Results for 'Alberto Palese'

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    Teilhard de Chardin: l'uomo sacerdote del cosmo.Alberto Palese - 2016 - Milano: Jaca book.
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  2. Scientific Realism and the Divide et Impera Strategy: The Ether Saga Revisited.Alberto Cordero - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (5):1120-1130.
    Using the optical ether as a case study, this article advances four lines of consideration to show why synchronic versions of the divide et impera strategy of scientific realism are unlikely to work. The considerations draw from the nineteenth-century theories of light, the rise of surprising implication as an epistemic value from the time of Fresnel on, assessments of the ether in end-of-century reports around 1900, and the roots of ether theorizing in now superseded metaphysical assumptions. The typicality of the (...)
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  3. Modalities in Temporal Logic.Alberto Zanardo - 2009 - Humana Mente 3 (8).
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  4. Kant on Truth-Aptness.Alberto Vanzo - 2012 - History and Philosophy of Logic 33 (2):109-126.
    Many scholars claimed that, according to Immanuel Kant, some judgements lack a truth-value: analytic judgements, judgements about items of which humans cannot have experience, judgements of perception, and non-assertoric judgements. However, no one has undertaken an extensive examination of the textual evidence for those claims. Based on an analysis of Kant's texts, I argue that: (1) according to Kant, only judgements of perception are not truth-apt. All other judgements are truth-apt, including analytic judgements and judgements about items of which humans (...)
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  5. Leibniz on Innate Ideas and Kant on the Origin of the Categories.Alberto Vanzo - 2018 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 100 (1):19-45.
    In his essay against Eberhard, Kant denies that there are innate concepts. Several scholars take Kant’s statement at face value. They claim that Kant did not endorse concept innatism, that the categories are not innate concepts, and that Kant’s views on innateness are significantly different from Leibniz’s. This paper takes issue with those claims. It argues that Kant’s views on the origin of the intellectual concepts are remarkably similar to Leibniz’s. Given two widespread notions of innateness, the dispositional notion and (...)
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    (1 other version)Technological Capital: Bourdieu, Postphenomenology, and the Philosophy of Technology Beyond the Empirical Turn.Alberto Romele - forthcoming - Philosophy.
    This article builds on the hypothesis that theoretical approaches to philosophy of technology are currently stuck in a false alternative: either embrace the “empirical turn” or jump back into the determinism, pessimism, and general ignorance towards specific technologies that characterized the “humanities philosophy of technology.” A third path is however possible, which consists of articulating an empirical point of view with an interest in the symbolic dimension in which technologies and technological mediations are always already embedded. Bourdieu’s sociology of the (...)
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    Reiner Schürmann’s “Politics of Mortals”.Alberto Martinengo - 2024 - Philosophy Today 68 (4):815-825.
    The connection between ontology and “the political” is one of the most widely discussed themes of Reiner Schürmann’s thought. Yet, it is also the strongest reason for the relevance of his legacy today. The present contribution investigates Schürmann’s political ontology through the lens of his notion of a fissure between metaphysics and its overcoming. The core of his ontology is a politics of mortals, i.e., a political action able to dismiss metaphysical universalism and to deal with the fragility of singularity.
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    Beyond Money: Conscientious Objection in Medicine as a Conflict of Interests.Alberto Giubilini & Julian Savulescu - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (2):229-243.
    Conflict of interests in medicine are typically taken to be financial in nature: it is often assumed that a COI occurs when a healthcare practitioner’s financial interest conflicts with patients’ interests, public health interests, or professional obligations more generally. Even when non-financial COIs are acknowledged, ethical concerns are almost exclusively reserved for financial COIs. However, the notion of “interests” cannot be reduced to its financial component. Individuals in general, and medical professionals in particular, have different types of interests, many of (...)
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  9. Introduction: Philosophers Look at Quantum Mechanics.Alberto Cordero - 2019 - In Philosophers Look at Quantum Mechanics. Springer Verlag.
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    Overcoming the motivational gap: A preliminary path to rethinking intergenerational justice.Alberto Pirni - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (3):286-296.
