Results for 'Alessandro Marini'

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  1.  34
    How Soundtracks Shape What We See: Analyzing the Influence of Music on Visual Scenes Through Self-Assessment, Eye Tracking, and Pupillometry.Alessandro Ansani, Marco Marini, Francesca D’Errico & Isabella Poggi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:556697.
    This article presents two studies that deepen the theme of how soundtracks shape our interpretation of audiovisuals. Embracing a multivariate perspective, Study 1 ( N = 118) demonstrated, through an online between-subjects experiment, that two different music scores (melancholic vs. anxious) deeply affected the interpretations of an unknown movie scene in terms of empathy felt toward the main character, impressions of his personality, plot anticipations, and perception of the environment of the scene. With the melancholic music, participants felt empathy toward (...)
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    Professional dignity in nursing in clinical and community workplaces.Alessandro Stievano, Maria Grazia De Marinis, Maria Teresa Russo, Gennaro Rocco & Rosaria Alvaro - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (3):341-356.
    The purpose of this qualitative study was to analyse nurses’ professional dignity in their everyday working lives. We explored the factors that affect nursing professional dignity in practice that emerge in relationships with health professionals, among clinical nurses working in hospitals and in community settings in central Italy. The main themes identified were: (i) nursing professional dignity perceived as an achievement; (ii) recognition of dignity beyond professional roles. These two concepts are interconnected. This study provides insights into professional dignity in (...)
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  3.  57
    A proto-code of ethics and conduct for European nurse directors.Alessandro Stievano, Maria Grazia De Marinis, Denise Kelly, Jacqueline Filkins, Iris Meyenburg-Altwarg, Mauro Petrangeli & Verena Tschudin - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (2):279-288.
    The proto-code of ethics and conduct for European nurse directors was developed as a strategic and dynamic document for nurse managers in Europe. It invites critical dialogue, reflective thinking about different situations, and the development of specific codes of ethics and conduct by nursing associations in different countries. The term proto-code is used for this document so that specifically country-orientated or organization-based and practical codes can be developed from it to guide professionals in more particular or situation-explicit reflection and values. (...)
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    La temporalità del linguaggio: il significato secondo Hannah Arendt.Alessandro Marini - 2008 - Falconara Marittima: L'orecchio di Van Gogh.
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    Real is the new sexy: the influence of perceived realness on self-reported arousal to sexual visual stimuli.Marco Marini, Alessandro Ansani, Alessandro Demichelis, Giovanna Mancini, Fabio Paglieri & Marco Viola - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (3):348-360.
    As state-of-art technology can create artificial images that are indistinguishable from real ones, it is urgent to understand whether believing that a picture is real or not has some import over affective phenomena such as sexual arousal. Thus, in two pre-registered online studies, we tested whether 60 images depicting models in underwear elicited higher self-reported sexual arousal when believed to be (N = 57) or presented as (N = 108) real photographs as opposed to artificially generated. In both cases, Realness (...)
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  6. Alessandro Marini e la polemica su Pierre Bayle nella filosofia del '700: contributo di ricerche storico-filosofiche sul '700.Pietro Addante - 1976 - Bari: Centro ricerche storico-filosofiche.
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  7. Large Language Models and Biorisk.William D’Alessandro, Harry R. Lloyd & Nathaniel Sharadin - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (10):115-118.
    We discuss potential biorisks from large language models (LLMs). AI assistants based on LLMs such as ChatGPT have been shown to significantly reduce barriers to entry for actors wishing to synthesize dangerous, potentially novel pathogens and chemical weapons. The harms from deploying such bioagents could be further magnified by AI-assisted misinformation. We endorse several policy responses to these dangers, including prerelease evaluations of biomedical AIs by subject-matter experts, enhanced surveillance and lab screening procedures, restrictions on AI training data, and access (...)
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  8.  11
    Machiavelli and political conspiracies: the struggle for power in the Italian Renaissance.Alessandro Campi - 2018 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Niccolò Machiavelli.
    The theme of conspiracies plays a key role in Machiavelli's writings, in which can be found considerations and analyses on the use of conspiracy as an instrument of conquest of power, and as a technique for political fighting. This volume denies an interpretation in which Machiavelli limited himself to warning against conspiracies, judging them as a dangerous and useless tool. In reality, he elaborated a real phenomenology or anatomy of the conspiracy. His thoughts on this theme represent a practical manual (...)
