Results for 'Alessandra Romano'

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  1.  9
    The Problem of Evil: Revisiting Theodicy in the Light of Global Suffering.Alessandra Romano - 2025 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (2):267-280.
    This paper revisits the classical theodicies in the context of global suffering of the contemporary world, using it as an opportunity to explore the Problem of Evil. Theodicy, the task of explaining how a benevolent, omnipotent and omniscient God could exist when it confronts the problem of evil and suffering, has been a perennial problem in philosophy and theology. Widespread discussion has occurred of traditional responses to suffering like the Free Will Defense and the Soul Making Theodicy, that suffering may (...)
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  2.  19
    Comparison of the Gait Biomechanical Constraints in Three Different Type of Neuromotor Damages.Silvia Minosse, Martina Favetta, Alberto Romano, Alessandra Pisano, Susanna Summa, Tommaso Schirinzi, Gessica Vasco, Enrico Castelli & Maurizio Petrarca - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Background and ObjectiveAbsolute angle represents the inclination of a body segment relative to a fixed reference in space. This work compares the absolute and relative angles for exploring biomechanical gait constraints.MethodsGait patterns of different neuromotor conditions were analyzed using 3D gait analysis: normal gait, Cerebral Palsy, Charcot Marie Tooth and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, representing central and peripheral nervous system and muscular disorders, respectively. Forty-two children underwent gait analysis: 10 children affected by CP, 10 children by CMT, 10 children by DMD (...)
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    Influence of sagittal pelvic attitude on gait pattern in normally developed people and interactions with neurological pathologies: A pilot study.Martina Favetta, Alberto Romano, Susanna Summa, Alessandra Colazza, Silvia Minosse, Gessica Vasco, Enrico Castelli & Maurizio Petrarca - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundGait Analysis of healthy people, imitating pathological conditions while walking, has increased our understanding of biomechanical factors. The influence of the pelvis as a biomechanical constraint during gait is not specifically studied. How could mimicking a pelvic attitude influence the dynamic mechanical interaction of the body segments? We proposed an investigation of the pelvic attitude role on the gait pattern of typically developed people when they mimicked pelvic anteversion and posteroversion.Materials and methodsSeventeen healthy volunteers were enrolled in this study. They (...)
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    Housing Space - (M.) Carucci The Romano-African Domus. Studies in Space, Decoration, and Function. (BAR International Series 1731.) Pp. xii + 289, ills, maps, pls. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2007. Paper, £40. ISBN: 978-1-4073-0175-4. [REVIEW]Alessandra Pompili - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (1):273-275.
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    Conferita la Laurea Honoris Causa in Teologia al Prof. P. Cesare Cenci, OFM (review).Marco Arosio - 2009 - Franciscan Studies 67:532-540.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"Un editore, un dotto studioso … silenzioso e costante, instancabile": con questo elogio, in occasione della presentazione del Supplementum ad Bullarium Franciscanum di P. Cesare Cenci, O.F.M., presso l'università francescana di Via Merulana , P. Sergio Pagano, B., Prefetto dell'Archivio Segreto Vaticano, tracciava il profilo umano ed intellettuale dell'autore, elogiandone l'attesa pubblicazione come opera "in cui si coniugano diverse virtù "storiche" – per dir così – come l'accortezza diplomatica (...)
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  6.  42
    Ethical Leadership as Antecedent of Job Satisfaction, Affective Organizational Commitment and Intention to Stay Among Volunteers of Non-profit Organizations.Paula Benevene, Laura Dal Corso, Alessandro De Carlo, Alessandra Falco, Francesca Carluccio & Maria Luisa Vecina - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:423971.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate among a group of non-profit organizations: a) the effect of ethical leadership on volunteers’ satisfaction, affective organizational commitment and intention to stay in the same organization; b) the role played by job satisfaction as a mediator in the relationship between ethical leadership and volunteers’ intentions to stay in the same organization, as well as between ethical leadership and affective commitment. An anonymous questionnaire was individually administered to 198 Italian volunteers of different non-profit (...)
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    Empathy in Brazilian nursing professionals.Maria Auxiliadora Trevizan, Rodrigo Guimarães dos Santos Almeida, Mirella Castelhano Souza, Alessandra Mazzo, Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes & Jose Carlos Amado Martins - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (3):367-376.
