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Alan Williams [9]Alan Harold Williams [1]Alan Moray Williams [1]
  1. The value of QALYs.Alan Williams - 2011 - In Stephen Holland, Arguing About Bioethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 423.
  2.  91
    Economics, QALYs and Medical Ethics–a Health Economist's Perspective.Alan Williams - 1995 - Health Care Analysis 3 (3):221-226.
    This paper explores how medical practice ought to be conducted, in the face of scarcity, if our objective is to maximise the benefits of health. After explaining briefly what the cost-per-QALY criterion means, a series of ethical objections to it are considered one by one. The objectors fall into four groups: a. those who reject all collective priority-setting as unethical; b. those who accept the need for collective priority-setting, but believe it is contrary to medical ethics; c. those who accept (...)
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  3. Ethics and Efficiency in the Provision of Health Care.Alan Williams - 1988 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 23:111-126.
    1.1. A major purpose in nationalizing the provision of health care in the UK was to affect its distribution between people, and, in particular, to minimize the impact of willingness and ability to pay upon that distribution. It has never been clear, however, what alternative distribution rule is to apply. There is no shortage of rhetoric about ‘equality’ and ‘need’, but most of it is vacuous, by which I mean it does not lead to any clear operational guidelines about who (...)
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    The Principles of Practical Cost-Benefit Analysis.Robert Sugden & Alan Harold Williams - 1978 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Cost effectiveness. Economics. This is an introduction, accessible to non-economists as well as to economists, to the practice of cost benifit analysis. It begins from a discussion of financial appraisal. The distinguishing features of cost benifit analysis are then introduced progressively. Practical examples are used whenever possible to aid the exposition. Economic theory is introduced only where it is immediately relevant to practice. Nonetheless the approach is firmly grounded in economic principles and considerable space is devoted to those ideas that (...)
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    Inequalities in health and intergenerational equity.Alan Williams - 1999 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 2 (1):47-55.
    In the popular folklore three-score-years-and-ten is treated as a fair innings for people, and thereby serves as an informal reference point for judgements about distributive justice within a community. But length of life alone is an insufficient basis for such judgements - a person's health-related quality-of-life also needs to be taken into account. If one of the objectives of public policy is to reduce inequalities in lifetime health, it will be demonstrated that this is very likely to require systematic discrimination (...)
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    Brief response: QALYfying the value of life.Alan Williams - 1987 - Journal of Medical Ethics 13 (3):123-123.
  7.  49
    How economics could extend the scope of ethical discourse.Alan Williams - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (4):251-255.
    Ethical discourse is typically inconclusive, and with good reason. But this inconclusiveness is a distinct disadvantage when it comes to helping publicly accountable policy-makers in the health care system provide an ethical justification for their decisions. It is suggested that instead of ending with platitudinous statements such as that a balance has to be struck between the rival ethical considerations, empirical research should be undertaken to elicit the quantitative trade-offs that the affected general public would be prepared to accept when (...)
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  8. La economía de la salud como una labor humanitaria.Alan Williams - 2003 - Humanitas 1 (3):265-270.
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