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  9.  21
    Development and Initial Validation of the Italian Mood Scale (ITAMS) for Use in Sport and Exercise Contexts.Alessandro Quartiroli, Peter C. Terry & Gerard J. Fogarty - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  10.  17
    Poor Sleep Quality and Its Consequences on Mental Health During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy.Christian Franceschini, Alessandro Musetti, Corrado Zenesini, Laura Palagini, Serena Scarpelli, Maria Catena Quattropani, Vittorio Lenzo, Maria Francesca Freda, Daniela Lemmo, Elena Vegni, Lidia Borghi, Emanuela Saita, Roberto Cattivelli, Luigi De Gennaro, Giuseppe Plazzi, Dieter Riemann & Gianluca Castelnuovo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Mere functional characterization is not enough to understand memory circuits.Alessandro Treves - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):466-467.
    What exactly is going on via fornical connections? Aggleton & Brown's target article correctly stresses their importance, but a detailed understanding of their role in memory appears to require fresh research approaches.
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  12.  16
    Logic and C* -algebras: Set Theoretical Dichotomies in the Theory of Continuous Quotients, York University, Toronto, Canada, 2017. Supervised by Ilijas Farah.Alessandro Vignati - 2018 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 24 (2):194-195.
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  13.  21
    Public health nurses’ professional dignity: An interview study in Finland.Alessandro Stievano, Mari Mynttinen, Gennaro Rocco & Mari Kangasniemi - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (6):1503-1517.
    Background Dignity is a central human value supported by nurses’ professional ethics. In previous studies, nurses in clinical practice have experienced that dignity increased their work well-being and pride of work. Dignity is also strictly interweaved to professional identity in the different nursing’ roles, but little is known about dignity among public health nurses and primary care settings. Purpose This study aimed to describe the perceptions of nursing's professional dignity of public health nurses in primary care in Finland. Research design (...)
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  14.  69
    Husserl on shared intentionality and normativity.Alessandro Salice - 2023 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (3):343-359.
    The paper offers a systematic reconstruction of the relations that, in Husserl’s work, bind together our shared social world (“the spiritual world”) with shared intentionality. It is claimed that, by sharing experiences, persons create social reasons and that these reasons impose a normative structure on the social world. Because there are two ways in which persons can share experiences (depending on whether these experiences rest on mutual communication or on group’s identity), social normativity comes in two kinds. It is either (...)
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  15.  23
    On the Notion of Aboutness in Logical Semantics.Alessandro Giordani - 2023 - In Federico L. G. Faroldi & Frederik Van De Putte (eds.), Kit Fine on Truthmakers, Relevance, and Non-classical Logic. Springer Verlag. pp. 407-449.
    In his theory of truthmaker content, Kit Fine has provided many insights concerning the relation of aboutness, allowing us to understand why a unique subject matter can be associated to a sentence, what is the relation between the subject matter of a sentence and its truth conditions, and why necessary sentences can be distinguished with respect to what they are about. The aim of this chapter is to consider these insights critically, compare them to the notion of subject matter developed (...)
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  16. Modal Conceptions of Essence.Alessandro Torza - 2024 - In Kathrin Koslicki & Michael J. Raven (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Essence in Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Philosophers distinguish between having a property essentially and having it accidentally. The way the distinction has been drawn suggests that it is modal in character, and so that it can be captured in terms of necessity, or cognate notions. The present chapter takes the suggestion at face value by considering a number of modal characterizations of the essential/accidental distinction that have been articulated and discussed since the early 20th century, as well as some of the challenges that they face.
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  17.  19
    Doing Justice to Solidarity: On the Moral Role of Mutual Support.Alessandro Volpe - 2023 - Phenomenology and Mind 24:258-268.
    The value of solidarity, which implies mutual concern and support, is often conveyed in our everyday moral and political language. But what is its conceptual relationship with justice? Influential positions in this debate may argue for the opposition between the two concepts: justice is impartial and universal, while solidarity is partial and limited. The present paper aims to shortly explore a range of theories that may exemplify possible answers to this position, from communitarian and realist views, which ultimately confirm the (...)
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  18. Voci della poesia italiana di fine novecento. Nino de Vita, Paolo Ruffilli, Alceste Angelini, Enzo Mazz.Alessandro Fo - 1996 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 17:319-355.
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  19. Dieci anni di storia della filosofia mediovale (1975-86).Alessandro Ghisalberti - 1987 - Filosofia Oggi 10 (4):545-554.
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  20. Il Dio dei filosofi e il Dio dei teologi in Guglielmo di Ockham.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 2000 - Sapientia 55 (207):3-12.
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  21. Decantando la metafísica descriptiva de Kant desde una perspectiva Analítica.Alessandro Moscarítolo - 2008 - Episteme (Porto Alegre) 28 (2):163-170.
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  22.  15
    The consumer representation of DNA ancestry testing on YouTube.Alessandro R. Marcon, Christen Rachul & Timothy Caulfield - 2021 - New Genetics and Society 40 (2):133-154.
