Results for 'Albion M. Butters'

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  1.  10
    Shades of whiteness.Albion M. Butters - 2023 - Approaching Religion 13 (3):60-81.
    This study examines the appropriation of religious symbols by the Nordic Alt-Right over the last decade, focusing on their use for völkisch identity construction around whiteness. It locates this signification historically, both before and during the Third Reich, to reveal a complex genealogy complicated by racial ideals, nationalistic agendas and magical thinking. Analysis centres around a selection of symbols – ranging from various Norse runes to the Valknut, the Sonnenrad and the swastika – used both explicitly and in more private (...)
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    Varieties of attention and disturbances of attention: A neuropsychological analysis.Charles M. Butter - 1987 - In Marc Jeannerod (ed.), Neurophysiological and Neuropsychological Aspects of Spatial Neglect. Elsevier Science. pp. 45--1.
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    Differential recall of paired associates as a function of arousal and concreteness-imagery levels.M. Johnna Butter - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 84 (2):252.
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    Neuropsychology – Exclusive or inclusive?Charles M. Butter & Bruno Laeng - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (3):442-443.
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    Representations of the environment, multiple brain maps, and control systems.Charles M. Butter - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (4):640-641.
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    Posterior parietal cortex: Unity or independence of functions?Charles M. Butter - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (4):500-500.
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    Functional specialization in the visual system: Retinotopic or body centered?Charles M. Butter - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (3):548-549.
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    Stimulus generalization along one and two dimensions in pigeons.Charles M. Butter - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (4):339.
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    Sociology. Morris Ginsberg M.A., D.Litt. (London: Thornton Butter-worth. 1934. Pp. 260. Price 2s. 6d.).A. M. Carr-Sauners - 1935 - Philosophy 10 (40):499-.
  10. Hybrid Theory of Legal Statements and Disagreement on the Content of Law.M. Wieczorkowski - manuscript
    Disagreement is a pervasive feature of human discourse and a crucial force in shaping our social reality. From mundane squabbles about matters of taste to high-stakes disputes about law and public policy, the way we express and navigate disagreement plays a central role in both our personal and political lives. Legal discourse, in particular, is rife with disagreement - it is the very bread and butter of courtroom argument and legal scholarship alike. Consider a debate between two legal philosophers, Ronald (...)
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  11. Josef Mitterer and the Philosopher's Stone (Around His Neck).M. Dellwing - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 8 (2):253-258.
    Context: Non-dualist philosophy is no longer novel. Arguing against the distinctions between thought and action, theory and practice, language and objects has been a staple of the debate for decades, and Josef Mitterer offers another approach to the problem. Problem: Non-dualist philosophy is beset by a problem: it is trying to argue against a separation of “ideas” from the life-world while staying exclusively on the side of ideas. They offer a philosophy seminar argument against the bread and butter of philosophy (...)
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    Book Review:An Introduction to the Study of Society. Albion W. Small, George E. Vincent. [REVIEW]William M. Salter - 1896 - International Journal of Ethics 6 (2):251-.
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    M. Brito de Butter, Fraternidad solidaria, Herder, 2022, Colección “Rostros de la filosofía iberoamericana y el caribe”, Dirigida por Ricardo Espinoza Lolas, 168 pp. [REVIEW]Ricardo Roque - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26 (1):123-124.
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    From How Do You Do, Dolores.Yoel Hoffmann & Michael Shkodnikov - 2024 - Common Knowledge 30 (2):213-223.
    Sometimes I think: I'm flying. And why am I flying? Because of the dress. The flesh, I think, is multiplying itself. Here are the children, I think, going away from me and coming to me. If all is one, I think, why this split?My body of thought is likewise made of a womb of wombs. Whatever it begets begets its own body [in this sense I may be said to be multiparous].I am beautiful like a snip of ivory. My face (...)
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    Escaping the Shadow.Ryan Lam - 2022 - Voices in Bioethics 8.
    Photo by Karl Raymund Catabas on Unsplash “After Buddha was dead, they still showed his shadow in a cave for centuries – a tremendous, gruesome shadow. God is dead; but given the way people are, there may still for millennia be caves in which they show his shadow. – And we – we must still defeat his shadow as well!” – Friedrich Nietzsche[1] INTRODUCTION Friedrich Nietzsche famously declared that “God is dead!”[2] but lamented that his contemporaries remained living in the (...)
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    Georges Gurvitch and Sergey Hessen on the Possibility of Forming Social Unity.M. Yu Zagirnyak - forthcoming - Kantian Journal:72-96.
    The early decades of the last century saw European philosophical thought becoming increasingly interested in the sociological extension of the idea of law. From the viewpoint of the sociology of law, law is formed in the process of social interactions and is not sanctioned by the state. Sergey Hessen and Georges Gurvitch base their conceptions of social law on the sociology of law in the 1920s and 1930s. They start a polemic in the pages of the journal Sovremenniye zapiski. Although (...)
