporally lived. In this regard, I analyze the racialized experience of coming ‘too late’ to (...)
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  47.  21
    The nonhuman animal in social studies: Using critical animal studies for empathy.Alia Baker Danch - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (10):999-1009.
    Despite the many contributions of nonhuman animals in history, nonhuman animal representations are seldom crafted with care and accuracy in curricular texts. Because of the anthropocentric vantage point of textbook creation, the nonhuman animal is often portrayed as an object, but as our relationship with the nonhuman world continues to deteriorate, we need now more than ever to consider the agency and subjectivity of nonhuman entities across time and space. In this article, I will use critical contextual analysis as a (...)
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  48.  82
    La Vision dans le Miroir.Alia Al-Saji - 2005 - Chiasmi International 6:253-271.
  49.  43
    Service Quality Assessment of Hospitals in Asian Context: An Empirical Evidence From Pakistan.Muhammad Shafiq, Muhammad Azhar Naeem, Zartasha Munawar & Iram Fatima - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801771466.
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  50. Glued to the Image: A Critical Phenomenology of Racialization through Works of Art.Alia Al-Saji - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 77 (4):475-488.
    I develop a phenomenological account of racialized encounters with works of art and film, wherein the racialized viewer feels cast as perpetually past, coming “too late” to intervene in the meaning of her own representation. This points to the distinctive role that the colonial past plays in mediating and constructing our self-images. I draw on my experience of three exhibitions that take Muslims and/or Arabs as their subject matter and that ostensibly try to interrupt or subvert racialization while reproducing some (...)
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