Results for 'Alban Berg'

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  1. Bd. 2. Briefwechsel, 1925-1935.Theodor W. Adorno & Alban Berg - 1994 - In Briefe und Briefwechsel. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  2. Alban Berg, Master of the Smallest Link; Adorno’ s Aesthetic Theory: The Redemption of Illusion. [REVIEW]Jonathan Rée - 1993 - Radical Philosophy 63.
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    Die Musiksoziologie Theodor W. Adornos: ein Modell ihrer Interpretation am Beispiel Alban Bergs.Thomas Müller - 1990
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    Música y dolor a través de Nietzsche y Adorno: Pautas para una semiótica filosófica de la música (Music and Pain through Nietzsche and Adorno: Guidelines for a Philosophical Semiotics of Music ).Marco Parmeggiani - 2022 - Estudios Nietzsche 22:97-131.
    In Nietzsche’s mature work reflections, marked by the elaboration of a semiotic conception of music, pain plays a central role in music. In order to extract its full potential, it is very fruitful to confront it with Theodor W. Adorno’s philosophy of music and his reading of Nietzschean texts. All that will be aimed at the main task of this study: to extract the guidelines of a ‘philosophical semiotics of music’, as a proposal for the present. And as a conclusion, (...)
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    Dire, chanter: passages: études musicologiques, ethnomusicologiques et poétiques: XXe et XXIe siècles.Béatrice Ramaut-Chevassus & Anne Damon-Guillot (eds.) - 2014 - Saint-Étienne: Publications de l'Université de Saint-Etienne.
    Ce livre interroge les passages entre dire et chanter, leurs usages, leurs contraintes, les multiples façons dont ils sont nommés et mis en oeuvre, leurs enjeux esthétiques, poétiques, dramaturgiques ou anthropologiques. Il rassemble dix-sept essais comme autant d'études de cas, autour de quatre axes: " Le chant des mots "; " Représentations de la parole et enjeux dramaturgiques "; " Du souffle au cri "; " Voix plurielles et identité ". De multiples états du dit/chanté sont abordés: des manifestations du (...)
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    Adorno and Opera.Richard Leppert - 2019 - In Peter Eli Gordon, A companion to Adorno. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 443–455.
    Adorno unquestionably loved opera music as much as he hated opera as a cultural institution. His take on opera in the twentieth century led him to write its socio‐political obituary, while recognizing at the same time that opera continued to attract a steady stream of would‐be onlooker‐auditors. Paradoxically for Adorno, opera continued to appeal to audiences, and – from his dialectical reckoning – characteristically for precisely the wrong reasons. His opera analyses address the sociology of musical theater, performance hermeneutics, and (...)
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    Humanism, Love and Music.Constantin Floros - 2011 - Peter Lang.
    «Music is no mere play of sound, no mere tonal texture, but has a significant psychic, spiritual/intellectual and social dimension. In other words: a musical art work is not merely an autonomous artifact but also document humain.» With this thesis - and with a view to the question as to the meaning of music as such - the author opens his broadly designed plea for a «humane music.» Based on interdisciplinary researches, and making use of partly unfamiliar documents, he demonstrates (...)
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    Adorno and the Second Viennese School.Sherry D. Lee - 2019 - In Peter Eli Gordon, A companion to Adorno. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 67–83.
    Adorno's philosophical writings on music are notably focused on the new, invested in positioning the challenging avant‐garde works of Schoenberg, Berg, and Webern as the modernist mainstream. Nevertheless, Adorno's relationship with this “Second Viennese School” of composers was characterized by ongoing complexities, contradictions, and dissonances. His conflicted position is theorized here on multiple levels, considering not only Adorno's mature philosophy of the New Music, but his own musical‐creative output, and his relationships with the members of the Second Viennese School; (...)
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    Sound Figures.Theodor W. Adorno & Professor Theodor W. Adorno - 1999 - Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics.