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  17. The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition.M. H. Abrams - 1953 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 12 (4):527-527.
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    Fishing for Naija.Olumide Popoola - 2015 - Feminist Studies 41 (1):116.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:116 Feminist Studies 41, no. 1. © 2015 by Olumide Popoola Olumide Popoola Fishing for Naija To choose. To find a way in which one can tell everything. Not just the he and she. But much more of it, all. Gestures. Opening and closing. To do both is saying quite loudly: no not now, not here, not you. John opened the door and stepped out of the car. Uncle (...)
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    John Dewey: The chicago years.George Dykhuizen - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (2):227-253.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:John Dewey: The ChicagoYears GEORGE DYKHUIZEN DEWEYCAMETO CHICAGOin the summer of 1894 as head professor of philosophy at the University of Chicago and left in January, 1905, to become professor of philosophy at Columbia University. During his Chicago years, Dewey's interests led him not only into the field of philosophy but also into that of education, and in each of these areas he acquired a retmtation which placed him (...)
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    Not a scientist: how politicians mistake, misrepresent, and utterly mangle science.Dave Levitan - 2017 - New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
    An eye-opening tour of the political tricks that subvert scientific progress. The Butter-Up and Undercut. The Certain Uncertainty. The Straight-Up Fabrication. Dave Levitan dismantles all of these deceptive arguments, and many more, in this probing and hilarious examination of the ways our elected officials attack scientific findings that conflict with their political agendas. The next time you hear a politician say, "Well, I’m not a scientist, but…," you’ll be ready.
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  21. A philosophers changing views.M. Fox & Animal Experimentation - 1987 - Between the Species 3 (2):55-80.
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  22. Analysis of the Talmudic Argumentum A Fortiori Inference Rule (Kal Vachomer) using Matrix Abduction.M. Abraham, Dov M. Gabbay & U. Schild - 2009 - Studia Logica 92 (3):281-364.
    We motivate and introduce a new method of abduction, Matrix Abduction, and apply it to modelling the use of non-deductive inferences in the Talmud such as Analogy and the rule of Argumentum A Fortiori. Given a matrix $${\mathbb {A}}$$ with entries in {0, 1}, we allow for one or more blank squares in the matrix, say a i,j =?. The method allows us to decide whether to declare a i,j = 0 or a i,j = 1 or a i,j =? (...)
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  23. Index of Authors volume 4, 2000.M. J. Abdolmohammadi, B. K. Burton, A. B. Carroll, A. Chatterjee, C. J. Coate, N. Coleman, L. Dickie, Dickinson Jr, M. Dion & B. A. Diskin - 2000 - Teaching Business Ethics 4 (453).
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    Neo-Republicanism and the Domination of Immigrants.M. Victoria Costa - 2020 - Res Publica 27 (3):447-465.
    Neo-republicanism seems well suited to provide insight into current policies for the control and restriction of immigration. In this paper, I discuss three different accounts of domination to assess whether they can provide intuitively acceptable responses to the types of domination experienced by different groups of immigrants. First, I present and criticize an argument offered by Philip Pettit in support of the view that immigration restrictions could in principle avoid being dominating. My criticism focuses on Pettit’s account of non-arbitrary governmental (...)
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  25. Science in the Context of Application.M. Carrier & A. Nordmann (eds.) - 2011 - Springer.
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    Is language the ultimate artifact?M. Wheeler - 2004 - Language Sciences 26 (6):688-710.
    Andy Clark has argued that language is “in many ways the ultimate artifact” (Clark 1997, p.218). Fuelling this conclusion is a view according to which the human brain is essentially no more than a patterncompleting device, while language is an external resource which is adaptively fitted to the human brain in such a way that it enables that brain to exceed its unaided (pattern-completing) cognitive capacities, in much the same way as a pair of scissors enables us to “exploit our (...)
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  27. Anselm on faith and reason.M. M. Adams - 2004 - In Brian Leftow (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Anselm. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 32--60.
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  28. Maʻālim al-tafkīr al-falsafī ʻinda al-Imām Ibn Ḥazm al-Ẓāhirī.Saʻd ʻAbd al-Salām - 2013 - al-Jazāʼir: Muʼassasat Kunūz al-Ḥikmah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Bibliography of Sāṁkhya.Anuradha M. Pujari - 1994 - Pune: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, University of Poona. Edited by V. N. Jha.
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  30. History, Man, and Reason.M. MANDELBAUM - 1971
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  31. The Logic of Interrogatives.M. J. Cresswell - 1965 - In John N. Crossley & Michael A. E. Dummett (eds.), Formal Systems and Recursive Functions. Proceedings of the Eighth Logic Colloquium Oxford, July 1963. North-Holland. pp. 8--11.
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    Die Geistseele des Menschen.M. B. Crowe - 1961 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 11:319-320.