    The paper frames the issue of intergenerational justice by addressing an historical source and a theoretical difficulty. In relation to the historical point of view, the paper offers a preliminary re-reading of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights aimed at revealing the intergenerational commitment that lies behind it (§1). In addressing the second point, it presents the issue of intergenerational justice from a phenomenological perspective (§2). In developing such a perspective, the paper articulates a comprehensive ethical question that is constitutively (...)
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  11. Autore, Attore, Autorità.Alberto Burgio & Domenico Losurdo - 1998 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 188 (4):535-536.
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    The Pioneers of Psychoanalysis in South America: An Essential Guide.Nydia Lisman-Pieczanski & Alberto Pieczanski (eds.) - 2014 - Routledge.
    Shortly before and during World War II many European psychoanalysts found refuge in South America, concentrated in Buenos Aires. Here, together with local professionals, they created a strong, creative and productive psychoanalytic movement that in turn gave birth to theoretical and clinical contributions that transformed psychoanalysis, psychology, medicine and culture in South America. _The Pioneers of Psychoanalysis in South America_ is a collection of those pioneers’ papers, and introduces the reader to a body of ideas and advancements, many of which (...)
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    Vital Strategies.Alberto Toscano - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (6):71-91.
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    Structures Mères: Semantics, Mathematics, and Cognitive Science.Silvano Zipoli Caiani & Alberto Peruzzi (eds.) - 2020 - Springer.
    This book reports on cutting-edge concepts related to Bourbaki’s notion of structures mères. It merges perspectives from logic, philosophy, linguistics and cognitive science, suggesting how they can be combined with Bourbaki’s mathematical structuralism in order to solve foundational, ontological and epistemological problems using a novel category-theoretic approach. By offering a comprehensive account of Bourbaki’s structuralism and answers to several important questions that have arisen in connection with it, the book provides readers with a unique source of information and inspiration for (...)
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    Impact of a Remotely Supervised Motor Rehabilitation Program on Maternal Well-Being During the COVID-19 Italian Lockdown.Moti Zwilling, Alberto Romano, Martina Favetta, Elena Ippolito & Meir Lotan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    COVID-19 Lockdown was particularly challenging for most mothers of people with intellectual disabilities, including those with Rett syndrome, leading to feelings of abandonment from healthcare services of their children. Within those days, telerehabilitation has represented a valid alternative to support physical activity and treatment, supporting parents in structuring their children’s daily routine at home. This article aims to describe the well-being level of two groups of mothers of girls and women with RTT who were involved in a home-based remotely supervised (...)
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    The Economy of the Digital Gift: From Socialism to Sociality Online.Alberto Romele & Marta Severo - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (5):43-63.
    This article discusses the value of gift exchange in online social media. In the first part, the authors show how most of the commentators have considered online gifting as an alternative to the classical market economy. Yet the recent (re)territorialization of the web challenges this perspective. As a consequence, the internet can no longer be considered a reply to capitalism. In the second part, the authors argue that in anthropology and social philosophy the term ‘gift’ has often been used improperly, (...)
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    Forme estetiche e società di massa.Alberto Abruzzese - 1973 - Padova,: Marsilio.
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    Der Asymmetrische Westen: Zur Pragmatik der Koexistenz Pluralistischer Gesellschaften.Barbara Henry & Alberto Pirni (eds.) - 2012 - Transcript Verlag.
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    Einleitung.Barbara Henry & Alberto Pirni - 2012 - In Barbara Henry & Alberto Pirni, Der Asymmetrische Westen: Zur Pragmatik der Koexistenz Pluralistischer Gesellschaften. Transcript Verlag. pp. 7-22.
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  20. Una lectura leibniziana de un ejecutivo español (Felipe González, Estructuras organizativas).Alberto Hidalgo Tuñón - 1989 - El Basilisco 1:89.
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  21. El ser del mexicano y la nostalgia : Villaurrutia desde Uranga.Carlos Alberto Girón Lozano - 2011 - In Ramírez Barreto & Ana Cristina, Filosofía desde América: Temas, balances y perspectivas: (simposio del ICA 53). Quito-Ecuador: Abya Yala, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana.
  22.  28
    El carácter ambivalente de los conceptos carne y carnalidad en la teología cristiana.Alberto Fernando Roldán - 2010 - Enfoques 22 (1):53-69.