    Theodor Adorno is one of this century's most influential thinkers in the areas of social theory, philosophy, aesthetics, and music. Throughout the essays in this book, all of which concern musical matters, he displays an astonishing range of cultural reference, demonstrating that music is invariably social, political, even ethical. Adorno's insistence on the social character of aesthetic works will come as no surprise to those familiar with his writings, although many may be surprised by the volume's somewhat colloquial tone. This (...)
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    Adorno.Peter E. Gordon - 2019 - In Peter Eli Gordon, A companion to Adorno. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 1–20.
    This chapter is intended to provide the reader with a brief biographical overview of Adorno's life and thought, with an emphasis on the key turning points in his career. It discusses his childhood, his education in Frankfurt, his musical studies, his emigration first to Oxford and then to the United States, his return to Germany after the Second World War, his tenure as professor at the Goethe Universität Frankfurt and his prominence as a public intellectual, and his confrontation with students. (...)
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  11. A discourse perspective on verb phrase anaphora.Hub Prust, Remko Scha & Martin van den Berg - 1994 - Linguistics and Philosophy 17 (3):261-327.
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    Internet of things: Toward smart networked systems and societies.Mark Underwood, Michael Gruninger, Leo Obrst, Ken Baclawski, Mike Bennett, Gary Berg-Cross, Torsten Hahmann & Ram Sriram - 2015 - Applied ontology 10 (3-4):355-365.
  13. Political Parties and Electoral Volatility: How (un)stable is the Albanian Electorate?Alban Reli & Anjeza Xhaferaj - 2024 - Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 11 (11):106-121.
    This paper offers an in-depth analysis of electoral volatility in Albania from 1991 to 2021, a transformative period from a communist regime to a democratic multi-party system. It diverges from Central and Eastern European trends by examining Albania's unique political dynamics and the factors influencing electoral behavior and volatility. Utilizing the Pedersen Index, the study methodically evaluates various determinants impacting party electoral volatility in Albania. The research underscores the significance of high membership rates and robust ground organization within major political (...)
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    Courage and nursing practice: A theoretical analysis.Inga-Britt Lindh, António Barbosa da Silva, Agneta Berg & Elisabeth Severinsson - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (5):551-565.
    This article aims to deepen the understanding of courage through a theoretical analysis of classical philosophers’ work and a review of published and unpublished empirical research on courage in nursing. The authors sought answers to questions regarding how courage is understood from a philosophical viewpoint and how it is expressed in nursing actions. Four aspects were identified as relevant to a deeper understanding of courage in nursing practice: courage as an ontological concept, a moral virtue, a property of an ethical (...)
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  15. Artificial Intelligence, Jobs and the Future of Work: Racing with the Machines.Alban Duka & Edvard P. G. Bruun - 2018 - Basic Income Studies 13 (2).
    Artificial intelligence is rapidly entering our daily lives in the form of driverless cars, automated online assistants and virtual reality experiences. In so doing, AI has already substituted human employment in areas that were previously thought to be uncomputerizable. Based on current trends, the technological displacement of labor is predicted to be significant in the future – if left unchecked this will lead to catastrophic societal unemployment levels. This paper presents a means to mitigate future technological unemployment through the introduction (...)
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    Sample Size and the Detection of Correlation--A Signal Detection Account: Comment on Kareev (2000) and Juslin and Olsson (2005). [REVIEW]Richard B. Anderson, Michael E. Doherty, Neil D. Berg & Jeff C. Friedrich - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (1):268-279.
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    Nuclear targeting by growth factors, cytokines, and their receptors: a role in signaling?Torunn Elisabeth Tjelle, Torunn Løvdal & Trond Berg - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (5):400-411.
    The role of membrane receptors is regarded as being to transduce the signal represented by ligand binding from the external cell surface across the membrane into the cell. Signals are subsequently conveyed from the cytoplasm to the nucleus through a combination of second-messenger molecules, kinase/phosphorylation cascades, and transcription factor (TF) translocation to effect changes in gene expression. Mounting evidence suggests that through direct targeting to the nucleus, polypeptide ligands and their receptors may have an important additional signaling role. Ligands such (...)