    Background: Essential for the help relation, empathy is the ability to understand, share, and perceive the subjective experience of other human beings. Objective: The objective in this non-experimental, exploratory, and descriptive research was to verify, observe, and document empathy in nursing professionals. Research design: Non-experimental, exploratory, and descriptive research. Participants and research context: the study was conducted at two large hospitals, one public and the other private, across all shifts. The sample included 159 individuals. A questionnaire was used to identify (...)
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  8.  46
    Neural processing of emotions in traumatized children treated with Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy: a hdEEG study.Cristina Trentini, Marco Pagani, Piercarlo Fania, Anna Maria Speranza, Giampaolo Nicolais, Alessandra Sibilia, Lucio Inguscio, Anna Rita Verardo, Isabel Fernandez & Massimo Ammaniti - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  9.  51
    Gravity Constraints Drive Biological Systems Toward Specific Organization Patterns.Mariano Bizzarri, Maria Grazia Masiello, Alessandro Giuliani & Alessandra Cucina - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (1):1700138.
    Different cell lineages growing in microgravity undergo a spontaneous transition leading to the emergence of two distinct phenotypes. By returning these populations in a normal gravitational field, the two phenotypes collapse, recovering their original configuration. In this review, we hypothesize that, once the gravitational constraint is removed, the system freely explores its phenotypic space, while, when in a gravitational field, cells are “constrained” to adopt only one favored configuration. We suggest that the genome allows for a wide range of “possibilities” (...)
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  10.  25
    Green Breaks: The Restorative Effect of the School Environment’s Green Areas on Children’s Cognitive Performance.Giulia Amicone, Irene Petruccelli, Stefano De Dominicis, Alessandra Gherardini, Valentina Costantino, Paola Perucchini & Marino Bonaiuto - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Restoration involves individuals’ physical, psychological and social resources, diminished by meeting demands of everyday life. Psychological restoration can be provided by specific environments, in particular by natural environments. Research reports a restorative effect of nature on human beings, specifically in terms of the psychological recovery from attention fatigue and restored mental resources previously spent in activities that require attention. Two field studies in two Italian primary schools tested the hypothesized positive effect of recess-time spent in a natural (vs. built) environment (...)
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  11.  42
    A charter for biomedical research ethics in a progressive, caring society.Laurence Delhaes, Isabelle Wolowczuk, Bernard Vandenbunder, Thomas Trentesaux, Bénédicte Oxombre, Hélène Lefranc, Anne Goffard, Benoît Foligne, Eduardo Dei Cas, Valérie Bougault, Danie Boudiguet, Alessandra Blaizot & Sylvie Vandoolaeghe - 2015 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 10 (1):1-6.
    BackgroundGiven that advances in research continuously raise new ethical issues, a multidisciplinary working group of investigators involved in biomedical research has gathered to discuss and compare ethical viewpoints in their daily practice.MethodsThe working group has drafted a Charter for Ethics in Biomedical Research that encompasses all the steps in the research process, i.e. from the initial idea to analysis and publication of the results.ResultsBased on key principles for ethically responsible research, the Charter may serve as a tool for performing research, (...)
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  12.  17
    Alessandra Tanesini on Wittgenstein.Alessandra Tanesini - 1997 - Women’s Philosophy Review 17:73-74.
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  13. When Does Work Interfere With Teachers’ Private Life? An Application of the Job Demands-Resources Model.Alessandro De Carlo, Damiano Girardi, Alessandra Falco, Laura Dal Corso & Annamaria Di Sipio - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between contextual work-related factors on the one hand, in terms of job demands (i.e., risk factors) and job resources (i.e., protective factors), and work-family conflict in teachers on the other. Building on the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model, we hypothesized that job demands, namely qualitative and quantitative workload, are positively associated with work-family conflict in teachers. Moreover, in line with the buffer hypothesis of the JD-R, we expected job resources, in terms (...)