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    Vom Wesen und Ursprung der Dummheit.M. B. Crowe - 1963 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 12:296-296.
  34. Guido Boella Dov M. Gabbay Leendert van der Torre Serena Villata.Dov M. Gabbay - 2006 - Studia Logica 82:1-59.
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    Regulatory challenges relating to tissue banks in South Africa: Impediments to accessing healthcare.M. Labuschaigne & S. Mahomed - 2019 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 12 (1):27.
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    Posthuman Transformation in Ancient Mediterranean Thought: Becoming Angels and Demons.M. David Litwa - 2020 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    There is not just a desire but a profound human need for enhancement - the irrepressible yearning to become better than ourselves. Today, enhancement is often conceived of in terms of biotechnical intervention: genetic modification, prostheses, implants, drug therapy - even mind uploading. The theme of this book is an ancient form of enhancement: a physical upgrade that involves ethical practices of self-realization. It has been called 'angelification' - a transformation by which people become angels. The parallel process is 'daimonification', (...)
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    Theory as the Most Practical of All Things: Theory Applications in Contemporary Practice.M. Scott Norton - 2020 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The four chapters of the book include the major educational controversies/debates that are being encountered presently in local school education.
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    From topology to metric: modal logic and quantification in metric spaces.M. Sheremet, D. Tishkovsky, F. Wolter & M. Zakharyaschev - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 429-448.
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  39. Marketing Success and the Puritan Legacy.M. R. Hyman & R. Tansey - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations.
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    The nature of evil.M. B. Ahern - 1966 - Sophia 5 (3):35-44.
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  41. Creative Teaching and Learning.M. Fryer - 1997 - British Journal of Educational Studies 45 (1):92-93.
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    Some dynamical themes in perception and action.M. T. Turvey & Claudia Carello - 1995 - In Tim van Gelder & Robert Port (eds.), Mind As Motion: Explorations in the Dynamics of Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 373--401.
  43. New nature narratives. Landscape hermeneutics and environmental ethics.M. Drenthen - 2013 - In Forrest Clingerman, Brian Treanor, Martin Drenthen & David Utsler (eds.), Interpreting Nature. Fordham University Press. pp. 225-241.
    In this paper, I seek to provide building blocks for a reconciliation of the ethical care for heritage protection and nature restoration ethics. It will do so, by introducing a hermeneutic landscape philosophy that takes landscape as a multi-layered “text” in need of interpretation, and place identities as build upon certain readings of the landscape. I will argue that from a hermeneutic perspective, both approaches appear to complement each other. Renaturing presents a valuable correction to the anthropocentrism of many European (...)
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    Representing wine concepts: A hybrid approach.M. Cristina Amoretti & Marcello Frixione - 2020 - Applied ontology 15 (4):475-491.
    Wines with geographical indication can be classified and represented by such features as designations of origin, producers, vintage years, alcoholic strength, and grape varieties; these features allow us to define wines in terms of a set of necessary and/or sufficient conditions. However, wines can also be identified by other characteristics, involving their look, smell, and taste; in this case, it is hard to define wines in terms of necessary and/or sufficient conditions, as wine concepts exhibit typicality effects. This is a (...)
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    Giraldus Odonis O.F.M.: Opera Philosophica.: Vol. I. Logica . Critical Edition From the Manuscripts.L. M. De Rijk (ed.) - 1997 - New York: Brill.
    This edition of Giraldus Odonis' Logica for the first time gives access to an important and original treatise, which has unduly been neglected since the author's death. It is also important in that it gives evidence of interesting achievements in the field of logic outside the anti-metaphysical circle surrounding Ockham.
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    Science, culture, and politics: despair and hope in the time of a pandemic / Consolato M. Sergi.Consolato M. Sergi - 2021 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    In June 2021, new waves of the current COVID-19 pandemic are still messing up our lives and magnetizing the compass of our life. No other epidemics or pandemics have been politicized at such a level since ancient times. The full political spectrum from right to left has tried to ride this pandemic and upset the public health response efforts. Statistics and politics have changed our daily approach to this brutal infection, but even crueler has been the palpable miscommunication. Massive and (...)
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  47. Vicious Pleasures [Articles Tr. From the Fr. By W.M.T.].Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi & M. T. W. - 1896
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  48. Spontaneity & the Pattern of Things the Zirán and Wùshi of Wáng Chong's Lun Héng by M. Henri Day.Ch'ung Wang & M. Henri Day - 1972
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  49. An Institution-independent Proof of the Beth Definability Theorem.M. Aiguier & F. Barbier - 2007 - Studia Logica 85 (3):333-359.
    A few results generalizing well-known classical model theory ones have been obtained in institution theory these last two decades (e.g. Craig interpolation, ultraproduct, elementary diagrams). In this paper, we propose a generalized institution-independent version of the Beth definability theorem.
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    [Georges Canguilhem and 20th-century biology].M. Morange - 1999 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 53 (1):83-105.
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