    En el presente trabajo se interpretan los sentidos teológicos de los términos bíblicos "carne" y "carnalidad" mostrando su carácter ambivalente que surge de binomios cargados tanto de connotaciones negativas como positivas. Se tratará de mostrar que las primeras parten de una interpretación parcial ..
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    Después de Newton: ciencia y sociedad durante la Primera Revolución Industrial.Alberto Elena, Javier Ordóñez & Mariano Colubi (eds.) - 1998 - Anthropos.
    Tratar cuál es el carácter de la relación entre ciencia y tecnología en el complejo mundo de la Ilustración, es lo que plantea este libro. Los historiadores de la ciencia y de la tecnología han venido suponiendo en las últimas décadas que dicha relación se había producido en un único sentido. La presente obra desafía esta visión por simplificadora y replantea la cuestión para ofrecer un análisi más completo de la interacción entre ciencia e industria en este período.
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  24. Last Philosophy: the Metaphysics of Capital from Sohn-Rethel to Žižek.Alberto Toscano - 2019 - Historical Materialism 27 (2):289-306.
    Beginning with his engagement with Alfred Sohn-Rethel’s seminal treatment of ‘real abstraction’, Intellectual and Manual Labour, Slavoj Žižek has repeatedly thematised and excavated the proposition that capitalism is innervated by a kind of actually-existing metaphysics, the scandal of an abstract form external to human cognition. This essay investigates Žižek’s use and criticism of Sohn-Rethel and outlines some of the developments and contradictions in his effort to confront capital’s challenge to philosophy’s self-sufficiency. It problematizes Žižek’s tendency to elide a model of (...)
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    The United Nations' Silver Anniversary.Alberto Giovannetti - 1970 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 45 (2):165-195.
    The U.N. has not become an obsolete body. Its principles and purposes remain as valid as they were in 1945. But perhaps there is not much time left.
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    Une nouvelle idée de la théorie. La discussion sur la « rationalité du réel » entre Hegel et Marx.Alberto Burgio - 1996 - Actuel Marx 19 (1):93.
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  27. Alexander Pfänder: barruntando la persona.Alberto Sánchez León - 2012 - Acta Philosophica 21 (2):363 - 376.
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    Realistic nano-polycrystalline microstructures: beyond the classical Voronoi tessellation.Alberto Leonardi, Paolo Scardi & Matteo Leoni - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (8):986-1005.
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  29. El diagnóstico clínico frente a lo multicausal y lo probabilístico.Alberto Lifshitz - 2009 - Ludus Vitalis 17 (32):419-422.
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    Reseña de: Schulting, D.: Kant's deduction from apperception. An essay on the trascendental deduction of the categories, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2019.Alberto López López - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 9:379-383.
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    Cuadro de costumbre: Vicente Grez, crítico de arte.Alberto Madrid - 2013 - Aisthesis 54:175-193.
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    Umanità responsabile: Machiavelli rivisitato.Alberto Siclari - 2019 - Società Degli Individui 64:7-19.
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    ¿Una Inmaculada de Luis Salvador Carmona en Estepa?Jorge Alberto Jordán Fernández - 2020 - Isidorianum 25 (50):465-474.
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  34. Una pregunta sobre el tiempo.Alberto Rosales - 1980 - Escritos de Filosofía 3 (5):3-22.
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  35. Everybody thinks Deleuze, Descartes and rationalism.Alberto Toscano - 2010 - Radical Philosophy 162:8-17.
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  36. (1 other version)To Have Done with the End of Philosophy.Alberto Toscano - 2000 - Pli 9:232-5.
    Alain Badiou, Manifesto for Philosophy, Translated, Edited and withan Introduction by Norman Madarasz ISBN - 9780791442197Alain Badiou, Deleuze. The Clamor of Being, Translated and with aPreface by Louise Burchill ISBN - 9780816631391.
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  37. " Nosce te ipsum". Reflexión y política en Vico.Alberto Mario Damiani - 2009 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 23 (24):2010.
    El objetivo de este artículo es explicar la interpretación política que Vico ofrece del precepto apolíneo “nosce te ipsum”. El artículo comienza con el problema del conocimiento de sí mismo en la primera Oración Inaugural y en el De Antiquissima. Luego, ese problema es puesto en relación con el origen de la autoconciencia en la Scienza nuova, con Solón y Esopo como universales fantásticos de la plebe y con el origen civil de la filosofía. La conclusión es que hay una (...)