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  14.  28
    Mental Health and Well-Being of University Students: A Bibliometric Mapping of the Literature.Daniel Hernández-Torrano, Laura Ibrayeva, Jason Sparks, Natalya Lim, Alessandra Clementi, Ainur Almukhambetova, Yerden Nurtayev & Ainur Muratkyzy - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Do Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Understand Pantomimic Events?Ines Adornetti, Francesco Ferretti, Alessandra Chiera, Slawomir Wacewicz, Przemysław Żywiczyński, Valentina Deriu, Andrea Marini, Rita Magni, Laura Casula, Stefano Vicari & Giovanni Valeri - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  16. Controversies in public and private on-line communication.Laura Fortunato Angelo Corallo, Marco Lucio Sarcinella Clara Renna & Cristina De Blasi Alessandra Spennato - 2020 - In Jens S. Allwood, Olga Pombo, Clara Renna & Giovanni Scarafile, Controversies and interdisciplinarity: beyond disciplinary fragmentation for a new knowledge model. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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    Formal Ontologies and Coherent Spaces.V. Michele Abrusci, Christophe Fouqueré & Marco Romano - 2014 - Journal of Applied Logic 12 (1):67-74.
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    Romantic Attachment, Internalized Homonegativity, and Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Among Lesbian Women in Italy.Giacomo Tognasso, Tommaso Trombetta, Laura Gorla, Shulamit Ramon, Alessandra Santona & Luca Rollè - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence among lesbian women has been underestimated until few decades ago. While the association between romantic attachment and SSIPV has been widely demonstrated, mechanisms that mediate this association and the complex relationships between romantic attachment, SSIPV, and SSIPV-specific risk factors have not been adequately investigated to date. The current study assessed the influence of romantic attachment on SSIPV perpetration among lesbian women, exploring the mediating role of internalized homonegativity within this association. Three hundred and twenty-five Italian lesbian (...)
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  19.  18
    A Proof-Theoretic Semantic Analysis of Dynamic Epistemic Logic.Sabine Frittella, Giuseppe Greco, Alexander Kurz, Alessandra Palmigiano & Vlasta Sikimić - 2016 - Journal of Logic and Computation 26 ( 6):1961-2015.
    The present article provides an analysis of the existing proof systems for dynamic epistemic logic from the viewpoint of proof-theoretic semantics. Dynamic epistemic logic is one of the best known members of a family of logical systems that have been successfully applied to diverse scientific disciplines, but the proof-theoretic treatment of which presents many difficulties. After an illustration of the proof-theoretic semantic principles most relevant to the treatment of logical connectives, we turn to illustrating the main features of display calculi, (...)
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  20.  23
    Labelled Natural Deduction for Conditional Logics of Normality.Krysia Broda, Dov Gabbay, Luís Lamb & Alessandra Russo - 2002 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 10 (2):123-163.
    We propose a family of Labelled Deductive Conditional Logic systems by defining a Labelled Deductive formalisation for the propositional conditional logics of normality proposed by Boutilier and Lamarre. By making use of the Compilation approach to Labelled Deductive Systems we define natural deduction rules for conditional logics and prove that our formalisation is a generalisation of the conditional logics of normality.
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  21.  35
    A semantic approach for fine-grain access control of e-health documents.F. Amato, V. Casola, N. Mazzocca & S. Romano - 2013 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 21 (4):692-701.
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    Haptic Aesthetics and Bodily Properties of Ori Gersht’s Digital Art: A Behavioral and Eye-Tracking Study.Marta Calbi, Hava Aldouby, Ori Gersht, Nunzio Langiulli, Vittorio Gallese & Maria Alessandra Umiltà - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:490645.
    Experimental aesthetics has shed light on the involvement of pre-motor areas in the perception of abstract art. However, the contribution of texture perception to aesthetic experience is still understudied. We hypothesized that digital screen-based art, despite its immateriality, might suggest potential sensorimotor stimulation. Original born-digital works of art were selected and manipulated by the artist himself. Five behavioral parameters: Beauty, Liking, Touch, Proximity, and Movement, were investigated under four experimental conditions: Resolution (high/low), and Magnitude (Entire image/detail). These were expected to (...)
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  23.  20
    Anxiety, Depression, and Body Weight in Children and Adolescents With Migraine.Samuela Tarantino, Laura Papetti, Alessandra Di Stefano, Valeria Messina, Fabiana Ursitti, Michela Ada Noris Ferilli, Giorgia Sforza, Romina Moavero, Federico Vigevano, Simonetta Gentile & Massimiliano Valeriani - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Constraints Shape Cell Function and Morphology by Canalizing the Developmental Path along the Waddington's Landscape.Mariano Bizzarri, Alessandro Giuliani, Mirko Minini, Noemi Monti & Alessandra Cucina - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (4):1900108.