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  18. Postphenomenological Investigations: Essays on Human–Technology Relations.Don Ihde, Lenore Langsdorf, Kirk M. Besmer, Aud Sissel Hoel, Annamaria Carusi, Marie-Christine Nizzi, Fernando Secomandi, Asle Kiran, Yoni Van Den Eede, Frances Bottenberg, Chris Kaposy, Adam Rosenfeld, Jan Kyrre Berg O. Friis, Andrew Feenberg, Diane Michelfelder & Albert Borgmann - 2015 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book provides an introduction to postphenomenology, an emerging school of thought in the philosophy of technology and science and technology studies, which addresses the relationships users develop with the devices they use.
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    Intergenerational conflict over grandparental investment.Tim W. Fawcett, Pieter van den Berg, Franz J. Weissing, Justin H. Park & Abraham P. Buunk - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (1):23-24.
    Selection on grandparental investment is more complex than Coall & Hertwig (C&H) propose. Patterns of investment are subject to an intergenerational conflict over how resources should be distributed to maximize fitness. Grandparents may be selected to distribute resources unevenly, while their descendants will be selected to manipulate investment in their own favor. Here we outline the evolutionary basis of this conflict.
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    The role of attachment styles in regulating the effects of dopamine on the behavior of salespersons.Willem Verbeke, Richard P. Bagozzi & Wouter E. van den Berg - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Cultural factors in the origin and remediation of alternative conceptions in physics.Gerard D. Thijs & E. D. Van Den Berg - 1995 - Science & Education 4 (4):317-347.
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    La salud en los pueblos indígenas: atención primaria e interculturalidad.Consuelo de Jesús Alban Meneses, Víctor Manuel Sellan Icaza & Consuelo Lorena Moran Alban - 2020 - Minerva 1 (3):23-34.
    Las naciones y pueblos indígenas presentan preocupantes índices respecto a la salud, así como otras carencias como la pérdida de sus tierras, la alimentación, la educación y, en general, el ejercicio de sus derechos, consagrados por organizaciones internacionales como la ONU y la OMS-OPS. En Ecuador, de acuerdo con el orden jurídico constitucional, se han instrumentado políticas de salud que incluyen el lineamiento general de un enfoque intercultural de la atenciónprimaria que incorpora los saberes y prácticas ancestrales. Mediante una revisión (...)
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    Dialogues with Scientists and Sages. The Search for Unity. Renée Weber.Alban Cooke - 1987 - Buddhist Studies Review 4 (2):177-179.
    Dialogues with Scientists and Sages. The Search for Unity. Renée Weber. Routledge & Kegan Paul. London 1986. 256 pp. £7.95.
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    Das Ende der Geschichte und der bürgerliche Rechtsstaat: Hegel-Kojève-Fukuyama.Henk de Berg - 2007 - Tübingen: Francke.
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    In Diebus Illis.Alban Hood - 1989 - The Chesterton Review 15 (3):354-363.
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    Contemporary Indian Philosophy.Alban G. Widgery - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47 (1):78.
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  27. (1 other version)The genesis of Plato's thought.Alban Dewes Winspear - 1956 - New York,: S.A. Russell.
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    Who was Socrates?Alban Dewes Winspear - 1960 - New York,: Russell & Russell. Edited by Thomas Silverberg.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and (...)
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    Rehabilitation services following total joint replacement: a qualitative analysis of key processes and structures to decrease length of stay and increase surgical volumes in Ontario, Canada.Carol Fancott, Susan Jaglal, Victoria Quan, Katherine Berg, Cheryl A. Cott, Aileen Davis, John Flannery, Gillian Hawker, Michel D. Landry, Nizar N. Mahomed & Elizabeth Badley - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (4):724-730.
  30. Naturbania: The Drammen Model Transformation of a Norwegian city.Julie Sjøwall Oftedal & Helle Benedicte Berg - 2010 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 73:36.
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    Cross-modal Preference Acquisition: Evaluative Conditioning of Pictures by Affective Olfactory and Auditory Cues.Carien M. van Reekum, Helma Vann de Berg & Nico H. Frijda - 1999 - Cognition and Emotion 13 (6):831-836.