    The growth of consumer DNA ancestry testing has resulted in questions and critiques being raised in social and research contexts. This study examined individuals discussing their ancestry DNA testing results on YouTube by searching for the two most popular testing companies (23andMe; Ancestry) and the phrase “DNA results.” The finalized dataset consisted of 117 videos, on which directed content analysis was performed. In the videos, individuals used results to clarify, confirm, question, and re-evaluate their previously held conceptions of racial/ethnic identities. (...)
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  23.  7
    (1 other version)La felicità e il tempo: Plotino, Enneadi, I4-I5.Alessandro Linguiti - 2000 - Milano: LED.
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  24.  7
    L'ultimo platonismo greco: principi e conoscenza.Alessandro Linguiti - 1990 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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  25.  12
    Os argumentos de Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576) contra o elemento fogo.Alessandro Menegat - 2021 - Circumscribere: International Journal for the History of Science 27:23.
    Neste trabalho, analisamos a argumentação de Girolamo Cardano presente em De subtilitate, no Livro II, em que o autor questiona a teoria dos quatro elementos. Conforme Cardano, o fogo não deveria mais ser considerado um elemento, mas apenas o ar, a água e a terra. Consideramos a maioria dos argumentos discutidos, mas nosso foco está naquele argumento de que Cardano lançou mão do processo de destilação para negar ao fogo um lugar entre os elementos. Para atingir nossos objetivos consideramos também (...)
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  26. Deconstructing the deconstruction of the law : reflections on Menke's "Law and violence".Alessandro Ferrara - 2018 - In Christoph Menke (ed.), Law and Violence: Chirstoph Menke in dialogue. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
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  27. O Spravedlnosti A Soudnosti.Alessandro Ferrara & Marek Hrubec - 2002 - Filosoficky Casopis 50:639-646.
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  28.  16
    Recht der Menschheit und Menschenrechte.Alessandro Pinzani - 2018 - In Reza Mosayebi (ed.), Kant Und Menschenrechte. De Gruyter. pp. 217-238.
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  29.  86
    The pragmatics of quotation, explicatures and modularity of mind.Alessandro Capone - 2013 - Pragmatics and Society 4 (3):259-284.
    This paper presents a purely pragmatic account of quotation which, it is argued, will be able to accommodate all relevant linguistic phenomena. Given that it is more parsimonious to explain the data by reference to pragmatic principles only than to explain them by reference to both pragmatic and semantic principles, as is common in the literature, I conclude that the account of quotation I present is to be preferred to the more standard accounts (including the alternative theories of quotation, discussed (...)
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  30. Circumstances-Serres, Michel and the question of time.Alessandro DelcÒ - 1993 - Filosofia 44 (2):301-340.
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  31.  21
    De objeto de políticas a sujeitos da política: dar voz aos pobres.Alessandro Pinzani - 2011 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 10 (3):83-101.
    Este artigo pretende fazer algumas considerações preliminares e programáticas sobre a questão da cooperação entre filosofia política e ciências sociais empíricas; oferecer uma estratégia para chegar a uma definição de pobreza que independa de dados quantitativos específicos, embora aponte para a importância deles ; apontar para a necessidade de ouvir a voz dos pobres; mostrar as razões da exclusão política dos pobres. Obviamente não se pretende discutir tudo isso de forma exaustiva, mas somente indicar possíveis caminhos a serem explorados.The present (...)
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  32.  67
    Minimal Income as Basic Condition for Autonomy.Alessandro Pinzani - 2010 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 55 (1):9-20.
    In this paper I shall deal with the question of whether a State-granted minimal income (which is not the same as a basic income) is a necessary condition in order for individuals (1) to attain a basic level of autonomy; and (2) to develop capabilities that allow them to improve the quality of their life. As a theoretical basis for my analysis I shall use Honneth’s theory of recognition, Sen’s capability approach (also in the version offered by Nussbaum), and Simmel’s (...)
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  33.  12
    La verità vi farà liberi.Alessandro Capone - 2018 - Augustinianum 58 (2):343-359.
    This contribution traces the interpretations of Jn 8: 32 in the first centuries up to Origen, who represents in this case, as in general for ancient patristic literature, a fundamental watershed. Each passage is illuminated by setting it in the context of exegesis and controversy. Passages which at first glance may seem unconnected are grouped together in this perspective to reveal interesting points of contact.
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  34.  15
    Sulla versione latina delle Epistole a Cledonio.Alessandro Capone - 2015 - Augustinianum 55 (2):381-403.
    This contribution focuses attention on the lexical and syntactic features of the Latin version of the Letters to Cledonius: In the passages examined it highlights the differences between the translation and the Greek text, recreates the practices and the strategies of the translator, with particular reference to the two Letters and in some cases to other of Gregory of Nazianzen's texts as reported in Laur. San Marco 584. Lastly the article evaluates the genuineness of the Latin text that was handed (...)