    Studies performed in absence of gravitational constraint show that a living system is unable to choose between two different phenotypes, thus leading cells to segregate into different, alternative stable states. This finding demonstrates that the genotype does not determine by itself the phenotype but requires additional, physical constraints to finalize cell differentiation. Constraints belong to two classes: holonomic (independent of the system's dynamical states, as being established by the space‐time geometry of the field) and non‐holonomic (modified during those biological processes (...)
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  25.  12
    Automatic cinematography and multilingual NLG for generating video documentaries.Charles Callaway, Elena Not, Alessandra Novello, Cesare Rocchi, Oliviero Stock & Massimo Zancanaro - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence 165 (1):57-89.
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    Coronavirus Disease Stress Among Italian Healthcare Workers: The Role of Coping Humor.Carla Canestrari, Ramona Bongelli, Alessandra Fermani, Ilaria Riccioni, Alessia Bertolazzi, Morena Muzi & Roberto Burro - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:601574.
    The study aimed to understand how coping strategies in general and humor-based coping strategies in particular modulate the perception of pandemic-related stress in a sample of Italian healthcare workers during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Italy. A total of 625 healthcare workers anonymously and voluntarily completed a 10-min questionnaire, which included psychometrically valid measurements preceded by a set of questions aimed at determining workers’ exposure to COVID-19. The Perceived Stress Scale was used to measure healthcare workers’ stress levels, and (...)
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    Program for the Neuropsychological Stimulation of Cognition in Students: Impact, Effectiveness, and Transfer Effects on Student Cognitive Performance.Caroline de Oliveira Cardoso, Alessandra Gotuzo Seabra, Cristiano Mauro Assis Gomes & Rochele Paz Fonseca - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Metacognitive Abilities as a Protective Factor for the Occurrence of Psychotic-Like Experiences in a Non-clinical Population.Marco Giugliano, Claudio Contrada, Ludovica Foglia, Francesca Francese, Roberta Romano, Marilena Dello Iacono, Eleonora Di Fausto, Mariateresa Esposito, Carla Azzara, Elena Bilotta, Antonino Carcione & Giuseppe Nicolò - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Psychotic-like experiences are a phenomenon that occurs in the general population experiencing delusional thoughts and hallucinations without being in a clinical condition. PLEs involve erroneous attributions of inner cognitive events to the external environment and the presence of intrusive thoughts influenced by dysfunctional beliefs; for these reasons, the role played by metacognition has been largely studied. This study investigates PLEs in a non-clinical population and discriminating factors involved in this kind of experience, among which metacognition, as well as psychopathological features, (...)
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    Law Week Soccer Competition.Snedden Hall, Gallop Team & Romano Satsia Kordis Legal Team - 2005 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
    "Law week soccer competition: 16-19 May 2005." Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory, (198), pp. 25.
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    Nature as a preferential habitat in growth and socialisation processes in autism. A structured intervention.Nancy Fazzini, Ramona Sorricchio, Sara Palladini, Antonella Fortuna, Grazia Pezzopane, Ferdinando Suvini, Annamaria Porreca & Alessandra Martelli - 2023 - Science and Philosophy 11 (2):116-126.
    Dysfunctionality in socialisation is undoubtedly the most crucial characteristic of autism. For a long time, social functioning and its improvement have been considered among the most important interventions in the literature. Individuals with autism are responsive to therapist-mediated and/or peer-mediated interventions that increase their social engagement. The present study examines the impact of outdoor integrated activities, such as music therapy, equine-assisted therapy, and art therapy, in autistic individuals (n=14). The analysis was carried out on the application of a questionnaire assessing (...)
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    Age-Related Effects on the Spectrum of Cerebral Visual Impairment in Children With Cerebral Palsy.Jessica Galli, Erika Loi, Anna Molinaro, Stefano Calza, Alessandra Franzoni, Serena Micheletti, Andrea Rossi, Francesco Semeraro & Elisa Fazzi - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundCerebral Visual Impairment is a very common finding in children affected by Cerebral Palsy. In this paper we studied the characteristics of CVI of a large group of children with CP and CVI, describing their neurovisual profiles according to three different age subgroups.MethodsWe enrolled 180 subjects with CP and CVI for the study. We carried out a demographic and clinical data collection, neurological examination, developmental or cognitive assessment, and a video-recorded visual function assessment including an evaluation of ophthalmological characteristics, oculomotor (...)