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  38. Les discours de la philosophie dans les milieux chrétiens syriaques (IIe-IVe s.) : formes de l'argumentation et fondements intellectuels.Alberto Camplani - 2019 - In Emiliano Fiori & Henri Hugonnard-Roche, La philosophie en syriaque. Paris: Geuthner.
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  39. La secuencialidad de la experiencia en Christian Metz: acerca del presupuesto de la narratividad cinematográfica. Parte I.Alberto Jl Carrillo Canán - 2009 - A Parte Rei 62:13.
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  40. The concept of earth by Heidegger history and the oblivion of Being.Alberto Jl Carrillo Canán - 2000 - A Parte Rei 7:7.
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  41. Coda [a" Tientos etnológicos"(1988)].Alberto Cardín - 1992 - El Basilisco 12:4-6.
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    La escucha: elemento fundamental en la atención espiritual del cuidado paliativo.Carlos Alberto Rosas-Jiménez & Alvaro Díaz-Díaz - 2017 - Persona y Bioética 21 (2).
    Los cuidados paliativos buscan ofrecer una atención holística para brindar una mejor calidad de vida a los enfermos, especialmente cuando se aproximan al fin de su existencia. Profundizar en la dimensión espiritual de la persona humana resulta atractivo puesto que ofrece respuestas al sentido de la vida. Se ha constatado que la atención espiritual aporta grandes beneficios para el paciente. Es por eso que en este trabajo hemos querido profundizar en la importancia de la dimensión espiritual en los cuidados paliativos; (...)
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    The Causality of the Prime Mover in Metaphysics Λ.Alberto Ross - 2016 - In Christoph Horn, Aristotle’s "Metaphysics" Lambda – New Essays. De Gruyter. pp. 207-228.
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    Frederick August von Hayek e a teoria dos fenômenos completos: uma análise marxista.Carlos Alberto Lucena - 2011 - Educação E Filosofia 25 (49):173-200.
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    Narrative Identity and Social Networking Sites.Alberto Romele - 2013 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 4 (2):108-122.
    Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE The following paper takes on a double hypothesis: that the concept of narrative identity, as developed by Ricoeur, is a strong candidate to account for the consequences of the “emplotment ” of our identities on social networking sites; and that social networking sites can be useful to reconsider some of the assumptions at the basis of the Ricoeurian concept of narrative identity. The analysis is (...)
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    Falsa concreción, praxis y habitar. Posibles respuestas de Heidegger al joven Marcuse.César Alberto Pineda Saldaña - 2024 - Studia Heideggeriana 13:185-207.
    Al esbozar su proyecto de una fenomenología dialéctica, el joven Herbert Marcuse dirigió a Heidegger una crítica, la cual consistía en que, a pesar de sus genuinos aportes a una tematización de la facticidad y la historicidad, terminaba por recaer en una falta de concreción. Este artículo busca evaluar si dicha crítica es pertinente. Se propondrá que tal señalamiento es acertado ontológicamente, pero no metodológicamente. De las conclusiones derivadas de ello, se sugieren algunas posibles líneas de reinterpretación del pensamiento heideggeriano, (...)
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    La historia como arma de la reacción.Prieto Arciniega & Alberto Manuel - 1976 - Madrid: Akal.
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    On φύσις: What did the Greeks understand by φυσικός?Alberto Bernabé Pajares - 2017 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 21:39-78.
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    PULEO, Alicia H.: Ecofeminismo. Para otro mundo posible, Cátedra, Madrid, 2011, 439p.Alberto José Franco Barrera - 2012 - Agora 31 (1).
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    Equality, Liberty, and Fraternity: The Relevance of Edward Bellamy's Utopia for Contemporary Political Theory.Fernando Alberto Lizárraga - 2021 - Utopian Studies 31 (3):512-531.
    Contemporary political theories have made significant progress toward identifying the principles for an egalitarian society. From this perspective, Edward Bellamy's radical and pluralistic egalitarianism can be read not only as a relevant precedent but as a source of sophisticated arguments capable of enriching current debates. Although unfairly overlooked as theoretical works, Bellamy's utopias can be read today as offering insights that bring together and combine key modern ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity. Therefore, this article argues that Bellamy's conception of (...)
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