  32. Sources to the history of gardening.Anna Andréasson, Anna Jakobsson, Elisabeth Gräslund Berg, Jens Heimdahl, Inger Larsson & Erik Persson (eds.) - 2014 - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
    The aim of the Nordic Network for the Archaeology and Archaeobotany of Gardening (NTAA), as it was phrased those first days in Alnarp in the beginning of March 2010, is to: ”bring researchers together from different disciplines to discuss the history, archaeology, archaeobotany and cultivation of gardens and plants”. We had no idea, then, how widely appreciated this initiative would become. The fifth seminar in five years was held on Visingsö June 1-3, 2014 and the sixth seminar will take place (...)
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    NF-B mediates amyloid beta peptide-stimulated activity of the human apolipoprotein E gene promoter in human astroglial cells.Y. Du, X. Chen, X. Wei, K. R. Bales, D. T. Berg, S. M. Paul, M. R. Farlow, B. Maloney, Y. W. Ge & D. K. Lahiri - 2005 - Brain Res Mol Brain Res 136:177-88.
    The apolipoprotein E gene plays an important role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease , and amyloid plaque comprised mostly of the amyloid-beta peptide ) is one of the major hallmarks of AD. However, the relationship between these two important molecules is poorly understood. We examined how A treatment affects APOE expression in cultured cells and tested the role of the transcription factor NF-B in APOE gene regulation. To delineate NF-B's role, we have characterized a 1098 nucleotide segment containing the (...)
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    Joint Commitment Model of Collective Beliefs.Alban Bouvier - 2018 - ProtoSociology 35:55-73.
    For almost three decades, Margaret Gilbert has introduced a new account of social facts taking “joint commitments”, not only explicit but also implicit, as the cement of sociality properly understood. Gilbert has used this original account of collective phenomena to clarify a variety of issues, both in the philosophy of rights and in the philosophy of the social sciences. This paper focuses on the latter domain; it argues that although Durkheim and Mauss are central references in her pioneering work, On (...)
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    An independent axiomatisation for free short-circuit logic.Alban Ponse & Daan J. C. Staudt - 2018 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 28 (1):35-71.
    Short-circuit evaluation denotes the semantics of propositional connectives in which the second argument is evaluated only if the first argument does not suffice to determine the value of the expression. Free short-circuit logic is the equational logic in which compound statements are evaluated from left to right, while atomic evaluations are not memorised throughout the evaluation, i.e. evaluations of distinct occurrences of an atom in a compound statement may yield different truth values. We provide a simple semantics for free short-circuit (...)
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    Marx for Cats: A Radical Bestiary.Leigh Claire La Berge - 2023 - Duke University Press.
    At the outset of _Marx for Cats_, Leigh Claire La Berge declares that “all history is the history of cat struggle.” Revising the medieval bestiary form to meet Marxist critique, La Berge follows feline footprints through Western economic history to reveal an animality at the heart of Marxism. She draws on a twelve-hundred-year arc spanning capitalism’s feudal prehistory, its colonialist and imperialist ages, the bourgeois revolutions that supported capitalism, and the communist revolutions that opposed it to outline how cats have (...)
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    An Argumentativist Point of View in Cognitive Sociology.Alban Bouvier - 2007 - European Journal of Social Theory 10 (3):465-480.
    Methodological Individualism and Rational Choice Theory (broadly understood) can integrate various research programmes in cognitive sociology (itself broadly understood). This article sets out two different but closely related conceptions, depending on the focus of the analysis (macro-sociological or micro-sociological) and the goals, although both deal — to some extent — with the bridge between these levels. Raymond Boudon's programme is relevant when the focus is the macro-sociological level but can be considered as weakly `cognitive'. Alban Bouvier presents a slightly (...)
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    Plotinus’ Attitude to Traditional Cult.R. M. Van den Berg - 1999 - Ancient Philosophy 19 (2):345-360.
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    Du justum bellum au jus ad bellum : glissements conceptuels ou simples variations sémantiques?Albane Geslin - 2009 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 64 (4):459.