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  32.  14
    About the speaker: towards a syntax of indexicality.Alessandra Giorgi - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book considers the semantic and syntactic nature of indexicals - linguistic expressions, as in I, you, this, that, yesterday, tomorrow , whose reference shifts from utterance to utterance.There is a long-standing controversy as to whether the semantic reference point is already present as syntactic material or whether it is introduced post-syntactically by semantic rules of interpretation. Alessandra Giorgi resolves this controversy through an empirically grounded exploration of temporal indexicality, arguing that the speaker's temporal location is specified in the (...)
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  33. "Calm down, dear": intellectual arrogance, silencing and ignorance.Alessandra Tanesini - 2016 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 90 (1):71-92.
    In this paper I provide an account of two forms of intellectual arrogance which cause the epistemic practices of conversational turn-taking and assertion to malfunction. I detail some of the ethical and epistemic harms generated by intellectual arrogance, and explain its role in fostering the intellectual vices of timidity and servility in other agents. Finally, I show that arrogance produces ignorance by silencing others (both preventing them from speaking and causing their assertions to misfire) and by fostering self-delusion in the (...)
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  34.  28
    (1 other version)New APPS interview: Alessandra Tanesini - Part I.Alessandra Tanesini & John Protevi - unknown
    Today’s New APPS interview is with Alessandra Tanesini, Professor of Philosophy at Cardiff University. This is Part I; Part II will run next week. Thanks very much for doing this interview with us, Alessandra. Let’s start with your personal practice of philosophy. What are the pleasures and pains of philosophy...
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  35. Wittgenstein: a feminist interpretation.Alessandra Tanesini - 2004 - Malden, MA: Polity Press.
    In this new book, Alessandra Tanesini demonstrates that feminist thought has a lot to offer to the study of Wittgenstein's philosophical work, and that -at the same time-that work can inspire feminist reflection in new directions. In Wittgenstein, Tanesini offers a highly original interpretation of several themes in Wittgenstein's philosophy. She argues that when we look at his work through feminist eyes we discover that he is not primarily concerned with providing solutions to technical problems in the philosophy of (...)
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  36.  40
    To be, or not to be? The role of the unconscious in transgender transitioning: identity, autonomy and well-being.Alessandra Lemma & Julian Savulescu - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (1):65-72.
    The exponential rise in transgender self-identification invites consideration of what constitutes an ethical response to transgender individuals’ claims about how best to promote their well-being. In this paper, we argue that ‘accepting’ a claim to medical transitioning in order to promote well-being would be in the person’s best interests iff at the point of request the individual is correct in their self-diagnosis as transgender (i.e., the distress felt to reside in the body does not result from another psychological and/or societal (...)
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    Robots can be perceived as goal-oriented agents.Alessandra Sciutti, Ambra Bisio, Francesco Nori, Giorgio Metta, Luciano Fadiga & Giulio Sandini - 2013 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 14 (3):329-350.
    Understanding the goals of others is fundamental for any kind of interpersonal interaction and collaboration. From a neurocognitive perspective, intention understanding has been proposed to depend on an involvement of the observer’s motor system in the prediction of the observed actions. An open question is if a similar understanding of the goal mediated by motor resonance can occur not only between humans, but also for humanoid robots. In this study we investigated whether goal-oriented robotic actions can induce motor resonance by (...)
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  38. Teaching Virtue: Changing Attitudes.Alessandra Tanesini - 2016 - Logos and Episteme 7 (4):503-527.
    In this paper I offer an original account of intellectual modesty and some of its surrounding vices: intellectual haughtiness, arrogance, servility and self-abasement. I argue that these vices are attitudes as social psychologists understand the notion. I also draw some of the educational implications of the account. In particular, I urge caution about the efficacy of direct instruction about virtue and of stimulating emulation through exposure to positive exemplars.
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  39. (1 other version)Collective amnesia and epistemic injustice.Alessandra Tanesini - 2016 - Imperfect Cognitions.
    Alessandra Tanesini is a Professor of Philosophy at Cardiff University working on epistemology and philosophy of language. In this post she summarises some of her recent work on collective amnesia and epistemic injustice.