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  35. Del la interpretazione panteistica di Platone.Alessandro Chiappelli - 1882 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 14:324-329.
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  36.  19
    I. Per la storia della Solistica greca.Alessandro Chiappelli - 1890 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 3 (1):1-21.
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    Tensione polare e lettura del reale: il contributo di Georg Simmel.Alessandro Clemenzia - 2021 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  38.  16
    Introductory.Alessandro Pinzani - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (3):271-272.
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  39. Introducción al dossier: "Enfoques críticos del trabajo en la era neoliberal: sufrimiento social, políticas del cuerpo y nuevos imaginarios democráticos". Repensar el trabajo para el mundo que viene.Alessandro Pinzani, Laura Quintana & Alfredo Sánchez Santiago - 2025 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 14 (1):1-8.
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  40.  13
    Reconhecimento e solidariedade.Alessandro Pinzani - 2009 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 8 (3):101-113.
    Este artigo se propõe refletir sobre a possibilidade de uma teoria do respeito social e da solidariedade cívica. Para este, serão utilizados três conceitos introduzidos ou desenvolvidos por vários autores: o conceito de sofrimento socialmente evitável desenvolvido por Barrington Moore jr., a idéia de sociedade decente de Avishai Margalit e, finalmente, o conceito de capability assim como o utilizam Amartya Sem e Martha Nussbaum. Este último será posto em relação a uma teoria da autonomia moral que servirá de base para (...)
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  41.  76
    Atoms, combs, syllables and organisms.Alessandro Giordani & Claudio Calosi - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (7):1995-2024.
    Mereological atomism is the thesis that everything is ultimately composed of atomic parts, i.e., parts without proper parts. Typically, this thesis is characterized by an axiom stating that everything has atomic parts. The present paper argues that the success of this standard characterization depends on how the notions of sum and composition are defined. In particular, we put forward a novel definition of mereological sum that: (i) is not equivalent to existing definitions in the literature, if no strong decomposition principle (...)
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  42.  9
    Ormai solo un dio ci può salvare: intervista con lo "Spiegel".Martin Heidegger & Alfredo Marini - 1987 - Guanda.
    Nel colloquio svoltosi nel 1976 tra il grande filosofo tedesco e due inviati del settimanale "Der Spiegel", Heidegger risponde alle accuse che gli sono state rivolte di collusione con il nazismo. Il volume è completato da un saggio sul suo pensiero politico.
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    Semantic cognition: Distributed, but then attractive.Emilio Kropff & Alessandro Treves - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (6):718-719.
    The parallel distributed processing (PDP) perspective brings forward the important point that all semantic phenomena are based on analog underlying mechanisms, involving the weighted summation of multiple inputs by individual neurons. It falls short of indicating, however, how the essentially discrete nature of semantic processing may emerge at the cognitive level. Bridging this gap probably requires attractor networks.
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  44.  24
    La funzione logica dell'immagine nel pensiero trascendentale di Fichte.Alessandro Bertinetto - 2014 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 69 (4):685-700.
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    Per una nuova critica della società: Jürgen Habermas prima dell'agire comunicativo.Ruggero D'Alessandro - 2016 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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  46.  12
    Elogio del pudore: per un pensiero debole.Alessandro Dal Lago & Pier Aldo Rovatti - 1989 - Milano: Feltrinelli Editore. Edited by Pier Aldo Rovatti.
  47.  43
    Introduzione. Foucault: discorso politico e filosofia.Alessandro Pandolfi - 2015 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 27 (52).
    This introduction first justifies the approach of this focus on the political thought of Foucault. Therefore it highlights the conditions that determine the appearance and the operation of the political discourse, then it clarifies because, according to Foucault, political discourse should not be analyzed in a format which opposes science to ideology, but as an act of discourse located in a strategic field and fighting with other discursive formations. It concludes with a look at the difference and interweaving that for (...)
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  48.  27
    How much Schopenhauer is there really in Wagner?Alessandro Pinzani - 2012 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 11 (2):211–226.
    The paper aims at analyzing some Wagnerian figures in order to show that the influence of Schopenhauer’s philosophy on Wagner is not as strong as commonly held – at least not in his operas. The figures that shall be considered are: Wotan and Brünnhilde, Tristan and Isolde, and finally Parsifal, who appears to be the only Schopenhauerian character of all.
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  49. La nozione di Aussersein nella teoria degli oggetti di Alexius Meinong.Alessandro Salice - 2004 - Rivista di Estetica 44 (3).
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    Mirroring mirror neurons in an interdisciplinary debate.Alessandro Antonietti & Antonella Corradini - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):1092-1094.
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