    L ’ histoire du droit de la guerre est marquée par trois temps principaux.Ainsi, de la période antique jusqu ’ au XIX e siècle se déploie la doctrine du justum bellum,visant à moraliser la guerre. Ensuite, au XIX e siècle, l ’ affirmation des souverainetésouvre la porte à la liberté d ’ user de la guerre comme instrument de politique internationale. Enfin, au terme de la Première Guerre mondiale, la volonté d ’ apporter une réponsenormative au recours à la force (...)
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    About Father Ignatius Rice and his view of Chesterton.Alban Hood - 1992 - The Chesterton Review 18 (3):446-449.
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    The Popularization of Medicine, 1650-1850. Roy Porter.Ann La Berge - 1994 - Isis 85 (4):698-699.
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    Public attitude influences actors’ visual orientation.Alban Lemasson, Daria Lippi, Laura Hamelin, Stéphane Louazon & Martine Hausberger - 2020 - Interaction Studies 21 (3):428-439.
    Human emotions guide verbal and non-verbal behaviour during social encounters. During public performances, performers’ emotions can be affected directly by an audience’s attitude. The valence of the emotional state (positive or negative) of a broad range of animal species is known to be associated with a body and visual orientation laterality bias. Here, we evaluated the influence of an audience’s attitude on professional actors’ head orientation and gaze direction during two theatrical performances with controlled observers’ reactions (Hostile vs Friendly audience). (...)
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  43. No Idea Where It Comes From-A study of potential changes to the world map.Alban Mannisi - 2009 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 66:52.
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    Recherche philosophique et humilité chrétienne dans la prédication de saint Augustin.Alban Massie - 2013 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 97 (2-3):213.
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    Het classicistische politieke denken van Van Hogendorp.Alban Mik - 2021 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 50 (1):70-90.
    Het classicistische politieke denken van Van Hogendorp Gijsbert Karel van Hogendorp is the auctor intellectualis of the 1818 Dutch constitution. It was his sketch for a new constitution that was used as a starting point for the deliberations of its original drafting committee. Van Hogendorp justifies his constitution as a restoration of the Burgundian constitution that applied before the Dutch Republic. In recent literature Van Hogendorp’s restorational argument is presented as an invention of tradition. In this article an alternative explanation (...)
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    A criticism of scientific method as applied by sociologists.Alban D. Sorensen - 1904 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 1 (6):141-148.
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  47. Individual beliefs and collective beliefs in sciences and philosophy: The plural subject and the polyphonic subject accounts: Case studies.Alban Bouvier - 2004 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 34 (3):382-407.
    The issue of knowing what it means for a group to have collective beliefs is being discussed more and more in contemporary philosophy of the social sciences and philosophy of mind. Margaret Gilbert’s reconsideration of Durkheim’s viewpoint in the framework of the plural subject’s account is one of the most famous. This has implications in the history and the sociology of science—as well asin the history and sociology of philosophy—although Gilbert only outlined them in the former fields and said nothing (...)
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    Individualism, Collective Agency and The “Micro–Macro Relation”.Alban Bouvier - 2011 - In Ian Jarvie Jesus Zamora Bonilla, The Sage Handbook of the Philosophy of Social Sciences. SAGE Publications. pp. 199.
  49. Was Wittgenstein a radical conventionalist?Ásgeir Berg - 2024 - Synthese 203 (2):1-31.
    This paper defends a reading of Wittgenstein’s philosophy of mathematics in the Lectures on the Foundation of Mathematics as a radical conventionalist one, whereby our agreement about the particular case is constitutive of our mathematical practice and ‘the logical necessity of any statement is a direct expression of a convention’ (Dummett 1959, p. 329). -/- On this view, mathematical truths are conceptual truths and our practices determine directly for each mathematical proposition individually whether it is true or false. Mathematical truths (...)
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    Jan Berg: Die theoretische Philosophie Kants. Unter Berücksichtigung der Grundbegriffe seiner Ethik.Edgar Morscher & Jan Berg - 2016 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 69 (2):105-112.
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