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    Maternal depression and attachment: the evaluation of mother–child interactions during feeding practice.Alessandra Santona, Angela Tagini, Diego Sarracino, Pietro De Carli, Cecilia S. Pace, Laura Parolin & Grazia Terrone - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Un autre regard.Alessandra Gribaldo & Giovanna Zapperi - 2007 - Multitudes 2 (2):61-73.
    The crisis, characteristic of our present postcolonial era, in the historically-codified forms of talking about alterity has permitted the emergence of what can be called « stories of the other » — stories about those who have been implicitly excluded from the position of the subject. This crisis is particularly evident in a discipline such as anthropology, which is founded precisely upon narratives of the Other. Beginning with the problems posed by the possibility of a visual narration of alterity, this (...)
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    Cubo o sfera? Nuove prospettive per il Quesito di Molyneux.Alessandra Jacomuzzi - 2008 - Rivista di Estetica 39:147-154.
    Ci sono domande che rimangono tali per secoli e anche se non trovano risposta riescono a mantenere vivo il nostro interesse, diventando col tempo dei veri e propri rompicapi. Una di queste è quella formulata da William Molyneux nel 1688, conosciuta come il Quesito di Molyneux. In questo caso l’interesse non riguarda solo la domanda in sé ma anche la sua infinita storia. 1. La storia del Quesito di Molyneux Il Quesito di cui parleremo in queste pagine fa la sua (...)
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    What Can Bilingual Children Tell Us About the Developmental Relationship Between Vocabulary and Grammar?Alessandra Valentini & Ludovica Serratrice - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (11):e13062.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2021.
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  44. [no title].Alessandra Tanesini - 2008
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  45. Intellectual Humility as Attitude.Alessandra Tanesini - 2016 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 96 (2):399-420.
    Intellectual humility, I argue in this paper, is a cluster of strong attitudes directed toward one's cognitive make-up and its components, together with the cognitive and affective states that constitute their contents or bases, which serve knowledge and value-expressive functions. In order to defend this new account of humility I first examine two simpler traits: intellectual self-acceptance of epistemic limitations and intellectual modesty about epistemic successes. The position defended here addresses the shortcomings of both ignorance and accuracy based accounts of (...)
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  46. (2 other versions)Epistemic Vice and Motivation.Alessandra Tanesini - 2018 - Metaphilosophy 49 (3):350-367.
    This article argues that intellectual character vices involve non-instrumental motives to oppose, antagonise, or avoid things that are epistemically good in themselves. This view has been the recent target of criticism based on alleged counterexamples presenting epistemically vicious individuals who are virtuously motivated or at least lack suitable epistemically bad motivations. The paper first presents these examples and shows that they do not undermine the motivational approach. Finally, having distinguished motivating from explanatory reasons for belief and action, it argues that (...)
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    The interplay of language and visual perception in working memory.Alessandra S. Souza & Zuzanna Skóra - 2017 - Cognition 166 (C):277-297.
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    Refining Value Sensitive Design: A (Capability-Based) Procedural Ethics Approach to Technological Design for Well-Being.Alessandra Cenci & Dylan Cawthorne - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2629-2662.
    Fundamental questions in value sensitive design include whether and how high-tech products/artefacts could embody values and ethical ideals, and how plural and incommensurable values of ethical and social importance could be chosen rationally and objectively at a collective level. By using a humanitarian cargo drone study as a starting point, this paper tackles the challenges that VSD’s lack of commitment to a specific ethical theory generates in practical applications. Besides, it highlights how mainstream ethical approaches usually related to VSD are (...)
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  49. Standpoint theory then and now.Alessandra Tanesini - 2019 - In Miranda Fricker, Peter Graham, David Henderson & Nikolaj Jang Pedersen, The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology. New York, USA: Routledge.
  50. Bohmian Classical Limit in Bounded Regions.Davide Romano - 2016 - In Felline Laura & L. Felline A. Paoli F. Ledda E. Rossanese, New Directions in Logic and the Philosophy of Science (SILFS proceedings, vol. 3). College Publications. pp. 303-317.
    Bohmian mechanics is a realistic interpretation of quantum theory. It shares the same ontology of classical mechanics: particles following continuous trajectories in space through time. For this ontological continuity, it seems to be a good candidate for recovering the classical limit of quantum theory. Indeed, in a Bohmian framework, the issue of the classical limit reduces to showing how classical trajectories can emerge from Bohmian ones, under specific classicality assumptions. In this paper, we shall focus on a technical problem that (...)
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